Year 5 ARSLS Annual Report
Appendix A 250 Total Number of Contractor Supported Science Projects 2001 - 2016 200 70 52 20 58 Environmental Compliance 4 65 Only Projects 150 Contractor Supported 100 Science Projects 177 159 158 154 155 155 146 134 136 128 120 123 113 111 50 92 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Appendix B Geographic Distribution of Contractor Supported Projects 2002 - 2016 Appendix C: Projects & Locations, 2016 and 2017 Projects throughout the Arctic – 2016/17/18 Field Projects in the Arctic Regions Supported by the ARSLS Contractor APP Year 5 2/1/2016 – 1/31/2017 Field Projects in the Arctic Regions Supported by the ARSLS Contractor APP year 6 2/1/2017 – 1/31/2018 Appendix C1 2016 CONTRACTOR SUPPORTED SCIENCE PROJECTS Region Field Location(s) PI Award Program Comment Instrument sites near Firn compaction studies NNX15AC62 Greenland Raven, Summit, Abdalati NASA twin otter airport fees and flight time, 8 drums fuel, G Crawford Pt. truck rental, KISS user days 1 month project support - subcontract; 158 Cherskii Russia Cherskii Alexander 1304040 NSF\GEO\OPP\ARC\ARCSS user days Cape Espenberg 7k lbs freight, 100 gals gasoline, 240 lbs propane, Alaska Cape Espenberg Alix 1523160 NSF\GEO\OPP\ARC\ASSP camping gear, water system, field food, travel, camp manager and assistant, Various rivers Baffin Rivers reproposal Canada Alkire 1303766 NSF\GEO\OPP\ARC\ANS Island, Canada 729 lbs freight Alaska LeConte Glacier Amundson 1504288 NSF\GEO\OPP\ARC\ANS Helo and boat charters, camping gear Ny Alesund Norway (Svalbard), Arctic Arnosti 1332881 NSF\GEO\OCE Ny Alesund user days (44) Ocean Hulahula River, Alaska Arctic LCC ArcLCC FWS Toolik helicopter support to Hulahula River Toolik Small lake dynamics - fixed wing air support, 1k lbs freight,camping gear, Barrow, Teshekpuk, Alaska Arp 1417300 NSF\GEO\OPP\ARC\ARCSS snowmachine maintenance, NSB and UIC permits, Inigok, Toolik radios, toolik user days, barrow lodging and truck rental, Prudhoe user days.
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