APPENDIX B TREATIES TREATY OF Signed between and , 21th August 1689

1. 'fhe boundary between Russia and China is to be formed by the river Kerbechi, near the Shorna, which enters the , and the long chain of mountains extending from its sources to the Eastern Ocean. The rivers or rivulets which flow from the southern slope of these mountains, as well as all territories to the south of them, will thus belong to China. The territories and rivers to the north of the said mountain chain remain with the Empire o£ Muscovy. The boundary is further to be found by the river , which enters the Amur; the tenitories south of the said river belong to the , those to the north of it to the Empire of Muscovy. The towns or dwelling-houses at present situated to the south of the Argun shall be moved to the northern bank of the river. 2. The fortress built by the Russians at a place called Atbazeir shall be demolished, and the subjects of the Tsar residing there shall remove with their property to Muscovite territory. Hunters of either empire shall on no pretence cross the frontiers. If one or two persons cross the frontier to hunt, steal, or pilfer, they shall be arrested and given up to the nearest Imperial officers to be punished according to their deserts. In case, however, armed parties of ten or fifteen people cross the frontiers to hunt or plunder, or in case of any person being killed, a report shall be sent in to both emperors, and the parties found guilty shall be punished with death. On no account shall war be declared in consequence of any excess committed by private parties. 3. Everything which has occurred hitherto is to be buried in eternal oblivion. 4. Neither party shall receive fugitives or deserters from the date of this treaty. Subjects of either empire flying to the other shall be arrested and given up to the nearest authority on the frontier. APPENDIX 331

5. Subjects of Muscovy now in China, or Chinese now in the Empire of Muscovy, may remain where they are. 6. In consideration of this present treaty of peace and the reciprocal good understanding of the two empires, persons may pass from one empire to the other, provided they are fumished with passports, and they shall be permitted to carry on commerce and to sell or purchase at pleasure. Copies of the above treaty, properly signed and sealed, shall be exchanged by the plenipotentiaries. The various articles of tl1e treaty shall be engraved on stones in Tartaric, Chinese, Russian, and Latin, to be erected on the frontiers between the two empires as a permanent testimony to the good understanding between them.