" .., .; .' rl, '. neW six passenger 'I'" , VAUXHALL THE DAILY · NEWS nan ideal car for NewfoundJanders 'i Vol. 65. No. 284 ST. JOHN'S,' NEWFOUNDLAND THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1958 (Price 7 cllnls) Charles Hutton & Sons I I II II ,I II , . I, • • I , I: tates I: ite ans Irm er In ssue , i i I , "I, I, i 'I I ' . " [ olver Pledges Oppose I r Nine Killed I Soviet Encroachment I :

I ,r.~SH1NGTON-CP _ President Eisenhower Wednesday the l'nited States anew to stand firm, in company with In Religious ,i i , IIH~, AgAinst any Sovlet encroachment on Berlin. ·We stAnd firm on the rights and responsibilities that we ~ i undertakcn," he declared in his first public pronounce. , : Cult Bombing I • on Soviet Premier Khnlshchev's proposal that the occupy- , I~ powers v~rate the German capital and make it a neutral, ,., cIt)' . CHATSWORTH, Calif.-AP-A bomb shat­ " VIPoRTT~rF: I ------_ tered the headquarters of 8 curious religioull ,,,I 11r iOlPc!' in ~an Francisco who rn· , . firlcntial di~Cllssiolls on Cyprus would accept any asreed modifi· sou~ht c1I1CS to thc del'ice th~t Jo)'Cd a colorfUl career a5 I tul. " ~'I:'.o/I' .:""n. hr I \ril! toke pla~e dl!rlng the NnTO cation of her partnership pian, tore ;lpart the coiony's main tlst after In,;l, i'e ,;i'''I:':r ,f Ille conferencc, of lor~l&n and defence The plan, denounced by Gr~~, i hllilding "hout 2 a,m" shakin~ S,\W STR,~:"\GEIt , I ,:10111 IIf ';rr·· mtnlslcr~ In Paris next week. offers a seven·year period durin~ ' houses a mile all'a)'. nnc CUltlsl, Brotiler. ~!arIJn [ Dietrich, said he saw \'enta talk­ ~ ~)\1.~)) rr"l'lr, I, "I feel ~urc Ihat this approach which Greece and Turkey '~'ould , ST,\RTS SReSH FIR.. illg to a strange mon fil'e mllm . ,I.' the most likely to be fruit/ul," share In Ihe Island'~ admlnistra· ,,(.. , I'W, II'r "1"',1· hc ~aid. '~r: "" _ "~,' ;.;:."\ ,\w"kencd cultists ran scream·' tcs before the blast. The man tlon without prejudice to an Itlti: ! I' I1vlh,,:.~ 'rnr'; Tile prime mini~ter spoke live in~ from olhrr buildillgs, Th~: cJrried a canl'as zipper ba~, mate solution, . "~", ," R' "- :a,.... blast injllred tln're, two of them i A woman cult member, Bishop rrop0',I, ror rlays afler the Lillit~d Nations At the NATO confel'encesl~l:t· r " ' children. Flames from the exrlos· I ~,ICCOIIB, said she also heard ro-nt,inr'd will seck priv~te :entre lerl after burning 151l acres. stranger. Vcnta, ~he said, told i ~enalnr : settlement 01 their dispute over Cyprlls talks with Greek Foreign OREGON CITY, Ore,-Richard Gille!!, 22, al1'o Dorothy Mill1ewal, who mrnll)': thc i~land colony. Sun'h'o!'s told of seeing e the man "yoU have no business Minister EI'angelos Arero/f aud 16, talk on the phone at his home here Dec. 8th, after they discover­ ,tranger on the ranch, talking to on this property," iet IrR.1cr In' ~ATO St'Crctary • General Palll Turkish Foreign IIIlnister ralin ~,!rlin, in Ihe' Henri Spaak, fearing the di~p\lte ed that they were brother and sister, parted 10 years ago. They Krishlla Venta, fi\'e minutes be- A few minutes laler the buiid. Zorlu. fore the explosion. ing blew apart and flames sur· bcl\\'t'Cn Britain, Jreece and Tur. M\cmiilan made it clear thai made the discovery while out on a date together, The children key would disrupt the i5-nation Officers ·.Iaid no motil'. lor the IrOllnded her. She fled, escaping Britain Is willing to discuss a were adopted Into separate home! after their mother died in l~Hg hombing was apparent. injury, ' ,\Ilantic Alliance, proposed in Oc· hIre· long·term solution as we1l1s. an 'i hal c ..'Ired ; toller they should hold I round· interIm plan, In addllion, he said and hadn't seen each other since.-,(UPI Photo.) m'''il ~'ith a Itable conference, Britain would accept the par\lcI: 'Thee liS, is ,Weeks of~cgotia.\lon~ by Ihe p~Uon of. Archbishop Makarios, .aid, that the I NATO permanent counCil proved exiled leader of the Greek·Cyp­ Professor Case " . r h abortive. riots, if his own community I Hr) Inp ['cc .. WOULD MODIFY PLA:'\! Sh-ips--.-·Sti'II~~-·:Battle' !1plooed atomic . wants him at the confer~nce WI:-;:-;IPEG: (CPl - New de· with Professor Harry Crowe, dis· impart or more mands were made Wednesday f()r missed in ~ptember after a dll' - :he ?ner~y ; R judicial inquiry into a contro· pute o\'er a personal letter he 1,0Cll.0Cil ton! of i I'crsy over the firing of a United wrote a coUeague. Newsy BrIefs Lachine Canal ice I College professor, but the ~lani· The letter was diverted to the toba government indicated it coilege principal. Dr. W. C. Lock· Ii III tf,~ ,am'." h~; ORDER FROM B.C. KEY WEST, Fla. (AP1-Fede. MO:\TREAL (CPl-An aonor· The other ship, the 1,900·ton' sci, and five wc.,tiJound ships. I would not intervene. hart, and Mr. Crowe claimed it abo "lrce.;;·' STOCKPORT, England ICPl- ral Bllent! Wednesday seized mal cold snap Wednesday night German freighter Elfriede ,,'as ~IOVI~'G SLOWLY I Twenty. five faculty members was used to his detriment. 1CB)1 or !llfficient ! The lirm of Mlrrleel, Bickerton $60,000 worth of arms apparently tightened an Icy tOUrniquet on 51. still ceught cariy Wednesday A transport depJrtment slgnai; issued a statement supporting the The statement said there· had and Day announced Wednesday destined for Cuban rebel leader Laurent Ril'er channels and can· night. service official said ships ,rere I' board of regents in its call "or a heen no violation cf academic i ' I publiihed receipt of a £230,000 order from Fidel Castro. Eight men and two als, '1'11e mishaps happen cd as ,~anal mO\'ing slowly through the ri'w, judicial inquiry into its dispule freedom in the dismissai, I Soviets hRl'e the British Columbia IIovernment women were arrested loading the· Two ran aground In: \\'ori;crs in the old Lachine Canal channel from to Quebcc • ______~RSES' freighler~ ~!ontreal WO:\,'T D;TERVENE I < i .I plane for the diesel engine.~ to power goodl on a yacht at a lonely Ihe ice.filled St, Lawrence near used steam jets. [lame.throwers, Wednesday., . . : buient Lachine Rapids, 21 ~hips- Premier Duff Roblin said Wed· : / had "Jbsoi, 111'0 new aulomoblle ferries, The sport In the Florida Keys, 'Montreal harbor, but one of Ihem compressed air and plain elbo\\' lIe deScribed conditIOns as, six of thcm ocean·bound frei~ht­ nesday he w()uld stand by a Nov. OXFORD no rrliable four 3,000 - horsepower engines NEW YORK (APl-Two memo -the 700 • ton t'tlastai steamer, grease to keep the nine-mile wa. "\'Cry bad," ers - crunched slowiy tow~rd 7 letter to Alian H. Watson, chair· I ,I 10 inriicale a~to be delh'ered In 30 weeKS, berships en the New York ~tock Claudette V-worked itself Iree, I tcrway open for 21 eastbound ves-, Quebec.bou,nd \'c~,el~ ha\'e Ihe \lontreal harbor. man of the board of regents, ,tat· ,I! • CHRISTMAS RUSTLERS Exchange were soid Wednesday, cxtra push 0, the mer s current, One ship was pushed throu~h Ing: "The government. does not LO:-lDO:-l IReutersl-~ine pri· one at ,12S,000 and another at 'rhlch helps thcm hammer '.helr the last of the five locks ;n thc ,I I d wish to intervene in what Is • I I'ate dcteclil'es were on hand u $127,000, The latter was the Tex· tl' e In ustry' way til rough Oanting ice cakes. canal Wcdncsdal', • dispute belween an individual and , the world', largest poultry ~how highest price lor an exchange But ships trying to go the ot:ler LOCK HINGE BREAKS an educational institution under I I opened here Wednesday to guard seat since $l3(),OOO was paid Dec, way-from Quebec to ~!ontrcal- But the rest were stalled when private auspices." I I ' ~____ against Christmas rustlers. 39. 1933. falced an, uns~rmountable ice a broken hinge on the old gates I Seeks Pt· t · I ------ro ec Ion h ockade I.n a .O-mlle stretch of halted all movement, Steam jets At the time of the .dismissal, I I " the rll'er Jl1st upstream from thc -and even flame-thrower,;-wcre the board said that Prol, Crowe's , attitude toward religion qS ex­ WI ancient provinciai capitai. , used to cut ice away Irom the J lze • Inner OITAWA CP -The Canadian "."the unkind est cut of all and .[he I S'X ,,!ontreal • bound Inland lock machinery mounted on tne 'IIIU ·1 pressed in his personal letter Noble dress and sportswear industry guild argued that it makes ~he freighters sat out the cold 5nap in p:cs. i , • Prl not compatible with the college's , has asked the tarlii board for Industry shoulder a "most Imfair Quebec, waiting for imprOVing Lachine Canal chief Paul St traditions and object.s, The board I duty·rate Increases 01 up to 5() portion" of a concession in tariff visibilit~ and bctter I~cather be· Germain, 57, estimat~d It may retracted the statement Tuesday ! / per cent as protection against t~ading, fore IrYlng the 140·mlle dash to take three davs to move all the when it also announced negotia' 1 : United states and Japanese orod· The brief also rep~ese~ted r the ~~ontreai. Icebreakers were to ships out of thc canal. tions aimed at reconciliation had rnakAtAwards Ceremony ucts made from synthetic fabrics. Dress ManufactUl.ers GUild .nc" aid them. There wcre f i v e freighters IAPI _ Ru ' , broken down and an offer to rein· , p sSlan , ' Ing work on the structure 01. ;nsu· U,S, imports of mad&-up ~rod- of , II' hie h represe~ts In the nine·mile Lachine Canal, I heading wcstw~rd in a last-ditch .'tate the professor had been with· .oft leathers in hlIternak, an: lin the protein that diabetics ucls, reckoned on yardage, ~ave about 25 per cent of the Canadian which takes ships around the tur. bid to reach Lake . drawn, e~ ..c up (AA, onoreCanada, transfusions, in their view.' 1/" Y of the The three Americ8llJ, named bUl of rights, and was challenged icisms that the measure does not vents the federal government The blunt criticisms of the bill FATHEI\ STANDS FIRM , 10 ._1 ~t ""emy there r 10I vin i lome 0 f tb e D.... C to draft a betur one, cover the provinces, Mr. Walker from seeking an amendment to of rights, slated for detailed oar­ But Kenneth Campbell, a Tor- ~a With regret r iddl ea of heredity, were ;nll'o- Professor Bora Laskin 01 the said: th: British North America Act, ilamentary discussiol> starting in onto lithographer who is the fa· be deUv· duced by Torbloern Cupemon, University 0/ Toronto, Ipeaklng "We wanted to put our own "even assuming that some par· Jar,uary, foreshadow a :oll,:;h ther of tiny Lori Lynn, stood kl,1lO h profeuor of medical ceU relearch at the final plenary session ~I a bouse In order. Then the provo tion of the field of civil liberties ride for a measure that has firm, l!l~ II heavy and lIe11eUCI It 1M Carolln. In- three-day national conference on inces can work out their Dwn [ails within exclusive provincial P rim e Minister DiefenbaKer's "We are not interested in pub­ Weather btl- er • bound stitute, humBll rl~hts, hit hard at "timId bU!, authority, .. personal biessing, but on ;vhich lic opinion," he said. "We are in· Mainly cloudy with per· " In trust for Th e RIW I'8/11, honored for dis· and ··pld"• legislation, which he Provinces had their rights and This was a moin theme of the he has said he has an open mmd. terested in the laws of Jehovah bl& I chane- d ... iods of snow flurries, IPPLIES. < covery BIl Il!bsequent ItUdy of laid would have no real ellect· legislation couidn't. be forced on conference, organized by church Mr. Park was sharply critical the creator. We have a faith we P, A Ch the Cherenkov eflect, wereiDtro- Ivene8l, them, women's, social, education, co· of the draft bili's provision for wili stand on, el'en if it means TEMPERATURES ~ I' eren· duced by Prof. KaI S1ellbahn, the • "Should net the province of operative and community groups "enjoyment of property," ou: death or the death of some· ~E~ Tamm 1m winner of the Nobel prile In David W II k e r, Proiresslve Quebec be left alone? Should not to observe the 10th anniversary "Perhaps the Inclusion of this one dear to us." " 'n'. apprl)o Phyala, effect Ccnnrvatlve for Toronto Victoria . "". 38 45 Th.· ~ereni:ov MP we let Quebec work out Ita own of the United Nations universal 'right' ... reOects the minds of There appeared to be little dan· -5 19Se physiCi dells with the effeet of radiation RoNda1e, caUed on Prof, Lukin ,.",. ·20 0., aflalrs?" declaration of human rights. the authors. Not a word about ger the infant would suffer the -2 I ~ on varloUi fiuld8, 10 try to Improve the blll. Quebec "."". ·14 Eamon Park of Toronto, assist· The 30· article declaration was the right to employment for the fate of 14·year·old Donald Hoi· Monelon ...... " -3 5 pluah wu Introduced by Prof. ' ,Nobody hu done allY thing ex· ~ENT ~tO/,red !lan~er ant director cfthe United Steel· adopted In Paris exactly 10 years individual citizen but the 'DrOp· land, who died in 51. Boniface CalgarY ...... 33 t7 n~ P~rm Ame TiJeUUJ r/. UPPlall UDlver- cept erlUclzr," he !lId. "Can we workers of 'Amerlca (CLCI, said ago Wednesday. erty right' _.of business lafely Man" last month aftcr his .Te· St. John's , .... IB n I.. "bin rle sltr, the eIlem111.r)' prill ,~t. hive lomethin. better, I work- the bill is too·1imlted. Labor felt Yacoub Osman, 4o·year·old filr­ spelled out. ¥JnpouLtedly ;t re­ hOI'ah's Witness parents forbid / I lild Ia 1'", S. SlId Ileler'l plfttr. abl. alterDltlve7" . , these' rlgh\5 Ihould be enacted mer's Ion who now heads Sudan's veals a point of vieew." lr ans fII sions. 1!S==:::!E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5~!!!!!51

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• . I , III ,i, ose e uction or ·In I ., iners ours ,! I / I. i il ' :1,/ Council . Discusses ,I I. .. II Responsible I:. ,'I '; , , Traffic Problems I "· I A number of letters from the Traffic Com­ Cancellation mission were discussed at yesterday's regular City Council meeting, when It was decided that a meeting should be arranged between the Traf­ " I fic Commission and the Council early in the New " Ii Ore Contracts Year to iron out various traffic problems. I,:,[ ',' Among matters to be investigated wiIl be . mr,1 w~ting The comp~ny u)'s that If , "~I lII'~ctmbCr Rill. ill the buyers, due to world con· the possibility of a traffIc light at the infet. , or Ihr Dc· dltions. cannot fulfil their I section of LeMarchantRoad and Bennett Ave: . I, .' R(I(l~our fr~m Ihe contract And take the Iron the traffic circle at New Gower, Bambrick, Hut: . ell.l ( I ,hol\r.~lan· arc, thcn that 15 ~yond their rs "IJ ~nl 'the D,~Il,Y I control, chings, Job and Hamilton streets; II traffic light ~.bIIOml~ !:il nI~ht.1 The union 8a~'s such a situ- at Long Bridge and Hutchings street, and traffic: .i trOlI,t 6 months' Allan Is not bcyond the control conditions at Rawlins' Cross. Off-street park­ :It P . '-",r"oer hr. of the compAny because the ing Will also be discussed. ',~"l~ I' I 1,I,r,rt.' ' )Iincrs company can Always sue the pr, ::r III: kno lln "the buyers for breach of contract. .;:e;\;~rkcr. ot .\n1~r· Sel'eral other elause~ of the o Loc~1 2141) I 38 pagt agreement wert argued Mengie Shulman Seek Suitable iron nrr Com· I 10 and fro but no decision ~u Ihe 'ion (ound· ~'el been made. However a full I' Hon~ured By Sliding Sites I I o( Do~co. Th~ da)' was spent on questlonl, an· "hr IIOlon hal'c swers, explanatlonl and ariu, ~hieh hOlh part· ment and the final outcome u.s. Air Force Councillors Carnell, Htnley ,~ororr 10 rr~lIlatP now hangl on a decision by At a special meeting of the 'r I and McLeod were appointed , , , h"'rc of work Isaac Mercer, Q.C. SI. John's Press Club last · " 11'0 ,... 'Th I d h Yl!fiterday to look Into rultable " ;! '!mpIOyment. ! e un on an I e company night Mr. Mengie Shulman, areas for sliding and &kating II~' .ign~o, agreed to the appointment of popular radio personality here I '.'i 1;!I~!n I .. "[ u I U I t for the youngrtera of the city. •. " In: Ihl com pan), I .• r ....ereer 81 so e mp re 0 ms GRACF, ARCHBISHOP SKINNER, is sho~" addressing the assembly at the first Graduation In Newfoundland for the past ,) ~.- r IW (or one' Interpret their agreement and twelve years, was the recepl· Three areas will be picked , !I' and Speech Night held in the new Holy Heart of Mary Regional' Hi(h School this week. , ,I , , 0~nlin'ue ther~ i decide the Issue between them ent of • plaque for his out, out, ont each for the west, taat '., a" I~ \'e~r' and both partie! have IlIrted . (Terra Nova' Photo Service) standing llublic relations with and central aectiona of \b­ · " , )tl~etemrnl'was i to be bound by his declalon. the United States Air Force city, : I' , The company WI! reprtlent· d , here In Newfoundland. ,I Lt. William Graves of the ,I :::t"IOO~ th~1 this, cd at the hearing by Mr. South· S J Noel Na m e II ~:'it!~, Ihr IIninn: p~', the Manager,. Mr. Hollam, • • Public Information Serl'ice~ at "~.' 'i~n~d, the General Supermlendent and Pcpperrell presented Mr, Shill· II te Ihl ~nm· ~Ir. Ed. Murphy 18 Personell Bowalers Begin Lmg Holiday .: m~n with a plaque at the ." speciAl meeting Df the Club. r;(IP:t Do'~o. had:~lanaRer while the UnIon 1\'U 'j l/If a,rerment I repre~enled by ~, L. Jackman, '59 Rhodes Scholar . The plaque' op;as presenled by For C. Senrants ·ir. Ihr rniled, President: R, Kennedy, Vice· ! Lt. Gr~l'cs nn hehalf 01 the ~'tll Grrmanl and President: Edward Bursey, Re- h S I' I I Wood Hauling ! 64th Air Di\'i~ion 01 the Air . b cording Secretar)" Nathan T A e eellon Comm ttee 0 1 ; Defence Command. Premier Smallwood has an' '. Th! conlracl p. Crane Financial Secr'turl" Jim the Rhodes Scholarship for , In1 Ihc F.uropcAn ", . , N wf dl d hit d BOWAtcr~ have Announ· [left in the yards last year: Mengie will be departing nounced that the provincial 10 W AI rlfrrl thai ,lane" Guide: Tom Hammond, Slide oun A~~ I ~omfna Cd / . h . here next wec~ tn takt up I ei\'il !ervice will get a lon2 I,-,Pl;, ' I Outsid· Guard' Fred Geor«e ney.J "oe u "e~ oun· '., c~u:d rlC'm~n( ~ ~ 1, ", I d Rh d S h I f 19'9 ' ced that the eA-rly setting I Ix'cause the mild weat er position with a radio .tation holiday .t Christmu Beside~ 'nl~h " . h Inside Guard; ... Reynold!,' an a e~ CaRr or " C a\\ ,Onnllt prr mont, /subJect 10 approval of the : in of Winter Cl)'iiditions i vrevented the operation' in Regin:\. H~ i~ best ·remem· Boxing Day the loliol';ng day, '·.· .. d 10 lake a TrrasUI cr \0 ~ I' .... " . Rhode~ Trustee! i 11a~ enAbled them to be- lof tracton and other bered for hi! Breakf~st Club Saturd:\y, December 27, lII'ill .,!'hl, lonna"r ~Ir. n. A. Par.ons, Q.c. was d . " , ~holV when he lirst took up also ~ Included. Thi~ mean~ S.'25 ,i. I;':' Ihr ht~"~r .• Counsel (or the IInion and ~Ir. 51,nc)' ,J. jl;oel born ,t SI. • ~in their pulpwood haul- equipment. ' radio announcing here in New· Thursday, Friday and Satur. · I r' d Dou~ Hunt \\'AS Counsel for 1 John I 26th of June, 1038. ~II! rrernhl ,r olin the compan\' Aged 20. the 50n of Mr. And I off program !ix' weeks Last week lO,OOO cords foundland. Later Mengie be·, day \I\ill be workless day I for :I ,n Cllr a !Iatr . . '\ E N I f 28" P "II : heAd of schedulc. wcre hauled lind during: cam.e .l Sales Manager of: the eivil Im·ice. t( h · This Is the flr.t timl In the .' rs. . oe 0 ~ enn~IIC . ~t\"'P ,no. rII I I I clr. • 'R d S J h' Ed d' .~ . 1I '11 h . k h RadIO Station VOC~[ and due I o. h hiltorl' of the Bell !.sland Min. oa, I, a n s. ucate. WI I t l! :~, e caH I~ h.1I MI r~n. " Prince of Wale~ College. Mem. : This year loggers e commg wee t e eom· : to his obliging character Men. The. Federal Go\'ernment rl~ :~t m",II1I1n1 nr~ tng Innu~tr~ thAt ,uch a ques· I I U', '. 19" 1958 : be able to move some! pany hopes that a total of gie won the ~dmiration of III o?8erl1~g BOXlnl Day for the n~t'J (or h,' th~ir' tlon hI! come up for deter. or a nilemt), "0' , 000 d f \lIp- 12~OOO cordI! will be taken who knew him. first. \lme and therefore In· Xuo'!hilr. ~n the. mlnation and' It il reported Editor of the Mu~e, 1956'19~7: 4UO, ~or sop I' Mengie is married to the eluding Saturday, It Is ap. :!t ~mplnl". 5 I'e~r' that m~ny organlUltionl, both SPO:tl Reporter for Da!l~ w~)Od whIch had to be out ·of- the country, former Silvia Wilansky and partnt!y the Federal Govern· tU Ih! bu'l'm, . the Ilabollr .n~ m'anagtment are Ne,,!, 1~~, Council of Studcnt~ , the), will be leaving the New- ment decision .whlch had lome­ · (Onlra~lrd with I awaiting thll decision II the Union, 1957·19M, PresIdent of foundland shores with their I thing to do \nth the extended to product ~ min· ume question cropi up In ~.tbabting • S?fcletYrI' 119~U8.11~~9. W1eekly. Re.port Salk Vaccine three children next wtek to i Yulttide holiday for the prO­ Ittrl!P of 12.000 mlny unlon·management al1'l" ,,,em er 01 II emo a nl er· " take up their ntw residence. I vinclal cilil aerviee. J I t I ment, Iity Contingent of the C,O.T,C. In, to ma n In. Thl t t hI For Adults dlill' production Under thll particular agree- I pas lummer repreBen ede' ! ommumca e 1111:1. 'l WI! r dau!e ment Mr. Mercer II obl!ged to Memorial University at the The Newfoundland chapttr, ' , Ih t 'render bll deelslon within 10 world University lervlce In· • of tht Mareb of Dimes In eo,' S745 670 I " I m~na~emen·! d ternatlonal Seminar In Yugo- DI~eaSeS . operation with the Department II ' . ~·h'reb.l' cer'l aYI, Ilavla, Propolel to read law !I1R. S, .T, NOEL - 01 Health of Newfoundland, hu V I N b I lobI would be I at Oxford , decided to Inaugurale a free 'a u· OV . m er ! 3-8f~arur7.. J~al.fl'~OJ.. I~ Plans Approved ' A 'C pt L n d Communlcablt - dlse:U!es,. reo Sa lk V acc ,naI U· on programme I ' , ~'.lh I ~ ',: f) Co'I Moose nd Car )0 er a S porled to the office of th'e Chief for :\dull~ In the age group of i ' Illnd.r : 1 ., DV UnCI (In H' I Medic~1 Officer for the week 17-4() yeau.· .' , i F die t t I fill th'l Ihp hilI": , Ig lway I d'ng December Bincluded The programme "Ill start 10 . • C0 llid e D'rIver en I , January 1959. The first cen·: e era on rae s i bm lblr 10 fill· The followlnll plans were ap- I' \,n~ter .. 25 cascs of measles, one caac I tre; to be cOI'cred \l'ill be the '. , I I during the proved by CUI" Council at' J I' d No one \I'~! Injured ';-. ,of rubella, three g:\strD enter· I ". , . . ,Ihe BplJ 1;lnnd Yesterday'. reauiar meeting: S nJure day afternoon when ~ Cnlled;.t' one of mump' tll'O sca·1 lar~er mdustml areal of Cor·' CYITAWA (CP) _ Contrae/s I ers, Spracklin and ReId Ltd" lad :n tllnail pro, Wm, Adam" Lot No, H. Jstate·, :-;'3 1'Y d HelictohPtcSl' I was, ~il:;, three influen~~, one im·: nerd BSrtoOJk'hG;anrl Falis. Gander' totalling SH5,670 were awarded St. John'", SM.355, t I I d 1 I ancl \\'a. a 14 0 s. .' I o· ''\ i Illp,i~'~ Roche Street, bungalow; Prlnc. A huge bull lIlOOse Ian oed In .orce . to an on ,e ~on' petigo, chicken pox, four i an . n by th~ Federal Works D.p~rt· . Spaniard Bay. new pos I C~I,3~,1' Ihfl'cfore, of 'Vales Collegt Annex, Lt.! Ihe frying pan and the dril'cr ler HI~hwa~' a.bout 50 mllcl h titis 9 sC to A:Ren~,a I Salk \aeelne \\111 be alai ':' P The' included grants {or Trans-Canana Highway, con· I .1 I' ~' A &I I I !len 'e,k, Wm. Clarke, Lot jl;o, 33, Block I'oll'ed In a head·on collision. IIhtn snml>tllrm ,II~S cn· The,e ligllres indlllied re', 10 many people ~' po.lSlblt hl'id";s wharvea and public slruchon of Big Brook Bndge i ~, '. . ~ liniversill' Avenue bun-alow' Taxl·dd"tr Wllllnm J\poligh COllOll'rcd ~nrl Ihr pilol II~S pili (, frllm all ovcr Ihe PI O\" ,a.1 A protectiOn .galnst I'ot~., hllildill~J I! [0110\\';: at mile 7.6 and construction .of I i I · ">!Iua!:un. HI' . ' . ,., . , bll rt ttl'l '1" [t down I I I, d f" rth I 'Iitl 1 hit I B d C I ~:utin~ Ih. I~bllllr, A. Perry, Lot No. 31 . .40, Roch~! II'U drl\'in~ alon~ one or t,,~ 0 ge .0 Sf . : ~ c ,I, ,. IOce ant .aura or,' al' ,,0 I m) e l. Bell hland, wharf fntenaion arch cU I'PI'.8 rea Ol'~ ml e :1 I Jt::1 of( 11'0/ th Street bungalow' B. Young: Gander Itreeh when a moo~e on the hlghIIR). fhe [tight lIas' a. Goose Bay. and ahed, Gull ~[aritim. Con· 12, Grannllll.! Ltd" Montreal, i il " , 'J n, C , L,' 'I I'd" I' J d t th contlnued when the weathel'! Ltd .[ t Q $198 !HS " .' .I(',e/,j 10 mainlaln ot No. 38, Block 4, Un vera ty su uen ~ umpe ou on e I d . I hit and I The !c~rlet lel'er ease, are N: e,'1 Gra der I',(rUctIon., .' a ane, ue" " I I loree but to re.: Avenue, bungalow. Itreet and eruhcd through the c eare selde:a ours a ~r t' II ' the Al'alon Peninsula ~ , $331.226. Terra Nova NaUonal Par\(, I II of hour!: Not Recommended windshield of the ear. The a safe Ian mg was ma eat, a In Council accepted Engineer i Garnish, new POIIt otfice, Trans·.Canana Hlshway, eOIl' I ~In coulrl work I Westcotts Limited, Elizabeth drll'er wes severely shaken up Argentia, area. Ron Martin'. recommendation I George T. Dixon Ltd., Fortune, strucllon of concrete arch cui· I , ,I J9.~.·, · I;rtad Ihe work I Avenue, extension (contrary to tIld had to be taken to the Bant· at ycsterdal"'a me~ting, that .1 M7.978. I'ert~ It Southwesl Brook nule i i,,;!1 1\J:llble among u I zonlnl regulatlona), Ing Memorial Hospital for LABOR nell' Cattrp!Uar grader be pur·' Port Relton, new ~t office, 2.3 Inri at SaltCln', Brook milt I III IS iOl~ible, The I treatment to minor cull and eha~d by ~ty CouncIl. ,rohll R. Piercey, Port Rexton'14e, Canadian Machinery and ~!t'J to this mel hod R S' ks bruisel, The moole waa killed The city own! m'en Jl"adera Trinity·Concepllon, $16,7~. I Indu!try, Comll'1lchon Co, Ltd .. , I'1 tr Itt company and oat m, by the Impact with the car, h d at the pr!.!ent' time. Port Saundel'!l, RCMP quart· st. Jobn I, SlM.144, I . "II U fOllo w, : The eareall of the moose At· · Boar :Iili hI! a working WI! later Ih'en ta the hospital I ttio~ C S f ppren ,.ces 'p .t"1 · ti!h the Company tor distribution among the pa- " 4reW a e . I r. lit agreed on a tienta; but not before anum· J S t I! nil of ~'age5 per I A snapper t)'pe bOlt bearlnll her of enterprising Ganderltes t !II:nimum number the Inscription X.l()'U-8 wu had I'lslted the Icene of the Welcomes . cot :1

Ii I '" ~!k Plr ~'PPk ex.llost Tu~day while en route aCCIdent and removtd I num· . I ~ I .\ 'f G~~. Wor ~nd from B . d'Ea I t Llttl .B' b~r of choice steaks trom the At the twenty.flrst meeting of BIG CLEARANCE lo! • I a) po roe ay bll anImal ' the Provincial Apprentic!shlp )ono Ih .. con·. near Gaullol!. There WIA I :--:-_-:-'.,-,-____-:-_ d! Board which bpgan ye&terday l J : I(~mpan)'. -od ! Itorm at the time--tnow and but he and hl~ erew were pick. afternoon Mr. Jack Scott of LImE GIRLS' i i I ! no I high I\'lndl- and evidently the ed up by the Teresa G and 'I hl~ ~~~n Grand Fall.! attended for the , " ,! I ,I Ih~ ;~r llid Mlh· ,boal lost her propeller, the brought to Gaultoll, The boat first tim, II • member of the ,.1 pc nlrol of the, o{ which probably pune· wu tlrryina a load of boat , hlau~ Board, " · /(Pol th~1 lam· turrd tht hull. planks at the time and thl SKIRTS "N" GIMPS I':! timId aUI 10 1'1' Th- boat '''a' d d H II appoinlment followed ilh olO\\'n • < ", owne an crew had to make A huty reo nomination by the Newfound· II. I skippered by Rei Strickland treat to the rescue craft. land Federation of Labour. Mr. 'Ten • FELT FLANNEL : Scott representing employees on I "I! [ bOots. " ' the Board replace! Mr. Arthur Rowe, resigned. He Is pre!ldcnt • GREY WORSTED , " std!· Lists' of the International Brother· Location Of hood of Electrical Workera, • to 1'l. e' U Local M2, Is an officer of the • GREY GABARDINE 5 Joint Mill Unlom at Grand Falls )5 to ,1,9 Bnd I! quite promInent In the S Winter Parking Lo,ts Trade Union movement In New, • BROKEN SIZES FROM 2 to 8 ~1;.1'~r n r . . foundland . . 111<1 of' 'of' "artl~ I Streel, the lot npar Bambrick ,Campbell Avenue, . The Honourable C. H. Ballam, · . 10 e!ll' ('~ ~Ir~et : 5lrett, the Promenade and the 9, Smllb Eltate, entrance off Minister of Labour attended 5 MR. JACK SCOTr , mlrlin" IInt·.II. ~I i Soulh Side Road lite should 5t. Clare Avenue opposite the meeting til welcome Mr. · for ." "h'ch, be cleared or parking from 7 Smith Avenue. Scott. He spoke of the develop· J. CArew, B,Sc., B.E" Mesm. eMnl~:~ht park·: p.m, 10 9 p,m. on the dRY fol·. 10. Vacant land off Merry· menl of the apprenticeship idea I W, D, McCarter, M,R.A.I,C. and I~d \11 o~ .Ian,,· , 10wlnR a storm to permit snow meetln~ Road, oppnslle No, ~2, In Newfoundland and how an J. R. Broadbent, reprr.senla·

Ih . rr. lR~9. I clrarinR 11. Open space on New Gow· ever widening circle of skilled i til'es of employers, p, J. Oilver, '!!h" location! Ire. 1. Central Area Parklnl Lot er· Street ~etween Springdale trade!men WAS befng brought, representative 01 employees, III. olhm ~re ; off Queen', Road and Carter'l 'and Bambmk Street, . Into the working forct. Mr. W, J. May, representative , Prll'!te oll'nm HIli. 12. Open apace South Side Mr. G. T. Dyer, Deputy Min· of Department of Labour, Mr. OUTFITS On IlJo~· parkini 2, Vaclnt land at Junction Road, near Newfoundland Light Ister of Labour was allo In at· F, Templeman, B,Sc., reprelen· . Ilhe bills that of Prlncealud Glorlle Streetl: .and Power Sub,tAtioll. tendance and Ipoke briefly on tative of Department ot Educa· ade style ~th II(jP o\\' the snow 3,· Bannerman Park Immedl- . 13. Promenade. the apprenticeship' program tlon. Mr. R. C. Wllllarna of the , , . Lbue loIs ately behInd Colonial Bulld· 14, Vacant land Cralgmlllar being carr~ed on throughout the staff of the Department of or Blick. S!Jel ~ f~~lt nl¥ht park. InK, Avenue, oppoalte No. ~~, province. Labour Is Secretary of the 4,' Hayward .·Avenue, behind ; .1~, Riiht of way LtsIle to Professor S, J, Carew, B.Se" Board, be City Bulldlni. Sudbury Street. . B.E" Chairman of the Board in Among other matter. to bt II! pril'a ne· e, Ayres Suptrmarket Park· , 16, RIKht of way Richmond extending a warm welcome to considered during ll.ll pr~ent red nl I'ehi tely I Inll Lot, Parade Stret!. to Shaw Street. Mr, Scott expre.!sed the wish meeting will· be proposed ap­ lfIorni . cle! I 8, Ayre~ Su,permarket Park· .17, Stadium Parking Lot. that his tenure of office would prenticeship standards for the nr. Some' Inil Lot, Hamilton Avenue. he both pleasant ~nd reward· sheet metal trade; applications I ~ocatlons,: 7. Island, lOP of Carter'l Hili . . lB. LeMarehant ROAd Park· I In,. ror apprenticeship and the ap·

Ind e~ Park· 'I' B, Harvey'l Field,. entrance inK Lot around COrnwall Thea'jl Olher membm or the Board II provlni of a number of con· I e.orl' off 5t. Clare AveDul Dear juct. atrl, include Chairman, Professor S, traet. of apprenticeship. . ,

THE DAilY NEWS ST. JOHN NFlD., THURSDAY DEC. ~------~------~~~ "We've [}Jne Wonders With Yo THE DAILY NEWS Life Depends On. Water H~IDful Know-How" Ur Newfoundland', Only Morning Paper THE OTHER EXTREME fI)rce is going to Incret~' with Ih~ rate 01 runoff; water Is going to beeomt The DAILY NEWS II I morn!n, impure If we pour impurities Into It, paper eatabllJhed In IB94, and publisb· An excess 01 water can be almost _!IP!!,,' water tables are going to link if w. et! at the Nuw! buUdJnll, 3~~~9 Duck· BI bad as a shortage. Tropical rain pump water out o[ them and turn aside worth Street, !II John's, Newfoundland forests and swamp land are unfit for the rc~enishmcnt Ihat is thtir due .. oy Robinson k Company, Limited permunent settlement. Even passing Hoods muke life miserable for many Even If nature were beneyolent In· stead of rgiidly and logically Impartial, MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRJiS~ cities and ,arm district.>;. , In some floods, such as those in she could not restore the lost soil short The Canldlnn PreJ!1 II exclusivelY 1936 and 1937 at Port Hope, In 1937 at of that Infinitely slow process by which ·ntitled to !tie use for republlcatlo~ 01 , the 1946 overflow of the South 80il was formed In the first place from "II news oeapatches In thla paper credit· So.·dennam and other streams, and espec' the foundation rocks of the world, nor ed to It or 10 the A!socldted Prell or can she overcome by her mild processes I, l~l1y the H147 floods tn southwestern Reuters and il!o the local news pub- Ontario, there was conslderable damage, tile rabid poisoning carried on So ruth, ". llshed therein. besides hardship and interruption of lessIy 1;0, human beings. 'The classic examples 01 civilizations communication. Ail Press F~rvice and feature artlcl .. wiped' out by their misuse of water' and 'n.-\RLY!oJUliSCRIPTlON RA.TE~ In part.>; of the United Slalcs, na' , In ·thll paper ue copyrlshted Rnd tnetT Canada .. .. $12.00 per annum ture's balame hns been' upset all the soil are the once mighty, now burle~, , ' reproduction I, problblted. civiliz8t1on~ of Babylonia Bnd Auyra, '/'" United Klnsoom and way [rom mountain top to valley iloor, .~ . , \ and the colossal destruction wrought In ~" ' I all foreign counlrlel $14.00 per annum Me mber Audit Burel~ and the 1033 through !lood and sedimen· the once rich ~oils of the vast regions of Authorized us lecond ria 11.1 mall, Post tatlon averages $300 mllllon·a year. 5011, ; .. Offlcea Department, Ottawa. of ClreulatloDl. depletin.g farm practices, the Irrespon, northwest China. Erosion destroyed or , .' I' sible cutllng of trec!, and general lax, !IIlpped all the ~editerranean civlliza· tionn, past and present, from Athen; , , , Ity in preventing erosion have contri· {! ! ' THURSDAY, DEC,• 11, 1958 and Rome to llaly and Spain, to say " buled to flooding. Even where there is ahundant nothing of the formerly fertile plain> \. ------" of North Africa where once nourish~~ wnrer, and not too much. men seem to The Berlin Crisis be perversely dctermlned ro ruin it. IIreat Carthage. . 'I. They la turate it with millions of tonI We, In this day, are living In RI lI€e when world agriculture is not able , \ ~ I I The new crisis over Berlin, Now all this must have been well of IIlty waste. Our coasts and· our rivers to meet the nutritional needs of a rapid· , .i precipitated by Soviet ,Premier realized in Moscow, The Soviet are dotted wllh the rotting bath houses and bathing enclosures of once·beauti­ ly growing world population. Much Khrushche\', continues to dominate Government has put out forward depends upun our capacity to cope with proposals which it knew perfectly ful beaches, where the signs read: "No the international scene. Writing for swlmmlng. Polluted water." • problems of deficlcnt or excessive watr' supply. . the United Kingdom Information well to be quite unacceptable. It S~fe water "in the raw" 15 avail· ',\ Sen'ice on this subject, W. N. Ewer was careful to add, also, that there able on a relatively small portion of our . NATURE'S WAY sa\'s it is difficult to belic\'e that could be no discussion of the status 3,690,000 square miles, mostly In the high plateaus and mountain ranges be, A detailed study of irrigation mu& of Berlin unless these proposals I Khrushche\"s proposal that Berlin )'ond the reach of settlement. Only await another month. It is a matter of , become a free city is seriously were accepted. Otherwise "there is there, where the water nas' been filter, great significance In the Canadian west. Prodigies are being performed there. intended. no topic lefL for talks on the Berlin ~ In its passage through layers o( vir::in question." soil. or wa! hed down from a melting not only In great schemes sHecting If the Allics withdraw West thousands of acres but in the building snowbanK or gl~cier, can a person leel Berlin would in fact be completel:­ What then is this sudden demand of littlc individual farm dams and dug, EdSOlj for a change in the satus of Berlin quite safe in drinking from a spring, In To The at the mere\' of the East Gelmanv pool, lake or stream. OlliS. A \I'hole new life is opening up TII("T f:"S W;n communist' government. Tru~, all about? It cannot be a proposal, The hRrmfll1 effccts of pollllird for we,lrrn plains farmers, a develop, , Erlilor D'ily \e" . eays Ewer. the SO\'iet note suggests says Ewer, since it is so blatantly water fall into three broad categories: ment which will take our whole 3.500 Washington word',paee to summarize in I future Dr3r Slr.- Wi:h d:\ ~uf oangers to human health. direct rca' that its independance shall be unacceptable and no alternative CHA.\lTS AilE 11"£ CAST EAT of the effo;':, of :rw ,~: :.:,:':'1 nomic losses, and dilm~ge to recrea· article. is to be considered, It cannot be to It is necessary, hOllcl'er, to draw OUR II' AI' our OF' SURPLL'SES portatwn l'n::'rn:''y~ ~rw.:.H The Economi(; League ot tne pounds in wages. The bill under­ IT COULDN'T HAPPEN THERE Antratsit and Penomaika do not have The experts believc that br 1975. as, Pond bus w:;~ ::;rl';r.~· :c<) , U nlLt:u n,Il6uom !las penormed St. Catherine's Standard public baths. to accent an,\" mort' pB;!:;~ .1 I written by the union was one mil­ suming only our present technical East Germany's premier, Otto Grote­ (3) Tran,i('r pc:-.:. ::e :;: another notable public ~el'\'ic:e in lion seven hundred and fifty Whcre these do exist, they are so knowledge. yields will be up anolher wahl, recently paid high tribute to the overburdened that they are ab~olutel)' conver.ien!. Ai aa Ex:r.I:! , " r~veaJing tne (;Ullseq u~nl:es ot 25 per cent over 1957. They also think thousand pounds. forces of democracy. Of course the tri­ inaccessible to the public. following. rel:ent sll'lkes. In 1!l57 strikes in that In that time farmers will be about The unofficial strike of 19,000 bute was unintentional, he was attempt, In addition, the authorities refuse to 10' per cent more eflicient at turning On a holid,ll" Britain resulted in the loss of London dockers, in support of the ing to disparage Iree,world pm,. build public baths under the pretext feed into pounds of livestock. a ~lundl' Pond h'" on 8,421,UOO cedures. of a lack of credits. This forecast assumes many farmers working days, the highest Smithfield strikers, resulted in to go e,;,1 to C,'!ll:pe, I\::i I Referring to the election of Nelson Ilies have resort to the vat. stili won't make use of all available im· total since the . General. Strike of the direct loss of 330,000 working Rockefeller as governor of New York When J WJi grllio; ,I[ I: provement techniques. Lane (tlie tr.ln,fcr poie:: I 1926. state and the ousting of Avercll Harri­ MEETING PUBLIC DEMAND days. Some foreign shipping lines And any new advances in technique. ns tc The unofficial strike of workers man, Grotewohl sald: "This they call St. Catherine's Standard the b'.I5 !'IOp orr : (~ are to use other ports in preference would alter the picture by markedly in' don's) was lilt' conr.ce:I:' rJ. democracy in the United States. The The Canadian Chamber of Commerce creasing the chance that production in in the Smithfield Meat Market operator . I ".,11.,. Ih" ". ·s 1« to London, a situation which voters had to choose between million, in its brief to the Royal Commission on ,3" earlier this year involved only 1975 would run well ahead of even the Line," Com(lq:';"'n;l~' r hd:' happens when trouble is almost aires. That could not happen in our price spreads of food products aptly heaviest imagined consumption under farther alo:1:': II) ~he r:o:-l 2,200 workers but it disrupted country." summed up the situation when it point· continuous in a principal port. liberal population estimates. Duckwrolh S'reet. o;r,··~(i'r How true the statement of Com, ed out "the market place should be Future output may be helped some, ,. ,,1; meat supplies and increased dis­ Large importers of perishable Hall "'hI' 1 cou!d no: co::tG , ., munlst Grotewohl, and not only In East left as free as possIble for the play of too, by a possible addition of 60me 30 tribution C06t, it raised the cost commodies have arranged to go Wes~ LO~P ,t :he faD: 01 • I :~ Germany but the entire bloc of Iron competition among the various units in million acres to farm use under re' . I'," of living for millions of people in has me puzzled And . ' elsewhere to avoid such inter­ Curtain natiOn!. How true it was in the market place," : . \ '. clamation and other public programs . should pa,srn:,'rs ilJle to[9iJ England. The official strike of bus ruptions. Hungary recently where only Commun, ~!ain factors contributing to the in' But the adl'ance in yield is the big "j I I a West LoCI" "'hen I~.ey tl! wbrkers in London involved 50,000 This partial cataloging of strikes 1st candidates were running for office, crease in the price spread in food pro­ thing. of! near the hilS ,tOP It :1 . 'J~ drivers, conductors and garage ducts over the last decade were dted WHAT ACCOUNTS FOR IT? Casey Street f"r Ihll r'l ! : in the United Kingdom and their Sh Thomas Times'Jou~nal In the brief as: higher taxation, higher In the 1938-40 to 1956,57 span, lrac' stdf and it affected millions of economic consequences· bear out Secrecy In the conduct of publlc wages and salaries, higher transpor­ tOl'll on farms tripled. Output per man' The SDme r.r~il" 10 Ihe ~ Londoners. The strike cost the the contention of many economists business is beIng washed away by a tation costs, government regulations con­ hour doubled. Fertilizer use zoomed the sou th ,'de of i ! ami""0; , . I emplo"ers two million pounds and that conciliation would be pre­ wave of legislation. In the U. S., ~!as, cerning food products, public preference to four times the earlier level and pro, posite the (:,n3ci"o Ban « IBchuselts will see a new law iO into for improved quality as well as better duced mora than hal! the higher yield. Main Linr hl,r; Co::1lcl I' 'l' br t)J the strikers about four m\11ion fera ble and less costly to striking. effe<:t early In January, which makes and newer methods of preparation and Pest killers cut crop losses from this Cornwall AI'rnliP p,.' . . t t\.~ It mandatory for nearly all the boards, presentation of fooll product. at the source from 25 per cent to 12 per cen t. halt at the bus ,\OP IUS • 't· . comml~slons and "permanent agencies processor, the wholesale and retail Bigger, more economical farms were wood's corlll·'. The pUlL ,,, of It ate, country and local govern· levels, anQ more and better service, par, put together. Add better seed, better Is this. thai prople CO:11:"I.~ Long Christmas Holiday, ments" to opcn their meetlnlls to the ticularly at the retail level. animal breeding and feeding, conser' ~ain Line bu, ,no1 wbo f1! press, Among the cause5 of Ihe· spread vation practices. fer to 3 :,IUllci~' ponJ art M k I'er'" For Ilx yeers the newspaper. haH Many farmers don't use all thcse and mu,! II a Ik bae 0 ," Because Christmas Day falls 011 enjoy the festivities. Storekeepers of prices is the fact that the variety fe bill •• waged I fight In Mm. on the right of of activities formerl), p~rformed by polilbillties. Plant diseases, weeds, I'ats of the route (rom I.. Thursday this year the Federal too did not always close on the 10 '\11 the public to be Inform~. The new law farmers and consumers is now under­ and other pests chell' up 9 billion dol, Collingl\ood's corner '.,,1 . 'bt D"" Government has taken the lead ~troke of 9,30 p,m. Christmas Eve reulres the bodie. to: taken by othen. In lome cases, pro­ lara' worth of CroPI a year. The room ton Avenlle, oppnslte 'I mcrce \\'11' canr-ot al from Newfoundland and included as there were always a number of 1. Conduct their buslnell in public. ce!!ors and others have undertaken ac­ for improvement iti vast. '. lo,tlf Boxing Day in its holiday list. late shoppers. The Commission of 2. Malntaln adequate minutes of pr()­ tivIties because the consumers Wert no That explain I why the experts think be relocated more c, r venientIl' and be use d b'. '" However, as the Federal Govern­ Government introduced the Old ceedlngs ",blch Ire accesllble to ,ny, longer willing or able to undertake 11175'5 added production requirements of some 4{) per cent will be met fairly • 'oU ~ one. them. Such activltles save time and Those arr ,om~ !W., m'ent always observes Saturday Country additional day at Christ· In Texll, the newspapen are back, labor for the housewife or the working easily, even though demanding some faction which! h3 1 e as a holiday regardless of how mas--Boxing Day. A further lng a proposed legislative change which wife, but they increase the cost of the major shift.>; among kinds or crops. the new H,lem an< I to ~r. wlll prohlblt "unoWclal meeting •. " goods in these fieldt At the sama time, THEY BELIEVE THIS even while many non-working days there revolutionary step occurred when readjustment. might be In a week, it has stretched Some public agencle. hold Informal however the consumer has I free calculating not only that population business houses decided to close meeilngs at which decision! 3re made choice to reject an)' product he thinks will be up to perhaps 231 million, but the Yuletide holidllY into three at 6p.m. Christmas Eve, thus Bnd which makea their open meetlngs Ia too expensivi. that real incomes will hnl"c climbed days, In other words all federal eliminating all work on "the night mean Ingles •• While making clear that the con· about 4{) per cent and indIvidual use A s ACHED puca services will be closed from Thurs­ before Christmas'. Now, because ~umer demanded the many services now of foods will have gained Borne 3 to • -----, 11'11' Hamilton spec ' day (Christmas Day) until the Christmas Day falls on Thursday 'BATHLESS' FAMILIES OF being provided, the chamber pointed per cent. tM SOVIET MINERS out that the food price in~ex has And they say It will all happen wbile Almost BOO years alo, A- toll owing Monday. the two governments have gone the From Labor In Exile moved at a slower rate and to lower the number of farm workers Is drop­ of Canterbury. Tham~[1!e~ The Newfoundland Government, whole hog and d,eclared an addi­ Wives of Soviet mlner. complaln levels than other items In the consumer plng-contlculng a lOCi !lend-from struck down and 11'. by I though the Premier, has announced tional holiday. that It I. Impossible for the hmllles prIce Index. This would Indicate that the pre!ent slx million or ao 10 around altar of his cathedral D of miners 10 take a .hower. Their hus· thou concerned with the tran.Bpo~, four million In 197~. armed men whO had btlt~ that the provincial civil service k will also be given the S9.turday as It is too much to ask private bandl have aceell to the nine bath! tation, procesalng, packaging, whole­ ~r neither labor nor land II the their terrible !as ~:r.rr ~ bUsiness to be as generous at when they take .howen, The women, saling and retailing 01 food product. key to farm output any more, u \bose their master, KIng hld)!ll a holiday In Christmas week, thus cblldren and ailed bave DO p08libillty hIVe done an effective job of holding have dl!covered who have aought to and the ArchbishoP , 111l' Christmas. The wheels of Industry r~eiv!ng a three-day holiday, of taking a batb, the price line In tbe faci of In upward hold production down. In a political Qu.arrt~lcI~ must be kept moving and too·many In excepUonal cues the fa mille. 01 Inflationary spiral. The keenest com· of the assassinatlonbo(ke; , and at oWburr ...,.. past couple of decacle.,· Before commodate them. prlce beneflu to the conlumer, tlvely low for services render~, In the penance at Canter old '[1<'1'). Some business places have had to Public baths do not exist In the It was because of these fact. the long run It Is the old story of publi~ he did \here, the f mc~lr I Commission. Government came to to make a gra nl o. ~ ,)I reduce their staff this year because mlJorlty ot the Donetz mlnlns basin Canadian Chamber 01 Commerce sug' demand, a demand being met more and et ull1, Newfoundland in 1933 we had annually, In per P of the recessIon. town I, and even such Important cen, gests the market place be left IS free more toda)' than It all)' time in hI" Chriltmu Day only on which to trtI I. KrllnodoD, ilverdlovak, Bokov()o II ponible -for !he play of eompeUUolI. 101'1. bury l\nUhoU5e.

-, - _._._------N~,~~~~~~~~ l' 19.58· ~======~~----~~~~~~~5 __ __ Municipal Election Visiting ~urse

Time Xmas. The Stephenville CrossIng 1 group Is the Stephenville Cross· For Crossmg ~!u~cipal election makes the ing LioM Club, composed of S h Is STEPHENVILLE crossroads for iliat plBce that the best of tbe citizens in the C 00 Sandy Point eveq communIty reaches when place. . , i '. private building in a settle· The thmgs tha.t must be done I I, nlclhiug down Jrl III the glory of the ment exceeds a certain number by a new CouncIl are plam for - ~II\I ,0 ,r old stained alalll windows to the Bnd privacy becomes confusIon, all 10 understand. They are a STEPHENVILLE-A visiting I :en )C' II vct' left and to the rIght the seated one family begins to become a n()\\' water system piped In from nursc has been appointed for ~ ,'d 111' • • 11 I th .. h C ~lIl1e congregalion Iten ng al e nuisance to the next. . Then a source that is pure and in the the schools at Stephenville 10 a~l I re. good old carols rang out, "Oh some central organized body towns control. An efficient and Crossing, ·~\rs. E. llacln~h . (bril:nl~:hal \\"!IS little town of Bethlehem" "Ring has to be set up to bring order sanitary sewage system, a fed· who has years of nursini ex­ bOr In '01lwrlallt out aweet bells Salute the to the whole Bnd protect the era I breakwater to protect the perience including the position ~oll ~\hcrc I jlorn." It is hard to realize rights of the whole. place from high !Ides such as of matron at the Cottage &ls- (~,:·:Jhouli.. . all thnt 15 gone leaving only tbe The Crossing has reached swept It fIve years ago. The pital, has been appointed;~y , ""; ,ollW memory . that point, built fifty years or filling in of the .Prairie pond the Health Department to cM.r· • '" >t'.", . Christmas morning began for '.' hrl'cd up so ago where the new rhilway and the construction of new see the healtb conditions in :cur '. \\ ' I',· IHl'" us as In universal witb chilo began to ser've tbe much older building sites. schools. I,TIl .'. Ir P lIn 1111' I dren anyw h ere b e tween t wo settlement of Stephenville Dnd, Once the town of Stephen· Nurse ~!acIntosh will estab- pi ~o:c~dnl"('n to, oeloek and daylight. Depending then tbe Aguthuna quarry, peo· ! vllle crossing is prop~rly setup lish files for every cbild in ~tJI. <.hlidrt'II·S I when the first one woke and pIe began to· settle here. Thi5i and has favorable lIVIng condl' the schools showing tbe need· )! :h.t 1:,': rost I found a Hlied stocking, Old was given a further push by tiorS, ils strategic place on the les and other preventive :~ :,~, Ihll,:m:ls Santa Claus had to be pretty the building of what was known: Hu Iroad and at the junction measures the chlld bas received, ~I ,\;Ic . I fast to escape detection In .hll as Taylor's Road, the old road I of the highroa~ and. the She will examine teeth, eyes r.,t. _I 'II l~t8·' work. Then began the bangmg over Indian Head now replaced. mouths of three rivers WIll at· and general healtb, to recom· . I' ,,1, ' , I f It· " . " III'rr' of cap guns, the toot ng a b)' the Hanson highway. . tract industry and other bus· mend attention (or those need· ,: '''e,,, .,.nl\:" h .. , lint horus as to d a)'. Someone wal Among the early settlers were: Iness. ing same and will follow up . ~)".: ",',f·11 'I;,'. usually running around In night the MacKa,s, The Fleets, Mr. \ j\unicipal or Local Govern· with visits whe.re needed. '.' j. II, l . t i~·l''',:; Tn gel clothes with some new awea er, Nardini had a business a mIle: ment IS the oldest form of gov·1 Altogether thIS seems a fln. :) rei .. "I \lIable' coat or cnp added to ahow, out by the bridge, H. ~Iac.: ernment in the world it stems I program that the Gov~rnment ""a~ o. I . ,'J Iv f:alonS )(unching on sweets or an or· Fatridge &. Son, the founder of \ from the old tribal law. 'Department has put IOto e! . Chlldrenl nay on the StephenVille Playground built and Rponsored by the LIons Club, This Is ',) II,'. nlo one angr, and oranges then were a the well known local establish· Wherever civiliaztion is, the fcct ,as a sick child not only lr rr • fine enmple of the work of the Lions Club In the Area, . _____ I rl. l11urning yearly treat at Christmas, not ment began operations here Local Governments arc the cannot do Justice to hIs stud· I i I (lr:I:m)' .• 'I (i!l~ 10, pnrt of the usual breakiBBt diet. qUite' early. j!r. Ned Bishop ran '\ ~oundations of all order and ies, but is also at time.! a large sawmill and other bus· In the aggregate control tile positive menace. to the of ~I:,d \\"rl, 101 was I I remember one mornIng my a res~. h" Th B Along Main Iness In the place.' Central Government gl\"lng lhus the school. It IS to be. hoped 11~:[~~l'I' allll! brother aGe five, went to Church OOtl ng e reeze The Cottage Hospital was a wonderful balance for what that :'Irs. :'!aclntosh 1'0111' reo .' ,'I 'I S ~) II"h,'re WIth hIs new sleIgh and got ' (Clh 11'.1'" th I I Itb it placed in the Crossing to serve otherwise tends to bec,ome an ceil'e every co·operation In tbe . r:~u' ,i),l:llt· hRlf wa)' up e as e w ! ' 1,10 \1". ;Iick~, I before he \l'as noticed and had __ In the woodJ and run away), Street the district from Spruce Brook n~tDcratlc group out of touch 'I important service ~he will be . ,t:o< .~ II" !I1J' i to remove the same, By HARRY ROBERTS" Inferiority complex or lome to Codroy and the Port au Port WIth the whole country. giving the commumty . . :.'::I\~~';'I;:r thnt I, .Dinner with elsht chlldren, a, Was a time when people such stuff, though I don't know STEPHENVILLE - M a I n Peninsula sometime about 1937, In England on the Continent, ,):lr .' . rum.' grandmother or two and an i stayed put or If they up and If It h good to eat. Street In Stephenville throbs Bowaters began loading opera· there or over the whole of I .-~~- Il'::,ct';"B':,ok o[ : uncle or friend was no smail left home it was walking at Anyway 1 strolled In to the with life as new buildings go tions there the station was I'\orth America, the ~Iayor and'l ~!r. and ~Irs. Pat Ryan, reo .I:t :_;';1 '1' :doug thing, The turkey or goose four mlles an hour, riding the job In myoid overalls that I ahead inspltc of the end 1)£ greatly enl~rged by the rush o[ his gro~p of advisors are uni· I turned from. Boston where ,J . c.. Ih)il '·.or)" aided with our own pork or old horse and sleigh at four' wore the last six months and usual construction season, At the Base and other business, A, versal, iram the SImplest town I they spent theIr holidays with BOc~rr I::" CIl'lll other meat and the usual vege· miles an hour, or In the four there were a bunch of them Gauitols building housing, tbe. RClIip detachment was station·: to the mightiest city, they are' relatives . . i.l\;(.:lill l'rlln· i tables filled the big. table to horse Acadia boat at four miles young fellows sitting around Royal Bank of Canada, MedIcal I ed there after Confederation I the controlling link thaI makes ~I mill',! :,\1," l' ol'rrflowing, One ate tIll anoth· an hour, H he wanted to break shootmg tht breeze In th~lr Hall Pharmacy and the Shopnte ': and last year a new Federal I possible modern civilized lil·· )!rs. Bcrkley Evans and son d 'rc"[l[I' \I\'rr er mouthful was dangerous out and really get going he cllrSsy uniforms, if they re groceterla. The front has ~een building was completed. Other I ing. Without them we arc in BrUCe left by TCA No\". 30' for o.d r ' '. I 11" then Father gal'e even the could ride the Newfie bullet Yanks, or In their ?tmgarees extended to the standard wldtb fine new buildings that have! conditions of tribal savagery no Korth Sydney, where ~ruce un· Ihn, Iho,r\\11\111 ;, I "II'. smallest one a drop of Sherry at from ten to twenty mlles an an d two tone d sh oes, If , the >."re of sidewalk. Encio~ing the gone up are the new Catholic, matfer how modern our T.V. derwent an operailon. )Ir. : 'I' I 'IWlr or wine. ~Iy Grandmother, fine hour or get on a government Newfs, classy and sass) as lOU front, under the roof al~eady I church the Anglican Central: seLl or our motor cars. i Evans left on Dcc. 6th. and ac· [he p! • ," ' 1 "'dd l\) corners of the settlement to them. Nowadays ,,'au can meet flight but! goi to *e back for I e~ h~ hom~ ~!for ~! l\1~: in the new year, now added Private building i place In whIch to lll·c. Tomas , ~c ntos. '.. ~s. f' ac n " " ic; litl·UI·at· ;how 0(1 the new possessions- a man on the 8treet in morn· Wednesday cnus,e my Ne\\,' T, B. lng, call him on the phone and foundland girl "IS celebratmg Further along in the other particularly' in the area where i tloShl was/tse Arec~p:~n a ~anh find he Is gone to St. John's, hers thBt nl~ht. . side of the street, Corner Brook the Corner Brook road goes,s ove y gl. e ICIOUS unc I '11 " , !~ll means an i by TeA "But" the wife says. A young Nell's WIth a cruel garage, who have asked f~r along by Harry's river mouth tep lenVl e was enm'ed by all. 't', ')·~Irm. 1 easy like "he wlil be back to cut or whatevsr they cnlls tbat tenders for the removal of theIr I has been Increasingly heavy. \ Ii t' rllutes wilh te-a cali 'him then." You are sbort crap they get now says present wooden building, are The whole has become an un· The Anglican congregation I I Safety Week Briefs , I"n~e arc the • used to working with an Amerl· dreamy: busily erecting a steel framed wieldly mass, with no one who's held a card party on Dec. 3rd. can you miss him a few days "Next long week·end I must and concrete ~arking block particular job it is to see that in aid of the organ fund. Win· "'r I l£cture For and' then he turns up In his run up to ~!ontreal to see buildIng that WIll stand far things are properly adminis· ners were lIlrs. L. Snooks, ~rrs, It' till' previous fatigues again and you say, Rocket play." enough back to allow space for' tered and while the overwork· STEPHE~VILLE - A bab)' B. Dollard, Jerry Brennan, i.,n.' gOing ",ell "Were you sick son?" A Llnem that came over a parking lot and service sta· ed RC~IP and the Health De· shower was held for ~Irs. V. Soft drinks and sandwiches Children I' which brought "No" he replies, as he Ilghts this summer sIghs, "I must call tion in. front. The beautlf.ul partment doe.! its best to keep Tobin recently. Bingo was play· I were sold by Mrs. Sylvia Farris i his cigarette, "In Westover TDY up and see If I can get. a new bUIldIng 52 feet by 28 ~11I thIngs from getting out of hand ed and ~[rs. Toblll was the and )!rs. Maud Roberts. 'I to my w'ork on hIll Ihe srhooll .1, for a fell' days," You just flIght over In time for ,h~ when finished house an office, the present 6et Up of private reClplellt of many lovely gIfts. if [ wish, I bm t1:h :h,' 1'1I11~rnt rl nr,d hus and !.r, ~e s!ar:cd at STEPHENVILLE - Du ng shake your head and wnlk Christmas dance at the Palols stock room of spire parts and water systems and sewage set· A delicious lunch was served. am away, It· gives me the creeps. De Danse In London,".. \' The Home and Schoot beld '""c. Eul. as I D:",o~; job (II lie' Safety Week a prolit that a garage. ups 'is a' confused blot on wbat wnt\" iout long included lectures on safety A man don5't knc>w where he is, A feller from HawaH sa. s In the rear of the Bank of promises to be a fine little Mrs. Irene Knott left recently thcir meeting Dec. 8th. Featur· I mllst go to ed was singing by the Amal· 'tre I"",porl· , were rUII of In the Pa~e Theatre and It's getting worst. When he's due to go surfboard riding ~Iolltreal, foundations are being town, for St. John's, where she will ;lIn Lllle, which, them Banshees and manned at Walklkl, Another from~ reside for the winter with her gamated Sr. choir, directed by L'hristmas i b)' Sergeant Clark of the ROMP poured for an addition to the Like all new growing places, does nol need I daughter, ~rrs. Noel. jfrs. A. Barrett. lIe dir<'l,tion of: and the Fire ~lar~ha1. rockets gets goIng a feller will France just hBS to stroll down bulldlng whIch is Itself bardly room for expansion is the crux eat his breakfast home with the boulevarde ag?in, An opened doubling their space, of the situation in the crossing. ------.---. -.----~------.--.. ----- " \\"orkin~ alon, wiEr hard pIlle i At the cO~cluslOn of the lec· caplin and hurry In Calcutta Italian has to see l'i aples or I. Ie on Hamilion :mJI:ormcdl :nlo a' ture the chIldren were formed Crossing the street again in the Hemmed in on one side by the I' ~i:h green i up and shown the correct WI~ for l~nch and pineapple £or tea die. There's a Hungarian who building that formerly housed beach and the other by a i I: '.1 )'. wcre under on his way home in Hawat. wants to go back an,d take an· Lushes Restaurant, the finish· marBh, building has tended to' "d with tWO l~.r ,"Ih:e 1I1II· I to exit from 1I building 10 tha I: ,aliI "nd in the, in emergency neither panic or I was never more than four other smack at Stalin s status. A Ing touche.! are being put on a spread ribbon· like along the I"'r.d '" :\UII". tbm I the lalter' damage would result from miles from town and lhat was BrllZilian who can't drInk an· new hotel to shortly open "The highroad rather t han dia· I' ,r,dy Pond) to i~ hJge red stars crowding, the time me and UncI. Sy other mouthful of tea, and so Little New Yorker." This bas metrically out llrom lhe center 'i'('r of patrons. :~tm prorioiming The density.of motor traffic drank the Black Dlaml>nd and, on. progre8.!ed to the point where as would be preferred. One: ('c~rded as an is Born"' anti in a comparallvely smail .town tackled In his old horse bJck· \ I stand it· as long as I can It is advertising (or hotel help, potential place is the Pond i Il~:d , .... '., hilS i~ supposed SI~ i! Gi\"e~.'· This like Stephenvllle is very ire at, wards so It gil'es me what lhen I get up and look around ContinuIng on down Main made by the Railroad dump,: c... •... '"I"~ t1 my g'lrl calls (she got grade them: "BoY's" I tell them, "I , o. It has olreadr j!ain Street especially at the past the Intersection of Queen, wblch could be filled and built, ~~)~_. 7J?:wji8M» I \ Intersection is a dangeroU! eleven not like me that only want to take a trip to the can, we find the Stephenville Furnl· on, another possibility is the 'I hazard for children. The cross· got a~ far as the old number don't lay any more or, you'll ture. and Appliance Store that marsh itself. Fortunately this' Camatl" H,,,,. s."I" DI,,:tot in~ In front of the catholic five Royal Reader and that was make me nervous and III mIss had the appalling III luck to a ~hallow type that curvcs up I I School on West Street I! an· All wet where I used to hide It my connections." have a f1l'e shortly after open· in a concave elevation for some i , , ing, has now been redecorated distance back of the Crossing, : MINUTE-MINDING RECIPES n" more other dangerous spot. 1 ' ~! churcn in pre. Fire drill is aiso a very vital and furnished with absolutely rather than being a deep mass WE HOMEMAKERS do find ourselves . :--:,'1' points are Scout Wins His Stephenville new stock, has reopened for lying in a depre.!sion. So then it , As an example I ::.! greal ;y,omcnt ,bit of training needed by the very short of time to prepare a meal on some dajls. That IS [I'Jd up chr:ltmas i children. We have been for· business undaunted. is a practical proposition. to when Carnation Milk can be such a help. ~arnati?n make6 ::1 rows of sohrr 'tunate In having e&caped a Crossing Notes In ali the other business es· doze o[ the foot or so of turf possible many cooking short·cuts beca~se at Its spec131 blend­ Sixth Badge . tabllshments that inake up the 'down to the hard dry· gral'el ing qualities and double-richness. (It IS the. milk Id bors \Iilh, fire in our schools to date, but evaporat~ I 1 ,I 11r.0l'· somctime ago, STEPHENVILLE - Harvey main stem of our bust1!ng and subsoil and by means of some that tastes most like cream.) For example, WIth Carnation you Ir,d 'bus on HamillOn beh:;,d colur I where minutes could mean lives. STEPHE~VILLE-The Lions .51 Geor~c and: they should be taught tl) exit Davis, scout In the 1st. Stephen· prosperous town, people are drainage make a beautHul level can prepare a rich creamy cheese sauce in. min~tes, Your next n connrCI wilh I held bIngo at the Up·Town T,~e. !:tppard looking I properly and regularly. vllle Troop hPl just won his· hurrying at the seasonal chore site for any new building that busy day, try my 3-minute cheese sauce III thIS Seafood-Rice ! 1.1 a, getting 0(( It alxth'proflclency badge, that for atre on Tuesday, Dec. 4th, \\ m· of getting presents (or one and should come here, A Ii \'e Town : ners for the turkeys were as au Gratin. lramfer poinil I Despatch Rider, His otber all, wbile at night the sound of Council could well get such a I no uppo!ite (by badget are for Firemen, For· 1011ows: Mr, Albert Swyer, ~!rs. ChristmBB music !loats out from scheme through and attract the, SEAFOOD.RICE AU GRATIN YOU C>lN MAKE THIS FROSTING 1 : Teresa Gaullols, Mr, George I'hr connecting or.f, elter, knotters, basket weaving loud ~eakers, Soon the Lions said new settlers, (Mol .. ,IK undng,l in minutes, with Carnation Gaullols, Mrs. Gerald cormier, id ":\0. that Is fOI ana bandy·mans. turkey rafIie wlU begin Its As everywhere the popula· 1 \j\ cups water Milk and chocolate chips. It's ~!rs, Joe :I!acKay, Mrs. Martin \ i . d M I !~ cup chopped as smooth as any frosting "eq:;.;'nll~· I ha Harvey took his Instructions usual cheerful bustle for funds tion tends to break inio two In b8lketweavlng on the BBBe, Swyer Mrs, E, Rudderham, I green pepper you've e\·er made - and just ln~ 10 Ihe north that wtll bring to one and all. opposing camps, one perhaps I: He Is to be congratulated on his Mrs, Phll DwYer, :llrs, Phll 2 tbsp" ;'ight for easy spreading, , Strcet, opposite Down around the corner that not quite soo go ahead and fear· I chopped Shave, Mrs. John Letrec, Mol· busy place where Christmas ful of added costs to their !iv· thanks to Carnation's double­ I could not conneci fine achievements, onion Both Troops In Stephenville lie Phillips, Bonnie O'Keefe, cheer stands ready stocked in Ing expenses want only a' richncss. I,: , ilt the loot of Mrs. Martin Nolan, Mrs. Bert 2 tb.ps. are collecting new, used or reo dozens of varieties, things are modicum of control and the chopped JZlled. And ' ... ·'n.rlll' Lucas, Mrs. Letrec, ~!rs. )Iollie BROWN VElVET FROSnNG palrable tOYI during tha two picking up as people get their most modest possible cxpendi· plmlen~ Pbllllps, ·BlIly Fillatre. Win· '~cup undlluled CASSATION isengers hal'e to weeki In a houle to house can· stocks in for the usual visitors ture. Then there is the other ~, tsp. salt I EVAPORATED ~llLK lOp when Ihey Vall. Any persons wbo are not ner of Jack Gordon Alexander at Cbrlstmas time, At the ex· group of go ahead citizens 1 % cups qulck­ cooking rice 1 package (6 oz.) ~m1-1\\~t 'he bus stop It the visited are asked to call H, $50. treme end the grim sentinel of making good livings and un· I \ ' 2~ cups Carnation 3·~llnute chocolate chips .'pt for this Meade at 3·2B4~ or J, Nose· the peace ElIAFB will be all satisfied with the conditions: Mrs. Wllliam Fleet returned Cheese Sallce Combine Ingredient. In 1IIIa11 worthy at 3·2923 c>r 3-28M and bright and merry as our Amer- under which they have to dweli i &aucepan. Stlr and cook alowl), Ie applies 10 Ihe bUJ from St, Elizabeth Hospital, 1 cup canned salmon or IUDI, a &cout wUl be aent to pick up ican frIends prepare to also In the Crossing. Backing this i until blended, Bring to a boU North Sydney some time ago. drained aDd flaked ,it! e of Hamilton f any package. keep Christmas. and boll G"enUr 3 to ~ minutes. Brlnr ~ a boll In saucepan Canadian Bank 0 Luct year the Scouts collect· Mrs, Fleet underwent an opera· stlrrtnJ constantly. BeOlove tion, All her friendJ are glad water, pepper, onIon, pimien~ e buses comlni thiJ ed, repaired and distributed and salt, Add rice and mix, from hea!. Cool, stlrrlnr occa­ A \'enue pass by tOYI to needy children In th. to see her looking 10 well,' StephenVille: Conr, remove Irom beat and .tonally, lI\akes enourh froltlnr Capt St, George area, With the Red Cross let oland. Meanwblte prepare ~ cover WPI 01 two g·lncb .' bus stop just ~:'~ •••••••••••••• 0; •••••• Carnation 3·lIlinute Cbeele layen, '1I1er. The pU%l number of children greater Sauce (see below), Add saimOIl at people comln!lJh than ever 11 la boped that the Meeting At CFSN or tuna to sauce. Ananre bol FOR A QUICK DESSERT that's , bus and wbo collecUon will be larger, Prior rice mtxture on plates, Serve temptingly good, make instapt to Ian YlHlr Ihe RCMP Detach· Manners pond ue thl! cheese &auce over rice. ~Iund)' ment at Stephellvilla took e'are package!!. ~"C , lk blck O\er Crossing CARNATION CHEESE SAUCE II a h bUI of dlatrlbutlon in the area, But ~~dud~: _~~~ ... .., ;!.) .Ite {rom t e thlt the number of tal'l collected Make Y-v IlnTge un undiluted Carnation. \.... .' od's corner to BaJlk STEPHENVILLE - The an· C,\RS,\TION EVAPORATED WBI too great for them to nUal meeting of the Red You'll get a 1("-, ~, .Ie, opposite the qandle, The road being In a GUIDE MILK creamy·rich • CroS8 WII! beld In the Red ~ tsp. sail h" cannot 111 1 Poor condItion the firm of Jesso Friends flavor that /"J""" Cl'(JS8 Room Dec. 3th. Mrs. N. THURSDAY DEC, 11th, 2 i.sps. dry milliard t~d more c10~1IU BrOl, aleapt St, George fur· makes evory ...... "., .. " .... eo MacKay resigned as president. School %cups (8 0'1.) rrated procell and be used "I IILVIE n!thed .lwo and half ton truck 4,OO-Nursery quick dessert a An eledion of o(flccr. look cheese 5pecinldessert. oint. of for the dellvery lalt year, If you want to take a friend place, Mrs, JaB, Joy was elected Time. Simmer Carnation, ..If anll are som~ p .dltll(:"'~ tl> another friend's houle be' BB President, Vice Prelldent, US-Maggie Muggins. mustard In laucepan over low 1\1 cups undiluted CARNA'IIOIf hich I have 'fiTAMIN.ENRICHEO d to mY cause you would like tbe two to Mrs, Ralpb Welh, reelected; heat to jUlt below boUlnr, Add EVAPORATED ~mJt System an meet, telephone the frIends, Secretary, Mrs, Frank Dollard; 4,30-0pen House. chee.e. Silr over medlnm heal ~ cup 'I\'ater 'LOUR home to (lnd out If the time you 5,OO-Whistle Town, untlt cheese mel!& Make. 2\1 1 package Imtant puddln&" lent. Treasurer, Mrs, Robert Bishop; C1lp. sauce, ue thInkIng 01 11 convenilnt, Chairman for Hospital Villtlng, COOlblne and beat accordinr 10 '" th. on. flour 5,30-Woody Wood­ pudlliar packare direction .. Almosl anyone would r~ther Jane Ford; Chairman for HOI· WHETHER YOU US! INSTANT pecker Takes only minutes ~ prepare. ~rALLyour baklngi entertain expected iUcSt& than pital Campaign, Mra, Jas, Joy; coffee, or ground coffee - PLEDar drop·lncallera, Chairman Sick Room SunpIy, 5,55--BUlboard. A SACRED Itot cream it with Carnation EvaP' "from ---- Mrs, D, Parsons; Cba(rman Nu· orated Milk, Coffee always Hamilton spect • 6,OO-Rounda bout. COIllinled th Because the Smlthl live In trltion, Mrs, R, MacKay; Chair· tastes better when you use Cows" aOO year. dO, ------... ~,30-Your TV Theatre. the lame buildln, that house.! Carnation. Richer-flavored .. , Thom al }., man Woman'. oWrk, Mrs, N. rbury, murdered SPECIAL OFFER I II i their email builnell, some of MacKay; District Committee, 7.00-New!I, Weather & thanks to Carnation's fresher, creamier flavor, and double·rIchness. For coffee own and bY • H ""_>_ Wolllltr!ul NIVI Otfl* Coo. Boo.t, their eUitomen feel they oUiht Ralph Wells, Chairman; Dud· Sports. h is cathedral u_ or recipee prepared by "perU, Sellll to "open up" at any hour, ley Shears, Dan Panonl, George perfection at low cost - cream \lour d been ttIll, loh P or bas top rrom ally O"Il1¥11' pro-. I But bUllnus hOUri should be 7. 3O-Fury. coffee with Carnation. en who ha th. Co 8~lt POItal 0 .... for ,1.2, WI "Harvq Gauitols, 'ri ble task by.... n. ., .. JOM'I, NM. . I retPected - even wben tbe After the elect10n was over, 8,OO--Joan Davis . H· ... ' , c>wner comblnea hiJ hom. Bnd ~tcr, KIng hid bffD Mrs, Ralph Well. presented FAIl RICIPI IOOKlEY office, buslne.!1 place, Mrs, MacKay with, ••ervice 8.30-Montreal Playbill : ArchbiShoP ~111 .... ------~ Send for m1 naw recipa book, "Family Favor· bilille for eleven years service 9,OO-Music Maken '59 Ite.", Dellclou. mlln COUrtl! dish •• tor flmlly Ij~cal qUBrre~'cbtd A bath, not too hot, or to ., President of the Croliing IE FINE QUALIfY PRODUCrS no~ 9,30-DuglB!I FBlrbank~ I Ind aues! sarvlna. For your free Cllpy, sand your 15sassinatioo ocked tool, II a wonderful way to reo Branch of Red Croes, A lunch nlm. eM 8ddrw to I MI,., Bilk .. Oept. RN, he was sb ..I In and "unwind," Make time was served and enjoyed by .11, lO.OO-Don Messer I CamlUon Compeny Umlted, 51. JOhn' .. Nfld. and .t ODC' 'l'!II for R lelaurely bath, .then, II . 10,30-Late News I .t Clnterm:t!fCb[1lJ \ ~Ilribut.d in N,wffundland by you haven't time to rein or Agent.&: NEWFOUNDLAAND BROKEBAGE 1JMlTED. here, tbe 0 !IIo~'1tO, relt for a few mlnuI."" spray It with a fragrant mist. . ,Sports & WeBth'er lsaled HARVEY & CO., LTD. wards. Slap cool or cold water Either wlll ect u a bracer for SI. .John'. and Col'l1el' Brook I grant of ... ID ~ I 10.45-Wrestlln,. I . In perpetul .. , WHOlESALE GROCERS over )'C>U! chest and body, or relued mlllCIu, IlJhOUJI.

• .1 _____...... ___~T.;.;.H;..E ..;;D.;.;A.;;.IL Y.:.....;.N.;.EW~S, ST. JOH N'S, NFlD., TH URSDAY. ~ 6~ ______------

• Personal For' Thursday, D&(trnb" i I ¥ FOR THE· LADIES *' Present-For You and Yours ... Keep the good wili ... . or Ihose around you by exercis­ • ing tact and tolerance. There's Chit- Chat ~ w"llh of good reading in nell' bOOK! u ",eli a! Ihe old stand· PERSONAL ITEMS ARE PRINTED FREE. Beauty Aids b\'!, a~d thcv make e~cellenl PHONE OR MAIL THEM TO: glits for Ihmc' "hard·lo·buy·for" :. . names on \'our Chrislmas lill. "SOCIAL COLUMN, DAlLY NEWS". e~peri. I Drink plenty at water be· Memorv of childhood enee could pro;'e of vatue in ,.. TFLEPHONE: 2177. twcen meals especially during helping voung perscn '" liml' CONGRATULATIONS that several coal ticketa were the holiday scason. Water helps lar problem . .Congratulation.s arc belh, ex· prc.scnled alter May 31st.. 11}~, wasb away the Impurities In the t~n~d to S/Sgt. and ~Irs. John for dL!trlbution. It should be blood. Eight glalses a day Isn't Past .. , Employment 01 worn· Future ... Tilt R.. 'Cencich on the birth of a voted that it !.oJ againat the too much. Water Is the cheap­ in faclor, jobs rose from In Ihe "'Ianll . daughter at Pepperrell Air Dorcas Society to fill any coal e.!t btiuty aid yoU can get. 1940 t() 1950, but declined ialcr. be~,," , leI[ .,; Force Base Hospital on De·· orders after May 31st. of the In 1950 Ihe number of women through 1959. Th~ c'ember Cendch is the year the tIcketa are presented Rest Is another wonderful ~th. ~Irs. working in faclories was 3.2 dec"",. Will . former Sheila Ralph of this to coal dealers. As there was no beauty ald. These are busy days . ~'( c\ly·. . more bUllnen, the meeting ad· and it sounds silly to 6ay "get million. Today ncari)' 3 mili:on 11m, to pi", 'U'~lI'~ Journed, , I plenl of rest." But It can be hal'e factory jobs. schools and o~'lct I~ siS1ERS OF SERVICE The financial statement sub· done. Sit for job! whenever AUXILIARY mltted by the Eastern Trust possible, put our feet up on a The Day Under Your Sign . The Sisters of Service Auxll· was read at the annual meetlng chair when you read the even· by the Hon. Treasurer. FrClm ing paper, or whlle talking on ~.RIES Ie." ~lIth 21 10 A.d.1 191 IBI'¥ Bridge Club met on Mon· SI,·-' ... · :." i."f"'·: I" ~o\;r b::.\, C1" dar. . 'evenlng at tho residence, the income derIved from the In· the phone. Budget your work so ", [:-~~:;:II, II Yo .',\ rl~' '\.~:~". Garrison Hill. PrlZ'l'I were vestmcnt~, Ihls years purchases sleep Rt lealt one night 8 week, TAURUS (Ap,;1 20 I. ~'1 201 . 7' IJ~r.·l :r: rr.('''''~· r;l:~f:\ ;:'~~:"'r t.~I.I~ won'by ~!!ss !II. Harris. Mrs. E. w!!l be made. from now until Christmas. :u.;-cn.:l'cr. ll'.. Hr ll:ir,J' I;.r;u :',1')fC. J. Power and ~lrs. J. A. Ellis. H was moved .t the meetlng GEMINI IM,y 21 to J". 211 l"'r a :".t,~ .~,,·.~~n~' t~ I::(r.,~te ~~1\~ Chance'! wcre sold on a fruit that no collection. will be made IHj1n.ll a;nb~:lcn. h.,,·: II) ;0 k,r., rake and It was won by ~I rs. lor the c()mlng year. \' I.' , Ryan. The bridge club Fashion Tips CANCER iJ,., II t. J,ly 21} W. J. 1:,.:1:)' ",::1 ".:r~r:'n ;I.: .. o~'.: H~-r:1 !iIl. meet again January 12th. BETA SIGMA PHI A good buy is the shower· ~ 't:~ 1:1',r.-"'.:'I~r.~ .•\Io,d In ~~i\\:1'"~r,:. The ninlh meeting of New· shedding. poplin windbreaker. ·.EO IJ,ly 21 I. A'9' 111 11 Ir.r.c;":r.( Ch,',<"!H~ 01 rHl~j~l-..."r, r~~ "':'I 8ROWNIE TRAINING fOllndland Alpha Chapter, Bela Some have zipped·in orIon lin· ~'u~ r.(rn!. ~cu"111'.. 1I: hlve I') re~ \~. SESSION Sigma Phi, was held on Monday Ini5. for extra warmth. VI~GO IA'9' II t. 5,.'. 22i. . . On Saturday a Brownie train· : el'cning, December Bth., lllaH. lit 'tl:'.·:.:~ .. r:t" t'_I! r,ot .C:\hle;(.~. hts , , Inl: session \l'as held at the ~ ~liss Jean King, pre.!ldent, call· Cuddly cotron fiannelette. StH,d 'JP ~c~ yc..lOr n. . • ummer r!'iidence of ~Irs. Eric i ed the bUllnesa meetlnil to. Sanforized so as not to Ihrink Cook, Pro\'incial Commissioner. order at 8.15 p.m. at the home is the answer for winter sleep· The session was under the of ~Ir. Lorna Grove'!, Allan· ing. It 'is made In such demure lupervlsion of ~Ilss Ann Chat· dale Road. ~Iany plans and new stylcs as floower·printed, lace· wood, District Trainer. Ideas were dlseusled and talk· trimmed gowns and pyjamas, Tbe guests arrll'cd at 12.30 ed ol'er for tbe cClming year. that Inclose you In feminine p.m. and a dcliclous dinner was The cultural program W88 loveliness, or it !.oJ cut Into served at 1.00 p.m. by the held at the home of MI1. Mar· tailored pyjamas 81 trim as Packlcs. garet Grayden, Allandale Apll. thoee that brother wears. ~ew· . Aiter dinner several Brownie The prClgram was Isken by est, the shorties that have been pme5 were played and during , ~Irs. Betty Carlton who took U carried over from summer are 1 Between Us V/omen the afternoon the BrClwn Owls, 'her subject "Absolute ~hislc." In gay prln\.!, bright colors, Tawn)' Oll'ls and Packies were Belt)' gave I very thorougb coversallon - making themes. dIvided into slxies to each take description of Absolute Music, There arc sizes for both young· WHO SAYS WOMEN NEVER '·Aiso. wiles the part of a Brownie at an alld played I recordlnll of sters and grown . ups. Very '1 HAD THI~GS SO GOOD?' i klloekl!\~ ordinary Brownie meeting. "Dvoraks New World Sym· tailored, very smart, pyjamas I companionable ~ Later on in the afternoon, phony" In two parh and lIave, of pale blue flannelette' with "It just isn't truc." sa)'s a bands. They feel of t.ea and coffee were served and very Interesting talk on both smart piping white silk. I woman who started housekeep· send Papa off 0: I there was a short intermwlon. par~ of the .ymphony. BEVERLY HILLS, California-Eddie Fisher (left) and Elizll~th :. Illg before the da)'s of auto·, fishing Irip or ~ I Supper was served at 6.30 p.m., I matic washers. frozen foods, game hy h'iT1l!l. once again by the Packies. The I At the conclWllon of the CuI· Taylor nre seen at a swank restaurant here on their first date to­ . , rvening continued with a camp- I tural program It wu announe­ Smart Softies : ilntl instant roi!s, "thaI moth· "\\'h""'er PIPl gether in puhlic since they dated each other in New York last I el"S of families today have it a has In rio lire, and at 9.30 p.m. refresh. I ed that t~e winner of the Beta ments were The l!'ision Sigma Phi doll waa Miu Paullne I September, This is the first photo of Fisher and Miss Taylor to­ , io't cosier than we did. other me~'i '1111 1:1 ~en·ed. I "Sure, thc)' ha\'e their foncy olnn;:. came to a close with tap! and ' ~turphy, Hayward Avenu.. I gether since that time. Fisher's date with Miss Taylor on Dec. 4th I I washN, ancl driers. But wc had "It lIsed to b!:it praycrs. I Supper was lerved by the' cnme just a few hOllrs after his estranged wife, Debbie Reynolds. something e,'en better-a \\'0· man hart I bUI::1II -- SClCial Committee which was I hail filed suit against the crooner for a divorce, charging mental , man who camc once a wcek to make. he lIenl I ·DORC.\S SOCI;::TY : most enjoycd by all membm I cruelty. Miss Reynolds asked clistody of their two children, 110 the ironill~. And it's stii! the . MEETI:"iG present. At the conclualon of I ironing thaI is the hard part of , On Dec .. ~th. thr 136th. ~n· the supper, , vote of thanks I Carrie Francis. 2. and Todd Emanuel, 9 months. She asked for : doing the family wash. nuai mcelln~ of the Dorcas: WAS tendered to Lorna and Rlimony and child SIlJlPort.-(UPI Photo.) I "Toda"'s molhers rna\' hale S

IIE'IORRHOIDS HA VE M'\~\" i i krl;:- mntel::,! CAUSES, :\"0 SURE their 1"li, 10 I.:J: PREVENTIO:"i n1ailll'ri prm'tl.·.~:'~f By EDWllII P. JORDAN. M.D. Occ~,:ona!l~ (c:o:J Which art' U[:-t:IJ Warm, pretty, face·!lattering! There is no possibie dogubt Th",;" 3 re U!';i:j Go of! to work or on a date In II'hatcI'cr that hemorrhoids. or piies, arc among the most com· aitt'r

::;l e o til ,: arm"td ,,,rt ""l1li MILK25 c;l (llkllOld ~"p) 7lOQ '"c;l :C,II"'" ~rt Elmo" c:l fhi reid lO.OO o Whipping Cream 3ge ~ c;) h: PqrlllOOCb Uk! pl. c:: IMO When snow !Iurrle'! fly, southwes~ Africa Perisan lamb providpi • chic answer to cold ct FOR HOME DElIV~RIES TELEPHONE weather. Walking length jacket (left) i~ detailed and buttoned In black vetl'et for added a; BIRKS ;ders Shippe~ touch' of IUlury. Coat In three qURrlcr length (rlght) has Ibaped .Ieeves and rolled collar an ~ JEWELLERS 'll!'! Air Mr-il limple, straight body lines. Either coat could rill many roles In • wardrobe. - Jly GAILE c;l DUGAS, NEA Women's Editor. ·ISLAND DAIRIES :.Q8 Dl3a13~H3 888'13 813 EII3 EH3 U-13 813 88 8138·13 8138£ 88 &G &B 88 B-SfrB ,

' .. . .. ------"'"----_.-. NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 1958 1

I II Social And New Lodge Christmas Personal Openeq At Presents SPANIARD'S BAY, Dec. 9- SPANIARD'S BAY-Mr. Eric Spaniard's Bay Tilton "Christmas comes but once I ~!. Gosse, Deputy Minister of ycar, I Fisheries, and Major Claude A. SPANIARD'S BAY, Dec. ~ And when It does It bring' B,~r - i'l'o Sheppard were here on Satur. The Right Worshipful Grand geed cheer. RylO Ir,cI ,\I'h~ e~, day from the Capital. Mistress of the Ladies' Orange This litlle rhyme hes a charm splni. rd ~ B;l), Benevolent Association in New· all its own for we all look for ~l b:C3kln~ intO The Parent.Teachers foundland, Sister Gladys ward to the fesllve leUOJ; I herr and alion hcld a card pnrty In the Coombs of St, John's Inaugurat, with a certain amount' 01 , II ,1tdl~S schoo! auditorium on Monday ed a new lodge of that Order warmth, an inner warmth thai Sinrr the hre~k'l evening of this week, and the at Tilton on Wednesday, No· seems to glow more and !l!or~: 11'0 ~onlh~ ,~o, n' proceeds were very encour. vember 26, with each passing day.', Yh lIre c,men out aginG. Cem~onies commenced on, plan and prepare. ~ (:r: ce !)rweh· _ the am val of the Grand Mis· And our troubles Increasf ,;, R(.)IP, Cona:ratulations a!e extended tre" at 2 o'clock In the after· with our plans, " . ;"1 n\Jdr 10 the to ~[r. and Mrs, Harry Gregory noon, Sh~ was ~ssisted by There are the greeting card; 'rl,~olin~ Ihe pane I to whom a dliughtel was born Sister ~Isle Whl!e, Dep~ty to write, stamp and mail. Now, , I." eOl r,1l.C r , : on Saturday, December 6, Grand )!ltre~s, and also takmg let's see; we'li start with, Oil} , ','Jro ~dore, I .- I\'J~ I:~ I - part were Sister Apel Boone, mothers.in.law, They're' tlisf :'\ E .Iicrrl'l' who ~!I's, Elida Shcppard and Deputy Mistress of Clarke's and foremost and we dare' Dol r Sign 'Ie IO:ln~ nl:n tn ~Irs. Doris Yetman were has· Deach, Sist~r Alfreda Robe!t.s forget. Then comes the III: , 'io 'H)\. I','nitcn', tes.es at a house·warming of Spanla~d s Bay as . ~uD1or laws, brothers.in.law, sisters.ln', party for ~!rs, Sadie Sheppard Deputy! Sister Elsie White as law and cousins.ln.law; ,Ina lost Tucsday el'ening, Mrs. Recordmg Secretary, Sister when that list is completed, :'Iartha Sheppard won the prize Jeanette Howell oc. Carbon ear half our stock of greeting card. for gomes and Mrs, Rhoda a, Treasurer, and Sister Fanme is gone. Lynch was awarded the booby. aral'an, Filling the Chaplain's Next on the mailing, liBt The prize for the lucky prize post was Sister Dorcas Bad· come our friends, some of them : lI'ent to ~Irs, Gcorge Clarke. coele, Sister Mae Snow acted we know and some WP dOIl't , , I R\)" }lee ~-- ,\Irs. Sheppard was presented as Guardian and Sister Ethel Addresses pose a big problem, ,."h mild, h"me with a gift of mane),. Vokel' of Spaniard's Bay was Take, for example, theHlli' 'It ~~I'" , I Getm l 110,1'1" on: the Director of ere monies, Sis, gins'; they send a card every !lri~1 5,,'nl .. ','ernl: ~[r, and Mrs. ~lell'ln Drover ter Flora L)'nch of Upper Is, Christmas, and a decent card rrcdlinc Ire3t· wclcomed a bab)' boy Into their land Cove acted as First Lec· at that, but if they ever send ~~S~il~' ;r":'~; \',ery r~mii)' on Tuesday, November turer while Sister Lillian ~!c· address, we can never find It, ,Ie dorIM;, !lues, 27. Carthy of Upper Island Cove We alwa)'s debate the feasibill, acled as Second Lecturer, '~ unrlrr \I "~"C i Guards were Sisters Eiieen ty of sending greetings to IC' IU .~i:r a', I Ill' kn· I Thc Sp~cch :oiight programme quaintances for fear that they '~I! Ihol Ihc nll'lIer· I of Holy Redeemer School will Spurrell of Tilton and Annie will not reciprocate; after all lie rrct'ilcrl 110m i be held in the school audl· Haus of Clarke's Beach. the immediate members of !Ii frr:nrr !'lImns I torlum next week. Be~ides the When the offices were filled onc's family, very close person. tl~, of II ~"n', ;c'Ot pre~entatlon of diplomas and nnd the Lodge In operation, al friends, and to the sick and ;rrl o',hn ,~ot· prizes the children of the junior twent),·one nel" members were needy. he:rrrl ,,'II:'\'C ~radcs under the guidance of In High School Hockey Spaniard's Bay won its second straight victory on December 3 when it defeated initialed into the Order. This But hal\' many of us are real· of ;I,l".;o"la), Ihcir teachers will present a took up the business of the Iy sensibie about C hristmaJ 'the team from St. J osenh 's Convent, Carbonear, bJ' a score af 6 - 3, Bob G osse an d T e d Jones dented the ft ~n Elr fr:rd' hClr ond I'ariet), Christmas progrnmme. [' a ernoon, giving? It is still true that ~e rlr:,'r'l 10 Irnoll' twines twice each. Here we see Harry Chipman (No, 10) as he skates away happily from the opponent's Recess was called at 5 p,m" Christmas comes but once a ~r:l hal ~n'"11y Winston Sheppard made 1 h' k d' th f'f h t 11 Th H b G (PI t b E H V k) when a delicious supper i "ear. ~!r. goa, avmg po e mel t a y. e game was a t ar our race. 10 0 Y , . 0 'ey served to the visitors by I\'~sthe ,'I • hlll:h "~,1 "'I;1l a business trip to St. John's on I::n r"~1r:(I:(' rt,t· ~Iollda)', I local membcrs, I friend!, H d HI t 0 D tl Ian outlet, you can safely reach Lodge 'business resumed at ~Iiss Y"onne Go~se, graduate : an Y In s n ecora Ing I an, indoor re.cePtacle. ~[erely 7 when the Scarlet Degree was, nurse, is prescntly spending a Congr;ltulalions go to ~II', i drill a hole In a ooard whIch I put 011. The newI), organised, D' J J 1\f t I holiday h~rc with her parents, Rob~rt J, Gosse who 11'111 hal'c , Y Home for a Brllghter ·will fit a convenient window i Lodge then elect~d its slate of: leU n Il on rea ~,!r, and ~Irs, Harold Gosse, ! a birthday on Sunday, De': 0uri snugiy, Close the window on i officers for the coming year: SPA1'\JARD'S BAY _ ~el\'s , I cember 14, Happy birthday IS i ~ and these are: ' S V k I " , ; Il'as receil'cd here I.st week of wished for ~Irs. am a 'e)' on , f Ch I Worthy ~[istre!s: .,!tnnle , Ihe death in ~Iontreal on Wed· the same d;ly with a special I, Smith. BII' ,.' Cron' C' 1d 'h f h dd u"hter ' and Sa er rlstmas D '!' "II' nesda),. December 3, o( ~Irs, .:r r,:,'r.drd tn lI't 1 avs 11'19 rom er gran a ~ I eput)' .,Istress: "e Ie Harfl' Lasher, )[rs, La;her was ~:.', De"l), lblrhing, : • Karen. I To help you makc this Christ·~ working from the bottom up, I Bisho?,,' the iormer Carrie Deering of ~:i~rl',r 1~l'lr (nur·, P ddl will be ten! mas season the brightest, safest I 0 trimmer Is literally "in his I ,Junior D~puty ~!lstress-Be, Shearstown and for a lIumber SPA~·iIARD'S BAY - Happy FI ar:-:iI ('r~ar~' on , ore~~e e ~[o~do)' Decem' cvcr, here are some worthwhile lawn wa)'," and runs the risk j linda HU,tc In;;S, , 'of "Nrs rai,ed In New Brun· 'I D/(Imbrr 11 The birthda~' is wished Ior Graham )ears a on. " hints on decorating, Inside and I of knocking the trce down, S~ I Recording Secrctary: Sadlc! swick after her h~, land's 't' , U li'o )Ir; HUICh· Vokc), on Thursday, December ber 15tb, Best wlshcs co~c I outSide, all oround the house. Istart at the top, with your "" ' Small. , , .. ' i death about six ycars :1;0 she 11th, from Mom Dad and thc fam Y, CARING FOR YOrR angel or star ornament, and I , FlDanCiaI Secretal), Eileen, moved to to ·,'e with " I double CJusr ~Iontreal I' - III b t CHRISTMAS TREE work down, : th boarn and run the outdoor I snTrllth. ," h S 'h her morried dauglr·r.' De, , \., ' ~Ir ~!arv B Gosse wlU cele Victor Ro berts IV e en1ft tel easurer "ert a mit rd ~r! I"rry oICe)" 5,.., . on Wcdncsda)', December 17,' All soon as you bring the tree A ter ),our trce, op ornamen wire in through, the hole in thb e I Chaplal'n'.· LI'llian Clarke.' ceaAled was 58 ycars 10lt' " I ' ,I Ir,~ annil'ersary 'brate herbirthday on Friday, ltd t i i1 r tub d e mong 0 thcr re a lies n i h and a happy birthday Is wished I,ome, s an I n a, ~a 0 board. The win .ow can i k: Guardian: Rita Mercer, N 'f dl' d h' . , d wr:]!! pn Sunday, I December 12. Best w s es come f hi b '.Iom Dad brothers 1I1led with water unltl you are "brace.locked" With a 5t c ,! D' f C '.' el; oun "n, s e IS surVI\e 11, Be51 1l:~hel to i from her children and grand· or my., " ready to set It up and tTlm it, (See Fig 5) 'I Irector 0 eremomes. by a sister. ~!rs, H. ~, Reid. , ! • _____~i ~Ch~i~ld~r;;en~a~n~d~f~ro~m~h~e~r.;m~a;n~y;;;a.n.d.s.I.!t.e.r8•. _____ -_;;/ This will prolong the life and YOUR DOORWAY AND Beatrice Clark~" of Spaniard's Bay, to whom \I'~ • appearance of the tree, keep • EAVES lIst Lecturer. LOUise Clarke, Ioffer sl'mpath), rop hOIlU, the needles from fal1in~, and II f 2nd Lecturer: Steila ~oulton, -.----- ~ Lights in out ne arm: Inner Guard: Susie Gosse. 11;\ t j.!- .":"-110 I minimize the danger of fire. around a doorway, outdoor, Outer Guard: ~!ary Barrett. i Beauty duties should b~ a , TRIMMING YOUR TREE candles and lighted sprays are! Committec' Beatrice Barrett, dailv must but throu'h tb" st Week's I Keep your tree stl\nd water· highly BucceS5ful main entrance! Emily Barrett Annie Crane. ", holidav se'ason make tllrm ; , we II full a..nd 'ollr tree will dcCO'", rations prol'ed ol'er vears I The nell' '"Lodge wlli be "mllst". in capital letters ; remain fresh and fragrant. , ,of lI;e. ~[any ,s tan din g : known as "Daughters of Cho . -- ' , ' • throughout the holidays. ,IS firmly in plac~, stTing the "specialty lInlt~, such as. sen fell'," ; Bear in mind that tree trim.! tree lights, using the formula Santas, Snowmen Carolers and I For the membcrs of this I the ROBIN HOOD I ming follows a fundamental rule i outlined above for a good light· the like have more recently I lodge it was indeed a Re'l I 'of women'~' foshions--accenlu, ,ed effect. Reflectors and halos comp into grealer use ncar front ' Lette~ day and the climax to 'ote the opposite, 1f your trec is: are available at modest co~t, doorwa)'s, man\' month~ of planning and I I tall and slender, dccorating I and these grently Increase t e The eo:'es of )'our roof repre, prepnration, The dignity of the , ',' lines should tend toward the brllitance of tree lights, Next lent an Ideal dlspln\' pOint for, "II I c istmas Reindeer Contest "t' " d ' ' , l'arlOU,1 trremomes 11'1 on~ I I, 1horizontal. (See Fig 1.) If it~, dd )'our con I;UOIIS eeora· I Christmas liGhtln", The ImOhst l be remembered, not only by • h , is short and full, trim ),our tree lon, sue as s rung popcorn, common difficIlll\' In eave Ig , tl . h f th I al lodge ,I'" FIRST PRIZE GIRLS' FIRST PRIZE , h h d b FoliaII' this with giass ball I Ie mem rrs a P. , O,C , I I along lines II' ie ten to e ornaments snow balls, candy I hut by all those VIIltors who Ian RALPH BENDELL, KAREN O'KEEFE, ' vertical. (See Fig, 2,) Appl),lng 'I d ' found It convenient to attend, : 208 Topsail Rood :, this simple rule will help you cane<; and simi ar ecoratlons, I Th 'W th' M' tr and Clarke's Beach. 1 Last, add aluminum or lead i e nell or) IS ess, ,II' f\'entu~liy to 1 SECOND PRIZE GIRLS' SECOND PRIZE I bring out the best n the tree, tinsel, one piece at a time, and her officers deeply a~precIate II: 1I~11s 10 thlt finish perhape with a spray of Ihe help and co.o~eratlOn the), I' : ,nrd permanently DAVID KIRKLAND, JEAN SULLIVAN, artificial snow, . received from vanous sources I 'Slonally, clOl$ , and trust that examples and Kenmount Rood, St. John's. 9 Tunis Court I, ,r hart MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL- precepts shown and taught will , I , ' SAFETY be an inspiraUon to them and I , From coost to coast, some 3" to their successors In the years I 1 I,,:: Third Prize Winners livIng In St. John's are asked to take delivery 500,000 families will light up that lie ahead. ' II' \)('come t their Christmas trees tbis year. ;1 ~ ther prizes at A. E. Hickman Co" Ltd., Water St, Other wInners elll"r~l'd and If aU of us practice safety, we ing is a tendenc), for lights to until the last minute; start to I! ': n to normal or ril receive them by mail, may make this the year when sag, Eliminate this problem by I plan early while a fuJi selec, :' ,I' IS happens quite no Chri.!tmll.! tree fire sweeps running the outdoor Christmas tion of Items iJ 8\'ailable and 1 1 : and alter through BC American borne, sets through driVe rings ham, , avoid the disappOintment of not ! ,pIe, turnIng a family's joy Into grief. mered Into the eaves at regular getting the equipment or selec, " II! But if the There iJ a highly effective way interl'als up to the house cor. tion XOII are looking for. I lDent Rnd are BOYS' THIRD PRIZES i to protect against short circuits nersand roof peaks, The drive d :' : !'"; !. ilching or ' ,I and overioading. Simply make ring.! wili' carry )'oUr Christmas I which are commo~ t«~t PlriO\lS, Box 823, Bell Island; Stcphen McKinnon, 21 Glenrlrtgc Crescent, 'sure you ,plug a ufety 'fused" string of lights in straight and , 'Ir.i: Bill) Ilyrd, 1~2 Forc!t Road, St, John's; Bobby Smith, Hodge's Cove, Ran· 'Oltment is ululiiy plug set (such as those offered beoutiful lines, outlining your ,I ,is inl'oll'es cutlin.! ».J:h, r,B,: Kcnneth Russcll, Back Road, Coley's ,Point, C,B,,; Claude Barry, 114 HOW MANY LIGHTS? by NO)IA LITES) into your home perfectl)', (Drive rings I Al'e" SI, John's; Bruce Oakle)" 6 Byron Street, St, John s; David Strickland, Too often, the number of original source of current and are available at hardware , the enlarged , Thorne, Torbay North; Barry Power, 6 Murphy'a Lane, ~rundy Pond, ]ecling the mwlth I Nugent, Kelllgrows; Pat Crotty, Topsail Pond Road, G,P,O .. St. John's; lights wed to trim a tree i8 then add your other decorative stores everywhere,) (See Fig, ~ fluid which arrlvl~~ alt by gduessworik'tl anld I set! to this sel. This will ensure 6,) IGriff~n), Upper island Cove, C.B.; Tony Bowerlng ... ~ox 147, Bay Roberts; k )se up is ."mOllll'" , I!i~gins' Line, 51. John's; Wayne Rodges, 6 LTNeil Ave,. St, Johns; I resu '" 00 Isappo n ng Y Iprotection against overloads and LIGHTING EVERGREDIS is is not alwa)1 5t)", :-;orth River; )Iaurlce Spurrell, " Blackmarsh Road, st, Johns; Ly~n ,"spotty." There is a formUla, I short circuits, and prevent dark· OUTDOORS \\' hen I perlon BPine Bud A\'e .. St. John'~; Albert Benson, Jr" 17 Hayles' Ave" 51. John s; , hovewer, which does away with I ened rooms due to blown·out Evergreen trces on your front oios undenU ndJ ,Smlih, ~\ Spclll'rr SI., St. Johns; Lionel Candow, 2B WIshin~well Road, SI. i much of the guesswork and I fuses. In addition, inspecI ali lawn can be especiaily appear. ron~, he wlli not bt s;ldr.e:, ,I.unclrigan, tipper Island Cove, C.B,; Scott 'yin5~r, 69 ~atcrford Bridge I helps produce an el'enly lighted, light sets carefully lor fraying ing when lighted, Generally, , " Joh:, ': Gary' Bricn, Cowan Ave" Suburban Service No, 1, Sit' 1, Box 6, SI. expcct II I appearance, To achieve what! or expolICd wires, Let's make lights of a single color ara pre. Superbl ~ome (UOII, Bonnell. 16B Empire Ave" 51. John'l, en!. There arB a I profcslonal! call a "good light·' thLs Christmal the safest on ferred on outdoor evergreens, 'ins, Consequently, ed effect," try thil formula: record. For an enriched effect, how. 111. roll of distinction Mywhere .. ; rgrd vcins are ~bult Height of Tree (in feet) x LIGHT UP THOSE ISDOOR . ever, try Ulis. Make your top- anytime, .. these flaky French ~cent8 are 8Ult! to please the fussiest appetita. For 'clrd, it is pOSSI I GIRLS' THIRD PRIZES Width of Tree at BasB (In feet) FOCAL POINTS most light white, and mix per. '~ lIill dilate x 3. Windows, end tables, manUes, hap! two blue lights with an finest multa, when you, bake .at home. e.lWIlYl Let's say your tree Is 6 feet foyer tables and stair rails Ire overall pattern of green lights, depend on Fleischmann 8 ActIve Dry yeast. ollble later. it ~%IYn \\'alsh, AI'ondale' Eileen Somerton, Middleton Ave., Box 432, Bell Island; for this realon I Ii!' (arke, Box E~OOI, St. Johns East; Edith Worthman Heart's Delght, T,B,; In heigbt and 4lf.a feet wide at all decorating focal points at In order to protect a valu. '\' 10 idcntify and \\akeham, 23 Belvedere St., 51. John's; Margo Kendal,l 33 Prince of Wales the base. (See Fig 3,) The for· Christmas. Window wreaths able Blue sprUCe or Dougiu . 'hi '11 V factor! OSSI C, • ; Brenda White Box 427 Bell Island; Gloria Ivany, Shoal Harbour, mula would work like this: and condollers eome In a wide fir, huild a simple "teepee" to fLAKY CROISSANTS )I\stipation or Dri!colL 7~ GrenieU Ave" 51. John'lj Lorraine Coffin. 7~ G~drldge St" 6 x 4" x 3 = 81 light! for variety to suit the individual carry the light stringa. Pound crcuwh.e over centre tf,lrdJ ,al' have had , Elalr,e )!urrln, 63 Cralgmillar Ave., :st, John's; Judy Gregory, 12 Pearce "good lighted effect." taste, wblle end tablel lend stakes Into the ground around 1. Scald fold oln.r Inlrd ov.r lop, It'h theih .1'eIIOp"'~ ~[arRaret Stone Mundy Pond Road, St. John's; Catherlne Stratton, While personal taste Is the themselves to small artificial the tree, inside the spread of' 1 cup milk I thern Shore; Debbie 'Burgess, 22 Cook St" St. John's; Charlotte Strong, making J layer .. With op'" Ir,l place. d of Chrlstmns trees with lights that the branches, at regular Inter. Stir In Briu;;c !lUdel 5t John's' CRrolyn Robbins, 1~ Lake Ave'l SI. John's; bubble or ,twinkle merrily, vals, Then lead rigid wire up end loword you, loll and One final war 01 "R'~\lrr, An, R, Sit~ s',s .. r-ieIJIoundlanc\; Ruby Ben50n, 17 Hoy e's Ave .. st. 1 tip, oalt ll ndicated, SOJl\B 9. Mantles prOVide an ideal set· (ro mthe stakes to a point' 1V2 tblPl, granulaled lugar fold again, W,oe; refrigoro , : ,h,Lcy Bunnell, ln8 Empire Al'c" SI. John's' Dorccn Parsons, !lox 823, Bell o•• might, N•• I dey, r.poot Jms of hernJl\l)rD,"" tlng for angel figures, candles'l;el'eral inches below the tree, Cool 10 luk.warm. ~Ikrn km, 1.;11\[,0 ('OI'C, Rell ~;land: SHndrR Winsor, B Goodridge St" SI. rolling ond folding .Iop.lwlc., ularly bleeding, ~nd lights with reflcctors sct II,OP, Fit a paddcd wire collRr I M.a,ule inlo lerge bowl renda St, Croix, 2~ ~Iullock St., St. John's; Gladys Bowring, Britannia, T.B. 2. wrap ond cnill '11 hr. n: as a result Into a background of evergreen Jround the trce stcm at this % cup luk.warm wate, 4. Roll inlo 0.12 • ions in thc branches, (See Fig. 4,) ~oyer point and fa, ten wires to the Stir in 20: ar~:, I r.clongl.; cuI ,nto 15-4 OilS of WhiCh tables are lust rIght for a 'spe, collar, (Sec Fig. 7,) , 1 top, IIranutal.d IUlla, .quoI." CuI in holf diegon. Hence it is not I st Continues Two More Weeks clalty" dlspl~y, such as illumi· Sprinkl. wiln ecnl.nl. of natcd papcr poinscttias in I 1 .nv.lop. FI.locnmann', ally; roll up .ock Irian~lo, Iii hout flam long edge, Nck po,nl. !NTER NOW I Here's all you dOl Write the name of Santa's centerpiece basket. Your stair Active Dry V,aol rail, aglow with lights lucked l.I.land 10 min.,iHEN.lirwon. und~r, Plac. on brown.paper· covered cookie .neeh. Curvo on 0 blonk piece of paper together with your name and , last word In decorating Chrl~t, helween pine and I a u rei " Stir In lukewarm milk mi.ture, rolll Ie 101m clOlc.nh. Bru," i mas trees, each )'car linds marc 1 branchcs wiil add 8Uli more 2 cup. anc .... ift.d Send this and a guaranlell certificate from any bag of , 1(\\JM wi In ml.tu,. of 1 egll yolk ,familics ad()pting the abOl'e cheer to your holiday. fr{'i":. all-pu,po" flou, I, nixed, ~l ,HOOD FLOUR to RO~N HOOD Flour ContS!t, CJON·TV, and b.el unlil .mooth .and end 2 Ib.pl, milk. Cov.r. L.t ' Iformula which will help in I' ,f 1"1\ "'- nn I, Nfld, bringing out the natural beauty OUTDOOR DECORATION .Iallie. Work In on additional ri,. unlil dOlibl. in bulk­ 1'W'i»':, oboul ';' hr. 8ako In nol oven, of their tree and give a good, SAYS MERRY CHRIBTMAS I V2 cupo (aboul) anc ... ~f>1!,,~~1,',~\\ , Ilfled all-pUrpO'1 flQur 425' aboul 12, mil". Vi.ld- : c lighted effect": ~O ALL , I Y "\ 't- 2112 dOL," No. of lamps r~ The exterior of your borne 3. Turn oul on flour.d board, ~ 25 54 PRIZES EVERY WEEK qulred to give a and your ground I offer tre- ,_ knead unlil .ta.Ke. Roll oul tornPRIZE, BOYS "Good Lighted mendous decorating opportunl. CHRlSTMAS L1GBTING dough Into a 12 )t 20' ,.e· - 3ge ~ FIRST PRIZE, GIRLS Size of Tree Effect" tiel, Bul pracUce safety oul· YOUR ALER CAN HELP tang I., 'Pcead with I Cl.Ip 1m 92 P~te Hockey. Outfits. Complete Skating Costume 4' 36· side as well 81 inside. Make DE firm butter. fold 'h 0/ dougn 5 TELEPHONE ' , II' 56 sure all ouuida wire is No, 12 You may bave found jUlt the ~~ZE, BOYS 2ND PRIZE, GIRLS 6' 81 Or No. 14, rllb~r Insulated and decorating idea you are lcoldnl , If Skalel, 7' 110 beavy duty, for, If you have,not an~ havi • Figure Skatlls 8' 144 ' The best source of current problcm discuS.!! It With your IRIES L ~~IZE, BOYS 3RD PRIZE, GIRLS 10' , 225 for outdoor lighting iJ I per· Ilocai Christmu lightIna ,dealer. IIotkey Sticks WHERE TO START manent protected outdoor·type He \1'111 have Information on ail 2.5 ,Lovable Rag Dolls Trec8 sh~ul(\ IIwavI be : recePta~le, or I aara&e or I new products,and dev~Iopme~lI, trimmed from the top down, Ie I porcb lamp, E,en withollt such Don't leave )'our eeora", , .

~ ______~ ____~ ______~TH~E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ',.' ;a

I, I •, •• ana Ian • • toe ar et ep·or ~

]l~ Ill'., IJ IJ - It E Amph! 1_ 17 Ill' Ill! -II, Ban Atn tI ~ ~ I! Walkeri , Toronto Elli Mat !3l ~and I:~ 14 11 1700 m III -4 HI, 1!\, -1 !!ialu 10 rlolf: :!t19000 TOIIOSTO C~OSl!.:O KTO~K' Eut sull 400 ~IIO III 191 -I Satellite 1000 II 30 31 +1 .•, n. ClnJ,tllu ['UII E .., /11,1 Z900 I 7\. I +.. 8hetp Ct 3~;)Q 100 8a 100 ".n.f. IIIKk E:uh~arr-Ott. II t;ld" 1>.10 16 16 16 -l Bbcrrltl 7198 ,0.\ 400 100 tQIIII,UID. II ttata gnle~. mukrd I. Em,l iol :00 10 10 1. '" ~II MlIIer 1713:2 SA 61 81 -I Montreal t I4E'A~ l'HAi (3 LlD ~t4 101, .. - E.oilhld ..d. ar-t:'· E'Wrrkl ~lOO 13 13 l' -1 Slocln VR lll~l7 %2 18 lA~3 -3'1 "O:\I'lIEAL C~OSING STOCIIK VASE 'iOUR FINGeR 11 ...... "Iw-E'l."lrraall.) "xpl All 3lIIO ; ; I Stonlellh 1411 &I 80 /,II -1 FELL IflTO 8LOOM?D Falr.0n lW 117 ~I,AJ l6.l~ + % Stlnl,h wtl 5~OO <41 ZJ7 ]9 t 1 ., bltlb! 36:1., Fr... ~r 311.; FaradlY xd 100 10 10 10 -I Btanrck 3 110 I!l 1)7 137 -J A~bt.5'.OI j] How Smith INTG CAS SAGE - 1'.Uma 10l II +8 Biarra'i 10000 ~y, 8 • Bank Mont ~31' Hud BIY Min !W. moo II B"nk NS 72 Il'J'lp B.nll: WIIC!-1 ~cMIN05 FnnC'OtUf 13500 8 7~; 71,-:' -1~~ 8tulo), 2000 A 6 (II FroblJbor ~o 117 183 166 .5 Sleep R 8m 111\, II 11'. Rnque C !'-iat ~ Imp Oil 4l'.~ ME-THAT ~'OIJ'IJ e Gen.ex l~OO 14 14 It Slur,foD lSOO' 11 12 12 + II ,Dnqu, PC >r JS Inlrilck HII ">'leo ME- A 000 Bcl.n ~oo 110 ID.I lD.1 -10 sU\Ul'ln IOSl 200 199 199 Bltl'Nnt A ~1 Int PIP. IIO!, Giani YK ,JO lOO 1~0 190 S),I.al\llo 1100 104 19 99 -1 B.thuul B 25 Jnt Pete FlI1EK' SINCE Glacier :OOO:W:IQ 30 Teck,H 19JO 190 19i1 191'1 B.1I 12 Ma ..,}·" BEFORE: i!-1'C Br ..11 6 McColl ClI.nn Cron 200 II II 11 Surf Inlel 3100 8 I 1 \~RIGf1T BROTHE (lold Ea.l' J(lJr,(l JI 3'.! )3 _I'; Tema, 1800 1111 11,1 180 + 10 BI

  • 8 116 D Bridge 11!' CAlOADIAN HI.h,B.1I ~ 170 I,D 170 I Wille ~m J1l III III 62.l + 10· ()om Tu 13'" Cor.s p'ap HolLInE'er e-to 829 :il8'~ :l8i' ... I,J Wjnch '2100 T 1i)1 6''1 - If.:. Foundallon UI; FIll'4 Hoyle 600 403 04)3 403 Wf'rncr 2000 9 !l 9 Hurl BIY 190 ».l', ~I' jl" f '., lVillrcy 32110 117 III III +1 Ind'L,h :WOO I'" l\'.o II, Willi')' 3:300:0 19 :0 InlplrlUon 556 7 ~T 37 _] Wr HIHI 1000 122 122 122 New. York In, NI.kel 30JI Ull. &I 11\"", ral. Lud l300 ll!>:7 ~7 . \ F3 "ezrr drc10k Inl Ran 11:00 26 :l 28 .. I Yk B"r noo!.l 8l !.I +1 I 'SElI' IORK CLOSING STOCKS Irl.h CoP 1830 :11 :10 m -J roun, HG 11400 6J 13 !.I ,I Beth Ste~l 49~, Mont)' W 4JT. Iron BJY 100 190 190 100 -5 \'uk~no 21.500 ~ , ~ BOfll: Warnrr JiJi NY Ctnt 7i~i .Jaye Elipi 1200 .i4 ,U ~l ZcnmlC 1000 2fI 2i 29 -1 C and 0 . 66',~ Ra.dlo Corp 46'."i Jtlilcoe 5000 1311. 13 I] -t Zulll.p& 3000 21 20 21 Cons Edhon ,5.!!~11 SId all ~J .w,' -11.1 Joburk. 7300 UI •.,j 18 1A -1\1 Carb +, Gcn Elcc il}'. '·IM.dlum J/I,. JOliet 1100 21 ~!ft B'Jlolo tin 3~ liD 360 Gooch-ear 117' 4 WestniSl 71 -2 JOl\Jmllh '000 I] \I \l Ga.pe Cop ,7l $2! 11 ~a GL Sor Ry s.o , Il l.5l :lI -p-j JOWlOY 1333 II II :1 , I P,nd Ora 300 2.ll 1,,1 T T 53'; Kcn"l!le 2000 Sh JI. 1 l'., _ J~ on.! Ktnnccott 9S~, -I Kerr Add. l67~ "18~4 19 let .. ~I :\rme Gil 2.lOO :1 lO1~ 20',-1 .2 I\llcmbe 100:00·.] MI:OO Ajax 1000 69 69 ;a ;.! KII.m wla ~ )9 ]9 "9 +I 1.11.\10' :)OO:J(\ 30 :w Ktrlc Hud 11~OO J4 1:\1,1 IJ\~ -1 Am Ltdut" 12!X'..o ljh 1.i \~ Montreal Labrldor l~:; J21~1 24 24\~ Anmrra ~m 170 1&0 lW -I~ Llk. CJ. 100 lOJ IOJ lOJ ':'1 Railey S A U.I 90.1 90() 900 1II0STnE,IL CLO~ISG STOCM Lake Lin. !)(I() 9l-i 9\, 9J" B,,11 S .5~ .. pr I2n 112 :UI.1 22 81 THE C,I\SADI,\!\' PRESS FORMER RESIDENT [~ OJU .\011 20\1 ::!O'~ lO\~.-'~ Hanff ItOO 17.5 17~ li~ .\1nnlrul ~lIock 1:J;('b.nrr-Drr. 1" L WAU ~oo 22 :t!: 21 -1'-'1 aa\1 13BOO 6 ~ Ii IQuf'ltaUIIOI la renh aalul muked t. ! . 1..& LUI JOO Jloa ,)3o:\Jn flul.. 800 7lJ in 70 -l l-odd 11'11 d - Ex-dI,ldflul u-E:1· LltL, Am .'K")() ~o .'0 ~o Rritalta 19~ 21~ 26Z 161 -8 Illhtl s.",-l:::l·"uunl.,) I LeItch 13~n 111 141'1 un Calilla BiOO 75 7~ 1l -+ 3 ~tt Lencol.lrl 3000 U 1.4 1'1 -2 CII FA 1el I2W. 'lHi 24 i. Stork Ihlp ... Rlrb tnr ell'lI Ch'rr 1 l N. S. Le~lndtn SPM ., 411.~ .. '2, C all lAs 146~ 18' J85 l~ Abltihl lj20 536 i 3C i J&~i - ~I Fred Blair Heads LL Lie 1500 18::1 lBJ 189 19 COil L \01:1. noo Ml 7,) 7.' AC'adl .. All L' 5t114 1114 1\1..~ FURNESS, WITHY & CO., LTD. Lorado 8.100 .l~ :tl.n CS OlJ .... 1. aoo ~5 ~S l~ - AC'l'.d AU A llO 120 2,' 2(1 Lorado wi. 700 l' :!J -42 CS Pele 1000 30 340 AI.t:oma. 1730 ]J3" .H ~3 ~o ~HI. 1 Lyndhlt 6000 HI 1~'2 181,1 _ 1.1 Cdn All oq 4000 ID 560 ~5 .~ AlumlM 614 530 :;:9 .. JO +~, Llvcrpool ~1. Jol"II'~ /105t0n Halifax SI. John', MICIUI .1tJ.ll:loo 2P' 9.'11 ifi(J 8~ 1m 69ll I ,'\,hc~trll ~\ '3J') 1:1 33 - 1.'1 of Toronto, ;cneral :-;alcs ·Ilan· NO\,r1 Scotia before ;;!,uing to "Newfollndland" No,'. 2~ ilrc. ' GI'. 21 No\" 2!i ~blJTI {' 700 I~~ 10'2 10'2 -3 Cdn \'II 0 4118 3\1} .l~ :.13,'j :.~ I Rll r1 qut riA JMj ·181"1 47~ 4H ,cr·:icc'. iJUild . "N 3 IJee, H Dec, 13 Dec. 15 ~I.n ... ' U 12000 !\, 1 7\,,', C,nlOrl lOll 805 m !()'I .In' ,Ilia' 51,,1 m 1~1 l6', 2;'. agcl' of Canada Packers Ltn .. 1 :"icwfoulldlancl wherc l1C 1i~. o\'a Scotia" Dcc. 12 nee, IH Dec, 27 De 31 ,TM. 2 Mlrll,o 'I~ ,8 21 ,7 I Ch.rl" 011 lOll 168 168 l~R .3 Honk ~Ionl 1(';; I.;'~' :~l_', ,.;3', Tursrlav, was named admini,tra.!, camcs supeni,\or. He n(J\\, i" "Newfoundland" Dcc. 31 J c, Marcon iOOO In 0\1. 1 C 2:WO 7 7 BlnK :'\ ..;, lSi j;': 72 - , N Idn, 7 an, 13 JM. 17 10\~ "l1~nb~. 57~', t, l Jan. IP ]2.(ljO 1(.... 1 ... 1'lnquc .MO 5.i I J .i6 a CrOlrl1' of '!AnUm. IO~ l~ J <.: I1rlla:O:1 l09~ z., l' 2J --11'2 C~ ~J6 live 11l an or ~'o\'a Scotia gcneral ~;]lcs m;n m ",', III ,I Ro'h pow H 20:' $2; 2~ 2' - \, dllstrial dCl'clormenl. ,~i,1 ~Ir. S"obc~. "are confident i fo .. r,',';li),rri 'leKr llM:1 21 2ll\ -41, Crte all bOO 410 41U 110 -I Hell Phone IPo H ,.. F k L! S 1 . I 1 f h BI" 1 d' II . Person., contcmplatillll Pilssugc to Europe .'Iell'al 1000:1 24 21 .1 Cr ...'10 20101;\ 1,1 lID _I How.l., ppr 2.\17"~l3' II'. :" •.;'. ran' 1, .oley. presl(cn 0 1,1 I~'. r. ~Irs oUb an Jn~ rc 11',r ;.' ~"'in;~rlp c '. should make bookinitS w~1I in advance. Mrn!or 11M II 11 II Dev,r.1 JJ:)O lin 10' 10' -2 Hr.,11 1\,18 16 ; 6 - I, Industrial l::states Ltd.. an· corel in promotinl: the interests 1l:'I'i '. S~lr"l Mtrrill :2800 12 B9 92 +2 Dom~ Pttt 9f\oO Sl1~~ 1l~ 111 + I,] RA Ank ~()t. ~'i $.(.0,1.'1 nt] HI'], d II . t t f II ' f C I P k " r;,: , , Ant PASSAGES ARRANGED BY' BOA C K Mldrlm J~O ItI ~ fl3 ... 4 OU\,f'X I 3~ ~~ H n -1 I B.\ Oil ~ .... JJ9 3A'. J61. -oO-~" nounce lL' appoin men ('l 1('.0 'ana( a ac cr.'i. t01:!0:11l'r,' :r"- ... :~~:;j.~~ j~1 AMERICAN. AIRWAYS, 5CANDiNAVI'AN' ," .L~!., PAN llllllk.n lfY.iIO 23~ m 119 -3 Farlo 300 l!n IiI 150 fl Reo <''> pr ;): 110 10 10 -I'. ?B.year.old KOI'a Scotia·born btlS'I' 11'!1l1 his pers~nal' ~"so':;::;op, dirrclor2,c, eonnecting Airlines. T.W.A. and .'lInd. IAOO 1 1 7 Cir Pl.lnl 4~O 116~:' 16~. 16' .. I,: ne: Fnrut ;00 S\l~" IJ~'" 13:~ 't" I" wcssman as rlcncral mana~p,r or WIth thiS nrO\·lncr.. full.v Justl' ,\...... ',- l Mln,Or. . &000 15 14 14 _ ~ Highwood 2:)00:2 25 15 -1 I He Powe-r roJ S35:140 36 1) J6 l - 1.'.:1 ~ I' ' Consult us regarding your tral'!l problems hll Wrllht !.Ill 14 !4 II Hom. 011 A lOO II)'. 11'; Ii" Be Phcne ,I III \I II the 14·months·old corporation, fy his nell' appoin~mcnt, ' ." f:ctio,r :.t'· 't r:, ~:~~n Cr ~: I~ I;", I; ~m; oWIG B :1: m;: i:;~ i~~ =~ ~~;I~n Prod ~~ :~~;: ii" ~" =1" ~I\', Blair will assume his -IlItle,' Premier Stanfield announ,cn i Pc hcd nicr . FURNESS TRAVEL OFFICE )i .. Lab 1000 31 J(J JO -2 Humbrr 9[(J 18.' 181 18~ _I C,I pow 101 S7i" 77', 17', +" Dec. 15, He fills a vacancy left· croalion of lnuus:rial E,tatcs, ,cc~,ill~ i.:iu~;r;'1 NetW Aller 1500 8\1 8 R. \~ Jump Pnd 1Y1O 24 l3 1J C"n (em lJr'I S3~1, 34;4 34. 1,;' + I .. } th ld 't' It' . New Bid .1000 51'; 3400 10 " 10 '1 11)\1 C"n Ctm pr 496 S2i''1 27'';1: 21',-1 _ III 'Y C S\H en rcslJ!na IOn as in Scptcmbc-r, ·1957. It was 1 r1 ia. NEWFOUNDLAND 1I0n:L 5~~ "',~ ~hri.old. 1 1 ~:O~ ~:1 O:.~.;.' I 'PHONE ~623 New Cal 117100 3) .>1 :I.' -1 Mod.1 lJ;l lln :m 2.l0 • I CI Fnrlry I[(J m 31 3.l +', July of JolIn B. Esscry of Tor· formed "to cncour~~c promo·! Ic:::i!e I:rm. iE 1~. Ii.wN Olck.n D.lhl 2000~ 2J0:s 2J"lJI 2JO19 +1 ~IdconMill CJ'y ImlllJlO l854 3163 JJB] -2 SLC Hank C xr 116'"SIn lll" 53\,4() 5,'.'" -I+j" onto 1\'10I h e Id t h e post a b Ollt lion, expansion. divcrsificat:o~', h2:;:n pro(:UC::05 i! N Goldvu. !I3J 8 ) 7 -I Sil p.fe m.l 310 m 3:x1 +]1 C Br." ;;0 SJI', l\ 31 -I tll'O months, ~nd dcvelopment of innustri;;1 C'HIn:, !'le\v)ie'" JuonHOlco ~400~ 101!18 1028 ]029 + 1 S N (;\11mbBrlilot 9~OO1200 II: , 1\0 8. 1128 .2 C BronnCan A 100zj(I SII'.12P" 1<':.2\~t, 243.IN _ \I" TI.le sa I ar,' to h'"!e pal" ~ r. aclivit)' in l\'ol'a Scotia. 11~(:u·I<,·l E--,:!; 1 Nfld.-Canada Steamships Ltdo S K.loro l~ AI, S'; 6\, .. l'o 1'0' concorn 10187 Ill> 13 13 _ ';, C Celan 11() sm. m. la', I BI~lr was not ~nnouneec1. )1r. The cOl'jloralion \\'a< \011"1 !'eI" cd I" f1mr',·.'.", 1 "'.wlL1n'" 11200 ~ :%'j1'1 28 -1~ N COOt 100 33 33 33 -2 C Colton, pr l~ 18~ 8'''; 8 ) E f " FREIGHT SAILINGS 1'0' Min 600 Jl ~.1 II 1'0 Oa.I.. ICJ(J(J 19 18b 19 c HUlk)' 100 $1:',< 12\, 12':. +" sserty. ormer managcr of a capital account of 5>12.000,n80 ,'";', r"', "':i'l , I' S Myllm. mIl ]07 101 ID.I S SUp.rtor m 11~ 1Il III C Bk om rl 6m 4;0 III II;~~ -10 H, ~'. Ferguson of Canada Ltd., dur,ing the last s2s,ion, of the ".'.' b·' ': ,'. '::.'J.-.,::; ,I M,S. "BEDFORD II" ~'~~~~Ior I: ~ ; i - \\ ~~6h~'t; 1~~ 1~: I;~ I~ ~; mpr 2~~ ~6¥0 i:~ w~ recCllcd 525,000 a ycar. legislature to mist the I Ir.,".!'·.:. E-;I~H HALIFAX - ST. JOHN'S Nor,old moo III'. \I lI\, Nor1hld !I.lOO!l 18 21 +3 C Inl Pwr Lll 124\,:, 2A. ~fr. Sobel' said Canada Pack· ,growth of s~eonrlarl' induslI'\',: 110"CI ~:'. 1r.:1 L Norlulle 17800 13 31]2 Okalta 28.):) 111 11~ ll~ -.5 C Inl Pw pr ]45 S4H'l '7 47 1".1 + ~ .' • cal'lng HIHrn: Sormelal .17 330 lJII 3JD Poe Pelo ]3)8 117'-4 17 IN _ '. Cdn Lo0 SH 44 44 Following the I\'ar he worked: Company of ~!iami is hol(1i~~ '! ! Parmu, 1.\00 19 I' " _I Wayne l!lOO 11 13 IJ -1 ,'ndln ~O SIJ'; IJI; 13'; - h 'th th d' I hi" c,·t nSI'I' " fe' til' .' .Tan, ~. 1RM .... , ...... " Duc SI. John's ,lan. 7th I i\ I". PCI' £xp1 l,jlJ 16 16 16 \\(,Ix2Ic:o~ 18 IiI.] 171~ _ ',::11 ,}<'rRlC'r 1000 13P':I 31'.'1 :Jl1,'l Wl e rl1 10 lc cgrap (IriS- e. c ..."cn ··~I.CC, .5 " .... e'- Jan. 13th "., •••.••.... Dllc SI. John's .lal1. l~th Pml... 1:.00 II 21 21 _ Ii II' Cd. OG 1991 1!9 110 JW'J .H G" l', pc pr ;l $109 109 109 + I ion of the department 'of nol'al . with legal rngineerin~ and f' . . •lan. 21st ••..•• , .••... ,[)ue 5t. John's Jan. 23rd Perro• 3200 22', 1: 22'. + '... W cdn OGrJ 1II0 l ~ I -1 G S II'.... 14n 110'. 10'\, 10'.·-', SCrl'j'CnS, Ihe Unl'tc[l Frul't Com.·' nallcl'o.1 rcprc'cn,·o. t·.·\·cs tf) cIJ11 IC"II ernw 2731 100 ~~ 100 W DK'IHI lZ8R 1~7 154 1S~ I G L PI\P~r 300 .3jl;" 37 371, _ t.. I.. 1 U ....1 Jan. 30th ...... , .... " Due SI. John's Feb. 1st Pionm 1100 1)0 m 130 II' Do< wI, 2100 v.; 4 II'. Hom, Oll A llO Ill" 1)'1 m. - I. pan)' ann the N~w York Telc. firm ori~inal estim"tc5 :'nd m:'" Feb. 7th ...... John's Feb, 9th Pllch.(\ro llOO 7 7 7. "" I Curb . Hom. 011 B !I.lO 1161. 16', 16~'· '.> h C : f t I 'Ih Dne SI. Pr Bord 1<;00 I: In 12 .• :ii I' OalhOOlia 1000 15 \! 15 Hud Bar 131) ,W, 51" 1m ." pone ompan)'. : II ure p ans concernln~ : Prill.. 3ro l8.! III ~81 ,.1 BANKS Imp In A ,d 101 Sil 12 1: + 11 ~Ir. Blair later was a press Placcntia Bridgc frallchi.,e, Th~ . For Immediate clearance per direct ~ailin~~. ~nlo 4100 1M IlD 1m -10 )lonlrnl mill l31, !>3~i ~" lIn\' l.~rxd "0 sn'. n'l n':. operator I'n the transatlantl'c conference follows a visit las ; I.' For rates space and other information apply: rdu: Jl()O 11 11 1] .1 Non Scotia un 112""" 72 7% _ I., Imp 011 4Jl IxM 41 1 .1 ~I> _110 Imp Tob m 113l; 13'. 1m - 'i cable station herc before going I week to thc POII'C\,S CompJr' , HARVEY & CO., LTD., General Agents, Dial 2151 t"eC~lb, 1: ~ ~~ ~ ='\\ k~~:ra' ~ ml'o ~~. ;: -II. :~~ t~';,~5pr 2J~ :~~ ~~~' ;~" + I, into busin~ss with his brother, in ~Iiami by the Han, Mi:Ji, A t: I1lb 1~ 3'!..! 6 - \'I Tor,Dom 811 1lI~' lW. II" + Ii In' Nlck.1 255 $8-1" 8J~' 64'1 + I> He joined Canada Packers of Highways ~h Greg POlI'cr. :! . :' ... R. N. COLE, Special Representative, St. John'. _ .. m 3P3 _5 INDUSTRIALS Inl P•• ,r 83 $1101'0 110\'.0 110\; -1 k f h . Q M.I.I 3alO 75 75 71 +1 Alamull 1781 $3011 ~ J() + 1'0 Inl UIU 100 128', lJIl' U" + I> and worked in the northern spo esman or t e comml';' DIAL 2207 OR TO Qumonl III III~' 1\ 11\, + \l 1.0110 Nlld 810 tH, 6 8% + II Inlor PL 101 1\5', 16", 40', _ '" slated that results of th~ coni 'THE ROBERT REFORD COMPANY, LTD., Agen's RaRadio," k ~ 1m U"" ~"-,,.... I'· C Br.w 2JIl IlIli 31 31 -1 cnce will be forwarded to , yroc :.!OO 19 8l 19 1'1 Dooco 2.I(J no 2(1 20 NEW YORK NY NB 2100 10 9'.> 9'1 -':' . MONTREAL and TORONTO l:J.UPIr 1300 13 -12 t: -3 Inland ~ 171> IV. m _ 1'0 Nor Pac 1000 le'. "" \81., -" Department of Highways I", HI~ ~~fab !,lOOoo .1 0 :~ 10 P.mbln. n lIooo 1911, 81'0 9~, + ~, Ohio 011 7700 ml AI 41" th' kit ' READ OFFICE - HALIFAX, N.S, Hoch~ ~ 111 ljy, ~ Slmpaona al! I3IVo '*'" 30\'.0 _ >I, SEW YOHK cLOSING nOCKs Oulb ~ar r/OO 3J'. lll'. 33\. +"+ ~ IS wee or ear), nex II'ce,; 1 ::\ ():ll~C _ W&inwn.bt &00 210 210 210 AlIu.ny litOO+ 91,,, 9~1 !Jlr1 ~ Penn RR 9800 48 ... ·m·";! 47~. - I.~ is PukeDI U" 1 ~~~~~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~R~oc~~~~~~~~d~~Jn~~-~J~~B~1~~m~an~~~~!J~!~~~~~~[~ AtllJN~YMkSI.rkE.,bo·r_D'r.IO Cb 11000 28;, 2Th 28% +''1 Pblel.,. D :O~$00 1!1~, 43~15 IJ3~1.5 " + ~) drnd :\11. 190 Amuldl. 3100 99:1-'" 99 m'a + \1 PhlUp Mor 2100 611,~ 00', 61 A bath, not too hot, or not I ptr :"Ih:ue for A Cln 8400 501i 4i~' ; •• ~ PUt Platr 2100 75~-'l 74~;' 75:1., +1!1 Am CYLII 26900 530,0 m. 55 + II> Pro<: Gom 1<;00 7lU, 111\ 73\. cool, is a wonderful wa)' to r. De\'t'lI\brf jl. Am Smelt 8.500 ~. 45~ 46~~ +1v.. Pullman 1600 ~HIr. 5i~ ~jli lax and "unwind." ~Iake tin di ... tribulion of Am Sid 10100 III, 11 11 Ridlo COrp 15&00 47',; IS\, 461i + 1-\ for a leisurely bath, then. pl:r .. hare, hl\'C Am Tel 10000 ml' 199~, 199'" + ~ Hepub SII 71OO 71.. 100,0 7\0,0 + I" I ho shares of Ib, Am Tob 100 9111 SIV. 94.t _ \l H.y TOb B 900 811'0 17 87.., + \, you haven't time to relax , Arm .. 511 4000 611, Sl\i (IJ" + 11'0 Hoyal Dul moo 50.., 50\\ 10'\1 + I, ~Iollday. F,bOJarr), ~ Arnulf Ck 4300 31.., ~ 3m + Yo Sel" HOI . 1100 Jlil. In. 381\ + 1. rest for a few minutes aft holder, of rorool at Atch T Sf 6aoo Z7\4 2.6~ 2H. + \~ SJ.ncl.lr zs.oo 62loJ 62\. {i2\!J + ~i wards, Slap cool or cold wat. hu,illtSS ~[01ldJY)~ Blbcock ~lDO 32!'t. 31% 31~:' + Ih Socoay 11900 481.~ .47';. 48 By Order of th,-- Balt Ohio 5200 43~, ·42Y.. 43', +1~' Sperry R 21900 2.1ri Z2~.. 23;.. +1 over your chest and bod)', l B~lnt Air 13000 4911 -49i1r, 049+;.1 + Std Brlndl 500 6P~ 61h 6P .. '1"~~ spray it with a fragrant mi' R B Borden Co 2000 7~;-a 75 75 -~4 Std. 011 Cal 7700 60~;' S9"11 Sg~ I + ;~ Bor, War 11600 38~. S7~" 31'. + If.a Sid Oil Ind oeoo 4; 16~'l (61 .. -~'lI Either will act as a braecr fl Budd MI, 7900 17~ 17 11;~ Slrl Oil N.r ll600 5!~'J S7~i s.8;~ + ~Ir. relaxed musclcs. Burl Mill.a 2700 14~. 1]!, HYi + V.. SutdJ PICk. 30600 H IJ;1I 1m ... I.• BllrrO\lI' ~ ~6~ 36 361.1 + J,'4, TCXII Co 46('(1 ~ U\..l sa +2~:' C.lumn Xrl 300 l~J 19'" 19YJ _ \:.. Tn Su\ph 12:00 2:'.] 21' ~ :1~ .,..1 Can Dry :000 19-;. ]Q.'!Ii lIP.i. + I.:" TIde Water J4()') l]~~ 22', 2'3'.:" T "i CPR 7too JQ ~9" 29l;' + ~ 'Tlmken !r}(l oI3l.cl 43 "'3~i + ~. Cur J I 7100 .21':" 2:C~, 203£ _ \~ 'l'\1,'eot C 4bOO 39'. 38~' 39',t, + ~~ 1 Cater Trac 2100 89~' B7 69' .. +::!~4 Un Carb 4400 120b lUPt, 120 .".:1 .,..l~. 1 r Celanr.~e JOWO 3D', 281. :HJ. +11, Utd. Air 3100 30 .. 21l • '29'\. - ~4 (hu Ohio liOO &6\".1 65~, 661:6 + ~ t:td corp 3~OO 8~~ B 8 Chr),IIH ~[)()() ~i -4B!' ~~ 1'~ US Gyp 1100 9l\~J 96~4 Citlh S~'C: i200 6J~'1 61 61 + ~ US RUbbtr -4600 4~ W·. Col Brd A 1100 38 J71:4 38 +;. US Steel 28100 89', R8~1r. Coml Sl'llv lfKlO 141.4 IJ~' IJ!.1 Van.dium S300 lP" 36b Con. Ed. 4000 s.e~. 581. 58~' + 'At Walken iOO J41/~ J4~:" Conlaln 900.l9 28:1, 2S~ _~. W UnlO1l 11800 32 ]13.. ~I· .. ..I· ,~ of USED ,CARS CONTINUES Cont Cia 5100 :\aI, .5H. ~8 + 1,.l.I WuthJe 20100 it 68:1 ·71 +21,. 1 Con 011 %.500 ~7:', 56~" ~ml .,.. .." Woolwtb 3900 51'. 51 11 51'-.1. + ~. Crlne Co 1800 J.6~, 36% 36% - ~. 1------1953 DESOTO FORDOR SEDAN Crown Zrll 5000 ~l'. ~6 56~1 - ~1 1957 METEOR FORDOR CUrtlu Wr 1900 27 281'. 21 +,~ American Our price' ...... ,,' $400.00. Deere 13500 ~:% ~h ~1:lr" + h Low mileage. Del Hud 1000 :a'.' 17~, 271. _ J. AMf:HICAN CLOSING STOCIt! 1OfI11" 1955 VAUXHALL FORDOR ~tOf DlJL SeR' 300 :lJh 33~. 13~" + ... 'R1 TI'Ie AllorlalPlS Prr"l Like new ...... $1800.00, Domr: 2600 In. lB1 171t, .... I. AmrrlclII. !lloell Exeblnre-nrr. 1B . MAl-1' or'lI!l11o 1 ~ Ideal Winter car ,...... $900.00 New Snow Douilll8 ~OO 57 ,. 56 37 + l' fJ.d - Ex-dI.,ldrlld ~r - EX'nlbh Dw.Chtmxd 4900 751, 74 75~ +2% x,,-Elowlrrl1lh.) ••• ASP , Tire. Du Ponl 2100 2001, lPI 1991> +11. N.t 1957 CHEV TUDOR BLACK EuL Kod llOO 137 1l4~ 137.J Stork 1Ii.lu Hlri! Lo,.,. elM' n'll! Install with Elton Mr. 1200 ~\.f. 57 ~7~ _ ~4 An.con SOO ... II;' ~, -1-16 -- 1956 METEOR FORDOR Snap at .. ,,, .. ,..... ,...... ,,.$1400.00 EI ~ulo L ~oo 371> Jli\l 37.., + % B.ll PhOD' 300 43 m. 43 Each Used Car EI PliO 18l1lO 3m J7 ffi'o - I> Brl.1ll lo:zocJ 6'i 6" 6V. - '.\ Excellent condition, Flreawnt 1m 1341> UIII> 13411 H.., BA OU 1000 loa; 401; 401, + '.' 1956 METEOR RANCH WAGON Purchased Ford 8500 4fAA: ell. 4&h +H'4 CaD So Olr3~ 3+1 37·15 37·16 -1·11.1 Give away ...... $1200,00 G,n 0)'11 ~700 SoIl'. 6H, III>, +l Can AU OU ~ m l~' l'i Privately driven .. ,..... :.. ,$1600,00 Gen El.c 1100 101, 611% 70"> + I> en Mare 20000 6\\ l% \'. - I, 1954 FORO FORDOR Oen I'DOdo 1300 7m 77% 78~, +1\'. Cbtoebro 130 981. 981, 91l> - Ii and 1956 DODGE FOROOR SEDAN Gen MUl.t 600 87'1.. MV, 87;.1 +3\, Con M I 500 21~, 21"1 21~ + ~, Excellent appearance Inside Oen Mal moo ;U!I> ~Yo 48 + m Creol' 19IIO Mil 6711 U~. +11, Low, low prlc~ ...... $11 00.00 Gliddon 200 401'.1 4.13(, 115 - % Crown cP 1110 lly, U.., J:\\ out. Goodrtoh ~ 741'. Ill> 7'31'0 + 2' De.'PII 2100 II> 1\1 m -1·16 GDOClylAr 400 11711. 115 117V. +2\4 Duke Paw _ 100 50;~ SOlr. 50¥.. - \~ '~7 Monarch Yours. for ...... ,.. ,...... $850.00 1952 STUDE TUDOR Gr Pailo 19IIO l1> l~, 21'0 + 1'0 El Bond 1200 311> 31" 341'.1 Fordor Sedan Oran~ UniOD ~ "I> 411 18 - I> Ford Lt4 7110 8 lI·16 8 11·16 6 11·16 Ideal car for Winter driving 01 Nor Ry 400 50 49% 30 + V. ClId1ld 1900 11\ 1m. \1 1953 CHEV FORDOR Low Mlleage Gill! OU 11000 12411 122 1241'0 + 31> lIoUnltt 400 301. 3Q 3Qli + % cheap ...... ,...... $400.00 lIom ..1l< 300 UI, 41 41 -1 numbl, lOCI 711, 7\ 71 Maraon, marveioul condition, Push Button lIu~ DO)' :00 57.., lffi 171> +". Imp OU ~ 441. 131i oUJIo + % Transmission laterll.,kI 400 24"" 2(V6 24~ + 'tI Imp Tob :00 411 14~' 1·nt, Low of...... :.$750.00 1956 PONTIAC, Like' new, Inl Buo 1300 191 110 491 +13 IDt P.i. 100 47¢. 1m 171, + V. Power Braket Inl Han x4 1lOO 01> 41% UI> -" JuplLer 6100 2 I l~ IS 2 +1-16 1952 MONARCH Asking price ...... $1550.00 Inl Nlek ]100 sal'. 17,. m. + ¥. MUI'" 1600]011 10\. 101, + 1'0 US FOR Excellent Condition InL Pap 700 11m 1I1!, 1I1>,i + % "' .. abl !IOO 01'0 1m 411, +% CALL Lots of miles left. . 1957 FORD TUDOR BLUE Bargain $2400. lnt Tel 118OO~, S4~t, ~,~ + ~ Min Con' ]00 13~, 13'. 1J~, FRff Johnl Maa 300 481'1 41~1 4e~, Mo\ybdtn 1400 32% 3B, ,n. + \. Drive away .... " ...... "",,:,$f50.00· Low mileage ...... ,...... ,$1700.00 Kenatcot l&OO 96~ 94~, 9G~~ +131, Nit Pete U900 33·16 :113·16 J~.] + ~i fS7IM,4 TE , . Krtue 1600 31V. 31~, 3l1.t, - /.~ Nat Rub 100 17~ 1741 17~ + ~I Loew', In.c 40300 %2t,.4, 2n, 21V. + ~~ NJ Zinc noo 28~~ 27~ 1!t~ + ,.. Corner Benllelt· Avenul .nd Manhall lOO 4l1'. 1\1(, 1m - '.' NlplulDr 1100 21> 2 ~II m MarUn. co '30(1 3311.. 12it, JJ 2f.I Pante-pK 3800 1 :% 2 Blackmanh Road Mlnn MM 2!W)(J I07!h 10.3 ID71h +3 Pruton 2400 ,,~,~, 1·16 Ell • ., 3-16 MUNNMOTORS Ltd. Monun Ch 7400 39 3I¥a :l8:t~ - 14 So P(a 0 ~on :tPi J:i~ 3.". Mont.mr 7~ 41l. 4)1,., ~n. +,..,. Pionur M'IO 17·16 P. I'. ·q·lfi F. M. O'LEARY N.t Av 700 2fI1~ 'Ul1.' 2fi',~ -., St 011 Ky 401'1 64~'J 6l 641,~ -2"~ YOUR MERCURY,. UNCOlN, MET EOR DEALER.. OPEN TILL 9 p.m, EVERY EVENING. NAt cuh Wl 7" 73 1 ] 7"l, .... "lI Tttl'lMc:Jr 1600 7h 7'.. n" ... \. MATERIALS Nat m.d 1461)('1 31 11)1,4 JI +1 ITrn, I.uz 900 gl,;; ,... !f:I.t.,. J, ~UILDING DIVIS~ I'll Gyp 90() 17" ~"" 17'\ 'I Tr·Cnnl 1.»1 2.!!i 2!'. llI". 'i NY Ct"1 U~ 27'.. :18\0 27~ + II' Wr II", Jlj)(I 1 !,II I~' 11·1e. I,ll SHAW STREET . ..JIvrries . Colder . )'I1"~lr w.ath.r wh.n YOU The Daily News SECTION II ~~URANCE AGENCIES lIMITED . i . , 80027 St. Jon"" TH! DAilY ~WS, ST. JOHN'S, NFtD., THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 195B y, O/0

    ORLANDO, Fla,-Maj, Gen, John 1\fedarts. head oC the Army Missile Command. answer~ questions s. sor~D. Antarctica-Crewmen of the Icebreaker U.S.S. Glacier play R frigid game of ' on the Army's lunar Pl'o~ locket, Juno 11, as he appears o~ a national television programs here on the ic~ here-for recreation they say. At left ill their ship, and Mount Erebu5, I 13,350- Dec, Tth.-(UPI PhotO)'""L... _ I'OICAIlO looms In the background.-UPI Pheo;)

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    WASHINGTON-Former Presiclellt Harry Truman (left) greets two·time Democratic Presidential candidate Adlai Stevemon (right) at R meeting of the Dem:J~j";jtic Advisr'~' Council h~re. In ce~­ ter is Democratic Nation?1 Chairman Paul But ler. The Cotil~eil accused the Eisenhower Admim­ station of failing, in four important fields-economy, defense, disarmament and competition with Runia.-(UPI Photo.)


    y.s 10... GOOO/yEAR , HOLLYWOOD-Actress Jayne Mansfield, who's expecting a baby any day ,now,' peeks around the door of the nursery at ho'me in Hollywood. She's standing alongsitle the playpen. In background ~--- ~YNAMIC TRACTION GIVES YOU HI a bassinet and a crib full of toys.-( UPI Photo.)

    Ittra gnp' under power-51% • delivers the power thrust ~re traction in snow -17% . needed for today'. hilh powered enginea. t''''ot~'111'-", '!Iter traction in mud. ' , !lIe lUre traction for starting, • runs quieter on dry roaell, ~rne~g, climbing, braking. promilel, long wear ill any OIl drive confidently. drivinl conditloM. PRICES EVER - BEST DEAL IN TOWN

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    WASHINGT()N-Former President Harry S,TrUma\l, ~hown speaki1~g ata, National ,Press CIQb. luncheon here said that Prcsident Eisenhower had been mad at Ium since 1952 and that he (Tl'U';I~) ,didn't "give a'damn." Mr, Truman was in Washingtun to attend a series of Democratic meetin~ • .. " "

    j • ,. ./. 1 lOi:______~ ______~------~T~HE~D~A~~Y~~~S~r:~~~~~~~~! Guards-St. Pat's In• Hockey Gam i[::i:([' Guards In 2nd Place Tie * Scoring. Stars * Gordie Goobie Leads I . 'lJHi:i Swamp Holy Cross 12-3 To Comeback Win Of 1 11 ... ,',,;.) Hounsell Scores Four Markers High School St. Bon's Leading 3·0 But Goohie 1~~t~bi:S!~~~~~tr~ i ·,'.r;,:..,:1,':I',:','., il·".,'I.·,I,: ;.,' ,;!~ct ra;,J,p f~' I ~rn::: ~~~t J:~~~fe~ a~°r.~, '~~:~ II k T d Explodes For Five Goals i ~~~I~~c~~ ~~~ = l juiUor boeke)' Ilml thillealon Hounlell from Jim Bradbul')' OC ey 0 ay ,Pats at 9.49 ! 'i ;;~~' -..' '. u ,they moved Into a leeond and Clay Reid at 9,1\04, Rollle Gordon Gooble can lay claim Pat's alJlo had a good night. I assislrd lor II ',t:',t.: ::,.. place til with Ftildllna by de- Clarke from Reid It 10,06, Model wlll meet St, Tere'll'. to the harde8t shot in the Duff milcued on one 01 Mar·; cnm~ hack ~:I~I ·\1 (' .', ' .. I.Un, Holy Croll 12·8 at the Graham Carter from Jim Brad· In high achool hockey 'acHon at Junior hoc~ey league but he ~hall'l markers but had no pial" heror~ Ih~ bI . , . ~.1; )1. ~ ::';,' $adlum lilt alibI. The Gilardi ley at 12.17 and Ed Vatcher un· the Stadium this afternoon, didn't ne~d it last night B! he on the other two, Duff hod 22' have SI. Pal', .. I ~ ':1; . '; i " .'riI;t.or1leavea both aqualla with wisted at 14,04 had It ll~ for Thm two teaml and Macpher. banged home, five goaia to ahots fired his way. ,lie re~isler!d O'll i ",:; ,~.Wina and three defeatl over Guardl, Ion are playing a apedal round. ~park a St, Pat s co~eback 7·3 St. Pa,t'~ lost winger Jim al 1-159 ar,d ·l~.'·:.' .:::; th'.II ..on for 12 polnu each, Holy Cl'oaa "ored their firet robin aerlea for the Howle Victory over SI. Bon s. Goobie Byrne midway through the sec· . l5.JiJ wilh be'\ ~ . " " Helll'J Hounsell· fired four tally at 1~,r,a with Jlck Mona· Meeker trophy. siapped his five markere home ond period 8S he bumped into lll"o man p" ,: : " IOIlI for Gilardi and aaallted han u marklman and "Skeeu" from just in front of the Blue· the board.! and pulled a muscle ,hol the BI'~;l, . , 'I"~" ::'i~ on .ont acor. to pice the win Mahon auiltlng to make It 11·1 Model deleated Macphereon gold nets on paRsouts to pace In his bIlck, He was taken to serond slanu IO,~ I'.:; , ·<:tl'l· r: ~. t I a m uptain Rollle and Bern Trlcco reallterlng at 7·2 on Tuesday to take the firat HENRY HOUNSELL GORDON GOOBIE theThIrishi team. the General Hospital but iater, It look G~r4A ~ ' .. I •.. , ("1Irk. had three Icorel and an 16.15 on a pau trom Bill Wea· iame of the lerles and St.· , . e w n for st. Pat'l moves returned home.' ;'2 s~onds of l .' " -:: ."lit. Clay Reid had a lIoallnd cott lor I 11·2 leore, Bern Teresa', will clull with Mac- them four polDI.I out front in Joe Browne played a !ine. lo round OUI h~ ! llllated on four other leorn. Tricco of Holy Crall for trip- pherson in tbe third game next league standings, It was the I game on defence f~r the Irl5h: fnrm'nre.John Peter Clarke hid three aulN, ping at 4,53 and Don Hemeon Monday. third game in a row that saw with Gooble and ~hke Fltzpat·. up at 052 for I .~ , Bert Warr and Jim Bradbul')' of Guarlla for Interference at SL Pat's com~ni uP, with vic.) rick al their best forwards, Joe the Irilh. Denn both acored one and let up an· 16,49 with the lecond period tones after being behind In the ISlaney headed the st. Bon's I inlo the ~orir, other, with Ed Vatcher Ind penalUes. In the. middle frame C I N encounters. delence with Bob Marshall and. Pal's at 9.00 ell Graham Cuter bavlnll aingle Guards out.hot the Cruaadera or in!! ews SI. Bon's took a 2·0 advantage Tom Bert~~ford looking good up I when he .-: Wile •. Jim Bradley drew two 13·7, u In the opening stanza on a pair Iront. I Sl. Pal's I(Or1 00 aaalIta with Don Hemeon pick· The final frame I8W Jim !1f scores by Bob Marshall and The Bluegolds came up wllh I play. Joe Silt ,. Ina up one ullat. Bradbury Icorlnl from Henl')' BROOKFIELD ICE CREAM the Bluegolds took a 3·0 edge a fine defensive game [or the: w" called 10;11 ~. Bern Tricco, Jlck Monahan HoullIell .t 1I,l>' for a 12-2 LTD. TROPHY in the middle. atanu with Ron firat period and played the I R.59 .nd Roger and Jim Lane were the Cru· score but Jim Lane tallled from Relult. of Gamea-Tuesday, Butler scoring. Then Goobie same style In the third. It was Sl. Pai's leam iader 10al'lettere, II "Skeet." BasU Chafe at 14,23 to get the De~. 9th took over to get four second ioose cleering by them in the, hin at 16.49 ICI! l . " ,":"-c: ldabon, BlIl We"ott and Basil third Holy Cross marker and ~klps Skips PCflod goals and this plus a second period that lost the I[er.ce. Sl. Boo', .Cbafe eacb drew an auilt. The have the encounter end 12·3 for Allan 9 VB Kent 6 ta~ly by .John Per~ had the game. St, Pat's gave a steady 5huoling adl·UI... !. ~i. for Holy CroY atopa any Guards, Andy Shapter of the Herrick S Rockwell 7 Imh leading 5-3 gomg into the performance lor the opening, [ra:llr. ' • 'S\layoffhopes they may have Crundere wat nlbbed for trip- Boyd 7 Brett 6 final frame. Goobie and Derm periods but didn't clear well in "REFEREE: llad. Both the Crusaders and St, ping at 6,49. Hoiy CroS.!! held Templeton 5 Norris 6 Connolly regi!lered for the the. third. Duff had several fine! .Joe Smilh 9-8 II I lion'. are out of the running a shooting edge In the Goudey Moyse'11 !rish in the final stanza to 11ave stop!! in thiJ frame to hold St.: LI:'\ES~IES:' Ind the other three team. will final frame. Kennedy 9 G~ldsteln 9 It end 7·3, Bon's. I John Doyle!\C .ee adion In the piaydowns, REFEREE: Butler 8 Handrlgan 2 Bob Marshall opened lne goal· . U:'\FTPS: ': , Guard.! held a ~ lead a!ter Noel Vinicombe. Moore 3 Giannou 6 Goobie with his fh'e goals getting in the game at 5.17 to ST. PATS-\'Il the flnt period and were out IJNESMEN: Edgecombe 13 Warren " BOB MARSHALL ROI.LlE CLARKE was tops [or, the I.rish squad give St. Bon's a 1·0 iead, He ~Ialone. Joe . , front 11·2 loing Into the 'thlrd Charlie Field and P.eter Reid 3 Conroy 7 -----.-.- While John Perry pIcked up a intercepted a clearing pass and Brorkkhurst, . " ., '.~perlod. Botb turns came up Duffy. ElUott 10 Thomas 7 single marker. and two assists, fired a low shot behind Dulll Byrr,p, .\Uke , :.' with a lone acora In the final GUARDS-Ed Blllartl, Frank Bishop 9 McArthur 3 Jun lor Tea m' Stan d.-ngs Derm Connolly tallied once and for the score. At 6.11 Marshall I Pm)" Jim, : :--tram" Squires, Rollle Clarke, Geoff The Special Mixed Bonapiel :llike Fitzpatrick drew three was back to give SI. Bon's a· noll)', Gorden . " Bern Tr1cco of Holy Cross reo Petere, Bob Bldcock, Ed Vat. held IMt night (Wednesday) assi.lts. :I!arshall was tops lor 12.0 edge. He took a pass from' Han;ford. To~ .,c.elved a minor cut to hi. head cher, Wally Youden, Henl')' was won by the Rink skipped P W L T GF GA Pen Pts, SI. Bon's with his brace of· Bern Myrick on the wing and· Knn;>;>, Dale SIl;! " ., but finlahed tbe encounter. He Hounlell, Peter Clarke, CI.. by Mrs. J, K. Clouston wit~ a St Pat' 9 8 1 0 goa.ls. Butler. had the other I banged a high shot in of[ Du!f's· ST. BO~'S-EI" '. L' It d th G I H i 1 ~ , S "" .. " .... "" 57 29 26 16 h .' .•1.\ e e enera oap u Reid, Jim Bradiey, Jim Brad. margin of 35 points, Other memo w ~Ie Bern ~~)'rlck picked up an I pads for his second score to Bob .\lurphy, Ba:: . R, 2·0 ~ . loliowinl thl lame for one bul')', Dlln Hemeon, Bert Warr, bera of the team were Bart. Guards "" .", "" .,,, 9 6 3 0 51 26 58 12 assIst. . h~\'c it after the firsl. The: Sian!». John ' , illtch. Graham Carter. lett, Mrs, Casey and R, Allall. . Feildians "...... "" 9 6 3 0 49 37 55 12 . IrISh held a 12·5 shooting ad· shall. Enc S: '. 'G' EdrdBihliadrd21in the net. for HOLY CROSS-Jack CAlnnors, Due 10 the ~tor.ea bein~ upen Holy Cross .. " .. " .,,' 9 1 7 1 36 67 67 3 Ron ~!cCarthy in goal lor st. I \'antage in the opening frame. I Donaili. Ron I ua a a atop' over the Len McGrath, Brian Pbllpott, on Saturday of this week there S B Bon's gave a fine performance, I The Bluegold.s took a 3·0 lead lord, Bruce ' .' foutl, He played well and made Andy Sbapter, Cyril Walsb, w!1l not be the usual mixed ban. t. on's "" .,,' .... ,,,.10 1 8 1 36 69 62 3 lie was extra great in the first Iat 7.08 01 the middie stanza Kavanagh. J,\J ., lel'eral fine Iribi In ea~h John Furey, Bull Chafe, Frank spiel. I.lI the morning all the D hI h d period as he blocked 12 6hots with Ron Butler skating around SIIOTS 0" GO.\~ period, Jack Connore had M 'Hlckey, Jim Lane, Blll Malone, rinks will be ~upled by thr on e ea er llacpherson A'A from St. Pat's, Over the roule the Irish defence to score an hl.l!( ahot. fired at him in the Cru· Jack Monahan, "Skeeu" Mabon, Armed Forces and Bank teams, - • ~rcCarthy had 27 6topS. Val! unassisted. goal. Gordon Goobie Duf[ ..., l I nder loal. Bern Trlcco, John Milon, Blil In the afternoon and evening In Mercantile 11' T I Duff between the pipes [or SI. I then took over lor SI. Pat's. ~rC.rlh)" II t RoUle Clarke and Henl')' Wescott. an rink. will eb available for hi eell.ng oni~ It ~~a~~~~r ~t~a~~r~~ ~h~a~~ SHOT8 ON ~a~~~d. scratch gamea, The Mercantile Hockey Lea· A meetmg 01 the Macpherson lIigh School period, with Clay Reid setUnK Billard , .•• II 7 ~.~. BROOKFIELD ICE CREAM gue had a doubleheader sche· AA hos been called for the the otber. Reid from Peter Connore •• 13 13 8 at duled for the Prince of Wales school tonight at 7.30. As mat· Clarke at UO accounted for LTD., TJlOPHY Arena tonight. The league had ters of great importance Are to P et·e·r Byrne Tall I-es ,:. I" their flret marker and Rollle p Th1ll1dlY, D!c. 11th two cancellatloM this past be dlscuased all members are , , ' ~*ke from -Bert Warr It 7.111 ee Wees To week and will run the twlnbill asked to attend, ~ti. 11 2-0. H,1lI')' Hounsell at SklPl 1 P,II'·· . SklPS t( 'catch up on 11.1 schedule. A basketball practice wlU }. , ~ T G- HIe' 2 d , ~J1 from Peter Clarke and R' S Ai 10 p,in. Hickman's AA take place following the meet· 0 lye' 0 y r'oss n - ~ \ , ,I ~ Clay Reid at 14.41 had eP1ster at. :~~~ -n .Stentalord wIll face Bowring's while at 11 ing, , i.~ , Guards out front 6-0. Rolile ~- Angel p.m. E. F. Bimes will clash , I. Ir Peter Byrne came up with The ieague seml·final~ oprn. midcllp.lanZl . '. CI.1rk~ ~ot number five at 19,42 Willon Butler of the Pee Wee Horwood, Laws with Ayre &. Sonl, Barnes are c,r. two goals in the second period Friday afternoon with SI. Pat's' ference in Ib! I'· wilh Don Hemeon plckln. up Hockey Leallle told the Dally Hallett Chelveu defending cbamplons In the cir· Guards Seniors j th~ ~~,,~t tn hA\'e il5,o ,t[lcl' the) Ncws that regi.tration of boy. ·830 p.m. cuit. 8S he paced Holy Cross to a meeting Curtis while Holy Cross i squans wer,1 ol'~nin~ slanza. Guards oulBhot . for the coming Pee Wee League Hermanson' Coupland The Guard! senior hockey 4-2 win over Curtjj in High wlll face St. Mike's, The semies fin~1 fnln~. " I'· School hockey at the Stadium, will be two of Ihree games and Byrne ~·i'.h hJ Hal)' Croy 13,5 in the flut: wlll be held on Saturday. The Lush McCarthy team will hold a practice at the yesterday afternoon. The Cru· will be compieted before the lops for lhe : :,~. ~riorl, I boys ma)' .Ign up at the Stadium CUft Hue SI. John's Memorial Stadium I, Hillview Darts sader \'ictory gives Holy Cross Christmas holidays. The finals Tom Gushue I : I In the afternoon. The hours have Weir Tiller, W, tonight at 6.l~. AU players are I II second spot in the league for are scheduled for the first part: addrd Single I. : . ,. uard, lCored Ilx more times' not been announced yet. 10 p.m, All players who took part In requested to make a special ef· : '. ' ote the Crusadm 80t Inlo Boya between the ages of Stack . ColbourM the Hillview Darts turkey serie! lort to attend. playoff purposes and sent Cur· of January. i picked up lWO . :.~ . ,;goal column. In the aecond elcht and 12 yurs may slln up. IDavies Hall are asked to be at the estah· tiB Into third. SI. Pat·s are in Both teams got a pair of Sh.p~rr assiJ:iCl ,.' ad Hourllell from Peter They must be at theae age.! on McCarter Wlnlor Illhment tonight at 7,SO. ThIS with the forthcoming Individual flrat spot wl\.h SI. ~Uchael's markers in the first period and Gordon ~1;rJlol ~.' uke and Clay Reid at 3,ee, August 31st. Cooke Taylor meeting wll' be In connection knock·out series . fourth. Byrne's brace of tallles in the and an lllill I~ Doug feJthl~ --====~~-======~~======~----=~~~~~==~~~====~==~~====~======. othrr ~oal. Char:il PoUocJ I • in goal lor Cur.iJ 31 sholl duriol til ellcounler. H! ~ : an)' o[ the. calne up i e~ch ~.rll!ll. III tt,,· I" l> for he IJ,:,J, 1-1 ..

    , Il·~,J;.\·. FEATURING (;l,~.dlln ~Ij"'~!r.. opt'!lIrl~ ,(Ill lor ~ :::, ,"" uf Ihl' 1",-, plr."', , 1l01l~ I'rlthl~ ~.l • INDUSTRY IN NEWFOUNDLAND • MINING P"s III fr,"',l 01 ill END·OF· YEAR EDITION 1~l'1 al~d Felthl'. .• TRADE • LOGGING Tom (;:Ishuf • LABOUR SPORTS with ~n u., I. HoiI' ('ro'~ 10 pm •. Gorno n • FISHERIES • PUBLIC SERHCES pre:t, mork'~ OIl 1958 ADd • eomplet. retord 01 LOCAL and FOREIGN Eventl, Fatalitifj, .tc. ~ol Curlll b.ck ~. 01 1J.26 but lock,d lhe onrl~ lata at O'N SALE Den,more rlc.n! hlurllne 10 hll! ,slanta er,d in I ! · Hoi), Cro!S · gain" to Ih!. · 4.23 for rou;h:l.l Order Your ,for boarding. Tb! i saw Holy C~

    i Curti.! 11-5· d DECEM~ER I The third II : for Hal)' (rOIl Copies Now 25c Hearn passed 10 s M T W T F S the curlil rod 1 2 4 ing Pollock 3 5 6 52 to gilt ibI 7 11 . ,krt/ 8 9 10 11 12 ' 13 From COpy 3.2 edge. A .. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 the Hoi)' (ro~ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Your Camer-Dealer (he Cru!lder 28 29 : at 13.43 PII 30 ! puck to Ed 31 or Direct From U•• , ter ice Zlot ed to Pelrr to hare Byrr·! hnd drive 10 HoI)' CreSS ing Bdvanlll~f ~tJnza, thai called. ~ I The !inll f . 5 PEe IA L i sailer; sllil I sure butPOJ!~1 1 the curtis 0 Let. us mail copies from our mailln,£( room to your friends away THE DAILY NEWS , were COllnlt~sJi trom hom~. All Proyinces of Canada 25 cents per copy; En):,land, f.O. BOX 9i2, DUCKWORTH STREET, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. · of Hol,< Cro.~t4 j U,S.A. lndaJl other cQuntrles- 30 cents per copy; These rate~ · 01 Curti5c.~~ ,ill 0{ the tll7" 't ,Include posta~e and wrappln~, ing t"·o nllr,c, tIe.\.· Holr C~'Ip" 111.~ in lhe

    · ------\

    NFlD, THURSDAY DEC. 11 1938 " .

    ------_._--_._-- -

    <.~. ) " He Started Good But Second Round Junior Horkey 1 I Is I . . Civil Service Hockey Billard~ I , Fitzpatrick I, ! , ' II ,. , I , .', I, : I ,. : 1 11 IGets Underway Tonite , " ' : I: Still Lead i In 11th On Two Jabs , )f 7 League~ .. , ! , , I e e Now that the flrat round Is In the se~ond stanZl as Pik~ With threr. gamell of the Perry, SP 7 7 2 H e R.at the IrUh T h Reid. G 7 7 4 14 ,i tl M t' over with Ind the Mental Has· got his second goal followed junior hockey third and final Il5I!ts Irarn , l Hounsell. G 10 3 2 13.· t 72,t 8nd H He C tIC I e a C pital have been declared seconds later by Moore. T, round over !lUke Fitzpatrick of , I A . I' Champ! the C,S,H,L. Iwlng Walsh of Treasury got on the st. Pat's is still leading the St. George, SB 3 9 o -12 '[ Jcked the bleeding challenger to the ca~I's~ inlo the second round of the band lugon early In thl! per· s~orers while Ed Billard of Baird, F 7 4 2 'en ;", at 9.49 h ' , . 'I oore·d ee nnes with a left and right to th~ lal'.'. I sehedule. The Mental squad iod u he opened the scoring: Guards has the top goalie aver· G McDonald, SB 6 4 o ':10: I1 ,'1' . ~C\ [or a 3'3 e Moore FI Thr T 'I' ' " I '{von, blood streaming from hIs ended on top of the heap In followed by I loa I by Whitten: age, Bob ~[arshall of St. Bon's " I ' , hack with a I, I ,. Ihe ! 'rst Round nose. tottered to his fect at llne·1 the first round with only one Icorlng closed off In this per· • is second in the ~coring while All the regular goaliu "Ih 'I FI BOTH ,BARRELS defeat and that WBI handed to iod II Moore converted Gordie Val Duff of SI. Pat', is next 10 the league had thcir al'cr'igi!'!; SI. Pat's Out In I Archie let loose with both bar· !hem by the up Ind coming Dufra PilI Into the net. Thus, Billard in the netminders, slip in the three games of the c~I'lerCd fro Veteran Archie Moore came back from four 'I r,els. He belted away and tnen C,N,R. squad In the list ,arne making Ihe aeore reid at the 'I Fittpatrick has scored only third round so far with n'on'c .1"'" and frorn :'1 , Wednesday night to kRYo Yvon Durene the finIshed off the recllng of the first round. ThOle ume end of the lecond period Fish· 'I seven goals but the Irish center of the positions in the stint!· with hath rn kdo\l'n~ in D\l~elle , I wltth a IIghtrung fast left and rIght two squads go It· It auln to· eriea e, Trea!ury 2, In the i has picked up assists on 19 of ing's chang.ing. Bil,lard with- 21 ,. lI\an pia),!, 5t ~ and retAin his world light.heavyweight title after a sav· to he Jaw. ,night In the first lame which third period Treasury outscor· , his tearru lallie.'! for 26 points. goals agaInst hIm In. el,ht Ihe BlueioldJ' ~In' fight. The time of the knockout wal 49 seconds of t.\l! As the gets underway at 1,00 p,m, and' ed Fisheriea 3 to 1 on goals' is wel! out front Cor', has a 2.63 to head ,II !',nnz~ ref~ree Jae~, ~h~rkel' ~[arshal! ~am~s ~ark farmer world hea\~\\e.ght cham· in the nightcap Fisheries play by Whitten, Barron and Pow·' his tcam. The SI. Bon's winger Val Duff oC SI. Pot s b)' ,~, buff took G~rdQn pl,on .started to c~~~t It se;,n,lc;d ho~t 10 Treasury, cr. Flaherie~ lone goal in thc' has the mosl goals in thc ha3 been scored 0", 20 lim~ 1n I I " 'conds o[ the rlcnone In lhe I L.lIl,) f,;l, I.t Lut Tuesday C ~ R out. third period was scored b), lleaguc 18 and coupled with lix ~e\'en games for :I •.86 averaje, u nd alit hll was all o\'er. Durelle slumped on ". . ., . h' h ' . ' , . Billard Ollnes Ih" league"'only Allce. John his sldc a d thcn trlco t 1111 up pla)'ed, outshot and out5cored Hable PIke complel1ng. IS at I a.5mls he has 24 POints for h t t d t . '.. , 'i 1 O~2 for a as' ihe co~nt reached te~, p. Mental Ho!pltal by a. Icore ,of triCk for the night. ThiS gam€ I second spot. ~[ar~hall ha~. pia),' s u out 0 a e. . > :: 10 [{'ish. Derm It wa~ the se\'e~1th tltlc defence B to 1 and In dOlryg reg~s· ~'as also very raug.1I as FIs~er· 'e? a gan:e morc th~n Fltzpa~. II , the ,corin~ I for Moore and his fifth straightlercd their seeond 1I:1n \Vhlle' Ie! were tagged ~'tth a major, rlck.or Jim Byrne of St. Pat 5 I! , a I 9.00 of the knockout I'ictory in a title dc. handIng M~nta! Ho.lpttal their I match ~nd a mlscond~ct pen· who IS third: Byrne has 11. goals ,. fence. first dcfeat this year, The altles while Treasury pl~ked. up and nine 'aSlSts for 20 pOints, I he countered I' 'at'~ score on In Moore \\'ci~hcd 1m" his li~ht C,KR, big guns ..-ere at It one f!1ajor penalty for fighting, I b(1\:r,: ,,, Joe SI 01 ~~:il~' ~I est In more than fnur years, and again u Abbey Carew pIcked These I8me .tll'o. teams Will It rflo,md. t lipn hr· called lor for a time It lOoKed like that up one goal and one Issi!t, be At It again tomght at 8,30 ,II and Roger d.1-n Ihe R3ic Sir, might have been the reason for Barry Maunder picked up two p,m. . \! r~h!rmon '.\, t h his bad start. Durelle II'righed goals and three I!slsts while Team ,Itandangs at the end " 'at's team 1 'I al 16.49 lor '~I;U snd lelis. 172. his lightest In 20 months, his line·mate Bob Hoilett pick· of the flrat round: '. BELL FIVE.POINT MUST . ed up three goah for a hat· GP W L Pts, e. SI. Bon'l , .,1 ,Iir,g 5 for the 1\'r.tm HocKPI' Archie Moore lIr1nnet! happily adlln .at in his dressing room, .~I.iJ()'J each for allegedly ffllling centre fielder's mother Ind i The greRls 01 baJIcball paid i )m GlI.Ihue lI'!dn!!dlY ~ft~r. in hi! Forum drwinll room drying his tears. to do Ihcir best In a title bout. father, ' him homage. Many Ife expect· .. I ,I I : ieled single QuaKm "dc· ~fter retaining his lIiht·helvy, "I WII trying too hard, that The two.ltalian middlel\'ei~ht Speaker died tr[)m a heart It· I ed to arril'e .today In thi.! town' eked up two my mistake. I was' too champion lIalo Scortichlni and to criprle tiS" lI'elght crown by knocklnl out wa~ tack that climaxed a fishing 1 of 1,800 population for the lapter assisting I :' ,I ~I in Sask~loon, Canada's YI'on Durelle in the ea~er," Durelie IBid. challenger Giancarlo Garbelli· trip on Lake V{hitney near hen. II ritet. ,rdon ~lanston 'nine dil'i!ion Iczd· 111h round Wednesday night. Asked U he thought he h8d met for the Italian title in Milan ld An as.!lst for He was 70, I 11m! a "I knew I had him alter the the agile Archie alter the first No\', 29, The scheduled 12·rounder The eight pallbeareMi nlmed' George Eubanks. partner and, ·. : ·':'1·" aug Feltham I. , tho'Jght," said LtI· lourth round~· but before tbat rour.d he laid: . was stopped in the nlnlh round. Wednesday Ire III pen anal manager of the funera~ chap,el! 'I I her goal. mYoid mentor. I " Id "I was neve r lure of aoy\lnnll The referee said he suspected friends of Speaker. where Speaker's body ]Jes, !aid! Charlie Pollock ,"ould re.,ort 10 . I .was awfully. rocky. .. lI! fuat .ort. He was re3ll), i "connivance" by the two boXers. Two are' gasoline dIstributors, two trucks will be required to' II !\ , , goa! lor Curtlt II · '1 ~Ioore, 41,. who wal felled four imart In Ihat t'ound. Hp. cov· 1 -.,. ·'··":"Ii"or.I' ~ommission of .... di!trict attarne),. rancher. transport the flowen to the I ahot. durinl tbl · ina II' What tl;p times. three timea in the first ~.I'ed· himself S'I we!! right allel' : Ihe 1t3l1an Boxing Federation '~I' I lcounter, He bid banker, grain dealer, druggi~t I cemetery, I .1 I,': Ih, kne, injllrie, I round, l'omlng back after each cOllnl I "'":1red lile UOXl'I'S ilf the and l'iothlng alort' manaler I Surviving are hi. widow and , ' i 1)' of the cru Ind Eddi, Ilia· "nur~lle iri one of Ihe \'ery thMt I ntVer hUll a l'il~lIf'e fol' "l'OJlllil'3nCe" c h a r g r. saying complete the Iill. lWo .isten. 1111' I up ~'ith a lolluw·IIIl'Qlll/h after m~' h~~1 Ihel'" lI'as ilislIfiil'ielll pr0u/, ~-- Ii.' ('Ill, III DOli tliP I hMvt :. ! .eil pHiod. ~':'~ I li~hl·h~H)'w~it(hls lllow~, Hill tile cOlllllli~sioll ill\~O.'t.'(\ ~'II l1'r.'1111 Illli ~\~r fllll~ht." th~ olll rillg : i , I Iht nelS for "I hMW fouWhl Mtilut men ue· the /iJle~ alld tialJ tlie lJo~er~ Ii I . e IIlade 14 slap.!. I'li I IllJa,ltt ~~id 81 rtporttra and fore; but IIHrl' bo>olle I~ .Illifl "(~il.,1 to iiI'. up 10 t1leir prilfea· ".r pl.fll~' [~hOIUICI'M~h"I'~ ¥~n¥rd Mt'OUlld ~ Wlr 1\\0 gOBls 31 th~t fellOW, Hr'. IUllkillg sionul dulies, !howing 8 fl~hllllg ! III s'Jltl~., Idill. I:: I '.,'flLa h. ~I~llked straillht at you 111 the tlmt: ~b spirit In~Jeqllate. to the Impor· , fur Ih,s~ BC' N.I-I.IJ' Roundup , <,I ul the wo)' lor I:~ ioin~ I! ~~t "I hl\'e to feel sorry he lost, if ~lltlll to iue •• what blow tunce of the match." . NEW YORK (AP)-Alex Del· of the leason. .... 10 r" . Bill oC cour~e I have to look you'!! come up with next." f, :, ; t;II{"don ~tan.llon . Durelie - whose onl)' visible veechio flipped the puek over • Brian Cullen ~cored In the out for myse!!," middle frllme and DIck Dul! ,pl'lIin~ ~0JI fo.r irdury Wll a cut lower lip-said Iprawl!ng Gump Wonley In the ,f Ihe t ir.'1 Moore, from San Diego, Calif,. ~a ,walDever badly hurt through Conception final period and gave D~trolt converted a pm by Billy Harris )O,lg HIlham . said he would like tO,meet the1b~ 11 rounds, except for the Red WlnFI a 2·1 victory over early In' the final frame to put l'I:I!i la's in frollt of Going 2{,>.year·old fisherman. Igaln last nurry that finished him. New York Rangers in I free· the Lea/I Into the lead, :, dl arn Bay Hockey Shortly after Dtlff'smarker, , I , .IIi lPI and Felth . and wouldn't mind doln. It. ChrlJl Shaban, Durelle'lm,n· wheeling National Hockey Lea· " 'om Gushue Austin here .. He said he also wanted ager, nld he WBI IS surprised The Harbour Grace Conl'ent gue . game here Wednesday Brian Cullen WI.! sent off for' \'lth An ,,-,"'''''' a crick At heal'ywclllht cham· 85 Moore' when the champion team defeated the AI'ondale nillh!. sll.!hin, Chlcilgo's Eric Nester· ~!ol\' ('ro~~ 10 pion Floyd Pltterson, went to the canvRI In the flrat squad 12·2 in Conception Bay The goal eme at 8:M of. the enko, Sloa'n; who had miss~d ,~me. Gordon High Sl:hool hockey At the lhire; period after Wmley, the Chicago'. last 'six 'games, took . on ~rrlt)· marker t " (crl _. One or CI.EAN KNOCKDOWNS rou~:, IBid the Durelle battle Harhour Grace Stadium res· Ranger loa lie, had made' a· .en· a pas.! out· from Litzenberger ,ot curlil bacK oU f~h on thp Hamil.· Moore said Hery knockrlown plan had been to hang on until terday afternoon .. sational save on Gordie .Howe, and. beat Leaf's Johnny Bower, .t 11.26 bul linr i! Bill .\Ul' : WI! clean And /air, "He Clught the lIfth round. then to start who broke in' all alone, from clOtle in, ' I j .,I" F AITRFUL DOG By 'gaining the deadlock, To· locked the c itJl "rrk In Ihe il.!' me cleAn Her), time he caught moving, , Worsley made a ~prawlinlt .'·1 II Dnrls later at :-!vine ServIce In st...on Oct. 11th,' Gulde.s Ind reaU1ed.Many thanks to all who Toronto abort·handed while one of Seittie, WIlL' president, Ihe curti I oed­ NlcholuChurcb, Amhent Cove. Brownli!llttended a bil rally 'pa/ronlzed' the affair. . of the Leaf'. gl>au .came with I Boucher IBid: were counter aD4 MrI.B: H.·Dunn, Dfatrlct Com. at ·Bonlvl,t., In honour of our . November . 6th, I 'Guidera Hawk In the penalty box, . of Holy c~td \I ho out I plan IIlwioner of'Bonlvhta,w... Iao Cb.\ef ,·Commluloner Jar Can· meeUn~ wal held In the U,C. "If, he doesn't heir from· the : of Cu rtlJ tbiJ'd 1fi th !irh~e In c~se 'In attendance. The Imlce' WII ada, ~Mrs, W. Rlnkln Nesbitt. School It Newman'. Cove. Mrs. Toronto'. 'Mare Reaume was· president, I'm' going. to. makc' ! of It cau~ht condUcted hy Rev. C.R. Kini, Guldu Ind Brownlel of 1st. Rallce Skef!\nllton (Capt,), Mrs, lerving an interference' penalty sure thai he does, Andil he can· the mln ut • ~IVERaIES, ing tWO croll ~ plln At~.ndin. I. Pl'ck holiday :.t 'A:m~~r.t Cove took part in the Harold .Morri.! (Lieu!.) and early In the· first 'period when not ~ubstantlate his charges­ . til'5. HolY il.-J 1IftIJ. rl af tbe Loek~on fro~ ·l.tAmherlt rally,· 'In .Inpn,the loyely Mr_. WAllace ,Brown : (Brl)Wn En Litzenberj[er tipperl in a ~rid r know he c8n~I"":"'I'm go!n~ CANADA'S MOST RESPECTED NAME .IN SAKIN 111.5 ID til· . Cov •. Comp&!!)'. wlil 1tcl'n.I.: 10lIl ·"lbe'. like. the ~ wallow OWl) were .In Itlendlnce. thot'by Sloan'for biJ 12th tilly Iuk Mr. Leader· (.0 luspend.him, , ., " . , . " ' . '-'~ ·~H --.-,-, ---,-- ... ,', .' ._------., , ". I ,\,', . ! \ ,If" . , " ," " )(, ( 12· THE DAILY N ST. JOH THURSDAY , THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE

    .' "For Stove Oil and Fuel Oil Phone 7469 or 3007

    , ' This Page Is Presented With The· Compliment~ Of The GREAT EAStERN CO., LTD. :. CAPTAIN EASY -. An.wer to Previous Puzzl. 'Radio Programmes Water Travel ! 7.00-Nfld. News and Sportl. ACIO!S ~ Tedium CBN r 8.l~Shlpplna Report. 1 Wlter vlnel 8 Edible mlrlne THURSDAY, December 11th. ' 8.20-Klddle. Calander, Wid b,. S.30-Nfld. NeWi and Weather. Indiana 7 fllhPossesses !IIfI. f,:- B :~ A.M. B.4~Mornini M • r r 'I G1! I-boal "Thin min's" . 7.SO-CBC Newi. Round: 11 Embellishes 13hpunler 8 LookdOl ukanct ..~ 7.~Top of The Mornlns. 9.00-Generai Provincial New •. 14 Occupant 10 Mikel 11:1 8.00-CBC Newl and Weather. 9.0~Mullc for Milliona. 15 Church mistakes fIoltl~ii1Z1 ~ 8.1S-Musleal Clock. 9.20-The Bob Lewil Show. ftltlval 12 Sharpen, II I .... 9.00-Mornlna Devotions. 9.46-Prodigal Fatber, 18 Individual razor' 24 Himalayan 41 EmnU.l 13 Lampre1 wild goal belnl 9.15-Program Preview. 10.01-~!artln'. Corner. 17 RUJlIIft , mountalnl flsherman (Vir.) 42 PermIts a.SO-New.. 10.1~No Love for Linda. 18 Arl (Latin) 18 Collection 01 26 Row 43 Persia 1I.36=-Direct Reports. 10.S~What'l Cookln', 10 Female belli .lyIngl 27 Bewildered 4a Poulan lall'1 UI~-Recordl at Random. 10.46-Whs'l that Sinaina, a Aialnll 20 Oceln _ 28 Nol 1& much 46 In the year 01 10.00-0ne Man'l Family. 10.5~Housewives Cholee. . IS Pertalnlnl to 21 NollY brtather 34 Storehou~.. (Latin) parenll ' In lIeep 3a Goddeu 47 Swedish 10.15-Doril JBnel, H.OI-John Turners Family, 22 l'tlIh duct 36 ScoltlJh cap weIght '.' 10.25-For Consumer.. 10.30-Honour your Partner. 28 Lank I' 30 French river, 23 fiddling 37 Struck 49 Exl.1 lO,30-A tlBnUc School Broad· 1l.45-Sound 0'. 31 Great Lake Romln 40 MUle of al Brythonlc sea ClLlt, P.M. 12 ~ttllh emptror poetry led IM5-BBC Variety. 12.01-Town and Countr'!, Ihttplolds I. iO 1l.1~Nfld. School BroadcB!I. 1.O~Weather Forecalt. PAmends hAi" lU5-Sacred HeBrt Proiram. I l.l5-News. 19 Ocean Velltl 1'1 I) P,M, 11.3~Edltorlal Comment. U Biblical b--t--+-+-+-t-t J 12.00-BBC News. l.4OTS AND HER BUDDIES mt. I 6.~Bulletln Board. DOWN ~--i~~~ I I Roman. pelriot ,"1'-+-++++-1 I'~ r:r---~:;-');:M~:;:) I"'~-----~ ~MEm.t:'R.C7P 2.U-HBPPY Gana. 6.lO-NaUonal Newl, 'f\;lo(..""''I'':.,\'t''I~ '. 3.l~Klndergarten of the Air. I 6.1~Sporta, • Arabian I\IlI Jl' r' , I Not an, tTJ-1--t--r-t"-t- ~ ~."'i<..<:j\) "E.~~'" '\.~ at..ri: 'Rlli~ 3.30-New! and Trans Canada 6.21I-NBWI, • Britllh monf7 ;" P' ~'<> ,W ~ \-\'a7l~ ~~v.; 'R'3>I"-\..~ ...... ,""", \oWl of account _ ...... Matinee. 6.30-P.M. Theatre. S\..~~\Cl~ ~'i::.~ G::!I~ ~I, r-_ 4.30-~1uslc by ~fcMullin. 7.01--Club 93. '~<.JI:.S\~\ ~4 ~ UO-CBC New.. 7.30-News. leBving New York December c.\..U~\ 'i3'U:l","c::.\ M~ChrislmBs 0Jl The ~toon. B.OI-Best from the WillI. STEAMSHIP I!th., SBlnt John, N.B. Decem· e.30-Flsherles Ilroadcast. 9.01-What's Cook In', ber 8th., Halifax December 8.46-Woman in my House. . B.03-Blg Six Program. 11th., Brrlvlng SI. John'l De­ 6.OD-Intermezzo. 9.1S-Nfld. Soiree. MOVEMENTS cember 14th. salling December ,6.30-Supper Guest. B.30-Chapel by the ,Ide of NFLD. CANADA STEA~SH[PS 17th. for Corner Brook, Hall· . , 6.4S-Grann)· ~larUn Stepi the Road. Bedford II ~aillng today . fax and New York. Out. 9.4~Dosco News. Belle Isie II leal'lng Halifax 7.00-News and Weather. lO.Q1-The Faicon. Dec. 9, due St. John's Dec. 11, 7.1S-alural. IO.30-Natlonal News. lIillng Dec. 13. 7.30-Tops Today. lO.45-Sports. Bedford II leaving Hailfax -JACOBY 7.4S-Doyie Bull!ltln. 11.01-Hou.!eparty. Dec. 9, due SI. John'. Dec. 11, US-Rawhide. 12.SO-New. Roundup. ullini Dee. 13. B.30-Mullcal Proil'lm. 12.3S-Houseparty. Belle 111. II leaving Halifax ON BRIDGE " . .' , II.OD-Medltation. ...1.,.O...I-5 ...... I'.,n.oo .... ,.... ____ Dee. 17, due St. John'l Dec. 19, FRECKLES AND HIS FRtt:NDS a.30-Pralrie PIByhouse. - laillnl Dee. 20. GENEROUS GEORGE IS NOT SANTA . i 10.00-Cltizenl Forum. VOUS Bedfollll 1I leaving Hallfax lM~- Chamber Or· 1 THURSDAY, December lUb. Dec. 17, aus SI. John'l Dec. 19, ! ,...------" chestra. 1 ______allllng Dec. 20. 1 NORTH .•.• I 1l.30-CBC National News, I Belle hI' n leaving HallIn • J 0 ... , Roundup and Talk. I A,M. Dec, 23, due St. John'. Dee. 20, 'I J 9 .I . 12.00-SllIn Off - 0 Canada- 6.DO-Sundlal IIlllng Dec. 27. • K Q 7 eS J ., . I.' i' The Queen. 6.30-Newl and Weather. CLADE 8TEA.1118HlP CO. ... A 10 7 , 7.OD-Newl and Weather. 'Guloport due 51. John'l Dec. WEST EAST , l • In 5 4 , I VOCM 7.SO-Newl and WeithIII'. 10, ullin, Dec, 12. .8763 , \ 'IK7S , , . TBURSDA Y, December 11th. a.DO-Breakl ..t Club. "Novaport leaving Montreai ' A 10 4 ,. a.30-Bert Parka Bandatand. D 9 d' S J h' D 13 • 10 8 • AJP I ••~ ec. , ue t. 0 n. ec. , '" 8 6 2 .U~43 \ . '. AoM. 9.DO-It Happened Lilt Nlaht. ullin, Dec. 17 (lor Halifax), '1. '."'1. IIOUTH (D) 1!.23-Sian On the Air . 9.0~News and Weather, "Novlport leavlr.g Halifax ~ , e.30-New •. 10.00-Coffee Tim.. Dec. 28, due !II. John', Dec. 29, .AKQ .'. . . e.35-Brealdut Club . 11.00-Turn back the Clock. ulllni Dec. 80. ''laUS I!.II~-N eWI, .U i ,l. 1l.26-Point o! Law, "Novaport learina St. John .KQJ ,- ,~ 7.l5-Sport&cut. l1.SO-PeppemllPoM Julie Club, N.B., Jan, 6, Ha llf ax J an. ft_, due . Both vulnerable 1.80-Newl. , M. oJhn'. Jan. a, Iallinl Jan. IIw'b West Horth Jut 1.3.1\-Waterfront Dlreetory, 12.00-Mlrch of lv.nta. 1, Pau PIU 1.M-News. 1. 1 MORTY t.eKi.E f ,', 12.45-Sports Paae. 13~N()\1lport Ie«vlng St John. 2 N.T, Pau 3 N.T. Pul . a.26-NeWi. 12.3O-Juke Box . Pau Psss I.OO-Marvin MllIer. N.B. Jan. 20, Halifax JBn. 23, 1 I.3O-Hlt of the Day. Openlna load-3 • 8.35-Sporta Calendar. 1.1~Arthur Godfrey. • due SI. Jobn's Jln. 28, salling ~~~':"";'==--;:-:';;:;;;;;'.",," ~ 9.OO-Mornina Date. l.30-Country Jamboree, Ja~N~~~port luvlnl SI. John, Generous lieorge beamed on 10.00-Newl. his opponents and remarked. ! ' 2.00-< ~ews. P reb. 8, Hillfax Feb. II, due St. • I 2 1 , I 10.~Mornina Date. · ...... ,porta aie. b 1 "It Is atill eBrly December but 10.M-News. 2.30-The Coupe Next Door. John'. Feb. g, IIlling Fe. O. g JOh n ~ery dBY I.! ChriatmM with me 11.00-Jukebox Jamboree. 2.45-:.ruslc by Rex RoW7. "Novaport leavlln St· b 2O' so I am going to give you the 3 OO-N Feb. 17, N.B, Ha lfBX Fe. , 11.15.5-News. · ews. b' F b no III next trick on a silver platter." 12.00-Bargain Hour. 3.0~Five Star MaUnee. due St. oJ n Ie . ..." 18 ng Ceorge, sitting South, bad 12.15-Jukebox Jamboree. 3.30-Ray Heatberton Sboll'. Feb, M. Just won the flrat trick and 12.3B-News. 4 OO-N '-Refrlaeratlon 4'15-F ewts. p 8AGUENAY SHIPPING, LTD, after finishing hi.! nice Ipeecb 12.3~Rambllna with Record.!. · ea ure lae. S.S. Sundiai lalling' Montreal George proceeded to. play the 12.4I5-,FlJherman'. Forecast. 4.30-World of SpON. deuce of diBmonds from his 1.OO-Musleal Proaram. ' 4.4~Spotllaht on MUllc. December 5tb. arrlvina st. own hand and the three of dia· 5.00-Newl. John'l Decamber l otb. N l.15-Sporll<:ut. No monds from the dummy. l,30-News. 5.~Spotllaht (Cont'd). GULF AND RTHER The usual aftermath of on. l.U-Ramblina with Record!. 15.3O-Checkln' In. IIHIPPING CO. LTD. o! George', Ipeechea ensued. US-Newl, . 6.00-News. X.V. leraul uUlng Cbar· Eut won the trick and led a 3.OD-Dollm on Parade. 6.l5-Checkln' In, lottetown December 5th, Pictou second IPBde. Georse won thlJ 3.~.5-News. B.OO-Sporta Today. December 8th, Il'1'lvlng St. and played another diamond 4.00-Weslernalret. 8.15-Anawer Pl,ue. John'l December 8th. but thl.! time he waB careful to NFLD, GREAT LAKES PRISCILLA'S POP US-News. B·30-D .,J Jambore •. play dummy's queen. East took I I!.OO-Westernairel. 8.55-News and Weather. S.S. Abern Trader leaving his ace Bnd led I third apade 1!.30-supper Serenade. B,OO-The FBI In Pwe and Montreal December B/9 for St. whereupon George ran off four B.DO-New!. War. Jobn's. dlamonda and three clubs to 6.0S-Bulletln Board. 9. 25-Scrapboolc. FURNESS WARREN LINE make four no·trump. 6.15-SpOrl.!cBst. 9.30-Heartbeat Theall., Newfoundland due HaUf8.1 A heart Ihlft would hBve held 6.2B-Supper Serenade. 10.OO-Flnll Edition, Dec. II Ind Bo,ton Dee. 8. LeBv· him to his strengtb but once 6.SO-That Fucinatlna Story. 10.l5-New Yorkers, In, BOlton Dec. 9 Bnd HBlifax Georle made his seneroul play e.45-NewI·. . 10.30-0ne Nisbt Stand. Dee. 13, due 51. John',.Dec. III. at trick two there waa no' way 7.00-The Inside Story. ll.CO-Mullc Till M1dnlaht. Salling again IBme day. for to beat bim. 7.0.5-Weatern Jamboree. 12.00-Slan Oft. Liverpool, U George had nol been 10 B.OO-Cream of the Crop. Nova Scotia Jeavina Liver· generoUB he would have been a.4~Newl. CJON·CJOX TV pool Dec, 12, due SI. John'l let. SUPP05e that he played a 10.00-Music from tbe Shows. rnURI5DA Y, December 11th, Dec. lB. Leavlna for Halifax high diamond. EBst wouid let It 11.()~(;lub O~U. Ind BOlton Dec, 19, due Halifax hold. A aecond diamond lead -...... 10.30-Eventlde Meditationl. Dec, 21, and Boston Dec. 24. would 1000e to East's Jack and 10.45-Sport&cut. 2,O~Open -HODIe, Leaving BOlton Dec, 27 and with oniy one entry left to 10.~Newl Ind Torbay 2.l.lil-DougJu Fatrblllkl. Halifax Dee. 31, due St, Jobn'l dummy George would bave been Weather .. UU-Nuraery School That, Jan. 2. Sallina asaln um. day unable to run the diamond 12.00-News. U5-Matlnet-DevU'. CUlo, lor Liverpool. suit. 12,O&--Club 1190, UO-MaUle MIIIJ\DI. Newfoundland lelrinll Liver· BUGS BUNNY 1.00-Cloll Down, U5-Plftea of Ilpt, pool Dee, 31, due St. John 'I 5.0~WlI1ttlelelWJI. Jan, 8, Leavinll for Hallfu Ind Sense CJON 1I,8~WOOtd'l Woodpecker, BOlton Jan, 7, due Halifax Jim. CARD rnURSDAY, December lUll, MO-DDa H • ...,. a and BOlton Jan, 12. Leaving Q-The bidding haa been: UO-NeWI CaValClde. BOlton Jan, 13 and Halifax Jan, North E.. t South We.t N!WI ON THE HOUR AND 7.0'l-Mlclle'l 8pillan •• 11, due St. John'l Jan. 19. Sall· I", 1, 2. Pm HALF HOUR . UB-Talea of Q, Tuu lna a.aln lime day lor Liver· 3", PaSi ? A.M. balers. pool. You, South, hold: 8.30-The Bob Lewis Show. B,DO-Mlllle lIuea '.1. Nova &:Otil leavIng Liverpool .73'854 +AK5H ",KI0B 8.30-Nlld. News and Weather. a,SO-The UafOrIHa. Jln. 18, due St. John'l Jln. 22. What do you do? e.t5-Headllne New. and Fore- !/,OO-W'IaU Earp. . Lelvlna for Halifax and Bailon A-BId tbree diamonda, Your cut. IO,O;l-How lei Mill)' i MlUiDa. Jan. 24, due Halifax Jan. 28 hand I. larely worth another 7.00-Nfld. News and Sportl. aIrt, ' BOlton Jan. 3D Ind Hallfax bid here. 7.011-Local Weather. IUD-Decoy. . Feb .•. due 51. John's Feb. 6. TODAY'S QUESTION 7.15-Newl. 11,OO-NaUoaaJ N.ws. SIIUna, lialn lime day for Your partner continue! with a 7.20-The Bob Lewis Sqow. 11.~lAcaJ N.w •• Liverpool. bid of three spade.!. Wbat do 7.30-Round th.' World News lUI-the Late Bilow-Pan of FlJINE88 BED CROS! you do now? 1 aDd Wuther.. )lew Ywk. I,S. Xanche.t.r EJplarer (Anawer Tomorrow) I

    , . I ~eWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFtD., THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 1958 1:t 1

    bunch of thieves, murderers I" S d gril'iously sinfui by Divine a brief religious terl~molcy "Yes," said Moody hoarsely, tu y Law and the Commandment.! the consecration of the WN "but we Intend to rectify that." of GOd. . clatlon to the Blessed "1 ••,;.10: ed'.'Wlth vigilantes?" Fell Wo' AlcohoJ~~m The meeting Mary. , t ,hapes Tuck I brilliant eomb or pin AMER , Iy PlANK CRIIIa " "M\ Fell," protested Moody, , ' \II ~~\II~ arp the in your hair when you 110 pllcu , ...... ,.,IrNu~_ d~~~' now whal happened 10' The month of December, I~ t~1 for I in the evening. Hair ornamenu • ore high fashion this .eaton. 19~8, marks the conclusion oE ·1,; . . XXVW• . ". "Five of our men were,"I'm k!lled. going to make Condor th e Centenary Year of founds· , AS yet, Susan was nol aware Not by Rosser. By tbe murder. and his crowd pay for tbat,bul tion of the St. John's Total ,. ~ what had happened In Ihe eu who seem to have control of it'll be done wllhout vigllantes. Abstinence anc' Benefll Society. ,~ I town that day. She had heard Ihis town." Feil added heavlly. Understand?" The Juvenile Branch met on I !; J, ahootinll, but ahe had heard "AB a matter of facl, I had "No," said Moody stubbornly. Sund1y afternoon in the·rooms I '

    shooUnK before. She knew that hoped that Rosser would be able "The people of this com· newly ·recondlUoned in the 1 munitv-" I:; .. 1 : • th e ra Uroa d men h a d been pai d, to prevent such things.'" Knights of Columbus Hall, St. !f, ~' iI, because she had assisted In that "But how can he? He-he Fell got to his feet. "They'll Ciare Avenue. The meeting was job Ind ahe knew al!l>-vaguely isn't the marrnal," ruin me if I don't stop them. called to order by Frands " i .' I: -that men wlth money In their "You're now an employe of You blithering idiot, dqn't you Dawe, Jr., ilnd roll was called •. : I paciett drank. And 88mbled. the railroad. You'll be seeing know that I've Bunk every dol· by Thomas Fagan, Jr. Chair· NOW PLAYING , . f .! She knew more about the latter Mr. Rosser coming and going"1 lar I could beg, borrow, or man of the Guardians Mr. L. . , , than about the drinking. don't want It spread around, but steal-steal, into thl! venture? J. Kavanagh addressed the , !. I . i I She had heard men come In he is working for the roalroad," Don't you know I've riaked memben, urjllng boys to pro·' ~ and talk excitedly, but Ihe work He &IOPf . Josh Moody had everything to build this railroad cure new members for the' ...... r " '. I ' ed -' . that had been given her, check. entered he hotel. and that I must have an unin· Association. From long ex .. II:, I! ing billa of ladini againat 0 0 0 terrupted !low of immigrant.! to perlence, Mr. Kavanagh told of I THIS GIRL'S !I, I' " I receipt. and tallles. bad occupi. THE Mayor of Great Pialns make it pay? Word of vigilante! the value of strict sobriety If; ed her mind, alnce the last man winced when he saw the rail. gets on the telegraph wire, 11'11 youlh wished' to attain pro!!·. CONFESSIONS had been paid that morning. road man. He came toward him. siop Immigration like tbat! dency in the athletic field and' She IIOt her flnt Inkling of Fell nodded to Susan. '''Later. And people must ~ome here. I showed how failure In many' MADE MILLIONS I what had happened in the lown ~!rs. Tavenner ..." I need their money. avocations had resulted from , when she left the railroad office Susan headed for the stairs Moody said bleakly. "What', pl'evalence of Intemperance. GASPI , . s few minule! after aix and as the mayor stopped befor~ Ithe .~se of theIr coming here if The Spiritual Director ReI', walked to the hotel. Fell Ihe~ re going 10 be murdered P. J. Kennedy endorsed the From Ihe shocking. In the holellobby, James Fell "I"m sorry about what hap' when they arrive?" words of the Chair and cor· besl-seller that revealed more than a girl ever .i 181 on a chair just Inside the pened ..." Moody began. • 0 0 reeled the false impression 1 I' doo!. "Mn. Tavenner," he said "You're Borryl" snapped Fell. that Indulgence In drink revealed of herself before­ B girl for whom there wu 1'( Added A,ttraction when ahe entered. "I'd advise "Those men worked for me." ANOTHER meeting 11' I I brought Joy and happiness into' always a man ••• q you not to leave the hotei this "I know, sir. Something is going on in Great Plains, even lite. Sirict abstinence was almost any man ... ,. , . evening," going 10 be done about it." as the vigilantes met in the un. often demanded from men' in , I • She was lurprised. "Why?" "Who's going 10 do it? Your finLshed saloon across from the pos.illon of mechanical respon.! I' ; "There'. been trOUble. Some vigilantes, Moody?" hotel. slbillty where safety and life' ,I! at our men, Ihey-they've been "Vigilantes, Mr. Fell have Riley Condor had tremendous I't'qulred alertness' and precis.: DOROTHY MALONE· ERROL flYNN .'I; , hurt." been necessary before.' In San· powers of mental recuperation. ion on the part of operators .. II Diona e"IJmo" II bor IlllIor, J'hn Blrrym,,, "By Mr. ROSIer?" Francisco. in 1854 .. ," ~!\nutes after the slaughter In Travel by air would be far, I Fell looked al her sharply "And Virgiflia elly in '64~" his saloon, he was anticipating more dan.gerous I.f Total Ab·, IITOO MUCH, TOO SOONII "Why do you say Rosser?" snapped Fell. "But there'll be possible reWlialion. Messengers sllnence ~ere not In the orders , , "1-1 don'l know. Only ..." none in Great Plairu." went out, Rnd Ihortly after. I of the day. Just recen~l)' many I " She, bit her lower IIp with her Fell," said enrn. ward Parker and Ro5ller left I warnings had been given In. 1 '1 "~!r. M~ody TIMES OF SHOWSI . '. AI!o-UP.TO. THE·MINUTE NEWS Iharp white teeth. "HI. rep uta· estly, "you are not a renident of the Pleasure Palace public of the great increase of I Uon," ahe added lamely. Great Plain.!. I am." . traffic accident! due to over· EVENING SHOWS 7 P.M.-9 P.M. , ',.i TIMES OF SHOWS Fell laid, "You're a married "I laid out this town. I sold ,Condo~ kept the back door ol Indulgence In drink. The speak· I MA TlNEE-2 P.M. : 'Ii WDlllln, but ROll8er asked me to you your busine.\s lots." hiS office unlocked, for he er referred to the I'ery import- I , :1' , 'SPACE MASTER X-7/1-7 O'CLOCK- put you to work." I "That is true." Moody ad. knew that certain of the people ani public Instructlon issued \ , .1 . " "Oh, no," Su&an exciaimed in milled. "Nevertheless, when he had sent for would prefer by the whole Catholic Hicrar·' '0 O'ClOCK. "THE FLY"-S.30. ; " dismay. you 80ld us the propert) .• you 10 enter by the alley door. I chy of Australia on the moral· ! I' MATINEE: 2 P.M. Fell held up a hand. "I was gave us the right to make our They began 10 come.. Rud,. obiigation ot strict sobriety ~ NEXT ATTRACTION .1 conslderinll the matter. any. own laws, nm the city ..." Price. Fred Wagoner. Within' whilst eongaged In the dril'in~ : : ,I btl h d ~ half hour there were l~ men, of urs. The Bishops had; REX REASON-DICK FORAN in "THUNDERING , II WIlY. u a n't made up my . !oody hesitated, realizing that be.'lldes Condor, in the saloon, . . , mind when h' spoke on your he had gotten on dangerous X atressed the prinCiple that pre- . JETS" - ACTION - THRILLS - SUSPENSE - " ~ST T~MES TO-DAY behalf." ground. • one ,.was an employee ot Con· lumlng, to drive whilst under I .1:' . dor ~Ith the exception of those alcoholic Influence was not only I Also /lBLOOD ARROW" with scon BRADY­ , :. "NATURES SECRETS OF LIFE" SUlln look r~~ge in the pre· I "Go on," Fell prodded. "I Iwho stood guard in the alley,' dangerous and subje~t. to civil I EXCITEMENT AND THRILLS IN REGALSCOPE. vlou! lubJect.. "What - what I g.ve you the right to elect your i or in front. I penalties but It was also derini· I happened toda~? own officials. You chose a (To B Continaed) tely against the morai iaw and ~~~======~------

    , 1

    ; :

    " I I' FRUIT STORES Barb.r ELECTRICAL HARDWARE STORES MATCHES REAL ~STATE STOVES I APPLIANCES THE CENTRAL BAUD EMPIRE FRUIT sToRtS , HARRl!l & mSCOCK LTD BRYMAY SAFETY NOTICE 8HOP. W. are now OPUI" For the F'reahest Frult In '.. , Town call GENERAL HARDWARE MATCID:S For Appraisah of Real Emit .R. W. bARNES I InS lix ehaln. You can be Dlstributed by BAINE JOHNSTON EMPffiE FRUIT !!TORE Distributors for Sunhum and Auctions in prlV11t IN ITOCK mured of the beat poulbl, FKANK' Me NA."YfARA LTD. ':1 ·1 COMPANY, LTD. 144 Patrick Streel, Dial t85! Electrical Appllancet. homes. BOSTON BREEZE I aemcl' plua the leut pOlo Sporlinll GoodJ and 1i]lOl'll QueeD St. DIal 5143." I .. AleaCf Depll1meat 178 Duenortb 81., 01.1 3911 DW, 90311 On. BURNE1l8 Ilble waiting. 24 New Gower ... Wlter III. Dial nor wear fOI all oeeaiona. :',1 J Locatlonl: JOHN D. O'DRISCOLL Irnmed' Dell I Sirent, opp. Adelaid, Mo­ ~OUR FRIGIDAIRE DIAL 5018 MEAT MARKETS ton. No. 1 Bldeford Plsce D~ muvlllt7 DEALER FIRE IN5URANCE I· :,1/ ,; HEA!ING JIM .;HIELDS SERVICE STATIONS , I· :ONFECTIONERV REAP .\ PAlITNERS CROSBrn co. LTD. en. P'KEsmfATER ud : I I Nfld. :NFLD.) Ll,[ AKente for b. C, BISHM PENNYftLL ROAD TRAS}\ P'OUNDR, LTD. I ,::, Mnal1U1 m NEW GOWER ft. DIAL ~9 f ALMER'S SERVICE , ,I, W!rinI Matma1l, Wir. lad UNDERWRITER!! AT I lI·orlC.! REID'S CONFECOONERI Clblea, Motor~. Btartera, LLOYDS. DIAL 1117 Qimplete up·to-date STATION las WATER ft. Cempiete Plwnblq IIId I ,:'1 38 Cliaretlel. FruIt. let Crlllll Lampa. Swltcll8l. Uih~ LOW RATES Meat Mal'ket TOPSAIL ROAD Manufac:turera • I' .1. Bambrick Heat!ne 8ervfct 0 I. " ,~ . ar-lDrlnb nxturea, etc . DIAL ~031 • WASHING GREASING MAID OF' AVALON Street WAJlDOU8E PRINCES lIT TIRE REPAIRS PIANOS and ORGANS and , Dial 1191·2 W. Gt., Good 8enI0I'. ERNESl CLOUS.ON, DIAL !SIS II ::' ,• ROWID !l1reU. DIal 11114 DIAL 508J FISH STORES REGAL RANGD : I, ~ LIMITED i I McCLARY AUTOMATIC A. L. COLLIS MARSHALL MOTORS DIAL 1811 • 7111 ,.,NTP-ACTORS ELECTRICAL SERVICE City FISH SHOP WARM Am CONDITIONING Plano and Organ Showroom: I: i l 18 PRESCOTT FISK TIRE!! n. &10 WATER ST. TOPSAIL ROAD Guaranteed agalnst CuUr, ~------10NES ELECTRIC DIAL we I:: . HARUi.J.I SNOW ..- DIAL ms Dill 9-2161 or 9·2162 Biow~uts, Brulse8. .. • PREBCOTr ft. !IervIce. Quality. Varletz TOBACCOS ~ SON LTD. FIIdoryI Waler St., Hr. Grace Under lnflation. Call DIAL fUt P.O. Box 358 MAJ(5HALL .MOTOR8 f.: ~ .. tadaltrlal EleetrleiOl HEATING 8p«lall&t.a In Moton. FURNITURE MOVERS Water St, :>181 BOOSt 11 BamllIOll ~ Generators, Sturn mill and GEORGE " C. A. HUBLEY, LTD. PHOTOGRAPHY . i ' otftee .m. .... W'! III Houaeho!l1 Appllallcu. ftOUSEHoLb l,:OVERS PLUMBING aDd BEATING SHEPPARD'S SERVICE 'VASHINGTON . ii & '1 SWPPERS LTD. CONTRACTOJUI ~TATION CeNl'RACfORS ELECTRICAL ~E~ VICE TORBAY ROAD Rep. General EIedrlG GARLANSS STUDIO Dirtributed '" : ,. PLEASANT ST. TI'RE REPAffiING RANK '. For an ,OlD' PAINTING, amEOUT'II EL!CnUCAL PaekinA, Crallng SbJpping Ie KlD'1 RlIad DIal till WASHING ROOFING. I!Id CHIYNEY Agenta for North Amerlca DIAL 11511 IfcNAMARA SERVlCE Wedding Photoa. Po;Ualta "~rn:R\' CHARGINIJ Lm REPAIRB. lleetrlcal CoutraClGr Van Llnu. HEARING AIDS GREASING II T. C. HIBBS, Mali.,er IIId Commercial PhotollTaplry DIal It,Wt At re.~onable rlt.. .os Wlter streel, DIAL %109 Rei. &45.\; Office 9OOe1-1 PHONE tJ43DH. It. 3elm'l, Newlll1llldl .... BELTONE HE.HU1~G l'lIou, a44 GLASSES CAMERA 5n0l" LEDREVVSExprESSLTD f7 LON~'8 HILL SEkVICES 1M DIJC."OaTB IT. BELTONE DIAL 781ZL Local &lid 10., !lIIUD'. 1ll00iDi ~SE~R~VI~CE~---- TA) 'CABS DRUG STORES ENGINES PleklDI. onllDl aDd ahiPplnl. REARING Newroundla!ld vlews artlatJc. Mombon of C.W.A. IDd M.M,T,A • on. FUBNACI! AII.II lor UIIi ..d VIII liD .. , GLASSES .tly mounted and framed. o IIEFBIGEIUTOP CONNORS' DRUG STOR! L IIId L BARBOUR LTD. D. I. LoUIE"'. "'A!lAOEI CALL See our selection • WASHER' 0111 .. 1111, "'.nboa .. fMJt o lo\NGE~ A,-1 TAXI LA.QERT'II COUGH IInVP Diltrlbuton of: S. W. SHORl NORMAN DICK [,TD. CALVER AVE. CLtl be obtalneti It Kelvin Mwe Dle.seLs PAPER PRODUCTS nlAL "ee "AtEB IT. CONNOR!! DRVG IITORI Kelvin RIcardo Gas Etlfnea GIFT SHOPS DIAL 1150 . &TII 1M WATER lIT. run Line of Spare Parta. HOME INDUSTRIES THE LA WRENl.E SERVICE FOR Anywhere. An1 pgce, 471 • m WATEII IT. LARA~S DIAL 1M .NFLD. CO., I TI... PIANOS AfIID l'RCAN8 Any tlmo. DIAL '48'l1 REMEMBRANCE SHOP TUm.. ood RopalrlDl. 14 HOUR SERVlCB Gift.!. Games, Toys, WHOSl BmTHDAYj New Locatlon: . OV~r Thlrt, ,.an· ..perl .... "lUre. competent nn1e1A1. DRY CLEANING NovelUe.. Cout·. Carda Certalnl, I handmac;e article 209 . nl DUCKWORTH 5'1. from NONIA U oru, lIIe Best , E. It. ROGERS EXCAVATING for aD ocwlolll Paper and Paper Productl 11 Me '. ripe It. DIAL U85 will do. WHOLESALE ONLY 'Ph ... 8'!8'! D()WN~ DRY EXC/.VATIN'· AND DAIL 6288 . 7636 CLEANING LTD. GRADING GROCERS HOME CONT~CTORS SNPCK BARS ACE AND SUPER TAXI. CoverinJ St. John'a willi Bn" Eqlllpmul 10 II\reI RADIO·TV REPAIRS FOR THE MOST E~'FlCEN1 . FUt. Efficient ServIce. Onden. eruo rraw. HOME IMPROVEMENTS ED'S LUNCH SERVICE IN TOWN CALL QouIlod llolio. a.ad 0 ....1 "u"",o B. WALSH NO DO'\lIlI PAYMENT ;. ~MILTON AVE. fl,OO per ...... ACE or SUPED TAXI w..n nCAUTIIIQ BEST IN LEADING EASY MONTlD..Y PAYMENTI GRFAT EASTERN on. DIAL mo DIAL n. tTD. r,ROCERY LINES. o ltorm allb.. &lid Doon WELL COOKED FOODS DIAl 5531 . me ma 1411_ o AIIol thol exira ruom .. CO~ANY, LIT no. • ModmllJo ,.... ~1dI_ "'REE DELrvERY ...., •••011 .~ , ...... You ChoIce of wbat YOII need REPAIRS TO RADIOS, T.V . CmlIIe1 COURTEOUS SERVICE ELECTRICIANS DIAL S1811 •• L .101010111 LTD. AND ALL ELECTRICAL 'I8S WATER !T. WEST L

    • • THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY D~ . , '\", 11 ,

    wish him and his good wife wife the bc.st [or future yean, · t N Mr. Wilfred Pink recently Auction Sale w' 'ew"1' sp' ,or' ,e. e', S ees~~I~~h~~~d~ann:W;f~r~~~Wg~~C: ffom lovers of cars, At the Great Eastern Oil & Impart Campany , Mr. S, F, Forward who re· Z· cently broke his ankle is doing limited Showrooms, Water Street, St. John's, 1 :::- very well, and hopes to "have I ~'~'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I walkin~ cast on his leg ~oon, L: ~ ANNUAL MEETING following ",ere 'lbe narneB of were continually under bomb· the proprietoress, Mu, L, W.. Kevfn Manuel who wa~ home u~ed 1955 21" Marconi Television and 1 u~ed l!1ecllon 01 Olllcer, L.O.B.A. those taking part: Hedwig ing attacks. He referred to the Pelle)" and her off for every I during his late mother's last 1Il. :LEWISPORTE-The annual Frlerlch as Belty, Wayne day the late King George called future·IITh,e nRamt~, o,f t~e hotel i nes.' and her death, return~d to 195821" Marconi Television, on DECEMBER 11th, meeting of Carnation Lodge Fudge as Bob; Shella Manuel the nation to Prayer, when "Trave er s es IS very ap-: S:, John's last week to resume No',,721, L,O,B,A, was held on u Peggy, Bobby Sheppard IS eV1!rythlng else had failed, and proprite, for to the traveller, 51" ':~.1 at ~lrmorial University. 1958, at 1:30 p.m. We~nesday lut with the fol· Paul. the Colonel said "I believe It this Hotel affords a place of re- Capt. Gcorge Gale 'pent the declO,ll lowing officers being elected Other school children were: was this power of Prayer which laxation and comfort, WIth Ideal pasl lew days at Twillingate ~ f ~ I ': _ for.·'tbe coming year: Worthy Gay Hodder 8B ht girl, NIna saved England when nothing service form the staff. last week, \ .. I ,':. u SI , ': \", ,.1,1, Mlattess, Sister Susie ~!o~'lps: utlew 2nd girl, Bruce e1!e could". He said the Salva· MIss Betty McColgaa left by , ,,'. , Deputy Mistress, SI~ter Hilda Sheppard as 1st boy, tlon Army was the means (es· LION'S DANCE ~l.V, NaniR to I'isit various \, '. II·'.... ~ " I. If' ',; \. ~ Hodder: Jr, Deputy ~!Istress, The Playmate Chorus' wu peclally In these trying days) On rriday night I.ast in thc parIs in Green Bay, , •. ',', ~ I·. II .1, ' • LAND I" .. / . "., SISt~r Olil'~ ~lo,l'les: Recording I pla)ed by Katherine Manuel, of bringing comfort, and con·, ,'lasomc Hall. the LIOI1.'l held R '!iss llargaret Northcott FOR RENT . , :, r~ ,'. ' : " ~ SeCretary, SIster Luc)' Hodder: Reg Freakc, Linda Elliot. Ralph solatiom to many thousands, I nance, which was weI! potrom7" spcnt last week· end here from OFFiCE SUITE 1 '.lYeasurer, Sister CQra Mayc: White as 1st Plde, Bobble Par· bringing homes, when homcless, I cd, and the LIOIlS grOWled, and: BOlwood, "isiting with her SURVEY) " lsi Lpcturel', Sistel' Marie sons as 2nd PixIe, Ro~cr Snow lood when hungry, c1othinglthose attendll1~ rallteo alld roar·' mOl her, 1111'S, Lewis Norlbcott. BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING Well~: Direclor 01 ('rremonies, as 3rri Pixir, Wayne Snow R~ when naked, and the solation of cd like tme Ncwou\llllalldcrs, Ilrrpest ~ympathy is extenrl. 3 rooms-Approx. 700 square feel. Second floor • WHITl ~Ister Ethel La,lle: Chaplain, i 41h Pixir: Benny Brlnsen M God's presence when none ~Isc ,The alfm 1\'<15 enjoyed hy all rri llrs. Alec Storey on the overlooking Woter Street. ~ster Mary A. Sno\\': Financial 5th Plxlp, Palll Lu~h AB 6th cOllld help. Rnd he WaR happy I who ltkc to 1i;1l1ce. ,It IS, ~umored ,udden de~th 01 her husbanri Apply PRI Sctretan, Sistcre Lil'Rn ' Pixie Jell. Brrtt a~ 7th Fide, to be ahle to help In thiS great IAnoth~r '11~h ds~~~ whlvh wu~ insvir, Iliri., atu whn II'rl'e wltlin~ to I lulrnl\nL'liuli 01 Lieut,·Col. l!:, i In~ HIla rllll~lItrl!ll1iC. I >,a'nlicr iiI .. itstol( tur tilt' jo·!cms, Chesley Woolfrc), and I A lar~e atlendance waB prH- Corps, ~!r, EdgBr Snow, Rnd DIal 51131 FLEMING'S ,.Elikium Rendell, lent inclulntig the Girl Guides, blew out by' the youn~est PHAR."ACY, BUILD'NG SUPPLIES ST, JOHN'S WEST US Pennywell RoIlS .; BDl' Scout.s BrownleB and Cubs Junior soidier, Gladys White. trr. JOHN'S CENTRAL '~ T.B. CHRISnlAS SEALS 1 coiours we~e received by Majo~ T,he turkey supper WBB dcli. DRUG STORES Dial 92937 The T.B, Christmas Seals: A, Churchill and Mrs, J. L. Bud· CI?UJ, an.d only those on res· I H. R. CLARKE -----: --- Campaign got under way When den, Secretary Girl Guide tncted dIet, could help but do, Topsail .ROM ST. JOHN'S CENTRAL t'f. Jonn's West W. BURTON & SON the president of Ibe local Auxiliary. justice to ume, ol which there I DlalllZZH 51 Le~IARBCANT RD. Lions Club wllb his collectora The Anglican Church was reo wal no scarcity, CooklC-', cakes, L. HEALEY JOHN J. FEEHAN Dial 6929 Res. r1667F met at the Towe Hall to launch 'presented by Mr. C. Coatel, The pies etc, must have kept the M. CONNORS LTD. ST. JOHN'S CENTRAL WATER thlB project for Collectors United Church by Mr. Moody ladles of the Home League busy Croll RoadJ and Water !II 134 ST. Around 51. John'S 19~8. Dial 2206 were allotted varioUB wards In Howard, and Ibe PentecoaW lor daYI prcvloU!, A Sale table Dial 3028 690 Water St. the town, and it Is understood Assembly by PaBtor Rowe. was Baa on cilsplay, and the Dial 3531 ELECTRICAL ~,. John's North they met with a ready reo )Iajor Hickman. who WM In· goods were quickly bought by CHARLES O'KEEFE CONTRACTORS Bponse. The campaign has not troduced by Major Churchill the ladieB Who just iove a Mle, T.V. REPAIRS yet concluded, The Lions Club Spoke briefly on the work of The proceed! were very gratify. 19 Bamllton street AYLWARD'S - ake CITY ANTENNA SERVICE, ST. JOHN'S NORTH 1D Ibemsel\'es re;ponslble the Salvation Army In thlB lng, and the Corps Officers Ma. mal 4t47 PHARMAC'f : eacb year for this T.B. Christ· Town and its rapid growth,· He Jor and Mrs, A, Churchill wish Television Antennas In· Cor. Monchy & Empire Aye Btalled. POlrts sold, Phone :mll Seal canviS, and although in turn Introduced Ihe Colonel to express sincere thanks to Dial 90070 J, V. DAWE LTD. each man on Ibe committee Is who gave a lecture on the work all those who attcnded the INSURANCE AGENTS 92761 or 90173. Electrical Contractor -. busy man 'during the da)', he of the Army during the war, and Sunday lerviceB and the ban. DUNN'S No fire when we wire fleds time to canvas the town his own, experience in tame. que!. AND BROKERS Dial 90901 PHARMACY BEAUTY PARLOURS for this worthwhile cause and I The Colonel who has a pleasing HOTL,'L TRAVELLL',R'S RL'ST :'f. John's tost Cor. Mayor Bnd is up to you on whom the personality won the heart.s of' < L it Merrymeeting Rd, Sf. .):ollectors call to make it the his listeners ha told of the Following the fire of last Jonn's Central ~ DIAL '388 GROCERS' (REr.AIL) De~t yet. You may hlnk T,B, great grace oC God during each Hpring 19S8. Complete renov.. STAN FOWLER AMBASSADOR call' never reach ~'OU or yours, tryIng event of life. Born In tioM made, and adrlltlonal ?4 Queen" Rd. BINDON'S PHARMACY BEAUTY PARLOUR ST. JOHN'S CENTRAL but you can never be SUfe, and IScotland, he WaB the Bon of S.A, rooms added to L, W, Pelley's P,O. BOI 63 Dial 5531 246 'Water Sireet should you be fortunate and Officers, he entered the train. Hotel, has made it second to. Cor. Booaventure and Olal 3089 ~scape same, there are thous· Ing Collese In 1924, and hu none in any outport In the JOB BRO,THERS Empire Ave. W. ABBOTT ands Blated to be the vIc· been an Officer for 33 yeBrB, Province, and saleBman ad 4< co LTD. DIAL 5921 Sf, John's North 24 I.IvlRglllone 81. tims, Tile Colonel l! a great lover of other travellers speak very Water' Street . Dial 4953 ntuBic, and at one time plan· highly of the building now. Car- Dial 2658, 4128 KENNEDY'S MAl\J'ZELLe'S ., , OPERETTA ned to make mUBle hiB career, penters, plumbers and painter. DRUG STORE, BEAUTY PABLO.UK NORMAN' DOWNEY The pupils of East Amalga· but' heard the call from God for have. been busy for months MEEHAN & CO, 204 Duckworth St. Elizabeth AVe. Dial 90199 45 New Gower 81. mated School 5taied an oper- a Ilfe of service as a SA Of· 1 past, making the necesBary reo T.A. Bldg. Duckworth lit. DIal 2381 Dial 57Z7 etta in West Church "Hall on I flcer, He was a Scout Leader pairs and additJon5, and the DIBI 7CH6,'047 NU·VOGUE MORECOMBE'S Tuesday night Iait, which has and DlvlBlonal Commander In work is almost completed with PARKDALE BEAUTY PARJ.lJUR GROCERY, been tile topic of conversation ttie BritiJh Isle.l for lour yeaN, great success. The exterior pre- . REG .. T. MORGAN PBAR.IIIACJ , ROl'an St. DIal 91055 %0 Calver SI. for days, It II agreed by all, alio IlW S. A. lervlce In Benu a beautlful appearance, femlllr . Bldg. Du~kworlb SI E1Izabetb An. Dial 3'1%8 tilat it is one of the beat en· Cardlif, Wiles and Channel Is. whUe the Interior iJ eXtremely DIal 8037o.m8 . DW 91120 CITY AND SUBURBAN tertalnments on record by a lands, France during war yean. modern and comfortable, and GARBAGE COLLECI'10N group of ehlldren, The name wlfc suffered much When in giVes distinction to that paht UNITED MURPHY'S BULGER'S Wa Clean Gardens. B Isementl 01 the operetta Is "The Land In 1939, the Colonel and hI! of the Town near the CNR UNDERWRITER&. ORUG STORE, CONFECTIONERY. of, Dream. Come True" and tho Eniland and other placc. which pier. Best wishes are extendcd Temple Bldg., Duckworth SI 119 Mllltliry ROld Two Commerical tlic!r;·up., 1t Jlng's Bridge f.oad Dial M370·715f Dial 6«& D1A1 93211 Dial 69U

    , I .. I~~Y NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFlD., THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 195B ·u ,


    We are in desperate need of Used Pick.up~, If you , : SERIES No. 3 have a Plck.up and would like to obtain a High Trade·in on it why nat see us thi~ week for a , ' TO· DAY'S NUMBERS Velvet Horn Tremendous Allowance, If you wish to trade your I, . LAND Pick-up in on a credit note, we are still prepared ,.i RVEYS Club (( to make you the same- attractive offer. . 'i I N G 0 ...... ,_ .~~~~~w.... ~ .... ~ i: . ,I;, 42 58 68 TO· DAY WHITE 23 ,': 20 44 55 74 ,. CLUB OPEN PRIN 22 32 59 62 I" 65 THE ROYAL GARAGE LIMITED 21 38 9 am. to 11 p.m. .-- • ~rry ,I,' , . Ha 'PHONE 2094-5·6 FOOD AT ITS BEST 'I irveys L 'I -:- " . ' ..... 111: v'~ I'.', ... IL Newfoundland • 'H'., JiI(A .,' ..... _ ,,., ~S"rc'lL SL Bonaventures College Crystal Palace ..... "0. K.. Butch-you're fintl" Services GOULDS ROAD ------PASSENGER NOTICES FOR SALE-One Good Milch 1857 - 1958 A Heating Man you can TRUST OPEN 2 p.m. DAilY Cow and Calf. Apply ~1r, PROPOSED FINAL SAILINGS Peter Power, Torboy. VICTOR WESTCOTT, salea N,W. AND N,E, COAST Catering to weddings, representative John ClaUS· private parties & dance, ton Ltd .• Phone 80341 bus!· (Sllbj~t weather and/or ice WANTED- Employment for conditions) THE ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION For further information i Xmas Season, Cnn do any ness;' Phone 6406L resld· ence. St, John's Lewisporte Service contact: , kind of carpenter work or -5.S. Kyle leave St. John's Dec. Kin - Help K~ddies pnlnt~ng or decorating. Dial MRS, AMY RYAN, 22A 26th. OF PRIZES 6884H or call at 225 New Green Bay Service - ~I.V. Golf Ave, DIAL 90024 Gower Street. Nonla leave Lewisporte Dec. 30. will take place on THURSDAY, Decltmber 11th, ,--=~~~-.:::=I --.-----.----- St. John's Corner Brook Ser· CHURCH CHILDREN'S HOME _ Reliable Young Lady willing 1958 at 8 p,m" in the auditorium of St, Patrick's to Baby·sit 2 or 3 nights a vice - S.S. Korthern Ranger leave Corner Brook Dec. 22nd, (United Church Orphanage) week - S2.00 up to 12 p.m, Hall School. S1.00 each hour after. Inter· Lewisporte Corner Brook Ser· NOTICE vice - M.V. Bonavista leave .. C I I 0'1 ested partles please Phone ADMISSION SOc. F 01 \ our Ol\ ant 1 3248H. Lew!sporte Dec. 22nd. 1 956 G~FT deliveries, Dial 91342 or TOI.ET--=-T-;;;-F~~II·-: COl\iSECTION WEST 11U," - . I RISTM,AS D.~ Y 91044. COlli delivered in House·keeplng Room~, SUit· ,I International Pick.up PLACESTIA CO" $1.00 ba~s, and Oil in 5 able for young couple. ~!ust Regular 8,10 a.m. Ira'rJ leal' WANTED 00 ing St. John's tomorrow, Fri· ). Tclcl'llion gallon cuns, Call Valley! be sober. Phone 5381L._. __ $650. ;rrators FUND day. will make connection at A GAS ATTENDANT, Elcctric Coalllnd Oil Service, 313 \; i\NTEDf" Jlm: Comll'S, Argentia with ~!otor Vessel for ,: I Floor Freshwater Road. magozlnes, pocket bookl, &e West Run Placentia Bay. must have references. Grade 8 eduration Gram are invited to send cash con· noy21,lm guitars, rad!OI, lew 1 g Baird Motors Ltd. CONNECTION SOUTH COAST llic Ad machine, binoculara, weath· DIAL 80378·9 or bettlr. Apply in per.on, do not phone;· T,pe Recl)rnm to the treasurer, Mrs. J. E. er gla~ies, guns, skates and SERVICE 'AIRS Regular 8.10 a.m. train leav· bool.ll, man'. clothes and MERRYMEETING ROAD 5 258 LeMarchant Road a.,d gifts Ing st. John's tomorrow Friday DIAL 3 WANTED [ootwear.~ohn D, Snow. 9 King's Bridge Service Station New Gower SL jly2,lm ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ will ma k e con nec t ion atAr g en· WATER tia with ~.S. Bar Haven [or re'I' Hom •• WOMEN gular ports South Coast Service. KING'S BRIDGE ROAD. : : i.lI'. THE CENTML BARBER , ! dec11,12 Tw d k t d SHOP-We are now operat· Where To Stay ST, JOHN·S·LEWISPORTE I '\1 o ays per wee, 0 o. Ing eight chairs, YIII can be I ------.. __ ... ----- ... -.~ SERVICE , , ST. BON'S A.A. general ho~ework. Must! assured of the be!t possible 5.S. Kyle for regular ports I service plus the least pos· Balsam Hotel I I I ~ ISt. .John's Lewisporte ~en'ice I I I!ble waiting. 24 New G' lng, Stephenville. Newfoundlln.d For Buchans Public School I DIAL 90084 . 92938 ro!ntm~nt,-John D. Snow. will be. received In the office Bring your own Cards-Tea will be served KAR·START SERVICE Phona 6808, lly25,lm o~ the Secretary, untll 3.00 p.m. Admission $1.00 Bring Own Basket Ttathers for Elementary Grade. (t. S.T.). , , I ALTERATIONS - Pants peu WEDNESDAY. JANUARY', ~i" to begin January 5, 1959 ed, and cuffed, also sulla 1959. I ~ altered. Called for and Plans and specification ~an ii generoully augmented by the delivered. Arthur L, be leen and forms of tender l I: Peme, D!al M15H, 164 obtained at the offices! of the SALES OPENING IN Board. Unlversity Avenue, Chief Architect, Department of 1': Public Work.!, Ottawa. Ontario, Apply REV. T. SHORT, Secretary. I We r~pa1r Radios, Toasters, the District Architect BuUdlng NEWFOUNDLAND aRDY IClLOWAn. Ironl, Vacuum Cleanel'l, 29, Buckmaster's Field, St. J Heatel'l, etc. Prompt and John's, Newfoundland, and at Wit are looking for a man 22-30 years of age '1,' expert service at loweet the Post Offices, Corner Brook wIth a HIgh School education, to fill a permanent prices. - Corner Electrical and Stephenville, Newfound· ~ :, ELECTRICITY position selling nationally advertised products to " 'i Shop, 7 Henry Street. Phone land. n ", .; 1!980H,-(nov2~, 1 rna,) '1'0 be eonlldere.d each tender the wholesale and retail grocery trade. ! i: i. FOR RENT must be 'accompanled by a Depntmeni of Transport Monthly salary $275 plus the opportunity for is CHEAP in securit!l In the form of • certl· ottawa, OntArio. Wall Wa.hlng added compensation and participation in a profit -W-A-L-L-W-"-S-O-IN-U---W-an-.- fied cheque or bond~ as spec!· TE:-iDERS I l'IOdern HOME in good resIdential section fled In the forma of teader. SEALED TENDERS. address· I sharing plan. Car provided and expenses paid. ST. JOHN'S clean~d by Jew machine. '1' 1m ders mus t be made on the ed , to the unrlersigncd, marked, We provide thorough training. Experience. four bedrooms, bath and toilet leparate, ReBult. perfect; saves pr ltdn e f orms supp II ed by the ' Tcnder for Fllrnishings Gond ; desirable. but not essential. 100m d" palnt.-New Method Rug Department and In accordanc~ er Terminal" will be receIved , Inlng room and den. Furnace ~~dta-nd=­ and Wan Cleaners, Fresh· witt the conditions let forth up to 12 o'clock noon (EST) Reply stating age, education,. marital status, water Road, 'Pbone 91033, therein. JANUARY 16, 1959, 8018 approved. phone 91407, for LIGHte-PO". I experience (if any) and any other information , 0 ... III • ~... l I'" I r I ..!! NEW METHOD RUG CLEAN, Th e Depar t men,t th roug h tear h [h t e SIIPP Iy and Installation,. you feel to be of importance to view. , bl ., 'I ERS, Rug, and Carpet made Chief Architect'. office, or o[ furnishings for the Air I 10 i leapCh Re I e ElectriCity to look like new. Von through the undersigned, or Terminal Building at the Air·1 BOX No. 306 c/ 0 DAilY NEWS. IIn and Around St. John's I Schrader proceu add. year. Ithrough the office of the Dis· port at Gander. Newfoundland. to Ilfe of rugs, Cleaned In Ilmt Architect at St. John's, Plans. specifications and other hom. or at our plant, N(w[oundlilno, Will supply blue· trndcr do~uments may he cx· . -- 'Phone 91033, New Method pl'lnlli and specification of the amined al the office of the Pasteuril8d, Homogeni%ed, Reconstituted Rug Cleaners, Freshwater work on deposit of a sum o[ General Purchasing A~ent, Road, ~25.00 in the form of a certl· RorJm 520 Hunter Jluilclin~, 0(· WANTED lied bank cheque or money· tuwa, Ontario, or copies obtain· BEAUTY LAND, 129 Queen'. order payable to the order of etl on deposit of accepled Qt Road lVeek·end speclal­ the Recelvpe Grneral o[ Canada. cheque for $;;U.OO pa)'alJle to the Tile deposit will be released on TIeceiver General of l:anada. If MILK2Sc IMMEDIATELY $15.00 cold wave $10.00; $12,50 cold wave $8.00; rrturn of the blue·prlnts and thp. specifications arc not reo $10,00 permanent wave spedflcation In good condition turned In goud condition within Whipping Cream 1/2 , 3ge Pt. . $~.OO. ($15,00 culd w~ve within a month from the date one month from reception of of reception of lenden, If not teeders the deposit will be for· $8.00, morning only). Dial FOR HOME DELIVERIES TELEPHONE 92148 CASHIER 6334, Open evemngs, ret.urned within that period the fclted. deposit wlll be forfeited. . No tendel'l will be accepted WE RE~ AND REP~m The 10weJt or any tender not by telegram. The Department lOme typing experience. ali types of Electric Motm. necessnrlly accepted. does not bind it8elf to accept ISLAND DAIRIES LTD. Generators and Starters, Also thn lowest or any tender. ._---_.-.. -- _.. ---~ ROBERT FORTIER, Apply to' Repairs to Washing Machines, Rangettes, Vacuum Cleaners, Chief of AdminIstrative Services, and Secretary,' 305 cl 0 DAILY NEWS, etc,-Gray Moton Exchange ~o. Service. 454 Water Street Department of Public Works, West, 'Phone 3&30, . IOttawa, December 9, 19~8.

    , ( , THE DAILY ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. THURSDAY , ·ATTHR . . . .~ j...... ,~~ MILLEY'S ~. SIGN nappi.sf gilt-irl.a-.vtr-Ior a snapshot fan OF . GIVE THE MAGIC THB OF COLOR SLIDES MEN'S BOYS' OK ------PLAID ~ RAYON FLANNELETTE Give Books ! '. ",1 Ii' .' . .1 : ',' ' Dressing :,.' .... COLLECTED POEMS I '~. • Dressing E. J. Prott ...... $5.00 I " HANNIBAL I .Gowns Horold Lomb ...... 5.00 I THE RUSSIAN I Wine and Blue Gowns REVOLUTION ...... I

    Alon Mooreheod 5.00 1 Fit 7 to 14 years ___-...J ----~ Small - Medium - Large WITHOUT FEAR, FAVOUR I, OR AFFECTION . Vernon Kemp ...... 4.50 73 NORTH 53.98 RAYON S3.00 Dudley Pipe ...... 5.00 KODAK P~IIcAMERA OUTFIT ORDERS TO KilL Lace Curtains Donold Downes .. 3.50 Everything needed for color·slide enjoyment THE MOUNTAIN ROAD Amazingly low· cost color·slide outfit featuring the Kodak Pony Ready to Hang Theodore H. White 3.95 II - Kodak's easiest·to·use miniature comera. Also includes WHITE ANGRY HARVEST unique new Kodak Packet Flasholder, flashbulbs, bolleriel, , : slide viewer, and a 20·exposure roll af wonderful Kodachrome " Size 27 x 90 I Field & Mierzenski 5.95 film for color·slide making. A tremendous value! THE ENEMY CAMP Only Jerome Weidmon 4.95 $47.25 MAGGIE-NOW , 51.98 Betty Smith ...... 4.QO ,THE NORTHERN LIGHT i .. Pair , I A. J. Cronin ...... 4.50 TOOTON'S , I LADIES' LADIES' I A MIXTURE OF FRAILTIES WATER ST. DIAL 6331-2-3 FANCY I Robertson Dovies 3.95 DISTRIBUTORS FOR KODAK IN NFLD . .~ CHENILLE I FROM THE TERRACE COTTON PRINTS i' John O'Hora .' ...... 6.95 i THE PICK OF PUNCH "I House Coats _.- ._._------_._------• Ed. by Nicolas All Shades Dusters Bentley ... ,...... 3.50 Small - Medium - Large Zippered a.nd Buttoned Small - Medium - Large Dicks & Co., Ltd. 56.75 "the Booksellers Tired of too Expensive Cars? BOYS' 53.98 , Spin 4425 or 2008 or 3191 Drive a METROPOLITAN! FLANNELETTE LADIES' BABY DOLL Pyjamas' FABULOUS GAS [CONDIY Fit 7 to 14 yearl Pyjamas

    . , , . 52.30 51.98 , .'

    iii, LTD. ·1 S. MILLEY • . 1 ".. ______-'-- ______---- MacCORMAC'S No matter how you cut it, a bi&" heavy :., ,'., / C Companion Dr, H, M. Daw, IN E . \die~ Hannah Janes, R.N.,. Suo GI!AR ST. car costs real money to drive and main· tain. But think of this: a" Met" gives up "l ' :t Jfold 'hrislmas ! concel'ning a trip to the Holy J. arne xarnlners penntendent, Grace HOSPlt~l, Diol 5181 _ :2 - 3 I · , ' . : i .' , Land S.A. Sister ~Iary Xa\'enus. R.~,. I to twice the miles per gallon, costs half as I' .: j' Ob ' : Afier the ~efl'ke a social Of.N Superintendent of Nurses, St.' ------i much to own, parks like a kiddy car, I ':. ", "\ . servance I hour was held In the banquet urses Clare's Mercy HospItal. turns on a dime-and ~ a whale of a lot ETROPullon I :' \'. '. 11: S . l'oom of the Masonic Temple The following persons have • NOTE OF THANKS of fun to drive. A .. Met" cruises at 65, M "1500" I":' (,:; .• croce where the gathering was en· been appointed by the GOVern·IFlln For Kitchens hits" top speed of up to 80. It's a lot of " " . tertained by a series of very ment as members of the Board' Miss Elizabeth Butt, 136 Casey car for the money. hardtop or convertible. 5t. Andl'ew's Pre~b0'lerian instructil'e and Interesting of Examiners as required by Street, extends sincere thanks Come in and take one out for a trial spin. Paris and S.rvi,. Avai/cbl.lrom Church was the scene of a slides of Labrador scenes by the Registered Nurses Act, for 'I to all who helped In any way very.'· colourful ceremony on the ReI'. Lester Burry who was the year 19~9: during the illness of and sorrow SEE THE FULL LINE OF METROPOLITANS . Tuuday, December th,' as for twenty·slx years in charge Leonard Mlller, M.D., Deputy .71 caused by the death of a dear . ,'. 'I,:; the lCnights Templar of Beoth· of the United Church Mission ~Unlster of Health; Mr. A. father, Charles A. Butt. To all RAM B L E RSAT YOU R 1C~ D EALE R . 1': . ic Pr~septory No, 71 held their at North West River. Preceptor Parsons, Director of Publlc who sent' flowers, telegrams, . I :' , • . usual Christmas Observance ..... '. Dal'is, In a very fitting Examinations, Department of letters and cards of sympathy Sen-Ice which was conduct~d manner, extcnded a hearty vote Educatlon; Miss Jean Lewis, sincere and heartfelt thanks. : ,t;' by the Rev, A. M. Olds, M.A.. ,J the speaker for S.R.N., Director of Nurslnl! '" wha announced that the col· i the excellent address and then Services, Department of Health; BIRTH '1' .: , .... ':' lectIon would be in aid of the' 'ri',,~ t:niincnt Knight, Leslie Miss Elizabeth Summers, R.N" . \,: ,'j' " I school for Retarded Children. ' """" to make the presen· B.., N DI rec tor 0 f ,urses, N St . CHANCEY - Burn at the WHELAN'S GARAGE , . ,: ;:, ;.~ ; The Knights, in full regallil. tation to the school for Re· John's General Hospital; Brlga. I. ';;,;',~:;! 'i scated in the centre of the .. c. Children .. This was ae· ______Grace Hospital, on December 10, SALES and SERVICE '. ',',-j:: :,: church In the form of a cross .. .'pled on behalf of the New- ber of the executive of that to Gwenda and Bob Chancey, a · . \' ,1 J. Ul heard the Christmas message "lIndlBnd AS50clatlon for the Association, who thanked the daughter. Mother and baby PHONE 4270 , .: ,i"'; ~ !~':.',: ~rom the Grand Master and a; Help of Retarded Chlldren by donors for their contribution doing well. CORNWALL AVE. , ' : !.I,~. ;.j .!'- ',-';: very movlni address from' .\11'. George Canning, I memo to this very worthy cause. I . "r',j o' .;, II \1 DEATHS

    \ i :'. 'iI: . ':'jI t'.J' ;.ll'. 1 '.'I . ,. I'" [.' I , I I ,(\., i GOODWIN - Passed peace· I I .- 1"1:', I . i" I. I, ',' I fully away at 4.30 a.m. Dec. 10, !; , "~ '~' ~ .; , I, • ~ .. '. 1 ., I \'" at Harbour Grace, Elsie, widow , I' ~ ,I I.:. ~ ... ,I ' " ' :. "1'" 01<' , of the late Dr. W. S. Goodwin, .': Ii!: ~,~ , ~' ~ I aged 81 years. Left to mourn are , : I I i ~ ',' I r. DRIVE 'SAFELY ~ three daughters, Florence (Mrs. 1 .,: ~ F. E. ~Iunn) of Toronto; Nan, ;! IL ~ I~ 1\;1:''­ W. welcom. the opportunity : (~Irs. A. G. Godden) and Janet I (~!rs. I , 1;l: t, ',0,- h, : j:. :; E. A. llartin) of Harbour I' t: ~ I ';. I 1 : Grace; two 50ns, R. Warren and • , '''1 " • 0 .'. ! \,.... "\ to serve your Auto Inlurance I, 'i" l~j , W. LeRoy, of Harbour Grace; , "I'\ l:;' \,J , '. and 13 grandchildren. Funeral : r 'I ~ ,I I ' NHdl. You Can g.t the sall'e from the residence of her , 111' , daughter, Mrs. Arthur Godden, I" fin. service In Auto Inlurance on Friday, Dee. 12th, at 2 p.m. Chuckle with every stitch! BENSON- Paased peacefully that hal plea led thousandl of Thil gay pup il merry. mil· away Dec. 9th, after I ahort chievoul - cherry touch for illness, Allan Benson, aged 66. latlsfi.d Newfoundland cus­ towell. leaving to mourn wife Joseph· The ~1l!ldren wlll love drylng Ine, one daughter, Olive (Mrs. tomerl of D.pendable dlahea with this busy' puppy to T. Avery), 4 sons, Roy, Cyril, helpl Pattern 7377: transfer of Frank and Harry; two sisters, TOP QUALITY, EASY TO OBTAIN - .4 motifs BJt.. x 11 Inches; pat· Mrs. B. Thistle, Mrs. M. Cramm; tern of easy appllquepatch. f(lur brothers, Dr. Harry, Dr. Send TWTY·FlVE CENTS Ariel, Chesley and Will. Funeral Guardian Fire (coins) for this pattern (stamps wlll be b) motor hearse today, LUMBER and cannot be accepted) . to ST. Thursday, Dec. 11th. from his JOHN'S DAILY NEWS, House· late residence, 23 New Cove Insurance hold Arta Dept., 6D FRONT ST., Road, to Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. BUILDING MATERIALS WEST, TORONTO ONT •. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, NOW OFFERED TO YOU AT THE LOWEST PRICES PATl'ERN NUMBER. for 85 y~clrI.•... • PLASTER BOARD • BIRCH FLOORING • DOORS, MOULDINGS •. CEDAR CLAPBOARD Dial "5101" To-dayl XMAS • WALL BOARD • SHEATHINGS ! '1Ir'~ REPAIRS Tree Lights • OAK FLOORING •. METAL MOULDING REASONABLE RATES GUARANTEED WORK 98c 'PHONE 7 31 ~ CHESTER DAWE LIMIT Electronic The Right Place to Shop - with the Ample porking ~ .• I' . ' . " .' 8.0161 , . ARCADI &. A .1. M.WINTER LTD. Centre Ltd,.' SHAW ST. - DIAL ...... N...... I. WA 1III1TIHT L· "DIAL ...... : ...... 9 1171·2.J- . ... ,~ENEUL MERCHANTS. TOPSAI RD.' - ... .j.... I • ST. JOHN'S '0 CAMP8ELL AVE. ClHUKHIW. ,,. "":______-' Aft.r hOUri 'PHONE 64011