Wóoshtin Wudidaa Atlin Taku Land Use Plan
Wóoshtin wudidaa Atlin Taku Land Use Plan Wóoshtin wudidaa Atlin Taku Land Use Plan July 19, 2011 Contact information: For more information on the Atlin Taku Land Use Plan, please contact: Taku River Tlingit First Nation Province of British Columbia Land and Resources Department 3726 Alfred Ave Box 132 Smithers, BC Atlin, BC V0J 2N0 V0W 1A0 250-651-7900 250-847-7260 www.trtfn.yikesite.com www.ilmb.gov.bc.ca/slrp/lrmp/smithers/atlin_ta ku/index.html Acknowledgements The Atlin Taku Land Use Plan reflects the vision, hard work and dedication of many individuals and groups. Special recognition is given to individuals on the working groups representing the Province of BC and the Taku River Tlingit First Nation: . The Joint Land Forum –the bilateral government-to-government body responsible for developing the Land Use Plan, included the following members: Sue Carlick (TRTFN co- chair), Bryan Jack, John Ward and Melvin Jack representing the TRTFN; and Kevin Kriese (BC co-chair), Brandin Schultz (MOE), Loren Kelly (MEMPR, Alternate), Åsa Berg (Atlin Community Representative), and Rose Anne Anttila (Atlin Community Representative, Alternate) representing the Province of BC. Representatives of the Atlin Taku Technical Working Group acting for the TRTFN were Bryan Evans (TRTFN Team Leader), Julian Griggs, Kim Heinemeyer, Nicole Gordon and Jerry Jack. Representatives of the Technical Working Group acting for BC were James Cuell (BC Team Leader), Fred Oliemans, Lisa Ambus, Katie von Gaza and Tony Pesklevits. The Responsible Officials under the Framework Agreement included Gary Townsend, Assistant Deputy Minister, Integrated Land Management Bureau; and John Ward, Spokesperson, Taku River Tlingit First Nation.
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