Germans Retreat from North Sea to Lille
7 VOL. No. XXXI. 90. CHATTANOOGA, TRNN., THURSDAY EVKNINC, OCTOHKR 17, 1018. IMtlCR: THREE CENTS GERMANS RETREAT FROM NORTH SEA TO LILLE PEACE RUMORS STATEMENT FROM HOLD ON BELGIAN SEVENTEEN DIVISIONS OF McADOO COMING AMERICANS ENGAGED IN "To the Publisher of The Nows, NONEFFECTIVE Chattanooga. Tcnn.: COAST LOOSENED GERMANS BEATEN BACK "I am deeply grateful for the splendid support you have given ARGONNE AND CHAMPAGNE to the fourth liberty loan and regret to have to ask your fur- War Machinery at Nation's ther assistance, but I think it Allies Only Twenty-On- e Miles 3en. Arnim's Whole Overthrown and Re- Important that a brief state- Cam- Army Capital Kept Going at ment of about 27S words con- From Dutch Frontier, Clos- Troops Under Gens. Bullard, Liggett and Assumes Full cerning the loan be given a tirement Proportions of a Rout. Speed. prominent display, In first pago ing Trap on Boches. eron in Desperate Fighting Belgians Undei box. If possible, in your Friday's Taking of Lille One of Most Important leer' ehallarcatly appre- - After Yser ur co-- 0 King Albert, Crossing River, REICHSTAG MEET Cif M assistance and SUCCESS ON ALL FRONTS WILL n. Statement will be Made Allies Since Gen- 4? Captures by l to you direct Thursday Are Marching On Ostend Torch mon. "W. G. McADOO." eral Offensive Launched Against Request for an Armistice May Chief Rendezvous of ts Not Applied at Lille. Be Forthcoming From Ger Endangered Germans Hurry the Teutons in Midsummer. London, Oct. 17 (4:20 p.m.) British aviators, in conjunction many Army Command.
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