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[email protected] coverage of Profi le, +44 (0)20 7258 1943 Love Child, Freedom Contributing Editor and Kimono Krush Adrian Gillan
[email protected] PAGE 64 Staff writer OUTREACH John Kelly A Day In Hand
[email protected] campaign Design Concept Boutique Marketing PAGE 66 www.boutiquemarketing.co.uk OUTNEWS Art Director All the gay news from Thom Rhein home and abroad
[email protected] Graphic Designer PAGE 70 Ryan Beal CAREER Sub Editor Mark Palmer- Kathryn Fox Edgecumbe on careers Contributors CONTENTS in the military Richard Bevan, Adrian Foster, Edward Gamlin, Den Maloney, Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe, PAGE 04 Richard Tonks, Michael LETTERS Turnbull, Steve Watson Send your Photographer correspondence to Chris Jepson
[email protected] Publishers Sarah Garrett//Linda Riley PAGE 06 ISDN: 1473-6039 MY LONDON Group Sales Manager The Ku Bar’s Gary Rob Harkavy HUDSON’S LETTER Henshaw gives us his
[email protected] capital highlights +44 (0)20 7258 1832 The arrival of December many HIV-positive people PAGE 48 Commercial Director means that World that have been aff ected PAGE 08 LOVECHILD Bryan Rodrigues AIDS Day is again by this unnecessary and SHOPPING bryan@ultimateguide upon us.