1 ATLIN NORTHERN MOUNTAIN CARIBOU MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING FRAMEWORK: FINAL REPORT 2011 Project Components 1. Habitat Modeling 2. Cumulative Effects Toolkit 3. Caribou Pregnancy 4. Predator Diet Stable Isotope Analysis 5. Lichen Sampling JUNE 2011 REPORT PREPARED FOR Taku River Tlingit First Nation P.O. Box 132 Atlin, BC V0W 1A0 REPORT BY Jean L. Polfus1 Kimberly S. Heinemeyer1 COVER PHOTO CREDITS Jean Polfus (top left, TRTFN Territory sign, bottom left, bottom middle, middle), Wibke Peters (bottom right), Kevin Cannaday (caribou on road). Drawing of caribou by Jean Polfus. 1 Round River Conservation Studies, 284 West 400 North, Suite 105, Salt Lake City, UT 84103; Jean Polfus:
[email protected]; Kimberly Heinemeyer:
[email protected] 2 FUNDING Funding for this project was provided by the Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk and the Aboriginal Funds for Species at Risk of Environment Canada, the Taku River Tlingit First Nation, Round River Conservation Studies and the University of Montana. 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The long-term vision of the Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN) made this project possible by identifying the need for sustainable management of the wildlife and resources in their traditional territory. Many TRTFN members contributed their ecological knowledge and expertise including Jackie Williams, Bryan Jack, Andrew Williams, Terry Jack, Harry Carlick, Richard Carlick, Greta Thorlakson, Douglas Jack, Rickard Johnson and Peter Kirby. Field research was provided by Myranda Simpson, Morgane Stehelin-Holland, Jerry Jack, Phillip Tizya and Mark Connor. The partnership between the TRTFN and Round River Conservation Studies (RRCS) facilitated the development of funding proposals, project management, reporting and implementation and development of project partnerships.