Timetable Sought on Reapportioning Munity Hall About 11:16

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Timetable Sought on Reapportioning Munity Hall About 11:16 f, •) , ■ I I ,".9 If '■ > , V MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1964 H a t T w n m Avwaga Daily NetPiMBRoR iiattrfa^Btpr Etr^nfng If^ntllii F w tha WMk EBdad JwM IS. 1804 Manchester Lodge of Masons will meet at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow About Town at the Masonic Temple. After 13,995 the business meeting, two BO- A im a ir oC Um Audit - ' pvt. nrvd O. Copeland of the vM r pins win be presented by Bonaa a t OIrdiqgtioa rW tod States Army, son o f Mr. Howard Bond, district deputy and Ib v. James L, Copeland, 86 of the grand lodge, and there. SAVINGS rd SURPRISE YOU! Maneheeter A City of Villege Chmrm XMmlnf St., recently completed wiU be an illustrated lecture sight wreeka of military police on the fellowcraft degree. T 0 L . L ] «91ll [.NO. SH tratidng at the Uhited StatM (IDmBBM PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY. JUNE 38, 1964 14) PRICE SEVEN CMNiR Army Training Center, rt The Home League of the Sal­ Aonlea, Ga. vation Army will meet at 11 a.m. tomorrow at the church wtM A n n K Oiacominl, where buses will be waiting to daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amer- transport members to the an­ laoXHacomlnl. 88 McKinley St, nual picnic at Elizabeth Park, has been named to the dean's West Hartford. The ladies of hat of MarletU (Ohio) O oll^ Bluefleld Dr. planning to at­ |br the second semester o f the tend are reminded that the bus ]08gA4 academic year. will pick them up at the Com­ Timetable Sought on Reapportioning munity Hall about 11:16. Membera of the Motherhood **^*'*****^*^^*"^^*"*'*'"***********"* •f Mary Mothers Circle plan­ Frances Herron Council, Py­ ___ • * ning to attend "The Sound of thian Sunshine Girls, will meet Springmaid ^ F««l fht smooth toxturo and finish and Music’* at the Oakdale Thea­ at 6:30 tonight at Memorial Py­ you'll know why Springmaid shaats arf ^ ter, Wallingford, on Wednesday thian Hall. an reminded to meet at the notad for thoir quality, luxury and rc^ - Judges Dismiss Suit to Ban Mandatory Party Lever home o f Mrs. I^ le Miller, 17 David Gregory Huck, son of fort. Blaachad to a snowy w hitv Barry Rd., at 7 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ben A. Huck, 51 Sheets, cases Turnbull Rd., left yesteiday Pvt Wayne A. Lowd of the from Bradley Field by plane for Vqltsd States’ Army, son of Great Lakes Naval Training type 180 pdrcala...fiiw muslin Mrs. Marlon Lowd. 238 Waddell Center, III., for two weeks of Events Panel Denies House Basis gUL, recently completed eight Naval Reserve. He is taking a Birth Control Pills ^nO a of military police train­ course in classified communica­ ing at the United States Army tion, and will also train to be­ 72 X IDS In State Basic Abuse Population, Training Center, F t Gordon, come a Jet pilot. He is a recent Oa. graduate of Manchester High Studied by Vatican School where he was a member Of Fairness Court Rulea Lt Nicholas M. WPietro, of tbe Rifle^ Club and won tro­ Obscenity Ruling vdwse wife lives at 392 Main phies for expert rifleman. He NEW HAVEN (AP)— gt, recently participated with has been accepted as an enrollee SI i 108 . 81 X 108 2 .0 9 VATICAN CITY (AP)fco">®. ■nd therefore not obliga HARTFORD (AP) ........ 2 .7 9 Is Still Awaited —Pope Paul VI said today tofy, the rules given by Pope “While the wisdom of the other members o f the 3rd Ar­ at Milwaukee (Wls.) School of Pius )OI In this connection.’’ Ckiv, Dempsey said t^ajr mored IMvlsion units In a week BM ^ eerlng. that the Roman Catholic mandatory party lever stat­ that he stands ready to do ng annual training tests at Pius In a 1958 speech said 90 X 108 . 3 .1 7 90 X 108 .... 2 .4 9 HARTFORD (AP)—The Church is studying the pills should not be used to pre­ ute may be questioned, it “everything possible to im­ WOdflecken, Germany. Members of the executive can hardly be termed fun­ board o f the CThaminade Musi­ U.S. Supreme Court appar­ birth control problem in vent pregnancy. But he added plement the Supreme (^urt The Manchester WAXES will cal Club will maet tonight at 7 ently does not think the the light of new develop­ that they could be used to check damentally unfair or unrea­ decision in the C^mmecticOt Twin bottom 2 .4 9 Twin bottom 1 .8 9 uterine ailments If they were weigh-in from 6 to 7 p.m. to­ for a poUuck picnic at the home novel "Tropic of Cancer” is ments. But be said church sonably discriminatory.” legislative reapportionment morrow at the Italian Amer- of Mrs. Howard Chase, Hebron obscene, but it remains to bans on contraceptives re­ prescribed by a doctor without with those words, a panel of IfMti C3ub on Eldridge St. Mem­ Rd., Bolton. the Intention of preventing preg­ three federal Judges dismissed a case.” ^ be seen what the Connecti­ mained valid for the pres­ nancy. He made this annoimcemoBt bers win leave on a mystery Double bottom . 2 .7 9 Double bottom . 2 .0 9 euit which claimed that Connec- |4de at 7. cut Supreme Court thinks ent. Pope Paul’s references to Ucut’e mandatory party lever or after conferring »vith Secretary Manchester Assembly, Order Pope Plus’ pronouncement, to of State EXIa T. Graaoo. Uia o f Rainbow for Girls, will have 42 X 36 C asas ............. 6 9 a o e h 42 X 36 C asas ............ 4 5 a o e h of it. It seemed clear Uiat he was voting machines was unconsU- new developments In the birth state's chief election official, an initiatory meeting tonight at The nation’s higheat court speaking of contracepUve pills, tutional. aet aside Florida Court bans on although he did not mention control field and his emphasis "Under the federal in s titu ­ and Atty. Gen. Harold M. Mol- 7:30 at the Maaonic Temple. Of­ vey. distribution of the controversial them specifically. on birth control at this time In tion,’’ said the court, "the states ficers are reminded to wear a general speech made clear He also said he had directed long white gowns. Refreshments Henry Miller novel and another The Roman Catholic ponUff haye been entrusted with broad discussed birth control in a gen­ that he was speaking of the discretion in formulating an the attorney general to contact LECLERC will be served by the Mother’s book called "Pleasure was My pills. Business.” eral speech on church and world election system. Nothing In the all counsel in the ease immedi­ Circle after the meeting. ately to request a conference FUNERAL HOME Connecticut’s highest court affairs to a group of cardinals. After reviewing the first year complaint indicates tfiat this with the U.S. District Court to TTie Army-Navy Aiwillary has yet to rule on the convic­ His words came amid grow* of his pontificate, he said the discretion has been abused, tion of Trumbull Huntington of ing discussion among Roman future was ‘‘full of formidable i "V fe are unable to lee,” the determine its attitude aa to: FUNERAL will sponsor a card party to­ What must be done. Middletown, who was fined |60 Catholics about the use of con­ problems and grave events for judges said, "that the slight ex- night at 8 at the clubhouse. And, the time in which tMs for displaying "Tropic of Can­ tracepUve pills. There have i us.’’ But.♦ heu . said heu - would speak effort required for an Inde­ SERVICE must be accomplished. Miss Nancy Holt, daughter of cer’’ on the shelves of his been suggestions that they : "only of one of these problems.’' pendent voter to pull a party WALTER N. Hartford book store. might be used to regulate the' “The problem, everyone lever and reject candidates for The Governor said that, when Mr. and Mrs. Harmon G.- Holt Mulvey reports back, he LECLERC The state court indicated two menstrual cycle so the rhythm speaks of It, is that of the so- whom________________ he does not care to vote win o f Adams St., has been' take "whatever action is ap­ Director weeks ago It would wait and method could be used with called control of births that of i constitutes such a 'burdensome named to the dean’s list for the propriate to fulfill the District see what happened to the greater precision. The Church i the increase of populations on and unreasonable discrimination 38 Main Street Manchester second semester of the 1963-64 Court’s directive.” Florida case '^ ic h had been rejects contracepUve devices one side, and of family moral-; that the independent voter is academic year At Marietta In response to a newsman’s . Call 649-5869 (Ohio) College, where she Is a Mpealed to the U.S. Supreme but permits the rhythm system. | ity on the other. It la an ex- deprived of the equal protecUon Cfourt. Pope Paul said he hoped the tremely grave problem. It of the laws.” question, the Governor conced­ French piajor and will enter her ed that "the posaibiNty o f a However, when that decision studies would soon be conclud­ touches the sources of human! The unanimous decision was Junior year In the fall. special session is with us." was handed down yesterday. It ed. life. It touches the sentiments signed by U.S. Circuit Judge J. "But let us say frankly," he But he emphasised that ba Pvt.
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