Issue No 811

iBare &[facts University of Surrey Students' Union Newspaper NUS Conference fter anolher change in délé- were a major group who could be Agation, we finally set off for victims of racial abuse and yel Blackpool to attend the 1994 na- they were not getting a fair hear- tional conférence. One ten-inile ing at the conference. The debate tailback, some skilful navigation continued in its new order follow- and nine hours later, we arrived ing this speech. The resolutions and checked in. Clare Harrison agreed during the debate are listed (observer) and myself went to below: register and met with the first NUS should defend against ail gauntlet of politicai activists. fonns of racism and fascism and ' This can best he described as a mobilise others to do the same. guard of honour all waving leaf- It should organise training for lets supporting their specific Student Union Officers concem- cause, usually extreme left wing. ing anti-racism and anti-fascism. As you may be aware, NIIS is an s II should monitor and publicise essentially left wing organisa- the activity of known racist and tion. For the past two years, the fascisi organisations. main leadership has come from the mod- conceming student financial support. NUS should re-affinn its policy of not erate group NOLS (National (!)rgainsa- The main tiirust of this policy was to giving a platfonn to known racisls and tion of Labour Students) with opposition continue to prioritise ail woric on student fascists. fonn the far left groups, Left Unity and hardship aiid inadequate financial sup- NUS should combat tiie rise of an ex- Socialist Workers Students Society port at every level. It also resolved to tremist group call Hizb Ul-tahrir, who (SWS). support the national démonstration have been accused of being homophobic, Next the hotel. I üiink l'd describe it which took place in London on May 4th. anti-semitic and racisL more as B 'n' B than a hotel, but that's This was a very quick debate which had NUS should support any non-aligned just my opinion. The rooms were small, very few contentions points. campaigns fighting the rise of far right üie food unappetising and the beds un- The third policy discussed concemed the groups and should work around the cam- comfortable; that aside, ihey served their Education Bill and Government attacks paigns for the May local council élec- purpose. on Student Unions. This was again a tions. Conference had already begun by the non-contentious debate, and it was ques- The only real point of contention was ihe time we ail hit conférence floor. The tioned on several occasions as to why it idea of affiliating to the ANL and Youtii national executive committee (NEC) took place at ail, considering the effective Against Racism in Europe. There were were ail seated on the stage with Dermot climbdown by the Government. concems raised that the ANL was in fact Kehoe (VP Education) in the chair. Most Saving the best tili last, finally came Üie a front organisation for the Socialist of the first evening session and second debate on aiiti-racism and anti-fascism. Workers Party. The feeling of confer- moniing were devoted to NUS refonn. Until this point, the conférence had been ence was that NUS should not affiliate to This is a favourite within NUS and seems very productive. (It is rare to get time for them until they had proved themselvCvS to appear on the agenda every year. The a fourth debate at conference.) This was independent from SWP. A discussion main point that came from this debate obviously a very sensitive topic, and tem- also ensued about the Liberal Démocratie was that whiist conférence was very im- pers were frayed very quickly. There Party and their alleged use of racist litera- portant and should remain the sovereign was concem that the order of debate had ture in a Tower Hamlets by-election. body of NUS, il could be coiifusing, in- been altered by üie NEC without any By tiie lime these resolutions had been tiinidaüng and ineffective. It was also prior consultation. The amendments had agreed, the allotted time for the debate agreed to be an inefficient use of the been ordered in such a way as to put the had passed and so conference attempted money which we subscribe to NUS. Pol- question of affiliation to the Ami Nazi to move omo other business. The same icy was passed that délégation sizes League (ANL) at the very end of the caucus of black students and SWS mem- should be reduced so that each institution debate. A caucus of black students and bers, however, complained that the Chair sends one delegate per full time équiva- SWS members demonsü"ated about tiiis of conference (lan Moss, NOLS) had eut lent Student This policy will effectively at the platfonn unül conference agreed to the debate short by iwenty minutes and reduce the size of the national confér- hear a one minute statement conceming demanded that extra time be given lo the ence, thus reducing the costs, and it will the changes. This took four hours of debate. The Chair ruled that conference enable Further Education Colleges to be conference lime to get through, during had been in order to close the debate al better represented. A greater onus will which time the only productive thing the allotted lime and so tried to proceed. be put on institutions, however, in their conference managed was a Mexican selection of delegates. wave around the conference floor. The The second policy under discussion was caucus were very concemed tiiat they (continued on page 4)

Established 1968 Itel: (0483) 259275 Fax: (0483) 34749 In thìs week... Dear Mr Porter

VP's bit 4 We are writing in response to your letter Music Mania 6-7 of 23 Aprii 1994 addressed to Mr Culture Shock 8-9 Watling and copied to Miss Bell Video Box 10 (amongst others). At the Movies 11 Jobspot 12 The arrangements for incoming calls to Rag-Time 13 those Student résidences which have in- Personals & Careers 14 ternai extensions are based on an auto- AGMs & Notices 15 maticanswering service on 259393. Itis Campusport 16 made clear to students in such résidences Sport 17-18 thiU their callers need to have either a touch tone phone or tone generator in From the Editor... The views expressed !' the editoria! board switchboard oi^rating hours (0845 to asn't the weaüier gorgeous for a or the Students' Union. Wwhile, especially over the Bank 1740, Monday to Friday) the operators Holiday when we had a long weekend. are able to put calls through to the rési- Shame il has to rain now thougb. Mmd The Kditor reserves the right to edit dences, and in addition the résidences you it's probably easier to study for finals ali letters. employ staff every evening between when you aren't wishing you could go Dear Editor 1800 and 2300 to assist callers who do sunbaiheinstead! Ap{wently, accOTding not have touch tone facUities. to Chris Tarrant on Capital (Chris Pye assures me of this fact) May is the time We are writing to express our concem, Outside the above times, callers who do^^ for outdoor sex ! Just beware of the pry- over some graffiti in the men's toilets. not bave a touch tone phone are advised ing security caméras! We are not concemed about graffiti, we that the system will try to transfer the are dismayed ai the fact that someone is Caller to a receptionist If the reception- responsible for writing 'Combat 18*. Congi^ to the 13 of US who managed to ist is busy, wûch may happen at times What is 'Combat 18' we hear you cry. make it to the demo against grant cuts in during the evenings, the Caller is asked to Combat 18 is a para-military organisa- London - three sabbaticals, two union try again later and told that if the cali is tion which threatens and persecutes eth- officiais and eight ordinary students! I an emergency tiiey should ring 0483 nie minorities. won' t bother to ask what happened to the 300800. The same message is giva» to restof you. There'll be the full story plus It has been known to attack individuals call^ ringing at times when no recep- photos in next week's issue. from ethnie minorities, and its primary tionist is on duty, ie, between 2300 and objective is to drive ethnie minorities 0845, plus between 0845 and 1800 on from this country. Saüirdays, Sundays and public holidays. One final note, will people We should not be so complacent to think please réalisé that the deadiine that as students we ali have the common sense to not be racist; the person who As a result of your comments, the system of 9.30am on a Tuesday applies wrote this could be your friend, your has been reprogrammed, so th;u óuiers to everyone! No matter which next door neighbour or someone on your who are unable to get through to the club, society or organisation you course. receptionist because the line is busy are We do noi think thfU the person who aske^ to hold cm while the line is tried are, unless you bave arranged again, and callers who ring during the with US BEFORE THE DEAD- wrote this will have the bollox to stand Up and say they did it, but we have the times when there is no receptionist on LINE to submìt sometbing late, bollox to stand up and fìght fw what we duty recei ve a différent message, indicat- tben the chances are we will not believe in! ing that unless their cali is an emergency ^^ accept it for that week's issue. they should ring back at one of the times ^^ We hope that this will show people th^ when a receptionist is available. you stili have to carry on fìghting racism Mr Watling is looking into your com- Enjoy the good weather while you can, at every level. plaint regarding the alleged attitude of take care and keep reading the Security officer who handled the calls Yours, referred to in your letter, and he will be in touch with you separately about tiiis. Stephen Lamb and Steve Herman We hope that callers will find this ar- rangement more satisfactory. However, it is by far the best solution for people who wish to cali the residences on a regulär basis to equip Üiiemselves wiüi a US touch ione phone or tone generator. The Security staff wiU do everything possible to contact a student in the case of an for an emergency, but they do not have the tiane to offer a routine receptionist service. Evening of Cocktails Yours sincerely A Watling, Chief Security Officer Fridov (uieek4) 20lh Mciy Miss J M Bell, Assistant Secretary Any more room at the bar? id you enjoy Bjorn some 6000 members of the Uni- versity of Surrey Society - gradu- DAgain last Friday? ates who have become life Were you one of the very members of the union. That few people lucky enough makes a total of some 16000 un- to get a ticket for the Draw ion members - ali of whom have Disco? I suppose demand the right to buy draw disco tick- wasn't quite as high as for ets. other draw discos earlier in the year due to the num- Maybe it's time for a ber of first and final years new union building! working hard for exams. And that's just considering the Having said that, when you com- social events! What about office pare the number of tickets available to the number of Union space? The job of communications officer was created last members eligible to buy tickets, supply is never going to year, Great idea when you consider Uie increasing size of the outweigh demand. The Union building, including the main university and the number of students now at Surrey. Unfortu- lounge and the lower bar but not Chancellors only holds 1200 nately there was no spare office space so something had to give ^ people maximum. and RAG out Another job was created this year, that of Performance Lighting Technician. Again there was no office space available so that member of staff must share an already This limit has to include the team of bar staff for ali three bars cramped office witii the food and beverage departinent staff. - upper bar, lower bar and temporary bar. There could be no question of cutting the number of bar staff employed - it's hard enough as it is getting a drink when the queue is six deep at the Storage space in the union building seems to be a permanent bar! TTiis limit also includes the security team, usually about problemi union amenities and clubs and societies own valuable 10 or 12 people. Maybe you think there are too many people equipment paid for by union funds, but time and again there is in blue sweatshirts, but after watching the idiots throwing nowhere for this equipment lo be stored and regular arguments themselves around on the dance floor on Friday night while the arise over the limited Storage space available. band was playing, Security are needed lo make sure nobody gels hurt! Finally, &is limit has to include Ents and stage crew people - ents people seil the tickets in the first place and also Maybe it's time for a new union building! help Security by checking tickets on the door. Stage crew provide the lights and the sound - sort of essential if you even Ali these problems are not going to go away. As long as the want to have a disco, let alone a band. When tiiere's a band university continues to be successful in attracting students to playing, there are the members of the band plus roadies etc also study here, the problems of space will remmn. Elsewhere in in Uie building. this issue is an article about the university's plans for new academic buildings on the campus. This is very commendable By the time you have added up tiie number of people who have and I sincerely hope the council grants planning permission for to be in the building for an event such as a draw disco, the Ents the project. C)fficer is lucky if he can think about selling more tiian 1000 tickets. That's only 1000 ordinary union members who can go However, wouldn't it be encouraging if the university authori- to the disco. ties were to design one of the six planned buildings as a new union building. We probably wouldn't see it this side of the Maybe 1000 is not so bad, until you begin to consider the year 2000 but at least il would give us something to look number of people who have union membership of one kind or forward to! anothen there are somewhere in the region of 7000 current students, both undergrads and postgrads, full and part-time; Petitions for a new union building will be circulating around there are about 3000 members of st^f at the university, ali of campus soon and will be available lo sign at the benefit gig whom are entitied to associate union membership; there are being organised by the Ents Officer on Friday 13th May.

Rachel Davison GRADUATION Conimunicaiions OJJìcer

JULY 1994

ooms are available for graduands and their guests for Rtiie nights of Thursday 7lh and Friday 8th July. Bookings will be taken on WEDNESDAY 18 MAY from lOam in the Lower Concourse of the Lecture Theatre Block on a first come, first served basis.

Rooms are limited to 3 per person and subject to an overall limit of 300. Students may book for 1 or 2 nights with payment at the time of booking. Cost is £10 per person per night or £15 witii breakfast. VP's Bit Life's ups and Revolution on

Equal Opportunities downs Stag Hill Awareness Week 'Sphere's never evolutionary events took place on been a better RStag Hill on tiie Hrst Sunday of term eek 3 is Equal Opportunities week. time for the with the first ordination of women priests WEach day will see the introduction weather to come in Guildford Cathedral. of a different theme. I don't for one min- good tiian during ute believe that I can cover every single the time of exams. The ceremony on Stag Hill, tiie home of minority issue affecting students today, It seems that both the University and the Cathedral, but I hope that I can provide something whenever one is was made possible by tiae change in for most of you. destined for that church law agreed last year amidst great Monday is for women. TTiere will be huge ball of la- controversy. Though women have pre- information and a petition for the Bitter bour, the sun viously been deacons in the church, it is Pill Campaign as well as some freebie comes out and only now that they can lake a full role, posters for you to take away. leases us with its heat However, there including celebrating eucharisi. Ian Tuesday sees the Union's Lesbian Gay has been a serious knock on effect upon Fisher, Anglican chaplain at the Univer- and Bisexual group lake over with their the rate of beer consumption. With a sity, smd that Uie move "is an important display. They have also arranged an open reduction in price and plenty more thirsty step for the Church of England, and its meeting discussing tiie Age of Consent punters materialising, I wouldn't be sur- full effects will take a few years to work Debate with Guest Speaker Mark prised if sales rocketed and the bar staff themselves out." Banting. The meeting will be in TB11 at would be 'rolling out the bairel' more often. I 8pm, all are welcome. University anglican chaplaincies already Wednesday introduces the issue of stu- have tiieir share of women, and according dents with disabilities in an attempt to I expect most people know tiiat the union to Ian Fisher are generally appointed on make people aware that a disability now has a collection of four video games, their merits rather than their sex, though doesn't necessarily mean a mobility tiiree pinball tables, and three gambling he added, " by removing the last barrier problem. machines. But does this motiey assem- to equality also removes any possible Carrying on from Wednesday's theme, blage represent the maximum amount of bias against women." He continued: Thursday is National M.E. Day. Myalgic revenue, or the maximum amount of en- "Whether my successor at Surrey is a encephalomyelitis, formally known as joyment gained by students who play women depends on who applies." 'yuppie flu', can be a severely debilitat- them? I think a survey into which ma- ing condition causing a range of symp- chines would become popular may sat- toms both physical and mental. National All church appointments are exempt isfy both criteria from the equal opportunities legislation. M.E. day, organised by the group Action Finally, would anyone who is remotely for M£., hopes to spread the word about interested in creative writing, feel fireet o the disease in the hope that more people drop in at the Creative Writing Society's Dave Gent and doctors will start to take it more next meeting. It will give you a chance seriously. If you have M.E. or think that to meet fellow would-be autiiors and you have it, or just want lo know what it could give you a launching pad for your is, then come to the Union on Thursday first novel. for more infonnation. Finally, Friday is the day for Surrey Stu- NUS Conference dents to fight Racism and Fascism. Come Dave Weeks continued from page 1 in and get your sticker to show that you Two guest speakers had been invited to address the conference. Ralph Wilde from care. Stonewall, tiie gay rights pressure group, spoke about Üie fight to equalise tiie age of Please come and see me if you want to consent for homosexuals. Ralph is possibly best known for taking the British know more about any of U)ese issues. If Ciovemment to tiie European Court of Human Rights over this very issue. Despite a you would like to help out during next demonstration at the platifonn concerning tiie last debate, Ralph was allowed to speak week, please come lo the Welfare Meet- peacefully and received an ovation from the audience. The second speaker was not ing Friday 6th May at 1pm in the Nelson so lucky. Jim Patterson had come from the African National Congress to discuss Mandela Room. racism, fa.scism and the recent elections in South Africa. Unfortunately some of tiie demonstrators in front of tiie platform were not happy with the choice of spei^er and Sarah Parsons, Vice-President chose to argue witii, heckle, tiireaten and intimidate him until he no longer felt able ^0 speak. From a personal point of view, I find it a very sad day when a group of people who are concemed about their own free- doms witiiin the worid will not extend freedom of expression to an individual who attempts to fight for tiiose same freedoms. fihristian Knien By tiiis stage, conference was deteriorating rapidly. The group in from of the platform were now chanting and attempting to com- pletely disrupt the proceedings. The Chair managed lo put one proposal to the vote, which was tiiat all remaining fonnal business ^ gH Wellbeing ? lie referred back lo the National Council. Phis vote was concluded before the stage invasion which ensued. Conference closed 2 hours early. I felt it was a great shame that a conference which had been so productive had to end in such a Security ? manner. Still, from what I'm told, this year was more productive LIBRARY RESTAURANT than most FRIDAY, WEEK 2 Next week. Elections, tiie fringes iuid Beering Coimnittee returns! ALWELCOME Confidence ? TTFN, Dave Vincent, NUS Delegation Leader 1994 Campus to grow

Extensions to Twyford Court, new academic E^buildings and a floodlit all-weather pitch are among the plans recently unveiled for the future We are offering inclusive prices. All our development of the university. services include Mousse or Setting Lotion and Conditioner. Set or Blow Wave are included in The final phase of Twyford Court is to be built on car park two, all Perming and Colouring Services. with facilities for disabled students, married flats and some five Shampoo & Set £7.95 bedroom flats. To compensate for this, car park four will be Shampoo & Blow Wave £8.95 extended to increase its capacity by 177, a net gain of 51 spaces Cut & Blow Wave £17.90 in an attempt to alleviate some of the car parking problems. Cutting £8.95 Re-Style Cutting £10.95 However, the most radical plan is for six new academic build- Gents Cut, Shampoo & Blow Wave £12.95 ings, situated in the field between BB-BC block and Car Park Gents Dry Cut £7.95 four, the current site of the Grad ball. This is likely to be a Children's Cut £4.50 pha^ development, though plans are already afoot for the Psychology department and the computing unit to move into All the following services to include the first of the^ buildings. There is a suggestion that this will Set or Blow Wave excluding Cutting allow the library facilities to expand. Semi Permanent Tint £21.95 Henna £22.95 However, Doctor Malcolm Parry, responsible for the planning Permanent Tint £26.95 applications, said:"I don't thiiik it would be likely for the Highlights/Lowlights £39.95 Students' Union to be accommodated among those buildings," Permanent Wave with reference to the ongoing discussions for the relocation of (inc. Syner^ Treatment) £39.95 a larger union building. Apparently, the university's planning Hair Straightening £35.00 strategy is zoned into different areas, and the S mdents' Union has traditionally been seen together with accommodation. Kerasilk Hair Treatment £2.00 Rombouts Coffee £0.50 While these developments are likely to take several years Students 25% off 24 Madrid Road before coming to fruition, the most immediate development is normal prices Tuesday GuUdford GU2 5NU likely to be a floodlit all-weather pitch with hockey playing and Wednesday Tel: 440414 facilities. It will also allow winter training for a wide range of university sports teams. This development comes in the light of Student Union lobbying for this, including a motion passed at a GM last year. Arthur de Graft, Sports Officer, said:"This is the best thing that has happened for Surrey sports for many For ONE week only years. It will bring great benefits to tiie sports clubs." Quiz riite is moving Further developments include moving the perimeter road, al- lowing a new cycle route through the university to be formed.

Sarah Parsons, Vice-President, commenting on the range of Week}! new facilities, said:-"It is good to see that all the hard work we did last year in campaigning for new facilities has finally come to fruition." Laurence Winch, PGA Welfare rep, also welcomed the developments, but added: "I'm just worried about tiie green- Qidz Nite vnll be on ery on campus and where they are going to put the Grad ball in tiie future." Dave Gent TUESDAY Don't forget to Usual Place Usual Time RECYCLE Lower Bar Spin

(Bern !facts This P^er bins in the Union and aU Bar oiien court receptions. 7p«n It's a Summer Music Mania COMPETITON

Edited By:- Chris Pye

hat a weekend to remember! It was good to see and hear so Wmuch music, will my ears recover? Maybe if I get a little more We are giving away a h)ad of records. sleep, they might be able to. Bjorn Again were as good as they have CDs, T-shirts, and other goodies in- cluding a couple of very good compila- always been, especially the way they play Nivarna's Teen Spirit tion featuring the likes of the mid'Set. Music Mania has yet another competition for you this Wonderstuff, Stakka Bo, Darkman. week! I hope you have entered last week's Streets Ahead competi- To enter simply answer this question: ton, 'cos there are a few good prizes there! More on this week's competition later on with the rest Name an in the HMV Music Union offer HMV list for May Answers on a postcard l>y Tuesday 9.30am, with Name & Union Card NoJ Music Union und post It in the Bare facts Box in tht^ foyer. I1ie winner will be drawn at the (>M on Tuesday 1pm, in the Union Month of May Lounge. Usual Rules apply! Offers MV Music Union is a student scheme run nationwide in conjunction with NUS HEnts. If you have not already joined then pop down lo Guildford soon wilh your NUS card, walk to the counter and say to the nice chappie or lass "Ciui I join the fttiV THisiuNDflY Music Union please?" show them your card and they will sort you out! If you join NIQItrS 9IIND soon, you will be able to enter next week's competition in onler to win FREE festival tickets for London, Phoenix and Reading. Therefore well worth it, wouldn't you say? You can gel £130 off the price of these albums during the month of May:- ^his Sunday sees a band called Suns X of Arqa play in our beloved Union. Pulp His 'n' Hers This band are relatively new to the busi- God Shuffled His Feet ness and are very hard to describe. How- Rollins Band Weight ever they sound good on tape and will Sensor Stacked Up sound good in the surrounds of the deco- Sounds Of Blackness Africa To America rative Union. Primal Scream Give Out But Don't Give Up Blur Park Life I was shocked to hear their m usic and you Stabbing Westward Ungod will be the same. However you shouldn't The Auteurs Now I'm A Cowboy be disapoinied at what you hear. The Various Dance Zone Level 1 band have taste and style higher than mosL And that's not all ...To celebrate the release of Tintin on video there is also £1.00 off these Tintin vids:- Check them out on Sunday at around 9pm, but remember the bar and doors Cigar Of The Pharaohs open at 7pm, get there early to avoid Crab With The Golden Claws disapointmenL Destination Moon Eric Wong Meets Metal.


èii ftriet ihe mistàké mad^fc' Union' album, Yes, ibey ^ 81 Big IJGéntaràtQr,Tltón2 may stili hi^peeple crìlising how:T>eyor Rbbiri'imòdli:^ baiìd into à pop rock óuifit Talk' proved that Ycs are stili a» jmpc^t^t fòrce^ tbe ^P's.Tt is à Ti^^ album with some magic inomerlMIobahlv the bcslYesaibuin in vears. Mol^hfeM^^vyeekfn)^n&•íc^ • : i BIVOUAC - Marked & Tagged Feature ivouac have been covered by Music BMania before, however l'm not sure of this new single out on May 16. This band remind me of a small band called ACACIA PO! signed to RuUand Records, Leci- ester. The sound is a raw sound with raw f t Delicious Melodies, Fluid percus- lyrics to match. Don't get me wrong sion, cryptic jokes, the song of a lone Maiiced & Tagged is a good song, but African child; improbable opposites sounds unfinished to me. Maybe with a merge. Where others dramatize the clash SKYSCRAPER - more professional sound this could be a of cohabition of gainelan, feedback gui- Man Made Hell good record. tar and water-drum appears as inévitable as rock guitar, fender bass and trap druin " '' I •'his London trio release their third (Wanda Rulkowska). JL single Man Made Hell on Monday May 16. This follows a recent successful support slot with Killing Joke. Sky- VAN MORRISON - scraper are signed to the label that made Jesus Jones; Food Records. Skyscraper A Night In San Francisco formcd only a year ago when Adi Vines left indie superstars Swervedriver and '' I ""his live double album features most joined up with the vocalist from Milk Vie X of Van Morrisons hits over the dec- Kemlicz and drumer Oliver Grassett. ades. This was recorded in December They immediately hit the road touring 1993, at the gig which was probably the with Rage Against the Machine and play- highlightof Van Morrison's recent series ing the Pheonix Festival with style. To of American dates. The 146 minute al- describe this band, pop» industriai, indie, bum includes four cover versions which metal, they trample across them ali ajid are not available on any oiher album: come out with something pure. 'Ain'tThat Loving You Baby', 'Stormy Monday', 'Help Me' and 'Shaking Ali 8 Over'. This album is up for grabs in this week's compétition featured on the pre- vious page. One for Van Morrison' s fans. DANZIG - Mother 8 '^his band are... mad, crazy, insane in Acacia are a band consisting of four JL the brain, variant! I could carry on, members Alexander (Vocals), Guy but I wonH! Mother is a record that needs JEFF BUCKLEY - (Keyboards), Maurizio (Guitar Treat- a few special touches here and there. The Live at Sin-E ments) and Talvin (Percusson). Their band have toured wiih Metallica in the music apart from what is writien above, IIK, and seem to have got a lot of press sounds great, fresh and more importantly Here is anolher live recording. American différent. coverage from the likes of Rolling Sione. Jeff B uckley has got a great feel for music However Tm not sure about this, the only and his talents of playing the and Acacia are a new band that are receiving positive thing is the purple Vinyl its Cello really shine ihrough on this record. pressed on. lots of good press al présent and very This is a blues record with an attitude. deservingly if I may say so. Maybe we will see them here sometime in the autumn term. (l'il have a word with Si- mon) HELP URGENTLY WANTED

Music Mania Is currently organised un a Wednesday morning every week. TliLs is due to my heavy work- load, now that I am working Full Time. If you feel you could help In any way then please cali Into the Bare Facts office on Wednesday week 3 between lOam and 2pm and have a word with Chris Pye. bivouac What's on and where Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford The Mattings, Famham

Until 7 May: Delibes' ideal family ballet "Coppella", based on One night only, 13 May: Italy's greatest mimic Ennio Hoffman's tale of a life-size doU with a soul, combines humour, Marchetto and his totally environmentally friendly costumes charming solos and, it says here, a sensational score. Presented made entirely from paper! See Madonna tum into Pavarotti in by the London City Ballet just one fold! Box Office 0252 726234 9-14 May: Revenge and murder are high on the list of priorities for "Who Killed 'Agatha' Christie?", the story of an actor's vendetta against the critic who derided his plays. Starring Lewis Thomdike Theatre, Leatherhead Collins, so it's sure to be a 'professional' performance. Box Office: 0483 60191 3-21 May : "The Winslow Boy" by Terence Rattigan. Peter, Barkworth and Nyree Dawn Porter in the story of one man's quest for justice for his son, at any cosL Box Office 0372 New Victoria Theatre, Woking 377677.

9 - 14 May: Come and see the 'annus horribilis' from Sue Townsend's point of view, as the Royal Family spend a week On Campus in Woking in "The Queen and I". I can't wait to see Prince Charles disguised as Mr. Blobby! See special posters around Wed 11 May: 1.15pm, PATS Studio 1, FREE Concert; Handel campus about cut-price sefUs for Surrey students. Box Office - Oboe Sonata in D minor; Dvorak - Violin Romance Op.ll; 0483 761144 Sallinen - Elegias; Haydn - Trumpet Concerto (mvts 2 & 3). Wed 11 May: 7.30pm, University Wind Band, watch out for posters for (¿tails. Redgrave Theatre, Farnham Wed 11 May: 8pm, LTG, Arts Cinema: "Manhattan Murder Mystery" Woody Alien, Diane Keaton, Anjelica Houston and Until 7 May: Noel Coward's family epic "This Happy Breed". Alan Alda in a Ught comedy - it' s by Woody Alien, so you know 11 May - 4 June: "East Lynne", a tale of intrigue and despair as it'll be full of angst and (me-liners. Tickets (£2.00) in advance a seduced women leaves her family, but cannot escape her only from Trading Desk. pasL..Box Office 0252 715301 Chris Jones Tosca Brava '"•"'he tiny Crystal Clear Opera Company laudably brings Nonetheless, he will be shot at dawn unless Tosca succumbs to X opera (in English translation, which sometimes sounds Scarpia. After much finely phrased deliberation, she relents, silly) to "the people" and filled the Yvonne Amaud last Monday securing the promise that her lover will be released after a wilh an impressive sound. Accompanied by a bijou orchestrette, face-saving mock execution. But she has been driven too far, the whole was held manically together by the conductor, Martin and stabs Scarpia. As it h2q)pens, Scarpia was lying: the artist is Handley, whose gleaming pate - spotlighted throughout - was shot and Tosca leaps from the battlements - convincingly, given rivalled only by the interrogation lamp used in a vain attempt the small stage and the sparse decor. to elicit infonnation from Tosca's ill-fated artist lover, Cavara- The church motif prevails throughout: the prisoner's sister - dossi. who brings the key by means of which he esc<4)es - is s^n Tosca is a petulant diva, dark-eyed and raven-haired, expres- praying to the madonna. Cavaradossi, inspired by her pious sively rendered by Ida Maria Turri, at her best when suffering beauty, paints her portrait, which then becomes a unifying the taunts and unwanted advances of the police chief baddie, feature of Acts One and Two. Its huge presence, firstly in the Scfupia. Glenville Hargreaves' Scarpia is a gripping villain, church, then in Scarpia's den, provides a constant backdrop of especially at the end of Act One, when he comes to the church virginal sCTenity to Tosca's dark, stormy torrents of sexuali^. in hot pursuit of an esc^)ed prisoner. His impatience gradually Not that Tosca is without belief: she too bows down before the turns to desperate rage until the theatre is veri tably bursting with Madonna, displaying a seeming devotion which resurfaces music. A chorus of henchmen behind him, Scarpia stands in when, having slahi Scarpia, she places candles at his head. magnificent anguish at the front of the stage, and reveals that In a playful exchange between Cavaradossi and Tosca in Act Tosca has bewitched him and led him away from God. Through- One, the latter's jealousy is assuaged only when the painter out, he manages to terrify and yet to arouse pity: his position agrees to darken the eyes of the fair lady in the portrait This and his disposition have isolated him from the worid oHoyalty encapsulates the tone of the opera - the fair teauty of the and love. Marchesa's portrait is overshadowed by the violent events which follow its aeation - and that is as it should be, for As Tosca's lover and the harbourer of the escaped convict, violence, lust and treachery make for more enthralling opera Cavaradossi incurs Scarpia's wrath twice over. He is arrested than dreamy portraits of pure women could ever do. and tortured until Tosca, unable to bear his screams of agony, reveals the prisoner's whereabouts. To Cavaradossi, who swore to die rather than betray his fugitive friend, this is treachery. JVUA WATTS A Victory for Common Sense? pulled to and fro by the logical reasoning X synonymous with one of the greatest of Casely and the emotional appeals of miscarriages of justice in British legal Highwood. The quality of the acting is history. How appropriate then that Ter- superlative - emotionid breakdowns al- ence Frisby's new play, "Rough Justice", ways seem to me to be the most difficult should stop over in Guildford en route things to portray realistically - and the from Southampton to the West End. antagonism between Shaw and Quick is This powerful and emotional courtroom almost tangible, encapsulating as it does drama centres around the trial of James the debate between the church and law on Highwood (Martin Shaw), who admits to the one hand and plain old common sense the manslaughter of his brain-damaged on the other. The suppordng cast are also baby son, but who faces a barrage of excellent, especially Alan Dobie as the hostile questions from the Counsel for enigmatic judge and Caroline Bliss as the Prosecution, Margaret Casely (Diana Mrs. Highwood, suffering in her own CJuick), determined to get to the unith and way from the pressure of the media and tuni manslaughter into murder. What fol- the trial. lows is a gripping discussion of the Brit- To my mind, this is the true theatre - ish legal system, as Highwood conducts engaging the audience, encouraging his own defence in an attempt to prove collapses under the strain of cross exami- them to live ihrough the characters, to that it is die jury, not the judge or barris- nation, everything looks bleak....but feel their emotions and to call into ques- ters who must decide his fate, «^pealing there are a few more twists yet to come tion the sometimes arbitrary provisions to dbiem on the emotional aspect of his before the final denouement This is the of society and the law. "Rough Justice" crime, and taking on the twin estab- kind of play that manages to combine has now transferred to the West End. If lishments of the church and the law at the great entertainment with social com- you go and see any play in London this same lime. ment Everything from the church, soci- year, it has got to be this one. ety, the media and of course the law is Can he possibly succeed - can he be both brought into question, and the audience victim and victor in this case? As he in effect become the jury as diey are CHRIS JONES managp«; rn aliPngtP fhp jiiHgp anri finaMy Return to the Forbidden Planet Coppelia

•"'he prograirune notes read: "On a stormy night way back in resented by the London City Ballet, Coppelia proved to X the winter of2009, mad scientist Doctor ^ospero worked late Pbe adelightful evening of music and dancing. The story in his laboratory, aide^ only by his wife Gloria as he developed of Coppelia is your average fairy tale - Franz and Swanhilda the elusive formula with which he would change the world. The are in love and intend lo marry. However Franz is a bit of a apparently faithful Gloria, however, duped him and sent him off flirt and manages to fall in love with the "girl" who blows into hyperspace in an old spacecraft Unknown lo Gloria her him a kiss from the balcony of Dr Coppelius, the toymaker's infant daughter Miranda, slumbered peacefully in the craft, and house. Swanhilda calls the engagement off out of jealousy. was now catapulted light years into the future in her father's What neither of them realises is that the "girl" is actually a company. lifesize clockwork doll. When Swanhilda and her friends Fifteen years later, a routine survey flight under the command of find a door key dropped by Dr Coppelius they decide to chisel-jawed Captain Tempest leaves Earth's orbit with a new break into the house to find the "girl". They discover the Science Officer aboard - a hard and bitter woman. As a shower doll, along with many other lifesize clockwork dolls. When of meteorites hits the ship, the Science Officer flees, and the craft Dr (Toppelius comes home all the girls run away, apart from is pulled inexorably towards the planet D'lllyria : the Forbidden Swanhilda who hides in the alcove with the female doll. She Planet The adventure begins..." swaps clothes and pretends to be the doll herself. Franz, meanwhile gets into the house via a ladder, looking for the And so it does. Should you lose track of the story line at any point pretty girt. He is drugged by Dr Coppelius who intends lo during the adventure - a mixture of Shakespeare's Tempest, and bring his doll lo life using Franz's "lifeforce". Swanhilda the cartoon strip featuring Captain Tempest - fear not, Patrick plays along, pretending to come lo life, until Franz wakes up Moore comes to the rescue at regular intervals to give a Shake- and discovers the truth about the clockwork doll. They are spearean synopsis of the story so far. A splendid job he does loo! reunited and, in typical fairy-tale style, live happily ever Tiie story and the spaceship rattle along at a fair pace, interspersed after. by good rock and roll hits from the '50's and '60's, that have the audience jiving by the end of the night. Not only are Captain Tempest and his crew intrepid explorers of space, they are also The story is so well-told through dance that the story is very very talented musicians and singers, able to pick up any instru- easy to follow even without the synopsis in the programme. ment and play - and often dance at Hie same üme. I'd like to see The enthusiasm and gracefulness of the dancers more than Captain Kirk and Mr Spöck do that made up for the occasional technical mistake. Jane Sanig If you fee! like letting your hair down, waving your arms and was serene and graceful as Swanhilda and Gary Shuker singing along with Captain Tempest and his aew as they figlu the played Franz as your average good-looking macho hunk. dark forces, save die worid and fall in love, this is definitely the Terry Hayworth provided the comic moments as Dr Coppe- show to see. lius, with a nose worthy of Cyrano de Bergerac! And if you missed the spaceaafl at Woking, it will be landing at other venues around the country over the next few months. I If you have never seen a ballet before, Coppelia is probably advise you not to miss the next voyage to the Forbidden Planet, one of the best for a first visit It is on at the Yvonne Amaud at a theatre near you. TheaU"e in Guildford until Saturday 7th May including a Saturday matinee. Student standbys, when available, are Kari Dickson only £3 from half an hour before each performance.

Rachel Davison 10

***** Spectacular. The Video Box **** Pretty decent. *** Worth a look. ** Mindless. * Garbage. The Man Without a Face Dave (12) ***

(12)^^^ 110 mins, Starrìng Kevin Kline, Sigourney Weaver, Frank Langella, Kevin Kline. Dir. Ivan 115 mins, Starrìng Mei Gibson, Nick Stahl, Mar- Reitman. garet Wilson, Fay Masterson. Dir. Mei Gibson. evin Kline (who won an Oscar for inserting chips in ibson plays a disfigured reclusive ex-teacher who catches Kvarìous of Michael Palin's orifices in A Fish Called Gyoung Chuck Norsiadt irespassing on his land. The boy Wanda) plays Dave Kovic, the owner of an einployment agency lums out to have had an unhappy feinale-dominated home life who eams a little money on the side as a presidential look-alike. since the death of his idolised father ajid has a tendency to go Fortunately Kline also plays the président, which is lucky really, imo a trance whenever the mood takes him, but more impor- as otherwise he may not have been beUevable as a double. The tantly he needs tutoring (maybe by a disfigured reclusive ex- President (Kline) has a hean attack and nasty, sneerìng Frank teacher) to pass the exam he needs to get into Military School. Langella (boo, hiss) employs Dave (Kline) to take his place He strikes up an uneasy relationship, and eventually friendship, believing that not only can he now control the White House bui with Gibson's character, until the locai villagers, wielding maybe he can even take up residence if scmie unfortunate torches and scythes storm the castle ... oops, sorry, gol carried mishap h{^)s. What he hadn't counied on though was Dave's away. The villagers actually become suspicions that he might soaring popularìty. The fihn largely panders lo the old idea that be doing the same thing to the kid that had prematurely ended if a level headed everyday Joe (or Dave) became président he his te^hing career. Both of the characters are just too pleasant would be able to solve ali ihe country's problems, and maybe to be empathised with: Stahl is too brighi and bouncy to play relies too heavily on being very funny without actually explor- an emoüonally scarred kid, and literary Gibson (who can be ing any of the angles. Tìius what remains is a fairly lifeless excellent eg Hamlet, Mad Max) is just completely ludicrous. ccmiedy which is cheerful enough but somewhat forgettable - Gibson directs profìciently (allhough no belter than many other as you'd expect from the guy who directed Twins and Ghost- directors) bui the plot sentimenially lunges for the heartstrìngs busters. al every opporüinity and has a very rushed ending. Having said that, it's never dull and there's little to really dislike, it just isn't Karl convincing. The OFU Item Rock Club

exiweek westart our seasonof excellait OFU films, with Indecent Proposai. Il VcrV Loud PcOple Nfeatures Robert Redford as a rich bod who pays a flnancially challenged Woody ^ (Cheers!) Harrelson lo spend a nighl with his wife. Demi Moore. Some guys have ail e are proud to announce that after the luck. Needless to say, Redford is not spending ail that money for a night of Wthe amazing response to Mailreya scintillaiing conversation. The film also raises some moral issues, but despite ihis it when ihey were a Sum^y Night Band - is a very popular fihn. Showing in Lecture TheatreG on Sunday, June 8th at 6 o'clock we've gol ihem back!!! and Monday, June 9th at 8 o'clock. In the Lower Bar on Monday 9th May (week 3) from 8pm til 1 Ipm, this excel- Season tickets are still available from the trading desk for £7.50. Individuai film lent rock band are back in full swing. Il' s tickets are available for £1.90, or £2.00 if reserved with the House Officer. Remember only going tocost £1.50, so come along that we can NOT seil tickets on the door. and have your ears put through the back of your head. The Arts Cinema will be showing Manhattan Murder Mystery, starrìng Woody Allen If you enjoy it (and I can't see how you and Diane Keaton as husband and wife. Diane becomes rather suspicious after the can fail toi) do come along to Rock Club neighbour's wife, Mrs. House, is found dead, apparently of a heart attack. Mr. House on Thursday evenings at 6pm in the Up- is Diane's prime suspect, so she décidés to shadow him and ftnds that he has been per Bar (wbere else?) and meet your kind lalking 10 a very attractive French actress. The motive is obvious in her mind, but it's of people. We idi love rock music and not quile that simple... The film is being shown in Lecture Theatre G at 8 o'clock on organise trips to various gigs. Some of Wednesday. Tickeis available from the trad- 'tf UM» us went to see Redwood at the Mean ingdesk...... Fiddler in London this week, and there's a Dogs D'Amour trip lo the Marquee If you want to voice your opinion about later this month. We've seen Warrior anylhing (preferably OHJ-related matiers), Soul and The Wildhearts in Northamp- or help out in any way, ihen our door is ton, so you can see wedon't sii still! always open to newcomers. We have a Keep your eyes peeled for an extension meeting every Tuesday at ó.OOpm in Lecture Rock Night Coming soon. Feel free to Theatre H. Look forward to seeing you. come along and be as loud as you can! See you on Monday night for a storming gig- Son ofStìmpy

Nikki Sciturdciy 7 May Club Nation iVeekIy Dance Club In the Lower Bar 8-2am 7-13 Möy-Wed<3 £1 in advance £1.50 on door Sundciy 8 Moncldy 9 Free Band: Suns of Arqa Rock Club in the Lower Bar - see reverse OFU: Indecent Proposal OFU: Indecemt Proposai 6pm LT6 8|>m LT6

uescldy 10 Weclrescldy Quiz Private party in the Lower Bar in the Lower Bar starts 8pm bar open 7pm Arts Cinema: Manhattan free entry Murder Mystery 8pm LT6

lurscldy 12 'ricidy 13

Happy Banana Club Friday Night Out in the Lower Bar £1 on the door 8pm - lam 8pm-2anfi - the Union price as Saturdays tí^ieAeati ....

v' ^^ --y í: í> Vi V •f- t-. i..- •• + SUPPORT

in the Lower Bar Monday May 1994 (Week 3) 8pm - 11pm Cost : £1.50 11

AT THE MOVIES With Pete 'n' Phil

^ Odeon, Epsom Road - Friday 6 May for Seven Days

Screen 1 : Screen 2 : SCHINDLER'S LIST (15) DEADLY ADVICE (15)

3 hour 15 minutes black and white epic that is r^uired ane Horrocks has a tyrannical mother who terrorises the Aviewing. This is a Spielberg film unlike anything else Jpoor girl. But then she is visited by the ghosts of famous he has done before. It is the story of Oskar Schindler, who murderers, including and Dr Grippen, who helped save over a thousand Jews from the concentration try to convince her that a spot of murder could solve fill her camps, and it is also a near-documentary look at the Holo- problems. Murder, of course, is never that simple. Alüiough caust itself. Liam Nccson plays Schindler (although why this film wants to he something like "Arsenic And Old Lace", such a dedicated Nazi member and profiteer should meta- it can't quite manage the difficult trick of being both black morphose into a saviour still remains unclear) and receives and a comedy. It's not a complete failure though, it does terrific support from Ralph Fiennes - who chillingly plays have a couple of successful set pieces - including a Young the almost childishly sadistic Ainon Goeth - and Ben Kjng- Fanners' 60s night party - but it can't be considered a success sley. Although not quite the masterpiece it wants to be, it either. comes damn close and is a reminder to us all how close human beings are to committing atrocities such as those so Fri/Mon-Thurs 1.25 3.50 6.15 8.45 (except Weds) graphically presented here. An experience. Sat/Sun 6.15 8.45

Fri/Mon-Thurs 2.10 7.15 Sat/Sun 3.30 7.30 BEETHOVEN'S THE ARISTOCATS (U) SECOND (U)

lthough lacking the sparkle and wit of the truly great Jp'or those who found the original funny. ADisney carux)ns, this isn't at all bad. In fact, it's a lot of fun. Sat/Sun at 1.25 3.50 Sat^un at 1.40 only THE PIANO (15)

Screen 3 : olly Hunter, Harvey Keitel aiid Sam Neill star in this HOscar winning 'art-house' fibn about a mute miül-order THE PAPER (15) bride, her husband, lover and beloved piano.

old the front page!' A very strong cast, including Weds 11th : Perfs 1.45 5.00 8.00 HMichael Keaton, Robert Duvall, Glenn Close, Randy Quaid and Marisa Tornei, star in the story of a day in the life of "The New York Sun", a rather down-market newspaper. As directed by Ron Howard, who gave us "Splash" and Screen 4 : MY FATHER "Parenthood" this uses every newspiq>er-film cliche there is (including having someone shout 'Stop the presses!'). The THE HERO (PG) fihn tries to cover lots of large serious topics, but only trivialises or sentimentalises them - as in "Parenthood". ollywood remake of dbie French comedy "Mon Pere le However, it does try hard to capture the excitement and HHero", with Gerard Depardieu reprising his role as a energy of newsp^r offices aiid die adrenalin rush to be father who discovers that his 14 year old dajghter has been found there. But, to experience this first hand, come down going round telling the inhabitants of their holiday retreat and help Bare Facts and feel the buzz of real newspaper that he is in fact her boyfriend. Yet again, Tmseltown tries production. to remake respectable French movies and fails dismally ("Sommersby" excepted, of course), hi fact, the original of Daily at 1.15 3.45 6.10 8.40 "My Fadier the Hero" was no masterpiece, but while it aimed for a wry smile, with delicate and subUe humour, this version aims forabelly laugh and generally misses by amile. Quite Enquiries/Credit Card bookings : Guildford why Depardieu agreed to be in the remake is an interesting 578017. Advance Box Office open 2pm - 7pni. question. Student Discount available Mon-Thurs before 7pm (with NUS or ISlC card only). Daily at 130 4.00 6.25 8.50 12 HoB Spot ^

About Job Spot... DISCLAIMER

If you wish to advertise a vacancy on this page All students please note: the Job details on this page are the only informatiim we have and the Students^ Union accepts which is suitable for students please drop me a no responsibility for the validity of Joi)s detailed on this line at Bare Facts in the Students' Union. The page. It is up to each individual to check out the validity service is free to advertisers. of each Job when applying. We would be interested to know if any jobs turn out to be bogus so that we can ensure the company Ls ni>t advertised again on this page. Thank Admin Staff - Spectrum vou. People required for casual work in the admin office to do Reed Employment flexible hours between 8.30ain and 5.30pm. WP skills, good telephone manner and customer care essential as well as the Typing and other office skills? Experience of waiting tables? ability to learn a wide range of product knowledge quickly. Phone Margaret Dormer on 443302 for further details. Want some temporary woik? Call Katie Pink atReed Employ- ment on 300428 or call into 64 High Street, Guildford.

Bar/Catering Staff - Spectrum Environmental Projects - The country's leading contract caterer requires part-time staff Tenerife, Summer 1994 to work at their flagship operation in Guildford at weekends and during holidays. We offer competitive rates of pay, free use of Volunteers are needed for environmental projects in Tenerife, many leisure complex facilities after an initial period and meals such as restoring vineyards, renovating agricultural dwellings while on duty. Previous catering experience is preferred but not etc. Accommodation in the mountains provided at a cost of £30 essential as long as you are able to prove you can work as part per week inclusive of breakfast Discounted flights available. of a team in a fast moving enviamment. If you are of smart For further details contact Lupe Castro on 071 240 2888 or Ed appearance and keen to work in a busy catering operation, Bentham on 071 584 9696 or write do Huron University, please apply in writing to Alison Patrick, Compass Services London Campus, 3/5 Palace Gate, Kensington, London W8 (IIK) Ltd, GuUdford Spectrum, Parkway, Guildford GUI lUP. 5LS.

Coca-Cola & Schweppes Volunteer in the West Bank in 1994 Beverages Ltd Birzeit University's Student Council organises workcamps at the campus near Ramallah, West Bank. Two camps take place Have you got what it takes? We are looking for first class, between mid-July and mid-September lasting about two weeks. highly motivated individuals to take up temporary positions as Day trips and visits will be included as well as local projects Field Merchandisers, helping us to improve and maximise the such as land reclamation. Food and accommodation are pro- visibility and availability of CCSB brands within specific out- vided fr^ but you must pay for your own flight. For further lets across the UK. We are offering up to £250 per week. We details and application fonns write to Joanne Ayhner, Middle need ability to work full-time at various times of the year; East Prograimne, Worid University Service, 20 Compton Ter- energetic, fit and hardworking people aged 20-35; good team- race, London N1 2U or tel 071 226 6747. workers, able to interact with all types; fully mobile, holding clean driving licence; a desire to offer first class service to others. If you think you have what it takes, contact Leigh Brook Short/Intensive Courses in Spanish on 0895 231313. New study courses at the University of La Laguna, the Univer- sity of Tenerife in the Canary Islands. The programme, includ- Prime Health Ltd ing courses in Spanish language and culture, begins in July and runs for 10 weeks. Each course is for two weeks with an Are you looking for part-time or evening work? Prime Health extensive range of optional leisure activities. For further details is one of the UK's fastest growing specialist health insurers. and price list write to Universidad de la Laguna, Plaza del We require Telesales staff to join our DSF Telesales Team Adelantado, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. based at our Head Office in Guildford. You will work as part of a small team, making appoinanents for our Sales Force to go out and sell our products. In return we offer an hourly rate of Travel Teach £4.50 plus bonus, paid holiday and full training programme. Please telephone for more infonnation & application form on The chance to travel and work in Central and Eastern Europe 440550 (The Personnel Dept, Prime Health Ltd, Wey House, without prior experience of teaching English or TER^ qualifi- Famhiun Road, Guildford GUI 4XS). cations. For further details write to Travel Teach, Freepost, NT 2752, Newcasüe Upon Tyne NE2 IBR or tel 091 212 0792. Corning Soon Uic rthe pain in the arse on the doorJ Walker has agreed to be *Uic*timised by RAG yet a^ain. Last time it was a dose shave, this time heMI not get off as llghtiy, but it*s ¿oing to cost! This years charities have yet to be decided» to resister yourself as a charity come to the meeting on Tuesday, lOthof May.

Rafi has a new a new sex-aid. OOOPS. mascot. After the I mean a doublé inflatable sheep headed snake. Now exploded in a night of to be known as passion, there is now slither-me slither-you.

RAGTIME By Dean Swift aod Garv WMtbread Last Weeks unprìnted words were. rum. schooL boy, Q W N A Z W s X E E Y G G A H S whippiné Task the RAG M E A T L 0 A F D G C R F K V N cbairIJ* stomach pump and T G E E Y B H N C A P P E L L A puke. We misspelt dandruff N U L C J M I K 0 R R L F M P as danruff. This week spot P the odd band out! E X C H C V B M P E 0 P L E X N Snop Hoddowov E Z M N A S D G H F D J K 0 I P Coppola TttdMMtroMC U R Y 0 A D A M S K I T Y U L L lOMMUflmif Q E T T F W D Q A X G W D R E V Klf Rogs Prodiflv Mftolloor T Y T R T N J A Z Z Y J E F F G Cn Vegli« Shoggf A 0 I 0 E P N D w A S W N X F R fldMulii Shom«« H E B N R L R T Y A U I V 0 N P Afttnheck Mht T C D I S F B Y J K Y N 0 M E D Octo«ic Qu««n D« Lo Soul Billv IMcIson E B V C H S F H K I N M G K M L _ »(papBpei K E S Z 0 C E A N I C B U B A N 9u o) anbatp Sv ssa|an) panjinaj aq tome» KIpooM «Vt p*pi&M «q mAt •SBvpvoAnuo» A H u K C 0 L U 0 S A L E D H P nv ''•a* tM* «p Jtum »»§ xmmiuodiM oa »11«) *àk •wopanpojd nf n mm «nouCmi T S D F K F E s z X C T H S L jo »imH ••U ^iSÌeH «t md* )oa ipavMpjOAik TIX D nvn mm m 14

n ARCANUM wiU kill you ÜMMNS. H BOB MANSELL - you have an ad- a What does SR+ 3.14 = ?... mirer. X n AMERICAN KX)TBALL -DAVE Q Enjoy the baked bean flapjacks Si!!! AND PEETE'S FLYING LESSONS Et She who has an ear - let her hear. She Hope you had a good birthday - if you who has a pair of shorts - let her get a remember it! n Dear Big Sis, work bard but please wet bum. sleep well. Little Boy n Sporran - You may not remember the n Red 11 to Red 14-The Death Star is Bay Ci^ Rollers but I remember you n Male available, Samuel, friary 38 ^proaching - don't get off with it this - Miss Piggy tmie. Ö MARK AND MATT n Watch out Hunchbacks about! SOLOl-NR n STEVE LEACH - I WANT MY n Michelle, Debs&Zoe-Don'tworry, n Peete, caught a football lately - JD CREW CARD!!!!!! - MRS. JACK- SON. the tan's ahnost washed off - L + H Ö Meat - Well I wouldn't say boo to a Neats ghost but we all know about you and n Alison - Take your coat of, it's a beach! n Thank you to the honest person who shire horses!!! - Neat found my bank can! and gave it in to Q Alison - Do you think that step is too n Chandy - Remember to Twist and Security in week 1 - xMAD MICRO- BIOLOGISTx high for you? Shout, not Shake Rattle and Roll when pouring wine. Your brother n MARC STUPPLE! - Sorry you knows how. xxx Ö Watch out boys, when Michaela missed your first personal. Here's wiggles her shoulders. another mstead. P.S. Has your friend H I'm not resting on my laurels, I'm having an ear splitting time! n Just when you thought it was safe to J. J.McF visited you yet? - xMAD MI- go back into the Union. Prodigy and CROBIOLOGISTx Q Essex requires fat blokes for slap & his amazing feats of retching - Altem n Watch out, the martian has tickle - blondes preferred. Bognor Regis. She is n Is there a lobster living at 7 Benbrick n G of Gorge. Thanks for a "dressing- armed. ...with a spare pair of knickers. Road? I think so. room-cubed" weekend - love Moose H To the New Cross Road Posse - n Is it the sea breeze? Or are we sitting u Catherine - If only I weren't an en- Cheers for the bruises, at least I ha- up wind of Hannah??! gaged man akeady...things could be ven' t got any scratches from the brillo different between us!! At least we'll padüfL + H squared! n What do you keep under YOUR ban- always have the Draw Disco! - love dage David. H Cryptic message no. 35. - Amanda Aidan xxx Nathan D. n Debbi - Which way is the Isle of n AIDAN CRAIG - COMPTON 8 - Wight?? And Hannal which way's Does "knee trembler behind Chancel- rx Jon Powell - Just when are the micro- London?? biologists getting their own T-shirts? lor's Bar Friday night" mean any- - Mad Microbiologist thing to you? It certainly did to n Debs - Hope the sunburn has gone by Catherine!!! now. Cheers for a great weekend.

Shident Band

Compcfiilon Sunday 29th May 1994 (Free Fest Weekend) All interested parties should see Steve Herman, Ents Officer for further details of how to enter. 15

NOTICES E-mail BE LGB Soc presents: Lost Don't forget, you can send your On Tuesday lOlh May, Mark Banting A black leather draw-string rucksack articles or personals to BF on will be giving a provocative discussion with yellow and bronze "Best Bags" mo- E-mail on suolbf@surrey but entitled "The Age of Consent - Decon- tif. Last seen in LTF on Tuesday at 5pm. you must include your name structed". Anyone is welcome to attend If found please return to the RAG office for an interesting talk. SpminTBll. or to Sue in 5 Stag Hill Court and union card number on all submissions. Usual deadline Concert Lost still applies - Tuesday 9.30am.

By the University of Surrey Symphonic Black filofax in the phone box outside the Wind Band, to include music by Verdi, post office. Please return filofax or con- EGMs Rimsky-Korsakow, and Sousa and selec- tents if found to WG viaCath Ct pigeon- tions from My Fair Lady and Porgy and holes. Phat Vibes Club EGM on Monday 9ih Bess. Wednesday 11th May 1994 at May (week 3) at 6.15pm in the main 7.30pm in PATS Studio 1, cost £1. FOAS presents: Union in front of the stage.

Do you have time to spare in Week 6? Imtiaz Mirza & Party on Saturday 21st Duke of Edinburgh Society EGM on May 7pm in Chancellors. Tickets £12 Tuesday 10th May (week 3) at 7pra in LTB. Do you want to do something rewarding? from Harvinder ext4152 (Rich 2 Rm 1). Then weare looking for YOU!!! Playsoc will be holding a meeting on Friday 29th Creative Writing Society American Football EGM on Wednesday April at 1pm in the Barclays Room. If 18th May at 6pm, Upper Bar. you want to get involved with the Half Next meeting - Monday 9th May at 7pm Term or August Playschemes, then in the Nelson Mandela Room. Everyone All those clubs and societies who please come - there are a lot of important welcome. things to be done to make it a success ! have not yet had an AGM this For more details contact: Jamie Stall- academic year must have one by wood, Chemistry Dept, ansaphone Physics Colloquium week 8 of this term, preferably 440176 OR Liz Thompson, Welfare Of- before drawing up your budget. fice, Students' Union, Tel (25)9263. Wed 11th May - Professor Colin Hum- phreys, Cambridge (Head of SERC's Don't forget it must be adver- Materials Commission) Title to be con- tised for two full weeks in ad- USBASES firmed: nanomaterials? 4nm in LTG. vance. Urgent meeting on Tuesday 3rd May at 8pm in front of the stage to discuss sum- mer bookings for fetes and a convenient Alternative Students Union time for an AGM - Nikki Prospectus

Judo Club Would all course reps or aityone who is inter- ested write an article The judo club is having a meeting on 15th about their academic Quick Copying Service May to discuss the budget and a forth- course for the Altenia- coming stand and display promoting tive Prospectus as sport in Surrey. All members are asked soon as possible to en- to attend and any people who are inter- able us to get it fin- Offset Printing and Binding ested in judo. Please come. Sarah Thor- ished before the end ol neycroft, Publicity Officer. tenn. All binding materials available for sale, including covers, Acetates, Combs (spirals). CREDITS Standard and Super Copter paper.

Rachel Davison - Editor Located Chris Pye • Music Mania RAG Ed Board - Rag-Time by entrance to Chancellor's Restaurant Chris Jones - Culture Shock Dave Gent - features For Further Information Nikki Henningham • Typist lan Rouse • Photo Expert Phone - Mike Ramm - on 3267 fan Danter & Claire Harrison - Adverts Nick Wright & Catherine Lyons - Proofreaders Who'll be pleased to help you Campusport Christian Union - Stuffers Tel: 0483 259223 Mike Ramm - Printer Union House, Guildford, Surrey. GU2 5XH 16

Croquet Tennis Club Open Day The criN|tict biwn K uvallubi« tu booL at the Campusport Varslty Centre Sunday 15th Aprii: 11.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. alnMi*«t any timt In the day, evenhq^ orwevk«^. 'Ilic tt|ulpnient t$ »vali- Have your service speed measured, use the ball machines, try out the latest in tennis sthìt tiiu htive a highiy skilled staff. There will also be coaches from Pro Kennex and Slazenger and l>OSH cai-d you don't «vvn ha>e to our special guest will be Richard Lewis from the LTA. Plus special membership deals pay for th« tr(|ulpin n|M9iÌHÌ be|*lnners work« shopK will take place un W«diitfMlii> nih SÌA} (ni'Xt witek) und M'«dtMfMltty And while we're on die subject of tennis, the ]5thjiim'betwc«nt.00-2«.^p.nt. \ sun is shining and what better way to un wind niemlHT of thi^ (.'rmiiict AvM>ci:itlun - and to improve that tan - than to play tennis will br biklnfs th« course - a really over at the Varsity Centre (opposite Téseos). unusudi and fahulnus o|>|Hirlunltv. Courts can be booked by telephone with a l>o Juln ihe {¡niup - Just Mgn up at the DOSH card or otherwise 75p for a normal iJanipuspurt Cuiiti'c. booking OR JOIN A TENNIS COURSE, offering professional coaching at a cheap,' cheap fee (£5 for DOSH card holders or Interdepartmental Sport £7.30 otherwise for a six week course). T unch time frolics on the croquet ^lawn, rounders pitches, lacrosse field, football pitches, voUeyball courts Coaching Days & Times: Mondays at 5.30 pm and Wednesdays at 5pm at the etc. starts from next Monday 9tb May. Varsity Pavillon startli^ 9th & llth May As usuai there has been a tremendous response for this social sports pro- gramme - if you want to get involved contact your departmental sports repré- Summer Dance Details sentatives.

"^ampusdance brings a series of new dance opportunities to everyone here. The resuits last term were: c Coming Up this Sunday - 8th May - is the first of three CONTACT IMPROVI- Caroline Betteridge & Jenni Todd from SATION movement Workshops. It runs firom 4.00 - 6.00p.m. in TB6 and continues Nursing Studies. on 22nd May and 5th June. The cost is only £3.50 with DOSH or £5.00 without DOSH. This is sui table for anyone interested in movement skills and does not mean Thank you to ali the Sports Repre- you need to have any dance experience. It will be great for martial arts enthusiasts. s^tatives who worked for Surrey Sport so hard last term - you ali do a wonderful "WEST END MUSICAL THEATRE" brings the glitz and glamour of the stage lo job. the Varsity Centre Studio on Sunday 15th May, 12.30 - 5.00 pjn. Singing and dancing all in an aftemoon. Woik on your own versions of the West End and Broadway hits. Only £4.50 for students - what a bargain! The ongoing points for the Participation Trophy are: AEB - 355 points If you have any queries, please contact Campusdance at the Campusport Centre. Chem &ig - 266 points You can enrol now at the Reception Desk. Civ Eng - 201 points Elee Eng -158 points See you there! Mech Eng - 96 points

SARAH HARRIS Well done to these Departments and ail Campusdance Manager the others who take part... LIS???! University Open Day Don't Miss This Opportunity! Friday'20t h May OR THE FIRST TIME the Campusport Centre shop is Coming to you! F A reminder to ali Club offìcìals We are having a half price sale of our dance and aerobic wear IN THE LECTURE to send their return forms to the THEATRE CONCOURSE ON THURSDAY 12TH MAY. Brand names include: Campusport Centre to offer Rococo, California Dance, Reebok, Roch Valley, Nike and Puma and we will be their Club for demonstrations. selling lycra and cotton lycra leotards, shorts and leggings. displays of equipment, offers to Do come and see us (it will save the joumey down to the Campusport Centre!) you'll be surprised by the ränge of our merchandise, and if it's a success, we might do it act as guides etc BY TODAY - again! FRIDAY 6TH MAY. 17

What A Tragedy !

'T^he best racing driver ever died last weekend, but why? X Triple World Champion Ayrton Senna was seen by the worid of motor sport to be the best Formula One driver ever take to the tr^. Serma lost control of his Wilhams Renault on cup final action screened live a 200 mph comer of the notorious Imola track. Senna once said during his 26 year career that he didn't fear racing or death, as God was his co-pilot, however God wasn't in his car this time! Saturday 14th May Most of you will have already seen pictures of the crash and read about it. However, WHY DID IT HAPPEN ? Main union lounge. Senna said back in February that the mie changes to make the racing doser, will end in disaster. with a. "We'll be lucky if something really serions doesn't happen this year." Disaster not only Struck 34 year old Senna but also Special promotion of, Austrian Roland Ratzenberger, who died in practice on Satur- day, however Rubens Barrichello was lucky. He survived an- other high speed accident on Friday. Caffreys 3rïsh me At the beginning of the 1994 season, new rules were enforced banning the m^ority of expensive new technology developed over the past few years. This was to give the teams on smaller budgets more of a chance, and yes it has woiked, giving teams as Pacific, Simtek and Ferrari valuable worid championship points. HOWEVER, IT HAS ALSO WORKED AGAINST THEM! We have lost two worid class drivers in one weekend!

WhatExactly Has Changed?

Banned Active Suspension; a device that when set up cor- rectly holds the car round corners at higher speeds. Banned :- Anti-Lock Brakes; very useñíl when racing hard and very fast. Banned :- Tr^tion Control; this cuts out wheelspin. Changed :- Wing Heights; the wings on the front and rear of a Fonnula One car do more than look good, they are what allow a car to corner at 200mph. This major change reduced the downforce on the already light cars. Changed Tyre Widths; the width of the tyre was reduced to aiCXOLflTt.I)lBBmY.ETC. make the cars harder to drive and therefore more competitive.

Have 'They* Gone Too Far?

Like Senna, Niki Lauda, Gerhard Berger and Stirling Moss, to name a few, I feared that the bosses of Formula One had gone too far to even out the technology between the teams. Berger was lucky to escape with a few bums and bruises three years ago when he had an identícal crash to Senna. The reason behind the crash is stili unknown! I feel that the wing heights and tyre Lf in îtiN widths could have caused the fatai crashes over last weekend. If you try to push a car that will tum ihstanúy into an aéroplane or hover boat round a bumpy corner, you ioiow it's not going CtIflnCELLOK to woilc. ffllD Ttif SfßVf^ What Happens NOW?

These deaths may force the bosses of motor racing to reconsider t OÖLT- ^ . the aforementioned rule changes, but isn*t it a little late for that, 1 after losing their top driver? Some people are saying ban Formula One, but that will not solve much, racing drivers need the adrenahn rush, like a drug addict needs drugs. The drivers, mechanics, designers, engineers will all go elsewhere to get 50p their kicks, for example iberica* s Indy Car Championship.

Whatever h^pens, Brazilian Ayrton Senna will be sorely missed by millions worldwide including myself. AOnDfiT TO fPIDflT Ayrton Senna, March 21 1960 - May 1 1994

Chris Pye íBare

Watch Your Butt Lacrosse or We'll Sting' it! "'he Lacrosse Qub Wednesday at 1.3(^m '^he Surrey Stingers American Foot- on the pitches oppo- X ball Team, are finally ready to take site the PATS build- on the world! The team have been ac- ing. We now have lots cepted to play in the British Collegiate of new sticks and new American Football League (BCAJ^) equipment for begin- starting in October '94. They will line up ners. So please come against Reading, Cambridge, Uni of East down and join us. Anglia, and newcomers Hertfordshire. Our next match, for The season consists of eight regular sea- all the lacrosse players son games including both home and out diere is this Sun- away games against Reading and either day 8th May. It's a Cambridge or UEA. The team have fi- tournament at LRBN nally received all their equipment, after a 2pm to 6pm. Please few hold-ups last tenn, and train weekly leave a note in the pi- on Mondays 6.30pm and Wednesdays geon hole or contact 2.30pm over at the Varsity Centre. New- Sarah or myself. comers are welcome, with participation Hope you like the fees only 50p/session. piccy -1 told you I would send it in!!

Andrea Croad - Vice Captain Burger King

During the vacation the Surrey Stingers confirmed sponsorship flhJf\L SCo/i£ by the fast food giant Burger King's Guildford branches. Owner of the two franchises, Geoff Parsons, was very happy to So^ney ooooCdj support the development of the new team. SoiJUM^ 14. 36£> I'f£ii£j "I hope die sponsorship by Burger King will help out with some of the costs that the Stingers are incurring. I, on behalf of Burger King, have been happy to support several student ventures over die past few monUis including donating a large sum of vouchers for free food to Surrey Rag." Burger King are going lo sponsor our helmets as well as some of die forthcoming Stingers merchandise, available soon from ouUets across campus. Keep an eye open for those. Talking of merchandise, I can now get one off American Football shirts made within a week for only £30 including P&P. If you would like a shirt Uien give Chris Pye a call on 0276 856162. Due to exams this tenn, we are struggling to arrange friendlies, however Uiere is a large possibility of a mini tournament against Bristol and Hertfordshire, more details on that next week, or check the American Football pigeon hole in the Union.


We hope to set up a cheerleading squad shortly, primarily for oo/^ American Football, and then maybe for oüier sports such as Basketball. If you are interested in helping form a squad, then fiRsr F^i^'-y 1 leave you name and a contact number in the pigeon hole. Remember practices are Mondays 6.30pm and Wednesdays Chris Pye 2.30pm at the Varsity Centre. Surrey Stingers Head Coach iBnnted 6y í^gmm - Union íBrinter