
Election Notice. Election Notice. Election Notice. Election Notice. Election Notice. Election Notice. ASSEMBLY DISTRICT.Continued. TWkntY-EIGHTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Continued. FIRST ASSEMBLY D1STRITT -Continued. """IFTH ASSEMBLY DISTR3CT.Continued. NINTH ASSEMBLY DI?TRICT-~ContInu*d. TWELFTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT.Continued. rN-j_r_FI"-_-T store is bounded rr «nd w**" Foui teen'h street. . West Elev- The is within -"-' _._-_-.-: -n ove.< ndertaker -_t IT..48 East End ave.Fluid The Fourteenth Election District 2Î5*. south sides of West Twenty-second street, from Eighth Tenth Election District bounded by and IS 3,r,6<) Ave Grand street. Thompson entn street, and Seventh avenue. »venue street. Lewis Broome sir."- Doerck 1» j.-. V^-'l-, r.;.. ¦'. ave.barrer shop A.Barbershop within Spring street. . to Ninth av-nue. a-d the e««t side of Ninth ««- , '«* ave.Picture frame stör» 19. 15S6 1st ave_.Barber shop street. Brocmo street ar.d Sullivan . tö t. fifteenth Election District is bounded bv and wlth- "' Wfät *********** street to MM Twenty-third street. , sheriflt street. and lC £\ tSaâatem :¦¦ ¦¦,'-.:« -,<¦¦,.-.¦ «- »-,- s-o,» l_"l_S**"¦ «rlfe-SItll street. Sixth avenue, West Fourteenth attamt Cannon street. '«S _T___ter_-S_a ave.Barber «hop 21 .223 S2nd «,'_.« E. st.Laundry mraat, a.-id seventh avenue. Election District Is bounded bv and wlthtr, The Eleventh Election District is boun.i». by ar.i S' -44 Amf'.'r****** *ve.F*T>?T storeÜS 22 .1436 3rd ave.Barber shop SECOND DISTRICT. .?*tjm>«e,t within street, Goerck street. street fi i v _«»* st.Candy store ASSEMBLY Election Dislr:ct is bounded bv and wlth- Twenty-thin street. Ninth «venue. West Twent!-'1« Rivington Delancey 23. .1399 3rd sve.Carnage . i-,T«*. P!x..'*'='*'th Cannon street. S »8 5* îooth st.B»r___rsro.' 24 1223 ave.Real estate office .The First Election District is bounded by and within west Fourteenth street, FAst Fourteenth street, Cni- street and . and sve.Music st. re Lexingtcn stre.u. . p a~e' E"s* Ten,h Fifth West The Election District ts bounded 21_.¦¦___! Anwterdam »hör* T.', 203 E. 83rd st.Laundry "all street. Front t"v.'.^'.».¡fth street. avenue, ¿*ha6ay*att» Elect D¡Mn.- Is bounded by and within Twelfth by »n<5 within ...S ..181.' st.Barber East river. end Brc^iway. street, and Sixth avenue. Twenty-fourth street. Tenth avenue West Twen ! , east and west sides of Goerck street, from sve.Undertake- ... ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. within t.eth.Kw street to of I Ö"_V? ______«S_-__ r TWENTY-NINTH rhe Second Election District is bou.tdcd by «and Election District is bounded by end street and Hudson River Rivington Stanton «treet. north side HI. lag. ave.Tailor h,o as Pine Front street. Broad wm.!.. ¦_____!'¦____*¦ from street to Cannon atrcet. ar.d Cannon ; ?;;e,_an_ ED. Location. Occupied street. East river. 'Coenties slip. ."'""**'. Fif'h avenue, West Ninth Election District Is bounded by and within street, Mangin rve.L pholsîerv shop AVa" ****** ar.d William t-tree: «reitstreet, and^ro.TwelíthSixth avenue. 1o2%5i!*tb street. __*8_5 AÎsterdsro «*.*... 1 83S 7th ave.Talior 'tntst-The and w.thln ftreet. Els'nth avenue. West Twenty- 3' g>l-£_.«_on 3E. 2. .1021 6th uve.Barber shop Third Election District is bounded by and .,.,>; ÍS24ÜÍP5?*nd Tf"'h avenue The Thirteenth Election Distrtct is bounded b» ana « «- ¦»..¿....'W«10° ft. Park street. Peck Election District is bounded by 2"v 103- 8. .940 8th ave.Barber shop row. Spruce street. Gold street. Ferry wlïhtn *x___ï«**_ï__ East Tenth Z within within Stanton street. East river Delancey street. _MN_i r _'n__'er-*m *v«.Booth store «»P. East river, pine street. William ¿treet. Fulton stieec stTeet- F''«l" avenue. District Is bound«*! by and street. furnishing store 4. .1005 6th ave.Shoe «feet. rtltS.I nl.ersityNlntl?place. Clinton ice. and Sixth avenue. «aJSfc ,^1",hicuthEiIect!°n from Bivington street, and east and west aldea of M«a- ens Colutnbus ave.Gems 5..307 W. 53n! st.BarDer SbOT street and Breadwav pi Sev.V,iK sid"' '"'f ^>!,î Twenty-fourth street, gin street, from street to Stanton street. ,g' rne Fourth bounded by and within Election District Is bcunded by and avenue to Eighth avenue west side of Seventh Deiancey ï-. Broadway.Laundrys.en 6. 984 C:h ave.Tailor «hop Election District is wiThi î^i'?e,fi'î*"