UNIVERSITY OF tJAWAII LIBRARY arianas %riety;;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ ~ mess FY 1997 outstanding advances totaled $83,576.55. preliminary findings on the fi "We will monitor the imple accounting division, which "is The public auditor said the fi nancial and compliance audit of mentation of our recommenda working on it (the update)." nance department had "failed to the I 0th legislature for fiscal year tions and should the advances re The Department of Finance, or collect or make salary deductions I 996·showed. main uncollected or unliquidated DOF, received LaMotte 's letter when the traveler did not return The outstanding travel ad by the completion of our field and report last Oct. 10, and it unused advances or submit travel vances, according to Public Au work, the same findings will be hasn 'tdrafted a reply yet, the lady liquidation reports on time." ditor Leo L. LaMotte, were as of included in our audit report," staffer said. "Our review also showed that Aug. 21 this year. LaMotte told Camacho. "Some of the information are DOF allowed some travel ad These outstanding advances Contacted, Camacho's office outdated," she said, adding that vances for canceled trips to be included those that have remained tQld the Variety that some of the some of the legislators had been returned by a series of salary de unliquidated and advances that involved senators and congress "cleared alrea~y." ductions instead of requiring the were unreturned after trip cancel men had been cleared. Of the total advances, accord traveler to return the full amount of the travel advance at one time," Leo L.
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