October-December 2016 HINDU VISHWA 1 WORLD HINDU COUNCIL OF AMERICA (VHPA) National Headquarter: Tel.: (281)496-5676 P. 0. Box 441505, www.vhp-america.org
[email protected] Houston, TX 77244-1505 Volume XXXXVI No. 4 October-December 2016 meJe&Üejs<eg osnsçeqmceved ÒekeÀeMe GHepee³eles~ %eeveb ³eoe leoe efJeÐeeod efJeJe=×b meÊJeefcel³egle~~ Þeerceod YeieJeod ieerlee 14-11 sarva-dvaresu dahesmin prakasa upjayate Jnanam yada tada vidyad vivrddham sattvam ityuta Shri Mad Bhagavad Gita 14-11 When through the perceptual senses of the body illuminating knowledge manifests; know that certainly the mode of goodness predominates To all the readers of Hindu Vishwa, I am privileged to be your Editor in the USA. In the shortest introduction I can provide, my name is Rajranee Jaipershad, aka Ronica. I was born and raised as a Hindu in Guyana, South America; migrated to Canada in 1973, where I studied for a degree in Computer Science at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario; and graduated in 1978. I worked at IBM Canada from 1974 till 1994 and then migrated to Florida where I now reside. I have worked with several IT firms in the USA, owned IT and Media businesses in the past, and served in several local hindu/indian organizations in Canada and Tampa. I am a co-founder of the Indo-Caribbean Golden Age Association in Toronto, an organization designed to provide seniors an opportunity to meet up, learn from each other, and spend quality social time with each other, at least once a month. By interacting with these seniors over two decades ago, and experiencing all their growing pains and problems associated with 'old age', or growing old, I vowed that I would do everything possible to become and always be a healthy senior citizen.