City of Warsaw Property Announcements – February 22, 2017 NOTICE
City of Warsaw Property Announcements – February 22, 2017 NOTICE Pursuant to Article 214b(2) and (4) of the Real Estate ivlanagement Act of 21 August (consoljdated 1997 text of 2A16, item 2147), the fottowing notiJe is her"bi ;";;.' Tne Real Fjtate Resrilution Depanmenl of iJ.e City of Warsaw (hereinafter -tne uepalrmenl by way of ,1949 ), the application of 16 Febfuary filed by co_ownef and co_ o-wners' plenipolentjary ,,the Witotd Heintze (hereinafter Appti;ant,,), restOing rn Warsaw at. ut. Wspotna 35 apartment 13 (the Applicant,s d ;;;;J;;;;;""" Known ro tnts uepartment), pielaszewski ,,the Jan Robert (hereinafter Applicant,,), residing in Poznaf at ut. Hetmaiska 6 (the Appticant,; fast aOaress oi iJsiirn"u known to_lhis Depadment), and Janina przedmojska - ,,the he'r of K;;;t i:e;;v;ano (hereinafter Appticant ), acidress of residence unknown, conouclng::'lT']ll_-":ii9.rt is aomtntstElive pfoceedings in respect of establishing the fight of perpeluar usJ'rJcr. ,rroer Article 7( 1) ot the De;ree on the Ownership and-Usufruc"t of La'nO i,rrtn,n the City,of Wafsaw, dated 26 october 194s (oz.u. l,tourniat oi tiws rf". so, iiir.'zzs, ofihe reat e;tate in wa,"u* at ur. Jc,l:,:L*:j..'1"^"?::,:g rormeriy mafted f,,g""_"^tiq:'l !]uiu"r,i"go as hip. 10501" hereinafler.,the Real Estate,). Except ior the said application, no other papers have been filed on this matter. hrs tegal are requested to appear in por6on before rnls.,,^ uepanment, within .successors ^-]!glryl""ll9r six months from the date of this notice, provide their current addresses of residence and, within the successive tnree months, provu in"iiiigf,iio Real Eslate.
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