The Shi'a as a Muslim Minority in State, : Shi’as History & Findings

The Shi’a as a Muslim Minority in Karnataka, India: Shi’as History & Findings.

Aqeel Abbas

The most complete gift of God is a life based on knowledge. Imam Ali a.s

First Published 2020 Bangalore, India All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

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“In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent & the Most Merciful”

CONTENTS AUTHOR BIO, Preface, Acknowledgment & Abstract ...... 1 Glossary...... 3 Introduction ...... 6 Chapter 1: ...... 8 Chapter 2: History ...... 10 Shia Islam of the Bahmani Period (1347–1527)...... 12 Shia Islam of the Deccan Sultanates Period (1490 –1687)...... 15 The Bijapur Sultanate (1490-1686)...... 15 The Bidar Sultanate (1492-1619) ...... 18 The Golconda Sultanate (1512–1687) ...... 18 Doddaballapur (1700’s)...... 20 Kingdom of Mysore (1759-1799) ...... 21 Methodology ...... 23 CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS ...... 24 Shi'ism in District ...... 24 Shi'ism in Bengaluru District ...... 31 Bengaluru Urban Findings ...... 32 ISMAILI SHIA ISLAM ...... 41 Findings ...... 44

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Shi'ism in Mysore District ...... 50 Shi'ism in Tumkur District ...... 57 Shi'ism in Hassan District ...... 59 Shi'ism in Bijapur District ...... 61 Shi'ism in Gulbarga District ...... 62 Shi'ism in Bidar District ...... 64 Shi'ism in Ballari District ...... 66 Shivamogga Findings ...... 67 CHAPTER 4: Contribution of the Shia Islam to Karnataka State ...... 69 Shia Muslims Sultanate Contribution to Karnataka State: ...... 70 Prominent Shia Muslims contributing to Karnataka: ...... 71 CHAPTER 5: ALIPUR VILLAGE ...... 76 Hindus Mourns in the ISLAMIC Holy month of ...... 119 CONCLUSION ...... 120 Recommendations ...... 121 Future Hope of Karnataka's Shi'a Muslims...... 123 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 125

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Author Bio

The author sitting at the MGH Color Gems Co Ltd office in Bangkok, Thailand. Author Bio

Syed Aqeel Abbas Najafi was born at Alipur village in the Indian state of Karnataka on 30th August 1989 (Islamic Calendar 17th Muharram). He came from a well-to-do Shia Islamic family who were traders. His grandfather was a trader & landlord who lived in Alipur village, Karnataka State, South India. His father Jouhari Mir Gulam Hussain Najafi, a businessman from Alipur, owned a successful color Gemstones business & his mother Syeda Syedunnisa, a housewife. He did his schooling in Alipur at Bintul-Huda Memorial School and moved to Bengaluru to study Computer Science Engineering at Cambridge Institute of Technology, College. He graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science in 2013 and then worked for his father's business. He also worked as a stock trader, web development & writing books as a part-time in Bengaluru, gives an account of “The Shi’a as a Muslim Minority in Karnataka, India”. Author’s Personal life

Syed Aqeel Abbas's parents arranged a girl from his native village Alipur & got him engaged in the year 2011. Aqeel Abbas got married with Syed Mufees Fatima in 22nd June 2013 in Bangalore city in Karnataka State, South India. Aqeel Abbas loves online platforms for Businesses & Education Services. He believed in its effectiveness and predicted in 2012 that it would have a very huge market in the future.

Preface As I was born in a Shia Islamic family at Alipur Village, I began to recognize the importance of Shia Muslim’s history & the dramatic presence of Shi'a Muslims in

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Karnataka State, South India. In my years of living in Karnataka State, I’ve attended many religious programs which inspired us to know our history & to learn about how Shia Islamic (The -Shia Asna Ashri) Center moved from Bijapur city to Alipur village in Karnataka State, South India. Mysore History has interested me since I first watched The Sword of Tipu Sultan serial as a small child. After years of research, I finally have knowledge of my own to contribute. As an avid reader, I recognized that there weren't many stories out there like mine. This book is for all of the history buffs like myself. While I was in Alipur village, I collected photos & stories as well as facts. I will share all of them with you, as well as the photos I took along the way. Thank you to my family for supporting me throughout the years".

Acknowledgment This book is the result of a series of conversations over the last several years between the Author, Shia Islamic religious leaders & Scholars, which began in Alipur village, Chikkabalapur District, India. As with any book length study, the work ahead has benefited from the support of many Shia Islamic religious leaders, alongside our families & friends.

I feel so grateful and blessed to have parents like you in my life. In addition, thank you so much for your support—both emotional and financial—over the years. I love you, Mom and Dad. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for the best gift you could ever have given me: a wonderful education. I also thank my dear wife, Syeda Mufees Fathima., who helped me through taking care of me and gave me great help in writing this book. It puts me good company.

Abstract India, which accommodates a collection of religions and religious minorities especially in this modern era, is a remarkable country for study and consideration. This study lends itself as an anthropological research to let readers get familiar with the religious identity of Muslims in general and the Shias of Karnataka state in particular. This project is a case study about the Shia Muslims in Karnataka; it also casts a historical eye on the formation of the cultural identity of Shias in India. During the reign of the Arab traders, they brought Islam into the South Indian state of Karnataka almost as soon as the faith was initiated in Arabia. Along with their faith, Muslims brought many products to the region. The Islamic presence and power in the state reached its greatest heights during the reigns of Bahamani Sultanate, Deccan Sultanate, The Qutb Shahi Dynasty, Hyder Ali and his son Tippu Sultan. Though killed by the British in 1799, Tippu Sultan was one of the only national leaders to defeat the British in battle and is still considered a hero for many Indians. The internal structure of Indian Muslims as a religio-ethnic group was quite complex. Shia Islam has deep-rooted influence in present and history of India from North to South with various Shia Muslim dynasties ruling Indian provinces from time to time.

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keywords: Shi’a Muslims in Karnataka, Alipur village, Karnataka.


SAWW: An extended variant of the phrase reads ṣallā -llāhu ʿalayhī wa-ʾālihī wa- sallama. 'God bless him and his family and grant him peace').

A.S: ʿAlayhi s-salām, which translates as "peace be upon him".

S.A: Salam-Ullah-Alaiha, which translates as “peace be upon her”

Syed (Sayyid): a respectful Muslim claiming descent from Prophet (PBUH), especially through Imam Husayn, the prophet's younger grandson.

Hijri: Islamic Calendar. CE: Georgian Calendar (CE is an alternative to the AD system)


Anjuman who was the body pursuing the overall socio-economic, cultural and religious development of the community.

Holy month of Muharram in the Indian state of Karnataka.

The (also known as the remembrance of Muharram or waqia e Karbala in Muharram) is a set of commemorative rituals(waqia) observed by Shia Muslims, as well as some Sunni Muslims & non-Muslims. The commemoration falls in Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar.

The Imambara is an Indian institution more popular with the Shi'a Muslims who assemble here during Muharram, the first month of the Islamic Calendar. Unlike a , there is no set pattern for an Imambara. Its style, architecture and unity vary with local cultural influence. In south India, for instance, it is called an Ashurkhana.

Majlis e Hussain a.s

The assembly of commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a.s) ibn Imam Ali (a.s) called it as ‘Majlis e Hussain a.s’. Many Majlis were held for remembering the Martyr anniversary of Prophet Muhammad's family members (Ahlul bayt) followed by Tabaruk (Food/Items distributed by Majlis Organizers). The first assembly (Majlis) of the Commemoration of Imam e Husayn (a.s) ibn Imam Ali (a.s) is said to have been held by Hazrath e Zaynab ibn Imam Ali (a.s) in prison at Kufa in Iraq.

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Processions are taken out on roads on specific dates, Alam Pak (holy flags) are hoisted at homes, and Aza Khanas are adorned while majalis (religious gatherings) are organised to honour the sacrifice of Imam Hussain. There are a few traditions and symbolism that people aren’t very familiar with. These are:


In Shia Islam the term designates acts of lamentation for the martyrs of Karbala. People participants congregate in public for ceremonial chest beating (matam) as a display of their devotion to Imam Husayn and in remembrance of his suffering.


This means the ‘evening of the wretched’. The night when Imam Hussain’s (as) family was left alone after he and his companions were killed is remembered as Shaam-e-Ghariban. This is observed on 10th of Muharram after dusk. Shia Muslims usually organise a majlis in the dark in order to get a better sense of the suffering of Imam Hussain’s (as) family.


Jhoola or cradle in Muharram processions and gatherings is taken out in memory of Imam Hussain’s (as) youngest child Hazrat Ali Asghar (as) who was just six-month old when he was killed by Yazid’s forces. It is believed that Hazrat Ali Asghar (as) was in his cradle when Imam Hussain (as) asked for help in the field of Karbala and Hazrat Asghar moved aggressively in his cradle as if to give a signal to Imam Hussain (as) that he was there to help him. When Imam Hussain (as) took him to the forces and asked them to give the child a few drops of water, Hazrat Asghar was shot by an arrow, which resulted in his instant death. To remember Asghar’s sacrifice, Shia Muslims take out a cradle during processions.

Alam Pak

Alam, which means flag, is considered a sacred symbol for Shia Muslims because it is associated with Imam Hussain’s (as) brother Hazrat e Abbas (as), the flag bearer of Banu Hashim. Alam Pak is taken out during majalis and processions.


Sabeel is a stall set up to supply drinkable water. Imam Hussain (as) and his family were kept thirsty for three days before he was killed. In his memory, Shias establish these sabeels across the city so that people on their way to processions or majlis do not get thirsty.


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Tabbaruk means something sacred and from which you can receive blessings. Food items after majalis are known as Tabarruk.

Urdu Marsiay and

Urdu marsiay and noha, or elegies, have not only rendered to the Urdu language literary and poetic beauty, but also a medium of religious, cultural, and intellectual expression. Although some Urdu marsiay and noha deal with topics other than the seventh-century , most of them have focused on the events that paved the path to this battle and the agonizing aftermath of this event.1 There are a large number of leading and famous Hindu and Sikh poets in India who have composed and noha in the praise of Imam Husain (as) in Urdu, , , Persian, Kashmiri, Punjabi, Gujarati, Telugu, Bengali and other Indian languages.

Muharram is the only holy month in India which serves to unite the Muslims in India as well as bring the non-Muslims closer to them. The local customs and traditions concerning Muharram in rural parts of India have created for rural Muslims the psychological stability and security. Muharram rituals (waqia e Karbala in Muharram) in India have played a vital role in the very survival of Islam, especially in the various far-flung rural communities of this vast sub-continent.

In India, the Muslims and Hindus are united in seeking solutions through the Tazias. Apart from the Tazias, the Muharram Majlis always increase inter-communal interaction in India. Muharram affords an excellent opportunity for mass participation and collective performance of rituals on joint basis by Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs.

Current state and Future challenges of the Shia Ishna Ashari community in the state of Karnataka.

Shia Muslims Identity & Community spirit - Shia identity referred to the followers of Imam Ali as, after the death of Prophet Muhammed saww, and Jaʿfari school or Jaʿfari fiqh theology was formulated in the 2nd century AH, or after Hijra (8th century CE). We need to make our youths to know our Shia History, Heritage, & prospective. There are many Majlis, Jashn, & programs are conducted in respective time, which is the value added of being a Shia Muslims.

Shia Muslims Languages- Urdu is main language, English, Persian, Cutchi & Gujrati is minor languages spoken by Shia Muslims in Karnataka state.

Shia Muslims Institution- Shia Muslims that settled in Karnataka build , Ashur Khanas, Madrasahs & many modern Institutions.

1 Rashida Moosavi; Deccan Mee Marsiya Aur Azadari, , 1978, p.57.

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Shia Muslims Progressive thinking- Aqeel Abbas (Author) quote “Education & proper financial management can give a hope to build well developed Shi’a Muslims community in the Indian state of Karnataka”.


Karnataka in the India Map

Why Author wrote this Book, what are the benefits to a reader of this book?

The main aim of the book is to trace the adverb of Shias in Karnataka, the role of Shia Muslims and their contribution to political, social, religious and cultural areas including language, literature, art and architecture. Without the knowlwdge of our interconnected Karnataka History, the new generation will be very ill informed about the struggles that have shaped the past & helped it become what it has today. To study the history of Shia Islam in Karnataka the archaeological and literary sources are important.

This book is going to help not only to know about our history (past), findings (present) but also it is going to guide (recommendation) for building the quality future of our community.

Islam means submission. Those who submit are called Muslims. There are five pillars for all Muslims to adhere worldwide: 1) there is no God but Allah, Mohammad is his prophet, & belief in Judgement Day. 2) Praying five times daily in the direction of (the holy city). 3) Giving alms (a share of each Muslim’s income is given to support the mosque and the poor). 4) Fasting throughout the holy month of Ramadan. 5) Observing Hajj (every believer who is able to do so must go on a pilgrimage to Mecca).

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Islam teaches absolute monotheism and Mohammed’s primacy as Allah’s last Prophet on earth. Islam stresses the brotherhood of believers, no difference of religion and secular life, obedience to God’s Law, abstinence from alcohol, and of good works. Shab-e-Barat, Eid- Ul-Fitr, Id-Ul-Zuha, and various Ures of Sufi saints are the major festivals observed by them. The religion of the Muslims is the youngest of the great religions in the world. The process of Islam is becoming a more prominent part of the political and social order. This may be through adoption of laws based on Islam a stricter code of behavior for Muslims in a community, or significant portions of a population converting to Islam (Madan, 2007).

India is a diverse mix of different religions and religious sects, most of them are derived from Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism. About 79.80% of the people of India follow Hindu rituals and about 14.23% are Muslims (Census 2011). India also has more than 2.3% Christians and 1.72% Sikhs. Although India was the birthplace of Buddhism, the Buddhist population in India is currently estimated at only about 0.7%. In addition, Jainism, 0.37% followers of Zoroastrianism, Jewish, Baha’i and other faiths is 0.4%.

However, India’s largest community of Iranian Baha’i and Zoroastrian religious sect, Ahmadieh are around the world. Most of the Muslims in Delhi, and northwest areas of the population have been living in Kashmir. Thus, India has the largest Muslim population after Indonesia and in the world (Ahmad & Imitiaz, 1981). India is one of those countries in which Islam has brought development and flourished of civilization. History of Islam’s introduction to India starts from the end of 1st century Hegira, i.e., the 7th century AD with the decline of Sasanid Dynasty. Spread of Islam in the time of Mahmud Qaznavi and his conquests in Punjab continued and reached its climax in the time of Gurkanis to 1526 AD, since 932 Hegira equal, all government and religious positions were in the hands of Iranians (Mutahhari, 1983). Qutub Shahis made efforts for preaching Islam and Shiism in Deccan. Once upon a time, Shias of India had governmental power and had undeniable penetration in the government systems. At the moment, study of Shias has become an important subject for research in the Subcontinent, and there are so many scientific and research-related valuable works at hand, like the books Shia and Shia Islam in India, John (1946) and a socio-Intellectual History of the Ishna Ashari Shiis in India, Saiyid (1988) in which very good studies are done about Shias and historical, political- social and cultural problems are discussed in it. At the moment, the population of Muslims in India reaches over 200 million and they are scattered in different regions of this country. This study, however, concentrates on the Karnataka state on Shias; the center of this religious minority in this region is Deccan which has always welcomed Iranian culture and Shiism from long ago and is the root of Shias development in India. “Deccan” was the name given to the southern parts of the Indian subcontinent in the past. The State of Karnataka and the city of Mysore, Bengaluru & Alipur village are located in this region as well. Although historically Shiism has its origins in Arab nations, it rapidly and widely grew in , Pakistan and India. This paper explores, by discussing ethnographic examples

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from different parts of Karnataka and beyond, the multi-dimensional and many-layered contexts of reciprocally shared cultural realms and inter-religious and synthesized cultural formations, including common religious observances.2


Shrine of Imam Ali (a.s) in Najaf, Iraq Shia Islam or Shi'ism is one of the two main branches of Islam. It holds that the Islamic Prophet Muhammad saww designated Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor and the Imam (leader) after him3. In the event of Ghadir4 Khumm, speech included the famous statement by Prophet Muhammad saww that "Whoever accepts me as master, Ali is his master too'. Shi'ites interpret this phrase to be the designation of Imam Ali as Prophet Muhammad's successor.

Shia Islam branches in Karnataka State, South India are as follows:

1.Imamiyya - The Twelvers (Ithna Ashari)

Twelver (: ʾIthnā ʿAšarīyah; Persian: Šī'eh-ye Davâzdah-Emâmī), also known as is the largest branch of Shia Islam. The term refers to ,( ِإ َم ِام َّية :Imamiyyah (Arabic its adherents' belief in twelve divinely ordained leaders, known as , and their belief that the last Imam, Imam al-Mahdi a.s, lives in occultation and will reappear as

2 Anthropological Perspective Study on the Muslims in Mysore City-India (Case study Shia Muslims) Jalal Jafarpour Irani

3 Olawuyi, Toyib (2014). On the Khilafah of Ali over Abu Bakr. p. 3. ISBN 978-1-4928-5884- 3. Archived from the original on 22 April 2016.

4 "Imam Khomeini defined Ghadir as most magnificent feast". Retrieved 1 September 2018.

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the promised Mahdi. According to Shia tradition, the Mahdi's tenure will coincide with the second coming of Jesus (PBUH), who is to assist the Mahdi against the Dajjal.5 Jaʿfari jurisprudence (also spelled Jafarite), Jaʿfari school or Jaʿfari fiqh [note A], is a school of jurisprudence (fiqh) in Twelver Shia Islam, named after the sixth Imam, Ja'far al-Sadiq. In Iran, Ja'fari jurisprudence is enshrined in the constitution6. Jaʿfari jurisprudence has been afforded the status of “fifth school” along with the four Sunni schools by Azhar University.95 % of Shia Muslims mother tongue is Urdu language & 5% speaks in Persian, Kutchi, Gujarathi languages in the Indian state of Karnataka.

-al, اإلسماعيلية :The Ismailis: Ismāʿīlism (Arabic.2 Esmâ'īliyân) is a branch or sub-sect of Shia Islam.The اسماعيليان :ʾIsmāʿīlīyah; Persian Ismāʿīlī get their name from their acceptance of Hazrath e Ismaʻil ibn Imam Jafar as the appointed spiritual successor (imām) to Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, wherein they differ from the Twelvers who accept Imam Musa al-Kadhim, younger brother of Hazrath e Ismaʻil, as the true Imām. Ismailis believe in the oneness of God, as well as the closing of divine revelation with Muhammad, whom they see as "the final Prophet and Messenger of God to all humanity". The Ismāʿīlī and the Twelvers both accept the same initial Imams. Among them only a very minor population of Dawoodi Bohra sect within the Ismaili Shia Muslims are living in the Indian state of Karnatka.

Dawoodi Bohras: The Dawoodi Bohras are a sect within the Ismā'īlī branch of Shia Islam. They are traced as Dawoodi, Taiyebi, Musta'li, Isma'ili, Shia, Muslims 7 . The Dawoodi Bohras are based mostly in India. The spiritual head of the Dawoodi Bohra community is called Al-Dai-al-Mutlaq (summoner with comprehensive authority). Dr Syedna Muffadal Saifuddin is the 53rd Al-Dai-al-Mutlaq8, son of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin, 98, is the 52nd Al-Dai-al-Mutlaq. The Dawoodi Bohras believe that the 20th imam, Mansur Al- Amir, instructed his grand emissary Syeda Arwa Binte Ahmad to establish the office of Al-Dai-al-Mutlaq. The Al-Dai-al-Mutlaq commands full authority to govern the Dawoodi Bohra community. He chooses his successor. It's said that the word Bohra is derived from Gujarati vehwhar, meaning trade.9 Small wonder that most Bohras are successful traders and entrepreneurs. Dawoodi Bohra men wear a traditional white three-piece outfit, and a white gold cap and the women wear the rida, a distinctive form of burqa. It's different from

5 muhammad-al-mahdi


7 Mustafa Abdulhussein (27 September 2001). Al-Dai Al-Fatimi, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin: an illustrated biography. Al-Jamea-Tus-Saifiyah. ISBN 978-0-9536256-0-4.


9 "Roots, culture and customs". The Straits Times. Retrieved 12 April2020.

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the common veil in that it can be coloured and with patterns. A closely-knit community, the Dawoodi Bohras seek advice from the Al-Dai-al-Mutlaq in all matters spiritual and temporal.103.

Shia Khoja: Khoja (also known as Shia Khoja) is an Armenian word which means respect (also the word derives Khawaja from Persian which means Honorable worshipful converter), their origins is from Indian business class (Lohanas from Vaisya class) of Hindu. Khoja believe & have faith in Shia Ithna Ashari of Jafri School with having mix ethnicity of Indo-Cutch-Kathiawar-Sindh.1112


Research History of Shi'a Islam in Karnataka State

Why do readers needed to know about Shia Muslims History of Karnataka state of India?

Knowing the past is extremely importanat for human beings. The past gives us insights into our evolving behavior in matters of life, love, mutuality, politics, war, diplomacy & peace.

Earliest Shia Islam in the Indian subcontinent

Shia Islam was introduced to the Indian subcontinent during the final years of the Rashidun Caliphate. The Indian subcontinent also served as a refuge for some Shias escaping persecution from Umayyads, Abbasids, Ayyubis and Ottomans (6th-13th Century). The immigration continued throughout the second millennium, until the formation of modern nation states. Shi'ism also won converts among the local population. Shia Islam has long history and deep roots in the subcontinent.

It is possible that by now the ‘twelver’ Shia’s had also made their appearance, first, amongst the Iranian and immigrants who flocked to Delhi. Ibn Battūta, who visited Delhi in the reign of Muḥmamad Tughluq (1324–51) reports that Sharīf Abū Ghurra of Najaf coming to India spent eight years in Daulatabād (Now in State), with a royal grant of two villages, and then went to Delhi where he received a large amount

10 11 "The Origin of the Khojas and their Religious Life Today." Ph.D. diss., Universit"t-Bonn, Untersuch. zum Allgemein Religionsgeschichte 8, 1936. 190 pp. 12

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from the Sultan. His dying within a short while of receiving this gift resulted in the amount being distributed ‘in alms to a community of Shiites from the Hijāz and al-Irāq living in Delhi’. There was similarly a settlement of Shia Muslims at Quilon in Kerala (Now Kollam city, Kerala State, South India), where they ‘proclaim’ their affiliation openly’.1314

However, the earliest major political influence was that of the Shia dynasties in Deccan Sultanate (Southern India). It was here that the indigenous and distinct Shia culture took shape. After the conquest of Golconda by Aurangzeb in the 17th century, and establishment of hereditary governorship in Awadh after his death, became the nerve center of Indian Shi'ism.

a Dutch merchant who lived in Agra between (1620 – 1627 AD), gives an account of people openly commemorating Muharram: -

"In commemoration of this tragedy, they wail all night for a period of ten days. The women recite lamentations and display grief. The men carry two decorated coffins on the main roads of the city with many lamps. Large crowds attend these ceremonies, with great cries of mourning and noise. The chief event is on the last night (Ashur), when it seems as if a Pharaoh had killed all the infants in one night. The outcry lasts till the first quarter of the day".

A similar liberty was noticed when Mahmud Balkhi visited Lahore in Muharram 1625 AD, he wrote:

"The whole city was commemorating Muharram with passion and enthusiasm. Tazias were taken out on the 10th and the shops were closed. However, a stampede due to failure of crowd control resulted in deaths of around 75 people".

13 H.A.R. Gibb, tr., Travels of Ibn Battuta, Indian reprint, New Delhi, 1993, Vol. I, p. 263.

14 C.F. Beckingham, tr., The Travels of Ibn Battuta, London, 1994, Vol. IV, p. 817.

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Earliest Shia Islam in Karnataka.

Shia Islam of the Bahmani Period (1347–1527).

Map of Bahamani Sultanate

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How was the Bahmani Sultanate founded? Alla-ud-din Hasan Gangu was a descendant of the legendary warrior Esfandiyar Goshtap. For long, scholars have argued with evidence that Allauddin was a general in Mohammad Bin Tughlaq’s army. He founded an independent Shi'a Muslim State, the Bahmani Sultanate in Gulbarga (now Kalaburagi), after rebelling against the Turkic Delhi Sultanate of Muhammad bin Tughlaq in 1347 AD.

The Bahmani Sultanate (also called the Bahmanid Empire or Bahmani Kingdom) was a Persianate Muslim state of the Deccan in South India and one of the major medieval Indian kingdoms. The Bahmanid Sultanate was the first independent Muslim kingdom in South India.15 After 1518 AD, the sultanate broke up into five states: Nizamshahi of Ahmednagar, Qutb Shahi of Golconda (Hyderabad), Barid Shahi of Bidar, Imad Shahi of Berar, Adil Shahi of Bijapur. They are collectively known as the “Deccan Sultanates”. Although the Bahmani sultanate practiced Shi'a Islam, the majority of the population adhered to Hinduism.

Mahmud Gawan in Bidar, Karnataka

Mahmud Gawan Madrasa was built by Mahmud Gawan, the Vizier of the Bahmani Sultanate as the centre of religious as well as secular education at Bidar City in Karnataka State, South India.


Rulers of the dynasty believed that they descended from Bahman, the mythological figure of Greater Iranian legend and lore. The Bahamani Sultans were patrons of the Persian

15 History of Bahamani Sultanate

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language, culture and literature, and some members of the dynasty became well-versed in that language and composed its literature in that language.


The Persianate Indo-Islamic style of architecture developed during this period was later adopted by the Deccan Sultanates as well.


Modern scholars have based their accounts of the Bahmani dynasty mainly upon the medieval chronicles of Firishta, Syed Ali Tabatabai, etc. Other contemporary works were Sivatatva Chintamani and Guru Charitra. Athanasius Nikitin traveled this kingdom.

The historic events at the court of the Hussain Nizam Shah of Deccan Sultanates were recorded by the three authors in the late sixteenth & early seventeenth centuries: Sayyid Ali bin Aziz 'ullah at-Tabatabai, Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah Astarabadi (known as Firishtah), & Rafi'i al-din Shirazi.

Sayyid Ali Tabatabai was born in semnan & came to the Ahmednagar court via Iraq (some parts of the safavid kingdom is known by this term) & Golconda. He wrote his History of the Bahamani dynasty & the Sultanate of Ahmedabad in the early seventeenth century. He was an eyewitness to many of the events that he described, & on occasion was also employed in the administration.

was a historian of Persian origin, was also an ,) ِفرشتہ :The second author, Faristah(Urdu insider in the court of the Nizam Shahs. He visited various places to collect materials and traditions for his book. Firistah went to the Bijapur court after the reign of Burhan Nizam Shah II & wrote Gulshan-i Ibrahimi (better known as Tarikh-i Firishtah) in 1606-07 CE. The third author, Rafi'i al-din Shirazi wrote 'The Tadhkirat ul-mulk' around 1608 CE.16

16 The Architecture of a Deccan Sultanate.

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Shia Islam of the Deccan Sultanates Period (1490 –1687).

Map of Deccan Sultanates

The Bijapur Sultanate (1490-1686). The Adil Shahi or Adilshahi, was a Shia Muslim dynasty, founded by Yusuf Adil Shah, that ruled the Sultanate of Bijapur (Now Vijayapura), centred on present-day Bijapur

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district, Karnataka State in India, in the Western area of the Deccan region of Southern India from 1489 to 1686.

Yusuf Adil Shah of Persian origin, the adopted son of a Shia scholar Mahmud Gawan, declared autonomy in Bijapur in 1489 AD after his father was executed by the drunk king, and proclaimed Shi ‘ism as the state religion in 1502 AD. Bijapur became the first Twelver Shia state in India, with Ja'fari, Hanafi and Shafi schools of Islamic law, each applied to its followers. It was the first time in India that Shia Adhan was called on the state pulpits and names of the twelve Shia Imams be included in Khutba. However, he strictly banned the practice of tabarra.17

Although the Bijapur sultanate practiced Shi'a Islam for some years, during Ibrahim Adil Shah I & Ibrahim Adil Shah II reign, Sunni Islam was the dominant religion practiced as written by Muhammad Qasim Firishta's Tarikh-e-Firishta.

Recently a landmark show was organized at the Metropolitan Museum in New York entitled ‘Sultans of Deccan’ India 1500-1700: Opulence & Fantasy. Brilliant presentation by Delhi born Dr Navina Najat Haider. Full of Deccan miniature presents civilization, paints, brilliant use of marbles, clouds in wind and master work in silver, gold, bronze and fabrics. The forgotten wonders cosmopolitan free thinking and inspired artisan brilliance of Adil Shah Culture “Shia form of Govt”.18

Indo-Islamic art and architecture

Bara Kaman (12 Arc) Historic Cannon (Malik e Maidan).

17 J. N. Hollister, "The Shi'a of India", pp. 113, Luzac and Co, London (1953). 18 By the Historian William Dalrympla- Times on May 2015.

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Note: Twelve names of Shia Islam's Imam on the front view of Cannon.

Gol Gumbaz in Bijapur, Karnataka Gol Gumbaz in Bijapur, Karnataka, has the second largest pre-modern in the world after the Byzantine Hagia Sophia.19 The Gol Gumbaz & Ibrahim are the famous example of the Deccan Sultanate style of Indo-.20 Note: Many Shia Muslims in the Indian state of Karnataka, have their historical family root connection from Bijapur City (Now Vijayapura) of the Deccan Sultanates.

Shi'ism in south India

Ibn Battuta reports a settlement of Shias at Quilon in Kerala in the first decades of the fourteenth century, where they ‘proclaimed their affiliation openly’. The Bahmani kingdom (1347–1526 AD) in the Deccan, had its capital in Gulbarga and then Bidar (in Karnataka) ruled by a dynasty of Persian origin. It patronised men of scholarship and hence Shia missionaries and scholars arrived in Deccan. In the phase of decline, it split up into five smaller kingdoms, three of them ruled by Shias.21

19 20 Karnataka Current Affairs Yearbook 2020 21 C.F. Beckingham, tr., "The Travels of Ibn Battuta", Vol. IV, p. 817, London, (1994). As cited in: S. A. N. Rezavi, "The State, Shia's and Shi'ism in Medieval India", Studies in People’s History, 4, 1, p. 32–45, SAGE (2017).

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The Bidar Sultanate (1492-1619)

The Barid Shahi dynasty is aslo know as Bidar Sultanate. Bidar sultanate was one of the Deccan sultanates of late medieval southern India. The sultanate was founded in 1492 by Qasim Barid, who was Georgian enslaved by Turks. He joined the service of the Bahmani sultān Muhammad Shah III. He started his career as a sar-naubat but later became the mir-jumla (prime minister) of the Bahmani sultanate. During the reign of Mahmud Shah Bahmani (r.1482 – 1518), he became the de facto ruler. In 1609, Amir Barid 111 was succeeded by the last ruler, Amir Barid III, who fought against the Mughals in 1616 under the leadership of Malik Ambar. In 1619, he was defeated by the Bijapur sultan Ibrahim Adil Shah II. Bidar was annexed to Bijapur sultanate. Amir Barid III and his sons were brought to Bijapur and kept "under surveillance". 22

The Golconda Sultanate (1512–1687)

Badshahi Ashurkhana Badshahi Ashurkhana, the first Imambargah (Ashur Khana) in the subcontinent, built in 1591 AD.

22 History of Bidar Sultanate (Yazdani, 1947, pp. 14).

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The longest surviving Shia-ruled state in southern India was that of the Qutb Shahs. Its founder Sultan Quli Qutb Mulk was of Turkoman origins. He ordered the Khutba to be read in the names of the twelve Shia Imams. This kingdom was known for its wealth: it was the only one among the Deccan sultanates to have a currency of gold coins. It became the hub of Shia culture in India, later surpassed only by Lucknow. Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah (1565–1612 AD) was the first Urdu poet to have compiled and published a divan and also the first to write a Marsiya in Urdu.23 A Shia scholar and scientist, Mir Muhammad Momin, came to Golconda in 1581 AD, and was assigned the task of designing the new capital Hyderabad, which was built in 1591 AD. The first Imambargah in India, by the name of "Badshahi Ashurkhana '' was built along with other monuments and buildings like Charminar, gardens of Ilahi , Jama Masjid, Colleges and Hospitals. In 1592 AD, the first time in recorded history, the flag ''Alam'' was erected at the Ashurkhana.24

The kingdom was at the center of diamond production and trade, not in Asia alone but across the world. Rich in agriculture as it was, it was also famous for its weapons industry, cloth, carpet, agriculture, diamond and gold mines.25 Its riches lured Mughal Empire to attack it and Shia religious and intellectual culture lost state patronage after it was annexed by Aurangzeb in 1687.

After the downfall of the Adil Shahi Dynasty. Shia Muslims migrated from Bijapur to many safe places including to Thyamagondlu village, Dobbespet village, Alipur village, Doddaballapur, Tumkur, Bengaluru, Shimoga, Karimpura, Kamlapur, Sira, Narasipura village, Bidar, Mysore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Manchar village, Mumbai & other parts of India.

The Twelvers Shia Muslims center moved from Bijapur city to Alipur Village in Karnataka State, South India.

The Berar Sultanate & Ahmednagar Sultanate was states of the Deccan Sultanate, The Ahmednagar Sultanate conquered Berar Sultanate in 1572. The Ahmednagar Sultanate is not located within the current borders of Karnataka state. There fore, the history of Ahmednagar Sultanate not included in this book.

In short, The Shi’a Muslim kingdom was known for its wealth: it was the only one among the Deccan sultanates to have a currency of gold coins & it was at the center of diamond production and trade, not in Asia alone but across the world. Rich in agriculture as it was, it was also famous for its weapons industry, cloth, carpet, agriculture, diamond and gold

23 "Read famous Poetry of Quli Qutub Shah". Rekhta. Retrieved 31 May 2019. 24 S. A. A. Rizvi, "A socio-intellectual History of Ishna Ashari Shi'is in India'', Vol. I, p. 307, Ma'rifat Publishing House, Canberra (1986). 25 J. N. Hollister, "The Shi'a of India", pp. 120–125, Luzac and Co, London (1953).

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mines. It became the hub of Shia culture in India & ruled in Karnataka state for three hundred forty years (340 Years), It was surpassed much later only by the city of Lucknow.

Doddaballapur (1700’s). Bengaluru Rural district in the state of Karnataka, India

Shia Doddaballapur Ashur khana in Karnataka. Fig1: View from Ashur Khana Fig2: Ashur Khana view from Entrance

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Shia Doddaballapur Ashur khana is said to have been built by Abbas Khuli Khan, in the 1700's26. The air was rent with the sorrow-filled voice of the man reading the marsiya (an Urdu lamentation with a tune) as people dressed in black walked in hordes through the swelling crowd to the Shia Muslim shrine in the town of Doddaballapur, north of Bengaluru. Annually, the 17th of the Islamic month of Muharram is when this town comes alive as it witnesses a huge gathering of Shia Muslims and peoples of other faith to commemorate the sacrifice made by the Holy Prophet’s grandson Hazrat Imam Hussain in Karbala, Iraq, in 680 AD. The historically famous Ashur khana (Shia Muslim place of worship) is where the majlis (mourning ceremony) took place. The majlis is followed by a procession where the Alam (Hussaini Flag), which is a symbol of the battle of Karbala, is taken out from the ashur khana. The alams are generally made of metal and shaped in the form of a hand.

Kingdom of Mysore (1759-1799)

Hyder Ali (1759-1782) Hyder Ali (Sayyid wal Sharif Hyder Ali Khan Bahadur) was born in Budikote, Kolar; he was Fath Muhammad's fifth child, and the second by his third wife.27

In an account, written by one of his French military officers, Hyder himself claimed descent from the Arabs Bani Hashim clan of the Quraysh, the tribe of Muhammad. His father, Fath Muhammad, was born in Kolar, and served as a commander of 50 men in the bamboo rocket artillery (mainly used for signalling) in the army of the Nawab of Carnatic. Hyder Ali Married to Fatima Fakhr-un-Nisa was the daughter of Mir Muin-ud-Din, the governor of the fort of Kadapa. Tippu Sultan successor son of Hyder Ali.

Shi'ism was introduced in Karnataka in 1565 AD when it became part of the Adil Shahi Dynasty. During the American War of Independence, a similar threat to the British expansion in India emerged under the leadership of a Hyder Ali (1766–1782 AD), who was the army commander of the Wadiyar Dynasty of Mysore and then founded the Khudadad Sultanate. He and his son Tipu Sultan appeared as the most formidable resistance to the colonial occupation. He was the most farsighted Indian of his time, like Akbar the Great,

26 Doddaballapur - Census of India, 2011 (Karnataka State). 27 Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan and the Struggle with the Musalman Powers of the South, Bowring,p.13.

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he realised the importance of secularism28, unity and modern science for the multicultural subcontinent29. He and his son Tipu Sultan used to commemorate Muharram30. They modernised the army, invented the iron-cased Mysorean rockets and significantly developed Mysore's economy. Tipu had deep love for Imam Ali a.s, he inscribed Asadullah-al Ghalib on weapons. He sent ambassadors to pay homage to Ali and Hussain in Iraq and ordered them to seek permission from Ottomon Emperor to build a canal from Euphrates to Najaf to meet the needs of clean water in the holy city.31

Tiger of Mysore (1782-1799) Tipu Sultan (born Sultan Mir Fateh Ali Sahab Tipu, 20 November 1750 – 4 May 1799), also known as Tipu Sahab or the Tiger of Mysore, was a ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore and a pioneer of rocket artillery. Tipu had an early education in subjects like Urdu, Persian, Arabic, Kannada, Quran, Islamic jurisprudence, riding, shooting and fencing.

He introduced various administrative innovations during his rule, including a new coinage system and calendar, and a new land revenue system which initiated the growth of the Mysore silk industry.The period of Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan witnessed a larger inflow of Muslims from other parts of India to Mysore (now part of South Karnataka).32

Portrait of Tipu Sultan

At that point in time, Iran was in turmoil and many Syeds (Muslims claiming descent from Muhammad, especially through Husayn, the prophet's younger grandson) and scholars migrated to different parts of India, some ended up in Mysore, which was building its military muscle. Looking for careers in military, many Syeds joined the army and some 2000 Iranian horse traders settled in Srirangapatna Fort33. Tipu tried to form a Mysore- Hyderabad- alliance against the ever-growing colonial exploitation of the British but failed. He also contacted the French counterpart, Napoleon, the Iranian Fath Ali Shah and the Afghan Zaman Shah for help, but the British managed to encircle and defeat him. In the last Anglo-Mysore war in 1799 AD, Mir Sadiq, Purnaiah and Qamar-ud Din Khan collaborated with the British. Syed Ghaffar, Syed Hamid and Muhammad Raza remained loyal to him till the end34. The Syeds fought hard under Syed Ghaffar and after his death, Tipu himself led the few soldiers defending the fort, but was unsuccessful and lost his life. Although Marathas had joined the British 1792 AD against Tipu, they had stayed neutral

28 Mohibbul Hasan, History of Tipu Sultan, ch. 21, Aakar Books (2005). 29 Irfan Habib, Confronting Colonialism: Resistance and Modernization Under Haidar Ali & Tipu Sultan, Anthem Press London (2002). 30 Mohibbul Hasan, History of Tipu Sultan, p. 79, Aakar Books (2005). 31 Mohibbul Hasan, History of Tipu Sultan, p. 378, Aakar Books (2005). 32 Part 1 - Shodhganga (Reference) 33 J. J. Bijarboneh, "The Socio-Economic Study among the Shia Muslims in Mysore City", Ch. 2, Lambert Academic Publishing, (2014). 34 Mohibbul Hasan, "History of Tipu Sultan", p. 373, Aakar Books (2005).

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this time. However, when the news of Tipu's death reached Pune, Baji Rao said that he had lost his right arm35. Marathas and Sikhs were going to be the next victims.

Source: Haider TV

After the death of the tiger of Mysore, Tipu Sultan, Shias left Srirangapatna Fort and settled in the Mysore city, and some migrated to Bengaluru. A Shia scholar Mirza Zain-ul Abideen Abid was appointed Mir Munshi by the Wadiyar king and he constructed an Imambargah "Rashk-e Bahisht" in Mysore around 1812 AD36.

METHODOLOGY This research project is mainly qualitative research. The present work aims to study Shia Muslims in the Indian state of Karnataka. The main data collection methods would be case studies, and books. Standard Anthropological techniques such as observation, interviews, case study, genealogy, participant observation method the rites, rituals, life cycle rituals, fairs and festivals and religious practices will be collected in different sacred complexes secondary information will be collected from the library, community associations, community leaders, minority cells established in different places. Earlier studies on the Muslim and other related materials are collected among the religious leaders.

35 Mohibbul Hasan, "History of Tipu Sultan", p. 322, Aakar Books (2005). 36 J. J. Bijarboneh, "The Socio-Economic Study among the Shia Muslims in Mysore City", Ch. 2, Lambert Academic Publishing, (2014).

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Shi'ism in Chikkaballapur District

Alipur Findings ALIPUR VILLAGE Chikkaballapur District, Karnataka State, South India The Twelvers Shia Islamic Center in Karnataka, India (Shia Ithna Ashari center in Karnataka, India.)

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Photo clicked from the rooftop of the building- Alipur village view.

"In 21th century Alipur Village became the Twelvers Shia Islamic center (Shia Ithna Ashari) in Karnataka State, South India".

Alipur is a village in Karnataka which has a majority of Shia Muslims with Hindu & Christian populations forming a minority. It is located off highway SH94, 55 km away from Kempegowda International Airport and 70 km from Bengaluru. Visiting Alipur is a new experience. Surrounded by nature's bounty, it is a unique village, harboring an estimated tens of thousands of Shias estimated as of 2020. Alipur is a village surrounded by mountains and famous for Gems and also livestock. Alipur is known as the ' Gems village of South India ' & enjoys a pleasant and also moderate climate throughout the year. Alipur has a handful of freshwater tanks around it.

The Alipur village has the Literacy rate of Allipura city is 82.95 % higher than state average of 75.36 % as per report released by the Census of India 2011. In Allipura, Male literacy is around 84.65 % while female literacy rate is 81.14 %. As per Allipura Religion Data 2011, Allipura city comprises of 82.98% Muslims, 16.44% Hindus, 0.32% Christians & 0.26 % others37. Urdu, Kannada, Telugu & Alipur sign language is the local Languages of Alipur village. The city has numerous Muslim structures such as Mosques and Askurkhanas.

The Socio-economic status of Shia Muslims of Alipur village.

37 "Allipura City Population Census 2011 - Karnataka". Retrieved 13 November 2018.

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Many of the educated graduates & traders migrated to Bengaluru for work & pursuing the benefits of an urban life. Some of them migrated to the (UAE) & other middle east countries for work & to live a better life. Despite this upward mobilization, many people of this village lack skills in trade & commerce, entrepreneurship, industrial skills, digital skills & women empowerment. Most of the people of this village are traders who are self-employed & some of them are educated professionals working in government entities, banking, hospitals, educational institutions & multi-national companies.

Many of the village girls get basic education & very few opt to pursue higher education. After completing education in their respective fields, they get married, a mainstay of Indian culture. At times, bridegrooms often demand assets from the bride’s family. Many of the women have skills in tailoring, teaching in educational institutions & very few works in hospitals. They also help out at the religious activities organized by many Shia Muslims Associations during the holy months (Muharram, , Ramzan & other months) by taking donations from Shia muslims of Alipur.

One of the biggest Mosque in Alipur village

1. Masjid e jafferia, Alipur In Alipur Mosques do prayers including Namaz, reading Holy Quran & after Prayer (Isha Namaz) followed by reading Dua e Tawassul on every Tuesday & Dua e Kumail on every Thursday.

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Dar uz Zehra in Alipur village, Karnataka

Late Moulana Abbas Hussain Baqri, the main founder of Dar uz Zehra which has around 4 acres of land. He was one among the persons to implement Iranian Islamic revolutions into Alipur village by educating people with Islamic knowledge and introducing Hijab for women. He also provided Ayurveda medicines. Late Moulana Abbas Hussain Baqri’s brother Hameed Hussain Baqri was also a famous poet in Alipur village History.38 More details regarding Alipur village’s history, modern Indo-, art & culture can be found in chapter 5.

Pothenahalli Findings Pothenahalli village (Also know as Alinagar) Taluk, Chikballapur District of Karnataka State, India.

38 Dar Uz Zehra Trust & Welfare, 2017.

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Photo clicked from the rooftop of the building- Pothenahalli village view.

Mr. Mir Kawnine Raza Saheb, a resident of Pothenahali village & Secretary of Anjuman e Hyderia says there is one Mosque ('Masjid e Hujjat Ul Asr a.s founded in the year 1950), two Askurkhana's ('Azakhana e Aal e Abu Talib A.S' & 'Babul Hawaij') & also there thousands of Shia Muslims (Twelvers-Shia Ithna Ashari) living at Pothenahali village in Karnataka State, South India. There is a registered body 'Anjuman e Hyderi' at Pothenahalli village for the welfare of people & religious activities including Majlis programs in the Holy month of Muharram, Jashn Programs & also Ramzan programs conducted with donations of the people of Pothenahali.

The Socio-economic status of Shia Muslims of Pothenahali village.

Many of the educated graduates migrated to Bengaluru for work & urban life. Some of them migrated to the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait & other middle East countries in pursuit of work and a better life. Still, many people of this village lack skills in entrepreneurship, industrial skills & women empowerment."Most of the people of this village are Educated & work in government posts like the additional secretary to the Government of Karnataka, Superintendent of Police, Deputy Superintendent of Police Managers in Banks, Doctors, Engineers, Teachers & many of the youth working in Multinational Companies". said by Mir Kawnine Raza

Many of these village girls get basic education & very few go for higher education. After completing education in their respective fields they get married per traditional Indian culture, whereas some groom’s demands assets from the bride’s family but sometimes if the groom's family is not demanding Dowry or Jahez it is considered normal.

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Many of this village woman have skills in Tailoring, teaching in Educational Institution & very few works in Hospital/MNC.

Masjid e Hujjath Al Asr (A.S) at Pothenahalli Ashurkha e Abu Talib & Babul Hawaej at Pothenahalli

During Eid Ul Fitr Moulana Lukhman Hyder - Imam e Juma, Masjid e Hujjathul Asr walking along with Shia Muslim community towards .

The total estimated Shia Muslims population is in tens of thousands at Gauribidanur Constituency in Chikkaballapur district, Karnataka State, India.

The number of Shia Muslims Masjids, Ashur Khanas, & Anjumans at Gauribidanur Constituency in Chikkaballapur district, Karnataka State, India.

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Chart 18 16 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 Alipur Village Pothenahalli Village

Masjids Ashur Khanas Anjumans Cemeteries

There are tens of thousands estimated Shia Muslims (The Twelvers-Shia Ithna Ashari) living at Gauribidanur Constituency in Chikkaballapur district, Karnataka. They have four Mosques (Masjids), eighteen Askurkhanas, two registered Anjumans, two cemeteries and many registered educational and social welfare associations.

Chart Title 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Low level Medium level High level

Alipur village Pothenahalli village

In this figure, the socio-economic status of Shia Muslims at Gauribidanur Constituency in Chikkaballapur district of Karnataka State is shown.

The socio-economic status of Alipur village

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In the first or low level, there are 325 members 32.5%; in the second or medium level, there are 425 members 42.5%; and in the third or high level, there are 250 members 25%.

Economic status; Social status; Socio-Economic status of Alipur village

Low level: 45 % Low level: 20 % Low level: 32.5 %

Mid level: 40 % Mid level: 45 % Mid level: 42.5 %

High level: 15 % High level: 35 % High level: 25 %

The socio-economic status of Pothenahalli village

In the first or low level, there are 240 members 24%; in the second or medium level, there are 540 members 54%; and in the third or high level, there are 220 members 22%.

Economic status; Social status; Socio-Economic status of Pothenahalli village.

Low level: 23 % Low level: 25 % Low level: 24 %

Mid level: 63 % Mid level: 45 % Mid level: 54 %

High level: 14 % High level: 30 % High level: 22 %

Eventually, recognition of cultural identity and the influences of globalization on their economy are also remarkable aspects of these changes.

Shi'ism in Bengaluru District

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Bengaluru Urban Findings Bengaluru

Bengaluru Urban in the state of Karnataka, India

1. Shi’ism in Shanthinagar constituency in Bangalore Central Lok Sabha Constituency

1.1 Richmond Town in Shanthinagar constituency

Early History of the Twelvers Shia Muslim in Bengaluru

Masjid-e-Askari, Richmond Town

“The Masjid-e-Askari was built in 1909 and was later renovated by Agha Ali Asker, grandson of Sir Mirza Ismail in the late 1930s. Mirza Ismail was the dewan of Mysore and his family continues to stay near the mosque,” said Ali.

One of the founding principles of the mosque was to bring people together in the spirit of brotherhood, irrespective of caste and creed, said Mansoor Ali. Before his demise in 1891, Agha Ali Asker willed Rs 800 to build a place of worship for the community.

“The land where the Masjid-e-Askari stands today is part of Aga Ali Asker’s property, which once also included a huge horse shelter from where he supplied Persian horses to the British administrators,” said Dhanpal M, who leads the Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation’s sightseeing bus service Bengaluru Darshini. Years ago, he tracked down the graves of Aga Ali Asker’s descendants. According to Dhanpal, Asker’s home

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(called Arab Lines) was a large, two-storeyed structure located near the mosque. The pistachio-coloured building was razed a few years ago.

Sufi saints from the North are believed to have introduced Islam in Karnataka over 800 years ago. Also, the continuous trade contacts of the Arabs along the west coast spread Islam from Kerala to Karnataka. Adding to this was the influence of the Bahamanis, Bijapur (Adil Shahi rulers) and subsequently Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan. They set up military centres in the region and their officers, it is believed, stayed back and married local people.39

Sir Mirza Muhammad Ismail - Amin-ul-Mulq

Mirza Ismail was born on 24 October 1883 in Bengaluru into a Persian family, who fled Persia and took refuge under the wings of the Maharaja of Mysore. He was the grandson of Ali Asker.40

Sir Mirza Muhammad Ismail - Amin-ul-Mulq, KCIE, OBE (24 October 1883 – 5 January 1959) was an Indian statesman who was the Diwan (Prime Minister) of the Kingdoms of Mysore, Jaipur, and Hyderabad41.

In 1926 on the recommendation of Visvesvaraya, the King supplemented Mirza Ismail by elevating him to the coveted position of the Diwan of Mysore42. The Bengaluru Town Hall was

built by the King of Mysore and designed by Mirza Ismail. The first rural electrification program in India was also implemented by him.

In 1941, he joined the Kingdom of Jaipur in Rajasthan as the Prime Minister. The chamber of commerce in Jaipur duly recorded the regime of Sir Mirza Ismail was "the beginning of the Industrial era of Jaipur".

In 1946, he finally accepted and became Diwan of Hyderabad, also called Sadar-i-Azam (Prime Minister), during the difficult years of 1946–48 of the Princely State of Hyderabad, while Lt. General Mir Osman Ali Khan (r.1911–48). Hyderabad was a ruler.

39 Economictimes- the untold-tale-of-bengalurus-110-year-old-persian-shia-cemetary-masid-e- askari/articles. 40 Koppal, Basavaraj. "Hyderabad Liberation - 10". Archived from the original on 29 July 2013. Retrieved 1 January 2018. 41 P. 254-258, Business Legends by Gita Piramal (1998) – Published by Viking Penguin India.

42 "Welcome to Mysore Dasara" Archived from the original on 26 August 2007.

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Sir Mirza Ismail penned his memoirs under the title ‘My Public Life’ published in 1954 before his death on 5 January 1959 at his house Windsor lodge in Bengaluru.

Commemorating Muharam at Richmond Town (Sir Mirza Ismail Nagar) in Bengaluru Urban

Majlis e Aza e Hussain at Masjid e Askeri Procession (Matam e Hussain Juloos)

Dressed in black, the mourners began the procession at Masjid-e-Askari near Johnson Market and slowly moved towards the Persian Shia cemetery nearby.

On 21st Sept 2018, thousands of Shia Muslims congregate at Masjid-e-Askari in Richmond Town and proceed towards the 19th century Persian Shia Cemetery on Hosur Road. Dressed in black, they participated in the annual juloos (procession on the 10th day of Muharram) to commemorate the tragic battle of Karbala in which Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, and his family members were being martyred in Iraq around 680 CE. During this time of the year, the area around the heritage Johnson Market is normally enveloped in mourning.

According to Mansoor Ali, founder, Bengaluru by Foot, this is the largest congregation of Shias in Bengaluru. “The Ashurkhana (shrines) or Imambaras next to the mosque are open to people of all faiths. People distribute alms, food, water and sharbat (juice) during the procession,” he said.

The origin of the procession dates back to Aga Ali Asker, a Persian trader who made Bengaluru his home in 1824. Ali Asker willed a major part of his wealth to build schools

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and places of worship, mostly in the present-day Richmond Town area. The Masjid-e- Askari is named in his memory.43

Anjuman-e-Imamia was registered by the registrar of Societies, Government of Mysore in the year 1939 under the Registrar of Societies Act 1904 V - 5 1939 which was the body pursuing the overall socio-economic, cultural and religious development of the community.

Now, the present Anjuman is doing its best to solve all the pressing issues such as the development of Anjuman properties, distribution of educational scholarships, providing medical aid, allocation of monthly pensions, issuing Nikah Namas, conducting regular deeniyat classes for boys and girls.

The organization is also coordinating with the authorities of different civic bodies in conducting of Ramadan festivities, Eid Ul Azha and Muharram activities.44

Masjid e Askeri at Richmond Town, Bengaluru Sabeel e Imam e Hussain at Richmond Town

• There are 5 Anjuman's (1. Anjuman e Imamia, Richmond Town, Bengaluru Urban, 2. Anjman e Abu Talib (as), RT Nagar, Bengaluru Urban, 3. Anjuman e Sajjadia, Sulibele, Bengaluru Rural District, 4. Anjuman e Hyderia, Doddaballapur, Bengaluru Rural District, & 5. Anjuman e Hyderi, Thyamugondlu, Bengaluru Rural District., 2 Shia committees (1. Masjid e Askeri & Shia Qabrastan Managing Committee, Richmond Town, Bengaluru Urban, & 2. Idara e Faizul Islam, Shia committee in Neelasandra, Bengaluru Urban) & Social development trusts (Al Risalat charitable trust, Yeshwanthpur, Bengaluru Urban, 2. Al Mustafa charitable

43 Economictimes- the untold-tale-of-bengalurus-110-year-old-persian-shia-cemetary-masid-e- askari/articles. 44

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trust, Bhoopsandra, Bengaluru Urban, 3. Ahlul Bait a.s Educational & Welfare Trust, Austin Town Bengaluru, 4. Imamia Education & welfare trust, Shivaji Nagar, Bengaluru, 5. Al Kisa Education & welfare trust, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, & 6. Mission Imam Hussain trust) in Urban & Rural Bengaluru.

In Bengaluru, the estimated population of Shia Muslims is in tens of thousands (The Twelvers & The Ismaili Dawoodi Bohra).

Babul Hawaeij at Richmond Town, Bengaluru Public & private Askurkanas of Richmond town (Sir Mirza Nagar) are 1.Babul Hawaej, 2.Babul Murad, 3.Hussainia-Saqqa-e-Sakina (a.s.), 4.Darbar-e-Hyderi, 5.Late Aga Ali Askar Wakf Ashurkhana Imambara-e -Askari a.s, 6.Late Aga Mohammed Jaffer’s Ashurkhana 7.Late Aga Mohammed Enrahim’s Ashurkhana 8.Late Aga Abbas Ali’s Ashurkhana, 9.Late Alhaj Mirza Hashim Raza’s Ashurkhana 10.Late Kubra Begum’s Ashurkhana 11.Late Buddan Sab and Late Babni Sab’s Ashurkhana, 12.Late Alhaj Aga Mohammed Hussain’s Ashurkhana 13.Late Alhaj Abdul Hameed’s (Chotu) Ashurkhana) 14.Darul Qaim Alhaj Nawab Sartaj Hassan Mirza’s Azakhana, 15.Moulana Alhaj Nawab Raza Ali Khan’s Azakhana, 16.Late Aga Mohammed Hussain Mullazada’s Azakhana, 17.Arman-e-Zainab Ashurkhana, 18.Late Mir Gulam Ali Madani’s Ashurkhana, 19.Late Alhaj Sultan Ali Haji Nassur’s ashurkhana, 20.Azakhana-e -Shehzada Qasim (A.S.), 21.Asurkhana at Alhaj Akbar Ali Badami’s res ”ATAE FIZZA”, 22.Ashurkhana-e- Fahtima Kubra, 23.Hussain e Chowk & 24.Kashana-e-Zehra s.a,

There are very few more private Ashur Khanas in other areas of Bangalore are 1.Janab Nissar Hussain’s Ashurkhana at Viveknagar, 2.Late Nawab Abul Hassan’s Azakhana at Hayes Road, 3.Late fathima begum’s Ashurkhana at Cooke town, 4.Asurkhana at Ahmed nagar,Mysore Road, 5.Alhaj Mirza Mohd Mehdi’s Asurkhana at Edward Road, 6.Alhaj syed nasir raza wasti’s Ashurkhana at Koramangala, 7.Azakhana-e-Qasre Hussaini at HAL

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8.Imambara-e- Tamanna-e-Zainab at Marathahalli, & 9.Azakhana-e-Shahe-Qurasaan at Chinanpalya, Bannerghatta Road45.

Hussain Day

(Most popular program of Imam Hussain)

Hussain Day in Bengaluru, Karnataka

Mr. Syed Mujtaba Hussain Kirmani, Former Indian Cricketer, at the 27th Annual Hussain Day Convention on STAND FOR UNITY held on 13th October 2019 at Shia Aramgah (Persian Cemetery) Bengaluru, India. In 1992, the Hussain Day program was initiated by Aga Sultan Murthuza (Educationist, Social Worker & Spokesperson of KPCC, 2019) in Bengaluru India. Each year Janab Aga Sultan saheb organize the Hussain Day conversation & bring all the leaders from all faiths, under one roof, irrespective of caste, creed or color to spread the message of Imam Hussain. His message stands for humanity aa a religion. It is a call for the brotherhood of mankind, peace & harmony.46

45 ShiaBengaluru Blog. 46

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1.2 Anepalya, Neelasandra in Bengaluru Urban

Masjid e Al Qaim a.s, Anepalya Maidan e Hussaini

Hussainia Ashurkhana at Neelasandra, Bengaluru

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Public & private Askurkanas of Aneplaya in Neelasandra, Bangalore are

1. Ashurkhana-e- Hussaini a. s, 2. Asthana-e-Hussain a. s, 3. Late Alhaj Anwar Nassur’s Ashurkhana, 4. Late mirza karim Ali’s Azakhana, 5. Ashurkhana Panjatani, & 6. Ashurkhana-e-Babul Hawaij (A.S).

2. Bangalore North Lok Sabha Constituency

2.1 Divanarapalya in Yeshvanthapura Legislative Assembly constituency

Masjid e Imam Raza a.s, Yeshwanthpur Babul Hawaej, Yeshwanthpur

2.2 Hegde Nagar in Byatarayanapura Assembly Constituency

Mr Iqbal Saheb, President of Al Risalath Charitable Trust & a resident of Boopsandra says that there is a Shia Muslims Cementery called Najafabad under Al Risalath Charitable Trust, Yashwanthapur at Hegde Nagar in Bangalore. He also says that in Najafabad there is an Ashurkhana, Eidgah, Ghusool Khana & Graveyard exclusively for Shi'a Ithna Ashari community.

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Najafabad cementery at Hegde Nagar in Bangaluru.

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3. Basavanagudi (Vidhan Sabha constituency) in Bangalore South Lok Sabha constituency.

ISMAILI SHIA ISLAM 2nd Branch of Shia Islam

Dawoodi Bohra Masjid in Bengaluru, Karnataka

Research History Dawoodi Bohras are a subset of Islam. They are traced as: Isma'ili Dawoodi Shia Islam. The Dawoodi Bohra sect is a Shia sect and is also referred to as the Tayyabī Musta'lī Ismā'īlī sect. The Isma'ilis were split from the Ithna Ashari (Twelver) Shias over the succession issue of Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq. The Isma'ilis consider Isma'il bin Jafar as their Imam whereas the Ithna Ashari Shia consider Musa Kazim bin Jafar Al-Sadiq as their Imam. Moulai Abdullah was the first Walī al-Hind (Wali meaning representative) in the era of Imam Mustansir (427–487 AH). Moulai Abdullah and Moulai Nooruddin were originally from and went to Cairo, Egypt, to the Imam's court in search of knowledge. They came to India in 467 AH as missionaries of the Imam. Moulai Ahmed was also their companion.

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Dā'ī Zoeb appointed Moulai Yaqoob after the death of Moulai Abdullah, who was the second Walī al-Hind of the Fatimid dawat. Moulai Yaqoob was the first person of Indian origin to receive this honour under the Dā'ī. He was the son of Moulai Bharmal, minister of Hindu Solanki King Siddhraja Jaya Singha (Anhalwara, Patan). With Minister Moulai Tarmal, they had accepted the Fatimid dawat along with their fellow citizens on the call of Moulai Abdullah. Moulai Fakhruddin, the son of Moulai Tarmal, was sent to western Rajasthan, India, and Syedi Nooruddin went to the Deccan (death: Jumadi al-Ula 11 at Don Gaum, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India). The Dawoodi Bohras, a Shia sub-sect of traders hailing predominantly from Gujarat, are a business community reputed for their image of being wealthy, progressive and incredibly close-knit. The Bohra population in India is estimated to be around 500,000+, with an equal number of diasporic members settled in various parts of the world. Although many Bohras follow a host of professions, the hardware business is their mainstay. At the mosque, their surnames — Bandookwala, Carpetwala, Rangoonwala, Palanpurwala — signify their place of origin or trade. The word Bohra itself comes from the Gujarati word for trade, vehawar.4748 49

Ismaili Jamatkhana Bengaluru

Ismaili Islam Mosque's There are three Masjid's in Bengaluru. Of these, Qutbi Masjid is the oldest and is located at the heart of the city at Basappa circle, close to the central trading area called City Market. Burhani Masjid is located at the other end in Gottigere along Bannerghatta road. The newest Mohammedi Masjid is in JP Nagar (Saifee Nagar) adjacent to Fakhri Markaz whose Iftetah (opening) was done on Friday, 18th January 2019 by Aqa Moula (TUS). The three masjids connected the city from north to south and are almost equidistant from each other, each Masjid has its own Jamaat and faizul mawaid thali distribution each day.

Madrasa (Modern Education Center) Al-Madrasa-tus Saifiyah-tul Burhaniyah is the premier educational institution in the Dawoodi Bohra community inculcating the ICSE curriculum with a strong sense of cultural

47 Blank, Jonah (2001). Mullahs on the mainframe: Islam and modernity among the Daudi Bohras. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p. 11. ISBN 0226056767. OCLC 923455839.

48 "Be patriotic, Syedna urges Dawoodi Bohras". Deccan Chronicle. 20 October 2019.

49 Jyoti Shelar (13 May 2017). "Studying the Koran, and also Einstein". The Hindu.

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and social values and an acute focus on the teaching of his holiness Dr. Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin (TUS) 53rd Dai-al-Mutlaq. Located close to Burhani Masjid at CK Palya, the institute is the educational home of a majority of the junior faithful students (Mu’minin) of Bengaluru.5051 Shaikh Yunus bhai, PR Anjuman e Saifee & a resident of Bengaluru Urban says that there are thousands of Dawoodi Bohra Ismaili Shia Muslims living in Bengaluru with three Mosques, an educational institution, a Ziyarat of Shehzadi Batul bai Saheba r.a in Burhani Masjid & Graveyard of Ismaili Islam at Bengaluru District in Karnataka State, South India. The anjumans of Dawoodi Bohra are Anjuman e Taiyabi Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat Bengaluru & Anjuman e Saifee Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat Bengaluru. Women in ridahs, the bright skirt and head cloth. Men in exquisite gold-embroidered topis, saya (overcoat) and kurta-izhar (pyjama). Bridal make-up is another area of interest of Dawoodi Bohra's women.

50 (Bengaluru Jamaat Website). 51

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Bangalore Rural District Findings Doddaballapur Finding: Doddaballapur Town Bengaluru Rural District in Karnataka, India

Shi’a Doddaballapur Ashur Khana in Karnataka. The 17th Muharram’s large event has an interesting history behind it. According to Khaiser Hussain, a resident of Bengaluru and a regular visitor to this ashur khana, the alams, that are taken out in this procession were found in a well by a non-Muslim a short way from the ashur khana, around 300 years ago. Of these Alams, which were found in such fascinating circumstances, only one remains. “Around thousand people walked from Bengaluru to Doddaballapur for the event,” says Taqi Mohammed, a resident of Bengaluru. Saeed Abbas, who has come for the majlis, says that there are stalls offering refreshments to these travellers all along the way from Bengaluru. Religious harmony is something that makes this event stand out. Apart from the history behind how the alams were found, this event is attended by people from all faiths and not just Shias. An Urdu poem read out at the majlis which states that Hindus will commemorate the sacrifice of Hazrat Hussain exemplifies this harmony.

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The procession is also famous for the matam that mourners do to remember the sacrifice made at Karbala. The procession ends at the well (now dry) where the alams were found and at sunset as people light candles at the ashur khana, the soft reassuring light signifies the end of this once-a-year gathering.52

Bakhar Abbas whose native is Doddaballapur & a resident of Bengaluru Urban says that there are hundreds of Shia Ithna Ashari Muslims live in Doddaballapur with a historical Doddaballapur Shia Ashur Khana attached with a Mosque with an appointed Scholar Moulana Mir Shariyar Ali saheb for Jumma Jamaat namaz & have a registered body called 'Anjuman e Hyderia, Doddaballapur' for the religious activities & also which helps community socio-economic development at Doddaballapur town.

Thyamagondlu Finding

'Thyamagondlu' Village

Nelamangala taluk of Bengaluru Rural district in the state of Karnataka in India.

Masjid e Hyderi, Thyamagondlu

The term 'Thyame' means Herbal leaves & 'Gond' in Kannada refers to tribal peoples who live all over India's Deccan Peninsula.

It began to attract attention following the arrival of Mir Abbas Hussain Najafi's families, Mirza's families along with few other shia muslims families. Mir Abbas Hussain Najafi

52 sacrifice/article20701015.ece#.

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was well known as Kotwal saheb (Police Commissioner) in Thyamagondlu village. He was a descendant from the 'Najafi' tribe & Sadat family who migrated from Bijapur following the downfall of Adil Shahi dynasty in Bijapur. Moreover, few other Shia Muslims migrated after the downfall of Tippu Sultan kingdom.

*During the Sultanate, Kotwal saheb refers to those who have been assigned the task of Police Commissioner.

Unfortunately, at the beginning of the 19th century, there were epidemic diseases (some people say that such 'plagues' caused many people to lose lives including Abbas Hussain Najafi (Kotwal) Saheb's grandson Mir Taqi Ali Najafi which led Kotwal Saheb's grandsons’ families & their relatives to migrate to Alipur village which is nearest to Thyamagondlu Village. However, Mir Taqi Ali Najafi's elder brother Mir Shafi Ali Najafi family migrated to Chennai, Tamil Nadu & his younger brother Mir Asker Ali Najafi family migrated to Mysore city in Karnataka, India.53

Babul Haweij, Thyamagondlu

Mr. Ali Mirza saheb, Secretary of Anjuman e Hyderi, was originally from the Thyamagondlu village but was a resident of Bangalore Urban and a retired Bank employee. He noted that there are hundreds of Twelvers Shia Muslims (including some of

53 Aqeel Abbas obtained this information from the biography of Mir Taqi Ali Najafi (Taqi Saheb) & noted during sayings of Late Zamindar Karrar Hussain Najafi in the year 2008. Mir Karrar Hussain Najafi Saheb was born in Thyamagondlu village but was raised & buried at Alipur village in Chikkaballapur District.

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Beerganahalli village Shia Muslims families which is located close to Thyamagondlu) living at Thyamagondlu village & there is a Shia Muslims Mosque (Masjid e Hyeri, Thyamagondlu) under the guidance of Moulana Azam Ali jafferi saheb Imam e Jumma Jam'at Masjid e Hyderi, a Babul Hawaeij Ashurkhana & also a graveyard (Shia Qabrastan) exclusively for Shia muslims. He also says that a Mosque was founded in the 18th century & later it was reconstructed in the 1950's.

The Socio-economic status of Shia Muslims of Thyamagondlu village.

Many of the educated graduates migrated to Bengaluru for work and in pursuit of an urban life. However, many people of this village lack skills in entrepreneurship, industrial skills & women empowerment. "Most of the people of this village are educated and work in government posts like Superintendent of Police, Deputy Superintendent of Police, managers in banks, engineers & teachers'' but families of Shia Muslims living in Beerganahalli village are not well educated & very poor so they travel to Thyamagondlu village for for Friday prayers & to do Azadari.

Sulibele Findings Sulibele Village Hosakote taluk of Bengaluru Rural district, Karnataka, India.

Masjid e Imamia, Sulibele Janab Inayath Saheb, married & a resident of Sulibele village says that there are hundreds of Shia Muslims (The Twelvers) living at Sulibele village in Bengaluru District with one

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Mosque called 'Masjid e Imamia'. Sulibele was founded by Mirza Sajjad Ali Baig in the year 1960.At present Moulana Raza Agha Rizvi Saheb is Jummah Jamaat Imam.There is an Ashurkhana (Aza Khana e Hazrat Abul Fazili Abbas a.s), a graveyard & a registered body ‘Anjuman e Sajjadia, Sulibele’ exclusively for for Shia Muslims.

Aza khana e Hazrath e Abul Fazlil Abbas a.s, Shia Qabrastan Sulibele

The estimated Shia Muslims population is in tens of thousands at Bengaluru Urban & Rural district in Karnataka State, South India.

The graphic chart shows total number of Shia Muslim’s Masjids, Ashur Khanas, Anjumans & cementries at Bengaluru Urban & Rural in the Indian state of Karnataka.

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Chart Title 10 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

Masjids Public Ashur Khanas Anjumans Cemetery

The Bengaluru Urban & Rural having total nine Shi’a Mosques (six Shi’a Itna Asheri & three Shi’a Dawoodi Bohra), sixteen total public Askurkhanas (Including one Dawoodi Bohra Ashurkhana), eight Anjumans (Including two Dawoodi Bohra Anjumans), seven Shi’a Muslims cemeteries (Including two Dawoodi Bohra cemetries), many registered educational & social welfare associations.

Level of Socio-Economic status 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Low Level Medium Level High Level

Level of Socio-Economic status

In this figure, the social and economic status of Shia Muslims in Bengaluru Urban & Rural district, Karnataka State is demonstrated. In the first or low level, there are 47 members 18.8%; in the second or medium level, there are 157 members 62.8%; and in the third or high level, there are 46 members 18.4%. Eventually, recognition of cultural identity and the influences of globalization on their economy are also remarkable aspects of these changes.

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Shi'ism in Mysore District

Mysore city Finding Mysore City

A city in India's southwestern Karnataka state, India

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Masjid e Jafary, Mysore

Anjuman e Hussainia, Mysore

In Mysore, the estimated Shia Muslims population is in the thousands (Twelvers-Shia Ithna Ashari).

Mr. Sadat aged 40 noted that there are 26 Ashurakhanas in Mysore out of which 23 are managed by donations of people and three more belong to the Association of Jafari Mosque in Mysore: Hussainia Association, Bab-ul-Hawaij and Jelvezar Husseini which are supported by Jafaria Mosque.

Figure 1. Ashurkhana in Mysore

Ashorakhanas at the homes of people: Ali Hussein, Askari Imam Bara, Fayazi, Ghazali and Mir Gholam Hussein, Mirza Ghanbar Ali in (Lashkar Mohalla). Hassan Najafi, Mir Maghbol Hussein, Mir Moheb Hussein, Arman Leila Khanom, Azakhana Zainabia, Azakhana (Shamim) Taher Ali, Azakhana Nosrat, Azakhane Rashke Behesht, Azakhana Alijan, Azakhana Chachi, Niazmand Ali, Mirza Taher Ali, Mir Abul-Fattah, Mir Mottaghi Ali (in Mandi Mohalla) Mir Nasir Ali, Mir Naser Ali, Mirza Karam Ali, Mir Hashem Ali, Mir Sajed Hussein (in Udayagiri) Khoja Yusuf Ali, Mirza Ehsan Ali (Bani Mantab)

Some of the Shias rituals in Mysore: Muharram is very much observed in Mysore including the eating customs, clothing customs, etc. Usually, in Muharram, people wear white or black clothes; since they are more popular. These clothes are blank and without any patterns. About the type of food, we have to say that in the first 10 days of Muharram, they try not to eat meat, some of them do not drink water and fast on the Day of Ashura. What is more observed in the month of Muharram is giving food, i.e., lunch and dinner on the

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days of Tasua and Ashura in Jafaria Mosque and some Ashorakhanas like Rashke Behesht. On other days as well, every family that wishes to give food sends it to the mosque or gives its expenses so that food is given to the mourners in the mosque. Before supper, they serve tea, i.e., Indian tea made of tea leaves and milk and for supper, they usually have vegetarian food and after that, they serve mutton Biryani or chicken Biryani with bread and cucumber, etc.

On the 7th day of Muharram, Kids march in front and a horse, covered with a white sheet that has red spots of symbolic blood and arrows on it, march in front of the crowd of mourners.

The mourners, accompanied by a noha khan (lament reciter) who tries to increase Husseini's enthusiasm. I was among the mourners taking photos and picturing them. They gather in one Ashoorkhana and recite elegies there; after that, the flag (Alam) and the horse with symbols of blood start moving in the front. These symbols signify the memory of Karbala and the battle of Imam Hussein (PBUH) for the mourners. Also, one person on another horse who carries a flag (Alam) decorated with jasmine flowers—as an Indian culture symbolizing Hazrat Ghasem-starts (a.s) moving with the group of mourners.

Groups of children and youngsters as well as other mourners are observed in different circles in these rows. Of course, Mysore police tries to provide the ceremony with security. After that, they pass Mandi Mohalla Street and reach another Ashorakhana. They get Tabarrok tea and other drinks there. Women in various Ashorakhana also perform their mourning by reciting elegies. Muharram rituals in Mysore are one of the most outstanding religious ceremonies during which every night families give food to the mourners in Masjid Jafari and the mourners eat dinner in the mosque. This food is called Tabarrok or offering for Imam Hussein (PBUH). On the Day of Ashura, Shias of Mysore fast from morning till afternoon and eat nothing. This is called Fakhah. They even do not talk to anyone. They consider these rituals as parts of the Muharram ceremony. Here, most Shias talk in Urdu and some others are fluent in English.

Mysore is a good and secure place for Muslims. Wealth and education are considered as two important factors of social position here. However, it seems that those who have higher education are respected far more. As for migration, Shias of Mysore mostly go to Hyderabad and Bengaluru, especially Bengaluru which is closer to Mysore. It is better for both working and also for a good lifestyle.

As for international destinations of immigration, most immigrants go to Arab countries like the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, etc. Smaller numbers go to Western countries such as parts of Europe, Australia, Canada, etc.

Interestingly, Mysore also witnesses incoming migrants as well from Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Mumbai. Hindus and Sunnis compared to other minorities like Christians,

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Buddhists, etc. are the majorities in Mysore. Marriage rituals among Shias are almost like the ones among Hindus in which the whole expenses have to be paid by the girl’s family; but if a boy wants to pay the expenditure, there is no problem with that.

In the current day, the system of solving problems with the mediation of elderly people among Shias still persists. They usually solve their problems themselves and hardly go to the police to solve them legally; except for bigger problems. In religious ceremonies, the managing board of the Jafaria Mosque often collects some gifts and donations from people and spends it on Tabarrok food and on helping the poor. Moreover, if someone needs financial support for funeral ceremonies, etc. the board helps him. This helping is carried out at weddings and funerals. Leisure time for the people of Mysore is going to historical places like Tipu Sultan, Mysore Palace, market, park, etc.54

Sajjadia Ashur Khana

54 Anthropological Perspective Study on the Muslims in Mysore City-India (Case study Shia Muslims) Jalal Jafarpour Irani.

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Darbar e Hyderi Ashur Khana Rashk -e-Behist Ashur Khana

Azakhana e Jalwazare Hussain a.s (Photos credit: Haider TV)

Periyapatna Findings Periyapatna Town in Mysore District, Karnataka, India

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Mr.Najam Saheb is a married man & his native is Periyapatna town but a resident of Bengaluru Urban says there are hundreds of Shia Muslims (Twelvers) living in Periyapatna with having one Mosque (Masjid e Baqari with Jumma Jama'at Moulana Azadar Hussain Rezvi ), total nine Ashur Khanas (Aza Khana e Zainabia, Aza Khana e Umme Kulsum, Aza Khana e Hazrath e Abbas a.s, Aza Khana e Qasim a.s, Anjuman e Hussainia Ashurkhana, Hazrath e Abbas a.s Ashurkhana, Hyder e Ashurkhana, Hazrath e Abbas a.s Ashurkhana & Saqqa e Sakina s.a Ashurkhana) & a Shia Muslims welfare body 'Anjuman e Hussainia' for religious activities & social development at Periyapatna in Mysore District.

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Shi'ism in Tumkur District

Tumkur Town Tumkur district in Karnataka State, South India.

Astan e Ahlebait a.s, Tumkur

Masjid e Mehdia a.s Al Mehdi boys Hostel

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Mr Shabeer Saheb, the Secretary of Anjuman e Mehdia & a resident of Tumkur city says that there are hundreds of Shia Ithna Ashari Muslims (families) living in Tumkur city with having a Ashurkhana called 'Astan e Ahlebait a.s,Tumkur' which was constructed in the year of 1996, a Shia Muslims Mosque 'Masjid e Mehdia a.s' founded in the year 2007 but completed in 2013 & Since1992 there is a registered body called 'Anjuman e Mehdia' for religious activities & Socia-Economic development of Shi'a Muslims community at Tumkur city in Tumkur District. He also says that there is a Hostel called 'Al Mehdi boys Hostel' under the Anjuman e Mehdia in which they are offering best accomodation for higher studies students for Shia Muslims community & Appointed a scholar Moulana Syed Ammar Hyder Zaidi saheb for for Imam e Jumma Jama'at of Masjid e Mehdia a.s, Tumkur city.

Hovalanahalli Findings

Holavanahalli (Also known as 'Karimpur') Koratagere taluk of Tumkur district in Karnataka, India.

Masjid e Abidi founded in Holavanahalli (Karimpur)

In 1925 Masjid e Abidi founded in Holavanahalli (Karimpur) by Zawar Mehdi Hussain saheb as per the masjid foundation stone. Moulana Karrar Saheb, Imam e Jumma Jama'at of Karimpur says that there hundreds of Shia Muslims (The Twelvers) living in Karimpur with having eight Ashur Khanas, a Mosque (Masjid e Abedi) & a registered shia muslims body called 'Anjuman e Askari' for religious activities & socio-economic development of shia muslims. Presently, Ms. Tabassum Zehra KAS, who is from Karimpur, works as an

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Assistant Commissioner in the Tumkur subdivision. In the rural areas of Karnataka, she is inspiring Shi'a women to come forward & occupy government jobs.

Shi'ism in Hassan District

Holenarasipura Findings Holenarasipura

Taluk in Hassan district in the state of Karnataka, India.

Hazrath e Abbas (A.S) Ashurkhana Shahidan e Karbala Ashurkhana

Janab Rehan Saheb, a resident of Holinarsipur mentioned that there are thousands of Shia Muslims in 2020 (estimated in 2020) living in the village. He also noted that there is a Mosque called Masjid e Jamia, Holinarsipur' & a public 'Bada Ashurkhana' which is under control of Anjuman, Holinarsipur & also 22 more Ashurkhanas which are running privately (1. Aza Khana e Abu Talib a.s, 2. Haideri Imam Bargah, 3. Darbar e Fathima s.a, 4. Aza Khana e Janab e Muslim a.s, 5. Aza Khana e Shaheedan e Karbala, 6. Bargha e Sayyadush Shuhada Ashurkhana, 7. Aza Khana e Nainawa, 8. Anjuman e Hussainiya, 9. Sayyadi Imam Bargah, 10. Darbar e Hussain a.s, 11. Bargah e Babul Hussain a s, 12. Aza Khana e Qamer bani Hashim a.s, 13. Astana e Abul Fazlil Abbas a.s, 14. Aza Khana e Akbariya, 15. Astan s Hazrath e Qasim a.s, 16. Aza Khana e Zainabiya s.a, 17. Aza Khana e Umme Kulsoom s.a, 18. Aza Khana e Sayed e Sajjad a.s, 19. Astan e Shah e Qurasan, 20. Aatan s Hassan e Askeri a.s, 21. Aza Khana e Sahebuz Zaman a.s, 22. Aza Khana e Imam e Zamana a.s). Also there is a registered body called 'Anjuman e Ansarul Mehdi' for religious activities and social development for the Twelvers Shia Muslims at Holenarisipur in Hassan District.

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Chandrapatan Findings Chandrapatan Town and taluk in Hassan district, Karnataka, India.

Masjid e Hyderia, Chandrapatan (Photo credit: Mr Basharath saheb). Mr Basharath saheb, married & a resident of Chadrapatan says that are hundreds of Shia Muslims (The Twelvers) living at Chandrapatan & there is a mosque (Masjid e Hyderia) with Juma Jama'at Moulana Muddabir Najafi Saheb & also there are total 6 Ashur Khanas (Aza Khana e Hussaini a.s, Aza Khana e Asgharia a s, Aza Khana e Abbasia a.s, Aza Khana e Zainabia s.a, Aza Khana e Sakina s.a, Aza Khana e Umm e Kulsum a.s) at Chandrapatan town in Hassan District.

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Shi'ism in Bijapur District

Bijapur City (Now Vijayapura) Bijapur District in Karnataka State, South India.

Shahi Jamia Masjid in Bijapur Hussainiya Ashurkhana in Bijapur

Jamaluddin Abdul Malik, 43-year-old, married & a small businessman who was living for a while in Bijapur City says there are few Shia Muslims houses (@Irani Colony). Currently there is a newly built Shia Mosque (Shahi Jamia Masjid) & one Ashurkhana but there are no Shia Muslims Juma'a Jama'at happening in Bijapur. However, during the holy month of Muharram they do Azadari. Most of them are uneducated & economically very poor. In Bijapur, the estimated Shia Muslims population is in the hundreds (Twelvers-Shia Ithna Ashari).

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Shi'ism in Gulbarga District

Gulbarga Findings Gulbarga City (Now Kalaburagi) Gulbarga District in North Karnataka State, South India.

A photo is clicked during Islamic Camp in 2020 at Madrassa tus Sadequain in Gulbarga city.

Janab Sami Haider Saheb renders services as an incharge of Atal Tinkering Lab in a private local school & a resident of Gulbarga city says that in the 1975s, He remember there were just 2 Ashurkhanas (Ashurkhana of Choti Davedi maintained by Chote Sajjada Nasheen of choti of Hazrat Nadeemullaha Hussaini & Ashurkhana of Late Janab Fida Hussain Abidi sahib at Jagat near Dr Annapurna's Hospital opp Mehboob Gulshan public Garden) in those days at Gulbarga city. With pain in his voices, he recollected that in 1992, after the demolition of Babri Masjid at Ayodhya city in India state of UP & ignited communal violence across the country. The family of Fida Hussain sold their house and settled in other cities. They even shifted the Ashurkhana to Aurangabad (MH) & the Choti Dargah Ashurkhana were also closed. Thus, as of now, there is no majlis programs/Shia Muslims rituals happening during the holy month of Muharram, even he lost his beloved mother in

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the same year & faced many challenges to buried her body in the other sect of graveyard at Gulbarga city. Janab Sami Haider saheb suggested to start a madrassa for the people of the Shia Muslims (The Twelvers) at Gulbarga. To give this thought process a constructive approach some youth decided to make a body. The association so formed had the firm opinion that backwardness of this region can only be eradicated by imparting sound education to younger generation, with this as a guiding force, they started an educational institution called as "Madrassa tus Sadaquain' in1993 with the help of Mr Iqbal Hussain Raoji saheb, a Khoja Shia Muslim, an automobiles merchant from Mumbai & a resident of Gulbarga. He also says there are few families living in the city of Gulbarga & having one educational institution but there is no Mosque (Masjid), no graveyard (Qabrastan) & No Ashurkhanas exclusively for Shia Muslims (The Twelvers) for Jumma Jamat Namaz & to do Azadari till 1993's but there is a Ashurkhana of Irani's called "Azakhane e Zehra" in Tarfail area near Railway station Gulbarga. In the year 2010, Sami Haider formed a Shia Muslims trust & got registered 'Anjuman e Hyderi Gulbarga'. Through this trust, they are taking efforts to buy a piece of land to make a graveyard (Shi'a Muslims Qabrastan) exclusively for Shia Muslims at Gulbarga city in Gulbarga Dist North Karnataka, South India.

Malkheda J Town Gulbarga District in North Karnataka State, South India

Mughal Masjid Malkhed J Janab Sami Haider Saheb says that in the year 2020's the estimated population of Shia's Muslims (The Twelvers) is in the hundreds including children. They have two Mosques Mughal Masjid Malkhed J & Kali Masjid Malkhed J with an appointed religious scholar (Moulana) Mirza Sadiq Ali Baig saheb (The Jumma Jama'at's of Mughal Masjid) & scholar

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(Moulana) Janab Zaheer Abbas who were the students of 'Madarsa Tus Sadiquain' Gulbarga'. He also said that the two Anjumans are Sar'allah Anjuman Malkhed J. (Regd) having a Masjid committee called 'Mughal Masjid committee' & Anjuman e Muhibbane Ahlebait (AMA) Malkhed J to perform religious activies & for the socio-econmical development of Shia muslims community at Malkheda J town. According to Janab Sami Haider saheb, there must be around 15+ Ashur khanas (undisclosed names) therefore, he applied took advantage of the Right To Information (RTI) Act to get information about historical Ashur Khanas at Malkheda J town in Gulbarga District, North Karnataka State, South India. Shi'ism in Bidar District

Bidar Findings Bidar City Bidar District in North Karnataka State, South India.


Masjid e Imam e Ali a.s, Bidar City This masjid was built in 1970's. The only official Shia Muslims masjid in the whole Bidar district. People offer all namaz including Friday namaz & do Azadari. Under the guidance of Scholar Moulana Syed Tayyabein Rizvi. Its a spiritual masjid and imambargah located at Irani colony, Badruddin colony, Chidri Road, Bidar city, Karnataka 585401, India.

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Scholar (Moulana) Tayib Rizvi Saheb, Jumma Jama'at of Masjid e Imam e Ali a.s and a resident of Bidar city says that there are hundreds of Shi’a Muslims (Including hundreds of Irani Shi'a Muslims & few Urdu speaking Shi'a Muslims) number of people living in Bidar. They have one mosque called the 'Masjid e Imam Ali a.s, Bidar', a Roza e Babul Haweij Hazrath e Abbas a.s in Shia Muslims Graveyard (Bahisht e Zehra a.s) & there is a registered body called 'Anjuman e Hussaini, Bidar' for religious activities & social development of Shi'a Muslims at Bidar city in North Karnataka state, South India.

What is the Socio-Economic status of Bidar Shia Muslims? Many of these city's Irani Shia Muslims get basic education & very few to go for higher education. At present among them a boy got an engineering degree, two boys studying in tenth class, two of girls studying in Pre-University college & ninety students studying in primary & higher schools. Most men work in the field of real estate & eyeglasses seller. Women normally opt to run their house as is the system among traditional Indian families.

A commendable practise in the Iranian Shia Muslims culture is that the groom or the groom’s family don't demand any dowry from the bride’s family and instead, the groom pays Mehr (gifts given to Muslim brides) as cash. Moreover, with their mutual understanding, bridegroom families share wedding ceremonies expenses which is a break from the normal practice of the bride’s family having to pay all the wedding related expenses.

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Shi'ism in Ballari District

Hospet Findings Hospet City Ballari District in Central Karnataka State, South India.

Prayer Hall near Chitwadgi Khabrastan in Hospet. Gulam Ali Sherazi is a gems dealer by profession who is in his mid thirties and married with a son. He is a resident of Hospet. He says that there is a prayer hall (Jafriya Mosque with Hussaini Ashurkhana) in which approximately in hundreds (Twelvers-Shia Ithna Ashari) Shia Muslims congregate for prayers (Namaz) with Jumma Jam' at Moulana Abbas Shirazi & Azadari at Hospet. What is the Socio-Economic status of Hospet Shia Muslims?

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He says that Shia Muslims (Shia Ithna Ashari) study up to 10th by women & 12th (Pre University) by men & then they start working in sunglasses sales, eyeglasses sales & some of them works in gems & jewelry shops. They hardly earn more than rupees 15000-20000 per month ($200-$250) to live in small houses at Hospet. As per information collected from Gulam Ali, women don't work in any area & they all depend the male members of their family. The Shia Muslims of this place lack education, entrepreneurship skills & women empowerment.

Shivamogga Findings Shivamogga Town Shivamogga District in the state of Karnataka, India.

Masjid e Jamia Aal e Mohammed, Mehdi Nagar

Mr Sharif bhai saheb, a resident of Shivamogga says that there are a thousand Shia Ithna Ashari Muslims (hundreds of Families) living at Shivamogga town with two Mosques ' Masjid e Al Mohammed saww, Mehdi Nagar' & 'Masjid e Hussaini, JC Nagar', four Askurkhanas (Imambargha e Hussaini, Mehdi Nagar, Bait Ul Raza Tippu Nagar, Astana Sajjadia, JC Nagar, Azakhana e Fazal Ali Baig, tank colony at Shivamogga city.

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Aza Khana e Hussaini Ashurkhana & Madrassa e Mahsoomeeya, Mehdi Nagar

He also says that there are two Anjumans 'Anjuman e Faizan e Hussaini, Mehdi Nagar' & 'Anjuman e Hussainiya, JC Nagar' for religious activities & socio-economic development in their respective areas of Shia Muslims community. Moulana Sajjad Alipuri was appointed as a scholar for Friday Namaz (Jumma Jama'at) at Shivamogga. Also, there are a few hundred Shia Muslims living in Gadag district, Koppal District & Devenegiri District of Karnataka State in South India.

There are tens of thousands estimated Shia Muslims in the Indian state of Karnataka. There might be more Shia Muslims population but the author of this book collected estimated population information from various religious leaders & from Anjumans as much as possible.

District with the highest number of Shia Muslims Masjids, Ashur Khanas, Cementery, & Anjumans in Karnataka State, India.

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Chart Title

Other Dists Shivamogga Dist Ballari Dist Hassan Dist Bidar Dist Bijapur Dist Gulbarga Dist Tumkur Dist Mysore Dist Bengaluru Urban Rural Dist Chikkaballapur Dist 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Masjids Public Ashur Khanas Anjumans Cementery

There are tens of thousands estimated Shia Muslims in the Indian state of Karnataka. Also, there are 26 Mosques (Including three Dawoodi Bohra Mosques), 75 public Askurkhanas (Including one Dawoodi Bohra), 21 Anjumans (Including two Dawoodi Bohra), 17 Shia Muslims cemeteries, many registered educational & social welfare associations.


The main contribution to political, social, religious and cultural areas includes language, literature, art and architecture. The Twelvers Scholars Services to Society - One of the ideals of the twelvers was to strive for the abolition of all discriminations, and inequalities from contemporary society. They received all men, rich and poor, Hindu and Muslim, free born and slaves in the same way. They served as socio-religious reformers in Karnataka. High Standard of Morality and Discipline - The twelvers taught people to cultivate the virtues of humanity, good disposition, tolerance, forgiveness and patience. They raised their voice against all vices such as drinking alcohol, gambling, slavery etc. They were instrumental in maintaining the social equilibrium of the medieval society of Karnataka. Work of Proselytism - The Twelers Shia Muslims were responsible for the spread of Muslim culture and Islam among the masses in the various parts of Karnataka.

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Art and Architecture, Literature and Islamic poetry - Shia muslims contributed to the development art and architecture of Karnataka by constructing the Ashurkhanas and mosques. Their patrons constructed the Ashurkhans and they have become a living tradition of Islam in Karnataka. Mysore Rashk-e Bahisht Ashurkhana, Doddaballapur Ashurkhana, Bengaluru Bada Imambargah & Alipur Dar Uz Zehra Ashurkhana at Karnataka state are classic examples to art and architecture.

Shia Muslims Sultanate Contribution to Karnataka State:

The Bahamani Sultans were patrons of the , culture and literature, and some members of the dynasty became well-versed in that language and composed its literature in that language55. The craftspersons of Bidar were so famed for their inlay work on copper and silver that it came to be known as Bidri. The Persianate Indo-Islamic style of architecture developed during this period was later adopted by the Deccan Sultanates as well. The Gulbarga Fort and Jama Masjid in Gulbarga, Bidar Fort and Madrasa Mahmud Gawan in Bidar, are the major architectural contributions. The Persian scholar Mahmud Gawan who was the minister of Muhammad Shah III, built the well-known Madrasa in 1472 AD which stands as a specimen of Bahmani architect56. The Deccan Sultanates contributed greatly in the fields of art, music, literature and architecture. One such cultural contribution includes the development of the Dakhani language which was originated under the Bahmani rulers. The language was drawn from Arabic, Persian, Marathi, Kannada and Telugu and later developed into an independent literary and spoken language known as Dakhni Urdu. The contributions of Deccan Sultanate in construction of some of the iconic monuments in Gulbarga, Bidar, Bijapur and Hyderabad emerged as a new architectural style of the Deccan Sultanate Period. Flourishment of the Deccani miniature paintings in the courts of Ahmadnagar, Bijapur and Golconda along with the construction of the architectural splendours like Char Minar and Gol Gumbaz are other major cultural contributions of the Deccan Sultanates. The Qutb Shahi architecture was Indo-Islamic, a culmination of Indian and Persian architectural styles. Their style was very similar to that of the other Deccan Sultanates. The Qutb Shahi Kingdom was like the other Deccan kingdoms, a highly centralized state. When expediency demanded it, the post of a regent was created to carry on the administration on behalf of the king. The Peshwa (Prime Minister) was the highest

55 Ansari, N.H. "Bahmanid Dynasty" Archived 19 October 2006 at the Wayback Machine Encyclopaedia Iranica. 56 Yazdani, 1947, pp. 91-98.

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official of the sultanate. He was assisted by many ministers, including Mir Jumla (finance minister), Kotwal (police commissioner), and Khaznadar (treasurer).57 The Tippu Sultan used iron-cased rockets during the Anglo-Mysore Wars. The wars were fought against the British to protect his kingdom.58

Prominent Shia Muslims contributing to Karnataka:

By 1923, Hon. Mir Humza Hussain was appointed first member in the Mysore Legislative Council and was conferred the title `Mushir-ul- Mulk’ by the Maharaja of Mysore at the Dasara Durbar in the same year. He then stepped in as Officiating Diwan of Mysore for Diwan Sir Albion Banerjee from February-March 1925, before his retirement.59

57 Salma Ahmed Farooqui, A Comprehensive History of Medieval India: From Twelfth to the Mid- Eighteenth Century, (Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd, 2011), 181. 58 Deccan Herald News paper 59 The Roll of Honour in the 1930 Mysore Gazetteer (Vol II, Chapter XII, Page 3151) records Mir Humza Hussain’s birth as 15th March 1869.

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Sir Mirza Ismail, was the ‘serial Diwan’ who made industrial Bengaluru beautiful and painted Jaipur. Mirza Ismail, who was born to Persian parents, and he engineered a civic revolution in four Indian cities during the 1940s. His brief spell in Jaipur wrought a civic revolution. An article in the New York Times in 1942 remarked that Jaipur had been a picture of neglect, but after two years of Mirza Ismail’s sojourn, it was “more thoroughly transformed and improved than New York after Robert Moses got through with it.’ (Robert Moses, a contemporary of Mirza Ismail, was himself compared to Baron Haussmann, who transformed Paris in the 1860s). The Bengaluru Industrial revolution started during his period as Diwan. This included the emergence of porcelain, glass, paper, cement, steel, fertilizers, sugar and electric bulbs. vysya bank, cement factory, the chemical and fertilizers factories and sugar mills.

Hon. Justice Mir Iqbal Hussain who appointed Diwan of Banganapalli state (Now Town in State of AP) & also he was President of the Bengaluru Bar Association. He was later appointed Judge of the High court on 1 August 1958.

Legend Syed Mujtaba Hussain Kirmani (born 29 December 1949) played cricket for India and Karnataka as a wicket-keeper. In 2016, he was awarded the Col CK Nayudu Lifetime Achievement Award

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for Cricket in India. Kirmani won the award for the best wicket keeper in the 1983 Cricket World Cup.60

Mr. Mirza Akbar Kaleeli the grandson of Sir Mirza Ismail was an IFS officer who was a diplomat of Indian envoy to Iran and Australia.

Akhilesh Mishra, IFS met Mr. Mirza Akbar, IFS on Aug 26, 2015.

In 1980s-1991, Shah Abbas Khan starred in and directed the famous historical fiction television series The Sword of Tipu Sultan61. Shah Abbas Khan alias Sanjay Khan was born in Bangalore, India. Son of Sadiq Ali Khan tanoli and Bibi Fatima Begum. For his work on this drama, Sanjay Khan received the Gem of India Award.62

60 "Player Profile - Test Cricket: Syed Kirmani (India)". Howstat. Retrieved 15 December 2019.

61 Awaasthi, Kavita (7 July 2016). "Of trials and triumphs: Sanjay Khan talks about The Sword of Tipu Sultan". Hindustan Times. Archived from the original on 27 December 2017. Retrieved 1 August 2019. 62 "The Man behind". Online Webpage of Golden Palms Hotels and Spa. Retrieved 17 August 2007.

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Azim Hashim Premji is an Indian business tycoon, investor, engineer, and philanthropist, who is the chairman of Wipro Limited. Premji was born in Bombay, India in a Shi’a63 Muslim family with origins from Kutch in Gujarat. His father was a noted businessman and was known as the Rice King of Burma. In 2010, he was voted among the 20 most powerful men in the world by Asiaweek. He is currently the tenth richest person in India with an estimated net worth of US$7.2 billion as of October 2019. In 2013, he agreed to give away at least half of his wealth by signing The Giving Pledge. Premji started with a $2.2 billion donation to the Azim Premji Foundation, focused on education in India.6465666768

The Wockhardt Hospital, the Bengaluru branch Project has supported the state government of Karnataka in the areas of public health standards and health care system. The pharmaceutical company Wockhardt is owned by the Dawoodi Bohra Mr. Habil Khorakiwala. Educated at Purdue University, he runs a billion-dollar firm that makes generic drugs. Though the Khorakiwalas are wealthy and powerful, they are still socially conservative as all Bohras are.69

63 64 "Gujaratis the shining feather in market cap". Times of India. 19 October 2006. Retrieved 1 October 2013.

65 Bhupathi Reddy (30 August 2015). "Top 10 Entrepreneurs of India". Archived from the original on 26 January 2016.

66 Srikar Muthyala (29 September 2015). "The List of Great Entrepreneurs of India in 2015". MyBTechLife. Archived from the original on 14 January 2016.

67 Azim Premji Profile Retrieved September 2010.

68 Karmali, Naazneen. "Azim Premji Donates $2.3 Billion After Signing Giving Pledge". Forbes. Retrieved 22 April 2017.


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The Pharmaceutical segment is seen as an integral part of the Indian healthcare market, Cipla Limited, Bengaluru to create hundreds of more jobs in Indian state of Karnataka. Gujarati Shia Muslim, a Kutchchi, owns Cipla, which is also a pharmaceutical firm with sales of over a billion US dollars. It was founded by Mr. Khawaja Abdul Hamid, who got his doctorate from Berlin University in 1927. The company is run today by his son Yusuf Hamid, who holds a doctorate from Cambridge University.

Mohsin Ali Vakil, is an Indian Businessman, who is Chairman & MD of Vakil Housing Development Corporation Pvt Ltd, Bangalore. he is one of the leading developers of residential townships in urban & rural bangalore. Real estate investments have a positive impact on the development of the Karnataka state economy.70

Maulana Syed Mohammad Zaki Baqri, hails originally from the Indian state of Karnataka. Moulana Baqri is the founding member (1984) & resident alim of the Counsil of Islamic Guidence at Toronto, Canada. Maulana Baqri has written several books and course curriculums from learning Quran, to the questions about pre-destiny and free will. He travels extensively throughout the world giving speeches, conducting seminars and workshops on social issues facing the Muslim youth today, in the light of Islam, Prophet(s) and Ahlebait (a).

Ibn Hassan born in Alipur village is an Indian Businessman, who is the owner of Nikhar Jewlery, Bangalore. It is one of the leading Luxious Jewelers of Bangalore. The manufacturing unit of Nikhar Jewels in Bangalore have a positive impact on empowerment & to the development of our Karnataka state economy.

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Kaunain Abbas (born 7 May 1990) is an Indian cricketer. He made his first-class debut for Karnataka in the 2016–17 Ranji Trophy on 13 October 2016.71


ALIPUR VILLAGE Chikkaballapur District, Karnataka State, South India The Twelvers Shia Islamic Center in Karnataka, India (Shia Ithna Ashari center)

Alipur is a village in Karnataka which has a majority of Shia Muslims with Hindu & Christian populations forming a minority. It is located off highway SH94, 55 km away from Kempegowda International Airport and 70 km from Bengaluru. Visiting Alipur is a new experience. Surrounded by nature's bounty, it is a unique village, harboring Shia Muslims population which is estimated to be in the tens of thousands in 2020, fashioning the lives of its inhabitants. Alipur is a village surrounded by mountains and famous for Gems and also livestock. Alipur is known as the ' Gems Village of South India ' & enjoys a pleasant and also moderate climate throughout the year. Alipur has a handful of freshwater tanks around it. Vegetation in the village is primarily seasonal crops like Maize, Sunflower, Pulses, Vegetables, Fruits, etc. and secondarily coconut, mangrove, areca nut, and timber. It holds the distinction of being the place of origin of many famous scholars such as Moulana Zaki Al Baqri, Cannada, Moulana Abbas Hussain, UK, Moulana Nabi Raza, USA, Moulana Zayeem Abbas, USA, and Moulana Tasdeeq, Africa settled around the world. It is home to many popular Urdu poets such as Allama Sabir Abedi, Janab Natiq Alipuri, Janab Mujeeb Alipuri, and Moulana Muddabir Najafi of Karnataka. The village is dotted with Architectural Marvelous Mosques, Ashur khanas, Temples and a Church. Lately, it is stepping to become an educational hub of the district with many schools & colleges in Alipur Village. Here, Hindu, Christian & other small numbers of Muslim sects live peacefully with the mutual understanding of their respective religious associations.

The Alipur village has the Literacy rate of Allipura city is 82.95 % higher than state average of 75.36 % as per report released by the Census of India 2011. In Allipura, Male literacy is around 84.65 % while female literacy rate is 81.14 %. Allipura Census Town has a total administration of over 1,984 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewerage. As per Allipura Religion Data 2011, Allipura city comprises of 82.98%

71 "Kaunain Abbas". ESPN Cricinfo. Retrieved 13 October 2016.

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Muslims, 16.44% Hindus, 0.32% Christians & 0.26 % others72. Urdu, Kannada, Telugu & Alipur sign language is the local Languages of Alipur village. In Alipur, over time, the relative isolation and the large deaf population led to the development of a distinct signing system. Academia refers to these as village sign languages—as opposed to standardized forms used by the deaf community, such as American Sign Language or Indian Sign Language. Village sign languages are among a group of vanishing languages—recorded and written about as part of an endangered languages archive of School of African and Oriental Studies, University of London.73

The major political parties take part in Alipur village are INC, JDS & BJP. Alipur village Pin code is 561213 & the postal head office is in Thondebhavi Hobli. It is surrounded by small villages Bevinahalli (4 km), Gedare (6 km), Kallinayakanahalli (7 km) & Thondebhavi Hobli (8 km), 2017. Bengaluru, Doddaballapura, Gauribidanur, Hindupur & Tumkur are the nearby towns & cities having road connectivity to Alipur village. The village has numerous Muslim structures such as Mosques and Askurkhanas. There are four Mosques being Masjid e Jafria, Zainabia Mosque & Ashur Khana, Masjid e Al Qaim a.s & a fifth one is under construction near the Alipur Bus Stand. Moroever, there are also 14 Askurkhana's being Imambargha of Imam Ali a.s, Hazrath e Bibi Fathima Zehra a.s, Imam Hussain a.s, Hazrath e Abbas a.s, Babul Hawaij, Hazrath e Ali Akbar a.s, Hazrath e Zainab s.a - I, Hazrath e Zainab s.a - II, Hazrath e Sukaina s.a - I, Hazrath e Sukaina s.a – II, Hazrath e Ali Asgar a.s, Imam Sajjad a.s, Imam Raza a.s, Hazrath e Sugra a.s.

Alipur Early History

In the 18th century, Alipur was known as Belligunta. It began to attract attention following the arrival of Moulana Syed Mustafa Hussain, an Abidi Sadat who migrated from Bijapur following the downfall of Adil Shahi kingdom of Bijapur. Hussaini and his wife Bathoola settled down here. Moulana Syed Mustafa Hussain worked with laying the foundation of the first mosque (Masjid e Jafferia), Graveyard (Behest e Ali [a.s]) and Hussainiya Ashur khana (Congregation hall for Twelver Shia Muslim commemoration ceremonies) along with the people of Alipur. Moulana Mustafa Hussain invited all Shia Muslims who were living around Mysore State (Now: Karnataka to settle down in Alipur village & to make new Shia Muslim centers in the state74. Masjide Jafria constructed in/around 1798 and remained available to worshippers till 1978.

72 "Allipura City Population Census 2011 - Karnataka". Retrieved 13 November 2018. 73 Published an article on the newspaper on Sept 24, 2016 by Bhavya Dore.

74 Aqeel Abbas collected a piece of information from Janab Ahmed Abbas descendant of Syed Mustafa Hussain & he is well known a urdu poem recitor (Marsiya khwani) during mourning times.

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Photo Credit: Late Aziz Hussain Saheb,1975

Oldest Imam Hussain (A.S) Ashurkhana Picture of Alipur

Photo Credit: Late Aziz Hussain Saheb In the 19th Century, one of the famous Scholar Sadr-ul-ulma Allama Gulam Hussain Baqri visited Alipur village from Hyderabad. Moulana observed that people of Alipur were living with a lack of Islamic knowledge & decided to send his favorite student & his own brother Moulana Asadullah Baqri, Son of Moulana Md Askari Baqri. Moulana Asadullah Baqri came to Alipur in the late 19th century & did major contributions towards developing society. He first worked with the people of Alipur village towards laying the foundation of Anjuman-e-Jafria, an influential welfare association which controls mosques, Ashur

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Khanas, & islamic schools (Madrasa e Jafria). He stopped many wrong traditions (#Reeti_Rewaj) in Alipur & traveled to many other villages, towns & cities in the state to spread knowledge of Islam. He died in Mysore city visit due to the flu at the age of 36. Later his elder son Moulana Abbas Hussain studied theology in Hyderabad and went back to Alipur in 1920. Moulana Abbas started teaching & guiding people about Shia Islam in Alipur village & other places of Karnataka State in South India75

In the 19th century, Moulana Abbas Hussain Saheb was recognized as an eminent Shia Muslim scholar & one of his most major contribution was laying a foundation of Dar Uz Zehra Ashur Khana at Alipur in Karnataka, South India.76

Photo Credit: Nakeer Saheb Dar Uz Zahra site measurement started in 1988 but Completed in the year 2003. It took almost 15 years to complete the construction. It is the most successful community center of Alipur in terms of usage for prayers (namaz), majalis, mahafil, tilawath, seminars, conferences, meetings, marriages, tabaruk, skill development, education, madrasa, stores & few offices all in one. Family members of Johari Mumtaz Hussain, a descendant of Mustafa Hussain (the founder of Alipur) invited Ayatollah (Present Supreme Leader of Iran), and his religious colleagues to show the family belongs to Shia Muslims who migrated from Bijapur city after the downfall of Deccan Sultanate.

75 www.alipur.Info 76 Kazim Baqri Son of Moulana Abbas Hussain Baqri, 2017

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Image illustrating the people of Alipur near Bengaluru city in India, welcoming Ayatollah Khamenei during his trip to India in 198177. The main thoroughfare, Imam Khomeini Road (IK main Road), named after the Iranian spiritual leader given a visit. Imam Khomeini Hospital (IK Hospital) came up in 1991 under Imam Khomeini Medical Trust under the leadership of Janab Ali Jawad. In 2019, Under the leadership of Syed Zamin Raza saheb [ Ex TPS Member, Alipur] the residents constructed a new road in Alipur known as 'Imam Ali Road' in Alipur village. It's a bypass road which connects to Doddaballapur Road (Highway Road) from Alipur village. The Government higher-level officials who were lived in Alipur village are 1) Yusuf Ali Shekdar Govt of Karnataka, India. 2) Moosa e Raza Sheikdar Govt of Karnataka, India. 3) Mohammed Hussain Patel Saheb Assemble Member (Kolar) during 19th-century Govt of Karnataka, India.78 4) Syed Sab Tahsildar, Govt of Karnataka, India and 5) Habib Hussain Tahsildar, Govt of Karnataka, India. 6) Allama Saber Abedi, Sub Inspector of Bengaluru. 7)Taqi Ali Najafi, Investigation Bureau at Bengaluru.79

*The Shekdar supervised the collection of land revenue, law and order. Why Shia Muslims did not claim Shia properties of Historical places Bijapur, Gulbarga & Bidar cities after implementing the Waqf Act,1995 in India?

77 78 Janab Mohammed Hussain saheb, officially work done to registered Alipur village name at Kolar District under the Govt of Karnataka, India. 79 This piece of information collected from Mir Sarfaraz Ali grandson of Yosuf Ali Sheikdar. He was one among oldest living descendants of Moulana Mustafa Hussain family at Alipur village.

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Shia Muslim who live in Bijapur were reduced to a minority despite being a majority because of rapid forceful conversion of the sect members. Many Shia Muslims left Bijapur to migrate to safe places in other parts of India. During Aurangzeb’s reign, people did not disclose their Shia Muslim identity out of fear and later they all converted to other sects. Moreover, those who were in high position before the independence of India in 1947 lost their positions after independence. This made it very difficult to claim their Shia Muslim Waqf Properties which is in Bijapur built by the royals of the Deccan Sultanate.80

Many well-known people of the world visited Alipur village.

Many well-known leaders, actors & players of the world visited Alipur. There have been occasional visits by many leaders from across India and from other countries for religious gathering, during schools’ annual/sports days & also during foundation days of hospitals/schools in the respective places at Alipur. Among the top listed are K. Rahman Khan MP of India, Khurshed Alam Khan Ex Indian Foreign Minister81, Shri Ravi Shankar- a spiritual leader of India invited by Mir Ali Raza Najafi founder of Bintul-Huda Memorial School which is the first english medium school in Alipur Village82. H. D. Deve Gowda Ex-Prime Minister of India, H. D. Kumaraswamy Chief Minister of Karnataka, Mohammad Ali (Indian politician), Mohammad Mahmood Ali Deputy Chief Minister of , Mohammad Azharuddin Ex-Captain of Indian Cricket team83, Yash (actor) Indian Cinema Actor84, R. L. Jalappa Ex-MP of India, Veerappa Moily MP85, and Ex-Chief Minister of Karnataka, N H Shivashankar Reddy Deputy Speaker of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly.86

From L-R Ayatollah Arafi, Nasir Alipuri (Textile Trader) & Johari Tavasul Hyder in 2020.

80 Aqeel Abbas collected information from Mir Ali Raza Najafi, 2017. 81 Foundation Stone of IK Hospital. 82 Annual Sports Day at BHM School Alipur, 2008. 83 84 85 86 Zain Public School in kannada Prajawani Paper, 28 Feb 2020.

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Alireza Arafi Iranian Shia cleric, Chairman of Al-Mustafa International University, Qom Friday prayer leader and head of Iran's Seminary, his at KI Airport, Bengaluru during his visit to Alipur.

Alipuri's chanting Khamenei Rahbar in front of Ayatollah Arafi during his delivering speech in Masjid e Jafferiya Alipur.

Alipur is also visited by Iranians & Iraqi leaders are Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the successor to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to the seat of the supreme spiritual leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Then came a clutch of Iranian VIPs such as Honourable Manochar Muttaqi (Ex Foreign minister of Iran), Ayatollah Jannati, Aghaye Kashani, Aghaye Ghayuri, Ayatollah Alireza Arafi, Asafi Iranian Speaker of Majlis & Gholam Ali Haddad- Adel (21st Speaker of the Parliament of Iran) in 2003.87

Politicians from Alipur National level Politicians of Alipuri 1. R L Jalappa - Ex-MP of Chikkaballapur Dist & Ex Union Minister of Textiles, India.88 State-level Politicians of Alipuri 1. Moulana Adeel Raza Abedi – Ex-Chairman of Karnataka State Hajj Committee. 2. Mir Misam Raza Najafi - Ex-Director of KMDC.89 3. Mir Mumtaz Ali - Ex-Director Karnataka State Tourism.90 4. Mir Roshan Ali Najafi- AICC member & Ex-Vice Chairman of Youth Empowerment and Sports Department, Government of Karnataka.91

87 Anjuman e Jafferia Alipur & Imam Khomeini Hospital, Alipur. 88 "Jalappa quits Janata Dal, to join Congress". 17 January 1998. Retrieved 5 November 2018. 89 90 91

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5. Syed Roshan Abbas, Member of the National Committee of JD (S), Karnataka.92

The people of Alipur’s socio-economic.

Alipuris Work

Most people of Alipur village are well known for trading & entrepreneurship. They normally trade in gemstones, metal, wood, realestate, stock & others. Alipuri Traders travels around the world for Gems trading including places like Thailand, Iran, Singapore, Sri Lanka & Iraq. Alipuri Scholars travels around the world for Islamic preaching & to promote Social Welfare development among Muslims. Gemstones Business

Jouhari Mumtaz Hussain saheb was descendant of Moulana Mustafa Hussain & the first successful gemstones businessman of Alipur. Following in his footsteps, many people of Alipur started learning the trade and began working in the gemstones business.93

Note1: The quality of the gemstones cutting & polishing is not up to international standards but, Cat's Eye & cabusion cut gems – certain types of cuts - finishing work is relatively much better in Alipur village.

AITA-Thailand (Alipur India Thai Trade Association [Not Registered till Jan 2020])

Majlis program at IBS, 289/28-29, Soi Kamchai Iamsuri, Surawong Road, Bangkok Thailand.

92 An appointed letter issued by Hon. H.D. Deve Gowda National President of Janata Dal (Secular) on January 22, 2020. 93 Jouhari Ali Raza Najafi's Son in Law of Jouhari Mumtaz Hussain.

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(AITA) Alipur India Thai Trade Association & (IBS) İmambargah e Sahib Uz Zaman [atfs]. Founding member of AITA, 2003 by Janab Mohammad Zakaria, Janab Alim Raza, Janab Samir Hayat, Janab Showkath Ali Najafi, Late Janab Zafer Ahmed, Janab Taqi Raza (Syed Jargish Reza), Janab Atqiya Hussain Najafi, Janab Mohammed Askeri Baqri, Moulana Salman Abedi, Moulana Mahfooz Ali, Janab Samir Raza, Janab Hamza Ali, Janab Ibne Haasan, Janab Hamza Ali, Janab Nooral hassan, Janab Mohammed Raza Najafi, Janab Mushahid Ali, Janab Nakeer Raza, Janab Abid Raza, Janab Mahmud Raza, Janab Jaffer Ahmed, & along with few more Alipuri traders. Janab Alim Raza Saheb says that there are hundreds AITA active members (including executive & general members) & tens of Alipuri's traders’ families living in Bangkok Thailand. The expenses are normally handled using donations for any religious activities including for Majlis programs, Jashn programs, Ramadan Iftar & seminars at IBS Imambargah.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES of AITA are as follow 1. To follow Islamic practices in all dealings, 2. To maintain unity and harmony among the AITA business community and to extend, friendly relations and courteous behavior with other business groups. 3. Full cooperation with the government within the Sharia limits. 4. To assist financially to the AITA traders in case of any emergency or any untoward incident or for any unforeseen health issue, with a condition that the assistance amount extended to him/her is in form of compassionate loan and shall be returned within the agreed timeframe. 5. To maintain cordial relations with the local business organizations/community. 6. To raise funds for hometown in case of any untoward eventualities or disasters. 7. To resolve business issues of AITA traders both shop/office owners as well as visiting traders in all forms - legally or reporting the matter to the police or pursuing the case in the court. 8. To arrange religious activities and programs in Thailand. 9. To deploy representatives in different countries. 10. To train the traders on best business practices.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES of IBS 1. To promote the knowledge of Islam. 2. Every Tuesday Dua e Tavasul with Darzay Aqlaq class & Every Thursday Dua e Kumail with Moulana's lecture on Islam. 3. Commemorate Muharram Activities & Holy month of Ramadan Activities in every year.

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4. Religious Seminars, Majlis, Jashn & Islamic Meeting.94

The Socio-economic status of Alipuri traders in Bangkok Thailand? This author observed that there are hundreds of Alipur traders that hold gemstones business work permit either individually or with partners. These traders have either showroom or gems booth in gems market & tens of Alipuri traders live with their families in Bangkok, Thailand. Most of them earn a strong income by creating gems & properties as an assert. These Alipuri traders not only live in Bangkok city but also some in cities like Maesot Town in Thailand. They travel to Chanthaburi (Gems City of Thailand) every week or at least once a month, not only to buy but also sell the best quality of Gems in Chanthaburi Gems Market. Moreover, some of traders live in Chanthaburi city of Thailand. These traders sell gemstones not only in Thailand (Bangkok City, Chanthaburi City & Moesot Town) but they also export gemstones to many countries especially to India, Indonesia, Singapore & to the Middle East countries.

Tabarruk Food in IBS Ashurkhana at Bangkok, Thailand. Employment Rate

The majority of the Shias hold minor posts in private & public sectors (<25%Millennial). while a few among them are professionals, businessmen & traders. The Shia Muslim women specialized in knitting thread laces, doing embroidery on cloth, tailoring, teachers in modern schools & madrassa.

Art & Architecture of Alipur

94 Aqeel Abbas collected pieces of information from Alim Raza (Secretary AITA 2020).

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Alipur Village is known for its different styles of architecture and hence quite popular in Karnataka State.

In the 20th & 21th century. Introduced by Iraqi & Persian, an Islamicate architecture and art styles from the Middle East into the Alipur Village.

The types and forms of large buildings required by Shia Muslim elites, with Mosques and Imam Bargha (Ashurkhanas) much the most common, were very different from those previously built in India. Mosque, Imambargah & Dar Uz Zehra in Alipur, are the major architectural contributions.

Wakf Properties in Alipur

There are four Mosques (Masjid e Jafriya, Zainabia Mosque, Masjid e Al Qaim A.S & Masjid), 10 Askurkhana's (Imambargha of Imam Ali, Hazrath e Bibi Fathima Zehra A.S, Imam Hussain A.S, Hazrath e Abbas A.S, Hazrath

e Zainab A.S, Babul Haweij, Hazrath e Ali Asgar A.S, Imam Zainul Abideen, Imam Raza A.S, Hazrath e Sugra A.S) & also 20000 Shia Muslims are living at Alipur village in Karnataka State South India.

The Socio-economic status of Shia Muslims of Alipur village.

Many of the Educated graduates & traders migrated to Bengaluru for work & Urban life. Some of them migrated to Dubai & other middle East countries for work & to live a better life.

Still, many people of this village lack skills in Trade & Commerce, Entrepreneurship, Industrial Skills, Digital Skills & Women Empowerment. Most of the people of this village are traders & very few of them Educated & works in Government Entities like Superintendent of Police, Managers in Banks, Doctors, Engineers, Teachers & many of the youth working in Multinational Companies.

Many of these village girls get basic education & very few to go for higher education. After completing education in their respective fields get married as usual as Indian culture, whereas some Groom demands assert from the Bride family but sometimes if the groom's family is not demanding anything it is ok.

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Many of this village women have skills in Tailoring, teaching in schools & colleges. The religious pilgrimage sites for visitors in a Village as follows Astana-e-Syedus Shohoda (Hussainiya), Dar-z-Zahera, Shrine of Imam Ali, Shrine of Masuma-e-Qum, Babul Hawayej, Maktabe Rasulullah, Ashuqana Bibi Ruqayyah bint Al-Ḥusayn, Ashuqana Bibi Zaynab bint Ali, Baitus Sakina, Ashuqana Ali Asgar, Ashuqana Abbas Ibne Ali, Aztana e Imam Sajjad (Dar-ul-Quran, Ashuqana Hazrat e Qasim, Maidan e Karbala and Ashuqana Imam Raza. Bazm-e-Meesam is the poet's organization Founded by Late Mujahid Alipur (Awarded title Mujahid-e-Millath and Late Allama Saber Abidi (Awarded title Tajdar-e-Sukhan).95 There is also a religious Scholar (Ulma-e-Deen) council called AlBalagh Organization. The media covered by Ali Chanel, AMC Media & other Indian channels.

Ali Channel Studio, Alipur

From L-R Mr. Wasif, Mr. Touhid Saheb, Moulana Nazro, Moulana Ali Baqir Saheb, & Mr. Nakir Saheb. Ali Channel is a TV network to promote Social Development & to spread the knowledge of Islam in Alipur village. AMC (Alipur Media Center) - Updating day to day Information about Alipur village (Death, Programs, Majlis, Jashn & Social Development) through the Internet (Social Media & Websites).

95 Bazm-e-Meesam, Alipur.

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Samaj Center, Alipur Samaj Center, Alipur - Skills development center for women empowerment. Alipur Skill Development

The teaching of tailoring skills for Women at Dar uz Zehra, Alipur. Gemstones cutting & polishing at small factories, carpenter work skills at furniture manufacturer & other skills.

Education in Alipur

Alipur has many schools & institutions both government and private. Some of the more prominent ones are the Government Urdu & Kannada Primary Schools, Government High school (Secondary), Bint-Ul-Huda Memorial School, Gem International Residental School (ICSC), Noble School Alipur(CBSE), Zain Public School, Houza e Ilmiya Baqar al Uloom (Urdu, Persian and Arabic Theology college), Madrasa-e- Nisfan (Urdu, Persian and Arabic college) for ladies and Al-Abbas Muslim Hostel an orphanage.

Alipur village people keep relationships with foreign countries not only for trade & commerce but also keeping the relationship with Iran, as well as the Arab world. Apart from this, they also liaise with the World Federation of KSIMC - UK for the foundation of aided English Schools, Madrassa (Theology School) & IK Private Hospital in Alipur Village.

Note: Alipur village is an educational hub in the district it belongs to but lacks skill development avenues.

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Khutub Khana, Alipur

Khutub Khana Madrasa in Alipur

Khutub Khana was one of the oldest schools of Alipur for modern and religious studies, which were founded by Late Syeda Rafiya Jan, Late Syeda Salimunnisa & her team. Now it is a school for the disabled.

BHM School, Alipur

Mir Ali Reza Najafi founded Al Mehdi Islamic Centre for the study of theology in 1982 and later founded Bint Ul Huda Memorial English School in the same place in the year 1987. Currently, this school has the capacity to hold 800 students. It was the first

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public school for Shia Muslims at Alipur, Karnataka, India. The founder was an ex- member of Waqf Board, Karnataka and also one among the group of people who set up many places for prayers including Masjids & Imambargahs. 96 Zainabiya Girls School & Composite PU College, Alipur 2020

Zainabiya school & college, Alipur

In 1992, Mirza Mohammed Mahdi Saheb, Syed Muzamil Hussain saheb, along with the help of few people of Alipur village founded Zainabiya School & College, Alipur for Girls under Imamia Education & Welfare Trust. It has the capacity to accommodate more than 800 students. Zainabiya School is counted among the top-rated schools in Karnataka with an excellent academic track record.97

96 In 2017, Aqeel Abbas collected a piece of information from Alhaj Mir Ali Raza Najafi at Dar Uz Zehra in Alipur. 97 Internet.

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Housia Ilmeya for Gents, Alipur Moulana Adil Raza, Moulana Azhar Hussain, & his team under the leadership of Moulana Zaki Al Baqri founded Housia Ilmeya for Gents in 1996. It has the capacity to house 50 male students. The Hauz e Ilmiya for Women started in 2000, which is located inside Dar uz Zehra property, which has capacity to house 50 female students. Successfully around 150 Ulema Graduated in the Hauz e Ilmiya for Gents and 50 ladies Ulema Graduated in the Hauz e Ilmia for Women.98 Deaf Population in Alipur

Deaf education center in Alipur. The proportion of the deaf population here stands at about 0.75%, which is relatively higher compared to government estimates for the national average: 0.41% (based on data from the 2011 census).99

98 The above information was collected from Moulana Azhar Hussain Saheb, 2017. 99 Livemint Newspaper (Article: Alipur can you hear you loud & clear).

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Al Abbas Muslim Hostel, Alipur The Al Abbas Educational and Welfare trust is established in 1998 and has opened Al- Abbas Muslim Hostel (Gents) for poor & orphans. It was founded by Late Mir Layak Ali & his team. It has the capacity to accommodate 35 children.

Professional degree holders of Alipur village100

Engineers of Alipur

The Engineers of Alipur are

1. Syed Afham Raza – B.E (Civil), 2. Mir Ali Abbas – DCE (Civil), 3. Moulana Akber Ali – B.E (Electronics), 4. Syed Athqiya Hussain – B.E, 5. Syed Mohammed Askari – B.E, 6. Syed Hakim Raza (Diploma in IT) 7. Syed Kazim Raza – B.E (Mechanical), 8. Syed Mumtaz Ali – B.E (Civil), 9. Syed Thasudaq Hussain – B.E (Civil), 10. Mir Maqsood Hussain B.E (Civil) 11. Mir Mujeer Abbas – B.E (CSE), 12. Mir Sayeed Hassan – B.E (ISE), 13. Syed Mahmid Hyder – B.E (Mechanical),


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14. Sadiq Abbas – B.E (Civil), 15. Maqsood Raza – B.E (CSE), 16. Viqar Raza – B.E (CSE), 17. Uzaiz Abbas B.E (CSE) 18. Sukunwar Abbas – B.E (Aeronautics), 19. Syed Aqeel Abbas – B.E (CSE), 20. Mir Aamer Hyder – B.E (Civil), 21. Anees Raza – B.E (Polymer), 22. Wazeer Hyder – B.E (information & science), 23. Hassan Raza – B.E (Mechnical), 24. Syed Afaq Hyder – B.E (CSE), 25. Mohammed Taj – B.E (Mechanical), 26. Hyder Abbas – B.E 27. Nazir Hyder – B.E 28. Rizvi – B.E 29. Mir Kamran Abbas – B.E (CSE) 30. Nashir Abbas – B.E 31. Mutahir Mehdi – B.E 32. Imdad Ali – B.E 33. Muqtar Abbas – B.E (Civil) 34. Raffat Abbas – B.E 35. Mir Farman Ali- B.E (Civil) 36. Mir Fazil Raza DCSc.E 37. Syed Mufayeez Raza B. tech (Civil) 38. Syed Hyder Abbas B.E (E&C) 39. Syed Khairullah B. tech (Civil) 40. Syed Jazib Raza B.E (CSE) 41. Syed Aman Raza B. tech (Civil) 42. Mirza Mohammed Raza (Mechanical) 43. Mohammed Zama B.E (CSE) 44. Syed Rehan Raza (Civil)

Doctors of Alipur

The Doctors of Alipur are

1. Dr. Ammar Raza – Diabetologist. MBBS, DPHA, PG DIPL DIABETO, Gen. Mgt (IIMB), FICC(USA), FRSM(UK), 2. Dr. Murtuza Hussain – MBBS, MD, 3. Dr. Hyder Abbas – Ophthalmologist,

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4. Dr. Ruhi Raza – Dentist, 5. Dr. Baqar Raza – GDBA, Pharm. D @ JSS Hospital, Mysore, 6. Dr. Ali Zama – MBBS @ Al-Ameen Medical College, Bijapur, 7. Dr. Mohammed Zama – MBBS @ Al-Ameen Medical College, Bijapur, 8. Dr. Atufath Kazmi – Ayurvedic @ JSS College, Mysore, 9. Dr. Sarbaz Hussain – MBBS @ Bengaluru Medical College, 10. Dr. Aman Abbas – MBBS @ Raja Rajeshwari Medical College, 11. Dr. Mahmudul Hassan – MBBS @ MS Ramaiah Medical College), 12. Dr. S. Najiya Fathimi – BDS @ Kims College, 13. Dr. Syeda Baqri - Dentist @Bengaluru, 14. Dr. Syeda Salma Baqri- MBBS (Shahid Baheshti University of Medical Science, Iran), 15. Dr. Syeda Nijiya Fathima, Dentist @KIMS, 16. Dr. Tasneef Fathima, MBBS @KIMS, 17. Syeda Hamde Zehra (MBBS), Shiraz University of Medical Science, Shiraz Iran, 18. Dr Ramze D/o Mr. Mehmood (Dentist). 19. Inam Abbas, (MBBS) @Shiraz University of Medical Science, Shiraz Iran, 20. Abbas Yawer, (MBBS) @Shiraz University of Medical Science, Shiraz Iran, 21. Syed Ain Raza (MBBS) @Rajarajeswari Medical College & Hospital, Blr. 22. Syeda Shubiya Fathima baqri , (MBBS) @Shiraz University of Medical Science, Shiraz Iran.

Advocates and Law Graduates of Alipur

The law graduates of Alipur are

1. Syed Aqil Raza – BSc, LLB (Advocate), 2. Syed Abu Mohammed – BAL, LLB (Advocate) & 3. Syed Salam Khomeini, BA, LLB.

MBA Degree Holders of Alipur

The MBA holders of Alipur are

1. Nakeer Raza – BBM, PGDSM, MBA, 2. Mannan Raza – BCA, MBA, 3. Masoom Ali Najafi– BBM, MBA, 4. Mohammed Murtuza – BBM, MBA, 5. Mahmid Hyder – BE, MBA,

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6. Syed Razi Najafi– BBM, MBA, 7. Tarif Abbas –, MBA, 8. Tahkim Mahdi –, MBA, 9. Qaisar Raza –, MBA, 10. Hunar Abbas –, MBA, 11. Mohammed Faizan – BBM, MBA, 12. Mohammed Taqi –, MBA, 13. Hussain Ali – BCA, MBA, 14. Shazan Baqri – BBM, MBA, 15. Majeed Raza Najafi– BBM, MBA, 16. Amir Abbas Abedi – MBA & 17. Raza Mehdi Syed – MBA

Religious Scholars of Alipur

During Conference of Karnataka State's Shia Muslims (The Twelvers- Ithna Ashari).

Ulemas & Anjumans at Alipur village, Chikkaballapur District in Karnataka State, South India on 5th Jan 2020 (Photo credit: AMC Media).

1. Moulana Abbas Hussain Baaqri – First Aalim (Scholar) of Alipur & Founder of Dar Uz Zehra, 2. Moulana Syed Mohammed Zaki Baqri – Supreme Religious Leader of Alipur,

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3. Moulana Azhar Hussain – Ex. President, Houzz Ilmiaya Alipur & Member, Waqf Board, Karnataka in 2020, 4. Moulana Syed Abbas Abedi Najafi – Chairman, Hidayath TV (UK), 5. Moulana Syed Nabi Raza – Saba Centre (California, US), 6. Moulana Ali Baqar Najafi– Ex. Jumma Jama’ath Masjid-e-Jafria, 7. Moulana Mohammed Tasdeeq – Resident Alim (Guyana), 8. Moulana Akber Ali – lives in UK, 9. Moulana Sarkar Ali Abedi – Ex. Jumma Jama’th (Kenya), 10. Moulana Syed Salman Abedi – Former President, Albalagh Organisation, 11. Moulana Zayeem Raza Abedi – Resident Alim (Orlando, Florida), 12. Moulana Manzoor Raza – Ex. Jumma Jamaat Yeshwanthpur, Blr, 13. Moulana Adeel Raza Abedi – Ex-Chairman of Karnataka State Hajj Committee. 14. Moulana Haseebul Hassan – Member, Advisory Board, AITA, 15. Moulana Itayath Ali Abedi – Aalim, 16. Moulana Mehfooz Raza Abedi – Aalim e Deen, Bangkok, 17. Moulana Mohammed Raza – Secretary, Al Balagh Organisation, 18. Moulana Mohammed Ali – Former Jumma Jama’at, Alipur, 19. Moulana Ali Reza – Imam Jama’at, Zainabiya, Alipur, 20. Moulana Qayim Abbas – President, Al Balagh Organisation & Jumma Jama’ath Neelsandra, 21. Moulana Dilawar Hussain – Ex Jumma Jama’at, Alipur, 22. Moulana Habeeb Baqri – Jumma Jama’ath, Bangkok, 23. Moulana Jawahar Abedi Najafi – Imam Jama’at, Imamia, Alipur, 24. Moulana Mohammed Raza – Jumma Jama’at, Masjid-e-Jafariya, Alipur, 25. Moulana Mahfooz raza – Imam Jamaat Bangkok, Thailand, 26. Moulana Yousha Abedi – President Al Balagh Organisation (Qom Chapter), 27. Moulana Dilawar ali Najafi– (Alipur's first Hafiz e Quran), 28. Moulana Mohammed Abbas Sajjadi – Chairman & Principal, Hauza-e-Ilmia Imam Sajjad, Mysore, 29. Moulana Zahid Ahmed – President, Hauza-e-Ilmia & Madrasa-e-Az Zehra, Alipur, 30. Moulana Nazar Hussain – Ex. Imam Jama’at, Imamia, Alipur, 31. Moulana Tamjeed Hyder – PRO (Iranian Consulate, Hyderabad), 32. Moulana Dr. Mohammed Rafi, 33. Moulana Saalis, 34. Moulana Sajjad Mehdi, 35. Moulana Mujassim Abbas, 36. Moulana Mudabbir Hussain Najafi, 37. Moulana Soqlain Hyder, 38. Moulana Irfan,

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39. Moulana Asger Ali,

Moulana's (Scholars) officiate at important life events like births, weddings, Majlis (Mourner's assemblies), Jashn (Twelvers Birth Anniversaries assemblies) & funerals.

list of Books written by Alipuri's101

Islamic Books

• 1.1 Islamic Propaganda on Global Scale, ,Understanding Salat ,[اردو] Mafhoom-E-Namaz 1.2 & [اردو] Dua E Sabah 1.3 1.4 Importance Of Marriage In Islam, (Author: Moulana Syed Mohammed Zaki Baqri ).

(زيارت ِعرفانِ) Irfan E Ziarat • (Author: Moulana Syed Mohammed Zaki Baqri,Canada) (Compiled: Moulana Adeel Raza with Moulana Manzoor Raza) • The Economic System of Islam (Re-Authorized by: Maulana Syed Mohammad Zaki Baqri) • Ahadith Al Qudsiyyah (Translated By: Maulana Syed Mohammad Zaki Baqri) • Excellent Advice from Imam Sadiq (As) (Translated And Compiled By : Maulana Syed Mohammad Zaki Baqri) نجات سے تنگذستی و فقر Faqro Thangdastee Say Nijath • (Author: Moulana Mohammed Ali) • 7.1 Zad E Rah & 7.2 Ahkam E Mayyat (Author: Moulana Azhar Hussain) • 8.1 Zainab E Kubra & 8.2 Taseer E Duniya In Nahjul Balagha, (Compiled: Moulana Adeel Raza) • Jafaria Deeniyath Series From 1st To 12th Class (Compiled: Moulana Adeel Raza With Moulana Manzoor Raza)

101 Aqeel Abbas collected the names of all written books by Alipuri.

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• Nahjul Balagha (Translated in a Poetic Way: Moulana Salman Abedi) • 11.1 Salsabeel - Dua E Kumail & Dua E Sabah, 11.2 Khutbah O Hijaz O Sham - Khutbah Imam E Sajjad (A.S)- 11.3 Khutbah Ghadeer & Fidak, 11.4 Tarbiyat E Aulaad, 11.5 Zimmedar Walaidan, 11.6 Khandan Aur Quran & 11.7 Rawishen (Translated: Moulana Salman Abedi) • 12.1 Salmanistan Ilmi Mazameen, 12.2 Jihad E Qalam Majmua E Manaibat & 12.3 Jihad E Harf Majmua E Salam Aur Naihajat. (Author: Moulana Salman Abedi) • 13.1 Shafa’at in Islam (English & Urdu), 13.2 Khutba e Siddiqa Kubra SA-Urdu, 13.3 Tafseer e surah hamd and Tawheed (English), 13.4 Siddiqah e Kubra SA (Urdu), 13.5 Commentary on Surat ul Yaseen(English), 13.6 Aqeeda e Tawheed, 13.7 Aqeeda e Adl e Ilahi, 13.8 Aqeeda e Nabuwat, 13.9 Aqeeda e Imamat o wilayat & 13.10 Aqeedah e ma’ad I Qiyamat, (Author: Moulana Syed Abbas Abedi Najafi) • 14.1 Qurani maloomat & 14.2 Nikah and its rules (Compiled: Moulana Manzoor Raza) • 15.1 May Allah Series, 15.2 Animals in Quran, 15.3 The Guiding Light, 15.4 Tales of the Last Messenger, 15.5 Blessed Names series, 15.6 40 Hadith for Children Activity Book, 15.7 The name chronicles, 15.8 Little Leaders from Heaven & 15.9 Rahman the Raindrop books (Author: Moulana Nabi Raza Abidi, Resident Alim of SABA Center in San Jose, California). • 16.1 The Role of Emotions and feelings from the view of the Holy Quran. & کريم قرآن منظر از احساسات و عواطف نقش (Persian) 16.2 The Critical review of Orientalists Quranic foundations about the

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.قرآن تناقضات درباره مستشرقان شناختی قرآن مبانی نقد .(Contradictions of Quran (Persian (Author: Moulana Moahmmed Rafi).

Books on Islamic Poetry

• Kalamay Sabir (Author: Allama Sabir Abedi Alipuri - Ustad E Shorah & Tajdar E Suqan ) • 18.1 Izharay Haqidath & 18.2 Rumuzay Haqidath (Author: Mir Mujeeb Raza Mujeeb Alipuri)

Ghazal Books

• 19.1 Rag E Jaan & 19.2 Ihasaas E Karb (Author: Moulana Salman Abedi)

Other Books 1. The Power of Gems (Author: Mr. M M Raza, Astro Gemologist). Former President of India Hon. Shri Pranab Mukherjee released the first copy of a book- The Power of Gems (The New Indian Express). 2. The Shi’a as a Muslim Minority in Karnataka, India: Shi’as History & Findings. (Author: Mr. Syed Aqeel Abbas Najafi, Engineer & Trader)

Medical Field

Original articles of Dr Ammar Raza

a) Rajput R, PrasannaKumar KM, Seshadri K, Agarwal P, Talwalkar P, Kotak B, Raza A et al. Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: START-India. Study. J Diabetes Metab 2017, 8:1 DOI: 10.4172/2155- 6156.1000722

b) Kasliwal RR, Bansal M, Desai N, Kotak B, Raza A et al. On behalf of SCORE- India collaborators. A Ssudy to derive distribution of carotid intima media thickness and to determine its COrrelation with cardiovascular Risk factors in asymptomatic nationwidE Indian population (SCORE-India). Indian Heart J 2016; 68: 821–827

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c) Prasannakumar M, Rajput R, Seshadri K, Talwalkar P, Agarwal P, Gokulnath G, Kotak B, Raza Aet al. An observational, cross-sectional study to assess the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes patients in India (START - India). Indian J Endocrinol Metab 2015; 19:520-3. doi: 10.4103/2230-8210.157857

d) Mithal A, Majhi D, Shunmugavelu M, Talwarkar PG, Vasnawala H, Raza AS. Prevalence of dyslipidemia in adult Indian diabetic patients: A cross sectional study (SOLID). Indian J Endocr Metab 2014;18:642-7.

Featured articles:

a) Modern Dry Eye Problem, Apr 21, 2019 Business Standards, India b. Patient Centricity: The changing paradigm for Pharma. APAC CIO Outlook, Pharma and Life Science Special, April 2019, Pg 21-22 / PharmaTech Outlook, APAC Special, Drug Discovery Edition, Oct 2019/ Start Up City, Biotech Edition, October 3, 2019

b) Dr. Ammar Raza. Staring at Computers all time? Beware of Dry Eyes! Silicon India Healthcare magazine, Nov 5, 2018, pg. 24-25

c) Dr. Ammar Raza. From Apple bark to a Novel Diabetes Treatment, Pharma Bio World, Feb 2016, Pg. 39-40

d) “Managing Diabetes during Ramadan- Dr Ammar Raza discusses the dos and don'ts of managing Diabetes during the holy month of Ramadan”. DIABETES HEALTH Vol 7 No 2, Jun -Jul 2017; Pg 64-67

Articles authored in scientific newsletters

a) Article on “Development of Medicines for Diabetes: SWEET and SOUR Outcomes” Published on LinkedIn (Dr Ammar Raza) April 2017 (46 views and 5 reshares) b) ‘Advanced Glycosylation End Products and Their Importance’, Diabetes et al, Series 3 c) ‘Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA)- A Review’ in Diabetes et al Series 4

Articles on web portals a) Article on “Development of Medicines for Diabetes: SWEET and SOUR Outcomes”. Published on LinkedIn (Dr Ammar Raza) April 2017 (46 views and 5 reshares)

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b) Articles published on the web Al Mehdi Center Articles (originally published)


a) Invited to be on the program committee of DIA India New Paradigms in Translational Research and Early Development 2019, July 2019 b) Named as Humanitarian “Global Goodwill Ambassador (GGA)” in Mar 2019

General Articles Articles written by Syed Nakir Raza (Director & Principal of Noble School & College). 1.Teachings of Imam Hussain & our practice - 2008 2.Changing to change for good - 2009 3.Falling Behind - 2014 4.The blessed journey - 2017 5. Gaon ka Muharram - 2018 6. A lesson for men of understanding -2018.102

Shi’a Islam in Alipur village

Women in Alipur

Women youth camp at Dar uz Zehra, Alipur village

Hijab: During school's time Alipur girls start wearing scarf & after girls mature, they start wearing a manto with scarf (hijabi dress code). A girl after marriage starts wearing not only a manto with scarf but also a chadar (black full cloth) by choice. A women welfare

102 Above written Articles published on Noble School Magazines (Noble Talents & Nobel Herald).

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Committee organized Zehra Committee by a group of Alipur Womens for the Welfare of Women in Alipur.103

Education: In the 21st century 90% of young girls are literate in Urdu, English & Kannada.

Men in Alipur

Youths reciting holy Qur’an at Dar uz Zehra, Alipur.

Since childhood parents thought lessons of Islamic Culture (Basics Islamic values are a way of prayer, Fasting, Holy Quran, respecting parents & elders) & other basic religious education at Home/Deeniyat School/Deeniyat Class period in Schools. During school time the first language was Urdu/Hindi by choice, Second Language English & third language Kannada.

Marriage system Most of the Alipuri marriages are propogusals arranged by parents of prospective grooms and brides, a traditional custom in India. The wedding ceremonies take three days to complete marriage are Haldi day, Manja day & Nikha day. After each ceremony food will be served (Dawath). Jashn Programs

Way of Jashn programs: This program starts with a reading of the Holy Quran, Shayri (poetry) followed by Bayan (a lecture by a scholar who speak about Islam) Many Jashns were held for remembering the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad's family members (Ahlul bayt) followed by Tabaruk (food/items distributed by majlis organizers).

103 Notice by Syed Aqeel Abbas during his schooling time in Alipur.

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Alipur village is also known for commemorating the martyrdom anniversary of Fatimah bint Muhammad, commonly known as Fatima Al-Zehra, ie, Ayyam-e-Fathimiya (also known as Maqsusi) where a large number of pilgrims from across the country (India) give a visit to Alipur and give their condolence to Prophet Muhammad (saww). During the event of Maqsusi in Alipur the great religious Poetry (Noha khwan) Syed Nadeem Sarwar also has given a visit.104

Commemoration in the Holy month of Muharram

Majlis programs

Way of the Majlis programs:

This program starts with a reading of the Holy Quran, Urdu salam and marsiay, or elegies, Shayri (Poetry) followed by a Bayan – a lecture where a scholar speaks about Islam & the tragedy of Karbala). Most of the of majlis is followed by a procession where the Alam (Hussaini Flag), which is a symbol of the battle of Karbala, is taken out from the Ashur khana. The Alams are generally made of metal and shaped in the form of a hand. The procession is also famous for the chest beating (matam) with reciting Noha (lament) that mourners do to remember the sacrifice made at Karbala in Alipur village. Many Majlises were held for remembering the Martyr anniversary of Prophet Muhammad's family members (Ahlul bayt) followed by Tabaruk (food/items distributed by majlis organizers).

"In commemoration of this tragedy, they wail all night for ten days. The women recite lamentations and grief. The men carry decorated coffins on the main roads of the Alipur village with many lamps. Large crowds attend these ceremonies, with great cries of mourning and noise. The chief event is on the last night where the days of 72 martyrs in the tragedy of Karbala, Iraq is remembered. They were martyred when the self-claimed King Yazeed had ordered to kill the Prophet Muhammad's grandson Imam e Hussain & his followers". "The whole village was commemorating Muharram with sadness and grief. Tazias were taken out on the 10th and the shops were closed".

The air was rent with the sorrow-filled voice of the man reading the marsiya (an Urdu lamentation with a tune) as people dressed in black walked in hordes through the swelling crowd to the Shia Muslim shrine in the village of Alipur near Bengaluru. The 10th of the Islamic month of Muharram is when this town comes alive as it witnesses a huge

104 Dar Uz Zehra Trust & Anjuman e Jafferia Alipur.

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gathering of Shia Muslims and peoples of other faith to commemorate the sacrifice made by the Holy Prophet’s grandson Hazrat Imam Hussain in Karbala, Iraq, in 680 AD.

The historically oldest Ashur khana is the majlis (mourning ceremony) that took place. The majlis is followed by a procession where the Alam (Hussaini Flag), which is a symbol of the battle of Karbala, is taken out from the Ashur khana. The Alams are generally made of metal and shaped in the form of a hand.

Having personally attended this majlis, the author noted that there are stalls offering refreshments one the sides of road to the majlis attenders (Azadars) all along the way to the Ashur khana. Religious harmony is something that makes this event stand out. This event is attended by people from all faiths and not just Shias. An Urdu poem read out at the majlis which states that Hindus will commemorate the sacrifice of Hazrat Hussain exemplifies this harmony. The procession is also famous for the matam that mourners do to remember the sacrifice made at Karbala.105

Majlis e Aza e Hussain at Alipur, Karnataka, India

Majlis e Aza e Hussain in Alipur. The group of famous poets (Zakerie Ahlebaith) left to right, second Janab Ali, third Janab Taqi Ali Najafi, fourth Janab Rohulla and fifth Janab Natiq Alipuri reciting an elegiac poem (Marsiya) in Alipur’s Ali Channel TV Live telecast at Alipur village.

105 Oberved by Syed Aqeel Abbas Najafi during living time in Alipur.

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People sitting on the floor during Majlis e Aza e Imam Hussain (a.s), Alipur. [1st from L-R Alhaj Jouhari Mir Gulam Hussain Najafi, Jouhari Hasnaian Raza, Jouhari Hashim Raza & other people of Alipur].

Ashura in Alipur

The famous Zakerie Ahlebaith from L-R Janab Ahmed Abbas, Javid Saheb, Janab Mohammed Abbas Najafi and Janab Nassar reciting poetry (Noha) during Procession on 10th Moharrum, Alipur.

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During procession on 10th Muharram (Ashura), Alipur During tenth Muharram (Ashura) in Alipur, the taboot tradition was not only practiced by Shia Muslims and other sects but also by Hindus. The procession has also been a historic occasion for communal harmony.

There are three Mosques in Alipur village as shown below.

2. Masjid e Jafferia, Alipur

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In Alipur Mosques, the five daily prayers as well as reading holy Qur’an and other religious activities are conducted. Everyweek, is a tradition of reciting dua e tawassul on tuesdays & dua e kumail on thursdays.

2.Masjid e Al Qaim in Imamia Colony in Alipur.

3.Masjid near Bus Station, Alipur Under Construction

Graveyard Behest e Ali (a.s), Alipur

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Leading Procession of Eid from Zainabiya Ashurkhana to Eidgah. During Eid procession they start reading "Allah u Akbar, Allah u Akbar, La illaha illalah, wala u Akbar, Allah u Akbar Wa lillahil hamd, walhamd o lillahi alama hadana, walahush shukro alama aolana," till the procession reaches Eidgha.

Ashur Khanas in Alipur There are 26 Ashorakhanas in Alipur out of which 23 are managed by donations of people and 3 more belong to the Anjuman e Jafariya in Alipur village: Hussainia Association, Bab-ul-Hawaij and Jelvezar Husseini which are supported by Jafria Mosque.

Dar uz Zehra, Alipur

Late Moulana Abbas Hussain Baqri, the main founder of Dar uz Zehra which has around 4 acres of land. He was one among the persons to implement Iranian Islamic revolutions into Alipur village by educating people with Islamic knowledge and introducing Hijab for women. He also provided Ayurveda medicines. Late Moulana Abbas Hussain Baqri’s brother Hameed Hussain Baqri was also a famous poet in Alipur village History.106

106 Dar Uz Zehra Trust & Welfare, 2017.

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In and around Dar Uz Zehra developed properties are

Hall-1 for Ladies Hall -2 for Gents

Behasti Business Complex, Alipur

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The Alipur village’s famous Ashurkhanas and wakf properties as shown below.

Maidan e Karbala, Alipur Imam e Ali a.s Ashurkhana, Alipur

Hussainiya a.s Ashurkhana, Alipur Imam e Sajjad a.s Ashurkhana, Alipur

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Hazrath e Abbas a.s Ashurkhana, Alipur Babul Hawaej, Alipur

Hazrath e Zainab a.s Ashurkhana-1, Alipur Hazrath e Zainab a.s Ashurkhana-2, Alipur

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Hazath e Ali Akbar a.s Ashurkhana, Alipur Hazrath e Sakina a.s Ashurkhan-1, Alipur

Hazrath e Sakina a.s Ashurkhana-2, Alipur Hazrath e Ali Asgar a.s Ashurkhana, Alipur

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Hazrath e Sugra a.s Ashurkhana, Alipur Imam e Raza a.s Ashurkhana, Alipur

Masoom e Qom, Ashurkhana Alipur Prayer Hall in Imamia Colony, Alipur

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Other Wakf Properties in Alipur

IK Hospital, Alipur Anjuman e Jafferia Office, Alipur

Imam e Raza a.s Clinic, Alipur Maktabe Rasule Khuda, Alipur

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Alipur Sports Most of Alipuris play cricket, volleyball, badminton, carrom board, swimming & other sports. Schools Sports Day

Anjuman Public Play Ground, Alipur Volley Ball Ground

Cycling Alipuri students were warming up

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Agriculture of Alipur

It is very common to see Neem trees used for shade, timber, and firewood. It is planted around temples, schools, farm boundaries & other public buildings or in most people's backyards. In very dry areas the trees are planted on large tracts of land. It is a good source of oxygen.

Neem Tree, Alipur Famous trees in & around Alipur village are Neem Trees, Mangoes Tree, Nilgiris trees, Tamarind Trees, Vachellia nilotica (kekar)Trees & rarely you can see Banyan Trees.

Floriculture is blooming around Alipur.

Flower Farming, Alipur Tur Dal Farming, Alipur

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Tamatoes Farming Raagi-Millet Farming

Alipur Bagh View Beans (Ballar Phalli) Farming

Nature of Alipur Many villages in India depend on rain for agriculture. Likewise, Alipur village too depends on the rain & the surrounding of Alipur village pictures as below are

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River (Alipur Nadi). Early birds get the worm

Alipur Sun Set View Alipur Trekking

The mountains surrounding Alipur offers plenty to trekkers.

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The participation of Hindus in the mourning rituals of Imam Hussain has been a feature of Hinduism for centuries in large parts of India.

A Hindu paet had once wrote:

“Baad marne ke bhee matam ki sada aati rahi,

Log harat se meri jalti chita dekha kiye”.

Translation: The sound of lamentation (at the martyrdom of Imam Hussain) continued after my death. The people watched my burning pyre with adoration & admiration.

In North India Hindu Mourns Muharram.

Joining the throngs in Delhi on Tuesday was an unusual community of mourners. They carried out their own tazia procession and beat their chests in lamentation. But they were Hindus, not Muslims.107 A report in the Times of India follows these Hussaini Brahmins, also known as Mohyals, a community of Hindus in North India who adhere to certain Muslim traditions and rituals. According to Mohyal lore, many famous ancestors fought on Husain's side at Karbala and died in the battle. The community now bears the legacy of that mythic lineage.

107 Why these Hindus celebrate the Muslim festival of Moharram (Washington Post Article on Nov 4 2014).

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The Shia Islam of Ithna Ashari flourished in Deccan in the 16th century AD. However, before that (approximately in 748-936/1347-1528), the Bahmani Kingdom was the first government, which prepared the basis for penetration of 12-Imamid Shiism in this region. Bahmanid rulers established independent kingdoms in Ahmad Nagar, Bijapur and Golconda, which resisted until the Mughal invasion. After the spread of Imamia religion in the time of Shah Ismail Safavid in Iran, Bijapur was the first government to announce Shiism as its official religion in Deccan. This historical period also has been carefully studied in this research and of course the social as well as economic lives of Shias population in Karnataka state that is a very small scale of this great historical and cultural event in India.

Adil Shahis were very much concerned about buildings and turned their capital, Bijapur into one of the finest examples of Islamic architecture in India. They were supporters of the arts and institutions of knowledge. Following that, the Shia thinkers and scholars enriched sciences and philosophy remarkably. From the beginning of the Islamic history until the end of the 18th century, the Indian born Shias started developing the thought system of the country. As a result, the history of the thought system of Shias in India is the same history of the Iranian immigrants who brought a share of their best teachings from their country and introduced it to the society of cultures and arts in India. In addition to other reasons, the development and spread of Shias Islam and Islamic Sufism is due to the efforts of scholars, Sufis, Iranian preachers as well as introduction of Persian books. The Shias do not have any independent political organization for themselves and the political Shias figures follow their political activities separately in all parties; hence, they are far behind Sikhs in this case. Unfortunately, the few Shia political figures in India do not have much concern for the improvement of the poor cultural and economic situation of Shias in this country. Shias are in lower conditions compared to followers of other religions and sects. The considerable cultural and social organizations of Shias all over India are very few in numbers. Unfortunately, since the Shias in India consider themselves a minority, they have always been thinking about defending themselves and have rarely had the opportunity to spread the teachings of Ahle Bait. In order to defend themselves, they have sometimes made mistakes in knowing their enemies as well.

Status of Muslims: state agencies should actively develop and implement policies geared to improve the socio-economic status of Shia Muslim women and the Muslim community generally to ensure their full participation in public life as Indian citizens. Such measures could include central government (collaboratively with state governments) implementating loan schemes to facilitate the setting up of small businesses or skill training for Muslims;

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and the implementation of schemes for Muslim girls’ and women’s education in both rural and urban areas. This should be in conjunction with socio-economic measures so that Shia Muslim women, particularly in urban areas (where illiteracy levels are high), can enjoy such economic benefits.


Religious: 1. Eradicate dowry system:

Marriage rituals among Shias are almost like the ones among Hindus in which the whole expenses have to be paid by the girl’s family; but if a boy wants to pay the expenditure, there is no problem with that. These practices should be eradicated & need to spread the knowledge of Islamic marriage system.

2. Teaching of unity:

The scholars of Shia Islam must teach unity among muslims irrespective of different sects and culture. Also, it is very important to respect other religions to keep peace & harmony environment for the socio-economic development of Karnataka state in South India.

Education: 1. Career Counselling & Career Guidance:

Shi’a Muslims aspirants find themselves at an advantage in civil service examinations.

2. Required technical and vocational skills development.

There is a lack of skills in the field of trade & commerce, lack of skills in the field of industrial, digital & other modern skills. Skills development programmes are very much needed for the development of minorities economy which directly or indirectly helps the growth of the indian economy.

Shia Muslims: Given the poor educational and low socio-economic status of Shia Muslims in general, the central and state governments should ensure the

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implementation of skills training programmers for Shia Muslims, particularly Shia Muslim women.

In addition, state governments should institute scholarships for minority students. Removing social prejudice against Muslims: the central government must take appropriate action against people, institutions and political figures that practice or propagate discrimination or intolerance based on religion.

Medical Hospital: 1. Modern Medical College, Hospital, and R&D.

To serve the healthcare needs to populations that do not have easy access with quality medical, paramedical, nursing and allied healthcare education, excellent and compassionate hospital services with state of the art facilities and to carry out health research for the betterment of the humankind in tune with the holistic values of the institution.

Political Career: 1. Alipur Hobli.

The people of Alipur village must come forward for an intervention to create a new Alipur Hobli in Gauribidanur Taluk. This would enable Alipur to increase development activities which will directly & indirectly help the development of Gauribidanur Taluk as well the development of our Karnataka State.

2. The people must be elected/selected based on a leader's qualification (measuring with their education, experience, bravery, & lowest criminal records) irrespective of color, race & tribes.

3. BBMP Corporator in Shanthinagar ward-117, & Zilla Panchayat (ZP) from Alipur Hobli (now Alipur village in Thondebhavi Hobli).

To build an initial political career, any energetic leader from our community can come forward & stand for election either for corporate election at ward-117 in Bengaluru or for ZP from Alipur hobli in Gauribidnur Taluk.

4. In the 21st century, so far, no one from the Shi’a community is elected to occupy the seat of the state legislature of Karnataka to represent or raising voice for the development of Shi’a Muslim community in the Vidhana Soudha at Bengaluru in the Indian state of Karnataka. Some energetic leaders from the community must

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come forward and stand for assembly elections with a proper strategy to win a seat, which will give more opportunities to serve community development than interfering in a religious activities associations called Anjumans/Idaras/trusts politics.

Based on Islamic banking concept, the community can build the financial sector development: 1. Savings, Halal & Angel Investment schemes. 2. Loan: loan schemes to facilitate the setting up of small businesses & for higher education. 3. Housing Schemes. 4. R&D center for Fanancial Market. 5. Transparency in finance: community's welfare, education & religious trust must be declared financial year in the holy month of (Bakrid) of every year to show the financial report to maintain transparency. This will create the community's more confidence on trustees.

The form & function of the prophet’s mosque during the time of the Prophet (PBUH):

The Mosque was meant not only for performing prayers at formally appointed times, but also for many other religious, education, social, political, administrative and cultural functions. 1. Shi’a Muslim’s Mosques, Ashur Khanas, community welfare trusts offices & other wakf lands must start utilizing space for physical vocational skills training, career counseling, career guiding & mentoring for empowerment. 2. Our community expertise professionals in their respective fields voluntarily must come forward to guide our community for healthy & wealthy development. 3. Our community’s local TV & youtube channels not only use for religious activities but also start using for skills development programs, career counseling, career guiding, programs for Healthy life, to create wealth & awareness about the Indian constitution.

FUTURE HOPE OF KARNATAKA'S SHI'A MUSLIMS. 1) It is hoped and expected that the Shi’a Muslim community will raise their voice against the dowry system & favor simple marriages in masjid / Ashur Khanas. They are also more respecting to other sects & other religions. The moulanas (scholars) often preach more positivities to create educated community, peace & harmony among human beings.

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2) The Shi’a community is planning advanced modern schools, tech institutions, medical hospital, medical colleges, & a research center in the name of the Ahle Bait. 3) The Shi’a Muslim community also plans to generate many top professinals, business men & civil service officers. 4) It is planned that a few leaders from the community will stand for state assembly elctions. 5) Easy loan system & angel investment will be available for small businesses / startups in the Shi’a Muslim community. 6) The Shia community also plans to launch media channels on TV’s & other mediums to spread the knowledge of Ahle Bait, science, creativity, skills, finance, law, & healthy life programs. 7) Ahlul Bayt (low-cost) housing schemes for our community in Karnataka.

“Education & proper financial management can give a hope to build well developed Shi’a Muslims community in the Indian state of Karnataka”. Aqeel Abbas

Want to speak at your conference or events? If you enjoyed The Shi’a Muslims as a Muslim Minority in the Karnataka India, & want Aqeel Abbas to speak at your event, email [email protected] with details about your event & the approximate dates. I always love meeting my readers in person & discussing our Karnataka's History, Art & Culture!

Syed Aqeel Abbas, Engineer & Trader

Thank you!

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I hope you’ve enjoyed The Shi’a Muslims as a Muslim Minority in the Karnataka India & that what you’ve learned here is useful for your life. Writing this book has been a lot of happiness for me, so I’m glad you joined for the ride. If you found The Shi’a Muslims as a Muslim minority in the Karnataka India useful, I hope you’ll review it on Amazon & recommend it to your friends. Thank you for reading, & until next time, all the best! - Syed Aqeel Abbas Najafi ok

Copyrights Copyright for this book is retained by the author(s), with first publication rights granted to the journal. END



[1] Rashida Moosavi; Deccan Mee Marsiya Aur Azadari, Hyderabad, 1978, p.57.


[2] Anthropological Perspective Study on the Muslims in Mysore City-India (Case study Shia Muslims) Jalal Jafarpour Irani.

CHAPTER 1: Shi’a Islam

[3] Olawuyi, Toyib (2014). On the Khilafah of Ali over Abu Bakr. p. 3. ISBN 978-1-4928-5884- 3. Archived from the original on 22 April 2016.

[4] "Imam Khomeini defined Ghadir as most magnificent feast". Retrieved 1 September 2018.

[5] muhammad-al-mahdi.


[7] Mustafa Abdulhussein (27 September 2001). Al-Dai Al-Fatimi, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin: an illustrated biography. Al-Jamea-Tus-Saifiyah. ISBN 978-0-9536256-0-4.

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[9] "Roots, culture and customs". The Straits Times. Retrieved 12 April2020.


[11] "The Origin of the Khojas and their Religious Life Today." Ph.D. diss., Universit"t-Bonn, Untersuch. zum Allgemein Religionsgeschichte 8, 1936. 190 pp.


CHAPTER 2: History

Research History of Shi'a Islam in Karnataka State

[13] H.A.R. Gibb, tr., Travels of Ibn Battuta, Indian reprint, New Delhi, 1993, Vol. I, p. 263.

[14] C.F. Beckingham, tr., The Travels of Ibn Battuta, London, 1994, Vol. IV, p. 817.

Shia Islam of the Bahmani Period (1347–1527)

[15] History of Bahamani Sultanate - Modern scholars have based their accounts of the Bahmani dynasty mainly upon the medieval chronicles of Firishta, Syed Ali Tabatabai, etc.

[16] The Architecture of a Deccan Sultanate

Shia Islam of Adil Shahi period in and around Bijapur (1490-1686 AD)

[17] J. N. Hollister, "The Shi'a of India", pp. 113, Luzac and Co, London (1953).

[18] By the Historian William Dalrympla- Times on May 2015.


[20] Karnataka current affairs Yearbook 2020.

[21] C.F. Beckingham, tr., "The Travels of Ibn Battuta", Vol. IV, p. 817, London, (1994). As cited in: S. A. N. Rezavi, "The State, Shia's and Shi'ism in Medieval India", Studies in People’s History, 4, 1, p. 32–45, SAGE (2017).

The Bidar Sultanate

[22] History of Bidar Sultanate (Yazdani, 1947, pp. 14).

The Qutb Shahi dynasty (1512–1687 AD)

[23] "Read famous Poetry of Quli Qutub Shah". Rekhta. Retrieved 31 May 2019.

[24] S. A. A. Rizvi, "A socio-intellectual History of Ishna Ashari Shi'is in India'', Vol. I, p. 307, Ma'rifat Publishing House, Canberra (1986).

[25] J. N. Hollister, "The Shi'a of India", pp. 120–125, Luzac and Co, London (1953).

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Doddaballapur (1700’s) [26] Doddaballapur - Census of India, 2011 (Karnataka State).

Shi'ism in Mysore Kingdom- Hyder Ali (1759-1782)

[27] Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan and the Struggle with the Musalman Powers of the South, Bowring,p.13.

[28] Mohibbul Hasan, History of Tipu Sultan, ch. 21, Aakar Books (2005).

[29] Irfan Habib, Confronting Colonialism: Resistance and Modernization Under Haidar Ali & Tipu Sultan, Anthem Press London (2002).

[30] Mohibbul Hasan, History of Tipu Sultan, p. 79, Aakar Books (2005).

[31] Mohibbul Hasan, History of Tipu Sultan, p. 378, Aakar Books (2005).

Tiger of Mysore (1782-1799)

[32] Part 1 - Shodhganga (Reference).

[33] J. J. Bijarboneh, "The Socio-Economic Study among the Shia Muslims in Mysore City", Ch. 2, Lambert Academic Publishing, (2014).

[34] Mohibbul Hasan, "History of Tipu Sultan", p. 373, Aakar Books (2005).

[35] Mohibbul Hasan, "History of Tipu Sultan", p. 322, Aakar Books (2005).

[36] J. J. Bijarboneh, "The Socio-Economic Study among the Shia Muslims in Mysore City", Ch. 2, Lambert Academic Publishing, (2014).

CHAPTER 3: Findings

Shi'ism in Chikkaballapur District


[37] "Allipura City Population Census 2011 - Karnataka". Retrieved 13 November 2018.

[38] Dar Uz Zehra Trust & Welfare, 2017.

Shi'ism in Bengaluru District- Bengaluru Urban Findings [39] Economictimes- the untold-tale-of-bengalurus-110-year-old-persian-shia-cemetary-masid-e- askari/articles.

[40] Koppal, Basavaraj. "Hyderabad Liberation - 10". Archived from the original on 29 July 2013. Retrieved 1 January 2018.

[41] P. 254-258, Business Legends by Gita Piramal (1998) – Published by Viking Penguin India.

[42] "Welcome to Mysore Dasara" Archived from the original on 26 August 2007.

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[43] Economictimes- the untold-tale-of-bengalurus-110-year-old-persian-shia-cemetary-masid-e- askari/articles.


[45] ShiaBengaluru Blog.



2nd Branch of Shia Islam [47] Blank, Jonah (2001). Mullahs on the mainframe: Islam and modernity among the Daudi Bohras. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p. 11. ISBN 0226056767. OCLC 923455839.

[48] "Be patriotic, Syedna urges Dawoodi Bohras". Deccan Chronicle. 20 October 2019.

[49] Jyoti Shelar (13 May 2017). "Studying the Koran, and also Einstein". The Hindu.

[50] (Bengaluru Jamaat Website).


Bangalore Rural District Findings- Doddaballapur Finding: [52] sacrifice/article20701015.ece#.

Thyamagondlu Finding- 'Thyamagondlu' Village

[53] Aqeel Abbas obtained this information from the biography of Mir Taqi Ali Najafi (Taqi Saheb) & noted during sayings of Late Zamindar Karrar Hussain Najafi in the year 2008. Mir Karrar Hussain Najafi Saheb was born in Thyamagondlu village but was raised & buried at Alipur village in Chikkaballapur District.

Shi'ism in Mysore District- Mysore Finding

[54] Anthropological Perspective Study on the Muslims in Mysore City-India (Case study Shia Muslims) Jalal Jafarpour Irani.


Shia Muslims Sultanate Contribution to Karnataka State: [55] Ansari, N.H. "Bahmanid Dynasty" Archived 19 October 2006 at the Wayback Machine Encyclopaedia Iranica.

[56] Yazdani, 1947, pp. 91-98.

Prominent Shia Muslims from Karnataka:

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[57] Salma Ahmed Farooqui, A Comprehensive History of Medieval India: From Twelfth to the Mid- Eighteenth Century, (Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd, 2011), 181.

[58] Deccan Herald News paper.

[59] The Roll of Honour in the 1930 Mysore Gazetteer (Vol II, Chapter XII, Page 3151) records Mir Humza Hussain’s birth as 15th March 1869.

[60] "Player Profile - Test Cricket: Syed Kirmani (India)". Howstat. Retrieved 15 December 2019.

[61] Awaasthi, Kavita (7 July 2016). "Of trials and triumphs: Sanjay Khan talks about The Sword of Tipu Sultan". Hindustan Times. Archived from the original on 27 December 2017. Retrieved 1 August 2019.

[62] "The Man behind". Online Webpage of Golden Palms Hotels and Spa. Retrieved 17 August 2007.


[64] "Gujaratis the shining feather in market cap". Times of India. 19 October 2006. Retrieved 1 October 2013.

[65] Bhupathi Reddy (30 August 2015). "Top 10 Entrepreneurs of India". Archived from the original on 26 January 2016.

[66] Srikar Muthyala (29 September 2015). "The List of Great Entrepreneurs of India in 2015". MyBTechLife. Archived from the original on 14 January 2016.

[67] Azim Premji Profile Retrieved September 2010.

[68] Karmali, Naazneen. "Azim Premji Donates $2.3 Billion After Signing Giving Pledge". Forbes. Retrieved 22 April 2017.



[71] "Kaunain Abbas". ESPN Cricinfo. Retrieved 13 October 2016.


[72] "Allipura City Population Census 2011 - Karnataka". Retrieved 13 November 2018.

[73] Published an article on the newspaper on Sept 24, 2016 by Bhavya Dore.

[74] Aqeel Abbas collected a piece of information from Janab Ahmed Abbas descendant of Syed Mustafa Hussain & he is well known a urdu poem recitor (Marsiya khwani) during mourning times.

[75] www.alipur.Info.

[76] Janab Kazim Baqri son of Moulana Abbas Hussain Baqri, 2017.


[78] Janab Mohammed Hussain saheb, officially work done to registered Alipur village name at Kolar District under the Govt of Karnataka, India.

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[79] This piece of information collected from Mir Sarfaraz Ali grandson of Yosuf Ali Sheikdar. He was one among oldest living descendants of Moulana Mustafa Hussain family at Alipur village.

[80] Aqeel Abbas collected information from Mir Ali Raza Najafi, 2017.

[81] Foundation Stone of IK Hospital.

[82] Annual Sports Day at BHM School Alipur, 2008.




[86] Zain Public School in kannada Prajawani Paper, 28 Feb 2020.

[87] Anjuman e Jafferia Alipur & Imam Khomeini Hospital, Alipur.

[88] "Jalappa quits Janata Dal, to join Congress". 17 January 1998. Retrieved 5 November 2018.




[92] An appointed letter issued by Hon. H.D. Deve Gowda National President of Janata Dal (Secular) on January 22, 2020.

[93] Jouhari Ali Raza Najafi's Son in Law of Jouhari Mumtaz Hussain.

[94] Aqeel Abbas collected pieces of information from Alim Raza (Secretary AITA 2020).

[95] Bazm-e-Meesam, Alipur

[96] In 2017, Aqeel Abbas collected a piece of information from Alhaj Mir Ali Raza Najafi at Dar Uz Zehra in Alipur.

[97] Internet.

[98] The above information was collected from Moulana Azhar Hussain Saheb, 2017.

[99] Livemint Newspaper (Article: Alipur can you hear you loud & clear).


[101] Aqeel Abbas collected the names of all written books by Alipuri

[102] Above written Articles published on Noble School Magazines (Noble Talents & Nobel Herald).

[103] Notice by Syed Aqeel Abbas during his schooling time in Alipur.

[104] Dar Uz Zehra Trust & Anjuman e Jafferia Alipur.

[105] Oberved by Syed Aqeel Abbas Najafi during living time in Alipur.

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[106] Dar Uz Zehra Trust & Welfare, 2017.

Hindu Mourns Muharram in Karnataka state South India. [107] Why these Hindus celebrate the Muslim festival of Moharram (Washington Post Article on Nov 4 2014).

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