PUB DATE Atademic Computing at Jackson. State University. A
2. '4 DOCUMENT RESUME . " .7 ED 210. 023 IR 009 829, .1" II 9 ., AUTHOR Hunter; Beverly- . TITLE Atademic Computing atJackson.State University. A , case Study. i INSTITUTION .. Huldan Ilesburces Research Organization, Alexandria, _-; , . Va. ....../ SPONSAGENCY, Rational ScienceFoundation, WaSlingtom, D.0 . 'Minority InstittAions ,Science Improvement program.." ., . PUB DATE 80 , k-. GRANT' SER-1914601 :60pm; For related document, see ED 208 931. NOTE , EDRS.PRICE' M*01/PC03 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Colleges; *Computer Oriented Programs; Computer Programs; *Cciputer Science Education; Higher Education f Input Output Devicei; Liberal Arts; *Minority Gioups: Organization; Outcomes of Education; Outreach .Programs; Prbfiles IDENTIFIERS *Computer Centers; Computer Literacy; *Jackson State University MS ,N. ', , . -- o -, ASSTR ACT .° : .'inepared:63, the Human Re'gourCes Researcr--- ation , to assist aldministrators4 faculty,Staft.i-andS-inAem-s elk other minotit/Linstitutipase't6 plan, extend, or improve uses of computers, this case Study is one 1-4-series sn educational applicaticns of computers..4A profi-e ofJatkson State UniversiWid,mtifies the location; programs, mi'ssiOnr-nuibers of faculty 'and students,tuition -and tinancial.aid, acpreditation,- Andthe budget, and a chronology of significant events leiding,te the present.state ofacademic' computing is. provided,. An .explanation of the ftngtional organizAtion and' 'uanagement of the central academic cOmpilfing and support,including organization charts, is followeebyt1) discussions of poli ies, hardware, software, and courses which faCilitate students' se of computers;(2) course's and;reguirdients foc both undergradua and . pro-gram; .01-7-a listo . graduate ffitudents,in the computer scieif kwpartaents requiring majprvto take compuker scienceCb.urses;(4) a- dlOcriptionof theleadership tole of Jackson State Univeisity in regionalv?.
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