
LITERARY Format false, , , , fictitious, l o n g fabricated, phony,

fib, figment, fake, fraud Types short fiction fantasy

: In a place that does not exist fable in the real world.  Setting: In the distant past or a Elements timeless place.  Events occur that could not happen Elements in the real world.  a very short story that usual has only 2 or 3 characters.  Characters: people animal or objects are able to do things they cannot do in the real world.  Characters: Often the characters are animals or things that talk and like .

fairy tale

 Setting: in the distant past. Often has an open Types phrase, “Once upon a time…” or “A very long time ago…”

Elements  A difficult, sometimes seemingly impossible, problem to solve. Elements

 Characters: often with magical powers;  May explain how imaginary characters such as dragons, something in fairies, giants, elves; royal looks or works characters such as queens, (example: why the princes, etc. The granting of spider spins a web). wishes often occurs.  May explain why people behave in  Has a ending in certain ways. which good wins over evil.  Characters: Often includes gods or goddesses who interact with humans. “tall tales”

 Setting : in the recent or distant past. Types Elements  humorous exaggeration to tell the realistic fiction adventures of a fictional (or possibly nonfictional) .  Setting: a real place or could be a real place.  Build upon improbable incidences and unusual Elements problems that are saved in creative ways.  The events in the story could happen in real life.

 Characters: behave as people do in real life. folk tale

Types Elements  Setting: some specific  Stories passed down from one generation to period of the past. another. Originally told orally. Reflect the in which they originated. Elements  Characters: may include animals or inanimate objects that speak. They often  A type of teach a or lesson in life. realistic fiction. Often,  Some folk tales called trickster tales are but not about weak people or tiny animals always, the outwitting their stronger enemies. story is based on actual  builds through repetition. Has an historical exciting at the end. Goodness and events and intelligence win out over evil and people of the foolishness. period.

 Told from 3rd person point of view.  The reflects events or problems of the period.  The details about  Setting: in the past. clothing, tools, and Elements food are authentic to the period.  Tells the story of a .  May be based on facts and real , but through numerous retellings the hero Types and his or her deeds become larger than life, and some facts are distorted. LITERARY GENRES Format

Book l o n g

The opposite of fiction. True. short nonfiction Real. told as a story Styles facts; Types Elements  Often includes subheads The true story of to organize topics. someone’s life  Might contain diagrams, written by someone opinions & photographs and other else. illustrations. Elements  Contains information that  It may span a person’s whole life, or it can be checked by may tell about an important part of a looking at other sources. person’s life.  An account of an person’s entire life is almost always told in chronological order (in the time order events occurred). facts about history, , politics, etc.  Contains a variety of important information about the person’s life. Often tells how the person feels and thinks about things. autobiography The true story of someone’s life written by that person. Elements  see “biography” instruction manuals LITERARY GENRES

Writing Styles A serious story.

Sentences are Intended for sometimes broken representation by into parts. Each part is on its own line. impersonating the Often contains characters and that rhyme. performing the

The lines often have dialogue and told as a story action. a rhythm or meter. Words are A situation or sometimes repeated. succession of events having the Sometimes emotional effect describes things by characteristic of a comparing them with . something else. Often uses

figurative, Identifying The Literary descriptive, and

sensory language. 1.) Is it fiction or nonfiction

2.) What type of writing is it? 3.) What is the format (length)? 4.) What is the ?