An Agni Yogi Letters of Helena Roerich II, Will Cause a Contradiction Page Three 13 August 1938

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An Agni Yogi Letters of Helena Roerich II, Will Cause a Contradiction Page Three 13 August 1938 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER / DECEMBER • 2020 • VOL. XLII / NO. 4 Inside This Issue For the Common Good For the Common Good Page One New Era Community, 1926, (updated July 2019) Supermundane, 1938, (updated July 2020) New Era Community, 147. He is a hero who acts Supermundane, 472. Urusvati knows of those Networkers Letter self-sacrificingly, unwaveringly, consciously, and moments when one is unable to discern the bound- Page Two who, acting in the name of the Common Good, ary between the personal good and the Common An Example of thus brings nearer the current of cosmic evolution. Good. The mind whispers that personal gain the Life of Yuri Letters of Helena Roerich II (1935–1939) is in conflict with general welfare, but the heart Nikolaevich Roerich says otherwise. Disharmony as an Agni Yogi Letters of Helena Roerich II, will cause a contradiction Page Three 13 August 1938. [T]he Teach- between the personal good ing of Living Ethics is also a “All labor, especially Realm of Beauty and the Common Good, Page Seven call to Love, to Service for the if accompanied by but it is possible to imagine a Common Good, which is the point at which the Common Thoughts on Agni highest form of love, because it good thoughts, brings Good becomes the personal. Page Eight is devoid of selfhood. Love for It is a harmonious state that humanity demands complete help to someone.” Conversations with requires an equal harmony of Daniel Entin self-abnegation and self-sac- all surrounding conditions. rifice. Page Nine Supermundane, 509. The chief enemy of truth Letters of Helena Roerich II, 6 August 1938. The is intolerance, and the more tolerance and benev- present era is reminiscent of a certain period in olence there is the stronger will be the foundation. Atlantis. At that time they could not find equilib- Every step of truth is directed toward the Common rium; however, though one is now aware of a like Good—this is the defining criterion. nonconformity, some, more vitally alive nations Supermundane, 542. When one’s heart strives may find the necessary concordance. We see where toward the Common Good, all of one’s thoughts Welcome the inception of synthesis may be realized. It will not are attuned to it. The striving can be austere or For discussions be where the pendulum of life is inert, but where joyous, or steadily compassionate; all can be it is swinging to the utmost. There the significance the keynote of one’s thinking. and posts on the of the Common Good is understood; there it is Supermundane, 611. Let everyone think Agni Yoga Teachings, known that it can originate only with the Common how to serve the Common Good. Every farmer please visit our “Agni Good. The formula is not yet pronounced; however, sows and reaps not just for himself, but also Yoga – Living Ethics it already ripens in the depth of consciousness. for others, unknown to him. Let him think that Service, above all, discloses the path of realization the grain that he produces will bring good to Community” site on of the Common Good. Not finery or rituals, but somebody. The thoughts themselves encour- Facebook: service to mankind. For many centuries words age humanity with universal understanding. https://www.facebook. about cooperation have been uttered. Frequently, All labor, especially if accompanied by good com/groups/Agni.Yoga. ideas were in advance of material possibilities, but thoughts, brings help to someone. Living.Ethics.Community/ at present people have found a multitude of useful Supermundane, 360. The Thinker said, adaptations, and the time has come when it will be “Whether I serve Nature, or Nature serves me, and WMEA on necessary to remember about the Common Good. does not matter. The important thing is that all the Web: Thus, look to where the pendulum is swinging to my knowledge and experience are offered in the service of the Common Good.” the utmost. 2 Agni Yoga Quarterly NETWORKERS LETTER Dear Friends, he WMEA is happy to announce the release of the Community second edition of At the “Begin to build the community as a TThreshold of the New World, by Helen home of knowledge and beauty.” Roerich, which we now offer in – New Era Community, verse 229 paperback and as a Kindle eBook. At the Threshold of the New World may Rev. Joleen D. DuBois be purchased through the WMEA online bookstore, or on Amazon. entries were recorded in 1924.3 “Your com. spirit receives rays and currents—not only Corrections, new information, and K.H.’s and Mine, but also those of Ter., the index, and easy-to-read footnotes Chinese Tara, Moh., Lao Tze, Vaugh[han], are included in this second edition, Confucius, and, of course, Buddha and which is dedicated to Daniel Entin. Chr[ist]. (So it is still difficult for me to If you are a student of Agni Yoga, receive other rays, right?) Not difficult, you will recognize the name of Dan- but rather that you cannot discern them. iel Entin, whose Conversations with (How does the Ray of Teacher Rak[ozzi] Daniel Entin are included in each affect me?) It strikes you on your knees. issue of Agni Yoga Quarterly. (It is disappointing to me that I cannot yet discern by sound who is talking to me.) The April/May/June 2017 issue of Not so important. (During the talk I felt Agni Yoga Quarterly was a special a rotation of the centers in my head.)”4 issue dedicated to the life of Daniel Entin—“Daniel Entin, who was the “Urusvati may calmly accept every- executive director of the Nicholas thing. Inasmuch as self-confidence is Roerich Museum and the Agni Yoga blessed in action, so is self-conceit ruinous. Society, in New York City, New York, Self-conceit is hostile to simplicity. Even U.S.A, from 1983 to 2016, and then great minds are subject to this malady, and became director emeritus.” Daniel continued on page 11 Entin, Aida Tulskaya, Max Osinovsky, in 1949 that Helena Roerich herself put and Raya Urmalsky were the transla- 1 At the Threshold of the New World, Helena Roerich them together. She wrote about it in (Prescott, AZ: White Mountain Education Association, tors and editors of the first edition of her letter of February 7, 1949,1 to Sina Inc., [1998] 2020), 28. At the Threshold of the New World. It 2 For further information about Sina Fosdick and her Fosdick, the director of the Nicholas is my joy to dedicate this second edi- experiences with Helena Roerich, see My Teachers, Meet- Roerich Museum in New York.”2 ings with the Roerichs, Diary Leaves. first English edition tion to our beloved friend Daniel. (Prescott, AZ: White Mountain Education Association, The Fiery Experience, A typewritten, Inc., 2015). “Different parts of the essay, ‘Dreams authorized original of “The Fiery Expe- 3 In the following excerpt from “The Fiery Experience,” and Visions,’ were written at various M.M. is speaking, and questions and comments made by rience” essay is stored in the Manuscript times over many years, and it was only Helena Roerich are shown in parentheses. Department of the ICR in Moscow. All 4 At the Threshold of the New World, 164. Agni Yoga Quarterly WMEA Copyright and Permissions Notice Vol. XLII No. 4 All materials contained within Agni Yoga Quarterly White Mountain Agni Yoga Quarterly can be found on are protected by United States copyright law the internet: and may not be reproduced, distributed, trans- Education mitted, displayed, published, or broadcast Email: without prior written permission of the White Association, Inc. Mountain Education Association, Inc.: Agni Yoga Quarterly 3 An Example of the Life of Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich as an Agni Yogi by I. R. Rudzite hen everyone gathered for Today, based on my memories and the last time in a small dining observations, I wanted to start a conversa- room, Yuri Nikolayevich never tion about the image of Yuri Nikolaevich Wwanted to sit in the place of honor. As my Roerich, as a life example of a person who father and sister, Gunta, later recalled, could be described as an Agni Yogi. they listened to the record of the heroic The time has come by right to define Yuri Wagnerian opera Parsifal, which had just Nikolaevich in a new way—as an “Agni been presented to Yuri Nikolaevich. On Yogi”—precisely because so many people the other side of the record was “Funeral who read the books of Agni Yoga still have March,” which for some reason they also little idea of what this really means. included. And in Yuri Nikolaevich’s brown eyes, a blue gleam of sadness appeared. There are so many false gods, false For some reason, one of the employees teachers, and false prophets around us! presented him with an album about the So many righteous people have appeared Bratsk cemetery in Riga, the photographs around the Teaching of Living Ethics and of which show a statue of the Mother and around the Roerich societies who consider soldiers of all wars resting at her feet. For themselves almost Adepts, but with a char- some reason, Yuri Nikolaevich spoke of a acteristic feature, of not the slightest cordi- ality in their eyes. Or even worse, on my long trip in the near future, and everyone George Roerich reading a Buddhist thought of Buryatia. manuscript way I met an infinite number of mediums with different “superpowers”: “seeing” the Helena Roerich, before her departure, subtle world, “hearing” voices, dictating all told Yuri Nikolaevich, “When a new star From August 1957 to May 1960, my kinds of “new teachings” or possession of appears, then it’s time to go.” father met with Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich so-called “automatic writings,” “clairvoy- Nikolai Konstantinovich’s painting about twenty times; there was also an ance,” and even “the ability to fly to other The Star of the Hero is dedicated to Yuri exchange of letters, which are stored in the planets”! Nikolayevich, a man ready to undertake archive of Gunta Rudzite in Riga, of which I have photocopies.
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