PERO Npfirost No Ice Trays* Nokidditig. Suenttm Llrraui Sharp Fighting
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PAGI TWENTT-EIGHT f FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1922 mmurl;rBtpr lEttptting Ifprald A. ■? ■ AtstosiI s Opslsoh, ate For- About Toivn tuson Rd., bss auooossAiUy oom- DnUy N«t PraSB R » pletod hsr ttn it six anontlM of The Weather R«t. WaMar H. Loomis, Police Log pMlOr rW wmmiPy P*|«***» nunring oduoation a t St. FTsa- ols Hospital School o t Nuisinr. U, F a ir sad cool tonistat. ^Lmr $0 Snnh. win oondiiot « senrlce Hartford. ACCIDENTS iHdagr St t p.m. St Oraen to $8. Tomorrow mootljr wnny :«%•. Bo win bs sasiatsd by Patricia Cushman, 817 N. 15,500 Suenttm llrraUi MUs Suaanao Cbilson, dauih- and m ilder. HICh In iqipor 89s. X s H i CHbbs. t«r of aCr. sad ICm. B. A. Chll- Main St, was charged with fail M€mehe$ter— A CUy of Vlttage Charm Bon, S2 Ricbaiid Rd., a Junior ure to cany a license yester n s Junior sad Touth OKtra majoring in Sne aits and ale- VOL. LXXXVm» NO. 146 (FOURTEEN PA6ES—TV SECTION) of OommurSty B aitist Cburcdi day, after pdic« stopped her car MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAR()H 22, 1M9 (CtaaelfM AdvertfUMl on Tmgo 11) PRICE TEN CENTS mentaiy aducatlon; and lOas on Buckland Rd. Fudice said will Mbssna Smidsy st 6:45 Benitta A. Piaster, daughter of pjo, St tbs oburcb. they stopped her car becuase It Mr. and Mra. John L. Plaster, appeared to be travellh^ at a Swamp Rd., Oovaritiy, a senior North U altsd Msthodlst fast rate of sp6ed. Court date majoring In elementary eduoar March 51. Cfeuroh Jm lo r Choir wUl ro- tlon, have beat named to the bssnss Moadsy st S:15 pjn. at dean’s list at Russell Sage Col A ear dHvm by John R. tits oburob. lege, Troy, N-T. Coyle, 24, of Glastonbury, at your WOODLAND Gardon Jumped the curb in the Parkade Ss^ O cm p rep tio n iU ^ Maw B. d’Avlgnon, 175 Down- Sharp Fighting Swirls perking lot, near the Parkade Pussy WiUowB, potted (with atU n s). AIm> board of raUgtous education ^ ^ jugg patncia A. Bowling Lanes, at 2:08 this Yellow Forsjrth^ potted. (In M oasom ).^^ O O win meet Monday at 7:50 p.m. Jones, 659 A v try St., Wi4>ptng, at tbs Church. morning, and lounged down in Your Chidoe ^ u O O have been named to the dean’s to a deep gulley, where It come Met for the fall semester at the to r e ^ Coyle, and a passenger, North Utdted Methodist University of VennuMt Cimrdt WBCS executive com John L. PaluccI, 26, of East Hartford, were taken to Man- mittee will meet Monday at 8 On 3 Sides of Saigon Mias Daryl Ann Bagley, diester Memorial Hospital by PANSIES, in bloom! basket H o p.m. a t the home of Mra. Jack daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stroup, 354 Redwood Dr. ambulance where they were 3 (XILORFUL BASKETS ____f y f l f f B. Bagley, 66 Dale Rd., is mak treated and discharged. The car SAIGON (AP) — Sharp flgh^ ters said the paratroopers also ing a aix-concert weekend tour sives in an arc northwest to In a delayed report, head was towed. aelssd a mortar tubs, an antlalr- northeast of Saigon Friday and MIsb Helen VanWyk of Rock- in Pennsylvania with the CUm- ing swirled on three sides of Sai quarters said an enemy s^tper post, M esa, win demonstrate craft machine gun and two ba today. Some of the strikes were platoon of about 80 men blasted belalree, a 60-voioe Sh^>pens- A two-oar accident occurred • CORDW OOD.............................Stack $1.S0 gon today following $9 ovon^ight portrait pointing at a meetii^ of zooka-type rockets. north of Atlas Wedge, aimed at their way into the perimeter ot burg (Pa.) State College wom yesterday at 8:16 p.m. In the rocket attacks on allied towns the Mancbesber Fine Art As- First Prize Scierwe Winners at St, Bridget In snother fight 100 miles east catching North Vletnameae a U.S. englneere’ night bhrouao en’s chorus. Stop A EB»p parking lot. 'Die • Flower, Vegetable Seed, Soil, Labels, Clay Pots, Peat, sodsUon tonight at 8 at Whlton Mary Finnegan and Kevin Scholsky hold their first prise certificates against die background o t and bases. Field commanders of Saigon more than 100 enemy troops who may have pulled near Kbntum City Friday morn drivers were Ruth Ldchtenwal- Plastic Pots, Flats—-plus information to help you. were alerted to be ready for an back to Jungle base camps in U btaiy audlUnium. The event Spec 4 Carl K. Chitjien, 66 Miss Finnegan’s biological division exhibit at the St. Bridget School science fair held last aoldlers attacked a govenunent ing, killing two Americans and ner of Tolland and Nancy Lis- expected "high point" at enemy military )ieadquarters shortly War Zone C. le open to the public. Chambers St., and Spec. 4 Rob night Kevin received the award in the physical division for his project, "Working Principle of • Potted Plants:—Chrysanthemums, Cydanun, African wounding two. tro of 126 Main St. The Llstio activity around the capital this The U.S. Cfommand reported ert O. Ganvache, Lake Rd., CJov- an Organ.’’ In the biological division, second prize was won by Mary Manning tor "An Investi after midiilghL Spokeamen said The sappers tossed exploelvee car carried two passengers, one Violets, Philodendron, Pothos, Geraniums, etc. weekend. an Army observation plane and Chailoe MSli of the Hartford enfry, received honor citations gation of Heredity In the Ratobit," and third by Beth Perry for "Study of Mold.’’ Second prize South Vletnameas militiamen into construction equipment, of them a one-year-old girl; no Allied forces reported kllUng a helicopter were shot down STl- Park Department wUl speak upon completion of the NCO In the physical division went to Steven Galvin for "Working Principle of a Crystal Radio ’’ and killed 86 enemy at a cost of one causing heavy losses, headquar one was hurt. 137 Viet Cong and North Vle^ day. It raised to 3,616 the num about the “Care and Propaga Academy course at Chmp third to John Bertrand for "Principles of Stereo." (Herald photo by Bucelvlclus.) dead and elfht wounded. ters said. The bodies of tsro ene namose In four battles north, The fourth action involved Air ber of fixed-wing aircraft lost in my soldiers killed by counter- tion of Roees,’’ at a meeting of Dempsey, NlanUc, Sunday. A minoraccldent was report ir the Perennial Planters Garden S G O n r SPRING SALE! ^ aouOi and east of Saigon. U.S. Cavalrymen of the 1st Division the war and 3,405 the number of fire were found in the area, a Also in the graduating rinon Ih e Rev. Harold W. Rlchard- ed yesferday at 4:16 p.m. on casualties were one killed and partlc^iatlng In Operailon AUas choppers lost. spokesman said. Ohlb Monday at 8 p.m. at the waa Spec. 4 William A. Rab- pastor of Wapplng Com- Wells St. The drivers were ■ Turf Builder covers 16,000 sq. ft. nine wounded, and SouUi Vlat- Wedge, a 10,000-man U.S. coun Spokeamen said one crewman bmne of Mrs. York Strangfeld, bett Jr., 283 Spruce St. munity Church, will conduct a Peter T. Murphy of Pittsfield, 158 Greenwood Dc. Co-hostesses reg. - 813.06 SAVE $5.00 ........................ °........NOIW $11.50 nameae losses wars six klllsd teroffensive aimed st prevent-' was killed and another was _ service Sunday a i 8:16 on radio Asseu Mass., end Warren J . Chand and 38 wounded. ane Mtas Ekhth PhHitps and iblying the (Covers 10,000 sq. ft., reg. $8.96 .................NOW $$.$8) Ing an assault on Saigon. One wounded when the plane was Cub Scout Padc 162 will meet station WINF. The program is ler of 86 Wells St. AU the U.S. casualUes resul^ MTa. Melvin' Schmidt. tonight at 7 at Bowers School, sponsored Jointly by the Man- unit ran Into North Vietnamese downed in the central highlands s Save also on Windsor Grass Seed! ed from one four-hour fight in troops 47 miles northwest of Sai 28 miles northwest of Kbntum Cube should be accompanied by Chester Council ot Churches and COMPLAINTS the Mekong Daltg, 40 miles Franco Lifts Otb Soout Pack 65 wJU meet By Sol R. Cohen gon and called In helicopter City. BTve men- were killed when at least parent, and all mem- the Manchester Clergy Assoda- News • Scott® Halts Plus—Feeds and Kills Ckabgrass. south of Saigon, when a Vlat tonight from 7 to 8:50 In Wad- Police received a report from gUnahlps, which killed 10 ene- the helicopter was downed 70 bers of the scout’s families are tton. Cong force attacked 160 infan deD School auditorium. Mrs. B’rances Richards of 622 Covers 5,000 sq. ft., reg. $14.96 .................NOW $1I.$B myNThm were no U.S. casual- miles northwest of Saigon. Emergency invHsd. ----- trymen of the U.S. Mh Division The State Assembly yesterday troduced by his committee, W. Middle Tpice. yesterday that Uea. ' U.S. headquarters said over Modem Dance classes tor SAVE $2.00! In night positions around the children will begin Monday at adopted two resolutions pertain would provide for better repre her garage had been broken in U.S. spokesman said 800 all military damage and casual ing to Manchester. <■ provincial capital of Ben Tre. Month Early the Comnumity Y, 79 N. Mhin sentation throughout the state to, ibut ehe was not sure when.