Weed and Pest Animal Species List

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Weed and Pest Animal Species List GENSPCODE ScientificName Genus Species CommonName Type Source Authority ACAARE Acacia arenaria Acacia arenaria Sand acacia WODY C1 Schinz ACAATA Acacia ataxacantha Acacia ataxacantha Flame thorn WODY C1 Burtt Davy ACABOR Acacia borleae Acacia borleae Acacia borleae WODY C1 Harms ACABRE Acacia brevispica Acacia brevispica Acacia brevispica WODY C1 Benth. Black monkey ACABUR Acacia burkei Acacia burkei thorn WODY C1 De Wild. ACACAF Acacia caffra Acacia caffra Cat thorn WODY C1 Oliv. Steud. & Hochst. ACACAT Acacia catechu Acacia catechu Cutch tree WODY C1, ALERT ex Benth. ACACOL Acacia colletioides Acacia colletioides Acacia colletoiodes WODY LGAPMP Delile ACADAV Acacia davyi Acacia davyi Corky thorn WODY C1 ACADRE Acacia drepanolobium Acacia drepanolobium Whistling thorn WODY C1 Burtt Davy ACAERI Acacia erioloba Acacia erioloba Giraffe thorn WODY C1 Brenan ACAERU Acacia erubescens Acacia erubescens Blue thorn WODY C1 (S. Moore) Taub. ACAEXU Acacia exuvialis Acacia exuvialis Flaky thorn WODY C1 Mill. Bylaw, ACAFAR Acacia farnesiana Acacia farnesiana Mimosa bush WODY LGAPMP Mill. ACAFLE Acacia fleckii Acacia fleckii Blade thorn WODY C1 Cav. ACAGER Acacia gerrardii Acacia gerrardii Red thorn WODY C1 Miers ACAGRA Acacia grandicornuta Acacia grandicornuta Horned thorn WODY C1 (Forssk.) Chiov. ACAHEB Acacia hebeclada Acacia hebeclada Mousebush WODY C1 (Schrad.) Nees (Wall. Ex G.Don) ACAHER Acacia hereroensis Acacia hereroensis Mountain thorn WODY C1 Cif. Acanthospermum U, bylaw, ACAHIS hispidum Acanthospermum hispidum Starburr GNDC LGAPMP P. Beauv. ACAHOC Acacia hockii Acacia hockii Acacia hockii WODY C1 L. ACAKAR Acacia karroo Acacia karroo Karroo thorn WODY C1, ALERT L. ACAKIR Acacia kirkii Acacia kirkii Acacia kirkii WODY C1 (L.) Fosberg Coast climbing ACAKRA Acacia kraussiana Acacia kraussiana thorn WODY C1 (Kunth) Hitchc. ACALAH Acacia lahai Acacia lahai Acacia lahai WODY C1 (Link) R.D. Webster ACALUE Acacia luederitzii Acacia luederitzii Golden wattle WODY C1 (Willd.) Kunth 1 GENSPCODE ScientificName Genus Species CommonName Type Source Authority Sydney golden ACALUE Acacia luederitzii Acacia luederitzii wattle WODY C2 (Molina) Stuntz ACAMEL Acacia mellifera Acacia mellifera Black thorn WODY C1 Griseb. ACANEB Acacia nebrownii Acacia nebrownii Water thorn WODY C1 (Griseb.) Hieron. ACANIG Acacia nigrescens Acacia nigrescens Knob thorn WODY C1 Willd. C2, bylaw, LGAPMP, ACANIL Acacia nilotica ssp. indica Acacia nilotica ssp. indica Prickly acacia WODY WONS ACAPER Acacia permixta Acacia permixta Mimosa thorn WODY C1 (Mart.) Griseb. Acacia reficiens ssp. ACAREF reficiens Acacia reficiens ssp. reficiens Red thorn WODY C1 ACAREH Acacia rehmanniana Acacia rehmanniana Acacia WODY C1 L. ACAROB Acacia robusta Acacia robusta Splendid thorn WODY C1 L. River climbing ACASCH Acacia schweinfurthii Acacia schweinfurthii thorn WODY C1 Kunth ACASEN Acacia senegal Acacia senegal Gum arabic tree WODY C2 (Sw.) Kunth ACASEN Acacia senegal Acacia senegal Gum tree WODY C1 L. ACASEN Acacia senegal Acacia senegal Threehook thorn WODY C3 (L.) All. Acacia seyal var. ACASES Acacia seyal var. seyal Acacia seyal var. seyal seyal WODY C1 L. White whistling ACASEF Acacia seyal var. fistula Acacia seyal var. fistula thorn WODY C1 Acacia sieberiana var. sieberiana var. (F.A.C.Webster) ACASIS sieberiana Acacia sieberiana Mgunga WODY C1 Britton & Rose Acacia sieberiana var. Acacia sieberiana ACASIV villosa Acacia sieberiana var. villosa var. villosa WODY C1 L. Acacia sieberiana var. ACASIW woodii Acacia sieberiana var. woodii Flat topped thorn WODY C2 L. Acacia sieberiana var. ACASIW woodii Acacia sieberiana var. woodii Natal camel thorn WODY C3 Acacia sieberiana var. ACASIW woodii Acacia sieberiana var. woodii Paperbark thorn WODY C1 L. Acacia spp. non spp. non indigenous to indigenous to Australia Australia except A. except A. nilotica and A. nilotica and A. ACASPP farnesiana Acacia farnesiana Acacias WODY C1, LGAPMP (L.) Spreng. 2 GENSPCODE ScientificName Genus Species CommonName Type Source Authority ACASWA Acacia swazica Acacia swazica Acacia swazica WODY C1 (Hance) Hemsl. ACATEP Acacia tephrina Acacia tephrina Boree WODY LGAPMP (Vahl) Blume Bylaw, ACATET Acanthocereus tetragonus Acanthocereus tetragonus Sword cactus CACT LGAPMP (L.) Kuntze ACATOR Acacia torrei Acacia torrei Acacia torrei WODY C1 L. ACATOT Acacia tortilis Acacia tortilis Umbrella thorn WODY C1 Lam. ACAXAN Acacia xanthophloea Acacia xanthophloea Fever tree WODY C1 Thunb. ACAZAN Acacia zanzibarica Acacia zanzibarica Acacia zanzibarica WODY C1 (L.) H.Karst. ACESAG Acetosa sagittata Acetosa sagittata Rambling dock VINE LGAPMP (Kunth) R.M.King & ACESAG Acetosa sagittata Acetosa sagittata Turkey Rhubarb VINE LGAPMP H.Rob. Common indian ACRTRI Acridotheres tristis Acridotheres tristis myna ANML ND (L.) Link. ACRTRI Acridotheres tristis Acridotheres tristis Indian myna ANML ND L. AEGIND Aeginetia indica Aeginetia indica Ye gu GNDC Primary L. Bylaw, AGAAME Agave americana Agave americana Century plant CACT LGAPMP Sm. Bylaw, AGASIS Agave sisalana Agave sisalana Sisal CACT LGAPMP Fl³ggÚ Bylaw, AGASPP Agave spp. Agave spp. Agave spp CACT LGAPMP E.Mey. Agave vivipara var. Agave vivipara AGAVIV vivipara Agave vivipara var. vivipara var. vivipara CACT Bylaw Sw. Bylaw, AGEADE Ageratina adenophora Ageratina adenophora Crofton weed GNDC LGAPMP L. Blue billygoat AGEHOU Ageratum houstonianum Ageratum houstonianum weed GNDC LGAPMP L. U, bylaw, AGERIP Ageratina riparia Ageratina riparia Mistflower GNDC LGAPMP Hook.f. AILALT Ailanthus altissima Ailanthus altissima Tree of heaven WODY LGAPMP L. ALBFAL Albizia falcataria Albizia falcataria Albizia falcataria WODY Appendix ALBLEB Albizia lebbeck Albizia lebbeck Indian sirus WODY LGAPMP L. ALBLEB Albizia lebbeck Albizia lebbeck Lebbeck tree WODY LGAPMP Munro ex Hook. ALBLEB Albizia lebbeck Albizia lebbeck Siris tree WODY LGAPMP (Retz.) P. Beauv. 3 GENSPCODE ScientificName Genus Species CommonName Type Source Authority ALBSAM Albizia saman Albizia saman Rain tree WODY LGAPMP L. Bylaw, ALLCAT Allamanda cathartica Allamanda cathartica Allamanda VINE LGAPMP Hook. Bylaw, ALLCAT Allamanda cathartica Allamanda cathartica Golden allamanda VINE LGAPMP (Mill.) Urb. Yellow trumpet Bylaw, ALLCAT Allamanda cathartica Allamanda cathartica vine VINE LGAPMP R.Br. Alternanthera C1, LGAPMP, ALTPHI philoxeroides Alternanthera philoxeroides Alligator weed AQTC WONS L. Bylaw, ALTPUN Alternanthera pungens Alternanthera pungens Khaki weed GNDC LGAPMP L. AMADUB Amaranthus dubius Amaranthus dubius Chinese spinach GNDC NAQS (L.) Pers. Bylaw, AMASPI Amaranthus spinosus Amaranthus spinosus Needleburr GNDC LGAPMP L. Bylaw, AMASPI Amaranthus spinosus Amaranthus spinosus Spiny amaranth GNDC LGAPMP AMBART Ambrosia artemisiifolia Ambrosia artemisiifolia Annual ragweed GNDC C2, LGAPMP (DC.) Norl. AMBCON Ambrosia confertiflora Ambrosia confertiflora Burr ragweed GNDC Bylaw L. Bylaw, (Lodd. Ex Lindl.) AMBPSI Ambrosia psilostachya Ambrosia psilostachya Perennial ragweed GNDC LGAPMP Munro Bylaw, AMMMAJ Ammi majus Ammi majus Bishops weed GNDC LGAPMP Bojer ex Sims Bylaw, AMMMAJ Ammi majus Ammi majus Bullwort GNDC LGAPMP Benth. Bylaw, AMMMAJ Ammi majus Ammi majus Queen Anne's lace GNDC LGAPMP L. ANDVIR Andropogon virginicus Andropogon virginicus Whisky grass GNDC LGAPMP L. C2, bylaw, LGAPMP, ANNGLA Annona glabra Annona glabra Pond apple WODY WONS C3, bylaw, ANRCOR Anredera cordifolia Anredera cordifolia Maderia vine VINE LGAPMP (Vahl) Benth. Blackbuck ANTCER Antelope cervicapra Antelope cervicapra antelope ANML C1 Marshall Bylaw, ARASER Araujia sericifera Araujia sericifera Moth plant VINE LGAPMP A.Newton ARCCAL Arctotheca calendula Arctotheca calendula Cape daisy GNDC Bylaw L. ARCCAL Arctotheca calendula Arctotheca calendula Cape marigold GNDC Bylaw 4 GENSPCODE ScientificName Genus Species CommonName Type Source Authority ARCCAL Arctotheca calendula Arctotheca calendula Cape weed GNDC Bylaw Schinz ARDCRE Ardisia crenata Ardisia crenata Coral berry SHRB LGAPMP (J.S.Presl) Ohwi ARDCRE Ardisia crenata Ardisia crenata Spiceberry SHRB LGAPMP L. Arecastrum AREROM romanzoffianum Arecastrum romanzoffianum Cocos palm WODY Bylaw L. Arecastrum AREROM romanzoffianum Arecastrum romanzoffianum Queen palm WODY Bylaw Mill. ARGMEX Argemone mexicana Argemone mexicana Mexican poppy GNDC Bylaw Willd. Argemone ochroleuca ochroleuca Bylaw, ARGOCH spp.ochroleuca Argemone spp.ochroleuca Mexican poppy GNDC LGAPMP Vahl Six weeks ARIADS Aristida adscensionis Aristida adscensionis threeawn GNDC Appendix Mill. ARIDUR Aristolochia durior Aristolochia durior Dutchman's pipe VINE Bylaw Sav. C3, bylaw, ARIELE Aristolochia elegans Aristolochia elegans Calico flower VINE LGAPMP (Burm.) Merr. C3, bylaw, ARIELE Aristolochia elegans Aristolochia elegans Dutchman's pipe VINE LGAPMP L. ARIMAC Aristolochia macrophylla Aristolochia macrophylla Pipevine VINE Bylaw (L.) Vahl ARIMAC Aristolochia macrophylla Aristolochia macrophylla Virginia snakeroot VINE Bylaw Welw. ex Oliv. Aristolochia spp. other spp. other than native ARISPP than native species Aristolochia species Aristolochia VINE C3 Sav. ARTALT Artocarpus altilis Artocarpus altilis Breadfruit WODY LGAPMP Bylaw, ARUDON Arundo donax Arundo donax Giant reed GNDC LGAPMP (L.) Norl. Redhead Bylaw, ASCCUR Asclepias curassavica Asclepias curassavica cottonbush GNDC LGAPMP Asparagus aethiopicus C3, bylaw, ASPAET 'Sprengeri' Asparagus aethiopicus 'Sprengeri' Asparagus fern GNDC LGAPMP (Roxb.) B.K.Simon C3, bylaw, ASPAFR Asparagus africanus Asparagus africanus Asparagus fern VINE LGAPMP (Forst.) Nakai
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