Pala Ea Rctic G Rasslands
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Issue 38 (October 2018) ISSN 1868-2456 - DOI 10.21570/EDGG.PG.38 Journal of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group Grassland Dry Eurasian the of Journal PALAEARCTIC GRASSLANDS PALAEARCTIC 2 Palaearctic Grasslands (October 2018) Table of Contents Palaearctic Grasslands ISSN 1868-2456 DOI 10.21570/EDGG.PG38 Editorial 3 Palaearctic Grasslands, formerly published under the names Bulletin of the Euro- pean Dry Grassland Group (Issues 1-26) and Bulletin of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (Issues 27-36) is the journal of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG). It Board of Palaearctic Grasslands 4 publishes four issues per year. Palaearctic Grasslands publishes news and an- is growing nouncements of EDGG, its projects, related organisations and its members. At the same time it serves as outlet for scientific articles and photo contributions. Palaearctic Grasslands is sent to all members of the group (1323 members from Photo Story and Photo Competi- 7 67 countries as of 5th October 2018) and together with all previous issues, it is also freely available at tion The copyright of the included texts, photographs, and other figures remains with their authors. If you wish to re-use them or parts of them, please, obtain the writ- th 16 Eurasian Grassland Confer- 8 ten consent of the authors first. ence in Austria and Slovenia: Scientific articles (Research Articles, Reviews, Forum Articles, Scientific Reports) First call should be submitted to Jürgen Dengler ([email protected]), fol- lowing the Author Guidelines published in Palaearctic Grasslands 37, 6–8. They are subject to editorial review, with one member of the Editorial Board serving as Sci- EDGG Field Workshops 2019: 10 entific Editor and deciding about acceptance, necessary revisions or rejection. Switzerland and Armenia All other text contributions (News, Announcements, Short Contributions, Book Reviews,…) should be submitted to Anna Kuzemko ([email protected]) AND Idoia Biurrun ([email protected]). Please check a current issue of Palae- The 15th Eurasian Grassland Con- 12 arctic Grasslands for the format and style. ference in Sulmona, Italy Photo contributions (photos for general illustrative purposes with captions; pro- posals for Photo Stories; candidate photos for the Photo Competition) should be submitted to both Photo Editors, Rocco Labadessa ([email protected]) EDGG Publications 25 AND Jalil Noroozi ([email protected]). Deadline for submissions to the next Photo Competition on "Grasslands in black & white" is 31 October 2018. Contributions to the sections "Recent Publications of our Members" and Belonovskaya, E. et al. First appli- 28 "Forthcoming Events" should be sent to Iwona Dembicz ([email protected]). cation of EDGG “normal plots” in Photos of submissions have always to be delivered in two forms, embedded in the grasslands of European Russia document and as separate jpg (or tiff) files sufficient resolution for printing (i.e. not less than 1 MB). Photo Story 34 Editorial Board Photo Competition 39 CHIEF EDITOR: Rocco Labadessa, Italy Anna Kuzemko, Ukraine Ashley Lyons, UK Jim Martin, Ireland DEPUTY CHIEF EDITORS: Book Review 42 James Moran, Ireland Idoia Biurrun, Spain Jalil Noroozi, Iran Jürgen Dengler, Switzerland Arkadiusz Nowak, Poland Salza Palpurina, Bulgaria Recent Publications of our 44 MEMBERS OF THE EDITORAL Nina Polchaninova, Ukraine Members BOARD: Solvita Rūsiņa, Latvia Dolores Byrne, Ireland Stuart Smith, UK Iwona Dembicz, Poland Laura Sutcliffe, Germany Edy Fantinato, Italy Forthcoming Events 45 Péter Török, Hungary Magdalena Firganek-Fulcher, UK Atushi Ushimaru, Japan Paul Goriup, UK Orsolya Valkó, Hungary Riccardo Guarino, Italy Stephen Venn, Finland Gwyn Jones, UK On front cover page: Mantis religiosa in the "Doliny Labunki i Topornicy" Natura 2000 site, SE Poland. Photo: P. Chmielewski. Palaearctic Grasslands (October 2018) 3 Editorial Dear readers, As you probably realise, our Photo Editors Rocco Labadessa and Jalil Noroozi, have been quite active. We are pleased to present the second issue of Palae- They successfully managed to retrieve nice photos arctic Grasslands after the re-launch of the former from you, our members, to illustrate the issue, and for EDGG Bulletin under this new title. The feedback we the first time in the history of the journal we have a received on the new concept was quite overwhelming, more or less balanced relationship between animals so we believe that this journal now combines the and plants. So please continue to send your good pho- newsletter function of the former Bulletin with being tos to them. In this issue we also have a new Photo an attractive publication outlet for scientific contribu- Story and the results of the first thematic Photo Com- tions. petition, which we plan to have in each issue from We are particularly grateful to the Scientific, Photo now on, provided we receive sufficient high-quality and Linguistic Editors from our Editorial Board who submissions (see call on page 7). eagerly made their contributions to make the journal Not only Palaearctic Grasslands, but also EDGG in gen- as good and diverse as it is. Many things are new re- eral are thriving. After a nice and very international garding formats and procedures, both for the Chief Eurasian Grassland Conference (EGC) in Italy this year Editor Team and for the Editorial Board, but we be- (see report on pages 12–24) and a well-attended lieve now that we have largely established the neces- EDGG Field Workshop in Austria, there will be a bina- sary workflows that allow the effective and timely pro- tional EGC next year in Austria and Slovenia, while two duction of the future issues. Increasing numbers of Field Workshops are planned in Switzerland and Arme- submitted scientific articles together with the now nia (see pre-announcements on pages 8–11). higher quality requirements prompted us to increase We wish you a pleasant reading and hope it inspires our team of Scientific Editors further with eight addi- you to remain or become active in one or several of tional members, from various different countries and the EDGG activities. backgrounds in both zoology and botany (see pages 4– 6). We are glad to report that also a group of EDGG members from the UK and Ireland joined our team of Jürgen Dengler, Deputy Chief Editor Linguistic Editors to safeguard the linguistic quality of ([email protected]) contributions from non-native speakers. Podarcis siculus, a frequent lizard in dry habitats of Italy. Photo: J. Dengler. 4 Palaearctic Grasslands (October 2018) News Board of Palaearctic Grasslands is growing We are glad to announce that following the re-launch of the former EDGG Bulletin as Palaearctic Grasslands and the consequent increase of interest to publish in this journal we were also successful in attracting 14 new mem- bers for our Editorial Board of whom seven from now on will serve as Scientific Editors, six as Linguistic Editors and one in both functions. In the following they present themselves with their visions for Palaearctic Grasslands. A warm welcome to Arek, Ashley, Dolores, Edy, James, Jim, Magdalena, Nina, Orsolya, Paul, Riccardo, Salza, Solvita and Stuart! In the ancient Greece there was a place, which was the heart of the city, where ideas were passed among great minds: the Agorà. Palaearctic Grass- lands represents more and more the Agorà for grassland researchers. It is the place where knowledge can be improved, ideas exchanged, visions actualized. In the current Anthropocene Epoch, in which environmental conditions are changing with unprecedent speed, we are called, as members of the EDGG, to deeper understanding processes responsible for grasslands’ capacity to with- stand future challenges. Studies with unconventional approach and original findings will find in Palaearctic Grasslands the Agorà they deserve. Edy Fantinato Edy Fantinato (Scientific Editor ) [email protected] Two hours on a grassland pacify with the world and I do not know such a heavy thought that can not be left out while looking at a grassland in full blossom. Sit there and you'll see everything as if it was the seed of something. Riccardo Guarino Riccardo Guarino (Scientific Editor) [email protected] In my opinion Palaearctic Grasslands will serve as a good forum for exchanging opinions of grassland lovers, both professionals and amateurs. It should help with sharing not only the knowledge and scientific evidence, but also values, emotions and goals of all of us to make the society stronger. I hope that thanks to PG, we will get closer to solving grassland conservation problems, that should not be stored only on the paper or in our heads. I would like also to in- crease the visibility of Asian grasslands in our journal and society and improve the understanding of grassland conservation in low income countries. In my opinion Palaearctic Grasslands can serve also as a kind of start-up for young colleagues and facilitate their personal development. Arkadiusz Nowak (Scientific Editor ) Arkadiusz Nowak [email protected] Palaearctic Grasslands (October 2018) 5 The EDGG Bulletin was an inspiration for my research ever since I started work- ing with dry grasslands. It does a great job to connect lovers of dry grasslands – both professional and amateurs – at the European level and beyond. As an Ed- Board member, I will work hard to contribute to increasing the quality and visi- bility of the contributions to Palaearctic Grasslands and to help to turn it into a full-fledged scientific journal. Salza Palpurina Salza Palpurina (Scientific Editor) [email protected] Grasslands are so variable, each spot has its unique beauty and a com- plex of inhabitants, and, alas, a complex of threats to their existence. I do hope that Palaearctic Grasslands will become a valuable source of information, fresh ideas, mutual aid, and will contribute to grasslands conservation. Nina Polchaninova I believe that Palaearctic Grasslands pro- vides a way to develop expertise for young scientists whose work is related to natural Nina Polchaninova (Scientific Editor) and semi-natural grassland science.