Abercrofflwe'spost Is Left Vacant Sflmmit Peace V Council Dissolved
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"Jttrtfct to malic* towvd and SUMMIT RECORD FIFTIETH YEAR. NO. 62 SUMMIT, N.J., PRXDAT MORNING, MARCH 31. 1939 $3 JO PER AbercrofflWe'sPost New Manager Here frr Sears, Roebuck Co. Sflmmit Peace v Financial Situation of Overlook Hospital (Union of World I Educators Visit the ' Roosevelt Nursery School Is Left Vacant C. H. Falk, who has been manager Council Dissolved of the Summit store of Sears, Hoe- As Set Forth By Chairman Oliver B. Merrill Democracies On Tuesday afternoon, April 4th, Tuesday Business Manager Placed buck Company for the past four Miss Margaret Allen, head of tbe yearr, has been promoted to man-Because of Activity off This last year, being the busiest Summit has fallen off by 45 sub- teaching staff of Orange Memorial in Charge of Operation afer of Sears' store at Broad street from the standpoint of operation scribers and $892.55, the other mu- General Meeting for Sum-Hospital will talk to girls who rtie Large Attendance of and Columbia avenue in Philadel- Member Organizations and the number o^ patients cared nicipalities - served by Overlook mit Announced for This interested In entering the nursing of Buildings for thphiae. Henry N. Osgood, the new for, has presented its problems to Hospital have fallen off in a great field. She will *ov«r a wide range payers Expected It Was Felt the Efforts of vocational opportunities which manager was with Sears' Morr.ls- the finance committee also. er percentage. Our total subscript Sunday Evening at Com- Time Being tione are $841.48 less than a year may grow out of nurses' training. Council Hearing—Low* town store for three years and has Were Duplication Increased expenses, have more Among these, air hostessing is al- been in the* employ of the company ago but we have increased the munity Church er Tax Rate Expected To Use Janitor Staff than kept pace with increas- number of givers by 170. ways the most glamorous to the for about eight years. This com- Dispose of Books, Funds ed use and revenue, with the 're- In addition to the figures glv«n average girl., Practical questions pany carries on a policy of promo- sult that our financial position is before, perhaps these will be Inter- Part of N. Y. Movement of expense and school for training, New Jr. H. S. Statement The Board of Education will tion of its employees from within not quite as good as it was at the Summit's Peace Council was esting to pur members. The land, the demands and satisfactions of make no appointment to the posi- close of 1937. Kot that our position A general meeting of all persons the job* to be done, opportunities the organisation using as a Slogan formally dissolved at a meeting of buildings and equipment are inven- . -„ ~; With more interest evinced in tfce tion of supervisor of buildings and is serious buf one that needs care- lnterested in tnene w an(l "Sears jobs for Sears men." the Council attended by representa- endowment ! daring'tor employment and IncoriVBr^'M j subject than ever before within tij» grounds left vacant by the recent ful watching, in order that our ex-i*'»'t~nrMimt''i!ifi9 4i9" rh»'nn*r*t IPlan for federal union of the form the basis of her talk after j memory of veteran city officials, death of William Abercrombie ac- Mr. Osgood In his eight years .of tives of member organisations and penditures do not exceed our reve- is ai present »it>*.»4z. ine operat-i j. | ^ democracies has which the meeting will >e openjeommon Council's public hearing > service has covered every phase of held last week at the Y. M. Q. A., ing deficit (or 1938 was $39,056.94, worl( g e )ng cording to a statement made this nue fronvall sourses, operation, ap- an increase over a year ago of $6,been calleMl tadd fotnrr SundaSlinHayv evenlngaaimn4n.» att j^o[tnrr questlousnll<iutlr>,.u. Mrs\lw. RoberH.»K«~»t MilleMlll«_:1r » • •••-•-- • «-- • • retailing. At present h«Tia "residing[according to an announcement 8 p m Tnou n th lan is ot Tuesday night at 8.30 o'clock on the > week by Walter 8. Eddy, business ft r tne propriations -"from municipalities 7171525 2Y""A~BDronrlat!oM2 " were S3l' 8 " " Th8 h h« P l " un-jwilill lmeet with the group and will 1939 budget is expected "to attract 'manager of the schools. Eddy, sub- In Morrlstown with his wife *nd •>•*•. » « meeting. Through and county, subscriptions and in2»1- # an Cease o ™ 15 627 22 In- der the «l>ou*>r«Jilp °* any church j be available for individual. inter- daughter but is contemplating mov-j discussion of the advisability ot 2JH.2-, an increase of |5,62<.22. '"-i fisting Institution, the lo-J views, if girls wish more help af-an audience of taxpayers that will ject to the decision* and recom- terest on our endowment. digent patients (that is no-pay and or olher overflow the council chambers. mendations ot the Board will be ing to Summit. He attended Cor- maintalning the local Peace Coun- cal Community Church has offered.jter Miss Allen's talk. Mrs. Rudd nell University from 1927 to 1929. cil as a separate organisation pre- We hVye been fortunate, this part-pay) cost the hospital $46,- Attendance by delegations rep* responsible, for the maintenance year, to deceive in legacies and 847.i2, an increase of $1,537.80. the use of Its facilitiees for thithi»»i Crawford is chairman of the com-resenting various taxpayer*'groups and operation of buildings. This cede' ' d' the decision to dissolve, Initial meeting and it will be held mlttee arranging the meeting. which was taken by unanimous special donations the sum of $$,Surplus account for the year is $4, civic bodies and other organlia- responsibility by law j* vested in 600 in addition to the Strong be- 512.85, a decrease of $1,745.61. The in the church building. tions concerned with the costs of him. Members of the maintenance vote. The Neww York Committee of of Life iqumi vi.of »ii,uin)$24,000,. Thi nee iauelatter wawas trouble is that we are running on municipal administration is assur* staff will specially assist Eddy as "Formal dissolution of the Sum- added to 4he endowment and the too small a margin of reserve and Correspondence was organized at I e(l, if the experience of previous . follows: . mit Peace .Council as a separate other to the reduction of our in- MeToTable- The years may be used as a criteria, Elmer Denman, fireman at the m organization by no means Implies debtedness and the purchase,of new equipment and. services that we ! York CGiti y on Tuesday evening and j anil numerous spokesmen will be High School, Is being placed in any lack of interest«in. the peace Instruments, a new anaesthesia aj»- •need to keep.the hospital up to the the committee's assistance is being v prepared to present arguments for charge of the mechanical and elec- movement," said A. J. 0. Priest, paratus and other things necessary minute at all times. ' made available for local organ-iza- Sesqufcentoiinial ' or^ against contemplated expendl-, r i| trical equipment and .will make Six Weeks' Course Starts former president of the Council, M to a modern hospital. hospital Is full, as hastlon. .•-...; tures. ' * regular Inspection of all schools, commenting Upon the.action taken. Our'blg problem is that there IS abeen the case a numbei$ of 'times At the N'ew- York meeting, .Clar-'! . Some drastic curtailments have "On tl)e contrary, virtually all of ence Strelt, author of "Union Now," IAnnual Dinner Passaic being-, relieved*part timo from his This Sunday Night as mortgage and notes amounting to during this l%st yeal". there 1s a en made, aa wwaa reported In the regular duties for this purpose.' Planned By Four Sum- the organizations baring member- $l&6,900, Incurred at the time Of cry for a new addition. The"«new the book setting forth ..the plan' for i ir ii o t n J. M i II*"" «t*™, •• *» reported ID IM Henry Trindell, carpenter and ship in the Peace Council have their building the new wing and theaddition is bound to come as Sum-"extendinxtndingg the American Const!Constl-:I Valley S. A. R. tQ Mark HERALD of March 10th. principal. own well formulated peace pro- tufional system of federal govern- I Cmi. ANn:.ri>M««. i .^lly in the scSobl budget, whJfcaoM builder, employed Intermittently for mit Churches Nurses Home, caused by the chang- mit and the surrounding towns I3UH1 Anniversary I SI!been, pared approximately *3l,O©0,- several years by the Board, will grams and it was felt by all of uses in the old buildings and the new increase In population. We have ment to all the existing und future rresiueniPre«ident'«s inauguraInmio-urflt'l n •T;ne blld*et ** announced on March now assume a "regular part-time that our Council had ceased to per-central heating plant, which the got to prepare for It even if we can- democracies, referred to the con: 7th Mllstor ft decrea9e ln the ux form, a particularly useful purpose, id ra n eer irof 6 8 us schedule which will permit fre- Various Interest Groups new additions made -necessary. not haveT^w?, One^of'the"^]» f i£I£V !!^ IJ «,'U??!? Inquiries -US;..^! - . , „ . t „ „ even as a co-ordinating agency; We While we have reduced the Indebt- to prepare for it is fo reduce and if' "' receive— •—d from Summit°- • <-.