
e-Journal. An Analysis of Moral Values Found in Robert Frost’s Selected Poems Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha English Education Department ( Volume X, Tahun xxxxx)


I Wayan Rengkuh Febri Subrata, Kadek Sonia Piscayanti, S. Pd, M. Pd., G. A. P. Suprianti, S.Pd., M. Pd.

Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Singaraja, Indonesia

e-mail: {[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]}@undiksha.ac.id


Penelitian ini telah dituliskan untuk menganalisa nilai nilai moral dari keenam puisi terpilih diantaranya: A Patch Of Old Snow, Dust Of Snow, A Question, Devotion, Nothing Gold Can Stay, dan The Sound Of The Trees. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode library research yang di dukung oleh sumber dari internet. Nilai Moral dari pembiasaan manusia di antara baik dan buruk. Yang pertama adalah adalah A Patch Of Old Snow yang mempunyai nilai moral tentang bagaimana menjaga kebaikan dan cinta untuk kedamaian dan keharmonisan. Puisi kedua adalah Dust Of Snow yang mempunyai nilai moral yang melarang seseorang untuk membunuh dirinya sendiri. Bunuh diri adalah sebagian dari pintu masuk neraka atau jalan sesat dari pilihan manusia pada zaman sekarang. Puisi ketiga adalah A Question yang mempunyai nilai moral untuk mencegah diri sendiri dari keegoisan. Keegoisan dapat menciptakan kemiskinan dan kurangnya toleransi. Puisi keempat adalah Devotion yang mempunyai nilai moral tentang tiada henti perjuangan manusia dalam mengejar kesuksesan dalam perjalanan hidup. Puisi kelima adalah Nothing Gold Can Stay yang mempunyai nilai moral tentang kecantikan yang tidak bisa bertahan lama. Puisi keeenam, The Sound Of The Trees yang mempunyai nilai moral tentang konsistensi bertahan pada tanah kelahiran karena keluarga dan pekerjaan.

Kata kunci: A Patch Of Old Snow, A Question, Nothing Gold Can Stay, The Sound Of The Trees, Moral Values.


This research that has been written in for analyzing that moral values from the six selected poems namely: A Patch Of Old Snow, Dust Of Snow, A Question, Devotion, Nothing Gold Can Stay, and The Sound Of The Trees. This research used the library research method with supporting data from the internet. The Moral Values from the human behavior in good and bad. The first is A Patch Of Old Snow has a moral value to keep the kindness and love for peace and harmony. The second poem is Dust Of Snow that has a moral value of the forbidden way of the human for killed himself. Killed himself as a part of the hell entrance or a wrong way of human choice in the new era. The third poem is A Question that has a moral value for preventing ourself for the selfishness. Selfishness creates the poverty and and less of humility. The fourth poem is Devotion that has a moral value of unstoppable willpower of the human being for get the success point in their entire life. The fifth poem is Nothing Gold Can Stay that has a moral value of the beauty cannot stay in the long time. The sixth poem, The Sound Of The Trees has a moral value of the human consistency in staying in homeland because of the family and jobs.

Key words: A Patch Of Old Snow, A Question, Nothing Gold Can Stay, The Sound Of The Trees, Moral Values. e-Journal. An Analysis of Moral Values Found in Robert Frost’s Selected Poems Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha English Education Department ( Volume X, Tahun xxxxx)

INTRODUCTION selected poems. The writer give the full effort about how to find clearly, the moral values of as the expression to use for six selected poems. And the writer has a big interpret all the data as the kind of artworks in curiousity to knowing the moral values that the new era as the subject matter to analyze. found in Robert Frost’s selected poems. As (Albers, 2017). The main framework of all the contribution of this research, the writer poetry works already spreading in all area in needs the deep meaning of the six selected this world. With the unique styles and poems that was created by famous poet in frameworks that are specialized for all writers this world that comes from United States Of with searching all the subject matters in the America. wide scope of all fragments in this world and their creatures. The natural environment can boost effectively for conducting the research and Poetry as the global language concept observation that was related with nature that has infinity sources for gaining the elements. The writer try absorbs the breath of artworks especially in the education world. harmony in the fresh air from the beach and The teacher should be proud with this the botanical garden. The research can be situation, because the poetry has a lot of optimize and very great in gain the inspiration material with passion as the product of single and imagination especially for the poetry mind and heart (Haddad, 2017). writers in all part of the world.

In order for transferring the motion of This research concern about the point the poetry sense, the poetry writer must perspective of significance of the analysis knowing what is the clear concept of the that will make the real contribution for others. poetry because, the contents of all the poetry Since the poetry as the media of all are very important and has a lot of meaning perspective creatures from the world. And the points. world must bringing all the people inspiration for gaining a better life. Since poetry has a lot The writer chose Sir Robert Frost as the of benefits for all the readers that can main part of the research to find the suitable transmit the positive vibration for all the experts in poetry. Sjr Robert Frost has a lot of people that make the world more comfort and experience in writing poetry. Robert Frost as full of energy. a teacher and lecturer in Darmouth University and University of Michigan. Robert Frost as At the first the writer focus on the American hero that was implemented the significance of this research for the teacher.. literature in full of his entire life. He has a lot The teacher brings the soft skills for the winning a Pulitzer prize in the world rank. student. Soft skills that make the students not roughly to adapt in this world situation. The There are six selected poems by Robert teacher have a big responsible for the Frost namely: A Patch Of Old Snow (1920), students to control all the brain wave to Dust Of Snow (1920), A Question make more steady and discipline. (1942), Devotion (1928), Nothing Gold Can Stay (1923), and The Sound Of The Trees The teacher in the classroom should (1916). All the poems are in one as bring the creative idea of all the materials that nature elements background of sense. The focuses on the ability of all the students. writer choose the six selected poems as the Poetry as the greatest media for transmit the focus scope of this research. creative thinking that was created by the teacher. The second focus of this significance And then what is the major problems of of the study is for the students in English this research as the point of this analysis. It is Education Department that has been what are the moral values found from the six e-Journal. An Analysis of Moral Values Found in Robert Frost’s Selected Poems Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha English Education Department ( Volume X, Tahun xxxxx) developed by the curiousity and inner In this form of library research, the strength in literature for gaining the passion. writer supported by using the primary sources Since literature that has been developed in and secondary sources. A primary sources this Department for engaging the students in provides direct or firsthand evidence about an literature artworks that correlated with English event, object, person, or work of art. The first language education and obtaining skills in hand action, include the first desire, what the order to interpret the writing skills for early senses of the writer for knowing or advanced level and understanding in the absorbs the information of the data. The deep ways. major senses that was used optimally are the eye and the intuition. The eye use for firstly The students of English Education observation what is the naturally perspective Department are specialized with English that the objects wants to show it in reliable language skills that must proffesionalized by and authenticity. themselves. In order to more advanced that needs qualified by mastering the poetry as The secondary sources describe, the creative frameworks for dedicating the discuss, interpret, comment upon, analyze, intelligence of language in the next future. evaluate, summarize, and process of primary sources. The second phase of action that The students should prepare the rage was conducted by the researcher always for collecting all the branch of literature for using the inward visions. How the intelligence mastering the English language skills. The of the writer can organize the data and that preparation should be done when all the will use the inward intuition for set the data in students always steady and ready for the steady and ready for publish. battle for accomplishing their assignment.

The third of the significance of this study is dedicated for the researchers in all In this research, the data in process of whole the world. The researchers must taking collecting all relevant sources based from six order the wide scope by their subject matter selected poems from Robert Frost. The titles of their own research. In one way they catch of the poems are A Patch Of Old Snow, Dust the sample of Sir Robert Frost poetry that can Of Snow, A Question, Devotion, Nothing Gold be handled in several area that was Can Stay, and The Sound Of The Trees. developed by nature elements. That can be a great expectations when the researchers In the process of collecting data there conducted the research that has been are some steps should be done they are themed on nature elements covered by collecting all relevant information from the nature elements. internet source, writing down the information related to the data that analyzed, rereading METHODS them and trying to listen the poetry in the steady way, and the last rechecking all of the For conducting in this research the data to avoid falsity. writer choose the library research method that was supported by Hennepin County The first one, in the phase of collecting Library website. The library research method the information from the internet source, the has a lot of benefits for the writer for writer needs a lots of experts in poetry. The conducting the research. There are five major poem hunter website, the poetry blog spot, components of beneficial from library and the listed of the experts that already have research databases that make the writer experience in writing poetry and write the easier for gathering the information. summarize of that poetry. And also from the leader or elder that creates poetry in the past years from American Sir Robert Frost. e-Journal. An Analysis of Moral Values Found in Robert Frost’s Selected Poems Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha English Education Department ( Volume X, Tahun xxxxx)

The second, the writer needs writing because that was correlated with theme in all down the information related in to the data or selected poems from Sir Robert Frost. the subject that was analyzed. That needs the inner skills of the linguistics intelligence of In launch the progress of observation the writer. In this section the writer compares the writer supported by the people around the all the data that was absorbed in the internet places that was get the permission for renting source for forbid the falsity and try to manage the places that such in the comfort zones that what is right and what is wrong in conducted already bringing by the people. One sample the process. places is in the Eka Karya Botanical Garden that was located in Tabanan regency. All the The filterization is important when the workers in there give the best care for all the subject matter data were gathered in the researchers that wants and willing to do whole documents. The writer always thinking research in the beautiful garden in Bali in the deep ways about how to find the find province.The second fields is in the Keramas cut of the data sources that can be organize beach that was bringing the genuine nature in the good way. essence.

In the third way, the writer try to In order for collecting the data, Indah rereading them all with the general intuition (2010) states that, in this analysis, there are and connected with the poem essence and some steps in order to make this analysis listen the videos and listening by own poetry systematic and easier. The writer has been interpretation that was express by ownself. In supported by Reni Indah that comes from the reading section, the writer try to obsess in Medan that has been conducted the same each words and find what is the meaning in research with the writer. Reni Indah every single word that was specialized to conducted the research that has been attract the reader to read and feels satisfied specified in poetry analysis. Reni Indah of the enjoyable reading session. Permata Sari comes from University of Sumatera Utara specified from faculty of In the last way, the writer try rechecking letters in Medan area. all the progress to prevent the falsity. In this phase, that was so important because the There are several technique of correct way needed for this research. All the analyzing data based from Indah statements poetry contains a lot of meanings that very that already used by the writer in efficiently beneficial for the readers. So, if the poetry for get the accuracy in the results. Selecting writers or poetry researcher do the mistake six selected poems of Robert Frost that want the reders can accept the wrong perception to analyze, reading six poems for several from the poetry. So there is no beautiful times, comprehending six selected poems, essence of that progress. analyzing six selected poems, studying the words or that used in the poems, and Rechecking, in the poetry words that drawing conclusion of the analysis. must the high logic thinking and improved by the linguistic intelligence skills. The The first one the writer focuses on the adaptation of receive the poetry lines must selecting six selected poems of Robert Frost suitable from the analysis system on the brain that want to analyze. The six selected poems of the poetry writer. are themed in one concept. The concept is nature elements. The writer choose the In all phase of collecting the data the nature elements because the interested writer must put the quality fields as the top views from the writer for the nature. Nature as reason for better get in research points. Such the area that was very close with the human as natural places, and the place surrounded with the nature. It is must be obeyed e-Journal. An Analysis of Moral Values Found in Robert Frost’s Selected Poems Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha English Education Department ( Volume X, Tahun xxxxx) being, that can be an easier subject matter to previous explanations. Analyzing the data is analyze especially for poetry hunter. always uses the inward visions and linguistics intelligence for gaining the soft results. Nature elements as the unique concept by the poetry hunter because to create the The fifth phase on this research is private imagination based from the nature studying the words or diction that used in the characteristics. Nature elements has a wide poems. Oxford dictionaries online as the scope that generally contains a lot of major media for used the true meanings of interested subject matter that wants to listed the translations the English language to the as the new masterpiece artworks of poetry. Indonesian language. The oxford dictionaries online is the helpful soft media, because in The second one, the writer do the every English words can be translated in the reading section in the deep ways in every line official way. of each one selected poems. In this sections, the writer needs the calm situation and the The last phase is drawing the comfort zone for read and read in every conclusion in every poetry that has been words and line for gaining reliable analyzed by the writer. In every each poetry understanding what is meaning and what is the writer must search what is the sweet the general concept of that poetry. crops of the poetry that can finally, can transmitted in to the readers based on the The reading section, while the writer do accuracy results. the same action in the read enjoyable time, the obsession of the poetry is needed. The RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS contribution of obsession in the focus and accuracy in the poetry is depends on the In the first results of the analysis of the linguistic intelligence of the poetry writer. first data. The first data as the first poem that was A Patch Of Old Snow. The poem of the The third phase of the process is Robert Frost entitled “ A Patch Of Old Snow” comprehending the six selected poems. In was created by the true phenomenon of comprehending process, the writer needs the Robert Frost. He found the old newspaper in unique concept of the soft essence in every the hidden path of the forest. He saw the old line of the poetry. For example the title of the newspaper and compares with the patch of poetry is Dust Of Snow, the writer needs for old snow. search the unique visions of the winter season. In one sample of effort from the Robert Frost tried to explain about the writer is in listening the music that has been hidden meaning about the printed newspaper downloaded on youtube video that has the and the patch of old snow, based on his theme in winter season. That must be vision. Printed newspaper similar like our life ordered in getting the visions because in the with all the notes and action of life. real phenomenon the writer did not get the winter season essence because in this The patch of old snow as the country has been touched by dry seasons comparison with the printed newspaper as and rainy seasons. The atmosphere must be the object with the similar meaning. Frost conducted in authenticity for reliable results seen the patch of old snow with the all the that was focuses on honesty on the whitenmess of snow and dirty fragments of researcher. the dust and a few mud that covering the snow. The fourth phase in this research is the analyzing the data of the six selected poems. The blow away-paper means the The writer already use the technique of newspaper that wet by the rain. The analyzing data from the internet source in the newspaper and the patch of old snow has e-Journal. An Analysis of Moral Values Found in Robert Frost’s Selected Poems Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha English Education Department ( Volume X, Tahun xxxxx) been guessed by Robert Frost, for the The moral value of the poem is we must comparison and the meaning of the try to open to other people. We cannot live whiteness. without helps by each other. Alone is not the best way to conduct our entire life. The The speckled means the dirt of the second moral value from this poem is we snow. Snow as the of the beauty must try to make our life meaningful. Life of the winter season. The narrator saw the must have a purpose and finally ending with snow has been covered by the grime. The happiness. small print of the dirt is overspreading the snow. In the third poem of Robert Frost that was entitled A Question. The poem is looks The moral values of this poem is no like a mini paragraph of story. This poem are moment a day exist permanently. This poem very special and genuine from the separated describes about the idea of transient ways of Sir Robert Frost. existence of things in our lives, for the time brings changes. The second moral values of In the first line, Robert Frost try to this poem is we must keep our whitenesses explain about the effort of the man with the in our life. Similar like the white of snow that dangerous situation. From the mess mind, he has imaginary vision of our soul that must try to find the miracle with the special keep the purely in quality of good. conversation with Gods in the sky. In the second lines, Robert Frost try to give Elfira (2002), states that the moral explanation about the power of earth. Mother values of her research entitled The Road Not Earth as the nature in this planet earth as the Taken is the people must have a critical best guidance by the prayer. thinking before selecting their decisions. In the final lines, Sir Robert Frost try to Indah (2010) states that the moral give the moral values about the pity man that values of her research entitled Fire and Ice is always force in their effort by selfishness. He the two major difference of emotion of human just try and ask for the sky with his body in being. Vengeance and Love. the scars. He doesn’t know, he always force in selfishness and he has no family and try to In the second analysis of the Robert speak with ownself with the greatest ego. Frost poem is Dust Of Snow. Sir Robert Frost Selfishness creates misery and weaknesses. tried to explain the poetry in simple way about the surrender. The way a crow in the first In the fourth poem of Robert Frost that stanza tells about the black way and death. was analyzed by the writer entitled Devotion. Crow is associated with ungood and horror This poetry means the unstoppable force of vision. Crow is the bird that eats the flesh and the human being for surviving in life on this always available in graveyard. planet. According to Oxford dictionary, devotion means loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, Robert Frost tried to give essence of the constancy,and commitment. The heart can winter nights with all the dust of snow in the think of no devotion, means the speaker feels hemlock tree. Hemlock tree has been no hope and no regret. The speaker just walk choosen because that was associated by away through life with no plan. The heart as poison and toxicity. Robert Frost try to give the feels of the human being reflects the soul the explanation about the man that he think of passion in life. So from the counting and for getting save and keep their regret of life endless repetition means the indomitable for killed himself. He thought for cleaning his willpower has never stopped working. karma in the way of suicide. Unstoppable and never surrender. e-Journal. An Analysis of Moral Values Found in Robert Frost’s Selected Poems Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha English Education Department ( Volume X, Tahun xxxxx)

In the fifth poem Robert Frost use the brings the implication directly, so from this nature elements of flowers and leaves. purpose oif the discussion the readers feels Nature as the implementation of the cycle of their ownself launch the progress of the life that similar like flowers. The title is development in the process of the learning. Nothing Gold Can Stay. Robert Frost try to explain the first color of the nature is gold. In the first, the exploration of the poem Gold as the color in the first birth and then the writer express the beautiful sense for the changes in to the green from the beginning of readers. The beautiful sense as the the spring season. The next explanation aesthetics point of view can be described in Robert Frost try to give the taste of the the form of idea, message, ethics, and moral Garden of Eden when the Adam and Eve values that automatically connected with the met. The leaf subsides to leaf means in every readers. In the soft ideas from ethics and single moment as the changing time when moral values, the poetry writer transmit the people do their activity with left their past through the words. memories. Nothing Gold Can Stay. No beauty and perfectness can exist for a long time. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

In the last poem that was analyzed, In this conclusion and suggestion, the entitled The Sound Of The Trees explains writer describe about the moral value of the about the gestures of the trees that has been six selected poems and what are the several shaken by the great wind. Frost has the suggestion and expectation in the next future. imagination for it as the implementation of the The writer hoped that this research can figure of the human behavior. The first four affected in the genuine way for expecting the lines of the poem explain about the narrator great expectation of the human life. We must wondering to hold the swaying tree. The respects with the intelligence mind and sounds of the tree make the creator think wisdom of all the human being that already to curiousity of the unique movement that control their mind for searching the harmony comes from it. and less of violence in the state of mind.

The second discussion of the poem that The writer expects the appreciation for explain about the magical sounds that the the linguistics intelligence that can bring all narrator use as the inspiration for creating the positive vibration for all the civilization in results of the meaning point of this poem. all parts of the worlds that can changing the Frost examines the unique sounds that mindsets and the human perception for comes from listening air from the trees. In the creating the highest good of atmosphere. next lines of the poem explains about the consistency of the trees with their roots to The writer needs the respected feelings stay. The swaying tree is so strong. It for all the researchers in the world as the absorbs the energy from the mother earth for contribution for their effort in sacrificing their staying in one position. In the last lines of the time and money for finding the fine cut or the poem the writer try to explain about the final fine diamond cut that symbolized as the ending of the person when they get old and greater mind for brainwashing all the wrong get broken system of their health. The white mindsets in to the right mindsets. clouds make the strong power as it always blows by freezing wind and make the trees This contribution of all the conclusions dead. can make all the readers increase their feelings for love, and care with somebody for The purpose of this discussion of the giving a helping hands. poem are a lots of important things, especially for the readers that can the writers e-Journal. An Analysis of Moral Values Found in Robert Frost’s Selected Poems Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha English Education Department ( Volume X, Tahun xxxxx)

In the moral values from the first poem weather in this world can changing all the A Patch Of Old Snow is the effort for us to try form of all creatures in this world. to keep the whitenesses of our life. Kindness and love as the best way to keep peace and Moral values from the sixth poem, The harmony. Whitenesses as the symbolism of Sound Of The Trees, is the consistency for purely good, the human must taking order in staying at our homeland because the job and their action for not roughly, not to hurt the family. The people tried for thinking about somebody. In all concept of application of the consideration when the getting old and action, speaking, anmd thinking must old. The lack of stamina and lack of capacity followed the right way. of concentration.

Moral values from the second poem For the general suggestion the writer Dust Of Snow is the forbidden way for killing put in to two branch of the suggestion. The himself. We should not keep our way into the first one, the writer expects that the readers darkness. Darkness is not the way of the are more interested in literature, especially in human being entrance for solve all the understanding poetry. The interesting passion problems in this new modern era. The horror is important top boost the willpower of the vision always gathered by the human being human being. Since the human has an ego because the have lack of point control by for reach their success, and has a full desire ownself. This is affected by lack of wisdow to find real enjoyable and satisfaction of life. and less of education in every human brain. The worldly joy, can make the human feels happy with their goal based on their effort in Moral values from the third poem A their entire life. Question is the concern of the ego from the human being as the point control for not In the second phase the writer expects thinking about the selfishness. Selfishness from this research can affect the creates the poverty and lack of the social education for the students in schools and interaction. Lack of social interaction that University based from the learning point from make our tragedy and our problems cannot the ethics and moral values. Since the be solved in the cleasn way or lack of character education as the major concept of wisdom. If we can share our problems with the new development in this new era, the each other we can know what is other implementation of ethics and moral values experience of the human being that already must be thought in everywhere, and in all faced the problems firstly and what is must do condition of time. By the simple practice of it and don’t do it. thought of the concept of ethics and morality the students can receive the higher good, Moral values of the fourth poem, and can imitate their action for several Devotion, is the unstoppable willpower that repetition that can be a permanent behavior. must keep it to maintain the progress to reach the success. The indomitable willpower REFERENCES always needed like the repetition of the wave movement on the sea. The unstoppable with Albers, P. Haste, J.C., & Holbrook, T. the purely right spirit must winning the (2017). Poetic distillation artistic transcription competition of life. analysis in autoethnographic literacy research. Educational Linguistics, Reflections Moral values of the fifth poem, Nothing on qualitative research in language and Gold Can Stay is the beauty cannot stay for a literacy education (pp. 171-188). Springer. long time. No perfectness stay in a permanent way. The luxurious in here cannot Haddad, E., A. (2017). Orientalist existing in our world for divine way. The poetics. Routledge. e-Journal. An Analysis of Moral Values Found in Robert Frost’s Selected Poems Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha English Education Department ( Volume X, Tahun xxxxx)

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