Parvin Togadia

Pravin Togadia is an Indian doctor, cancer surgeon, a strong advocate for Hindu supremacism, and one of the countrys top minority haters. He was the former International Working President of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP). He is the Current President of Antarashtriya Hindu Parishad, a Hindu militant group. is an Indian doctor, cancer surgeon, a strong advocate for Hindu supremacism, and one of the countrys top minority haters. He was the former International Working President of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP). He is the Current President of Antarashtriya Hindu Parishad, a Hindu militant group.

Togadia was an RSS member in and a colleague of . He was drafted into VHP in 1983 and Modi was drafted into the BJP in 1984.Togadia was an RSS member in Ahmedabad and a colleague of Narendra Modi. He was drafted into VHP in 1983 and Modi was drafted into the BJP in 1984.

In January 2002, he asked tocut all relationswith Muslims. Later that year, with Togdia at the helm of VHP, the militant group played a very active role in organizing pogrom, targeting Muslim localities. The blood bath left more than two thousand people dead, mostly Muslims.In January 2002, he asked Hindus to cut all relationswith Muslims. Later that year, with Togdia at the helm of VHP, the militant group played a very active role in organizing Gujarat pogrom, targeting Muslim localities. The blood bath left more than two thousand people dead, mostly Muslims.

Togadia and VHP/BJP activists also interfered with the treatment of victims in hospitals, telling doctors whom to treat and whom to turn away. Togadia hailed the conduct of the riots as the laboratory and said that it will be replicated in Delhi.Togadia and VHP/BJP activists also interfered with the treatment of victims in hospitals, telling doctors whom to treat and whom to turn away. Togadia hailed the conduct of the riots as the Hindutva laboratory and said that it will be replicated in Delhi.

Togadia after the December 2002 elections complained that Modi was garnering all the credit for the riots whereas it was his men that did all the killing.Togadia after the December 2002 elections complained that Modi was garnering all the credit for the riots whereas it was his men that did all the killing.

In 2011, Togadia had called for the beheading of thosewho convertHindus to Christianity. In 2014, Togadia gathered his VHP goons outside the house of a Muslim businessman in Gujarat and gave the occupant48 hours to vacatehis house, failing which he asked his followers to take forcible possession of the Muslimproperty.In 2011, Togadia had called for the beheading of thosewho convertHindus to Christianity. In 2014, Togadia gathered his VHP goons outside the house of a Muslim businessman in Gujarat and gave the occupant48 hours to vacatehis house, failing which he asked his followers to take forcible possession of the Muslimproperty.

He threatened Muslims with violence and asked his followers to go with stones, tyres, and tomatoes and that there was nothing to fear.He threatened Muslims with violence and asked his followers to go with stones, tyres, and tomatoes and that there was nothing to fear.

Some of his controversial statements:Some of his controversial statements:

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Thestatus of minority[for Muslims] should be withdrawn. The money collected from taxpayers should not be spent [only] on them, it should instead be utilised for the welfare of all poor and needy people.Thestatus of minority[for Muslims] should be withdrawn. The money collected from taxpayers should not be spent [only] on them, it should instead be utilised for the welfare of all poor and needy people.

We should have it in us totake the lawin our own hands in an area where we are a majority and scare [Muslims],We should have it in us totake the lawin our own hands in an area where we are a majority and scare [Muslims],

Toprevent Muslimsfrom buying properties the government should bring in Disturbed Areas Act to Bhavnagar, which would prevent the inter-community sale of immovable property.Toprevent Muslimsfrom buying properties the government should bring in Disturbed Areas Act to Bhavnagar, which would prevent the inter-community sale of immovable property.

We wont let any anti-Hindu orpro-Muslim partyrule Delhi. In the coming days, Hindu warriors will overthrow such governments and bring Ramrajya.We wont let any anti-Hindu orpro-Muslim partyrule Delhi. In the coming days, Hindu warriors will overthrow such governments and bring Ramrajya.

Within last ten years, we didGhar Wapsiof more than five lakh Christians and 2.5 lakh Muslims. Our rate of used to be around 15,000 each year. But last year, we have crossed the mark of 40,000, which is excluding the figures of RSS,Within last ten years, we didGhar Wapsiof more than five lakh Christians and 2.5 lakh Muslims. Our rate of Ghar Wapsi used to be around 15,000 each year. But last year, we have crossed the mark of 40,000, which is excluding the figures of RSS,

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