Refugees from Syria Backgrounder

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Refugees from Syria Backgrounder Refugees from SYRIA As of October 2014, the three-year conflict in Syria has displaced nearly CONTENTS 9.5 million people, more than 40% of the country’s pre-war population. Of these, over 3 million have found temporary asylum in the neighboring SYRIA PROFILE 2 countries of Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt. Only about 15% Modern History, of the Syrian refugees live in refugee camps. The rest live outside Government, and Economy 2 camps, in cities, towns, and rural areas, often in difficult circumstances Health Care and Education 3 and in locations not easily reached by humanitarian aid organizations. The Land 3 The great majority of the refugees are Sunni Muslim Arabs, but the The People 4 population also includes ethnic and religious minorities, such as Kurds, Beliefs and Customs 5 Druze, and members of various Christian and Shiite Muslim sects. CONDITIONS IN FIRST- ASYLUM COUNTRIES 8 The influx has stretched to the breaking point the capacity of asylum countries to provide protection and assistance to the refugees. In an IMPLICATIONS FOR effort to relieve the pressure—and enable asylum countries to continue RESETTLEMENT 11 providing sanctuary to Syrians fleeing the war—the United Nations High SOURCES 14 Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has asked resettlement countries to admit some of the refugees. As of October 2014, 24 countries, primarily in Europe and the Americas, have agreed to resettle Syrians. Above: A Syrian refugee family living in Jordan. Photo: UNHCR. This backgrounder provides resettlement communities with basic information about Syrian refugees. A country profile provides a brief guide to Syria’s history, people, and cultures. The backgrounder then looks at the crisis in Syria and the conditions refugees face in first asylum countries. Finally, it considers some of the strengths and resources resettled refugees may be able to draw on in their new communities and some of the challenges they are likely to face. The backgrounder is intended primarily for those providing initial support and assistance to the newcomers. Others may also find the backgrounder useful. Those who work in local government—health professionals, social workers, and housing officials, among others— may use it to better understand, and thus better serve, their new clients. Teachers may use the backgrounder to educate students about a people whose plight they may have read about or watched on TV. Readers may also include members of the general public interested in learning about their community’s newest residents. Refugees from Syria 2 Syria Profile who had written anti-government graffiti on a wall in Daraa. Perhaps inspired by the success of Arab Spring movements Modern History, Government, and Economy in Egypt and Tunisia, the protestors called for democratic Syria was part of the Ottoman Empire for 400 years, from reforms, the lifting of Emergency Law in place since 1963, the early 1500s to the early 1900s. A period of French the release of political prisoners, multiparty elections, and, colonial rule (1918-1946) ended with Syrian independence. on the part of some Syrians, the end of the regime. Utilizing The next 20 years saw multiple coups and a brief unity with informer networks, the Syrian government responded to Egypt as the United Arab Republic. In 1963, the Ba’ath party the demonstrations as it had in the past, with widespread took over the government, installing a secular and socialist arrests, beatings by plainclothes government forces, brutal Arab regime. The new government purged dissenters, interrogations and torture, and the use of live ammunition nationalized banks, implemented land reform to give land to and snipers to terrify and kill street protestors. The people, peasants, and Arabized the educational curriculum. however, remained on the streets and began organizing in different ways against the regime. Since the start of the crisis, In 1970, the Minister of Defense, Hafez al-Assad, seized power, the Syrian government has referred to protesters and their and in 1971 made himself president. He created a legislative family members and sympathizers as terrorists. body, introduced a new constitution, and rigged elections that kept him in power and ensured Ba’ath party dominance. By June 2011, an estimated 1,400 people had been killed and The government cultivated close ties with the USSR, the over 10,000 arrested by the regime. That summer, the Free former Eastern Bloc, and Iran. Syria’s consumer needs were Syrian Army (FSA) was formed primarily by defectors from met through the development of various production sectors, the Syrian military, and the fighting to liberate Syria from the including agriculture, paper, cloth, and plastics. Higher Assad regime spread across the country. Islamist fighters education, including medical school, was in Arabic, and Syria joined the uprising. By 2013, over 1,000 individual brigades, became a lower middle income country with high levels of loosely organized into frequently changing networks, literacy, education, and employment. Assad belonged to the were fighting the Syrian government. Islamist extremists, Alawite sect of Islam, and his policies favored that sect and including factions based in Iraq, took advantage of the assured the allegiance of its members to him. Under the instability and joined in, fighting both the regime and the FSA Assad regime, dissent was harshly suppressed. at different times. One of the foreign factions, the militant Sunni group Islamic State, also known as the Islamic State In 2000, after 30 years of rule, Hafez al-Assad passed away of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), or the Islamic State of Iraq and the and was succeeded by his son, Bashar al-Assad, a British- Levant (ISIL), established a base in eastern Syria. From there trained eye doctor who remains in power today. Under it launched an attack and takeover of western Iraq in 2014. Bashar al-Assad, authoritarian rule under one party and one ruler continued. Like his father, Assad favored the Alawite Involvement by outside parties has complicated the Syrian sect politically and economically and placed family members situation. The Syrian government has received economic in positions of power. Reforms lifted some of the restrictions and military support from Iran, Russia, and Hizbollah, the on freedom of the press and trade, benefitting a growing Lebanese Shi’a Muslim political/military group. Various urban business elite. Government support for education groups of opposition fighters have received assistance from and health care continued, with health care and higher regional Arab governments, and extremist Islamists have education provided at little or no cost. Alongside these free been aided by states and wealthy patrons in the region. The government-funded services, private universities and clinics moderate opposition has received some assistance from catering to the new elite were founded. Political repression Europe and the United States. and governmental corruption and mismanagement did not end, however, and most Syrians continued to feel oppressed Civilians and nonviolent activists have paid a heavy toll in by the Assad regime and Ba’ath party political control. the conflict. Since 2011, more than 191,000 people have been killed, and millions driven from their homes. Men, women, The 2011 uprising began as peaceful protests after the and children have suffered extreme trauma or witnessed government arrested—and reportedly tortured—schoolchildren it. It is estimated that half of Syria’s population is no longer November 2014 Refugees from Syria 3 living in their homes, with 6.5 million people internally level, especially among girls. At the post-secondary level, displaced in Syria, and 3 million registered as refugees in government support greatly expanded access to higher neighboring countries. education. But for many young Syrians the education they received did not meet labor market needs and as a result did Health Care and Education not lead to stable employment—a failure that has fueled much HEALTH CARE of the youth discontent, according to some Syria experts. In pre-conflict Syria, the government emphasized health care, but in a country with a high rate of population growth, A second major thrust of the government was universal funding could not keep up with demand or maintain quality. literacy. In the early 1980s, an estimated 42% of the Access to health care was uneven. For example, in Damascus population could not read or write. By the early 2000s, Syria’s in 2009, there was one doctor per 339 people, while in rural adult basic literacy rate had risen to over 90% for men and Al-Hassakah governorate, the ratio was one doctor per 1,906 over 77% for women, according to the CIA World Factbook. people, according to the World Health Organization. The conflict has taken a severe toll on the country’s school The current conflict has shattered the country’s health system. In 2013, UNICEF reported that many schools had care system, leaving many Syrians with little or no access been severely damaged or were being used by armed groups to basic medical care, including childhood immunizations. and displaced persons seeking shelter. School attendance By 2013, roughly half of the country’s health care facilities rates had plummeted—down to 6% in some areas. The had been destroyed or damaged, and most of Syria’s report cited insecurity, lack of teachers and resources, and health care professionals had fled or been killed or injured. damaged buildings as among the causes of the decline. As drug production fell, treatment for both chronic and critical illnesses became scarce, according to the Syrian The Land Humanitarian Assistance Response Plan (SHARP) 2014. GEOGRAPHY By targeting medical facilities and blocking humanitarian On the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea, Syria is medical aid, the Syrian government has prevented its citizens bordered by Turkey on the north, Israel and Lebanon on living in areas under the control of opposition forces from the west, Iraq on the east, and Jordan on the south.
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