UNCF Statistical Report of the Member Institutions, 1986
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 276 394 HE 019 914 AUTHOR Payne, Kathleen; Kirschner, Alan H. TITLE UNCF Statistical Report of the Member Institutions, 1996. INSTITUTION United Negro College Fund, Tnc.. New York, N.Y. PUB DATE 86 NOTE 86p.; For the 1984 report, see ED 250 976. AVAILABLE FROMUnited Negro College Fund, Inc., 500 EaSt 62nd Street, FeW York, NY 10021. PUB TYPE Statistical Data (110) -- Reports - Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC04 Plus Postage. DSSCRIPTORS *Black Colleges; Black Students; College Faculty; College Students; Degrees (Academic); Educational Finance; *Enrollment Trends; Expenditures; Financial Supports Geographic Distribution; Graduate Study; Higher Education;_*Institutional Characteristics; Place of_Residence; *Private Colleges; *Student Characteristics; Student Costs; Student Financial Aid; *Teacher Characteristics; Undergraduate Study IDENTIFIERS *United Negro College Fund ABSTRACT Information is presented ou enrollments, faculty, degrees, student finannes, and institutional finances_et_43_private, predominantly black_colleges and universities that are members of the United Negro_College Fund (UNCF). Information provided for each UNCF campus includes: fall enrollments for 1981-1985, full-time and part-time enrollment by sex, undergraduate and graduate enrollment by sex, nonblack student enrollment, transfer student enrollment, summer school Pnrollment, geographical distribution of students by state, foreign students by nation, freshman enrollment and admissions, entering freshmen by rank in high school class, total full-time equivalent faculty_by race and_degrees,_faculty turnover and tenure, faculty distribution by division, average faculty salaries,_degrees gt:inted, degrees conferred by major, dual-dagree engineering enrollment, financial aid allocations, institutional costs for 1985-1986 and projections for 1986-1987 current fund revenues and expenditures, and total endowment. Data on six types of student financial aid are provided along with costs for tuition and foes, room and board, and books and supplies.
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