
Staylnformed! NOAAWeather Radio NOM WeatherRadio (NWFI) is the prime alertingand critical information delivery systemof the NWS.NWR broadcasts warnings,watches, forecasts and olher NO/\A hazardinformation 24 hoursa day.Known as the "voiceof the NWS,"the NWB netlvorkhas morethan 590 stations, EmergencyManagers Weather coveringthe 50 stales,adjacent coastal waters,Puerto Rico, the U.S.Virgin lnformationNetwork lslandsand U.S.Pacific territories. The EmergencyManagers Weather Intormation Network (EMWIN)otfers an economicalway to receiveall lvanywealher radios are equipped with a productsavailable on NWWS,plus graphical forecasts go specialalarm tone feature that soundsan andselect satellite data. For details, to alertgiving you immediate information about iwln.nws.noaa,gov/emwin/index.htm. a life-threateningsituation. Boutine weather radioprogramming is interruptedduring lnteractiveWeather lnformation Network tropicalcyclone threats lo sendout the TheInteractive Weather Information Network (lwlN) is specialtone that activatesweather radios a Website with live data similar to EMWIN.lt is opento in the listeningarea. The hearing and usersand contains warnings in additionlo many get all visuallyimpaired can thesewarnings routineNWS products. To view lWlN producis, go to by connectingwealher radios to devices http://iwln.nws.noaa.gov. suchas strobelights, pagers. bed-shakers, personalcomputers and text printers. The NWSencourages people to buya lnternetResources weatherradio equipped with the Specific AreaMessage Encoder (SAME) feature. Morehurricane information and news isjusl a clickaway. Thisfeature automatically alerts you when importanttropical cyclone information is I NationalWeather Sewicer www.nws.noaa.gov www-nhc.noaa.gov issuedfor yourarea. I NationalHurricaneoenlerr I CentralPacilicHurricane www.nws.noaa.gov/pr/hny Center: cphc/pagevcphc.shtml Moreinformation on NOAAWeather Radio can be foundby contactjngyour locat Linksto localNwS Offlces NWSolfice or on the Iniernetat: I NWSEastern Region: www.erh.noaa.gov ww$r.nws.noaa.gov/nwr. I NWSSouthern Region: www.srh.noaa.gov I NWSPacilic Region: www.nws.noaa.gov/pr NOAAWeather Wire Service HistoricalIntormation I Nat'lClimaticDatacenter: lvlvw.ncdc.noaa.gov The NWSNOAA weather Wire Service (NVVWS)provides reliable and timely warnings. OlherEmergency Inlormalion Sites NVWVShas beenimproved and now makes I AmericanRed Cross: wwwteocross.org limitedgraphic images available through a I FEMAI wwwlemagov slandardcomputer. I U.S.Geologicalsurvey: www.usgs.gov/hurdcanes WhatTo ListenFor

I HURRICANE/TROPICALSTORM WATCH: Hurricane/tropical storm conditions are possiblein the specifiedarea of the Watch,usually within 36 hours.During a Watch,prepare your home and reviewyour plan for evacuationin casea Hurricane/TropicalStorm Warning is issued.

I HURBICANE/TROPICALSTORM WARNING: Hurricane/tropical storm conditions are expected in the specifiedarea of the Warning,usually within 24 hours.Complete storm preparations and leavethe threatened area it directedbV local ofiicaals.

I SHORTTERM WATCHES AND WARNINGS:These warnings provide detailed information on specifichurricane threats, such as floodsand tornadoes.

I FLOODWATCH: This product informs the publicand cooperatingagencies ol posslbleflooding. lf youare in a Watcharea, check aclion plans, keep inlormed and be readyto act il a warning is issuedor you see flooding.

I FLOOD/FLASHFLOOD WARNING: A floodflashllood Warning is issuedlor specilic communities,streams or areaswhere flooding is imminentor in progress.Persons in thewarning areashould take precautions IMMEDIATELY!

NationalHurricane Center and LocalNWS Office CentralPacific Hurricane Center Products Products

PUBLICADVISORIES otfer critical hurricane watch, warning and HURRICANELOCAL STATEMENTS forecastinformation. givegreater detail on howthe storm will impactyour area. FORECASTS/ADVISORIESprovide detailed hurricane track andwind field information. NON-PREC|P|TATIONWEATHER PRODUCTSorovide watches and PROBABILITIESOF HURRICANE/TROPICALSTORM warningstor inland areas which could CONDITIONSofier a measureof the lorecasttrack accuracy. experiencetropical storm or hurricane Theprobabilities have no relationto tropicalcyclone intensity. forcewtnos.

A of the aboveinformation must be used to make an infomed decisionon your risk and what actions should be taken. Rememberto listen to your local official'srecommendations and to NOM tor the latest hur cane information.