Technical and Bibliographic Notes

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Technical and Bibliographic Notes Technical and Bibliographic Notes The instltuts hss attempted to obtaln the best orlglnel thls wh copy evaiiabie lor liiming. Feetures ol copy ich may be bibliographically unique. which may alter any of n r the Images In the reproductio . o which may significantly change the usual method at tilmlng are Cow emi re de couieur Covers restored and/or iemlnsted l Cover tltle mlsslng I Le tltre de couvei ture m nque Cob med ma s I Canes eo re hi ues en co ieur p g g p q u , Encre do couleur (Le. autre que bleue ou noi ne) Coloured plates and/or illustrations ! Punches etlou illustrations en couleur Bound wlth other msterlal l D Only edition available / “ interior m rgin l La reiiure senee peut causer de ’ I ombre ou de la distorsion is long de la marge omitted i tom filming I ll se peut que certaines psges ' blanches a outé es lors d une restaurstlon j ‘ l apparaissent dans le texte, mats, lorsque cela ete t ’ possible. ces peges n ont pes etetiimees. D Additiom l comments l The copy filmed he re has been rep roduced tha n ks to the generosity of : Vancouver Cit y Arch ives The im ag es appearing here are the best quality possi ble considering the condition and ieg i bi i i ty of the orig inal copy and i n keepi n g w ith the filming co ntract sp ecifi cations . Ori gi nal copies in printed paper covers are filmed begin n in g w ith the front cover and endi ng on the isst page w i th e pri ntsd or ili ustrated lm p res si o n . or the heel: cover w hen appropriate . All other orig inal copi es are filmed beginn ing on the fi rst page w it h a pri nt ed or illust reted lm pree si on . and endi ng on the laet pege wlth e prlnted or illustrated im pressi on . shall contain the sy m b ol lmea ni ng CON “ " r n i n o the sym bol V lm ea g EN D l. w hi chever applies . Maps . plates. charts . etc . may be filmed at r di ff erent ed uct ion rat ios . 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Tou s i os aut roa os sm p i ai ros ori g i nous sent fi lm os on com m oncon t pa r la pre miere page qui com po rte uno em p reints ' ' d i m proosi on ou d i llustrati on at on term inant pa r la dorhi oro pag e q ui com po rt e une tello em p rei nts . Un dos ey m boloa suivan ts ap poroi t ra su r la f h lo n i derni oro ima ge do cheq ue micro ic e . sa e “ ' l cos : lo sym bols sig n ifie A SUIVRE . o fi “ Fl ” s y m bols7 si g ni o N . n Loo cort os . plonc hoo. tablea u x . et c . pe u ve t etre film ‘s a doe too: do red u ct i o n diff eren t s . Lorsq ue lo doc t oat trop g rand po ur atro l h t i lm a rt r rep rod uit en un soul c ic e. ii es f s a p i ‘ h ch ro t e de l anglo superie ur ga uc e . do gau e a d i . n lo m b r ot do hout on bos . on p ren a t no o ' m m v n t d im ag es noceosai re . Les dia g ra es s ui a s illustront la R EG ISTER E D OFF ICE 546 FENDER STREET W., VANCOUVER, B.C. l s rt A n D " Ju mp s D . m a n n a J . E u r W a c o JO “ 0 i m m a . i t . m a n ESTATE I ND FINI NGII L I T8 NOTARI ES PUBLI C TRUSTEES FI RE. LIFE AN D MARI NE I NSURANCE F I SCAL A G l N 'I ‘S FOR BRITISH BANAN A! !M N a. MORTG AG E ITOII PII IIATIOII , UN ITED M I DI“ Mill OF “ I REN E M T 6 IIAIIT l ollm vu oouvss. b .c. T A BL E O F C O N T E N T S A ll e R ed L i n d o t . 00 o o e e o e L o n o o - e o e e t - o e s o o e o s e o e e e e . e o 0 . c o s 0 0 0 s o . t o a r e o h ' t o 0 0 i 0 0 0 . o n e o o - s a g a s a s o s a e‘ o e s a q o o o - e e o o o e ' o g o e e e o o o l o o e o o o o e e t o o o o o e o o e o e as ! - n c o n e o l o e e I o o e o e e e o o o o e e o o o e s o ‘ o o Q Q Q . o n o e o o e o e o o G e e e e - e o e o n o a o o o o o o o oooo o o o n o . c o s a . g o . o . o c a s s o o o a o p o s o o o o o o o s e o a e e s a . - e e o o s e l o o o v oo oo s o oo oo e o e e e e o e e o o e e e e o o e o o e a e a a e o o o - o o o o e e o o o . 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