Latina/o and Latin 1

LATINA/O AND LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES MINOR A minor in Latina/o and Latin American Studies includes 15 semester hours of coursework, including at least 9 hours of upper-division courses at the 3000-4000 level. Courses taken to satisfy Core Areas A through E may not be counted toward the minor, but courses taken in Core

Area F may be used to fulfill minor requirements. Upper-level courses that are used to satisfy requirements for a major may not be applied to the minor.

Required: HUMN 3001 Migration the US Latina/o Expe 3 Choose 0 to 6 hours of the following 0-6 SPAN 1002 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 1003 Accelerated Elementary Spanish SPAN 2001 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 2002 Intermediate Spanish II SPAN 2034 Spanish for Criminal Justice Choose 6 to 12 hours from the following Upper-Level Courses: 6-12 ENGL 3210 Multi-ethnic American Lit ENGL 3340 Hispanic Lit in Translation * ENGL 3350 Latino/a Literature in English * GEOG 3320 The African Americas HIST 3110 Colonial ** HIST 3120 Modern Latin America ** HIST 3160 The African Diaspora ** INTS 4900 SP: Latina/o, Latin Amer Stds SOCI 3100 Latino Family/Cultur SPAN 3001 Adv Conversation/Composition SPAN 3002 Literary/Nonliterary Texts Total Hours 15

* The prerequisite ENGL 3010 is waived for non-English majors pursuing the minor in Latina/o and Latin American Studies. ** The prerequisite of HIST 3000 is waived for non- majors pursing a minor in Latina/o and Latin American Studies.

Note: Study abroad courses not listed above that have strong Latina/o or Latin American content may be used toward the minor in Latina/o and Latin American Studies on a course-by-course basis.