Rise%20Of%20Caesar Powerpoint

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Rise%20Of%20Caesar Powerpoint 4/4/12 Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) Caesar’s early career Julius Caesar • Military campaigns in the East – Captured by pirates at 25 and held for ransom • In 63 BC, s9ll a shady popularis poli9cian with – When released, he goes into debt to get ships to tracK rep. for bribery & adultery pirates down and has them crucified • “Romans, your wives, you beJer 9e down, Quaestor (68): Spain – Gives funeral oraon for aunt Julia (Marius’ widow) for the bald-headed lecher is bacK in town.” – Emphasizes Julian ancestry leading to Aeneas and Venus: “Caesar is every woman’s husband & every man’s wife.” “Our [Julian] stocK has at once the sanc9ty of Kings, whose • From noble family (Julii) tracing lineage bacK to power is supreme among mortal men, and the claim to reverence which aaches to the gods, who hold sway over Aeneas and goddess Venus, but not dis9nguished Kings themselves.” recently & deep in debt. • Aedile (65): goes into debt again with glorious games • Marius’ nephew: Sulla said, “I see many Mariuses in • Praetor (62) and given pro-praetorship as Gov. of Spain that young man” – Said to have wept while contemplang statue of Alexander 1 4/4/12 • Caesar consul in 59 Alliance with Pompey & Crassus (triumvirate) – Helps Pompey and Crassus and gives himself 5 year command in Cisalpine & Transalpine Gaul • Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar all snubbed by Senate (Cato the Younger) in 60 BC (Provincia), and Illyricum (mod. Croaa) – Caesar sees poten9al in alliance; convinces – Makes many enemies (unlawful behavior) Pompey & Crassus to worK together with him and • In 58, rushes out of Rome to start governorship each other • Cicero writes: “Cato, with all of his patrio9sm and and avoid prosecu9on integrity is oden a poli9cal liability. He speaks in • Mandate to govern the Senate as though he were living in Plato’s Republic instead of Romulus’ cesspool.” province & undertake war • As oden, leaders (Cato) are shortsighted. if necessary for safety of Try to avoid a problem, but oden solu9on province… bacKfires in the long-term. Conquest of Gaul: Military Genius Caesar’s defensive line at Alesia • Gaul = independent tribes, but moving toward pol. unificaon • Walled ci9es, minerals, coinage. Fiercely warliKe • Caesar’s 9cKet into Free Gaul? – The Helve9i (tribe in mod. Switzerland) decide to migrate across Gaul: 300,000 people on the move. – Not marching through Roman territory, but Caesar claims they are s9ll a threat and aacKs – Caesar’s famous speed: celeritas • Caesar jus9fies his moves carefully and publishes yearly commentarii to be read at Rome • Caesar now has: unbeatable and devoted army; wealth; popularity with mob at Rome (sends spoils bacK) • NO LONGER JUNIOR PARTNER 2 4/4/12 Brings all Gaul under Rome The Dying Gaul Vercingetorix = Gaul’s last stand People loved Caesar: but what about the elite? Clodius Pulcher • Triumvirate viewed by poli9cal elite as the • Kown to be corrupt, immoral poli9cian “Three-headed monster” • Accused of dressing in women’s clothing and • Cato against triumvirate and Cicero makes sleeping with sister Clodia (Catullus’ Lesbia?) negave comments as well… • Arch-enemy of Cicero • What to do about poli9cal enemies whil you • As Tribune: are away in Gaul? – Grain Dole is now FREE – Collegia reorganized and armed as gangs – Caesar bacKs Clodius Pulcher for Tribune of Plebs – Sends Cato on embassy in East – Why? Because Clodius is Cicero’s enemy and will – Passes law exiling any Roman mags. Who keep him in checK! have out other Romans to death without trial. – Clodius gives up patrician status to be eligible (Yes, Cicero. That means you.) 3 4/4/12 But Clodius soon gets out of hand House of cards • Pompey and Crassus: falling out again • Clodius’ “gladiators”, the collegia involved in daily • Op0mates want Pompey to repeal Caesar’s legislaon brawls and violence in streets and senate house. (they want to break up alliance) • Conference at Luca ( 56 BC) renews triumvirate • Turns against Pompey and gang besieges Pompey • Consuls 55: Pompey and Crassus in his own house • Agreement for 5-year commands = Caesar has Gaul; • Pompey starts rival gang under the Tribune, Milo Crassus has Syria; Pompey has Spain in absena • Daily brawls • 53 Crassus dies figh9ng Parthians (Bale of Carrhae) • 54 Julia dies and Pompey remarries: daughter of • Pompey agrees to call Cicero bacK in 57 opmate Scipio Metellus – Maybe Cicero can Keep Clodius in check? • Senate Keeps trying to pull Pompey away from Caesar: – Pompey starts to win support from op0mates, who try – Call C. bacK! He is figh9ng an illegal war! Wants to be King! to separate him from alliance with Caesar and Crassus – Will Pompey betray his old friend now that Senate is with him? Anarchy at Rome From Amici0a to Civil War • Bribery, rio9ng, mob violence, & gang ac9vity • Senate pressures Pompey to end Caesar’s command in between Clodius and Milo stops elec9ons Gaul and call him bacK for prosecu9on • No Consuls elected for 53 or 52 • Pompey hesitates: two bad choices, Caesar or Senate • In 52, Milo’s gang finally murder Clodius • Caesar says he’ll disband troops if Pompey does – Mob upset; carries Clodius’ body to forum and into – But Pompey is consul of Rome! Impossible Senate House; burns down Senate House as Clodius’ • 49 SCU: Caesar must relinquish command and face funeral pyre! prosecu9on or be named enemy of Rome • Even Cato is scared enough to bacK Pompey as • Tribune MarK Antony vetoes measure but aacKed and SOLE consul for 52– appointed by Senate flees bacK to Caesar • Pompey and Caesar drid further apart • Civil war now inevitable • Alea iacta est: cross Rubicon out of province & into Italy 4 .
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