Guantanamo Gazette
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Guantanamo Gazette Vol. 45 -- No. 96 --U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Monday, May 22, 1989 There are reasons why BAQ and military housing doesn't mix Have you wondered why you're re- provided by the Department of Defense amo, operations and maintenance costs forfeited but, in all cases, personnel must uired to forfeit BAQ (Basic Allowance Pay and Entitlements Manual. Variable (not including repairs or improvements) forfeit a minimum of 75 percent BAQ per month; with the difference between 75 and 100 Quarters) when you occupy Navy Housing Allowance (VHA) is also paid equals roughly $700 per unit ily housing? Have you asked who and is adjusted to take into account thecost average BAQ paid is about $425 per percentdependingon the actualcondition. determines the amount of BAQ you for- of housing in a particular geographic area. month. The declaration of quarters status can feit? And, surely, you've asked why you In most areas, there are too few houses to Family housing at each activity varies only be approved through the Department don't have the same type family housing accommodate the demamd, thus personnel simply by the age of the installation and of Defense. The Chief of Naval Opera- worldwide when you're required to for- are offered a choice of living on or off the demand for government owned quar- tions nor the Departments of Air Force, feit the same amount of BAQ worldwide. base. Where the supply of houses exceeds ters at various times during the life of that Army nor Marine Corps, have the Do you think it "unfair" for personnel of the demand, however, mandatory assign- installation. For example, "Capehart" authority to declare any family housing different pay grades to reside in equal ments to quarters may be made, resulting housing is a familiar term with personnel asset "inadequate". Until legislation is quarters when BAQ entitlement varies? in a savings of BAQ/VHA payments and who have been in the Navy for several introduced, there is no statutory permis- The recent Housing survey raised sev- increased utilization of government years. This doesn't mean the units are sion within the Department of Defense to eral questions and pointed out some com- quarters. The key here is thatgovernment identical in size, configuration or con- change the status of any government mon misconceptions regarding BAQ. This housing is an entitlement; BAQ/VHA are struction materials but were so named for owned family housing "inadequate". Thus article will explain the purpose of BAQ simply subsidies to reduce housing costs the appropriation bill in the 195)s that all units in Guantanamo were declared and how allowances are paid. It will when government quarters are not permitted the construction. Likewise, "adequate" requiring personnel forfeit all further attempt to clarify concerns such as available. what we call TK is commonly found entitlement. Attempts to change the why housing varies world-wide but BAQ In theory, termination of BAQ should throughout the Navy, in various configu- existing law to accommodate Guantanamo is the same, why neighbors of different offset the costs incurred to the Navy for rations, which reflects the bill that have been unsuccessful. living in identical quarters forfeit providing government quarters. Contrary required housing be constructed under a Guantanamo is a unique situation with equal shares of BAQ and how partial to popular belief, this money does not go plan known as "Turnkey". This permit- 67 styles of houses at 29 different sites. BAQ forfeiture is determined. directly into housing funds to operate the ted the contractor to complete the project Considerablebehind-the-scenes efforts are Housing is an entitlement given to government housing where you live. The then "turn keys" over to the government. being made to improve the living standards military families. When government BAQ and VHA you forfeit remains in the West Iguana Terrace, East Caravella and for our families. As always, should you quarters are not available to families, BAQ Defense Treasury for all costs associated other units built since 1970 are of the have specific questions concerning your is paid to partially subsidize housing and with keeping the Navy afloat. The Family "Turnkey" era. BAQ or VHA entitlement, you should utility costs incurred when renting quar- Housing organization competes with all The partial forfeiture of BAQ is deter- consult your Disbursing Office for ters in the local community. BAQ is paid facets of the Navy for funds and must mined when the quarters at an activity current information. For information on at either with dependent or without justify requirements through a separate have been declared "inadequate". When family housing entitlement, consult your dependent rate based on pay grade as annual budget to Congress. In Guantan- declared "inadequate" partial BAQ can be Housing Office. Pentagon to be renovated? By JIM GARAMONE technologies into a 1940s' elec- AFIS Correspondent trical system," Shiplett said. Security is another considera- The world's largest office tion. The Pentagon is a target for building may undergo renova- terrorist activities. A few years tion. ago the Pentagon Concourse was Pentagon officials are asking closed to the generalpublic. The for funds to renovate the temporary security measures building, with an estimated cost need to be made permanent. of the seven-year project be- The building also needs other tween $500 and $600 million. renovations - such as asbestos "The building was com- removal. pleted in 1943 and it still has its Congress must authorize and original plumbing, electrical appropriate the money before wiring and heating and cooling any work can begin. Officials systems," said Jerry Shiplett, a hope, however, that Congress plans specialist at the Washing- will approve money for design ton Headquarters Services, the work in the fiscal 1991 budget. element of DoD that has admin- If funds are approved, then istrative responsibility for the workers in the building will be building. "We need to renovate displaced. "Roughly one-fifth of the building and bring it up to the the building would be worked on standards to today." at a time," Shiplett said. "We're The heating and cooling looking at where those people plant, which serves the Pentagon, would work in the meantime." the Navy Annex and Henderson One proposal is to put them Hall (a Marine Corps base) is a in leased space. "Leasing the major concern. They are served space is the most costly alterna- by one oil-fired boiler installed tive and would give us the least in 1973 and three rented boilers. return," Shiplett said. "We'd The original coal-fire boilers do rather have the workers in not operate. government-owned areas." The "chillers"- which pro- If renovation is approved, of- vide chilled water for the cooling ficials expect the construction to system - are also in bad shape. run through 1998 and 1999. "They areoriginal equipmentand currently we have only two of the The Pentagon was built in 16 seven in operation," Shiplett months (late September 1941 said. The plant also rents two through mid-January 1943) by chillers. crews working 24 hours a day. At Structurally, the building is itspeak, more than 40,000people sound. However, the growing use worked in the building. The size of computers in the building is of the renovation program will be taxing the electrical system. staggering. The total land area of Officials said that wiring the Pentagon is 583 acres and it closets and wiring panels are has a gross floor area of more overloaded. Further, there is no than 6.5 million square feet. The cable management system for building has 17.5 miles of corri- communications and computers. dor and the entire U.S. Capitol "We can't keep plugging 1980s' would fit in one of its five wings. Drinking and driving kills more Americans then war battles, nation's number one crime BAYINEWS There is an uncontrolled epi- seriously injured by drunk drivers. Power outage Hour change demic of dangerous alcohol-im- Currently, drunk driving is the There will be a scheduled power outage The Navy Publishing and Printing Service paired drivers to which no one is most often committed violent crime Friday, May 26, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., for Kellogg Reprographic Facility (Quick Print) will be open immune in virtually every commu- in the nation. Drunk driving is a personnel to perform substation preventive from 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. Monday through Friday. nity in the nation. leading cause of death of children maintenance. The following areas are effected: All There are so many drunk drivers and aprincipalcauseofquadriplegia, of Caravella Housing, Bargo Housing, Granadillo Registration dates on our roads at all hours of the day paraplegia, and epilespsy. Yet, most Housing, Villamar Housing, some of Nob Hill City Colleges of Chicago's Term V general Housing, Hospital Barracks, Morin Center, Water andnight, sevendays a week, thatour people are unaware of the magnitude registration will be held through Thursday, May 25, Plant #3, Base Siren, Shaker Site, North East Gate, streets are not safe. Weekend nights and nature of the American drunk from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Education Center. No Post 21, ITT Station, Burns & Roe Camp and Boy Tuition Assistance documents will be processed between 10 p.m. and 3 a.m. are the driving problem. That is because the Scout Camp. most unsafe. And the risk of the media, until very recently, failed to after May 25. violent death and brutal, devastating grasp the significance of the routine Hail and Farewell tickets injury posed by drunk drivers has be- deaths and injuries caused by drink- Musicians at school Tickets for the June 3, Hail and Farewell at the 0 community.