add_posts_page( ) function, 76 Symbols and Numerics add_submenu_page( ) function, 75–77, 427 __( ) constructor, 87 add_theme_page( ) function, 76 45royale, 592 add_users_page( ) function, 76 404. template file, 183, 418 Additional Headers options, All in One SEO plugin, 49 Admin (administration panel), 73–82, 399 Admin Notices Feed option, WordPress MU, 402 A Admin panel, WP Super Cache plugin, 331 ab tool, Apache, 333 admin_email parameter, 529–531, 533 abandonware, 285 admin_notices hook, 272 ABSPATH constant, 92 administration panel (Admin), 73–82, 399 Access Control List (ACL), 350 administrative options page, All in One SEO plugin, 47–48 $access_level parameter, 75 Administrator role, 346 actions, 16, 70, 82–83, 477–478 After Deadline, 448 activated field, Signups table, 408 after parameter activation_key field, Signups table, 408 edit_bookmark_link( ) tag, 567 Active Directory, 378–379 edit_comment_link( ) tag, 566 active field, Signups table, 408 edit_post_link( ) tag, 566 Activity Stream module, BuddyPress, 422–423 edit_tag_link( ) tag, 566 activity/just-me.php template file, BuddyPress, 433 the_tags( ) tag, 552 activity/my-friends.php template file, the_title( ) tag, 545 BuddyPress, 433 the_title_attribute( ) tag, 546 Add Category page, 238 wp_link_pages( ) tag, 548 Add cookie integration settings checkbox, bbPress, 415 wp_list_archives( ) tag, 539 Add integration settings check box, bbPress, 413–414 wp_list_bookmarks( ) tag, 537 Add New Users option, WordPress MU, 402 wp_register( ) tag, 545 Add Post page, 387 after_content action hook, 207 Add user database integration settings check box, after_masthead action hook, 207 bbPress, 415 after_post_{x} action hook, 207 add_action( ) function, 70, 478 after_sidebar action hook, 208 add_cap( ) method, 348 after_the_content action hook, 208 add_comments_page( ) function, 77 after_the_excerpt action hook, 208 add_dashboard_page( ) function,COPYRIGHTED 76 MATERIAL after_title member, 110 add_filter( ) function, 70, 478 after_widget member, 110 add_fragment parameter, 559 Air Force , 11 add_links_page( ) function, 76 Ajax, 80, 185 add_management_page( ) function, 76 Akismet, 11, 448–449, 462–467 add_media_page( ) function, 76 aktt_add_tweet action, 53 add_option( ) function, 79 All in One SEO plugin, 47–49 add_options_page( ) function, 76 All Things Digital blog, 610 add_page_menu( ) function, 77 Allen, David, 243 add_pages_page( ) function, 77 Allow Images plugin, 417 add_ping filter, 231


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Allow my blog to appear in search engines like Google and authors parameter, 536 Technorati check box, 36 Auto Upgrade feature, 403 Allow New Registrations option, WordPress MU, 402 Autogenerate Descriptions option, All in One SEO plugin, 49 Allow non-friends to post on profile wires option, autoload field, 123 BuddyPress, 428 automatic (one-click) upgrading, 269–279 Alpha/Beta forum, 64 Autosave plugin, 195–196 alt parameter, 557 Available Widgets section, WordPress Admin, 98–99 Alternative PHP Cache (APC), 31–32, 336–337 avatar_size parameter, 539 Altha Webdesign, 597 avatars, 70, 222–224, 426 Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), 340–341, 603 Amine Soussi, 597 B announcement-only mailing list, 62 tag, 232 Apache, 24–25, 28–29, 333 b2/cafelog platform, 4, 18 Apache Wildcard Vhost configuration, 396 backing up, 301–305, 581–582 APC (Alternative PHP Cache), 31–32, 336–337 Backmann, Chris, 585 aperture (f-stop), 363, 366 BackPress application programming interface (API), development defining, 437–438 of, 4–5 developing with, 438–443 application registration page, Facebook, 51 overview, 452–453 application.php template file, 179–180 solving dependencies, 443–444 apply_filters( ) function, 86 backup scripting, 303–305 apt-get package manager, 29–31 bandwidth provision, Web hosts, 580–581 archived field, table, 405 Banned E-mail Domains option, WordPress MU, 402 archive.php template file, 177 Banned Names option, WordPress MU, 402 archives, 163, 177 Barrett Creative, 592 $args argument, 103 base parameter, 559 args parameter, 558 Base profile group name field, BuddyPress, 428 Arkimedia, 597 BASH script, 304, 581–582 Armeda, Andres “Dre”, 592 Batcache plugin, 327, 332–333 array output, EXIF extraction data, 365 BBcode Buttons plugin, 417 array_merge( ) function, 456 BBcode Lite plugin, 417 ASCII character set, 213 bbPress Asides, 373–374 forums, 63, 430 A-Space, 603 installing, 411–416 Assign Authors screen, 292 integration into BuddyPress, 423–424 ast_updated field, Blog Versions table, 406 overview, 452 Atom feeds, support for, 18 plugins, 416–417 atom_url parameter, 529–531, 533 themes, 417–419 AtomPub (Atom Publishing Protocol, APP), 12–13, 61, 248, BBS (Bulletin Board Systems), 4 252, 299 before parameter attachment ID, 364 edit_bookmark_link( ) tag, 567 attachment.php template file, 179 edit_comment_link( ) tag, 566 audio.php template file, 179–180 edit_post_link( ) tag, 566 authentication functions, 379 edit_tag_link( ) tag, 566 Author role, 345 the_tags( ) tag, 552 author string variable, 145 the_title( ) tag, 545 author_name string variable, 145 the_title_attribute( ) tag, 546 Authorize button, Import Blogger screen, 284 wp_link_pages( ) tag, 548 author.php template file, 180 wp_list_archives( ) tag, 539


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wp_list_bookmarks( ) tag, 537 blogs/recent-comments.php template file, wp_register( ) tag, 545 BuddyPress, 433 before_comment_form action hook, 208 blogs/recent-posts.php template file, BuddyPress, 433 before_content action hook, 207 Blogware, 286–287 before_masthead action hook, 207 Blue Print Design Studio, 593 before_sidebar action hook, 208 BlueHost, 585 before_title member, 110 BNOTIONS, 593 before_widget member, 110 tag, 171, 206 between parameter, 537 bold font, 232 binary files, 340 bookmark parameter, 567, 569 URL shortening service, 478 bookmarklets, 244–245, 372 Black Canvas theme, 359 bootstrapping, 115 black hat hackers, 317 BP_Log class, BackPress, 444 BlackBox, 592 BP_Roles class, BackPress, 444 black-hat SEO approaches, 44 BP_SQL_Schema_Parser class, BackPress, 444 blacklist strings, 332 BP_User class, BackPress, 444 Blog Address setting, 41 BPDB class, BackPress, 444 blog argument, 464–466 BPDB_Multi class, BackPress, 444 blog IDs, 403–404 brand identity, 382 Blog Studio, The, 595 brand image, 382 Blog This feature, Flickr, 360 BraveNewCode, 593 Blog Title field, 36 Brian Oberkirch Consulting, 593 Blog Tracking module, BuddyPress, 423 BuddyPress Blog upload Space option, WordPress MU, 402 configuring, 426–431 Blog Versions table, 405–406 elements of, 421–426 blog_id field, 123, 405–406 extending, 435 $blog_id global variable, 403 introduction of, 16 BlogDesk editor, 257–259 media blogs, 615 Blogestudio, 597 overview, 6, 391, 452 Blogger, 4, 248–249, 283–285 themes, 432–434 blogger.deletePost method, 249 WordPress development versus, 431–432 blogger.editPost method, 249 buddypress/ directory, 432 blogger.getPost method, 248 BuddyPress Skeleton Component plugin, 435 blogger.getRecentPosts method, 249 bug-tracking systems, 9 blogger.getTemplate method, 249 Bulletin Board Systems (BBS), 4 blogger.getUserInfo method, 248 Bunny’s Technorati Tags, 301 blogger.getUsersBlogs method, 248 blogger.newPost method, 249 blogger.setTemplate method, 249 C Blogging Expertise, 593 _c( ) function, 90 Blogging Squared, 593 caching bloginfo( ) template tag, 45, 170, 210–214, 529–530 cache key naming conventions, 327 bloginfo_rss( ) template tag, 531–532 cloud-based computing, 339–342 blogroll widget, 98 defined, 325 blogs, number of, 10 mechanisms for, 326–333 Blogs panel, WordPress MU, 399–400 MySQL, 338–339 Blogs table, 405 overview, 325–326 blogs/create.php template file, BuddyPress, 433 PHP, 333–337 blogs/my-blogs.php template file, BuddyPress, 433 CakePHP framework, 437–438


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$callback parameter, add_submenu_page( ) function, 75 class.ixr.php class, 441 callback parameter, wp_list_comments( ) tag, 539 class.mailer.php class, 442 callbacks, 70, 82 class.mailer-smtp.php class, 441 Campbell, Dougal, 590 class.passwordhash.php class, 442 cancel_comment_reply_link( ) template tag, 558 class.wp-ajax-response.php class, 442 canonical URLs, 14, 40–44 class.wp-auth.php class, 442 Canonical URLs check box, All in One SEO plugin, 48 class.wp-dependencies.php class, 442 capabilities, 348–350 class.wp-error.php class, 442 $capability argument, 348 class.wp-http.php class, 442 Carbon, 315 class.wp-object-cache-memcached.php class, 442 carbon neutral (green) hosting, 585–587 class.wp-object-cache.php class, 442 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 154, 164–166, 199–202 class.wp-pass.php class, 443 casting variables, 318 class.wp-scripts.php class, 443 cat string variable, 144 class.wp-styles.php class, 443 cat_ID field, Site Categories table, 407 class.wp-taxonomy.php class, 443 cat_name field, Site Categories table, 407 class.wp-users.php class, 443 categories, 234–238, 299–300 “click-show” effect, 190 Categories screen, 237 Client URL Library (cURL) functions, 442 categories table, 125 cloud-based computing, 339–342, 471 categorize parameter, 537 CMS. See content management system Category 4, 593, 611 category parameter, 537, 560, 568 cnp_studio, 591–592 category__and string variable, 144 Coast Guard, 604 category__in string variable, 144 Coats, Janet, 611 category_after parameter, 537 Cocoa framework, 314 category_before parameter, 537, 591 category_description( ) template tag, 560 Codestyling Localization plugin, 92 category_name parameter, 537, 568 coding conventions, 112, 134 category_name string variable, 144 col_info property, 117 category_nicename field, Site Categories table, 407 cold cache, 341 category_orderby parameter, 537 collate property, 125 category-{x}.php template file, 181–182 Colloquy, 7–8 category.php template file, 181 Colorlabs Project provider, 160 category-to-tag importers, 17 column data, retrieving from MySQL, 128 CDN (content delivery network), 342 Comment Checking API, Akismet, 464 chaining, 187 comment parameter, 555, 558 charset parameter, 529–531, 533 comment replacement systems, 468 charset property, 125 Comment Wire feature, BuddyPress, 425–426 check_admin_referer( ) function, 79 comment_agent field, 121 child classes, 104 comment_approved field, 121 child_of parameter, 534, 536, 541 comment_author( ) template tag, 554 class dependencies, BackPress, 443–444 comment_author argument, 464–466 class parameter, 537, 541–542 comment_author field, 121 class.bpdb-multi.php class, 441 comment_author_email( ) template tag, 554 class.bpdb.php class, 441 comment_author_email argument, 464–466 class.bp-log.php class, 441 comment_author_email field, 121 class.bp-roles.php class, 441 comment_author_email_link( ) template tag, 554 class.bp-sql-schema-parser.php class, 441 comment_author_ip( ) template tag, 555 class.bp-user.php class, 441 comment_author_IP field, 121


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comment_author_link( ) template tag, 554 conditional logic, 84 comment_author_rss( ) template tag, 557 conditional tags, 46–47 comment_author_url( ) template tag, 555 configuration options, WP Super Cache plugin, 331–332 comment_author_url argument, 464–466 constants, using to bypass credentials, 278–279 comment_author_url field, 121 __construct( ) constructor method, 105–106, 574 comment_author_url_link( ) template tag, 555 consultants, 589–599 comment_content argument, 464–466 content delivery network (CDN), 342 comment_content field, 121 Content Editor, 345 comment_count field, 119 content management system (CMS), 16, 166, 182, 377–388 comment_date( ) template tag, 556 content production comment_date field, 121 elements of, 228–242 comment_date_gmt field, 121 workspace, customizing, 227–228 comment_excerpt( ) template tag, 556 writing, 242–245 comment_feed_groupby hook, 138 content types, custom, 387–388 comment_feed_join hook, 138 content_attribution( ) function, 85 comment_feed_limits hook, 138 ContentRobot, 593 comment_feed_orderby hook, 138 Contributor role, 344–345 comment_feed_where hook, 138 control interface, for widgets, 103–104 comment_form hook, 206–207 copying, terms and conditions for, 618–621 comment_form_title( ) template tag, 556–557 copyright information, 82 comment_ID( ) template tag, 554 copyright plugin code, localizing, 88–89 comment_ID field, 121 core upgrades, installing automatically, 16 comment_id_fields( ) template tag, 554 count field, 124 comment_karma field, 121 Covered Web Services, 590, 592 comment_parent field, 121 created_timestamp key, 366 comment_post_ID field, 121 credentials, bypassing with constants, 278–279 comment_reply_link( ) template tag, 558 Creixems Web Studio, 599 comment_status field, 118 CRM (Customer Relationship Management) integration, comment_text( ) template tag, 555 380–381 comment_text_rss( ) template tag, 557 cron Unix scheduling utility, 581 comment_time( ) template tag, 556 Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack, 79 comment_type argument, 464–466 cross-site scripting (XSS) attack, 319 comment_type field, 121 Crowd Favorite, 590–592 commentmeta property, 121–122 crowdsourcing, 471 commentmeta table, 122 CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) attack, 79 comments, 218–222 CSS. See Cascading Style Sheets comments property, 121 CSSclass parameter, 553 comments table, 121 cURL (Client URL Library) functions, 442 comments_atom_url parameter, 529–531, 533 current parameter, 559 comments_link( ) template tag, 553 current_category parameter, 534 comments_link_popup( ) template tag, 553 $current_post property, 136 comments_number( ) template tag, 552 current_user_can( ) function, 348–349 comments_popup_script( ) template tag, 553 Custom CSS add-on, 458 comments_rss2_url parameter, 529–530, 532–533 Custom Field Template plugin, 387–388 comments_template( ) template tag, 167, 173, 528–529 custom fields, 378, 384–385 comments_type( ) template tag, 555 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) integration, comments.php template file, 173–175, 220–221 380–381 competent hosts, 579 cut parameter, 547 Component Setup panel, BuddyPress, 429 Cutts, Matt, 41


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Disable profile picture uploads option, BuddyPress, 428 D Disable the visual text editor option, 243 d parameter, 564–566 Disable user account deletion option, BuddyPress, 428 Dashboard Blog option, WordPress MU, 402 disabling “nag” message, 270–275 Dashboard User Default Role option, WordPress MU, 402 disk space, 458–459, 580 data sanitization, 318–321 display parameter, 545–546, 560–561, 565, 569 database abstraction layer, 115 display_copyright( ) function, 83 database class. See ezSQL database class display_exif( ) template tag, 370 database-intensive site, 329 display_name field, 120 databases, 33–35, 79 distribution, terms and conditions for, 618–621 date_format parameter, 536 DIYThemes provider, 160 date_registered field, Registration Log table, 406 Dizzy Fusion, 593 date.php template file, 182 DNS (Domain Name System), 395, 459 day string variable, 145 do_action( ) function, 86 day.php template file, 182 do_shortcode( ) function, 456 db_version field, Blog Versions table, 406 document root (DOCROOT), 308–309, 321–322 de Valk, Joost, 591 domain field, 405–406, 408 Debian , 5 domain mapping, 459–460 debugging, 311–313 Domain Mapping plugin, 410 dedicated servers, 583–584 Domain Name System (DNS), 395, 459 Default Avatar option, 429 domain part of URLs, 40 Default Language option, WordPress MU, 403 DotClear, 287–288 default parameter, 557 Dougherty, Mike, 382 default permalink style, 231 draft status post, 240 default theme, BuddyPress, 432 “drag and drop” capability, Dashboard, 81 Default User Profile Picture option, BuddyPress, 429 drag-and-drop widgets interface, jQuery, 197 default widget classes, 107 DreamHost, 584 delete_page capability, 343 Drivel editor, 263–264 deleted field, Blogs table, 405 “drop zone”, sidebar, 109, 244 Drupal, 377 Department of State, 603 DVR (Digital Video Recorder) system, 20 deprecated properties, 125 dynamic content, 4, 12, 330 deprecated tables, 125 dynamic_sidebar( ) function, 113 depth parameter, 534, 536, 541 Dynamically Generate Keywords for Posts Page option, All in deregistering styles, 200 One SEO plugin, 49 description field, 124 description parameter, 529–530, 532–533 descriptive text, 233 E Design and Layout section, WordPress Codex, 59 _e( ) function, 87 Design Canopy, The, 595 eAccelerator, 29–31, 333–336 Design Disease, 593 echo parameter destructor method, 574 paginate_comments_links( ) tag, 559 Developer Documentation section, WordPress Codex, 59 the_title_attribute( ) tag, 546 Digital Cube, 599 wp_dropdown_pages( ) tag, 541 Digital Video Recorder (DVR) system, 20 wp_link_pages( ) tag, 548 Dipnote, 603 wp_list_archives( ) tag, 539 Disable BuddyPress to WordPress profile syncing option, wp_list_authors( ) tag, 534 BuddyPress, 428 wp_list_bookmarks( ) tag, 537 Disable global forum directory option, BuddyPress, 429 wp_list_categories( ) tag, 535


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wp_list_pages( ) tag, 536 ExpressionEngine, 377, 603 wp_page_menu( ) tag, 540 Extended Profile module, BuddyPress, 426 wp_tag_cloud( ) tag, 562 ezSQL database class wp_title( ) tag, 570 MySQL, 125–129 Ecto editor, 262–263 overview, 115–116 Edge Designs, 597 properties, 116–125 Edit Page screen, 183 SQL injection, preventing, 129–130 edit_bookmark_link( ) template tag, 567 edit_comment_link( ) template tag, 566 edit_post_link( ) template tag, 565–566 F edit_tag_link( ) template tag, 566 Facebook, 50–51 edit-form.php template file, bbPress, 418 Facebook Photos plugin (Facebook Plugin for WordPress, Editor role, 346 TanTan Facebook), 51 edit-post.php template file, bbPress, 418 Fan Pages, Facebook, 50 Electric Mill, 597 Farbtastic plugin, 196 email field, Registration Log table, 406 FastCGI protocol, 25–26 Emmense Technologies, 593 favicon, 373 –enable-ftp flag, 33 favorites.php template file, bbPress, 418 –enable-mod-rewrite flag, 28 featured stories, WP_Query object, 146 encode_html parameter, 547 federal government blogs, 601–605 Engadget, 156 feed parameter, 534–535 ent2ncr( ) function, 318 feed_image parameter, 534–535 Equal Design, 597 feed_type parameter, 535 Erickson, Bill, 592 feeds, 18 esc_html( ) function, 103, 319 Fetch FTP client, 316–317 esc_html_ ( ) function, 319 field parameter, 563 esc_html_e( ) function, 319 field_types property, 124–125 esc_js( ) function, 320 fields, custom, 241–242, 384–388 esc_url( ) function, 320 file backups, 301 esc_url_raw( ) function, 320 File menu, BlogDesk, 258 escape_attribute( ) function, 320 file parameter, 568 etaWeblog.getCategories method, 249 file permissions, 321–324 event-based actions, 70 file transfer protocol (FTP) event-driven architecture, 69 disadvantages of, 582–583 events, creating with actions, 82–83 FTP clients, choosing, 313–317 E.Webscapes, 591, 593 installing Batcache plugin via, 332–333 excerpts, designating, 230–231 overview, 308–311 Exchangeable Image Format (EXIF) data, 356, 362–371 upgrading WordPress via, 16, 270, 311–313 exclude parameter, 535–537, 540–542, 562, 568 uploading new version of WordPress via, 269 exclude_admin parameter, 534 FileZilla, 314–315 exclude_category parameter, 537 filter parameter, 569 exclude_tree parameter, 536, 540–542 filters, 16, 70, 83–85, 141, 478–479 excluded_categories parameter, 549 Finding Simple, 599 EXIF (Exchangeable Image Format) data, 356, 362–371 Fine Arts Photoblog, 357 EXIF viewer, 362 Firebug extension, Firefox, 361 exif_read_data( ) function, 366 Firefox, 12, 361 $expire argument, 327 Fireside Media, 593 expired data, 326 First Post option, WordPress MU, 402 ExposureTime (shutter speed) data point, 368 fixed-width layouts, 155–156


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$flag argument, 327 flat tags, 234 G Galleries, introduction of, 16 Flickr, 156, 238, 356 General Public License (GPL), 18–20, 92, 158, 359, 454, 617 fluid-width layouts, 155–156 General Settings menu, BuddyPress, 427–429 flushing caches, 329 geothermal heat pumps, 586–587 Flutter plugin, 388 get( ) method, 136 FNumber data point, 368 get_avatar( ) template tag, 223, 557 focal_length key, 366 get_avatar filter, 224 FocalLength data point, 368 get_bloginfo( ) template tag, 210, 530–531 folder-based installs, 395 get_bloginfo_rss( ) template tag, 532–533 footer.php template file, 171–172, 418 get_bookmark( ) template tag, 569 forking, 4 get_bookmarks( ) template tag, 568–569 form( ) method, 102 get_footer( ) template tag, 529 format parameter get_header( ) template tag, 167, 528 next_post_link( ) tag, 549 get_option( ) function, 75, 79, 170 paginate_comments_links( ) tag, 559 get_permalink( ) template tag, 567 previous_post_link( ) tag, 549 get_post_meta( ) function, 241, 386 wp_list_archives( ) tag, 539 get_posts( ) method, 136 wp_tag_cloud( ) tag, 562 get_queried_object( ) method, 136 forum.php template file, bbPress, 418 get_queried_object_id( ) method, 136 Forums Setup panel, BuddyPress, 430 get_results( ) method, 129 FQDN (fully qualified domain name), 276 get_row( ) method, 128 Free Software Foundation, 20 get_search_form( ) template tag, 217, 528 free themes, finding and implementing, 156–158 get_sidebar( ) template tag, 172, 528 FreeCharity, 597 get_stickies( ) function, 147 freemium service, 450, 472 get_to_ping filter, 231 FriendFeed, 340 gettext library, 86 Friends module, BuddyPress, 424 Getting Started with WordPress section, WordPress Codex, 59 friends/friends-loop.php template file, Getting Things Done (GTD) management mentality, 243 BuddyPress, 433 global objects, 431 friends/index.php template file, BuddyPress, 433 global (site-wide) plugin, 409 friends/requests.php template file, BuddyPress, 433 GNOME windowing system, 263 front-page.php template file, bbPress, 418 GNU General Public License, 617–622 f-stop (aperture), 363, 366 GNV & Partners, 598 FTP. See file transfer protocol Google Gears, 12 FTP module, for PHP, 33 Google searches, canonical URLs, 41–42 FTP over Secure Sockets Layer (FTPS), 270 Google Webmaster Tools, 42–43 FTP_HOST constant, 278 Gossamer Threads, 594 FTP_PASS constant, 278 goto operator, PHP 5, 577 FTP_PRIKEY constant, 278 government blogs, 10, 601–608 FTP_PUBKEY constant, 278 GPL. See General Public License FTP_USER constant, 278 $grant argument, 348 FTPS (FTP over Secure Sockets Layer), 270 Gravatar, 25, 70, 222, 449 full data sets, 128–129 green (carbon neutral) hosting, 585–587 Full name field name field, BuddyPress, 428 Groups module, BuddyPress, 424–425 Full Screen mode, 243–244 groups/create.php template file, BuddyPress, 433 Full Throttle Development, 594 groups/group-loop.php template file, BuddyPress, 433 fully qualified domain name (FQDN), 276 groups/index.php template file, BuddyPress, 433 functions.php template file, 71, 110, 178 groups/invites.php template file, BuddyPress, 433 future posts, WP_Query object, 146


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groups/single/* template file, BuddyPress, 433 Hourihan, Meg, 4 GTD (Getting Things Done) management mentality, 243 hoverIntent plugin, 196 guid field, 119 Howard, Andy, 599 How-To and Troubleshooting forum, 63 .htaccess file, 323 H HTML (hypertext markup language), 44–45, 69, 232,

tags, 74 318–320

tags, 74 parameter, 534 hackers, defined, 60 html_type parameter, 529–530, 532–533 ham comments, 463 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 40, 463 $handle parameter, 75 HyperDB, 339 “hard” reset, 329 hypertext markup language (HTML), 44–45, 69, 232, Hart, Tammy, 595 318–320 has_cap( ) method, 349–350 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 40, 463 have_comments( ) function, 221 Hyper-V, 586 have_posts( ) method, 136 tags bloginfo( ) template tag, 210 I HTML page, 169 i command, 29 wp_head function, 205 i18n. See localization header.php template file, 169–171, 418 ID field, 118, 120, 406 headers, plugin, 72 id field, Site table, 406 height parameter, 553 id parameter, 567 Hide admin bar for logged out users option, BuddyPress, 428 id_or_email parameter, 557 hide_empty parameter, 534–535, 542 iDenta Labs, 598 hide_invisible parameter if( !class_exists( ) ) function, 435 get_bookmarks( ) tag, 568 if( !function_exists( ) ) function, 435 wp_list_bookmarks( ) tag, 538 IIS (Internet Information Services), 24, 27 hierarchical parameter image permalinks, 410 wp_dropdown_categories( ) tag, 542 image.php template file, 179–180 wp_list_categories( ) tag, 535 img_aperture( ) method, 370 Home Description field, All in One SEO plugin, 47–48 img_focal( ) method, 370 Home Keywords field, All in One SEO plugin, 48 img_iso( ) method, 370 Home Title field, All in One SEO plugin, 47 img_shutter( ) method, 370 home.php template file, 182 img_timestamp( ) method, 370 hooks Import DotClear screen, 287 actions, 82–83, 477–478 Import Movable Type and TypePad screen, 291 alphabetical listing of, 479–504 Import screen, 281–282 altering queries with, 139–141 importing blogs, 17, 281–299, 396–403 anatomy of, 70–71 importing tags, 299–301 architecture of, 69 in_same_cat parameter, 549–550 filters, 83–85, 478–479 Inactive Widgets section, WordPress Admin, 98–99 general uses of, 505–525 include parameter multi-argument, 85–86 get_bookmarks( ) tag, 569 number of, 16 wp_dropdown_users( ) tag, 543 query, 137–139 wp_list_bookmarks( ) tag, 538 theme, 71 wp_list_categories( ) tag, 535 Twitter Tools, 53 wp_list_pages( ) tag, 536 using in themes, 204–208 wp_page_menu( ) tag, 540 hour string variable, 145 wp_tag_cloud( ) tag, 562


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Incsub, 599 JavaScript Incutio library, 252 comment form requirements, 222 index.php template file, 164, 166–167 escaping and encoding, 320 InfoTrust, 594 jQuery framework, 186–197 init( ) method, 136 overview, 185–186 insert( ) method, 126 plugins, 197–199 inserting new data into MySQL, 126 Prototype framework, 191–195 Installation forum, 63 using to style elements, 200–202 installation wizard, WordPress, 35–36 JavaScript libraries, 80–81, 186, 193–197 installing Jerome’s Keywords, 301 bbPress, 411–416 Jessica Perilla Design, 592 core upgrades, 16 JOIN clauses, 140 plugins, 16 Joomla, 377 themes, 16 JPEG images, 361 WordPress, 33–37 jQuery( ) function, 188 WordPress MU, 392–394 jQuery framework $instance argument, 103–104 JavaScript libraries, 195–197 Instinct, 599 overview, 186–190 Intellipedia, 605 Prototype versus, 192–193 IntenseDebate, 450, 468–471 jQuery library, 80 Interconnect IT, 598 jQuery Reply To Comment plugin, 197–198 International Organization of Standardization (ISO) settings, jQuery Rounded Corners plugin, 208 362–363 jQueryUI plugins, 197 internationalization. See localization Jung, Jean-Baptiste, 148 Internet Explorer, 12 Internet Information Services (IIS), 24, 27 Internet Relay Chat (IRC), 7–8, 62 K invalid data, 326 K2 Theme, 360 IP field, Registration Log table, 406 Kakumei theme, bbPress, 417 Ipswitch, 314 key argument, Akismet, 464 IRC (Internet Relay Chat), 7–8, 62 keys $is_ properties, 136 using SSH with, 277–278 is_404( ) conditional tag, 167 API, 461–462 is_category( ) conditional tag, 167 key/value pairs, 241 is_feed( ) function, 84 keywords, 44, 49 is_search( ) conditional tag, 167 King, Alex, 51, 590 is_single property, 176 Kipubli, 598 is_user_logged_in( ) template tag, 543 Koziarski, Michael, 574 ISAPI_Rewrite module, 27 KSES filter, 319 ISO (International Organization of Standardization) settings, KSES library, BackPress, 443 362–363 Kubrick theme, 164 ISOSpeedRatings data point, 368 iThemes provider, 160 IXR classes, BackPress, 444 L label parameter, 549–550, 559


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last_error property, 117 LiveJournal, 288–289 last_query property, 117 load_plugin_textdomain( ) function, 91 last_updated field, 405, 407 “loader” script, BackPress, 438 Layered Technologies, 583 localization, 58, 62, 86–94 LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 379 Lockdown mode, WP Super Cache plugin, 332 lead generation, 380–381 login_text parameter, 539 Leary, Mike, 610 login-form.php template file, bbPress, 418 LEFT JOIN clauses, 140 login.php template file, bbPress, 418 Lens photoblog, 357 Loop Library of Congress, 605 defining, 134–136 libssh2 module, 32 developing, 141–147 Lighttpd, 25 hooks, 137–141 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), 379 overview, 85, 133–134 Ligthart, Dave, 597 template tags, 214–218 limit parameter, 538–539, 569 using strategically, 148–149 Limited E-mail Registration option, WordPress MU, 402 lossless format, 361 link blogs, 373 link parameter, 549–550, 562, 566–567 link_after parameter M wp_link_pages( ) tag, 548 Mac OS X FTP clients, 315–317 wp_list_bookmarks( ) tag, 538 Macromates Textmate, 34 wp_list_pages( ) tag, 536 mailing lists, 8, 60–62 wp_page_menu( ) tag, 540 maintenance_nag( ) function, 272–273 link_before parameter makepot.php file, 92 wp_link_pages( ) tag, 548 manage_options capability, 349 wp_list_bookmarks( ) tag, 538 MarsEdit editor, 260–262 wp_list_pages( ) tag, 536 Martine, Michael, 594 wp_page_menu( ) tag, 540 masthead_image filter hook, 207 link_category field, 122 mature field, Blogs table, 405 link_description field, 122 max_pages parameter, 549–550, 559 link_id field, 122 media blogs, 609–615 link_image field, 122 Media People, 598 link_name field, 122 Media Temple, 584 link_notes field, 122 media uploader, WordPress, 191 link_owner field, 122 Memcached, 332–333 link_rating field, 122 menu_class parameter, 540 link_rel field, 122 menu_order field, 119 link_rss field, 122 $menu_title parameter, 75 link_target field, 122 Menus option, WordPress MU, 403 link_updated field, 122 Merritt, Ed, 597 link_url field, 122 messages/compose.php template file, BuddyPress, 433 link_visible field, 122 messages/index.php template file, BuddyPress, 433 tag, 200 messages/notices.php template file, BuddyPress, 433 links property, 122 messages/sentbox.php template file, BuddyPress, 434 links table, 122 messages/view.php template file, BuddyPress, 434 Links widget, 98–99 meta tags, 44–47, 229 linktoparent parameter, 557 meta_compare string variable, 145 Linux, 5, 263 meta_id field, 119–120, 122, 407 Litespeed, 25 meta_key field, 119–120, 122, 407 Live Writer editor, 255–257 meta_key parameter, 536


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meta_key string variable, 145 creating databases, 34 meta_value field, 119–120, 122, 407 inserting new data into, 126 meta_value parameter, 536 most stable version of, 21 meta_value string variable, 145 overview, 125 metadata, 17 retrieving data from, 127–129 MetaWeblog API, 247, 249–250 updating data in, 126–127 metaWeblog.deletePost method, 250 WordPress system requirements, 22–23 metaWeblog.editPost method, 249 mysql_fetch_array( ) function, 115 metaWeblog.getPost method, 249 mysql_query( ) function, 115 metaWeblog.getRecentPosts method, 249 mysqldump command, 301–302 metaWeblog.getTemplate method, 250 metaWeblog.getUsersBlogs method, 250 metaWeblog.newMediaObject method, 249 N metaWeblog.newPost method, 249 “nag” message, disabling, 270–275 metaWeblog.setTemplate method, 250 name field, 123 microblogging, 371–372 name parameter, 529–530, 532–533, 541–543 Microsoft Internet Explorer, 12 name string variable, 144 Mihaileanu, Alex, 597 naming conventions, for cache keys, 327, 247 Nautilus theme, 360–361 minute string variable, 145 navigation menu, Admin, 75–77 mIRC, 7 NetClarity/Mike Schinkel, 594 Miscellaneous forum, 64 New York Times, The, 357, 609–610 mod_rewrite module, 24–25, 28–29 $new_instance argument, 104 Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework, 437–438 next_comments_link( ) template tag, 222, 559 modification, terms and conditions for, 618–621 next_image_link( ) template tag, 550 Monotone theme, 358–359 next_or_number parameter, 548 monthnum string variable, 145 next_post( ) method, 136 month.php template file, 182 next_post_link( ) template tag, 548–549 more parameter, 552–553 next_posts_link( ) template tag, 217, 549 more_file parameter, 547–548 nextpagelink parameter, 548 more_link_text parameter, 547 __ngettext( ) function, 90–91 Mossberg, Walt, 610 Nginx, 26–27 Movable Type, 4, 250, 289–292 Nicasio, 594 Mozilla Firefox, 12, 361 “no conflict” mode, jQuery, 187 mt.getCategoryList method, 250 No Diamonds Web Services, 594 mt.getPostCategories method, 250 No-ads feature, 460 mt.getRecentPostTitles method, 250 noindex options, All in One SEO plugin, 49 mt.getTrackbackPings method, 250 Nolan Interactive, 594 mt.publishPost method, 250 nonces, 78 mt.setPostCategories method, 250 none parameter, 553 mt.supportedMethods method, 250 noreplytext parameter, 557 mt.supportedTextFilters method, 250 num_queries property, 117 Mule Design, 594 number parameter, 535–536, 562 Mullenweg, Matt, 4–5, 355, 411, 447 multi parameter, 543 Multi-User (MU). See WordPress MU O object cache, 326–330 MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework, 437–438 object_id field, 124 MySQL Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), 71, 101 backups, 301–303 objects, defined, 101 caching, 338–339


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octal number permission system, 323 output parameter, 569 oEmbed technology, 347 oXfoZ Technologies, 598 Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), 604–605 offline (XML-RPC) editors P BlogDesk, 257–259 p string variable, 144 Drivel, 263–264 P2 (Prologue version 2) theme, 371, 450 Ecto, 262–263 page weight, 361 MarsEdit, 260–262 page_id string variable, 144 overview, 12–13 $page_title parameter, 75 ScribeFire, 264–266 paged comments, 218–222 Windows Live Writer, 255–257 “paged” filters, 141 XML-RPC, 247–254 paged string variable, 145 offset parameter, 536 pagelink parameter, 548 offset string variable, 145 pagename string variable, 144 $old_instance argument, 104 page.php template file, 177 one parameter, 552–553 Pages, 16, 377–378 one-click (automatic) upgrading, 269–279 paginate_comments_links( ) template tag, 559 OOP (Object-Oriented Programming), 71, 101 parent class, 104 opcode caching, optimizing PHP with, 333–337 parent field, 124 open registration, 344 $parent parameter, 75 open source, 18–20 parent-child theme relationships, 433 Open System Interconnection (OSI) model, 395 parents parameter, 551 OpenVZ, 586 parse_query( ) method, 136 OPML/Blogroll importer, 17 parse_query_vars( ) method, 136 option_id field, 123 PasswordHash class, BackPress, 444 option_name field, 123 password-less SSH, 277 option_value field, 123 passwords, 36–37 optioncount parameter, 534 Patel Strategy, 594 Options panel, WordPress MU, 402 path field, 405–406, 408 options property, 123 PATH_INFO fix, 27 options table, 123 PDO (PHP Data Objects) library, 116 optionsbar.php template file, BuddyPress, 434 Peatling, Andy, 421, 435 order parameter PECL (PHP Extension Community Library) modules, get_bookmarks( ) tag, 569 31–32, 336 wp_dropdown_categories( ) tag, 542 pending status, of posts, 240 wp_dropdown_users( ) tag, 543 permalink argument, 464–466 wp_list_bookmarks( ) tag, 538 permalink_anchor( ) template tag, 567 wp_list_categories( ) tag, 535 permalink_comments_rss( ) template tag, 558 wp_tag_cloud( ) tag, 562 permalink_single_rss( ) template tag, 568 order string variable, 143 permalinks, 24, 27, 229, 410 orderby parameter Philadelphia Inquirer, 610 get_bookmarks( ) tag, 569 photoblogging wp_dropdown_categories( ) tag, 542 attachment.php file, 179 wp_dropdown_users( ) tag, 543 examples of, 356–357 wp_list_bookmarks( ) tag, 538 overview, 356 wp_list_categories( ) tag, 535 themes, 358–361 wp_tag_cloud( ) tag, 562 using EXIF data in, 362–371 orderby string variable, 143–144 workspace, 227 OSI (Open System Interconnection) model, 395


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PHP Ponticlaro, 595 APC for, 31–32 portable object template (POT) files, 92–94 eAccelerator for, 29–31 post parameter, 558, 566 FTP module for, 33 $post property, 136 General Public License and, 19 Post Tags box, Write Post screen, 239 including BackPress in projects, 440 post__in string variable, 145 most stable version of, 21 post__not_in string variable, 145 optimizing with opcode caching, 333–337 post_author field, 118 PHP 5, 573–577 post_category field, 118 plugins, 72 post_content field, 118 SSH2 module for, 32–33 post_content_filtered field, 119 WordPress system requirements, 22 $post_count property, 136 PHP accelerators (PHP opcode caches), 29–32, 333 post_date field, 118 PHP Data Objects (PDO) library, 116 post_date_gmt field, 118 PHP date( ) function, 366 post_excerpt field, 118 PHP Extension Community Library (PECL) modules, 31–32, post_id field, 119 336 post_limits hook, 138 php.ini file, 22–23, 27 post_mime_type field, 119 phpize command, 29 post_modified field, 118 PHPMailer class, 444 post_modified_gmt field, 119 phpMyAdmin, 33, 302–303 post_name field, 118 ping mechanism, 231 post_parent field, 119 ping_status field, 118 post_password field, 118 pingback parameter, 555 post_status field, 118 pingback_url parameter, 213, 529, 531–533 post_status string variable, 145 pinged field, 118 post_title field, 118 Pixelita, 594 post_type field, 119 placeholders, supported by prepare( ) method, 130 post_type string variable, 145, 594 post2cat table, 125 pluggable.php file, 223 post-form.php template file, bbPress, 418 plugins. See also names of specific plugins; widgets postmeta property, 119 bbPress, 416–417 postmeta table, 119 caching, 330–333 post.php template file, bbPress, 418 checking capabilities in, 348–350 posts property, 118–119 extending Admin, 73–82 $posts property, 136 getting included in, 456–458 posts table schema, 118–119 hooks, 70–71, 82–86 posts_distinct hook, 138 installing automatically, 16 posts_fields hook, 139 localization, 86–94 posts_groupby hook, 138 number of, 11 posts_groupby_request hook, 139 overview, 16–17, 69 posts_join hook, 137 writing, 72–73 posts_join_paged filter, 140 Plugins and Hacks forum, 64 posts_join_paged hook, 138 PNG images, 361 posts_join_request hook, 139 podcasts, 232–233 posts_orderby hook, 138 PointStar, 599 posts_where hook, 137 political blogging, 228 posts_where_paged hook, 138 Political Ticker blog, 610 posts_where_request hook, 139 PollDaddy, 450–451, 472–473 POT (portable object template) files, 92–94


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prefix parameter public keys, using SSH with, 277–278 single_cat_title( ) tag, 560 Publish module, 240–241 single_month_title( ) tag, 565 published status, of posts, 240 single_post_title( ) tag, 546 pull quotes, 154 single_tag_title( ) tag, 561 prefix property, 117–118 Prelovac, Vladimir, 598 Q premium themes, finding and implementing, 159–161 :q command, 29 prepare( ) method, 130, 321 $queried_object property, 136 pre-release software, 60, 64 $queried_object_id property, 136 Press This bookmarklet, 244–245, 372–373 queries, 133, 137–145. See also WP_Query object Press This window, 245 queries property, 117 previous_comments_link( ) template tag, 222, query( ) method, 136 558–559 query cache, 338–339 previous_image_link( ) template tag, 550–551 query hooks, 137–141 previous_post_link( ) template tag, 549–550 $query property, 136 previous_posts_link( ) template tag, 217, 550 query string variables, 143 previouspagelink parameter, 548 query_cache_limit function, 339 primary_navigation filter hook, 207 query_cache_size function, 339 Prime Strategy, 599 query_cache_type function, 338 printf( ) function, 90, 130 query_posts( ) method, 142 priority, 71 $query_vars property, 136 private keys, using SSH with, 277–278 query.php file, 137 private messaging, BuddyPress, 425 queuing styles, 199–200 private property, PHP 5, 575 Quick Edit link, 236–237 Pro accounts, PollDaddy, 472 procedural code, 101, 574 Profile Field Setup panel, BuddyPress, 430–431 R Rackspace, 584 Profile tab, IntenseDebate plugin, 469 Radio Userland, 247 profile/change-avatar.php template file, Raincoaster Media, 595 BuddyPress, 434 randomly generated secure keys, 35 profile-edit.php template file, bbPress, 418 raw data, 126 profile/edit.php template file, BuddyPress, 434 RDF feeds, support for, 18 profile/index.php template file, BuddyPress, 434 rdf_url parameter, 529, 531–533 profile.php template file, bbPress, 418 read-only mailing list, 62 profile/profile-header.php template file, ready event, 188 BuddyPress, 434 ready property, 118 profile/profile-loop.php template file, real_escape property, 125 BuddyPress, 434 Realitus, 598 profile/profile-menu.php template file, redirect parameter, 543–544 BuddyPress, 434 referrer argument, 464–466 Prologue version 2 (P2) theme, 371, 450 ReflexDigital, 595 properties, deprecated, 125 register_sidebar( ) function, 110 protected property, PHP 5, 575 register_sidebars( ) function, 111 protocol part of URLs, 40 register_widget( ) registration function, 106–107 Prototype framework, 191–195 registered field, 405, 408 Prototype library, 80 registration form, WordPress support forum, 65 Province of Eastern Cape, government blog, 607–608 Registration Log table, 406 public field, Blogs table, 405 Registration Notification option, WordPress MU, 402


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registration/activate.php template file, Santos, Jacob, 8 BuddyPress, 434 saving configuration data, 104–105 registration/register.php template file, Sayre, Jeff, 435 BuddyPress, 434 screen_icon( ) function, 74 remote interfaces, 254 screenshot.png template file, 178–179 remove_action( ) function, 273, 477 ScribeFire editor, 264–266 remove_cap( ) method, 348, 80, 193–194 remove_filter( ) function, 478 scripts, implementing in themes, 208–209 remove_nags( ) function, 274 search engine optimization (SEO) replacing existing widgets, 107–108 All in One SEO plugin, 47–49 reply_text parameter, wp_list_comments( ) tag, 539 bold font, 232 replytext parameter, comment_form_title( ) built-in features, 13–14 tag, 557 canonical URLs, 40–44 Representational State Transfer (RESTful) API, 380, 463 descriptive text, adding to videos and podcasts, 232–233 Requests and Feedback forum, 64 get_sidebar( ) tag, 173 restore_current_blog( ) function, 403–404 meta tags, 44–47, 229 retrieving data from MySQL, 127–129 overview, 39 Revolution theme, 359 title slug, adjusting, 231–232 rewind_posts( ) method, 136, 142 writing well, 233 Rewrite Titles check box, All in One SEO plugin, 48 Search Engine Results Page (SERPs), 40 $role argument, 348 search parameter, 569 Role Manager plugin, 350–351 search.php template file, 164, 178, 418 roles second string variable, 145 capabilities, 348–350 secondary_navigation filter hook, 207 overview, 343–347 Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), 32, 283 Role Manager plugin, 350–351 Secure Shell (SSH) user levels, 347–348 SSH2 module for PHP, 32 “roll back” functionality, 312 using for automatic upgrading, 270, 276–279 routing, 396 Web hosts, 582–583 row data, retrieving from MySQL, 128 security rsd_link( ) function, 254 data sanitization, 318–321 rsort( ) PHP function, 147 file permissions, 321–324 RSS feeds, support for, 18 overview, 317 rss_url parameter, 529, 531–533 release of fixes, 307 rss2_url parameter, 529, 531–533 XML-RPC, 252–254 RSSCloud, 615 selected parameter, 541–543 Ruby on Rails, 574 SEO. See search engine optimization rule of thirds, 358–359 sep parameter, 570 separator parameter, 551–552 seplocation parameter, 570 S serial number, 327 S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service), 340–341 serif font, 154 Sabin-Wilson, Lisa, 591 SERPs (Search Engine Results Page), 40 Salesforce, 380 Server Address portion, WordPress MU, 393 SAN systems, 586 ServerAlias, 396 Sandbox Development & Consulting, 592 ServerBeach, 583 sanitization. See data sanitization set( ) method, 136 sanitize_title( ) function, 105 SF Contact Form plugin, 380 sans-serif fonts, 154 SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol), 32, 283


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Shane & Peter, 595 Site Categories table, 407 sharded scale blog, 276 site configuration tables, 405–408 sharding, 339 Site Meta table, 407 shared hosting, 24, 584–585 Site Name option, WordPress MU, 402 shortcode_atts( ) function, 456 Site table, 406 shortcodes, 64, 346, 456 site_id field, 405, 407 shortcuts, Visual Text Editor, 243 siteurl parameter, 530–533 show parameter, 543 site-wide plugin, 409 show_count parameter, 535, 542 Sitewide Tags plugin, 614 show_date parameter, 536 Six15 Solutions, 595 show_description parameter, 538 SixApart, 4 show_errors property, 116–117 sixty4media, 595 show_fullname parameter, 534 size parameter, 550–551, 557 show_home parameter, 540 skeleton theme, BuddyPress, 432 show_images parameter, 538 Slipfire, 592 show_last_update parameter, 542 SLR (single lens reflex) cameras, 356 show_last_updated parameter, 535 slug field, 123 show_name parameter, 538 smallest parameter, 562 show_option_all parameter, 535, 542–543 Smashing Magazine, 148 show_option_none parameter, 541–543 SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 441 show_post_count parameter, 539 SMTP class, BackPress, 444 show_private parameter, 538 SmugMug, 340–341 show_rating parameter, 538 Social Bookmarks plugin, 198 show_updated parameter, 569 social networking, 16, 39, 50–55 show_updates parameter, 538 Software Freedom Law Center, 19 showposts parameter, 135 solar power, 586 showposts string variable, 144 Solis, Brian, 39 shutter setting, 363 Solostream Web Studio, 595 shutter speed (ExposureTime) data point, 368 sort_column parameter, 536, 540 Sidebar Widgets plugin, 97 sort_order parameter, 536 sidebar.php template file, 172–173 South Africa, government blogs, 607–608 sidebars, 15, 110–113, 156 Sozos Design, 595 Signups table, 407–408 “spaghetti code,” 101 Simple LDAP Login plugin, 379 spam. See Akismet Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 441 spam comments, 463 Simple Storage Service (S3), 340–341 spam field, Blogs table, 405 Simple Tag importer, 299 Spencer, Bradley, 593 Simple Tagging plugin, 301 Spyre Studios, 595 single lens reflex (SLR) cameras, 356 SQL injection, preventing, 129–130, 321 single sign-on authentication, 378–380 SQL WHERE clause, 141 single_cat_title( ) template tag, 560 SSH. See Secure Shell single_month_title( ) template tag, 565 SSH2 module, for PHP, 32–33 single_post_title( ) template tag, 546 Starr, Jeff, 254 single_tag_title( ) template tag, 561 Start Importing Comments button, IntenseDebate plugin, 471 single.php template file, 176 State Department, 603 Site Admin E-mail option, WordPress MU, 402 stateless protocol, 308, 583 Site Admin panel, WordPress MU, 398 static HTML, caching, 330 Site Administrator role, 391 sticky posts, 133, 146–147, 153 Site Admins option, WordPress MU, 402 sticky_class( ) template tag, 551


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strip_teaser parameter, 547 tarball, 308, 310 tag, 232 taxonomy, 17 studionashvegas, 595 taxonomy field, 124 StudioPress, 160, 359, 595 taxonomy parameter, 562 stuffing keywords, 44 “teaser phrases”, 384 style parameter, 534–535, 539 Technorati, 9 style.css template file, 164–166, 419, 180 stylesheet_directory parameter, 530–533 template files stylesheet_url parameter, 530–533 common, 168–179 sub-forums, 63 developing custom, 183–184 Submit Ham API, Akismet, 465–467 enhancing user experience with, 179–183 Submit Spam API, Akismet, 465 minimum necessary, 164–167 Subscriber role, 344–345 overview, 163 subversion (SVN), 93, 453 template tags, 209–218. See also names of specific template support forums, 7, 62–66 tags suppress_errors property, 117 template_directory parameter, 530–533 Swartz, Nathan, 594 template_url parameter, 530–533 Swisher, Kara, 610 term taxonomy table, 124 switch_to_blog( ) function, 403–404 term_group field, 123 Symfony framework, 438 term_id field, 123–124 system requirements, 22–23 term_order field, 124 term_relationships property, 124 term_relationships table, 124 T term_taxonomy property, 123–124 tables term_taxonomy_id field, 124 deprecated, 125 terms property, 123 retrieving single values from, 127 terms table, 123 tables property, 124 text parameter, 550–551, 558 Tactile CRM plugin, 380 text_direction parameter, 530–533 tag clouds, 63 textdomains, providing for plugins, 91–92 tag parameter, 566 TextMate, 108–109, 316 tag string variable, 144 Textpattern importer, 283 tag__and string variable, 144 the_author( ) template tag, 562 tag__in string variable, 144 the_author_link( ) template tag, 562 tag_description( ) template tag, 561 the_author_meta( ) template tag, 563 tag_slug__and string variable, 144 the_author_posts( ) template tag, 563 tag_slug__in string variable, 144 the_author_posts_link( ) template tag, 563 tag-{slug}.php template file, 181 the_category( ) template tag, 216, 551 tagging plugins, 301 the_category_rss( ) template tag, 551 tagID parameter, 561 the_content( ) template tag, 84, 216, 546–547 tag.php template file, 181 the_content_rss( ) template tag, 547 tags the_date( ) template tag, 216, 564 architectural implications of, 235 the_date_modified( ) template tag, 565 importing into WordPress, 299–301 the_date_xml( ) template tag, 565 managing, 238–240 the_excerpt( ) template tag, 547 search implications of, 234–235 the_excerpt_rss( ) template tag, 548 Tags header, WordPress Admin, 165 the_ID( ) template tag, 545 Tags page, 240 the_meta( ) template tag, 552 tags.php template file, bbPress, 418 the_modified_author( ) template tag, 563 Tampa Bay Tribune, 611 the_permalink( ) template tag, 568


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the_post( ) method, 136 total parameter, 559 the_post_image( ) template tag, 384 TP1 Internet 360 web agency, 596 the_search_query( ) template tag, 571 Trac bug-tracking system, 8, 60 the_tags( ) template tag, 216, 552 trackback parameter, 555 the_time( ) template tag, 216, 564 trackback_rdf( ) template tag, 570 the_time_modifie( ) template tag, 564 trackback_url( ) template tag, 569 the_title( ) template tag, 545 transient in-memory storage, 332 the_title_attribute( ) template tag, 546 Transmit FTP client, 316 the_title_rss( ) template tag, 546 “trigger” numbers, Batcache, 333 theme files, bbPress, 418 Tumble blogs, 372–374 Theme Galaxy provider, 160 Tumblr, 244 theme hooks, 71 tweet_blog_post_url filter, 53 Theme Name header, WordPress Admin, 165 TweetMeme, 54–55 theme_logo filter hook, 207 Twitter, 52–55, 156, 340 themes Twitter Tools, 52–53 bbPress, 417–419 TwoThirty, 596 BuddyPress, 432–434 type parameter, 539, 551, 567 CSS, adding, 199–202 TypePad, 289–292 finding and implementing, 156–161 typography, 154 hooks, using in, 204–208 installing automatically, 16 JavaScript, adding, 185–199 U number of, 10 Ubuntu, 263 overview, 203–204 Ultimate Tag Warrior tags, 299–301 photoblogging, 358–361 unescaped data, 126 scripts, implementing in, 208–209 unfiltered_html capability, 346 suggested hooks to be included in, 207 Unicode (UTF-8) character set, 213 template tags, 209–218 unit parameter, 562 user experience, 153–156 unit testing, 7–8 widgetizing, 109–113 United Kingdom, government blogs, 606–607, 454–455 U.S. Air Force blog, 11 Themes panel, WordPress MU, 400–401 U.S. State Department, 603 Thesis theme, 159 Unix, 311–312, 321–323, 327, 581 THINK, 596 Unlimited Private Users add-on, 460, 356–357 unregister_widget( ) function, 107 threaded comments, 198, 218–222 update( ) method, 102, 127 Tillery, Jay, 594 update_nag( ) function, 272–273 Tinker Priest, 596 update_option( ) function, 79 TinyMCE, 191, 194–195 updating data in MySQL, 126–127 title, using strategically, 229–230 Upgrade panel, WordPress MU, 403 title field, Signups table, 408 upgrade screen, WordPress Admin, 275, 309 Title Formats fields, All in One SEO plugin, 48–49 Upgrades menu,, 458 title slug, adjusting, 231–232 upgrading WordPress, 16, 269–279, 307–317 title tag, 45–47, 229 Upload file Types option, WordPress MU, 402 title_after parameter, 538 Upload Media Button option, WordPress MU, 402 title_before parameter, 538 uploading files, 35–37 title_li parameter, 535, 536, 538 url parameter, 530–533 TiVo, 20 URLRewrite module, 27 to_ping field, 118 URLs, 14, 40–44, 320–321 topic.php template file, bbPress, 419


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Use Categories for META Keywords option, All in One SEO VMware, 586 plugin, 49 VPNs (virtual private networks), 378 use_desc_for_title parameter, 535 user experience, 153–156, 179–183 user forms, adding with bbPress, 411–419 W user groups, 6 :w command, 29 User Key, IntenseDebate plugin, 469 w string variable, 145 user levels, 347–348 W3 EDGE, 596 User profile screen, 344 W3Lift, 596 user_activation_key field, 120 Walberg, Sean, 24 user_agent argument, 464–466 Wall Street Journal, 609–610 user_email field, 120, 408 Wangstedt Nova, 598 user_id field, 120–122 warm cache, 341 user_ip argument, 464–466 warranty, 622 user_login field, 120, 408 Watershed Studios, 592 user_nicename field, 120 Web hosts, 579–587 user_pass field, 120 Web server, selecting, 24–33 user_registered field, 120, 596 user_status field, 120 WebDevStudios, 596 user_url field, 120 weblogUpdate call, 234 userbar.php template file, BuddyPress, 434 Welcome E-mail option, WordPress MU, 402 userID parameter, 563 WHERE portion, 141 usermeta property, 120 white hat hackers, 317 usermeta table, 120 white space, 154–155 usernames, WordPress MU, 400 whitelist strings, 332 Users panel, WordPress MU, 400 widget( ) method, 102 users property, 120 Widget API, 100–109 UTF-8 (Unicode) character set, 213 widgets, 15, 81–82, 97–113 width parameter, 553 Wikipedia, 57 V wikis, 7, 57–59 variable scope, 86 Wildcard DNS configuration, 393, 395–396 variables, 143–145, 318 Williams, Evan, 4, 154–155 Windows FTP clients, 313–315 Verify Key method, Akismet, 463–464 Windows Live Writer editor, 255–257 version parameter, 530–533 wlwmanifest_link( ) function, 254 video.php template file, 179–180 wlwmanifest.xml file, 254 VideoPress, 451, 460 WooThemes provider, 160 videos, adding descriptive text to, 232–233 WordCamp, 6 Viewstream, 596 WordPress Vim command line text editor, 29 community, 6–8 Vimeo, 580 future of, 6 Vincent, Justin, 115 history of, 3–6 VIP service, 451 importing blogs into, 281–299 virtual private networks (VPNs), 378 importing tags into, 299–301 virtualization, 586 installing, 33–37 Vision22, 598 open source, 18–20 visual text editor, 242–243 overview, 452 Visudo, 596 popularity of, 9–11


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security, 317–324 wp_get_attachment_metadata( ) function, 364 system requirements, 22–23 wp_head( ) function, 71, 171 upgrading, 269–279, 307–317 WP_Http class, BackPress, 444 Web servers, choosing, 24–33 wp_kses( ) function, 319 WordPress 2, 453 wp_link_pages( ) template tag, 548 WordPress Add New Post screen, 44 wp_list_archives( ) template tag, 539–540 WordPress app for iPhone, 453–454 wp_list_authors( ) template tag, 533–534 WordPress Codex, 7, 58–59 wp_list_bookmarks( ) template tag, 537–538 WordPress export format (WXR), 281, 293–298 wp_list_categories( ) template tag, 534–535 WordPress France, 598 wp_list_comments( ) template tag, 174, 221, 538–539 #wordpress IRC chat room, 7–8 wp_list_pages( ) template tag, 535–536 WordPress MU (Multi-User) wp_login_url( ) template tag, 543 adapting to, 409–410 wp_loginout( ) template tag, 544 configuring, 394–396 wp_logout( ) template tag, 544 converting WordPress blog to, 396–403 wp_logout_url( ) template tag, 544 installing, 392–394 wp_lostpassword_url( ) template tag, 544 overview, 6, 391 wp_nonce_field( ) function, 78 plugins, 403–408 WP_Object_Cache class, BackPress, 444 WordPress Themes Directory, 109, 156, 203 wp_page_menu( ) template tag, 540 WordPress XML-RPC API, 250–251 WP_Pass class, BackPress, 444 wp_print_scripts( ) function, 208 buying premium features, 458–460 WP_Query( ) method, 136 getting plugins included in, 456–458 $wp_query object, 134, 136 obtaining API key, 461–462 WP_Query object, 135, 137, 142–143, 146–147 Stats service, 467 wp_register( ) template tag, 544–545 themes, 454–455 WP_Scripts class, BackPress, 444 workspace, customizing, 227–228 wp_specialchars( ) function, 319 WP Box, 598 wp_style_is( ) function, 200 WP Cache mode, 330 WP_Styles class, BackPress, 444 WP Conditional Digg This Badge plugin, 198 wp_tag_cloud( ) template tag, 561–562 WP Dude, 599 WP_Taxonomy class, BackPress, 444 WP Super Cache plugin, 327, 330–332 wp_title( ) template tag, 570 wp_add_dashboard_widget( ) function, 82 wp_usermeta table, 347 WP_Ajax_Response class, BackPress, 444 WP_Users class, BackPress, 444 WP_Auth class, BackPress, 444 WP_Widget class, 102 wp_cache_add( ) function, 327–328 WP_Widget method, 105 wp_cache_delete( ) function, 328 WP-Advanced forum, 64 wp_cache_flush( ) function, 329–330 wp-config.php file, 34–35, 278 wp_cache_get( ) function, 328–329 wp-content folder, 323 wp_cache_replace( ) function, 329 $wpdb object, 116 WP_Dependencies class, BackPress, 444 wp.deleteCategory method, 251 wp_dropdown_categories( ) template tag, 541–542 wp.deleteComment method, 251 wp_dropdown_pages( ) template tag, 540–541 wp.deletePage method, 251 wp_dropdown_users( ) template tag, 542–543 wp-docs mailing list, 61 wp_enqueue_script( ) function, 80–81, 187, 208 wp.editComment method, 251 wp_enqueue_style( ) function, 199 wp.editPage method, 251 WP_Error class, BackPress, 444 WP-FacebookConnect plugin, 51 wp_footer( ) function, 71, 172, 206 wp.getAuthors method, 251 wp_footer( ); function, 83 wp.getCategories method, 251


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wp.getComment method, 251 WS_FTP Professional, 314 wp.getCommentCount method, 251 www domain, 40–42 wp.getComments method, 251 WXR (WordPress export format), 281, 293–298 wp.getCommentStatusList method, 251 WYSIWYG format, 186, 255 wp.getOptions method, 251 wp.getPage method, 251 wp.getPageList method, 251 X wp.getPages method, 251 Xavisys, 596 wp.getPageStatusList method, 251 XML, sanitizing HTML entities for, 318–319 wp.getPageTemplates method, 251 XML Remote Procedure Call (XML-RPC) wp.getPostStatusList method, 251 AtomPub, 252 wp.getTags method, 251 bundled XML-RPC library, 252 wp.getUsersBlogs method, 251 overview, 247–248 wp-hackers mailing list, 8, 60 protocols, 248–251 wp-includes/class-IXR.php file, 252 security risks, 252–254 wp-includes/pluggable.php file, 379 XML-RPC editors. See offline editors wp.newCategory method, 251 XSS (cross-site scripting) attack, 319 wp.newComment method, 251 wp.newPage method, 251 wp-polyglots mailing list, 62 Y YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML), 438 wp-pro mailing list, 61 year string variable, 145 wp.suggestCategories method, 251 year.php template file, 182 wp-svn mailing list, 62 Yellow Llama, The, 599 wp-testers mailing list, 8, 60 Yoast, 591 WPTouch iPhone Theme plugin, 198–199 Your Custom Blog, 596 wp-trac mailing list, 62 Your WordPress forum, 64 wp.uploadFile method, 251 YouTube, 457, 580 wpurl parameter, 530–533 yum package manager, 29, 263 wp-xmlrpc mailing list, 61 :wq command, 29 Wright, Jeremy, 579 Z Wright PC Consulting, 596 Zen Dreams, 596 writable cache folder, 331 Zend Framework, 437 Write Page screen, 183 zero parameter, 552–553 Write Post screen, 228–229 Zirona, 599 Writing Options section, WordPress, 13


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