BIG VALUES! BIG SAVINGS! 88 North Vietnamese Troope, 16 Merrill Escaped on Dec
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■A. MONDAY, AFBIL 7, 190#;;: ilUutrltPsftrr Stinting i|pralii Daily Net Pram Ron ^teoonato mmI CliriaUan Dr. Joe Seger, associate pro- H m Regina D’ltaUa Society Chapman Joy drele of North MeeUngs at Oonunnnliy B i^- T h e W ea th er It RMLrdi of Trinity foasor cf the Old Testament and wUl meet tonight at 7:80 at toe March 88. lew Town United Methodist dnnrch will tl*t Church scheduled for Fair and ooUar fonigtat, lows Ctawvh wtU in««t to- arobaology at the Hartford Sem ItsHan Amorican Chib on EM- mast Wednesday at>8 p.m. at Wednesday include Bcqr Scout Mt 7:M p.m. a/t the inary Fowdation, will speak to iim trljP H tp r lE iiptiitm U p ra lh ia tos 80s. Tomorrow moaUy t M Om BaMHi Am«ri- rldga S t toa church, riestaaaaa are Mn. Troop 188 at 6.^ p.m.; toe oin n l). night at 8:18 at meeting of LaVeme Holmes, Mrs. 771111am 15,535 sunny and oanUnnsd coM. High ____ I m a K k if^ M. fw ih . Senior Choir and toe mortgage 1967 CHEVROLET hi tos mlfklto BOB. tos Siaterhood of Temple Bedh k* tn m T to » i».ai.. Tha exseutlve board of toe McKendrick 'and Mrs. Lsverett burning committee, both at 7:80 SffDicfceater— »vd CUy of Viiiage Cham n ra t Chiatdi o f Chrlat, Scion- SiKdom a t the temple. Ms sid>- Mamdwater Newcomen’ d u b Oatas. p.m. Ma^ win have a Wedneaday Ject is "Archaeology and the will m eet tonight at 8 at the VOL. LXXXVni, NO. 1« 9 (SIXTEEN PA6ES—TW0 SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, (X)NN., TUESDAY, APRIL S, 1M9 totohnony aaaatlng Wednaaday Bible from Solomon to toe *»»• >*». Peter MfOcnald, Tha Woman’s FaUowelllp and 'h TON PICKUP (OtoasIfM AdvwttBtog «■ Fag* 18) PRICE TEN CENTU wfllinMtto- at a p.m. at toe church. The Scrolis.’ ’ Pasaover refrerti- n Sycamon Lane, Apt. C. Bethany Oroiqi, both of Center W hM Hw way WM ' avent ia iqpett to too poblio. ments wUl be aerved after the rs>i^ •ATM lun. ta^toedoe- Oengregatfonal Church, wlB fMidapMtbMa 6-CYLINDER nom nt Mnwhiii meeting. The Women's AuxlMary of meet Wednesday at 10 a.m. tor FLEETSIDE 6'/i The Oreater Haitford Branch PioseripHoa HodpHia. Datee- Maaetoestei- MM|g«t and Pony « day of sewing in the Fellow CLEAN o f the Tranaatlantic Bridea and The Lullaby Club will meet Fhotball Laagua wUI meet to ship Room et toe church. Those yoH eoft dtopm d M Jobless Rate In Todhty's Herald I HcNiJtir of the Parenta Aaaociation win meet FoHea Itapaitment and obaerve Husband’s Night night fd 8 at toe home of MTs. attending are reminded to bring W 9 M M % Heart Recipient wtn apeak on “narcotics and 'Wednesday at 7:80 p.m. at Vet Wednesday at 8:15 at toe Polish Anen Kroln U » MAple St. sandwldiee. Deesert and cof $ 1 3 9 5 ^ 0 0 A puhUc hearing on- toe the taooal Profatacn." Tkdoet re- eran’s Memorial Clubhouse, National Home, 100 Oovemor fee will be served at noon. Holds Steady town’s proposed budget tor Sunset Ridge Dr., Bast Hart White House Weicome tnraa may be made at this St., Hartford. » The Ifonohester Chapter of next year waa^ held last ford. The program wUl include SPESQS will meet tonight at 8 WASHINGTON (AP) — a speaker from the Hartford The muftc committee of Trin (ji)sd d i)jrL Has Pneumonia night For a full report on Manchester Clergy Associa at tomce Center, 806 Olcctt St. ity Covenant Church will meet Modatato job gain( >boc«tad toe RehabUttatlon Center. T h e tion will meet tomorrow at 10:80 The event la open to aft men D M I G C O . ***** ** ^ mld-momlng re- natkia’a total of em pk^'work- toat hearing sea page 6. Ika TonOi Caioir o f Second erent is open to all British-boni Wednesday at 1 p.m. at toe TED TRUDO'n, Inc. a.m. at FeHowsMp Hall, Second **“ “ **”'■ P®'** condition had been era only -ugSHy laat and On page 7 o f today’s OoBsrasattonal Cdiuridi win women. iatereatod in barbemhop-atyle home ot t i n . Richard Cook, 22 7S7 M eliiftt,, Mm TOLLAND TURNPIKE—TALOOTTVnXft: meat Wadnaad^r at S:M p jn . at Congregational Church. singing. Haitan Si. , s«s-«m Herald you wUl find toa sec ^ h a ^ was reported today to Cooley bad said Monday that fo the unemoiovment rate itoe toe chPTBh. TIm Senior caidr The RockvOle Emblem dub hwe developed pneumonia. Karp has a "low Incidence of re- gov«mment nootted tottov’ ond in a series of articles on Given King Hussein arin meat at TJO p.m. on the arill meet Wednesday at and wm be unUkely to rb a Labor Dep^irtiM^ Bu- tha drug preUem in town. the Elk’s Home Park St., Rock- raported tola 86 hours after the reject” his new heart. of La.facr 8tain.ttn> tha The Wtomoi’a DemocraUc vUle. A potluck will be served Cooley, toe 48-y*aivrid aur- March increase fa employment Club ariU haea an elecUon of of- at 6:80 p.m. before a business flcain and a wine taatlnf ttmiar- nieeting at 8. Mm. Arthur FV>lsy tlon. « K«p. raid Mbnday ..t to Mx montha Is in charge of program. APPLIANCE tonuGa the noGpUal. nlsht In DuCnlt ttmi Ihe donor. Thm eraw*ra*.aWr*rararao Swiss Plant Nixon Lauds row at 7:>0 plm. at Iona HaD, <> ___ Mr. Karp has devsioped a mt7 Baibwa Ewim unemptoym^ Refent St IfemberB may bring The VFW Auxiliary wlU meet patch Of pneumonia fa iTSght 5 ^ ^ t o gueala. lung and his kidney funoUon la d ie ^ r a t e T ^ E x p lo d e s , Jordan Chief and' elect officers tomorrow at depiessed,’’.. *U*the 1iKxqtttal__La.-. bulletin __ ___ ^ ^*** *•* par cant rales cf toe 7:80 p.m. at the post home. Of- "She had complete brain pravtoua three monUw. The flcera and chairmen are re INC. CENTER aald. "Ha remains remnsive auiwum WA8HH9GTGN (A P ) — Jor but he ia tired. Doctors are image and had no refleocee «nnU itoe wen attributed maln- minded to wear uniforms. whatever,’’ Cooley eald. "She ly to unemidoyinent amoog Nine Killed dan’s embattled, pro-Wastam hopeful he wiU respond to medi had been supported by extraor- taen-agei*. King Hussein was weloomed to cal managamant" AARAU, Swttnriaiid (AP) — Temple Chapter, Order of dtoacy meena." Harold Goldstein, assistant tha TVhtte House today by Presi There was no indication when An expkMivee factory blew up dent Nlxnn who deecrtiM the Elastem Star, will meet Wednes another bulletin would be Is Cooley aaid Mtb. Bteran euf- commissioner of the bureau, day nt 8 p.m. at the Masonic ferod cardlao a m a t eight said the most significant in- today at the village of Dottlkoa, monarch ae a man of "courage, o r sued. wisdom and mnderation.’’ Temple. An Easter Bonnet blooks from St. laike’s mwI she crease in employment was in killing nine penons and kijurfag BUDGET TERMS the construction industry. He In this worid eharactorised by Parade wiU be oMKhicted after required heait maraage to keep 40 others, poUoe repotted. IfAnOITWIDB the organ finotkuifag until the said that even though construc "very explorive praiUenia,’ ’ OUARAlfTKaD SBltVKaB a businesB meeting. Officers are reminded to wear colored operatlan. tion jobs increased less ^ than Alarm siren* and church bells Nboon toM his gueet, "laader- toanw 0am IVse Taaflai Mhs. Ewan o f Lawrence, seasonally ifor the February to began ringing In villages and ftiip is required ... and ttaea . ilM- MSSMT- gowns. Mfo. Janet Von Deck and her committee are in Several Hurt Maas., wea Down hers on jet March period they remained at towns for miles around as the thM qualities (cf leadenhfp) the highest March level—S.l we have seen in you ...’’ charge of reftreahments. ambulance flight from Mlaraa- explosion sent a shook wave ntmmttt, million—since 1966. \) Huraein, cn ids )hinl vUtt As Rockets Oooley aaM earlier in Houston "We are watching to see if ue through tte countryside and here since tte 19BT Arab-tenWH 8 The property committee of high cost ot money is going to raised a gigantic mushroom war, tted tha President he feels Center Congregational Church ttwt Indtoattons wee* that Karp’s body was unlikely to re curtail construction activity but cloud over the village. a "great responaMaiUty" to dls- will meet Wednesday at 7:80 Hit Saigon wo don’t see It yet," Goldstein cues the grave proUeens of the p.m. at the church irffice. The COME IN. LET NORMAN'S EXPERTS SHOW ject the donor heart but in De said. Within minute* hundreds of YOU THE LARGEST troit he saM the patient would M kUe Blast INGOME m Senior Chohr will havo a social ] Over-all, the bureau statistics ambulances, fire engines and SAIGON (AP) — At least five have "a great deal of difilteulty " I really hope we wlB move in Wednesday at 0 p.m. at the rounds of racket or mortar fln showed, employment was up patrot cars from the entire can tts dhtectton ot a just and hon- PREPARATION Robbins Room of toe ohuroh. recovering.” 146,000 from February after ad SELECTION OF APPLIANCES IN MANCHESTER! AVAILABLE IN ALL hit residential areas on Saigon’s 'We think be to a favorable ton of Aarau raced to DottHcon, orahle peace in this eoqpioaive northern outskirts tonight Injur justments were made for sea ettuatlon fraught with duger," M D i m i A L type at leotpient,’’ Cooley said sonal factors.