SPCB(2007)Paper 52

26 September 2007



1. The purpose of this paper is to seek the SPCB’s approval for additional events in the Major Events and Exhibitions Programme for 2007-08. The paper also updates the SPCB on the number of MSP sponsored events currently booked between now and the end of the year and draws attention to some associated matters. Finally it reports on the Session Three Ceremony.

Contact Roy Devon ext. 85322.


2. The ’s events programme falls into two categories:

 Member-sponsored receptions/briefings/seminars which typically take place on business evenings, and

 SPCB approved major events and exhibitions which usually involve a significant use of the building.

3. Criteria for Member-sponsored events, and major events and exhibitions approved by SPCB, were worked up in detail and approved by the previous SPCB. They are attached at Annex 1.

4. The previous SPCB approved the 2007-08 Major Events and Exhibitions Programme together with associated budget. The programme included the Microsoft Government Leaders Forum, the Session Three Ceremony and the Festival of Politics. However practically we cannot anticipate every major event SPCB may wish to host over a year. Therefore, the plan is scoped to enable the addition of suitable events at a later date.

5. This paper seeks the SPCB’s approval for the inclusion of three additional events in the 2007-08 plan:

 The Dewar Arts Award and Exhibition (Annex 2);

 An Education event hosted by Parliament staff “Our Environment- Our Future” (Annex 3).

 An International Women’s Day Conference (Annex 4).

1 6. No additional funding is required. Subject to the SPCB’s approval of these three events the updated 2007-08 Major Events and Exhibitions Programme is set out in Annex 5.

We will come back to SPCB shortly with proposals for the 2008-09 Major Events and Exhibitions Programme.

MSP Sponsored events

7. In addition to Major Events a large proportion of the Events Team work is providing support for MSP sponsored events. There has been a heavy demand for events in the latter half of 2007. This is not unexpected given the recent election and the large number of newly elected Members. Experience also shows that the latter 3 months in the calendar year tend to be the busiest. However, the increased demand means that in some weeks there can be more than 10 events across the Parliament, predominantly concentrated on business evenings and specifically Wednesdays. There is anecdotal evidence to suggest that this may be placing a demand on MSP attendance and impacting on organisation’s objectives of influencing Members.

8. All the events planned meet the SPCB’s agreed criteria for events. We propose at this stage simply to monitor the situation and to report back to SPCB with any proposals as appropriate. Although the number of events planned between now and the end of the calendar year are comparable with previous years it is unprecedented to have this number of bookings confirmed at this time. As a result bookings for 2007 are now full. A note of forthcoming events is attached at Annex 6.

Policy and Procedures

9. The SPCB should be aware that the Events Team are working with officials to develop a protocol for the use of the parliamentary complex for receptions hosted by Ministers. Officials will provide an update at the meeting.

10. Guidance for members is also being prepared to provide advice on issues relating to hosting a reception or exhibition in Parliament. This will be brought forward to SPCB for approval shortly.

Session Three Ceremony

11. A report on the Session Three ceremony held at Parliament on Saturday 30 June is attached at Annex 7.

Resource Implications

12. There are no additional resource implications.


Publication Scheme

13. This paper can be published.


14. The SPCB is invited to:

 agree the addition of the

o Dewar Arts Award and Exhibition;

o Education and Outreach event “Our Environment-Our Future”; and

o International Women’s Day Conference

to the Major Events and Exhibitions Programme for 2007-08

 note the significant number of MSP sponsored events already scheduled until end of the year;

 note that officials are working on a protocol on Ministerial sponsored events; and guidance for members on Parliamentary events and exhibitions.

 note the report on the Session Three ceremony.

CAROL DEVON Director of Access and Information September 2007




1. Events and exhibitions held in the Parliament and its grounds are closely aligned to achieving the SPCB’s purpose, aim and core services, in particular: supporting MSPs, raising public awareness and engaging the public, as identified in the Management Plan. All events and exhibitions must either be sponsored by a MSP, a group of MSPs (e.g. Committee or Cross Party Group) or by the SPCB – depending on the category of activity as set out in the remainder of this policy.

Categories of Events and Exhibitions

2. There are three main categories of events and exhibitions. These have been developed to take account of the different types of events and the size of the audience. In the main they use different spaces within the Parliament or the landscaped area.

3. The three categories are:

 Member-focussed Events / Exhibitions - aimed primarily at raising awareness of MSPs. These will be mainly located in Garden Lobby / other Private Business area / Committee Rooms / Chamber / Members’ Restaurant

 Public Events / Exhibitions – aimed at the general public or people on a specific Parliament guest list. Exhibitions will be mainly located in the Main Hall, and major events may make use of the main spaces of the buildings, such as the Main Hall, Garden Lobby, and sometimes the Debating Chamber.

 Landscape Events / Exhibitions - aimed at both the general public and MSPs. These will be located outside, mainly in the landscaped area at the front of the Parliament.

Planning Process

4. The Parliament’s Events and Exhibitions Team has responsibility for advising on the planning and approval process for all Events / Exhibitions and managing successful delivery of any project. Public Events / Exhibitions, including those in the landscaped area, require SPCB approval.

5. The specific criteria to be considered in relation to each category of activity are set out below.


Member-Focussed Events / Exhibitions:

 Must be sponsored by a MSP, a group of MSPs, a Cross-Party Group, a Committee or the SPCB.

 May provide a specific perspective eg promoting in particular energy source, reflecting a sponsoring Member’s particular belief, interest or policy position, but must not be party political.

 Must clearly state the sponsor’s name.

 Must respect the wide range of existing channels for influencing parliamentary business, by not lobbying on parliamentary business under current consideration.

 Must meet the SPCB’s operational terms and conditions (to be drafted) for events/exhibitions.

In addition the event / exhibition:

 must be related to parliamentary business (e.g. launch of a committee report)


 support Members in their parliamentary role (e.g. by helping inform/brief Members on a specific issue.

Public Events / Exhibitions:

 Must be sponsored by the SPCB as part of its annual Events and Exhibition plan

 Must be politically impartial and represent a balanced view.

 Must meet SPCB’s operational terms and conditions for Events / Exhibitions. The intention is that they would allow for individual Members or for a Committee to suggest a public event. These would be factored into the Events and Exhibitions Team advice to SPCB.

In addition the Event / Exhibition must meet at least one of the following criteria:

 encourage and develop public awareness of and engagement with the Parliament and/or parliamentary processes (e.g. exhibition on parliamentary activity over a year, Festival of Politics, Doors Open Day)

5 or

 provide a platform for Scottish influence at home and abroad (e.g. Tartan Week Exhibition, Microsoft Government Leaders Forum and Carnegie events, Highland Year of Culture) or

 promote significant historical, constitutional or cultural events / anniversaries with a clear link to democracy and / or the Scottish Parliament’s history, role or work (e.g. Declaration of Arbroath, and Suffrage Movement Exhibitions, Treaty of Union exhibition).

Landscape Events and Exhibitions:

 Must be sponsored by the SPCB as part of its annual Events / Exhibition plan (subject to the caveat that operational guidance will facilitate proposals from MSPs, and groups and will set out how the annual events/exhibitions plan is decided.)

 Must meet the Parliament’s operational terms and conditions for Events / Exhibitions

 Should by their nature / content be more suitable for the external landscaped area.

In addition the Event / Exhibition:

 must meet at least one of the criteria for the public Events / Exhibitions category (above)


 support Members in their parliamentary role


 must offer an opportunity for Parliament to engage in and celebrate significant cultural, historical or tourism initiatives where these further support the parliamentary purpose of engaging audiences with the Parliament, and our role in Scottish national life.





1. The Dewar Arts Awards were set up in 2002 as a fitting memorial to Scotland's first First Minister, . They have a simple aim; to give exceptionally talented young people of limited means assistance in fulfilling their potential in any branch of the arts. Anyone under 30 living in Scotland who can demonstrate outstanding abilities is eligible to be nominated.

2. To mark the 5th anniversary of the Dewar Arts Awards the organisation have approached the Parliament to hold an evening event in the Debating Chamber chaired by the Presiding Officers to showcase the Awards and some of the young people who have benefited from this assistance. This event would be Webcast and open to the public to attend.

3. In addition to the performances in the Chamber it is also proposed that the organisers stage an exhibition in either the Garden or Members’ Lobby to showcase the some of the students who have won awards for the visual arts.


4. It is envisaged that over 200 people would attend the event which is proposed for December 2007. It would take the form of four performance groups focusing on Scottish music, jazz, opera and classical followed by a reception in the Garden Lobby and exhibition of paintings, photographs etc.

5. Due to the expected numbers attending and as it will be Webcast, the only suitable venue able that can accommodate this event is the Debating Chamber. If the event takes place in the Debating Chamber there would be minimal disruption as there would be no need for staging and only a PA system would be required. It is not expected that the event would disrupt the public tours programme.

6. The events fits well with SPCB criteria: it promotes engagement with young people and it showcases young Scottish talent across a number of disciplines. The Events and Exhibitions Team recommends that this event takes place in the Scottish Parliament. It further recommends that due to expected numbers attending and that it will be Webcast that it is held in the Debating Chamber as part of the Major Events and Exhibitions Programme for 2007-08.

7 Resource implications

7. Any costs associated with this event will be met by the organisers, Dewar Arts Awards.


8. The SPCB is invited to consider this request and to agree that the Parliament’s Debating Chamber should be used to showcase these Awards and that the Events and Exhibitions Team continue to work with the organisers - Dewar Arts Awards - to develop the format for the event and dates, timings etc.




1. This event is proposed by the Scottish Parliament’s Education service. The overall aim of the day is to give young people an opportunity to discuss environmental issues and through an active programme learn how to become involved in the political processes of Scotland, such as the Parliament’s Committee system, relating this to their schools and communities and thereby become more active and responsible citizens.

2. The environment was chosen as a suitable topic as it is something that many young people already have an awareness of and can relate to. It is also a devolved matter with international themes. There is enough scope to involve several of the Parliament’s Committees as well as MSPs, Ministers and organisations such as World Wildlife Fund and Eco-schools.

3. It is hoped that this event will take place on February 1 2008. This event complements other environmentally themed events in the spring term i.e. Business in Parliament and Scottish Environment week.

4. Senior pupils from every parliamentary region will be invited to attend. The programme is still to be confirmed but it is envisaged that it will take the form of a welcoming address in the Chamber by one of the Presiding Officers, including presentations of best practice ideas, workshops and following lunch a closing debate in the Chamber.

5. The workshops will be delivered by a variety of Committees, organisations and young people, each looking at different themes e.g. carbon Footprinting, renewable energy, recycling, transport, climate change, international issues, campaigning, petitions.

6. The Events and Exhibitions Team and the Education Service recommend that this event takes place in the Scottish Parliament’s Debating Chamber and Committee Rooms as part of the Major Events and Exhibitions Programme for 2007-08.

Resource implications

7. All costs can be met from budgets already allocated to the Corporate Events budget.


8. The SPCB is asked to consider this request and to agree that this event should be included in the Major Events and Exhibitions Programme for 2007-08





1. Annually on 8th March thousands of events are held around the world to celebrate women’s achievements on International Women’s Day (IWD). Celebrations take place across developed and developing countries alike. The Scottish Women’s Convention (SWC) has brought together hundreds of women on IWD every year over the past three years to celebrate International Women’s Day.

2. In 2006, the SWC were due to hold IWD in the Scottish Parliament’s Debating Chamber however due to the Chamber being unavailable the event had to be moved. The SWC have approached the Parliament asking for this event to be held in the Debating Chamber in 2008.


3. The final programme for the event is still to be confirmed but it is envisaged that it will take the form of a opening Session in the Debating Chamber chaired by the Presiding Officers, workshops in Committee Rooms and potentially a drinks reception. The programme will include an international speaker, young women and an African Girls School Choir. We have been informed by the organisers that it is likely that the Minister for Europe, External Affairs and Culture will address the event.

4. The SWC recently took part in the recent Equalities Review held by the Equal Opportunity Committee. It is here that the SWC spoke in the interests of the women that it had consulted with. The event also links with work being carried out by the Cross Party Group on Men’s Violence Against Women and Children.

5. As it is proposed that the event take place on Saturday 8 March – International Women’s Day - an event of the size and scale envisaged would not cause a huge amount of disruption to building users although the public tours programme would need to be cancelled.

6. There is perhaps the potential to run smaller events around the main Debating Chamber event building upon recent work done by the Parliament’s Education Service.

7. The Events and Exhibition Team recommends that this event is progressed as a partnership between the Parliament and the Scottish Women’s Convention to allow the Events and Exhibition Team, the Parliament’s Education Service and Committees to work with the SWC in developing the programme for the day and is approved by the SPCB for inclusion in the Major Events and Exhibitions Programme 2007-08.


Resource implications

8. Staff costs to organise and support this event will be met from existing budgets. As a partnership contribution to the event overtime and usher costs will be met from within the Corporate Events Budget. All other costs associated with this event – travel and accommodation for guest speakers, catering, ushering and audiovisual – being met by the Scottish Women’s Convention.


9. The SPCB is asked to consider this request, to agree that the event is included in the Major Events and Exhibitions Programme for 2007-08 and that it should be taken forward on a partnership basis.

11 ANNEX 5


Date Event / Exhibition Type Status Location September 07 Fri 7 Sept Commission for History of the Representative and Conf DC Parliamentary Institutions (agreed as part of the series of events and exhibitions for 1707) Thurs 20 Sept Presiding Officer’s launch reception for the Making the Rec MH Act of Union 1707 Fri 21 Sept Futures Forum – Schooling for tomorrow Conf CR Fri 21 Sept – Making the Act of Union 1707 (agreed as part of the Exhib MH Sun 18 Nov series of events and exhibitions for 1707) October 07 Wed 24 Oct SPaBE AGM Rec CR / GL Sat 27 Oct Scottish Fair Trade Forum Conf DC Sun 28 Oct – 19th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar Conf Various Fri 2 Nov Tues 30 Oct Presiding Officer’s reception for Poppy Scotland Rec GL November 07 Fri 16 and British-Spanish Tertulias Conf Various Sat 17 Nov Wed 21 Nov Futures Forum – Economics Event Conf CR Thurs 29 Nov BT Gaelic Schools Debate Deb CR December 07 Dec Dewar Arts Award and Exhibition Con / TBA DC / GL Exhib Mon 3 Dec Futures Forum – AGM and Reception AGM / CR / GL Rec Wed 5 Dec – Analach – Contemporary Highland Crafts (as part of Exhib MH Wed 16 Jan Highland Year of Culture 2007) Thurs 6 Dec Futures Forum – Drugs and Alcohol Workshop Conf CR Wed 19 Dec Carol Service Con GL January 08 Thurs 24 Jan Presiding Officer’s Burns Supper – Consular Corps Din TBC MR February 08 Fri 1 Feb Education and Outreach Event - “Our Environment – Conf TBA CR Our Future” Seminar Thurs 21 and Business in Parliament Conference Din / MH / DC Fri 22 Feb Conf March 08 Sat 8 Mar International Women’s Day Conference Conf TBA DC Wed 12 Mar Commonwealth Day Rec TBC GL

Key: AC-Award Ceremony, Con-Concert, Conf-Conference, CR-Committee Room, DC-Debating Chamber, Deb-Debate, Din-Dinner, Exhib-Exhibition, Fest-Festival, GL-Garden Lobby, Lec-Lecture, MH-Main Hall, MR- Members’ Restaurant, Rec-Reception, Sem-Seminar, TBA–To be approved, TBC–To be confirmed

12 ANNEX 6


Date Title Start End Sponsor Location Scottish Development Centre for Mental Tue 18/09/2007 18:00 20:00 MSP CR3 Health Tue 18/09/2007 Erskine 18:30 19:30 MSP CR1 Tue 18/09/2007 Princess Royal Trust for Carers 18:00 20:00 John Swinney MSP GL Wed 19/09/2007 Community Care Providers Scotland 18:30 19:30 Joe FitzPatrick MSP CR2 Wed 19/09/2007 Muscular Dystrophy Campaign 18:00 20:00 Fergus Ewing MSP GL Wed 19/09/2007 O2-It’s Your Community 13:15 14:15 Pauline McNeill MSP CR4 Wed 19/09/2007 The Saltire Society 19:00 20:00 John Swinney MSP CR1 Wed 19/09/2007 Environmental Mediation Discussion 17:30 19:00 Robin Harper MSP CR3 Thu 20/09/2007 HBOS – Banknotes exhibition 10:00 14:00 MSP CR2 Wyeth Pharmaceuticals - Translational Thu 20/09/2007 18:00 19:30 Joe FitzPatrick MSP CR4 Medicine Thu 20/09/2007 Breast Cancer Campaign - Wear it Pink 11:30 15:00 Margaret Smith MSP CR3 Thu 20/09/2007 Making the Act of Union Preview Reception 18.15 20.15 SPCB MH Fri 21/09/2007 Futures Forum 09:30 16:00 Futures Forum CR1 Tue 25/09/2007 REMPLOY 11:30 13:30 MSP Q1.03 Tue 25/09/2007 Scotland Funds 18:00 20:00 Murdo Fraser MSP GL Tue 25/09/2007 Scottish Sustainable Development Forum 18:30 20:30 Robin Harper MSP MH On the Edge, Working in Public, Gray's Tue 25/09/2007 18:00 20:00 Nicol Stephen MSP CR1 School of Art Wed 26/09/2007 Poverty Alliance 11:00 14:00 John Wilson MSP MG25 Wed 26/09/2007 Planning Aid for Scotland 18:00 20:00 Christine Grahame MSP GL Wed 26/09/2007 Industry and Parliament Trust TBC TBC SPaBE TG20/21 Wed 26/09/2007 No One Knows: Offenders with Learning 18:00 20:00 Kenny MacAskill MSP CR5 Wed 26/09/2007 Commission for Racial Equality 18:00 20:00 MSP CR6 Fri 28/09/2007 Values into Action Scotland 13:00 15:00 Jackie Baillie MSP CR6 Mon 01/10/2007 Men in Childcare 10:00 16:00 Ian McKee MSP CR1 Mon 01/10/2007 Europe Seminar (October date - TBC) 17:00 19:00 SPICe CR1 Tue 02/10/2007 RSA 18:00 20:00 MSP CR1 Tue 02/10/2007 Security Industry Authority (TBC) TBC TBC Margaret Mitchell MSP TBC Wed 03/10/2007 Scottish Public Service Ombudsman 18:00 20:00 John Scott MSP GL Wed 03/10/2007 Financial Services Briefing 13:15 14:30 Tavish Scott MSP CR1 Thu 04/10/2007 Christian Aid 18:00 20:00 MSP CR3 Tue 16/10/2007 Records Management Society (SPICe) 09:00 17:00 SPICe CR1 Mon 22/10/2007 Futures Forum Drug and Alcohol Workshop 09:00 16:00 Futures Forum CR1 Tue 23/10/2007 Royal Society of 17:30 20:00 Jeremy Purvis MSP CR5 Wed 24/10/2007 Scottish Passenger Agents' Association 18:00 20:00 MSP CR5 Wed 24/10/2007 Exchange AGM 17:00 18:00 SPaBE TG20/21 Wed 24/10/2007 Exchange AGM 18:00 19:00 SPaBE CR1 Wed 24/10/2007 Scotch Whisky Association 18:00 20:00 Nanette Milne MSP GL Thu 25/10/2007 Foster Care Connect 18:00 20:00 Jeremy Purvis MSP GL Thu 25/10/20 07 Concern Worldwide Book Launch 09:00 12:00 Pauline McNeill MSP CR6

13 Date Title Start End Sponsor Location Sat 27/10/2007 Scottish Fair Trade Conference 11:00 17:00 SPCB DC Sun 28/10/2007 19th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar 18:00 21:20 CPA (Scotland Branch) MR Mon 29/10/2007 19th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar 09:00 17:00 CPA (Scotland Branch) DC/CR Tue 30/10/2007 Think About Health and Safety 18:00 20:00 Facilities Management CR1 Tue 30/10/2007 Poppy Scotland Reception 18:00 20:00 Presiding Officer GL Wed 31/10/2007 19th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar 09:30 17:00 CPA (Scotland Branch) CR Wed 31/10/2007 Constituency Event 18:00 20:00 Trish Marwick MSP GL Wed 31/10/2007 BLISS 18:30 20:00 Christine Grahame MSP CR1 Wed 31/10/2007 Crown Estate Event 18:00 20:00 Jamie McGrigor MSP CR4 Wed 31/10/2007 Scottish National Heritage (TBC) 18:00 20:00 Mike Russell MSP CR2 Wed 31/10/2007 Scottish Rural Property and Business Assoc. 18:00 20:00 Mike Rumbles MSP CR3 Thu 01/11/2007 19th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar 09:30 17:00 CPA (Scotland Branch) CR Thu 01/11/2007 Pitlochry Festival Theatre 18:00 20:00 John Swinney MSP GL Thu 01/11/2007 Women's Technology Centres 12:00 19:00 MSP CR1 Thu 01/11/2007 Borders Common Riding 18:00 20:00 Jeremy Purvis MSP CR2 Fri 02/11/2007 19th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar 09:30 17:00 CPA (Scotland Branch) CR Sat 03/11/2007 Association of Community Councils 09:00 16:00 Robin Harper MSP CR1 Tue 06/11/2007 Volunteer Edinburgh 18:00 20:00 Robin Harper MSP CR1 Wed 07/11/2007 CPG Funeral & Bereavement Reception 18:00 20:00 Mary Scanlon MSP GL Wed 07/11/2007 HEART UK 18:00 20:00 Ian McKee MSP CR4 Wed 07/11/2007 Centre to Scottish Rehabilitation Technology 17:30 18:30 Joe FitzPatrick MSP CR5 Wed 07/11/2007 Voluntary Action Fund 18:00 20:00 MSP CR1 Wed 07/11/2007 Celtic Nations Autism Partnership Launch 18:00 20:00 Alex Neil MSP CR1 Thu 08/11/2007 Briefing on Orthoscopics 12:30 14:00 Elizabeth Smith MSP CR6 Thu 08/11/2007 Citizens Advice Bureau 18:00 20:00 Sarah Boyack MSP GL Thu 08/11/2007 Volunteer Development Scotland 18:00 21:00 MSP CR4 Sat 10/11/2007 National Student Leadership Forum 10:00 16:00 Andrew Welsh MSP CR1 Mon 12/11/2007 Economics Event (Futures Forum) 09:00 16:00 Futures Forum CR1 Tue 13/11/2007 The Scottish Resource Centre for Women 18:00 19:30 MSP CR1 Tue 13/11/2007 Travelling the Distance Book Launch 18:00 20:00 MSP GL Wed 14/11/2007 Ethnic Minority Civic Congress TBC TBC Bashir Ahmad MSP CR2 Wed 14/11/2007 Social Enterprise Coalition 18:00 20:00 Murdo Fraser MSP GL Wed 14/11/2007 Nil By Mouth 18:00 19:30 Bill Butler MSP CR3 Thu 15/11/2007 Futures Forum seminar 09:00 16:00 Futures Forum CR2 Thu 15/11/2007 Fire Brigades Union (TBC) 14:00 20:00 John Wilson MSP CR1 Thu 15/11/2007 Procurement Services 18:00 20:00 Procurement Services GL Fri 16/11/2007 The Ageing Seminar TBC TBC Futures Forum TBC Fri 16/11/2007 British-Spanish Tertulias Meeting TBC TBC SPCB GL Sat 17/11/2007 British-Spanish Tertulias Meeting TBC TBC SPCB CR1 Tue 20/11/2007 Community Service Volunteers 18:00 20:00 Robin Harper MSP CR1 Tue 20/11/2007 Children’s Commissioner 18:00 20:00 MSP GL Wed 21/11/2007 Scottish Beer and Pub Association 18:00 20:00 Hugh Henry MSP GL Thu 22/11/2007 British Youth Council 09:00 16:00 Presiding Officer CR1

14 Date Title Start End Sponsor Location Tue 27/11/2007 Parkinsons Disease Society 18:00 20:00 Christine Graham MSP GL Tue 27/11/2007 Bioindustry Association Scotland 17:30 19:30 Lewis Macdonald MSP CR1 Wed 28/11/2007 Waverly Care 18:00 19:30 Sarah Boyack MSP CR4 Wed 28/11/2007 Chartered Management Institute 18:00 20:00 Alex Neill MSP GL Wed 28/11/2007 Scottish Enterprise Grampian 18:00 20:00 Nanette Milne MSP CR1 Thu 29/11/2007 BT Gaelic Schools Debate 18:00 20:00 CPG on Gaelic CR2 Mon 03/12/2007 Futures Forum Plenary 12:00 18:00 Futures Forum CR1 Mon 03/12/2007 Futures Forum Reception 18:00 20:00 Futures Forum GL Tue 04/12/2007 BMA Drink Drive Campaign 18:00 19:00 Dave Thompson MSP P1.02 Wed 05/12/2007 Quality Meat Scotland 18:00 20:00 John Scott MSP GL Thu 06/12/2007 ICAS 18:00 20:00 Derek Brownlee MSP GL Thu 06/12/2007 Futures Forum Drugs and Alcohol Workshop 12:00 16:30 Futures Forum CR1 Thu 06/12/2007 Sustainable Development Research Lecture 18:00 20:00 MSP / CR2 Tue 11/12/2007 Total E&P UK Ltd 18:00 20:00 MSP CR1 Tue 11/12/2007 Childline Scotland 18:00 20:00 Robin Harper MSP GL Wed 12/12/2007 Barnardo’s TBC TBC Nicol Stephen MSP TBC Tue 18/12/2007 Help the Aged TBC TBC MSP TBC Wed 19/12/2007 Carol Service TBC TBC SPCB GL Thu 24/01/2008 Consular Corps Burns Supper 18:00 20:00 External Liaison Unit MR Thu 21/02/2008 Generation Science Event 10:30 14:30 MSP CR2 Thu 21/02/2008 Business in the Parliament Conference 18:00 22:00 Tavish Scott MSP MH Fri 22/02/2008 Business in the Parliament Conference 09:00 17:00 Tavish Scott MSP DC/CR Wed 12/03/2008 Commonwealth Day Reception TBC TBC CPA (Scotland Branch) GL Fri 14/03/2008 Model United Nations Conference TBC TBC Mike Pringle MSP CR1 Wed 28/05/2008 Business Exchange Opportunities Taster 18:00 20:00 SPaBE GL Wed 29/10/2008 Business Exchange AGM & Reception TBC TBC SPaBE CR1 Sat 24/10/2009 Kenneth Steven - Poetry Reading 19:00 20:00 John Swinney MSP CR2

15 ANNEX 7


1. Following the SPCB’s agreement that there should be a ceremony to mark the Third of Session of Parliament on Saturday 30 June 2007, parliamentary officials worked closely with key organisations – City of Edinburgh Council, Lothian and Borders Police, the Palace and others – to construct an event that continued the Scottish tradition of bringing together the people, parliament and palace in a ceremony that reflected Scotland’s history and traditions whilst setting the tone of a modern outward looking parliament engaging Scottish citizens and promoting and celebrating our culture and politics; and as far as possible engaging with a wide range of groups and individuals from across Scotland.

2. The overall flavour of the day was “A Celebration of Scots Today” and this was reflected throughout the day’s proceedings which provided a snapshot of modern Scotland, with specific focus on growing areas of expertise and grassroots achievements. Working with partner organisations across Scotland – Scottish Arts Council, SportScotland, EventScotland, VisitScotland, Universities Scotland, Association of Scottish Colleges, Scottish Executive, Scottish Development International, Scottish Financial Enterprise, Scottish Natural Heritage, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Scottish Youth Parliament, Scottish YouthLink etc - guests were selected to highlight achievements across every region of Scotland.

3. A more detailed report, including a full evaluation of the event along with proposals for future events, will come to the SPCB in early 2008.

Project Board

4. Under the chairmanship of the Clerk / Chief Executive a Project Board was established with representatives from the 3 key partners – Scottish Parliament, City of Edinburgh Council and Lothian and Borders Police – that took forward the arrangements for the Session Three Ceremony.

5. Supporting the Project Board were 5 sub-groups - Communications and Media; Events Planning; Medical; Programme and Protocol; and Security – that reported directly through the Project Manager to the Board. The sub-groups drew up proposals on specific aspects of the event and supported the Project Board in the delivery of a succesful Session Three event.


6. The day commenced with the Crown of Scotland - escorted by the 1st Scots Pipes and Drums and Scots Guards - being processed from Edinburgh Castle to the Scottish Parliament. Her Majesty The Queen accompanied by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh arrived at the Scottish

16 Parliament and was met by the Presiding Officer and Deputy Presiding Officer, Alasdair Morgan MSP before being presented to the party leaders and a selection of parliamentary staff.

7. Following the Chamber Address, The Queen attended a reception hosted by the Presiding Officer in the Main Hall where they informally met a cross-section of people from across Scotland highlighting grass roots achievements in Education; Enterprise; Science and Nature; Society; and Sport and Leisure.

8. After the reception The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh took their seats on the Dais to observe the Riding. Thousands of people had lined the Royal Mile to watch the Riding of over 1,200 people from every constituency and region in Scotland - including “local heroes” nominated by Members - as it made its way down the Canongate, joined by MSPs and their guests, before sweeping into Horse Wynd passing in front off the Dais and around the outskirts of the landscaped gardens finally ending up in the landscape gardens. The Riding also included a number of bands and performers from across Scotland.

9. Once the Riding was finished the “Picnic at the Parliament” events commenced both inside and outside which showcased Scottish talent across a number of disciplines - traditional, contemporary, multi-cultural and international. The free open air concert hosted by Grant Stott happened in the Parliament’s landscaped gardens with performances by Blazin’ Fiddles, TNT Bagpipe Boy Band, Catriona Watt, Inverness Gaelic Choir, Waa-Sylla, Salsa Celtica, Fèis Rois and Portobello Ceilidh Band plus special performances by Keith Jack and Idle Wild.

10. During the Picnic at the Parliament Members and their guests attended a reception hosted by The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.

Media coverage

11. The aims of the Media Relations Strategy was to build a positive celebratory tone for Session Three by engaging all sectors of society, and by definition wide sectors of the media, in the activities of Saturday 30 June. This began with a launch news release on 27 March 2007. Momentum increased in the following 3 months, with a further 11 news releases issued. From April to the end of June, the Media Relations Office (MRO) and MSPs promoted “local heroes” taking part in the Riding. As a result, more than half of the press coverage gained in the run up to the day, were from local media outlets and based on “local heroes” participation and interviews.

12. Activities were arranged to help journalists from local media, broadcasters and national Sunday papers cover the events. Local and specialist media were offered the unique opportunity to experience the Riding procession first hand by following their “local hero” throughout the day.


13. A number of MSPs and their “local heroes” used the Parliament’s photography and had their picture taken in the landscaped area. The images were provided to local outlets to ensure a complete service. Such was the strength of the local uptake, that local newspapers continued to cover the event in the two to three months following 30 June which helped increase coverage greatly.

14. In terms of mainstream media, 17 newspapers covered the event over the weekend in what was predominantly positive coverage.

15. Arrangements were made to facilitate access to the event for broadcasters. The Parliament’s Broadcasting Team Webcast the entire event live from with over 30,000 hits and approx 7,000 viewing the event online. BBC Scotland and STV both broadcast live programmes which focussed on the Chamber ceremony followed by live interviews with bands and participants from the Picnic at the Parliament.

16. MRO’s strategy also focused on international media. MRO and the Broadcasting Team secured coverage on CNN, Actua-TV (a Belgian News Channel), Israeli TV News, CNBC Europe and Africa Television Online.


17. A budget of £210k was agreed for the Session Three Ceremony. The event came in under budget at £197k. The following is a breakdown of the budget spend to-date (a number of final invoices are still outstanding but these have been included in the costs).

Staging, lighting, sound and performers fees etc for Picnic at £73k Parliament events:

Civic participation, including transport and banner project: £39k

Broadcasting, including Webcasting of Picnic at Parliament £33k events:

Printing, including invitations, leaflets, Order of Service, £20k commemorative programmes, t-shirts for ushers etc:

Support costs including St Andrew’s Ambulance Service, ushers, £25k Cleaners, staff etc:

Presiding Officer’s reception and other associated catering: £7k