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Hats J The Great War.1399th Day and infinite faith in their soldiers. must Tho is always happen. argument tie. This means that half the erTort is í-" the at false. This faith is not based on captured by Americans Can¬ During the night von Bochm's son." rea- apent. It is to be hoped that divisions Another Marne Battle tigny. in¬ The Official Statements to engaged have been duly punished ni General Pershing's communiqué to- r.rmy. considerably strengthened, Confidence in American is Battle Last shown tho help they certainly have been around day. issued to-night at the War De¬ creased the pressure on the Soissons- in comment of several news- Rheims and Soissons. Is of Petain papers. "The Daily Mail" enumerates June Hope partment, said the day was quiet at Chateau Thierry front, driving the PARIS, l..Tke Mar Office to-night issued the following: "We hear from London that tha ( Hy Th.* United t'rettn ) all points occupied by the American the strong points in favor of tho three Froncht back to the forest of Doma¬ lies, "the Al-\ NIGHT..The dny was marked by a series of powerful attacks by the British divisions, the Kth, the troops. The shooting down of an- including rapid arrival of Weeks, lf>th and the 50th, which held the une ¡ PARIS, June 1. "May the battle other hostile airplane is ¡American Germans the whole Say reported. troops, which will along front between the Oise and the Marne. nial. But the Allied reinforcements, speedily comprised northwest of Rheims, put up a mag¬ of tiie Marne hegin airain, ns it did restore the Allies' in Our after no counter attacked preponderance troops, alternate advances and withdrawals, have given nificent ficht, and even counter at¬ including cavalry, numbers." "The Times" also looks to tacked four years ago," General Petain de¬ the day when the arrival of Americans ground except before forces superior in number, inflicting heavy losses on against vastly superior forces,; Fosdick Ends Survey fiercely, contesting every foot, and the British maintaining all their positions on the clared in a special order of the day, will moro than reverse the present enemy. Expert first even capturing several hundred pris¬ day. until darkness fell, when they issued to-day. Of American Front proportions. Between the Oise and the Aisne we withdrew our positions to the were left oners. "The American war obliged to throw back their power is '.'row¬ northern outskirts of Wood and on tho west of i to conform with the withdrawal of the ing fast." U pays. "The whole nation Cirlepont heights Audigni- The Germans met fierce opposi¬ court as far as centre. These divisions had been sent Juno 1. is behind the army as it has Fontbvoy. PARÍS. -Raymond B. Fos¬ never boon Paiiis, Channel Ports and to this part of the line for a rest, and as Germany finrî!> it profitable to con¬ tion south of Soissons and the behind movement and a Ail the west and south of as far as north of dick, chairman of the American War any yet. it is enemy attempts Soissons, j it is understood that they are now be¬ tinue them. Crown Prince's efforts to widen his ¡nation of 100,000,000 freemen who have were in vain. men find Department Committee on never Vierzy, Division of Armies Ger- ing replaced by fresh .troops. Military Germany's ability Training known defeat.- Until they join to man to the front faster front was frustrated, Chaudun and us in full Further to the south tho battle has taken on a character of particular j "The Allied staffs have recognized bring power Camp Activities, has return« i to Paris force our business is to hold a to be in the same on. violence on both of for Ion» time, and it is now obvious than the Allies, after a tour of a week on the Amer- Vierzy, being recaptured. When they so join us victory will sides tho Ourcq. Tho enemy is master of Chouy and man Aims, Declares to established of con¬ be at. our all, that the American troops have thoroughly system icsan Still' south doors.'.' Neuillv-St. Front. a that made able to str!ke front, where he made a detailed further Neuilly-St.- "The find« become vital factor in this battle, and scription her was Telegraph" "substantial Our troops are maintaining tho battle of tho lino of Villers-Nelon, Gen. Bridges .may hold the balance between defeat first and hardest in 1914. WVU *L survey of the work and relationships Front lost and von Boehm's encouragement" in such facts as the and and that it is only by wants the class of 1920 sh* t*k** it. of the en- at Fauroy, Priez, Monthiors and Etrepilly. We hold Chateau Thierry. victory, " non-miiitary organizations army made a bulge in the line on American.success Cantigny, which it brigading them for training with the When- she wants the men <.* f y-five in recreation and praises highly as an exhibition of a On tho noith bank of the Marne there is no change. On our right, in gaged furnishing both sides of the Ourcq River. French and British that they will be or sixty she takes them. England has home comforts to t>.e American expe¬ masterly method of fighting. It places the region of the road between Dormans and wo have maintained in time to to an act. of Parliament to what reliance on tht> Rheims, ready take their part in any pass do ditionary forces. "formidable American our Allies' Ta*k Now numbers this is and does fit a moment's notice. Rheims Still Held hosts now to positions, notably north of Yillc-en-Tardenois, despite the continuous year. The cry will Germany The survey is being made for Secre¬ preparinir engage tho be for men, for more men, and for bay- The belief is that 'he process of War Baker under the Moro German troops have reached enemy." and adds: "It assuredly is not pressure of the enemy. The situation remains the same, north and north¬ combing tary direc¬ written in the To onets and yet more bayonets. whichEngland only plans. Germany lias tion of General Pershing, and has as its the Marne and Verneuil is now in their book of fate that, tho west, of Rheims. Southeast of that, town a violent, enemy attack, supported Save Man Power "We are told the into effect. She is civilization of tho Western world that morale qf the already put throw¬ object the coordination of non-military hands, extending the lino along the shall by tank:, drove us momentarily from Fort Pompeii, on the railroad, but an both in Paris and in London is ing every spare man into the fight to activities the American river to about fourteen nulos. The Gor- rro down before the arms of Germany." people among troops immediate counter attack our troops regained the fort and reestablished unshaken by this somewhat spectacular! win the war this summer, and, extend¬ on both sides of the Atlantic and the man left flunk has gained little and by thrust of the Germans and its her over she Rheims our Wo took more than two hundred and possibly ing authorrfy Austria, formulation of a plan by which the is sti:,l held by the French, Main Teuton positions entirely. prisoners Four Factors Enabled far-reaching consequences. It is at will find men there -when it becomes who also occupy ihe, deteneos north of Blow four tanks. Foe; organizations officially recognized for the city. such times that the spirit of the peo¬ necessary to keep up the drives she is service with the American expedition¬ at On May 31 aerial fightinp continues along the hattlcfront. Our air¬ to Make His Attack One ple at home means a great deal to the now making at as frequent intervals ary forces in France and England can Von Buelow's army is holding tho Coming Amiens, armies in the field. There are no criti¬ as it is *o for them. left while tho men attacked with their usual dash enemy airplanes, twenty-three of possible prepare be brought more closely together. At flank, great battle ¡3 cisms and no recriminations, but a And it is possible to prepare offen¬ the same on the Berlin which were down and fourteen of time, Mr. Fosdick will de¬ developing Mtor.tididicr-Com- Says Paper brought gravely damaged. Enemy captive Surprise united f. ont and a determination to sives now in a brief time, because of termine where the funds and energies peigne-Chnteau Thierry» front. Juno 1. The balloo. s wert: harassed without forced to make come out on whatever the is in of By in tho direction of AMSTERDAM, "Nord-j respite, being frequently top, happens." small part artillery playing various other American social or- striking deutsche a them. the shells which it the Germans to Allgemeine Zeitung" of Ber¬ landing. '1'heir observation work has boon considerably interfered with Formerly ganizations, which are anxious to get Neuilly a<to trying took months to manufacture were ex¬ into the can be the Forest of Villers Cotterets. lin says that it is increasingly appar¬ and six of them were destroyed. Our observers have never ceased to field, applied effect- Thesjvoidreal blow for ent that tho Crown Prince's WASHINGTON, June 1..Tho Allies! pended in one drive on a few miles ively. Paria is taking tho advance murk out the enemy lines and send information to the commanders con- All-Summer of and' it ivas months before of is not a new attack but a must be prepared either to see the of- front, Previous to his departure for the direction tho Oise, to the left of systematic, eorninr movements.
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