
" .., .; .' rl, '. neW six passenger 'I'" , VAUXHALL THE DAILY · NEWS nan ideal car for NewfoundJanders 'i Vol. 65. No. 284 ST. JOHN'S,' NEWFOUNDLAND THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1958 (Price 7 cllnls) Charles Hutton & Sons I I II II ,I II , . I, • • I , I: tates I: ite ans Irm er In ssue , i i I , "I, I, i 'I I ' . " [ olver Pledges Oppose I r Nine Killed I Soviet Encroachment I : I ,r.~SH1NGTON-CP _ President Eisenhower Wednesday the l'nited States anew to stand firm, in company with In Religious ,i i , IIH~, AgAinst any Sovlet encroachment on Berlin. ·We stAnd firm on the rights and responsibilities that we ~ i undertakcn," he declared in his first public pronounce. , : Cult Bombing I • on Soviet Premier Khnlshchev's proposal that the occupy- , I~ powers v~rate the German capital and make it a neutral, ,., cIt)' . CHATSWORTH, Calif.-AP-A bomb shat­ " VIPoRTT~rF: I -------------------_ tered the headquarters of 8 curious religioull ,,,I 11r iOlP<lrlilnc f he cult Wednesday, killing nine persons. Eight B I L~ Slrl:n .IlI1I;111011. of the bodies found amid the blasted, fire-black­ ,I rl· tal·n· , )r'lj(~rd Iho IlIr.'·· " I Ihl 011-01 0f. Illr Reopens ened rubble have been tentatively identified as .: )i~ f'T'I"nce cult members, Authorities think the ninth is .) " thp. unknown bomber, Victims included. two , : . I off·lilNidr , Ii , ' : I~c ~':11 \y children and the cult's bearded, robed, barefoot ! , CypI'UH Talks I' , ,:; !or lilc leader, a self.syled mystic who called himself : ,I '. '. ~: f,r~lin ,"1<1 LO\'DO\" RClitel'sl _ Britain Mnclnillan said he s~ill ~e· Krishna Venta. ".' \\n'l I,.., "1101 " ~'( " toila\' mode R nell' move toward liel'cs Ilscfui prO;;l'l'SS can be Police scaied 0([ the arra a I - .---- i I' ,.- 1M' 'II'" IIi IlCe, . " d 1 ,t ", :' l'" .' rCI'[\'m~ R proposed rOlln ·tab c made at a conference eithcr con· 29·acre r~nch in a cam'on at 'the Venta, 47, whose true 1ame " I~n Ir,r,' eX' , conference on Cyprus' future. lined to the parllcs directly con· west enrt of the San' Fernando was Francis Heindswatzer Pen· ,I Il il 01 RI'rIl'~ lor, Prime ~Iinister Macmillan told cerncd or with Ihe help of out· \'allev :10 miles lIorthwesl of Los co\'ie, was a forme!' ship.~ard It ,I v W! I'r,' nJ";"· Te" 'he Ilou~e of Commons that can. lide n~tionl. Britain, he ;aid, Angele's, With FBI heir, IlIe), ~\orl>c!' in ~an Francisco who rn· , . firlcntial di~Cllssiolls on Cyprus would accept any asreed modifi· sou~ht c1I1CS to thc del'ice th~t Jo)'Cd a colorfUl career a5 I tul. " ~'I:'.o/I' .:""n. hr I \ril! toke pla~e dl!rlng the NnTO cation of her partnership pian, tore ;lpart the coiony's main tlst after In,;l, i'e ,;i'''I:':r ,f Ille conferencc, of lor~l&n and defence The plan, denounced by Gr~~, i hllilding "hout 2 a,m" shakin~ S,\W STR,~:"\GEIt , I ,:10111 IIf ';rr·· mtnlslcr~ In Paris next week. offers a seven·year period durin~ ' houses a mile all'a)'. nnc CUltlsl, Brotiler. ~!arIJn [ Dietrich, said he saw \'enta talk­ ~ ~)\1.~)) rr"l'lr, I, "I feel ~urc Ihat this approach which Greece and Turkey '~'ould , ST,\RTS SReSH FIR.. illg to a strange mon fil'e mllm . ,I.' the most likely to be fruit/ul," share In Ihe Island'~ admlnistra· ,,(.. , I'W, II'r "1"',1· hc ~aid. '~r: "" _ "~,' ;.;:."\ ,\w"kencd cultists ran scream·' tcs before the blast. The man tlon without prejudice to an Itlti: ! I' I1vlh,,:.~ 'rnr'; Tile prime mini~ter spoke live in~ from olhrr buildillgs, Th~: cJrried a canl'as zipper ba~, mate solution, . "~", ," R' "- :a,.... blast injllred tln're, two of them i A woman cult member, Bishop rrop0',I, ror rlays afler the Lillit~d Nations At the NATO confel'encesl~l:t· r " ' children. Flames from the exrlos· I ~,ICCOIIB, said she also heard ro-nt,inr<i 'n R (;cneral Assembly urged Britain, Inlt Tuesday, Foreign SecretAr.\· I ion started a hrush fire, control- Venta~ cnnl'ersation wilh tile C0l11 eyed 10 I Greece and Turke)' to seek a just SelwYn Llo>'d will seck priv~te :entre lerl after burning 151l acres. stranger. Vcnta, ~he said, told i ~enalnr : settlement 01 their dispute over Cyprlls talks with Greek Foreign OREGON CITY, Ore,-Richard Gille!!, 22, al1'o Dorothy Mill1ewal, who mrnll)': thc i~land colony. Sun'h'o!'s told of seeing e the man "yoU have no business Minister EI'angelos Arero/f aud 16, talk on the phone at his home here Dec. 8th, after they discover­ ,tranger on the ranch, talking to on this property," iet IrR.1cr In' ~ATO St'Crctary • General Palll Turkish Foreign IIIlnister ralin ~,!rlin, in Ihe' Henri Spaak, fearing the di~p\lte ed that they were brother and sister, parted 10 years ago. They Krishlla Venta, fi\'e minutes be- A few minutes laler the buiid. Zorlu. fore the explosion. ing blew apart and flames sur· bcl\\'t'Cn Britain, Jreece and Tur. M\cmiilan made it clear thai made the discovery while out on a date together, The children key would disrupt the i5-nation Officers ·.Iaid no motil'. lor the IrOllnded her. She fled, escaping Britain Is willing to discuss a were adopted Into separate home! after their mother died in l~Hg hombing was apparent. injury, ' ,\Ilantic Alliance, proposed in Oc· hIre· long·term solution as we1l1s. an 'i hal c ..'Ired ; toller they should hold I round· interIm plan, In addllion, he said and hadn't seen each other since.-,(UPI Photo.) m'''il ~'ith a Itable conference, Britain would accept the par\lcI: 'Thee liS, is ,Weeks of~cgotia.\lon~ by Ihe p~Uon of. Archbishop Makarios, .aid, that the I NATO permanent counCil proved exiled leader of the Greek·Cyp­ Professor Case " . r h abortive. riots, if his own community I Hr) Inp ['cc .. WOULD MODIFY PLA:'\! Sh-ips--.-·Sti'II~~-·:Battle' !1plooed atomic . wants him at the confer~nce WI:-;:-;IPEG: (CPl - New de· with Professor Harry Crowe, dis· impart or more mands were made Wednesday f()r missed in ~ptember after a dll' - :he ?ner~y ; R judicial inquiry into a contro· pute o\'er a personal letter he 1,0Cll.0Cil ton! of i I'crsy over the firing of a United wrote a coUeague. Newsy BrIefs Lachine Canal ice I College professor, but the ~lani· The letter was diverted to the toba government indicated it coilege principal. Dr. W. C. Lock· Ii III tf,~ ,am'." h~; ORDER FROM B.C. KEY WEST, Fla. (AP1-Fede. MO:\TREAL (CPl-An aonor· The other ship, the 1,900·ton' sci, and five wc.,tiJound ships. I would not intervene. hart, and Mr. Crowe claimed it abo "lrce.;;·' STOCKPORT, England ICPl- ral Bllent! Wednesday seized mal cold snap Wednesday night German freighter Elfriede ,,'as ~IOVI~'G SLOWLY I Twenty. five faculty members was used to his detriment. 1CB)1 or !llfficient ! The lirm of Mlrrleel, Bickerton $60,000 worth of arms apparently tightened an Icy tOUrniquet on 51. still ceught cariy Wednesday A transport depJrtment slgnai; issued a statement supporting the The statement said there· had and Day announced Wednesday destined for Cuban rebel leader Laurent Ril'er channels and can· night. service official said ships ,rere I' board of regents in its call "or a heen no violation cf academic i ' I publiihed receipt of a £230,000 order from Fidel Castro. Eight men and two als, '1'11e mishaps happen cd as ,~anal mO\'ing slowly through the ri'w, judicial inquiry into its dispule freedom in the dismissai, I Soviets hRl'e the British Columbia IIovernment women were arrested loading the· Two ran aground In: \\'ori;crs in the old Lachine Canal channel from to Quebcc • ___________ ~RSES' freighler~ ~!ontreal WO:\,'T D;TERVENE I < i .I plane for the diesel engine.~ to power goodl on a yacht at a lonely Ihe ice.filled St, Lawrence near used steam jets. [lame.throwers, Wednesday., . : buient Lachine Rapids, 21 ~hips- Premier Duff Roblin said Wed· : / had "Jbsoi, 111'0 new aulomoblle ferries, The sport In the Florida Keys, 'Montreal harbor, but one of Ihem compressed air and plain elbo\\' lIe deScribed conditIOns as, six of thcm ocean·bound frei~ht­ nesday he w()uld stand by a Nov. OXFORD no rrliable four 3,000 - horsepower engines NEW YORK (APl-Two memo -the 700 • ton t'tlastai steamer, grease to keep the nine-mile wa. "\'Cry bad," ers - crunched slowiy tow~rd 7 letter to Alian H. Watson, chair· I ,I 10 inriicale a~to be delh'ered In 30 weeKS, berships en the New York ~tock Claudette V-worked itself Iree, I tcrway open for 21 eastbound ves-, Quebec.bou,nd \'c~,el~ ha\'e Ihe \lontreal harbor. man of the board of regents, ,tat· ,I! • CHRISTMAS RUSTLERS Exchange were soid Wednesday, cxtra push 0, the mer s current, One ship was pushed throu~h Ing: "The government. does not LO:-lDO:-l IReutersl-~ine pri· one at ,12S,000 and another at 'rhlch helps thcm hammer '.helr the last of the five locks ;n thc ,I I d wish to intervene in what Is • I I'ate dcteclil'es were on hand u $127,000, The latter was the Tex· tl' e In ustry' way til rough Oanting ice cakes. canal Wcdncsdal', • dispute belween an individual and , the world', largest poultry ~how highest price lor an exchange But ships trying to go the ot:ler LOCK HINGE BREAKS an educational institution under I I opened here Wednesday to guard seat since $l3(),OOO was paid Dec, way-from Quebec to ~!ontrcal- But the rest were stalled when private auspices." I I ' ~____ against Christmas rustlers.
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