2014 Progress Report
Preserve America, EO 13287 Section 3 Report Department of Veterans Affairs INTRODUCTION – Executive Order 13287, “Preserve America” (2003) directs Federal agencies to include historic preservation in their day-to-day planning and management, and to report periodically on their progress. This report of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Office of Construction and Facilities Management, updates reports initially issued in 2005 and most recently in 2011. VA was created (as the Veterans Administration) in 1930, combining several more specialized pre-existing government programs. It manages 153 medical centers and related facilities, 133 National Cemeteries, and a number of other facilities such as leased community based clinics and substance abuse center; it also provides assistance to states, local governments, and Indian tribes in providing services to veterans and their families. VA is responsible for a broad array of historic places – districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects – as well as other kinds of heritage assets (collections, documents, etc.) – in a range of conditions. Many of these have been identified, documented, and sometimes included in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP); 17 are National Historic Landmarks (NHLs). Many more have not yet been fully evaluated, or even identified; identification, inventory, and documentation work is ongoing. VA has had a historic preservation program since the 1960s, primarily focused on ensuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) in connection with VA construction projects, and on nominating selected properties to the NRHP. In recent years VA’s Federal Preservation Office (fPO) has undertaking a range of systemic program improvements designed both to broaden VA’s consideration of cultural resources and to integrate such consideration more effectively into agency planning and operations.
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