Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE COMPANY OF AMERICA ASSETS Current Statement Date 4 1 2 3 Net Admitted December 31 Nonadmitted Assets Prior Year Net Assets Assets (Cols. 1 - 2) Admitted Assets 1. Bonds...... 1,102,547,583 ...... 1,102,547,583 ...... 1,065,453,165 2. Stocks: 2.1 Preferred stocks...... 2,250,000 ...... 2,250,000 ...... 4,196,250 2.2 Common stocks...... 58,070,050 ...... 58,070,050 ...... 55,023,301 3. Mortgage loans on real estate: 3.1 First liens...... 17,000,000 ...... 17,000,000 ...... 17,000,000 3.2 Other than first liens...... 0 ...... 4. Real estate: 4.1 Properties occupied by the company (less $...... 0 encumbrances)...... 0 ...... 4.2 Properties held for the production of income (less $...... 0 encumbrances)...... 0 ...... 4.3 Properties held for sale (less $...... 0 encumbrances)...... 0 ...... 5. Cash ($.....255,584), cash equivalents ($.....160,436,256) and short-term investments ($...... 0)...... 160,691,840 ...... 160,691,840 ...... 48,837,390 6. Contract loans (including $...... 0 premium notes)...... 114,775,414 ...... 950,950 ...... 113,824,464 ...... 109,930,949 7. Derivatives...... 38,771,641 ...... 38,771,641 ...... 18,692,099 8. Other invested assets...... 3 ...... 3 ...... 3 9. Receivables for securities...... 2,986,971 ...... 2,986,971 ...... 1,004,160 10. Securities lending reinvested collateral assets...... 0 ...... 11. Aggregate write-ins for invested assets...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 12. Subtotals, cash and invested assets (Lines 1 to 11)...... 1,497,093,502 ...... 950,950 ...... 1,496,142,552 ...... 1,320,137,317 13. Title plants less $...... 0 charged off (for Title insurers only)...... 0 ...... 14. Investment income due and accrued...... 12,486,656 ...... 12,486,656 ...... 11,256,501 15. Premiums and considerations: 15.1 Uncollected premiums and agents' balances in the course of collection...... 2,696,166 ...... 2,696,166 ...... 1,874,716 15.2 Deferred premiums, agents' balances and installments booked but deferred and not yet due (including $...... 0 earned but unbilled premiums)...... 0 ...... 15.3 Accrued retrospective premiums ($...... 0) and contracts subject to redetermination ($...... 0)...... 0 ...... 16. Reinsurance: 16.1 Amounts recoverable from reinsurers...... 1,761,399 ...... 1,761,399 ...... 1,163,983 16.2 Funds held by or deposited with reinsured companies...... 0 ...... 16.3 Other amounts receivable under reinsurance contracts...... 438,270 ...... 438,270 ...... 388,660 17. Amounts receivable relating to uninsured plans...... 0 ...... 18.1 Current federal and foreign income tax recoverable and interest thereon...... 0 ...... 18.2 Net deferred tax asset...... 60,217,767 ...... 45,170,682 ...... 15,047,085 ...... 14,282,880 19. Guaranty funds receivable or on deposit...... 615,590 ...... 615,590 ...... 607,580 20. Electronic data processing equipment and software...... 0 ...... 21. Furniture and equipment, including health care delivery assets ($...... 0)...... 0 ...... 22. Net adjustment in assets and liabilities due to foreign exchange rates...... 0 ...... 23. Receivables from parent, subsidiaries and affiliates...... 3,123,163 ...... 3,123,163 ...... 74,273,559 24. Health care ($...... 0) and other amounts receivable...... 0 ...... 25. Aggregate write-ins for other than invested assets...... 4,477,569 ...... 4,463,148 ...... 14,421 ...... 21,062 26. Total assets excluding Separate Accounts, Segregated Accounts and Protected Cell Accounts (Lines 12 through 25)...... 1,582,910,082 ...... 50,584,780 ...... 1,532,325,302 ...... 1,424,006,258 27. From Separate Accounts, Segregated Accounts and Protected Cell Accounts...... 2,496,944,407 ...... 2,496,944,407 ...... 2,280,840,945 28. Total (Lines 26 and 27)...... 4,079,854,489 ...... 50,584,780 ...... 4,029,269,709 ...... 3,704,847,203

DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 1101...... 0 ...... 1102...... 0 ...... 1103...... 0 ...... 1198. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 11 from overflow page...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 1199. Totals (Lines 1101 thru 1103 plus 1198) (Line 11 above)...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 2501. Miscellaneous Assets...... 14,421 ...... 14,421 ...... 21,062 2502. IMR debit balance...... 3,929,878 ...... 3,929,878 ...... 0 ...... 2503. Other assets non-admitted...... 533,270 ...... 533,270 ...... 0 ...... 2598. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 25 from overflow page...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 2599. Totals (Lines 2501 thru 2503 plus 2598) (Line 25 above)...... 4,477,569 ...... 4,463,148 ...... 14,421 ...... 21,062

Q02 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS 1 2 Current December 31 Statement Date Prior Year 1. Aggregate reserve for life contracts $.....1,368,803,323 less $...... 0 included in Line 6.3 (including $...... 0 Modco Reserve)...... 1,368,803,323 ...... 1,297,200,304 2. Aggregate reserve for accident and health contracts (including $...... 0 Modco Reserve)...... 11,574,063 ...... 9,735,497 3. Liability for deposit-type contracts (including $...... 0 Modco Reserve)...... 4,867,785 ...... 4,893,068 4. Contract claims: 4.1 Life...... 23,540,235 ...... 21,435,290 4.2 Accident and health...... 1,374,019 ...... 700,629 5. Policyholders' dividends/refunds to members $...... 0 and coupons $...... 0 due and unpaid...... 6. Provision for policyholders' dividends/refunds to members and coupons payable in following calendar year - estimated amounts: 6.1 Policyholder's dividends/refunds to members apportioned for payment (including $...... 0 Modco)...... 6.2 Policyholder's dividends/refunds to members not yet apportioned (including $...... 0 Modco)...... 6.3 Coupons and similar benefits (including $...... 0 Modco)...... 7. Amount provisionally held for deferred dividend policies not included in Line 6...... 8. Premiums and annuity considerations for life and accident and health contracts received in advance less $...... 0 discount; including $...... 0 accident and health premiums...... 9. Contract liabilities not included elsewhere: 9.1 Surrender values on canceled contracts...... 9.2 Provision for experience rating refunds, including the liability of $...... 0 accident and health experience rating refunds of which $...... 0 is for medical loss ratio rebate per the Public Health Service Act...... 9.3 Other amounts payable on reinsurance, including $.....277,123 assumed and $...... 0 ceded...... 277,123 ...... 1,127,385 9.4 Interest Maintenance Reserve...... 10. Commissions to agents due or accrued - life and annuity contracts $.....8,418,797, accident and health $...... 0 and deposit-type contract funds $...... 0...... 8,418,797 ...... 12,387,599 11. Commissions and expense allowances payable on reinsurance assumed...... 12. General expenses due or accrued...... 4,365,974 ...... 5,350,614 13. Transfers to Separate Accounts due or accrued (net) (including $.....(205,978,494) accrued for expense allowances recognized in reserves, net of reinsured allowances)...... (205,806,613) ...... (193,114,103) 14. Taxes, licenses and fees due or accrued, excluding federal income taxes...... 9,011,521 ...... 9,070,014 15.1 Current federal and foreign income taxes, including $.....16,544,259 on realized capital gains (losses)...... 9,379,390 ...... 8,132,116 15.2 Net deferred tax liability...... 16. Unearned investment income...... 17. Amounts withheld or retained by reporting entity as agent or trustee...... 18,360,601 ...... 11,604,188 18. Amounts held for agents' account, including $...... 0 agents' credit balances...... 19. Remittances and items not allocated...... 3,453,915 ...... 7,337,422 20. Net adjustment in assets and liabilities due to foreign exchange rates...... 21. Liability for benefits for employees and agents if not included above...... 22. Borrowed money $...... 0 and interest thereon $...... 0...... 23. Dividends to stockholders declared and unpaid...... 24. Miscellaneous liabilities: 24.01 Asset valuation reserve...... 16,599,862 ...... 15,763,347 24.02 Reinsurance in unauthorized and certified ($...... 0) companies...... 24.03 Funds held under reinsurance treaties with unauthorized and certified ($...... 0) reinsurers...... 24.04 Payable to parent, subsidiaries and affiliates...... 7,311,997 ...... 3,772,550 24.05 Drafts outstanding...... 24.06 Liability for amounts held under uninsured plans...... 24.07 Funds held under coinsurance...... 24.08 Derivatives...... 24.09 Payable for securities...... 10,235,331 ...... 24.10 Payable for securities lending...... 24.11 Capital notes $...... 0 and interest thereon $...... 0...... 25. Aggregate write-ins for liabilities...... 4,085,488 ...... 4,299,167 26. Total liabilities excluding Separate Accounts business (Lines 1 to 25)...... 1,295,852,811 ...... 1,219,695,087 27. From Separate Accounts statement...... 2,478,854,096 ...... 2,262,705,272 28. Total liabilities (Lines 26 and 27)...... 3,774,706,907 ...... 3,482,400,359 29. Common capital stock...... 2,500,000 ...... 2,500,000 30. Preferred capital stock...... 31. Aggregate write-ins for other-than-special surplus funds...... 0 ...... 0 32. Surplus notes...... 33. Gross paid in and contributed surplus...... 463,235,000 ...... 463,235,000 34. Aggregate write-ins for special surplus funds...... 0 ...... 0 35. Unassigned funds (surplus)...... (211,172,198) ...... (243,288,156) 36. Less treasury stock, at cost: 36.1 .....0.000 shares common (value included in Line 29 $...... 0)...... 36.2 .....0.000 shares preferred (value included in Line 30 $...... 0)...... 37. Surplus (Total Lines 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 - 36) (including $.....18,090,311 in Separate Accounts Statement)...... 252,062,802 ...... 219,946,844 38. Totals of Lines 29, 30 and 37...... 254,562,802 ...... 222,446,844 39. Totals of Lines 28 and 38 (Page 2, Line 28, Col. 3)...... 4,029,269,709 ...... 3,704,847,203 DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 2501. Miscellaneous liabilities...... 4,085,488 ...... 4,299,167 2502...... 2503...... 2598. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 25 from overflow page...... 0 ...... 0 2599. Totals (Lines 2501 thru 2503 plus 2598) (Line 25 above)...... 4,085,488 ...... 4,299,167 3101...... 3102...... 3103...... 3198. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 31 from overflow page...... 0 ...... 0 3199. Totals (Lines 3101 thru 3103 plus 3198) (Line 31 above)...... 0 ...... 0 3401...... 3402...... 3403...... 3498. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 34 from overflow page...... 0 ...... 0 3499. Totals (Lines 3401 thru 3403 plus 3498) (Line 34 above)...... 0 ...... 0

Q03 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS 1 2 3 Current Prior Prior Year Ended Year to Date Year to Date December 31 1. Premiums and annuity considerations for life and accident and health contracts...... 161,609,202 ...... 138,834,579 ...... 591,379,983 2. Considerations for supplementary contracts with life contingencies...... 3. Net investment income...... 12,771,269 ...... 11,898,382 ...... 48,417,711 4. Amortization of Interest Maintenance Reserve (IMR)...... 7,365 ...... 164,043 ...... 760,218 5. Separate Accounts net gain from operations excluding unrealized gains or losses...... 218,684 ...... 93,642 ...... (289,531) 6. Commissions and expense allowances on reinsurance ceded...... 4,557,256 ...... 6,427,251 ...... 25,093,027 7. Reserve adjustments on reinsurance ceded...... 8. Miscellaneous Income: 8.1 Income from fees associated with investment management, administration and contract guarantees from Separate Accounts...... 8,931,222 ...... 12,223,148 ...... 49,089,715 8.2 Charges and fees for deposit-type contracts...... 8.3 Aggregate write-ins for miscellaneous income...... 590,881 ...... 534,822 ...... 2,258,274 9. Totals (Lines 1 to 8.3)...... 188,685,879 ...... 170,175,867 ...... 716,709,397 10. Death benefits...... 29,081,771 ...... 18,089,644 ...... 78,440,390 11. Matured endowments (excluding guaranteed annual pure endowments)...... 12. Annuity benefits...... 13. Disability benefits and benefits under accident and health contracts...... 4,808,436 ...... 2,555,791 ...... 10,689,942 14. Coupons, guaranteed annual pure endowments and similar benefits...... 15. Surrender benefits and withdrawals for life contracts...... 7,113,213 ...... 6,639,585 ...... 38,295,020 16. Group conversions...... 17. Interest and adjustments on contract or deposit-type contract funds...... 145,105 ...... 10,563 ...... 377,753 18. Payments on supplementary contracts with life contingencies...... 19. Increase in aggregate reserves for life and accident and health contracts...... 73,441,585 ...... 69,932,527 ...... 282,807,202 20. Totals (Lines 10 to 19)...... 114,590,110 ...... 97,228,110 ...... 410,610,307 21. Commissions on premiums, annuity considerations and deposit-type contract funds (direct business only)...... 28,754,542 ...... 26,761,360 ...... 118,009,253 22. Commissions and expense allowances on reinsurance assumed...... 23. General insurance expenses and fraternal expenses...... 30,712,095 ...... 32,398,662 ...... 125,652,317 24. Insurance taxes, licenses and fees, excluding federal income taxes...... 5,064,987 ...... 3,713,914 ...... 12,680,782 25. Increase in loading on deferred and uncollected premiums...... 26. Net transfers to or (from) Separate Accounts net of reinsurance...... (1,617,966) ...... (5,309,349) ...... 12,556,123 27. Aggregate write-ins for deductions...... 19,195,452 ...... 36,416,932 ...... 120,053,362 28. Totals (Lines 20 to 27)...... 196,699,220 ...... 191,209,629 ...... 799,562,144 29. Net gain from operations before dividends to policyholders and federal income taxes (Line 9 minus Line 28)...... (8,013,341) ...... (21,033,762) ...... (82,852,747) 30. Dividends to policyholders and refunds to members...... 31. Net gain from operations after dividends to policyholders, refunds to members and before federal income taxes (Line 29 minus Line 30)...... (8,013,341) ...... (21,033,762) ...... (82,852,747) 32. Federal and foreign income taxes incurred (excluding tax on capital gains)...... (7,597,717) ...... 1,328,449 ...... 7,585,737 33. Net gain from operations after dividends to policyholders, refunds to members and federal income taxes and before realized capital gains or (losses) (Line 31 minus Line 32)...... (415,624) ...... (22,362,211) ...... (90,438,484) 34. Net realized capital gains (losses) (excluding gains (losses) transferred to the IMR) less capital gains tax of $.....5,794,363 (excluding taxes of $.....(72,171) transferred to the IMR)...... 21,341,286 ...... 7,753,498 ...... 1,038,045 35. Net income (Line 33 plus Line 34)...... 20,925,662 ...... (14,608,713) ...... (89,400,439) CAPITAL AND SURPLUS ACCOUNT 36. Capital and surplus, December 31, prior year...... 222,446,844 ...... 302,663,664 ...... 302,663,664 37. Net income (Line 35)...... 20,925,662 ...... (14,608,713) ...... (89,400,439) 38. Change in net unrealized capital gains (losses) less capital gains tax of $.....3,762,615...... 14,154,600 ...... (10,905,923) ...... (28,131,230) 39. Change in net unrealized foreign exchange capital gain (loss)...... 40. Change in net deferred income tax...... (5,057,801) ...... 9,044,509 ...... 35,593,583 41. Change in nonadmitted assets...... 6,920,294 ...... (10,976,529) ...... (32,023,752) 42. Change in liability for reinsurance in unauthorized and certified companies...... 43. Change in reserve on account of change in valuation basis, (increase) or decrease...... 44. Change in asset valuation reserve...... (836,515) ...... (996,558) ...... (882,041) 45. Change in treasury stock...... 46. Surplus (contributed to) withdrawn from Separate Accounts during period...... 1,751 ...... (3,127) 47. Other changes in surplus in Separate Accounts Statement...... (264,046) ...... (144,831) ...... (487,190) 48. Change in surplus notes...... 49. Cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles...... 50. Capital changes: 50.1 Paid in...... 50.2 Transferred from surplus (Stock Dividend)...... 50.3 Transferred to surplus...... 51. Surplus adjustment: 51.1 Paid in...... 70,000,000 51.2 Transferred to capital (Stock Dividend)...... 51.3 Transferred from capital...... 51.4 Change in surplus as a result of reinsurance...... (3,727,987) ...... (5,047,027) ...... (19,782,624) 52. Dividends to stockholders...... 53. Aggregate write-ins for gains and losses in surplus...... 0 ...... 0 ...... (15,100,000) 54. Net change in capital and surplus (Lines 37 through 53)...... 32,115,958 ...... (33,635,072) ...... (80,216,820) 55. Capital and surplus as of statement date (Lines 36 + 54)...... 254,562,802 ...... 269,028,592 ...... 222,446,844 DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 08.301. Sundry receipts and adjustments...... 590,881 ...... 534,822 ...... 2,258,274 08.302...... 08.303...... 08.398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 8.3 from overflow page...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 08.399. Totals (Lines 08.301 thru 08.303 plus 08.398) (Line 8.3 above)...... 590,881 ...... 534,822 ...... 2,258,274 2701. Sundry disbursements and adjustments...... 2,376,680 ...... 1,607,894 ...... 9,464,297 2702. Separate Account Modco Reinsurance...... 16,818,772 ...... 34,809,038 ...... 110,589,065 2703...... 2798. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 27 from overflow page...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 2799. Totals (Lines 2701 thru 2703 plus 2798) (Line 27 above)...... 19,195,452 ...... 36,416,932 ...... 120,053,362 5301. Prior Year Correction...... (15,100,000) 5302...... 5303...... 5398. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 53 from overflow page...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 5399. Totals (Lines 5301 thru 5303 plus 5398) (Line 53 above)...... 0 ...... 0 ...... (15,100,000)

Q04 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA CASH FLOW 1 2 3 Current Year Prior Year Prior Year Ended to Date To Date December 31 CASH FROM OPERATIONS 1. Premiums collected net of reinsurance...... 159,937,490 ...... 138,921,083 ...... 593,936,947 2. Net investment income...... 11,669,299 ...... 11,036,432 ...... 47,585,156 3. Miscellaneous income...... 10,351,373 ...... 14,138,130 ...... 56,658,392 4. Total (Lines 1 through 3)...... 181,958,162 ...... 164,095,645 ...... 698,180,495 5. Benefit and loss related payments...... 39,014,125 ...... 24,766,760 ...... 119,492,022 6. Net transfers to Separate Accounts, Segregated Accounts and Protected Cell Accounts...... 11,074,544 ...... (2,979,731) ...... 19,855,729 7. Commissions, expenses paid and aggregate write-ins for deductions...... 88,960,698 ...... 102,292,271 ...... 376,598,380 8. Dividends paid to policyholders...... 9. Federal and foreign income taxes paid (recovered) net of $...... 0 tax on capital gains (losses)...... 10. Total (Lines 5 through 9)...... 139,049,367 ...... 124,079,300 ...... 515,946,131 11. Net cash from operations (Line 4 minus Line 10)...... 42,908,795 ...... 40,016,345 ...... 182,234,364 CASH FROM INVESTMENTS 12. Proceeds from investments sold, matured or repaid: 12.1 Bonds...... 9,775,507 ...... 189,201,673 ...... 284,805,330 12.2 Stocks...... 1,946,250 ...... 12.3 Mortgage loans...... 12.4 Real estate...... 12.5 Other invested assets...... 12.6 Net gains or (losses) on cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments...... 12.7 Miscellaneous proceeds...... 38,784,513 ...... 21,260,890 ...... 44,899,741 12.8 Total investment proceeds (Lines 12.1 to 12.7)...... 50,506,270 ...... 210,462,563 ...... 329,705,071 13. Cost of investments acquired (long-term only): 13.1 Bonds...... 47,454,668 ...... 192,871,645 ...... 339,130,002 13.2 Stocks...... 356,000 ...... 2,006,000 13.3 Mortgage loans...... 13.4 Real estate...... 13.5 Other invested assets...... 13.6 Miscellaneous applications...... 8,493,125 ...... 373,796 ...... 9,725,741 13.7 Total investments acquired (Lines 13.1 to 13.6)...... 55,947,793 ...... 193,601,441 ...... 350,861,743 14. Net increase or (decrease) in contract loans and premium notes...... 4,033,900 ...... 4,736,023 ...... 52,951,637 15. Net cash from investments (Line 12.8 minus Line 13.7 and Line 14)...... (9,475,423) ...... 12,125,099 ...... (74,108,309) CASH FROM FINANCING AND MISCELLANEOUS SOURCES 16. Cash provided (applied): 16.1 Surplus notes, capital notes...... 16.2 Capital and paid in surplus, less treasury stock...... 16.3 Borrowed funds...... 16.4 Net deposits on deposit-type contracts and other insurance liabilities...... (28,374) ...... 267,454 ...... 849,724 16.5 Dividends to stockholders...... 16.6 Other cash provided (applied)...... 78,449,452 ...... (30,601,705) ...... (97,824,750) 17. Net cash from financing and miscellaneous sources (Lines 16.1 through 16.4 minus Line 16.5 plus Line 16.6)...... 78,421,078 ...... (30,334,251) ...... (96,975,026) RECONCILIATION OF CASH, CASH EQUIVALENTS AND SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS 18. Net change in cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments (Line 11 plus Line 15 plus Line 17)...... 111,854,450 ...... 21,807,193 ...... 11,151,029 19. Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments: 19.1 Beginning of year...... 48,837,390 ...... 37,686,360 ...... 37,686,360 19.2 End of period (Line 18 plus Line 19.1)...... 160,691,840 ...... 59,493,553 ...... 48,837,390 Note: Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information for non-cash transactions: 20.0001 ......

Q05 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA EXHIBIT 1 DIRECT PREMIUMS AND DEPOSIT-TYPE CONTRACTS 1 2 3 Current Year Prior Year Prior Year To Date To Date Ended December 31

1. Industrial life......

2. Ordinary life insurance...... 161,753,239 ...... 152,473,230 ...... 645,352,892

3. Ordinary individual annuities...... 1,790,164 ...... 5,695,854 ...... 16,339,828

4. Credit life (group and individual)......

5. Group life insurance...... 8,125,211 ...... 7,281,010 ...... 29,994,294

6. Group annuities......

7. A&H - group...... 9,468,235 ...... 5,882,196 ...... 27,427,730

8. A&H - credit (group and individual)......

9. A&H - other......

10. Aggregate of all other lines of business...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0

11. Subtotal (Lines 1 through 10)...... 181,136,849 ...... 171,332,290 ...... 719,114,744

12. Fraternal ( Fraternal Benefit Societies Only)......

13. Subtotal (Lines 11 through 12)...... 181,136,849 ...... 171,332,290 ...... 719,114,744

14. Deposit-type contracts......

15. Total (Lines 13 and 14)...... 181,136,849 ...... 171,332,290 ...... 719,114,744





1098. Summary of remaining write-ins for Line 10 from overflow page...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0

1099. Total (Lines 1001 thru 1003 plus 1098) (Line 10 above)...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0

Q06 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA


1] Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

A. Accounting Practices The accompanying financial statements of MONY Life Insurance Company of America (“the Company” or “MLOA”) are presented on the basis of accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the Arizona Department of Insurance (“SAP”). The Arizona Department of Insurance recognizes only statutory accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the State of Arizona for determining and reporting the financial condition and results of operations of an insurance company, and for determining its solvency under Arizona Insurance Law. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ (NAIC) Accounting Practices and Procedures manual (“NAIC SAP”) has been adopted as a component of prescribed or permitted practices by the State of Arizona. There are no differences in net income and capital and surplus between NAIC SAP and SAP for MLOA. See table below:

March 31, December 31, SSAP # F/S Page F/S Line # 2019 2018 NET INCOME (1) MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA state basis (Page 4, Line 35, Columns 1 & 2) XXX XXX XXX $ 20,925,662 $ (89,400,439) (2) State Prescribed Practices that increase/decrease NAIC SAP N/A N/A N/A (3) State Permitted Practices that increase/decrease NAIC SAP N/A N/A N/A (4) NAIC SAP (1 - 2 - 3 = 4) XXX XXX XXX $ 20,925,662 $ (89,400,439) SURPLUS (5) MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA state basis (Page 3, line 38, Columns 1 & 2) XXX XXX XXX $254,562,802 $ 222,446,844 (6) State Prescribed Practices that increase/decrease NAIC SAP N/A N/A N/A (7) State Permitted Practices that increase/decrease NAIC SAP N/A N/A N/A (8) NAIC SAP (5 - 6 - 7 = 8) XXX XXX XXX $254,562,802 $ 222,446,844

B. No significant change.

C. Accounting Policy

(2) Bonds are stated principally at amortized cost, the value of which is based on the effective interest rate method, and are adjusted to regulatory mandated values through the establishment of a valuation allowance, and for impairments in value deemed to be other than temporary through write-downs recorded as realized capital losses.

(6) Loan-backed securities are stated at either amortized cost or the lower of amortized cost or fair value. Prepayment assumptions for loan-backed bonds and structured securities were obtained from broker-dealer survey values or internal estimates. These assumptions are consistent with the current interest rate and economic environment. The retrospective adjustment method is predominately used for securities; the prospective adjustment method was used for issues in default and issues that have a variable interest rate.

D. Going Concern

There is no issue regarding the Company's ability to continue as a going concern.

2] Accounting Changes and Correction of Errors

No significant change.

3] Business Combinations and Goodwill

No significant change.

4] Discontinued Operations

No significant change.

5] Investments

A.-C. No significant change.

Q07 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA


D. Loan-Backed Securities

1) Prepayment assumptions for loan-backed bonds and structured securities were obtained from broker-dealer survey values or internal estimates. These assumptions are consistent with the current interest rate and economic environment. The retrospective adjustment method is used to value all securities except issues in default; the prospective adjustment method was used to value issues in default and issues that have a variable interest rate.

2) There were no Loan-backed securities with a recognized other than temporary impairment as of March 31, 2019.

3) There were no loan-backed securities with a recognized other than temporary impairment recorded during the year.

4) All impaired (fair value is less than cost or amortized cost) loan-backed securities for which an other-than-temporary-impairment has not been recognized in earnings as a realized loss (including securities with a recognized other-than-temporary impairment for non-interest related declines when a non-recognized interest related impairment remains) as of March 31, 2019:

a. The aggregate amount of unrealized losses: 1. Less than 12 Months $ 0 2. 12 Months or Longer $ 0 b. The aggregate related fair value of securities with unrealized losses: 1. Less than 12 Months $ 0 2. 12 Months or Longer $ 0

The aggregate unrealized losses of $0 include $0 of valuation allowances already recognized through surplus.

5) The Company’s management, with the assistance of its investment advisors, monitors the investment performance of its portfolio. This review process culminates with a quarterly review of certain assets by Financial’s Investments Under Surveillance Committee that evaluates whether any investments are other than temporarily impaired. The review considers an analysis of individual credit metrics of each issuer as well as industry fundamentals and the outlook for the future. Based on the analysis, a determination is made as to the ability of the issuer to service its debt obligation on an ongoing basis. If this ability is deemed to be impaired, then the appropriate provisions are taken.

E. Dollar Repurchase Agreements and /or Securities Lending Transactions

The Company has not have any dollar repurchase agreements and/or securities lending transactions.

F. Repurchase Agreements Transactions Accounting for as Secured Borrowing

The Company has not have any repurchase agreements transactions accounting for as secured borrowing.

G. Reverse Repurchase Agreements Transactions Accounted for as Secured Borrowing

The Company has not have any reverse repurchase agreements transactions accounted for as secured borrowing.

H. Repurchase Agreements Transactions Accounted for as a Sale

The Company has not have any repurchase agreements transactions accounted for as a sale.

I. Reverse Repurchase Agreements Transactions Accounted for as a Sale

The Company has not have any reverse repurchase agreements transactions accounted for as a sale.

J. Real Estate

The Company does not hold any real estate investments.

K. Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC)

No significant change.

L. Restricted Assets

No significant change.

M. Working Capital Finance Investments

The Company does not hold any working capital finance investments.

Q07.1 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA


N. Offsetting and Netting of Assets and Liabilities

Offsetting of Financial Assets and Liabilities and Derivative Assets and Liabilities March 31, 2019 Gross Net Amount Amounts Amount Presented on Recognized Offset Balance Sheets ASSETS Description Equity $ 39,899,030 $ 1,127,389 $ 38,771,641 Interest Rate 0 0 $ 0 Total Derivatives, subject to a master netting agreement 39,899,030 1,127,389 38,771,641 Total Derivatives, not subject to a master netting agreement 0 0 0 Total Derivatives $ 39,899,030 $ 1,127,389 $ 38,771,641

LIABILITIES Description Equity $ 1,127,389 $ 1,127,389 $ 0 Interest Rate 0 0 0 Total Derivatives, subject to a master netting agreement 1,127,389 1,127,389 0 Total Derivatives, not subject to a master netting agreement 0 0 0 Total Derivatives $ 1,127,389 $ 1,127,389 $ 0

O. Structured Notes

No significant change.

P. 5GI Securities

The Company has not hold any 5GI securities.

Q. Short Sales

The Company did not have in any short sales during 2019.

R. Prepayment Penalty and Acceleration Fees

No significant changes.

6] Joint Ventures, Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies

No significant change.

7] Investment Income

No significant change.

8] Derivative Instruments

H. Total Premium Costs for Contracts


9] Income Taxes

No significant change.

10] Information Concerning Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates

A. The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC (“AXAEFS”) a downstream holding company of AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc., and collectively with its consolidated subsidiaries referred to herein as “Equitable Holdings”. Equitable Holdings was a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of AXA S.A. (“AXA”), a French holding company for the AXA Group, a worldwide leader in life, property and casualty and health insurance and asset management. On March 25, 2019, a secondary public offering closed of 40,000,000 common shares of AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc. by AXA. As a result of the offering, AXA now owns 48.3% of AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc. and is no longer a majority owned subsidiary of AXA.

B. No significant change.

C. No significant change.

Q07.2 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA

D. The Company reported amounts due from affiliates of $3.1 million and $74.3 million at March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, respectively. The Company reported amounts payable to affiliates of $7.3 million and $3.8 million at March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, respectively. The receivable and payable for both period are primarily related to capital contribution, expense allocations, reinsurance settlements and commission payables.

E.-M. No significant change.

11] Debt

A. No significant change.

B. Federal Home Loan Bank (“FHLB”)

(1) During 1Q 2019, the Company had no borrowings from FHLB.

(2) a. FHLB Capital Stock – Aggregate Totals:

1. Current Year

1 2 3 Total General Separate 2 + 3 Account Accounts (a) Membership Stock – Class A 0 0 0 (b) Membership Stock – Class B $2,006,000 $2,006,000 0 (c) Activity Stock $0 $0 0 (d) Excess Stock 0 0 0 (e) Aggregate Total $2,006,000 $2,006,000 0 (f) Actual or estimated borrowing capacity as determined by the insurer $300,000,000 XXX XXX

b. Membership Stock (Class A and B) Eligible for Redemption

Current Period Not Eligible for Less Than 6 6 Months to Less 1 to Less than 3 3 to 5 Total Redemption Months than 1 Year Years Years 1. Class A 0 0 0 0 0 0 2. Class B $2,006,000 $2,006,000 0 0 0 0

(3) Collateral pledge to FHLB- None

(4) Borrowings from FHLB- None

12] Retirement plans, Deferred Compensation, Post-employment Benefits and Compensated Absences and Other Postretirement Plans

The Company does not have any Retirement Plans, Deferred Compensation, Postemployment Benefits and Compensated Absences and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans.

13] Capital and Surplus, Shareholders’ Dividend Restrictions and Quasi-Reorganizations

No significant change.

14] Liabilities, Contingencies and Assessments

No significant change.

15] Leases

No significant change.

16] Information About Financial Instruments With Off-Balance Sheet Risk and Financial Instruments With Concentrations of Credit Risk

No significant change.

17] Sale, Transfer and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities

A. No significant change.

B. Transfer and Servicing of Financial Assets

Q07.3 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA


The Company did not have any transactions related to the transfer and servicing of financial assets and extinguishments of liabilities.

C. Wash Sales

The Company did not sell any securities for the period ended March 31, 2019 that were reacquired within 30 days of the sale date.

18] Gain or Loss to the Reporting Entity from Uninsured A&H Plans and the Uninsured Portion of Partially Insured Plans

No significant change.

19] Direct Premium Written/Produced by Managing General Agents/Third Party Administrators

No significant change.

20] Fair Value Measurement

A. 1) Fair Value Measurement as of March 31, 2019:

Net Asset Value Description Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 (NAV) Total a. Assets at Fair Value : Bonds: Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities $ — — — — — Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities — — — — — Other Loan-Backed and Structured — — — — — U.S.Securities Government and Agency — — — — — Other Governments — — — — — States and Political Subdivisions — — — — — Other Corporate — — — — — Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates — — — — — Total Bonds $ — $ — $ — $ — $ —

Preferred Stocks: Industrial and Miscellaneous $ — — — — — Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates — — — — — Total Preferred Stocks $ — — — — —

Common Stocks: Industrial and Miscellaneous $ — — 2,006,000 — 2,006,000 Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates — — 56,064,050 — 56,064,050 Total Common Stocks $ — $ — $ 58,070,050 $ — $ 58,070,050

Derivative Assets: Swaps $ — — — — — Futures 19,295,150 — — — 19,295,150 Options — 19,476,491 — — 19,476,491 Floors — — — — — Swaptions — — — — — Total Derivatives $ 19,295,150 $ 19,476,491 $ — $ — 38,771,641

Separate Account Assets* — — — 2,063,533,462 2,063,533,462 Total Assets at Fair Value $ 19,295,150 $ 19,476,491 $ 58,070,050 $ 2,063,533,462 $ 2,160,375,153

b. Liabilities at Fair Value: Derivative Liabilities $ — — — — — Total Liabilities at Fair Value $ — — — — —

*Includes only cash and invested assets.

Q07.4 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA


2) Fair Value Measurements in Level 3 of the Fair Value Hierarchy:

a. Assets Total Gains Total Gains Ending Beginning Transfers and (Losses) and (Losses) Balance, Balance, Transfers Out of Included in Included in Mar. 31, Jan. 1, 2019 Into Level 3 Level 3 Net Income Surplus Purchases Issuances Sales Settlements 2019 Commercial mortgage-backed securities $0 0 0 0 $0 Common stock - Industrial and Miscellaneous 2,006,000 0 0 0 2,006,000 Parent, subsidiaries and affliliates-stocks 53,017,301 0 3,046,748 0 56,064,049 Total $55,023,301 0 0 0 3,046,748 0 0 0 0 $58,070,049 b. Liabilities Total Gains Total Gains Ending Beginning Transfers and (Losses) and (Losses) Balance, Balance, Transfers Out of Included in Included in Mar. 31, Jan. 1, 2019 Into Level 3 Level 3 Net Income Surplus Purchases Issuances Sales Settlements 2019


3) There were no transfer into or out of level 3.

4/5) No significant change.

B. N/A

C. The following table discloses carrying value and estimated fair value (defined within the fair value hierarchy) as of March 31, 2019 for financial instruments (in millions):

Not Practicable Aggregate Fair Net Asset (Carrying Type of Financial Instrument Value Admitted Assets (Level 1) (Level 2) (Level 3) Value (NAV) Value) Bonds $1,100,641,961 $ 1,102,547,583 $ 1,089,708,679 $ 10,933,282 Preferred Stock $2,232,900 $ 2,250,000 $ 2,232,900 0 0 Common Stock * $76,758,066 $ 58,070,050 $ 76,758,066 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate $16,792,800 $ 17,000,000 $ 16,792,800 Other Invested Assets $3 $3 $0 0 $3 Derivatives $38,771,641 $ 38,771,641 $ 19,295,150 $ 19,476,491 Separate Accounts** $2,499,343,009 $ 2,492,626,547 $435,809,547 $2,063,533,462 Policy Loans $128,629,786 $ 113,824,464 $ 128,629,786 Policyholders liabilities: Investment contracts $4,867,785 $ 4,867,785 $ 4,867,785

*Different between fair value and admitted value represents affiliated holdings of AllianceBernstein units, which for statutory admitted carrying value is discounted by 25% as of March 31, 2019. The discount is based on SSAP #97 sliding scale and approved by the SVO. ** Includes only cash and invested assets

D. Not practicable estimate fair value - None

21] Other Items

No significant change.

22] Events Subsequent

No Significant Change.

23] Reinsurance

No significant change.

24] Retrospectively Rated Contracts and Contracts Subject to Redetermination

The Company does not write retrospective rated contracts.

25] Change in Incurred Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses

There are no material changes in the provision for incurred loss and loss adjustment expenses attributable to insured events of prior years.

Q07.5 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA


26] Intercompany Pooling Arrangements

No significant change.

27] Structured Settlements

No significant change.

28] Health Care Receivables

No significant change.

29] Participating Policies

No significant change.

30] Premium Deficiency Reserves

No significant change.

31] Reserves for Life Contracts and Deposit – Type Contracts

No significant change.

32] Analysis of Annuity Actuarial Reserves and Deposit Liabilities by Withdrawal Characteristics

No significant change.

33] Premium and Annuity Considerations Deferred and Uncollected

No significant change.

34] Separate Accounts

No significant change.

35] Loss/Claim Adjustment Expenses

No significant change.

Q07.6 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA GENERAL INTERROGATORIES PART 1 - COMMON INTERROGATORIES GENERAL 1.1 Did the reporting entity experience any material transactions requiring the filing of Disclosure of Material Transactions with the State of Domicile, as required by the Model Act? Yes [ ] No [ X ] 1.2 If yes, has the report been filed with the domiciliary state? Yes [ ] No [ ] 2.1 Has any change been made during the year of this statement in the charter, by-laws, articles of incorporation, or deed of settlement of the reporting entity? Yes [ ] No [ X ] 2.2 If yes, date of change: 3.1 Is the reporting entity a member of an Insurance Holding Company System consisting of two or more affiliated persons, one or more of which is an insurer? Yes [ X ] No [ ] If yes, complete Schedule Y, Parts 1 and 1A. 3.2 Have there been any substantial changes in the organizational chart since the prior quarter end? Yes [ X ] No [ ] 3.3 If the response to 3.2 is yes, provide a brief description of those changes. On March 25, 2019, a secondary public offering closed of 40,000,000 common shares of AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc. by AXA. As a result of the offering, AXA now owns 48.3% of AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc. and is no longer a majority owned subsidiary of AXA. 3.4 Is the reporting entity publicly traded or a member of a publicly traded group? Yes [ X ] No [ ] 3.5 If the response to 3.4 is yes, provide the CIK (Central Index Key) code issued by the SEC for the entity/group. 1333986 4.1 Has the reporting entity been a party to a merger or consolidation during the period covered by this statement? Yes [ ] No [ X ] If yes, complete and file the merger history data file with the NAIC for the annual filing corresponding to this period. 4.2 If yes, provide name of entity, NAIC Company Code, and state of domicile (use two letter state abbreviation) for any entity that has ceased to exist as a result of the merger or consolidation. 1 2 3 NAIC Company State of Name of Entity Code Domicile

5. If the reporting entity is subject to a management agreement, including third-party administrator(s), managing general agent(s), attorney-in-fact, or similar agreement, have there been any significant changes regarding the terms of the agreement or principals involved? If yes, attach an explanation. Yes [ ] No [X ] N/A [ ]

6.1 State as of what date the latest financial examination of the reporting entity was made or is being made. 12/31/2015 6.2 State the as of date that the latest financial examination report became available from either the state of domicile or the reporting entity. This date should be the date of the examined balance sheet and not the date the report was completed or released. 12/31/2015 6.3 State as of what date the latest financial examination report became available to other states or the public from either the state of domicile or the reporting entity. This is the release date or completion date of the examination report and not the date of the examination (balance sheet date). 06/16/2017 6.4 By what department or departments? Department of Insurance of the State of Arizona 6.5 Have all financial statement adjustments within the latest financial examination report been accounted for in a subsequent financial statement filed with Departments? Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A [ X ] 6.6 Have all of the recommendations within the latest financial examination report been complied with? Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A [ X ] 7.1 Has this reporting entity had any Certificates of Authority, licenses or registrations (including corporate registration, if applicable) suspended or revoked by any governmental entity during the reporting period? Yes [ ] No [ X ] 7.2 If yes, give full information:

8.1 Is the company a subsidiary of a bank holding company regulated with the Federal Reserve Board? Yes [ ] No [ X ] 8.2 If response to 8.1 is yes, please identify the name of the bank holding company.

8.3 Is the company affiliated with one or more banks, thrifts or securities firms? Yes [ X ] No [ ] 8.4 If the response to 8.3 is yes, please provide below the names and location (city and state of the main office) of any affiliates regulated by a federal regulatory services agency [i.e. the Federal Reserve Board (FRB), the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC)] and identify the affiliate’s primary federal regulator]. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Affiliate Name Location (City, State) FRB OCC FDIC SEC AllianceBernstein Corporation New York, NY Yes AllianceBernstein Global Derivatives Corporation New York, NY Yes AllianceBernstein Holding LP New York, NY Yes AllianceBernstein Investments Inc. New York, NY Yes AllianceBernstein LP New York, NY Yes AllianceBernstein Real Estate Investments LLC New York, NY Yes AB Private Credit Investors LLC New York, NY Yes AB Custom Alternative Investments LLC New York, NY Yes AXA Advisors, LLC New York, NY Yes AXA Equitable Funds Management Group, LLC New York, NY Yes AXA Distributors, LLC New York, NY Yes AXA Investment Managers Inc. Greenwich, CT Yes AXA Real Estate Investment Managers US, LLC New York, NY Yes AXA Rosenberg Investment Management, LLC Orinda, CA Yes Sanford C. Bernstein & Co., LLC New York, NY Yes AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company New York, NY Yes AXA Equitable Holdings Inc. New York, NY Yes W.P. Stewart Asset Management Ltd. New York, NY Yes W.P. Stewart & Co., LLC. New York, NY Yes


9.1 Are the senior officers (principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions) of the reporting entity subject to a code of ethics, which includes the following standards? Yes [ X ] No [ ] (a) Honest and ethical conduct, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships; (b) Full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in the periodic reports required to be filed by the reporting entity; (c) Compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations; (d) The prompt internal reporting of violations to an appropriate person or persons identified in the code; and (e) Accountability for adherence to the code. 9.11 If the response to 9.1 is No, please explain:

9.2 Has the code of ethics for senior managers been amended? Yes [ ] No [ X ] 9.21 If the response to 9.2 is Yes, provide information related to amendment(s).

9.3 Have any provisions of the code of ethics been waived for any of the specified officers? Yes [ ] No [ X ] 9.31 If the response to 9.3 is Yes, provide the nature of any waiver(s).

FINANCIAL 10.1 Does the reporting entity report any amounts due from parent, subsidiaries or affiliates on Page 2 of this statement? Yes [ X ] No [ ] 10.2 If yes, indicate any amounts receivable from parent included in the Page 2 amount: $ 0 INVESTMENT 11.1 Were any of the stocks, bonds, or other assets of the reporting entity loaned, placed under option agreement, or otherwise made available for use by another person? (Exclude securities under securities lending agreements.) Yes [ X ] No [ ] 11.2 If yes, give full and complete information relating thereto: Exceptions are listed in Schedule of Special Deposits 12. Amount of real estate and mortgages held in other invested assets in Schedule BA: $ 0

13. Amount of real estate and mortgages held in short-term investments: $ 0

14.1 Does the reporting entity have any investments in parent, subsidiaries and affiliates? Yes [ X ] No [ ] 14.2 If yes, please complete the following: 1 2 Prior Year End Book/Adjusted Current Quarter Book/Adjusted Carrying Value Carrying Value 14.21 Bonds $ 0 $ 0 14.22 Preferred Stock 0 0 14.23 Common Stock 53,017,300 56,064,050 14.24 Short-Term Investments 0 0 14.25 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate 0 0 14.26 All Other 0 0 14.27 Total Investment in Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates (Subtotal Lines 14.21 to 14.26) $ 53,017,300 $ 56,064,050 14.28 Total Investment in Parent included in Lines 14.21 to 14.26 above $ 0 $ 0 15.1 Has the reporting entity entered into any hedging transactions reported on Schedule DB? Yes [ X ] No [ ] 15.2 If yes, has a comprehensive description of the hedging program been made available to the domiciliary state? Yes [ X ] No [ ] If no, attach a description with this statement.

16. For the reporting entity's security lending program, state the amount of the following as of current statement date: 16.1 Total fair value of reinvested collateral assets reported on Schedule DL, Parts 1 and 2: $ 0 16.2 Total book adjusted/carrying value of reinvested collateral assets reported on Schedule DL, Parts 1 and 2: $ 0 16.3 Total payable for securities lending reported on the liability page: $ 0 17. Excluding items in Schedule E-Part 3-Special Deposits, real estate, mortgage loans and investments held physically in the reporting entity's offices, vaults or safety deposit boxes, were all stocks, bonds and other securities, owned throughout the current year held pursuant to a custodial agreement with a qualified bank or trust company in accordance with Section 1, III - General Examination Considerations, F. Outsourcing of Critical Functions, Custodial or Safekeeping Agreements of the NAIC Financial Condition Examiners Handbook? Yes [ X ] No [ ] 17.1 For all agreements that comply with the requirements of the NAIC Financial Condition Examiners Handbook, complete the following: 1 2 Name of Custodian(s) Custodian Address JPMorgan Chase 270 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017 BNY Mellon Liquidity Direct One Wall Street, New York, NY 10286 17.2 For all agreements that do not comply with the requirements of the NAIC Financial Condition Examiners Handbook, provide the name, location and a complete explanation: 1 2 3 Name(s) Location(s) Complete Explanation(s)

17.3 Have there been any changes, including name changes, in the custodian(s) identified in 17.1 during the current quarter? Yes [ ] No [ X ] 17.4 If yes, give full and complete information relating thereto: 1 2 3 4 Date of Old Custodian New Custodian Change Reason


17.5 Investment management – Identify all investment advisors, investment managers, broker/dealers, including individuals that have the authority to make investment decisions on behalf of the reporting entity. For assets that are managed internally by employees of the reporting entity, note as such ["…that have access to the investment accounts", "handle securities"]. 1 2 Name of Firm or Individual Affiliation AXA Equitable Agrifinance, LLC A Quadrant Real Estate Advisors, LLC U Alliance Bernstein, LP A 17.5097 For those firms/individuals listed in the table for Question 17.5, do any firms/individuals unaffiliated with the reporting entity (i.e., designated with a "U") manage more than 10% of the reporting entity's assets? Yes [ ] No [ X ] 17.5098 For firms/individuals unaffiliated with the reporting entity (i.e., designated with a "U") listed in the table for Question 17.5, does the total assets under management aggregate to more than 50% of the reporting entity's assets? Yes [ ] No [ X ] 17.6 For those firms or individuals listed in the table for 17.5 with an affiliation code of "A" (affiliated) or "U" (unaffiliated), provide the information for the table below. 1 2 3 4 5 Investment Central Registration Depository Management Number Name of Firm or Individual Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Registered With Agreement (IMA) Filed AXA Equitable Agrifinance, LLC 5493003SYWQCN68VWG95 Domiciled in the state of No Delaware with a foreign qualification in both North and South Dakota 138077 Quadrant Real Estate Advisors LLC SEC No 108477 Alliance Bernstein, LP 0JK55UGWSWNF3X7KLQ85 SEC DS 18.1 Have all the filing requirements of the Purposes and Procedures Manual of the NAIC Investment Analysis Office been followed? Yes [ X ] No [ ] 18.2 If no, list exceptions:

19. By self-designating 5GI securities, the reporting entity is certifying the following elements for each self-designated 5GI security: a. Documentation necessary to permit a full credit analysis of the security does not exist or an NAIC CRP credit rating for an FE or PL security is not available. b. Issuer or obligor is current on all contracted interest and principal payments. c. The insurer has an actual expectation of ultimate payment of all contracted interest and principal. Has the reporting entity self-designated 5GI securities? Yes [ ] No [ X ] 20. By self-designating PLGI securities, the reporting entity is certifying the following elements for each self-designated PLGI security: a. The security was purchased prior to January 1, 2018. b. The reporting entity is holding capital commensurate with the NAIC Designation reported for the security. c. The NAIC Designation was derived from the credit rating assigned by an NAIC CRP in its legal capacity as a NRSRO which is shown on a current private letter rating held by the insurer and available for examination by state insurance regulators. d. The reporting entity is not permitted to share this credit rating of the PL security with the SVO. Has the reporting entity self-designated PLGI securities? Yes [ ] No [ X ]

Q08.2 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA GENERAL INTERROGATORIES (continued) PART 2 - LIFE AND ACCIDENT AND HEALTH COMPANIES/FRATERNAL BENEFIT SOCIETIES Life and Accident and Health Companies/Fraternal Benefit Societies 1. Report the statement value of mortgage loans at the end of this reporting period for the following categories: 1.1 Long-term mortgages in good standing Amount 1.11 Farm mortgages...... $...... 1.12 Residential mortgages...... $...... 1.13 Commercial mortgages...... $...... 17,000,000 1.14 Total mortgages in good standing...... $...... 17,000,000 1.2 Long-term mortgages in good standing with restructured terms 1.21 Total mortgages in good standing with restructured terms...... $...... 1.3 Long-term mortgage loans upon which interest is overdue more than three months 1.31 Farm mortgages...... $...... 1.32 Residential mortgages...... $...... 1.33 Commercial mortgages...... $...... 1.34 Total mortgages with interest overdue more than three months...... $...... 0 1.4 Long-term mortgage loans in process of foreclosure 1.41 Farm mortgages...... $...... 1.42 Residential mortgages...... $...... 1.43 Commercial mortgages...... $...... 1.44 Total mortgages in process of foreclosure...... $...... 0 1.5 Total mortgage loans (Lines 1.14 + 1.21 + 1.34 + 1.44) (Page 2, Column 3, Lines 3.1 + 3.2) ...... $...... 17,000,000 1.6 Long-term mortgages foreclosed, properties transferred to real estate in current quarter 1.61 Farm mortgages...... $...... 1.62 Residential mortgages...... $...... 1.63 Commercial mortgages...... $...... 1.64 Total mortgages foreclosed and transferred to real estate...... $...... 0 2. Operating Percentages: 2.1 A&H loss percent...... 92.1 2.2 A&H cost containment percent...... 0.6 2.3 A&H expense percent excluding cost containment expenses...... 157.9 3.1 Do you act as a custodian for health savings accounts?...... Yes [ ] No [ X ] 3.2 If yes, please provide the amount of custodial funds held as of the reporting date...... $...... 3.3 Do you act as an administrator for health savings accounts?...... Yes [ ] No [ X ] 3.4 If yes, please provide the balance of the funds administered as of the reporting date...... $...... 4. Is the reporting entity licensed or chartered, registered, qualified, eligible or writing business in at least two states?...... Yes [ X ] No [ ] 4.1 If no, does the reporting entity assume reinsurance business that covers risks residing in at least one state other than the state of domicile of the reporting entity?...... Yes [ ] No [ ]

Fraternal Benefit Societies Only: 5.1 In all cases where the reporting entity has assumed accident and health risks from another company, provisions should be made in this statement on account of such reinsurance for reserve equal to that which the original company would have been required to establish had it retained the risks. Has this been done? Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A [X ] 5.2 If no, explain:

6.1 Does the reporting entity have outstanding assessments in the form of liens against policy benefits that have increased surplus? Yes [ ] No [ X ] 6.2 If yes, what is the date(s) of the original lien and the total outstanding balance of liens that remain in surplus? Date Outstanding Lien Amount ......

Q09 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE S - CEDED REINSURANCE Showing All New Reinsurance Treaties - Current Year to Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Effective Date NAIC Type of Certified of Certified Company Effective Domiciliary Reinsurance Type of Reinsurer Rating Reinsurer Code ID Number Date Name of Reinsurer Jurisdiction Ceded Reinsurer (1 through 6) Rating


Q10 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE T - PREMIUMS AND ANNUITY CONSIDERATIONS Current Year to Date - Allocated by States and Territories 1 Direct Business Only Life Contracts 4 5 6 7 2 3

A&H Insurance Premiums, Active Including Policy Status Life Insurance Annuity Membership and Other Total Columns 2 Deposit-Type States, Etc. (a) Premiums Considerations Other Fees Considerations through 5 Contracts 1. Alabama...... AL ...... L...... 2,992,463 ...... 20,055 ...... 411,280 ...... 3,423,798 ...... 2. Alaska...... AK ...... L...... 96,356 ...... 3,041 ...... 99,396 ...... 3. Arizona...... AZ ...... L...... 2,266,854 ...... 897 ...... 134,354 ...... 2,402,105 ...... 4. Arkansas...... AR ...... L...... 802,923 ...... 42,466 ...... 845,389 ...... 5. California...... CA ...... L...... 26,663,621 ...... 128,939 ...... 1,266,074 ...... 28,058,634 ...... 6. Colorado...... CO ...... L...... 2,791,098 ...... 1,550 ...... 95,860 ...... 2,888,508 ...... 7. Connecticut...... CT ...... L...... 1,563,820 ...... 39,400 ...... 425,789 ...... 2,029,009 ...... 8. Delaware...... DE ...... L...... 466,920 ...... 150 ...... 16,090 ...... 483,160 ...... 9. District of Columbia...... DC ...... L...... 278,437 ...... 3,000 ...... 11,220 ...... 292,657 ...... 10. Florida...... FL ...... L...... 18,198,340 ...... 49,341 ...... 150,969 ...... 18,398,649 ...... 11. Georgia...... GA ...... L...... 5,427,201 ...... 3,450 ...... 396,056 ...... 5,826,707 ...... 12. Hawaii...... HI ...... L...... 571,253 ...... 2,000 ...... 4,713 ...... 577,966 ...... 13. Idaho...... ID ...... L...... 296,524 ...... 13,707 ...... 28,882 ...... 339,113 ...... 14. Illinois...... IL ...... L...... 8,535,977 ...... 20,315 ...... 628,692 ...... 9,184,985 ...... 15. Indiana...... IN ...... L...... 1,015,134 ...... 4,800 ...... 53,400 ...... 1,073,334 ...... 16. Iowa...... IA ...... L...... 537,203 ...... 3,440 ...... 72,244 ...... 612,887 ...... 17. Kansas...... KS ...... L...... 1,258,688 ...... 56,600 ...... 11,977 ...... 1,327,265 ...... 18. Kentucky...... KY ...... L...... 1,094,599 ...... 17,974 ...... 68,054 ...... 1,180,626 ...... 19. Louisiana...... LA ...... L...... 3,329,011 ...... 928 ...... 984,163 ...... 4,314,102 ...... 20. Maine...... ME ...... L...... 192,631 ...... 400 ...... 172,825 ...... 365,855 ...... 21. Maryland...... MD ...... L...... 2,508,109 ...... 61,029 ...... (5,262) ...... 2,563,876 ...... 22. Massachusetts...... MA ...... L...... 2,156,812 ...... 77,478 ...... 1,421,387 ...... 3,655,677 ...... 23. Michigan...... MI ...... L...... 3,301,244 ...... 9,431 ...... 332,711 ...... 3,643,386 ...... 24. Minnesota...... MN ...... L...... 2,439,262 ...... 250 ...... 38,129 ...... 2,477,641 ...... 25. Mississippi...... MS ...... L...... 583,280 ...... 104,577 ...... 21,034 ...... 708,890 ...... 26. Missouri...... MO ...... L...... 2,096,310 ...... 61,412 ...... 113,202 ...... 2,270,924 ...... 27. Montana...... MT ...... L...... 95,047 ...... 15,157 ...... 110,204 ...... 28. Nebraska...... NE ...... L...... 591,867 ...... 9,546 ...... 601,413 ...... 29. Nevada...... NV ...... L...... 4,485,933 ...... 1,208 ...... 26,707 ...... 4,513,848 ...... 30. New Hampshire...... NH ...... L...... 242,944 ...... 115,668 ...... 358,612 ...... 31. New Jersey...... NJ ...... L...... 14,232,512 ...... 5,380 ...... 186,057 ...... 14,423,949 ...... 32. New Mexico...... NM ...... L...... 494,223 ...... 742 ...... 12,084 ...... 507,048 ...... 33. New York...... NY ...... N...... 1,680,807 ...... 1,400 ...... 760,893 ...... 2,443,100 ...... 34. North Carolina...... NC ...... L...... 6,401,403 ...... 28,413 ...... 268,832 ...... 6,698,648 ...... 35. North Dakota...... ND ...... L...... 111,495 ...... 334 ...... 26,562 ...... 138,391 ...... 36. Ohio...... OH ...... L...... 3,348,031 ...... 102,795 ...... (21,563) ...... 3,429,263 ...... 37. Oklahoma...... OK ...... L...... 999,151 ...... 7,300 ...... 28,651 ...... 1,035,103 ...... 38. Oregon...... OR ...... L...... 768,956 ...... 1,970 ...... 10,669 ...... 781,595 ...... 39. Pennsylvania...... PA ...... L...... 7,588,387 ...... 739,144 ...... 260,715 ...... 8,588,245 ...... 40. Rhode Island...... RI ...... L...... 192,779 ...... 34,847 ...... 227,627 ...... 41. South Carolina...... SC ...... L...... 1,931,856 ...... 400 ...... 109,137 ...... 2,041,393 ...... 42. South Dakota...... SD ...... L...... 859,897 ...... 38,121 ...... 898,018 ...... 43. Tennessee...... TN ...... L...... 1,429,619 ...... 4,000 ...... 84,602 ...... 1,518,222 ...... 44. Texas...... TX ...... L...... 14,295,898 ...... 167,169 ...... 381,981 ...... 14,845,047 ...... 45. Utah...... UT ...... L...... 2,538,775 ...... 13,515 ...... 2,552,290 ...... 46. Vermont...... VT ...... L...... 499,874 ...... 24,485 ...... 524,359 ...... 47. Virginia...... VA ...... L...... 5,349,109 ...... 2,441 ...... 25,984 ...... 5,377,534 ...... 48. Washington...... WA ...... L...... 2,549,177 ...... 3,877 ...... 7,394 ...... 2,560,449 ...... 49. West Virginia...... WV ...... L...... 417,244 ...... 20,020 ...... 20,331 ...... 457,596 ...... 50. Wisconsin...... WI ...... L...... 2,039,969 ...... 5,895 ...... 82,110 ...... 2,127,974 ...... 51. Wyoming...... WY ...... L...... 299,906 ...... 45,258 ...... 345,165 ...... 52. American Samoa...... AS ...... N...... 0 ...... 53. Guam...... GU ...... N...... 1,140 ...... 1,140 ...... 54. Puerto Rico...... PR ...... L...... 51,546 ...... 51,546 ...... 55. US Virgin Islands...... VI ...... L...... 7,939 ...... 7,939 ...... 56. Northern Mariana Islands...... MP ...... N...... 0 ...... 57. Canada...... CAN ...... N...... 845 ...... 845 ...... 58. Aggregate Other Alien...... OT ..XXX...... 4,922,701 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 4,922,701 ...... 0 59. Subtotal...... XXX...... 169,893,102 ...... 1,790,164 ...... 9,450,537 ...... 0 ...... 181,133,803 ...... 0 90. Reporting entity contributions for employee benefit plans...... XXX...... 0 ...... 91. Dividends or refunds applied to purchase paid-up additions and annuities...... XXX...... 0 ...... 92. Dividends or refunds applied to shorten endowment or premium paying period...... XXX...... 0 ...... 93. Premium or annuity considerations waived under disability or other contract provisions...... XXX...... 190,737 ...... 3,331 ...... 194,068 ...... 94. Aggregate other amounts not allocable by State...... XXX...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 95. Totals (Direct Business)...... XXX...... 170,083,839 ...... 1,790,164 ...... 9,453,868 ...... 0 ...... 181,327,870 ...... 0 96. Plus Reinsurance Assumed...... XXX...... 2,612,430 ...... 2,612,430 ...... 97. Totals (All Business)...... XXX...... 172,696,269 ...... 1,790,164 ...... 9,453,868 ...... 0 ...... 183,940,301 ...... 0 98. Less Reinsurance Ceded...... XXX...... 19,683,146 ...... 1,790,164 ...... 2,529,500 ...... 24,002,810 ...... 99. Totals (All Business) less Reinsurance Ceded...... XXX...... 153,013,123 ...... 0 ...... 6,924,368 ...... 0 ...... 159,937,491 ...... 0 DETAILS OF WRITE-INS 58001. Other...... XXX...... 4,922,701 ...... 4,922,701 ...... 58002...... XXX...... 0 ...... 58003...... XXX...... 0 ...... 58998. Summary of remaining write-ins for line 58 from overflow page...... XXX...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 58999. Total (Lines 58001 thru 58003 plus 58998) (Line 58 above)...... XXX...... 4,922,701 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 4,922,701 ...... 0 9401...... XXX...... 0 ...... 9402...... XXX...... 0 ...... 9403...... XXX...... 0 ...... 9498. Summary of remaining write-ins for line 94 from overflow page...... XXX...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 9499. Total (Lines 9401 thru 9403 plus 9498) (Line 94 above)...... XXX...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 (a) Active Status Count L - Licensed or Chartered - Licensed insurance carrier or domiciled RRG...... 52 R - Registered - Non-domiciled RRGs...... 0 E - Eligible - Reporting entities eligible or approved to write surplus lines in the state ...... 0 Q - Qualified - Qualified or accredited reinsurer...... 0 N - None of the above - Not allowed to write business in the state 5

Q11 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA


Names of Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Ownership % Federal ID# NAIC Code State of Domicile AXA Assurance IARD Mutuelle AXA SA 11.26 AXA Assurance Vie Mutuelle AXA SA 2.88 AXA Assistance SA 100.00 AXA Inter Partner Assistance - Belgium 100.00 AXA France Assurance SAS 98.75 AXA Corporate Solutions Assurance - France 100.00 AXA Matrix Risk Consultants SA (France) 100.00 AXA Matrix Risk Consultants Shanghai Co.Ltd 100.00 AXA Matrix Risk Consultants India Prt Ltd 100.00 AXA Matrix Risk Consultants US Inc. 100.00 AXA Matrix Risk Consultants Brazil Ltd. 100.00 AXA Group Solutions - France 100.00 AXA Assistance Inc. USA 73.77 AXA Investment Managers 100.00

Q12 AXA Investment Managers - France 100.00 AXA Rosenberg Group LLC 100.00 AXA IM Rose Inc 100.00 22-3624513 AXA Mediterranean Holdings, S.A.U 100.00 AXA Millésimes 42.34 AXA Real Estate Investment Managers 100.00 AXA Technology Services 100.00 AXA Belgium 100.00 AXA Life Insurance Company Ltd. - Hong Kong 100.00 AXA General Ins. Hong Kong Ltd.- Hong Kong 100.00 AXA General Insurance China Ltd 100.00 AXA China - France 51.00 AXA-Mimentals Assurance Company Limited 51.00 AXA Societe Beaujon 100.00 AXA Pojistovna a.s. 100.00 AXA Zivtni Pojistonva a.s. 100.00 AXA Penzijni Fond a.s. 99.98 AXA Biztosito Zrt. 100.00 AXA Zycie Towarzystwo Ubezieczen S.A. 90.24 AXA Powszechne Towarzstwo Emerytalne S.A. 100.00 AXA Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen i Reasekuracji S.A. 100.00 AXA Life Insurance SA 99.90 AXA Business Services Private Limited 99.99 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA


Names of Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Ownership % Federal ID# NAIC Code State of Domicile Compagnie Financiere de Paris 100.00 AXA France Assurance 100.00 AXA Corporate Solutions Assurance 98.75 AA-1320012 AXA Global Life 100.00 AXA Global P&C 100.00 AXA Liabilities Managers - France 99.90 AXA Liabilities Managers - US 100.00 27-0069788 AXA DBIO GP S.à.r.l. 100.00 AXA DBIO S.C.A. 9.74 GLOBALE Ruckversicherungs-AG 100.00 GLOBAL U.S. Holdings, Inc. 100.00 13-3907460 GLOBAL Reinsurance Corporation of America 100.00 13-5009848 21032 NY GLOBAL Reinsurance Canada Holdings Inc. 100.00 GLOBAL Reinsurance Company 100.00 Colisee Re - France 99.90 AA-1320035 AXA DBIO S.C.A. 21.67 AXA Konzern AG 100.00 Q12.1 AXA Investment Managers 5.20 WinCom Versicherungs-Holding AG 100.00 DBV Deutsche Beamtenversicherung Leben AG 94.90 DBV Deutsche Beamtenversicherung AG 100.00 DBV Deutsche Lebensversicherung AG 100.00 AXA Versichenung AG 100.00 AA-1340055 AXA ART Versicherung AG - Clologne 100.00 AXA Art Holdings Inc. 100.00 Fine Art Service International Inc. 100.00 AXA Art Americas Corporation 100.00 AXA Szolgaltato Kft. 100.00 AXA India Holdings 100.00 Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company 22.22 Bharti AXA General Insurance 100.00 National Mutual International Pty Limited 100.00 AXA-AFFIN Life Insurance Berhad 49.00 AXA Financial Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 100.00 ipac financial planning Taiwan Limited 100.00 AXA Insurance Singapore Pte Ltd 100.00 AXA Asia Regional Centre Pte Ltd 100.00 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA


Names of Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Ownership % Federal ID# NAIC Code State of Domicile P.T. Asuransi AXA Indonesia 80.00 P.T. Life Indonesia 80.00 AXA Financial Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 100.00 AXA Life Europe 100.00 AXA Global Distributors (Ireland) Limited 100.00 AXA Ireland Limited 100.00 AXA mps Financial Ltd. 100.00 AXA Italia S.p.A. 98.24 AXA Assicurazioni S.p.A. 98.11 AXA Japan Holding Co., Ltd 78.67 AXA Life Insurance Co., 100.00 AXA General Insurance Co., Ltd 100.00 AXA Collection Services Co. Ltd 100.00 Nextia Life Insurance Co., Ltd 97.25 AXA Seguros, S.A. de CV 99.94 AA-2730011 Voltaire Participacoes 100.00 AXA Luxembourg SA 99.99 Q12.2 Finance Solutions ("Finso") 100.00 Matignon Finance S.A. 100.00 AXA-AFFIN General Insurance Berhad 42.40 Philippine AXA Life Insurance Corporation 45.00 AXA Middle East SAL Lebanon 49.00 AXA Holding SAL 100.00 AXA Gulf Holding W.L.L. 95.00 AXA Holding Maroc 100.00 AXA Assurance Maroc 100.00 Seguro Directo Gere Compania de Seguros SA 100.00 AXA Portugal Companhia de Seguros SA 83.02 AXA Portugal Companhia de Seguros Vida SA 87.63 AXA Services s.r.o. 100.00 EX-SR a.s. v likvdacii 100.00 AXA d.s.s., a.s. 100.00 AXA d.d.s., a.s. 100.00 AXA General Insurance 94.13 AXA Mediterraenan Holding, S.A.U 100.00 Hilo Direct, Seguros y Reaseguros S.A. 99.99 AXA MEDLA IT & Local Support Services, S.A. 100.00 AXA Regional Services, S.A. 100.00 AXA Seguros Generales, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros 99.89 AXA Pensiones, S.A. E.G.F.P. 100.00 AXA Tigris, S.A. 100.00 AXA Vida, Seguros y Reaseguros 99.80 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA


Names of Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Ownership % Federal ID# NAIC Code State of Domicile AXA Senegal 51.53 AXA Cote d'Ivoire 78.64 AXA Cameroun © 99.90 AXA Gabon 86.49 AXA Versicherungen AG 100.00 AXA Leben AG 100.00 Rechtsschutz AG 66.67 AXA Insurance Public Co. Ltd 24.99 ASM Holdings Limited 48.80 Krungthai-AXA Life Insurance Company Limited 25.00 AXA Hayat ve Emeklilik A.S. 100.00 AXA Sigorta A.S. 72.55 AXA Insurance 50.29 AXA Ukraine 50.00 AXA Global Risks (Uk) Limited 100.00 Hordel FV 100.00 AXA Equity & Law Plc 99.90 Q12.3 AXA UK PLC 46.90 AXA UK PLC 53.10 Bluefin Group Limited 100.00 GBI Holdings Limited 100.00 Guardian Royal Exchange PLC 100.00 Architas Advisory Services Limited 100.00 Architas Multi-Manager Limited 100.00 AXA Sun Direct Limited 100.00 Montgomery Tower Member LLC 100.00 82-2532068 UCC Chicago Acquisition Partner LLC 100.00 82-1763412 Broad Vista Partners, LLC 30.00 81-3019204 AXA US Holdings, Inc. 100.00 82-3179759 DE Maestro Health, Inc 100.00 DE AXA America Corporate Solutions, Inc. 100.00 36-3044045 DE Coliseum Reinsurance Company 100.00 36-2994662 36552 DE AXA Delaware LLC 100.00 13-4177328 DE AXA Insurance Company 100.00 13-3594502 33022 NY Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA


Names of Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Ownership % Federal ID# NAIC Code State of Domicile AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc 48.30 90-0226248 Alpha Units Holdings, Inc. 100.00 83-2796390 DE AllianceBernstein LP 29.15 13-4064930 AllianceBernstein Corporation 100.00 13-3633538 AXA-IM Holding U.S. INC 100.00 68-0461436 DE AllianceBernstein LP 15.54 13-4064930 AXA Technology Services America Inc. 100.00 30-0011728 AXA Corporate Solutions Life Reinsurance Company 100.00 04-2729166 68365 DE CS Life Re Company 100.00 46-5697182 15502 AZ 787 Holdings, LLC 100.00 27-0294443 1285 Holdings, LLC 100.00 46-1106388 AllianceBernstein LP 19.92 13-4064930 AXA Strategic Ventures US, LLC 100.00 47-2605009 AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC 100.00 52-2197822 AXA Distribution Holding Corporation 100.00 13-4078005 AXA Advisors, LLC 100.00 13-4071393 AXA Network, LLC 100.00 06-1555494

Q12.4 PlanConnect, LLC 100.00 27-1540220 EQ AZ Life Re Company 100.00 82-3971925 16234 AZ AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company 100.00 13-5570651 62944 NY AXA Equitable Funds Management Group, LLC 100.00 27-5373651 EVSA, Inc 100.00 23-2671508 Broad Vista Partners, LLC 70.00 81-3019204 Long Creek Club Partners, LLC 100.00 81-4093983 200 East 87th Street Company, LLC 100.00 86-3691523 Equitable Holdings, LLC 100.00 22-2766036 Equitable Casualty Insurance Company 100.00 06-1166226 10589 VT AXA Distributors, LLC 100.00 52-2233674 JMR Reality services, Inc 100.00 13-3813232 Equitable Structured Settlement Corp. 100.00 22-3492811 DE ACMC, LLC. 100.00 13-2677213 AXA Equitable Life and Annuity Company 100.00 13-3198083 62880 CO MONY Life Insurance Company of America 100.00 86-0222062 78077 AZ AllianceBernstein LP 0.95 13-4064930 DE U.S. Financial Life Insurance Company 100.00 38-2046096 84530 OH MONY International Holdings, LLC 100.00 13-3790446 MONY Life Insurance Company of the Americas, Ltd. 100.00 98-0152046 MONY Financial Services, Inc 100.00 11-3722370 Financial Marketing Agency, Inc. 100.00 31-1465146 1740 Advisors, Inc. 100.00 13-2645490 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA


Names of Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Ownership % Federal ID# NAIC Code State of Domicile XL Group Ltd 0.95 98-1304974 Bermuda XLIT Ltd. 100.00 98-0191089 Cayman EXEL Holdings Limited 100.00 Cayman X.L. Property Holdings Limited 100.00 Bermuda XL Bermuda Ltd. 100.00 98-0351953 Bermuda Mid Ocean Holdings Ltd. 100.00 Bermuda XL London Market Group Ltd 100.00 UK Dornoch Limited 100.00 UK XL London Market Ltd 100.00 UK ECS Reinsurance Company Inc. 100.00 Barbados Blitz 17-762 SE 100.00 Ireland Blitz 17-763 SE 100.00 Ireland Fundamental Insurance Investments Ltd. 100.00 98-0674455 Bermuda Citystate Capital Asia Pte. Ltd. 16.10 GeoVera Investment Group, Ltd. 9.90 XL Underwriting Managers Ltd. 100.00 Bermuda New Ocean Capital Management Limited 57.50 Bermuda Q12.5 NOCM Services LLC 100.00 Delaware New Ocean Market Value Cat Fund Ltd.*** 92.00 Bermuda New Ocean Focus Cat Fund Ltd.*** 40.00 Bermuda Vector Reinsurance Ltd.*** 70.00 Bermuda Inclusion Resources, Private Ltd. 100.00 Singapore Mahindra Insurance Brokers Ltd. 20.00 India Salamanca Risk Management Limited 48.60 UK St. Johns Financial Holding Company, Inc. 9.90 US (Delaware) START SP. Z O.O. 38.30 Poland XL Re Europe SE 100.00 30-0479679 Ireland XL (Brazil) Holdings Ltda 100.00 Brazil XL Services (Bermuda) Ltd 100.00 Bermuda XL Life Ltd 100.00 98-0228561 Bermuda Reeve Court General Partner Limited 100.00 Bermuda Reeve Court 4 Limited Partnership 100.00 Bermuda Reeve Court 6 Limited Partnership 100.00 Bermuda XL Gracechurch Limited 100.00 UK XL Insurance (UK) Holdings Limited 100.00 UK XL Insurance Argentina S.A. Compañia de Seguros 90.00 Argentina XL Insurance Company SE 100.00 30-0479685 UK XL Insurance (China) Company Ltd 49.00 China XL Insurance Argentina S.A. Compañia de Seguros 10.00 Argentina XL Seguros Brasil S.A. 100.00 Brazil XL Catlin Services SE 100.00 UK Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA


Names of Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Ownership % Federal ID# NAIC Code State of Domicile XL Value Offshore LLC 35.00 98-1339816 Bermuda Input Capital Corp. 9.08 Canada XL Financial Holdings (Ireland) Limited 100.00 Ireland XL Finance (Ireland) Limited 100.00 Ireland XL Services Canada Ltd. 100.00 BN 103814471RC0001 Canada X.L. America, Inc.* 100.00 06-1516268 US (Delaware) XL Financial Solutions, Inc.**** 100.00 26-0076011 US (Delaware) XL Innovate Partners, LP ***** 93.39 32-0463280 US (Delaware) XL Innovate Fund, LP 94.80 47-3653857 US (Delaware) Climassure, Inc. 100.00 81-3915739 US (Delaware) New Energy Risk, Inc. 85.00 27-3169978 US (Delaware) Complex Risk and Insurance Associates, LLC 100.00 47-1070591 US (Delaware) Slice Labs, Inc. 10.68 Canada Lemonade, Inc. 5.48 US (Delaware) Embroker, Inc. 1.58 US (Delaware) Loop Labs, Inc. 15.13 US (Delaware) Cape Analytics, Inc. 13.46 US (Delaware) Q12.6 Stonestep AG 25.00 Zug Switzerland GeoQuant, Inc. 10.53 US (Delaware) Pillar Technologies, Inc. 21.62 US (Delaware) Zendrive, Inc. 10.29 Windward Ltd. 8.22 Friday Harbor, LLC 48.00 Centauri Specialty Insurance Holdings, Inc. 42.20 Ventus Risk Management, Inc. 6.30 US (Delaware) International Reinsurance Managers, LLC 25.00 US (Florida) GPC-INS Partners, LP ****** 99.90 US (Delaware) Catlin, LLC 100.00 72-1458300 US (Delaware) Catlin Insurance Services, Inc. 100.00 72-1312068 US (Louisiana) Catlin Specialty Insurance Company 100.00 71-6053839 15989 US (Delaware) Catlin Indemnity Company 100.00 52-0249520 24503 US (Delaware) Catlin Insurance Company, Inc. 100.00 20-4929941 19518 US (Texas) Catlin Underwriting Inc. 100.00 94-3094358 US (Delaware) XLA Garrison L.P. 100.00 43-1956637 US (Delaware) Highfield Associates LLC 20.00 Ada Fund GP, LLC 15.00 US (Delaware) Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA


Names of Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Ownership % Federal ID# NAIC Code State of Domicile XL Reinsurance America Inc. 100.00 13-1290712 20583 US (New York) XL Insurance (China) Company Ltd 51.00 China XL Value Onshore LLC 100.00 06-1609624 US (Delaware) Catlin CCC Holdings LLC 100.00 47-2299432 US (Delaware) SMTC Guarantor LLC 100.00 US (Delaware) SMTC Acquisition LLC******** 92.67 US (Delaware) Greenwich Insurance Company 100.00 95-1479095 22322 US (Delaware) Global Asset Protection Services, LLC 100.00 01-0575742 US (Connecticut) Global Asset Protection Services Company Limited 100.00 Japan Boiler & Property Consulting, LLC 25.00 US (Delaware) Global Asset Protection Services Consultancy (Beijing) Compa 100.00 China XL Insurance America, Inc. 100.00 75-6017952 24554 US (Delaware) XL Select Insurance Company 100.00 75-1221488 19607 US (Delaware) XL Insurance Company of New York, Inc. 100.00 13-3787296 40193 US (New York) XL Group Investments LLC 100.00 22-3834549 US (Delaware) XL Group Investments Ltd 100.00 98-0685604 Bermuda XL Specialty Insurance Company 100.00 85-0277191 37885 US (Delaware) Q12.7 Indian Harbor Insurance Company 100.00 06-1346380 36940 US (Delaware) CS&B Parent Holdings, LLC 11.29 US (Delaware) Global Ag Insurance Services, LLC 100.00 45-2729407 US (California) Allied International Holdings, Inc. 100.00 59-2492808 US (Florida) Short Term Special Events, Inc. 100.00 59-3107831 US (Florida) T.H.E. Insurance Company 100.00 04-2451053 12866 US (Louisiana) Allied Specialty Insurance, Inc. 100.00 59-2301981 US (Florida) Allied Specialty Insurance Agency of Canada Ltd. 100.00 Canada XL Global, Inc. 100.00 06-1609624 US (Delaware) XL Innovate, LLC 100.00 47-3521363 US (Delaware) Oak Circle Capital Partners LLC 34.58 US (Delaware) HighVista Strategies LLC ******* 100.00 US (Delaware) Highfields Capital Management LP 20.00 US (Delaware) Vidrio Financial Ltd 36.10 Bermuda X.L. Global Services, Inc. 100.00 06-1527321 US (Delaware) Eagleview Insurance Brokerage Services, LLC 100.00 20-1208461 US (Delaware) XL Life and Annuity Holding Company 100.00 22-3844763 US (Delaware) XL Investments Ltd 100.00 98-0424162 Bermuda XL Capital Products Ltd 100.00 Bermuda Angel Risk Management Limited 100.00 UK XL Insurance Guernsey Limited 100.00 Guernsey Garrison Investments Inc.** 100.00 98-0405202 Barbados Greenoaks Global Holdings Ltd. 6.66 England/Wales Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA


Names of Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Ownership % Federal ID# NAIC Code State of Domicile XL (WESTERN EUROPE) S.a.r.l. 100.00 Luxembourg XL Swiss Holdings Ltd 100.00 Switzerland XL Re Latin America Argentina SA 20.00 Argentina XL Insurance Switzerland Ltd 100.00 30-0479676 Switzerland XL Services Switzerland Ltd 100.00 Switzerland XL India Business Services Private Limited 100.00 India XL Seguros Mexico SA de CV 100.00 XIM040220119 Mexico Green Holdings Limited 100.00 98-1218274 Bermuda Catlin Managers Ltd. 100.00 Bermuda New Ocean Opportunities Fund Ltd. 100.00 Bermuda Hubble Re Ltd. 100.00 Bermuda Catlin Insurance Company Ltd. 100.00 98-0407572 Bermuda XL Catlin Middle East 100.00 Dubai Catlin Treasury Guernsey Limited 100.00 Guernsey Catlin Labuan Limited 100.00 Malaysia Catlin Singapore Pte Ltd. 100.00 Singapore Catlin Finance (UK) Ltd. 100.00 UK Q12.8 Catlin USD Holdings Ltd. 100.00 98-109-3811 Bermuda Catlin Insurance Company (UK) Holdings Ltd. 100.00 UK Blue Marble Micro Limited 11.10 UK XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited 100.00 98-0455349 UK Catlin Treasury Luxembourg S.a r.l. 100.00 Luxembourg Catlin Insurance Company (UK) Ltd - Escritorio de Representacao no 100.00 Brazil Catlin US Investment Holdings LLC 45.00 46-3791467 US (Delaware) Hampden & Co plc 15.60 Scotland Catlin Luxembourg S.a r.l. 100.00 Luxembourg Catlin Re Switzerland Ltd/Catlin Re Schweiz AG 100.00 98-0683316 Switzerland Seaview Re Holdings Inc. 100.00 83-3007374 Bermuda Seaview Re Ltd 100.00 98-1464607 Bermuda XL Latin America Investments Ltd 100.00 Bermuda XL Resseguros Brasil S.A. 100.00 Brazil XL Re Latin America Argentina SA 80.00 Argentina Catlin Re Switzerland Ltd Escritório de Representação no Brasil Ltda 100.00 Brazil Westaim HIIG Limited Partnership, Ontario (Canada) 13.11 Canada Catlin US Investment Holdings LLC 40.00 46-3791467 US (Delaware) Worley Claims Services. LLC 13.68 UK XL Value Offshore LLC 25.00 98-1339816 Bermuda Input Capital Corp. 9.08 Canada Catlin (WUPLC) Holdings Limited 100.00 Bermuda Catlin Underwriting 99.90 UK Catlin (CHUKL) Holdings Limited 100.00 Bermuda Catlin Underwriting 0.10 UK Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA


Names of Parent, Subsidiaries or Affiliates Ownership % Federal ID# NAIC Code State of Domicile Catlin (North American) Holdings Ltd. 100.00 UK Catlin Investment Holdings (Jersey) Limited 100.00 Jersey Catlin Investment (UK) Limited 100.00 UK Catlin (PUL) Limited 100.00 UK Catlin (One) Limited 100.00 UK Catlin Underwriting (UK) Limited DORMANT 100.00 UK Catlin Risk Solutions Limited 100.00 UK Catlin Underwriting Services Limited 100.00 UK Catlin (Wellington) Underwriting Agencies Limited 100.00 UK Catlin Syndicate Limited 100.00 UK Catlin Holdings (UK) Limited 100.00 UK Catlin Holdings Limited 100.00 UK Catlin Canada Inc. 100.00 Canada XL Catlin Japan KK 100.00 Japan Catlin Underwriting Agencies Limited 100.00 98-0242114 UK Catlin US Investment Holdings LLC 15.00 46-3791467 US (Delaware) Worley Claims Services, LLC 13.68 US (Louisiana) Q12.9 Z Capital N-2L, L.L.C. 100.00 US (Delaware) Russian Reinsurance Company OJSC 22.50 Russia Z Capital CUAL CO INVEST., L.L.C. 100.00 US (Delaware) Z Capital HG-C, L.L.C. 100.00 US (Delaware) CUA-CVIII Holdings LLC 100.00 90-1032236 US (Delaware) C-1001 State Co-Investor, LLC 100.00 US (Delaware) 1001 South State Street Holdings Ve 28.42 US (Delaware) C-140W Co-Investor LLC 100.00 US (Delaware) 140 W. Street (NY) Holdings, LLC 6.38 US (Delaware) XL Value Offshore LLC 40.00 98-1339816 Bermuda Catlin Guernsey Limited 100.00 Guernsey Catlin Australia Pty Limited 100.00 Australia Catlin (BB) Limited 100.00 UK Catlin Hong Kong Limited 100.00 Hong Kong Catlin Angel Strategic Holdings Limited 100.00 UK Catlin Syndicate 6112 Limited (UK) 100.00 UK Catlin Syndicate 6121 Limited 100.00 UK (*) - General Parter of XLA Garrison L.P. (**) - Limited Partner of XLA Garrison L.P. (***) - Preferred Share Ownership (****) - General Partner of XL Innovate Partners, LP and Limited Partner of XL Innovate Fund, LP (*****) - General Partner of XL Innovate Fund, LP (******) - XL Financial Solutions, Inc. is the Sole Limited Partner of GPC-INS Partners, LP (*******) - XL Global, Inc. owns a minority share in HighVista Strategies LLC. (********) -SMTC Guarantor LLC owns 92.67% of SMTC Aquisiton LLC (the remaining 7.33% is NOT owned by XL Catlin) Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE Y PART 1A - DETAIL OF INSURANCE HOLDING COMPANY SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of Type of Securities Control Exchange (Ownership Is an if Publicly Board, If Control is SCA NAIC Traded Names of Relationship Management, Ownership Filing Group Group Company ID Federal (U.S. or Parent, Subsidiaries Domiciliary to Reporting Directly Controlled by Attorney-in-Fact, Provide Ultimate Controlling Required? Code Name Code Number RSSD CIK International) or Affiliates Location Entity (Name of Entity/Person) Influence, Other) Percentage Entity(ies)/Person(s) (Y/N) * Members Paris Stock 0968 AXA...... 00000... 00-0000000...... 898427 ...... 898427 Exchange AXA SA...... FRA...... UIP...... AXA Assurance IARD Mutuelle...... OWNERSHIP...... 11.260 ...... N...... 0968 ...... 00000...... AXA SA...... FRA...... UIP...... AXA Assurance Vie Mutuelle...... OWNERSHIP...... 2.880 ...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Assistance SA...... FRA...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Inter Partner Assistance - Belgium...... BEL...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA France Assurance SAS...... FRA...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Corporate Solutions Assurance - France... FRA...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 98.750 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Matrix Risk Consultants SA (France)...... FRA...... NIA...... AXA Corporate Solutions Assurance - Fr...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Matrix Risk Consultants Shanghai Co.Ltd.. CHN...... NIA...... AXA Matrix Risk Consultants SA (France)...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Matrix Risk Consultants India Prt Ltd...... IND...... NIA...... AXA Matrix Risk Consultants SA (France)...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Matrix Risk Consultants US Inc...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Matrix Risk Consultants SA (France)...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Matrix Risk Consultants Brazil Ltd...... BRA...... NIA...... AXA Matrix Risk Consultants SA (France)...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N......

Q 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Group Solutions - France...... FRA...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N......

1 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Assistance Inc. USA...... USA...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 3 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Investment Managers...... FRA...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 73.770 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Investment Managers - France...... FRA...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Investment Managers Holdings US...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Investment Managers - France...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Rosenberg Group LLC...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Investment Managers...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 22-3624513...... 1459848 ....1459848 ...... AXA IM Rose Inc...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Investment Managers...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Mediterranean Holdings, S.A.U...... ESP...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Millésimes...... PRT...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 42.340 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Real Estate Investment Managers...... FRA...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Technology Services...... FRA...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Belgium...... BEL...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N......

0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Life Insurance Company Ltd. - Hong Kong CHN...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA General Ins. Hong Kong Ltd.- Hong Kong. CHN...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA General Insurance China Ltd...... CHN...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA China - France...... FRA...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 51.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA-Mimentals Assurance Company Limited.... CHN...... IA...... AXA China - France...... OWNERSHIP...... 51.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Societe Beaujon...... FRA...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Pojistovna a.s...... CZE...... IA...... AXA Societe Beaujon...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Zivtni Pojistonva a.s...... CZE...... IA...... AXA Societe Beaujon...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Penzijni Fond a.s...... CZE...... IA...... AXA Societe Beaujon...... OWNERSHIP...... 99.980 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Biztosito Zrt...... HUN...... IA...... AXA Societe Beaujon...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Zycie Towarzystwo Ubezieczen S.A...... POL...... IA...... AXA Societe Beaujon...... OWNERSHIP...... 90.240 AXA SA...... N...... Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE Y PART 1A - DETAIL OF INSURANCE HOLDING COMPANY SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of Type of Securities Control Exchange (Ownership Is an if Publicly Board, If Control is SCA NAIC Traded Names of Relationship Management, Ownership Filing Group Group Company ID Federal (U.S. or Parent, Subsidiaries Domiciliary to Reporting Directly Controlled by Attorney-in-Fact, Provide Ultimate Controlling Required? Code Name Code Number RSSD CIK International) or Affiliates Location Entity (Name of Entity/Person) Influence, Other) Percentage Entity(ies)/Person(s) (Y/N) *

0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Powszechne Towarzstwo Emerytalne S.A. POL...... IA...... AXA Societe Beaujon...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... AXA Towarzystwo Ubezpieczen i Reasekuracji 0000 ...... 00000...... S.A. POL...... IA...... AXA Societe Beaujon...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Life Insurance SA...... ROU...... IA...... AXA Societe Beaujon...... OWNERSHIP...... 99.900 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Business Services Private Limited...... IND...... NIA...... AXA Societe Beaujon...... OWNERSHIP...... 99.990 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Compagnie Financiere de Paris...... FRA...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA France Assurance...... FRA...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... AA-1320012...... AXA Corporate Solutions Assurance...... FRA...... IA...... AXA France Assurance...... OWNERSHIP...... 98.750 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Global Life...... FRA...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Global P&C...... FRA...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Liabilities Managers- France...... FRA...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 99.900 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 27-0069788...... AXA Liabilities Managers-US...... USA...... IA...... AXA Liabilities Managers- France...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Q

1 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA DBIO GP S.à.r.l...... LUX...... IA...... AXA Liabilities Managers- France...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N......

3 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA DBIO S.C.A...... LUX...... IA...... AXA DBIO GP S.à.r.l...... OWNERSHIP...... 9.740 AXA SA...... N...... 1 0000 ...... 00000...... GLOBALE Ruckversicherungs-AG...... CHE...... IA...... AXA DBIO S.C.A...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 13-3907460...... GLOBAL U.S. Holdings, Inc...... USA...... NIA...... AXA DBIO S.C.A...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0968 ...... 21032... 13-5009848...... GLOBAL Reinsurance Corporation of America.. USA...... IA...... GLOBAL U.S. Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... GLOBAL Reinsurance Canada Holdings Inc..... CAN...... NIA...... AXA DBIO S.C.A...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... GLOBAL Reinsurance Company...... CAN...... IA...... GLOBAL Reinsurance Canada Holdings Inc... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... AA-1320035...... Colisee Re - France...... FRA...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 99.900 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA DBIO S.C.A...... LUX...... NIA...... Colisee Re - France...... OWNERSHIP...... 21.670 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Konzern AG...... DEU...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Investment Managers...... FRA...... NIA...... AXA Konzern AG...... OWNERSHIP...... 5.200 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... WinCom Versicherungs-Holding AG...... DEU...... NIA...... AXA Konzern AG...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N......

0000 ...... 00000...... DBV Deutsche Beamtenversicherung Leben AG DEU...... IA...... WinCom Versicherungs-Holding AG...... OWNERSHIP...... 94.900 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... DBV Deutsche Beamtenversicherung AG...... DEU...... IA...... WinCom Versicherungs-Holding AG...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... DBV Deutsche Lebensversicherung AG...... DEU...... IA...... WinCom Versicherungs-Holding AG...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... AA-1340055...... AXA Versicherung AG...... DEU...... IA...... AXA Konzern AG...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA ART Versicherung AG - Clologne...... DEU...... IA...... AXA Konzern AG...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Art Holdings Inc...... USA...... NIA...... AXA ART Versicherung AG - Clologne...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Fine Art Service International Inc...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Art Holdings Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Art Americas Corporation...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Art Holdings Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Szolgaltato Kft...... HUN...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA India Holdings...... IND...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE Y PART 1A - DETAIL OF INSURANCE HOLDING COMPANY SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of Type of Securities Control Exchange (Ownership Is an if Publicly Board, If Control is SCA NAIC Traded Names of Relationship Management, Ownership Filing Group Group Company ID Federal (U.S. or Parent, Subsidiaries Domiciliary to Reporting Directly Controlled by Attorney-in-Fact, Provide Ultimate Controlling Required? Code Name Code Number RSSD CIK International) or Affiliates Location Entity (Name of Entity/Person) Influence, Other) Percentage Entity(ies)/Person(s) (Y/N) * 0000 ...... 00000...... Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company...... IND...... IA...... AXA India Holdings...... OWNERSHIP...... 22.220 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Bharti AXA General Insurance...... IND...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... National Mutual International Pty Limited...... AUS...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA-AFFIN Life Insurance Berhad...... MYS...... IA...... National Mutual International Pty Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 49.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Financial Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd...... SGP...... NIA...... National Mutual International Pty Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... ipac financial planning Taiwan Limited...... TWN...... NIA...... National Mutual International Pty Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Insurance Singapore Pte Ltd...... SGP...... IA...... National Mutual International Pty Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Asia Regional Centre Pte Ltd...... SGP...... IA...... National Mutual International Pty Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... P.T. Asuransi AXA Indonesia...... IDN...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 80.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... P.T. Life Indonesia...... IDN...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 80.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Financial Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd...... SGP...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Life Europe...... IRL...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Global Distributors (Ireland) Limited...... IRL...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Q

1 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Ireland Limited...... IRL...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 3

. 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA mps Financial Ltd...... IRL...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 2 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Italia S.p.A...... ITA...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 98.240 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Assicurazioni S.p.A...... ITA...... IA...... AXA Italia S.p.A...... OWNERSHIP...... 98.110 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Japan Holding Co., Ltd...... JPN...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 78.670 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Life Insurance Co.,...... JPN...... IA...... AXA Japan Holding Co., Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA General Insurance Co., Ltd...... JPN...... IA...... AXA Japan Holding Co., Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Collection Services Co. Ltd...... JPN...... IA...... AXA Japan Holding Co., Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Nextia Life Insurance Co., Ltd...... JPN...... IA...... AXA Japan Holding Co., Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 97.250 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... AA-2730011...... AXA Seguros, S.A. de CV...... MEX...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 99.940 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Voltaire Participacoes...... BRA...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Luxembourg SA...... LUX...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 99.990 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Finance Solutions ("Finso")...... LUX...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Matignon Finance S.A...... LUX...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA-AFFIN General Insurance Berhad...... MYS...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 42.400 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Philippine AXA Life Insurance Corporation...... MYS...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 45.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Middle East SAL Lebanon...... LBN...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 49.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Holding SAL...... LBN...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Gulf Holding W.L.L...... BHR...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 95.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Holding Maroc...... MAR...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Assurance Maroc...... MAR...... IA...... AXA Holding Maroc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Seguro Directo Gere Compania de Seguros SA PRT...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Portugal Companhia de Seguros SA...... PRT...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 83.020 AXA SA...... N...... Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE Y PART 1A - DETAIL OF INSURANCE HOLDING COMPANY SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of Type of Securities Control Exchange (Ownership Is an if Publicly Board, If Control is SCA NAIC Traded Names of Relationship Management, Ownership Filing Group Group Company ID Federal (U.S. or Parent, Subsidiaries Domiciliary to Reporting Directly Controlled by Attorney-in-Fact, Provide Ultimate Controlling Required? Code Name Code Number RSSD CIK International) or Affiliates Location Entity (Name of Entity/Person) Influence, Other) Percentage Entity(ies)/Person(s) (Y/N) * 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Portugal Companhia de Seguros Vida SA PRT...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 87.630 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Services s.r.o...... SVK...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... EX-SR a.s. v likvdacii...... SVK...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA d.s.s., a.s...... SVK...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA d.d.s., a.s...... SVK...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA General Insurance...... KOR...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 94.130 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Mediterraenan Holding, S.A.U...... ESP...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Hilo Direct, Seguros y Reaseguros S.A...... ESP...... IA...... AXA Mediterraenan Holding, S.A.U...... OWNERSHIP...... 99.990 AXA SA...... N......

0000 ...... 00000...... AXA MEDLA IT & Local Support Services, S.A. ESP...... NIA...... AXA Mediterraenan Holding, S.A.U...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Regional Services, S.A...... ESP...... NIA...... AXA Mediterraenan Holding, S.A.U...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... AXA Seguros Generales, S.A. de Seguros y 0000 ...... 00000...... Reaseguros ESP...... IA...... AXA Mediterraenan Holding, S.A.U...... OWNERSHIP...... 99.890 AXA SA...... N...... Q

1 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Pensiones, S.A. E.G.F.P...... ESP...... IA...... AXA Mediterraenan Holding, S.A.U...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N......

3 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Tigris, S.A...... ESP...... IA...... AXA Mediterraenan Holding, S.A.U...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 3 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Vida, Seguros y Reaseguros...... ESP...... IA...... AXA Mediterraenan Holding, S.A.U...... OWNERSHIP...... 99.800 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Senegal...... SEN...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 51.530 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Cote d'Ivoire...... CIV...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 78.640 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Cameroun ©...... CMR...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 99.900 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Gabon...... GAB...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 86.490 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Versicherungen AG...... CHE...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Leben AG...... CHE...... IA...... AXA Versicherungen AG...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Rechtsschutz AG...... CHE...... IA...... AXA Versicherungen AG...... OWNERSHIP...... 66.670 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Insurance Public Co. Ltd...... THA...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 24.990 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... ASM Holdings Limited...... THA...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 48.800 AXA SA...... N......

0000 ...... 00000...... Krungthai-AXA Life Insurance Company Limited THA...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 25.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Hayat ve Emeklilik A.S...... TUR...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Sigorta A.S...... TUR...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 72.550 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Insurance...... UKR...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 50.290 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Ukraine...... UKR...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 50.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Global Risks (Uk) Limited...... GBR...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Hordel FV...... GBR...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Equity & Law Plc...... GBR...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 99.900 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA UK PLC...... GBR...... IA...... AXA Equity & Law Plc...... OWNERSHIP...... 46.900 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA UK PLC...... GBR...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 53.100 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Bluefin Group Limited...... GBR...... IA...... AXA UK PLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE Y PART 1A - DETAIL OF INSURANCE HOLDING COMPANY SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of Type of Securities Control Exchange (Ownership Is an if Publicly Board, If Control is SCA NAIC Traded Names of Relationship Management, Ownership Filing Group Group Company ID Federal (U.S. or Parent, Subsidiaries Domiciliary to Reporting Directly Controlled by Attorney-in-Fact, Provide Ultimate Controlling Required? Code Name Code Number RSSD CIK International) or Affiliates Location Entity (Name of Entity/Person) Influence, Other) Percentage Entity(ies)/Person(s) (Y/N) * 0000 ...... 00000...... GBI Holdings Limited...... GBR...... IA...... AXA UK PLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Guardian Royal Exchange PLC...... GBR...... NIA...... AXA UK PLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Architas Advisory Services Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... AXA UK PLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Architas Multi-Manager Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... AXA UK PLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... AXA Sun Direct Limited...... GBR...... IA...... AXA UK PLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 81-3019204...... Broad Vista Partners, LLC...... USA...... IA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 30.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 82-2532068...... Montgomery Tower Member LLC...... USA...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 82-1763412...... UCC Chicago Acquisition Partner LLC...... USA...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 82-3179759...... AXA US Holdings, Inc...... USA...... NIA...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 36-3044045...... 1456276 ...... AXA America Corporate Solutions, Inc...... USA...... NIA...... AXA US Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Maestro Heath Inc...... USA...... NIA...... AXA US Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0968 ...... 36552... 36-2994662...... 1456280 ...... Coliseum Reinsurance Company...... USA...... IA...... AXA America Corporate Solutions, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 13-4177328...... AXA Delaware LLC...... USA...... NIA...... Coliseum Reinsurance Company...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Q

1 0968 ...... 33022... 13-3594502...... AXA Insurance Company...... USA...... IA...... AXA Delaware LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 3 . 4 New York Stock 0000 ...... 00000... 90-0226248...... 1333986 Exchange AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc...... USA...... UIP...... AXA...... OWNERSHIP...... 48.300 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 83-2796390...... Alpha Units Holdings, Inc...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 13-4064930...... 1109448 ...... AllianceBernstein LP...... USA...... NIA...... Alpha Units Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 29.150 AXA SA...... Y...... 0000 ...... 00000... 13-3633538...... AllianceBernstein Corporation...... USA...... NIA...... Alpha Units Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 68-0461436...... AXA-IM Holding U.S. Inc...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 13-4064930...... 1109448 ...... AllianceBernstein LP...... USA...... NIA...... AXA-IM Holding U.S. Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 15.540 AXA SA...... Y...... 0000 ...... 00000... 30-0011728...... AXA Technology Services America Inc...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... AXA Corporate Solutions Life Reinsurance 0968 ...... 68365... 04-2729166...... Company USA...... IA...... AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... AXA Corporate Solutions Life Reinsurance 0968 ...... 15502... 46-5697182...... CS Life Re Company...... USA...... IA...... Company OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 27-0294443...... 787 Holdings, LLC...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 46-1106388...... 1285 Holdings, LLC...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 13-4064930...... 1109448 ...... AllianceBernstein LP...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 19.920 AXA SA...... Y...... 0000 ...... 00000... 47-2605009...... AXA Strategic Ventures US, LLC...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 52-2197822...... 1257148 ...... AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC...... USA...... UDP...... AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 13-4078005...... AXA Distribution Holding Corporation...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 13-4071393...... 33179 ...... AXA Advisors, LLC...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Distribution Holding Corporation...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 06-1555494...... 1292309 ...... AXA Network, LLC...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Distribution Holding Corporation...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 27-1540220...... PlanConnect, LLC...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Distribution Holding Corporation...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE Y PART 1A - DETAIL OF INSURANCE HOLDING COMPANY SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of Type of Securities Control Exchange (Ownership Is an if Publicly Board, If Control is SCA NAIC Traded Names of Relationship Management, Ownership Filing Group Group Company ID Federal (U.S. or Parent, Subsidiaries Domiciliary to Reporting Directly Controlled by Attorney-in-Fact, Provide Ultimate Controlling Required? Code Name Code Number RSSD CIK International) or Affiliates Location Entity (Name of Entity/Person) Influence, Other) Percentage Entity(ies)/Person(s) (Y/N) * 0968 ...... 14355... 14-1903564...... 1450152 ...... AXA RE Arizona Company...... USA...... IA...... AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0968 ...... 16234... 82-3971925...... EQ AZ Life Re...... USA...... IA...... AXA RE Arizona Company...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0968 ...... 62944... 13-5570651...... 727920 ...... AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company...... USA...... RE...... AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N......

0000 ...... 00000... 27-5373651...... AXA Equitable Funds Management Group, LLC USA...... DS...... AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 23-2671508...... EVSA, Inc...... USA...... DS...... AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 81-3019204...... Broad Vista Partners, LLC...... USA...... DS...... AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company...... OWNERSHIP...... 70.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 81-4093983...... Long Creek Club Partners, LLC...... USA...... DS...... AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 86-3691523...... 200 East 87th Street Company, LLC...... USA...... DS...... AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 ...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 22-2766036...... 1257149 ...... Equitable Holdings, LLC...... USA...... DS...... AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0968 ...... 10589... 06-1166226...... Equitable Casualty Insurance Company...... USA...... DS...... Equitable Holdings, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 52-2233674...... 858875 ...... AXA Distributors, LLC...... USA...... DS...... Equitable Holdings, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 13-3813232...... JMR Reality services, Inc...... USA...... DS...... Equitable Holdings, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Q

1 0000 ...... 00000... 22-3492811...... Equitable Structured Settlement Corp...... USA...... DS...... Equitable Holdings, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 3 0000 ...... 00000... 13-2677213...... 3798 ...... ACMC, LLC...... USA...... DS...... AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 5 0968 ...... 62880... 13-3198083...... 1342913 ...... AXA Equitable Life and Annuity Company...... USA...... IA...... AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0968 ...... 78077... 86-0222062...... 835357 ...... MONY Life Insurance Company of America...... USA...... IA...... AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 13-4064930...... 1109448 ...... AllianceBernstein LP...... USA...... NIA...... MONY Life Insurance Company of America.... OWNERSHIP...... 0.950 AXA SA...... Y...... 0968 ...... 84530... 38-2046096...... U.S. Financial Life Insurance Company...... USA...... IA...... AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 13-3790446...... MONY International Holdings, LLC...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... MONY Life Insurance Company of the 0000 ...... 00000... 98-0152046...... Americas, Ltd. USA...... IA...... MONY International Holdings, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 11-3722370...... MONY Financial Services, Inc...... USA...... NIA...... AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 31-1465146...... Financial Marketing Agency, Inc...... USA...... NIA...... MONY Financial Services, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 13-2645490...... 1740 Advisors, Inc...... USA...... NIA...... MONY Financial Services, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 98-1304974...... XL Group Ltd...... BMU...... UIP...... AXA SA...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 98-0191089...... XLIT Ltd...... CYM...... UIP...... XL Group Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... EXEL Holdings Limited...... CYM...... UIP...... XLIT Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... X.L. Property Holdings Limited...... BMU...... NIA...... EXEL Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 98-0351953...... XL Bermuda Ltd...... BMU...... UIP...... EXEL Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Mid Ocean Holdings Limited...... BMU...... NIA...... XL Bermuda Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL London Market Group Ltd...... GBR...... NIA...... Mid Ocean Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Dornoch Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... XL London Market Group Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL London Market Ltd- Syndicate 1209...... GBR...... IA...... XL London Market Group Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... ECS Reinsurance Company Inc...... BRB...... IA...... XL Bermuda Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Blitz 17-762 SE...... IRL...... NIA...... XL Bermuda Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Blitz 17-763 SE...... IRL...... NIA...... XL Bermuda Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE Y PART 1A - DETAIL OF INSURANCE HOLDING COMPANY SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of Type of Securities Control Exchange (Ownership Is an if Publicly Board, If Control is SCA NAIC Traded Names of Relationship Management, Ownership Filing Group Group Company ID Federal (U.S. or Parent, Subsidiaries Domiciliary to Reporting Directly Controlled by Attorney-in-Fact, Provide Ultimate Controlling Required? Code Name Code Number RSSD CIK International) or Affiliates Location Entity (Name of Entity/Person) Influence, Other) Percentage Entity(ies)/Person(s) (Y/N) * 0000 ...... 00000... 98-0674455...... Fundamental Insurance Investments Ltd...... BMU...... NIA...... XL Bermuda Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Citystate Capital Asia Pte. Ltd...... SGP...... NIA...... Fundamental Insurance Investments Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 16.100 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Underwriting Managers Ltd...... BMU...... NIA...... Fundamental Insurance Investments Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... New Ocean Capital Management Limited...... BMU...... NIA...... Fundamental Insurance Investments Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 57.500 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... NOCM Services LLC...... DE...... NIA...... New Ocean Capital Management Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... New Ocean Market Value Cat Fund Ltd...... BMU...... NIA...... Fundamental Insurance Investments Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 92.000 AXA SA...... N...... 3...... 0000 ...... 00000...... New Ocean Focus Cat Fund Ltd...... BMU...... NIA...... Fundamental Insurance Investments Ltd...... MANAGEMENT...... 40.000 AXA SA...... N...... 1...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Vector Reinsurance Ltd...... BMU...... IA...... New Ocean Focus Cat Fund Ltd...... INFLUENCE...... 70.000 AXA SA...... N...... 2...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Inclusion Resources, Private Ltd...... SGP...... NIA...... Fundamental Insurance Investments Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Mahindra Insurance brokers Ltd...... IND...... NIA...... Inclusion Resources, Private Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 20.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Salamanca Risk Management Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... Fundamental Insurance Investments Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 48.600 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... START SP. Z O.O...... POL...... NIA...... Fundamental Insurance Investments Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 38.300 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 30-0479679...... XL Re Europe SE...... IRL...... IA...... XL Bermuda Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Q

1 0000 ...... 00000...... XL (Brazil) Holdings Ltda...... BRA...... NIA...... XL Bermuda Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 3

. 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Services (Bermuda) Ltd...... BMU...... NIA...... XL Bermuda Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 6 0000 ...... 00000... 98-0228561...... XL Life Ltd...... BMU...... IA...... XL Bermuda Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Reeve Court General Partner Limited...... BMU...... NIA...... XL Life Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Reeve Court 4 Limited Partnership...... BMU...... NIA...... Reeve Court General Partner Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Reeve Court 6 Limited Partnership...... BMU...... NIA...... Reeve Court General Partner Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Gracechurch Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... XL Bermuda Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Insurance (UK) Holdings Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... XL Gracechurch Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... XL Insurance Argentina S.A. Compania de 0000 ...... 00000...... Seguros ARG...... IA...... XL Insurance (UK) Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 90.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 30-0479685...... XL Insurance Company SE...... GBR...... IA...... XL Insurance (UK) Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Insurance (China) Company Ltd...... CHN...... IA...... XL Insurance Company SE...... OWNERSHIP...... 49.000 AXA SA...... N...... XL Insurance Argentina S.A. Compañia de 0000 ...... 00000...... Seguros ARG...... IA...... XL Insurance Company SE...... OWNERSHIP...... 10.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Seguros Brasil S.A...... BRA...... IA...... XL Insurance Company SE...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Catlin Services SE...... GBR...... NIA...... XL Insurance (UK) Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 98-1339816...... XL Value Offshore LLC...... BMU...... NIA...... XL Bermuda Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 35.000 AXA SA...... N...... 8...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Financial Holdings (Ireland) Limited...... IRL...... UIP...... XL Bermuda Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Finance (Ireland) Limited...... IRL...... NIA...... XL Financial Holdings (Ireland) Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Services Canada Ltd...... CAN...... NIA...... XL Financial Holdings (Ireland) Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 06-1516268...... X.L. America, Inc...... DE...... UDP...... XL Financial Holdings (Ireland) Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 5...... 0000 ...... 00000... 26-0076011...... XL Financial Solutions, Inc...... DE...... NIA...... X.L. America, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 10...... 0000 ...... 00000... 32-0463280...... XL Innovate Partners, LP...... DE...... NIA...... XL Financial Solutions Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 93.390 AXA SA...... N...... 11...... Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE Y PART 1A - DETAIL OF INSURANCE HOLDING COMPANY SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of Type of Securities Control Exchange (Ownership Is an if Publicly Board, If Control is SCA NAIC Traded Names of Relationship Management, Ownership Filing Group Group Company ID Federal (U.S. or Parent, Subsidiaries Domiciliary to Reporting Directly Controlled by Attorney-in-Fact, Provide Ultimate Controlling Required? Code Name Code Number RSSD CIK International) or Affiliates Location Entity (Name of Entity/Person) Influence, Other) Percentage Entity(ies)/Person(s) (Y/N) * 0000 ...... 00000... 47-3653857...... XL Innovate Fund, LP...... DE...... NIA...... XL Financial Solutions Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 94.800 AXA SA...... N...... 4...... 0000 ...... 00000... 81-3915739...... Climassure, Inc...... DE...... NIA...... XL Innovate Fund, LP...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 27-3169978...... New Energy Risk, Inc...... DE...... NIA...... XL Innovate Fund, LP...... OWNERSHIP...... 85.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 47-1070591...... Complex Risk and Insurance Associates, LLC.. DE...... NIA...... XL Innovate Fund, LP...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Slice Labs, Inc...... CAN...... NIA...... XL Innovate Fund, LP...... OWNERSHIP...... 11.350 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Loop Labs, Inc...... DE...... NIA...... XL Innovate Fund, LP...... OWNERSHIP...... 15.130 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Cape Analytics, Inc...... DE...... NIA...... XL Innovate Fund, LP...... OWNERSHIP...... 13.460 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Stonestep AG...... CHE...... NIA...... XL Innovate Fund, LP...... OWNERSHIP...... 25.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... GeoQuant, Inc...... DE...... NIA...... XL Innovate Fund, LP...... OWNERSHIP...... 10.530 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Pillar Technologies, Inc...... DE...... NIA...... XL Innovate Fund, LP...... OWNERSHIP...... 21.620 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Zendrive, Inc...... FL...... NIA...... XL Innovate Fund, LP...... OWNERSHIP...... 10.290 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Friday Harbor, LLC...... DE...... NIA...... XL Innovate Fund, LP...... OWNERSHIP...... 48.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Centauri Specialty Insurance Holdings, Inc...... DE...... NIA...... XL Financial Solutions Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 42.200 AXA SA...... N...... Q

1 0000 ...... 00000...... International Reinsurance Managers, LLC...... FL...... NIA...... XL Financial Solutions Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 25.000 AXA SA...... N...... 3

. 0000 ...... 00000...... GPC-INS Partners, LP...... DE...... NIA...... XL Financial Solutions Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 99.900 AXA SA...... N...... 12...... 7 0000 ...... 00000... 72-1458300...... Catlin, LLC...... DE...... NIA...... X.L. America, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 72-1312068...... Catlin Insurance Services, Inc...... LA...... NIA...... Catlin, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 15989... 71-6053839...... Catlin Specialty Insurance Company...... DE...... IA...... Catlin, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 24503... 52-0249520...... Catlin Indemnity Company...... DE...... IA...... Catlin Specialty Insurance Company...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 19518... 20-4929941...... Catlin Insurance Company Inc...... TX...... IA...... Catlin Indemnity Company...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 94-3094358...... Catlin Underwriting Inc...... DE...... NIA...... Catlin, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 43-1956637...... XLA Garrison L.P...... DE...... NIA...... X.L. America, Inc...... OTHER...... AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Highfield Associates LLC...... DE...... NIA...... XLA Garrison L.P...... OWNERSHIP...... 20.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Ada Fund GP, LLC...... DE...... NIA...... XLA Garrison L.P...... OWNERSHIP...... 15.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 20583... 13-1290712...... XL Reinsurance America Inc...... NY...... RE...... X.L. America, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Insurance (China) Company Ltd...... CHN...... DS...... XL Reinsurance America Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 51.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 06-1609624...... XL Value Onshore LLC...... DE...... DS...... XL Reinsurance America Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 47-2299432...... Catlin CCC Holdings LLC...... DE...... DS...... XL Value Onshore LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... SMTC Guarantor LLC...... DE...... DS...... XL Value Onshore LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... SMTC Acquisition LLC...... DE...... DS...... SMTC Guarantor LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 92.670 AXA SA...... N...... 14...... 0000 ...... 22322... 95-1479095...... Greenwich Insurance Company...... DE...... DS...... XL Reinsurance America Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 01-0575742...... Global Asset Protection Services, LLC...... CT...... DS...... Greenwich Insurance Company...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Global Asset Protection Services Company 0000 ...... 00000...... Limited JPN...... DS...... Global Asset Protection Services, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Boiler & Property Consulting, LLC...... DE...... DS...... Global Asset Protection Services, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 25.000 AXA SA...... N...... Global Asset Protection Services Consultancy 0000 ...... 00000...... (Beijing) Company Limited CHN...... DS...... Global Asset Protection Services, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE Y PART 1A - DETAIL OF INSURANCE HOLDING COMPANY SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of Type of Securities Control Exchange (Ownership Is an if Publicly Board, If Control is SCA NAIC Traded Names of Relationship Management, Ownership Filing Group Group Company ID Federal (U.S. or Parent, Subsidiaries Domiciliary to Reporting Directly Controlled by Attorney-in-Fact, Provide Ultimate Controlling Required? Code Name Code Number RSSD CIK International) or Affiliates Location Entity (Name of Entity/Person) Influence, Other) Percentage Entity(ies)/Person(s) (Y/N) * 0000 ...... 24554... 75-6017952...... XL Insurance America, Inc...... DE...... DS...... Greenwich Insurance Company...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 19607... 75-1221488...... XL Select Insurance Company...... DE...... DS...... XL Insurance America Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 40193... 13-3787296...... XL Insurance Company of New York, Inc...... NY...... DS...... XL Insurance America Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 22-3834549...... XL Group Investments LLC...... DE...... DS...... XL Reinsurance America Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 98-0685604...... XL Group Investments Ltd...... BMU...... NIA...... XL Group Investments LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 37885... 85-0277191...... XL Specialty Insurance Company...... DE...... DS...... XL Reinsurance America Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 36940... 06-1346380...... Indian Harbor Insurance Company...... DE...... DS...... XL Specialty Insurance Company...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... CS&B Parent Holdings, LLC...... DE...... NIA...... XL Reinsurance America Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 11.290 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 45-2729407...... Global Ag Insurance Services, LLC...... CA...... NIA...... XL Reinsurance America Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 59-2492808...... Allied International Holdings, Inc...... FL...... NIA...... XL Reinsurance America Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 59-3107831...... Short Term Special Events, Inc...... FL...... NIA...... Allied International Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 12866... 04-2451053...... T.H.E. Insurance Company...... LA...... IA...... Allied International Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 59-2301981...... Allied Specialty Insurance, Inc...... FL...... NIA...... Allied International Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Q

1 Allied Specialty Insurance Agency of Canada 3 0000 ...... 00000...... Ltd. CAN...... NIA...... Allied International Holdings, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 8 0000 ...... 00000... 06-1609624...... XL Global, Inc...... DE...... NIA...... X.L. America, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 47-3521363...... XL Innovate, LLC...... DE...... NIA...... XL Global, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Oak Circle Capital Partners LLC...... DE...... NIA...... XL Global, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 34.580 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... HighVista Strategies LLC...... DE...... NIA...... XL Global, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... AXA SA...... N...... 9...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Highfields Capital Management LP...... DE...... NIA...... XL Global, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 20.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Vidrio Financial Ltd...... BMU...... NIA...... XL Global, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 36.100 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 06-1527321...... X.L. Global Services, Inc...... DE...... NIA...... X.L. America, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N......

0000 ...... 00000... 20-1208461...... Eagleview Insurance Brokerage Services, LLC. DE...... NIA...... X.L. Global Services, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 22-3844763...... XL Life and Annuity Holding Company...... DE...... NIA...... X.L. America, Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 98-0424162...... XL Investments Ltd...... BMU...... NIA...... XL Bermuda Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Capital Products Ltd...... BMU...... NIA...... XL Investments Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Angel Risk Management Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... XL Capital Products Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Insurance Guernsey Limited...... GGY...... IA...... XL Investments Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 98-0405202...... Garrison Investments Inc...... BRB...... NIA...... XL Investments Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 13...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL (WESTERN EUROPE) S.a.r.l...... LUX...... NIA...... XL Bermuda Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Swiss Holdings Ltd...... CHE...... NIA...... XL (WESTERN EUROPE) S.a.r.l...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Re Latin America (Argentina SA)...... ARG...... IA...... XL Swiss Holdings Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 20.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 30-0479676...... XL Insurance Switzerland Ltd...... CHE...... IA...... XL Swiss Holdings Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Services Switzerland Ltd...... CHE...... NIA...... XL Swiss Holdings Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE Y PART 1A - DETAIL OF INSURANCE HOLDING COMPANY SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of Type of Securities Control Exchange (Ownership Is an if Publicly Board, If Control is SCA NAIC Traded Names of Relationship Management, Ownership Filing Group Group Company ID Federal (U.S. or Parent, Subsidiaries Domiciliary to Reporting Directly Controlled by Attorney-in-Fact, Provide Ultimate Controlling Required? Code Name Code Number RSSD CIK International) or Affiliates Location Entity (Name of Entity/Person) Influence, Other) Percentage Entity(ies)/Person(s) (Y/N) * 0000 ...... 00000...... XL India Business Services Private Limited...... IND...... NIA...... XL Swiss Holdings Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Seguros Mexico SA de CV...... MEX...... IA...... XL Swiss Holdings Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 98-1218274...... Green Holdings Limited...... BMU...... NIA...... XL Bermuda Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Managers Ltd...... BMU...... NIA...... Green Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... New Ocean Opportunities Fund Ltd...... BMU...... NIA...... Catlin Managers Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Hubble Re Ltd...... BMU...... IA...... Catlin Managers Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 98-0407572...... Catlin Insurance Company Ltd...... BMU...... IA...... Green Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Catlin Middle East...... ARE...... NIA...... Catlin Insurance Company Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Treasury Guernsey Limited...... GGY...... NIA...... Catlin Insurance Company Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Labuan Limited...... MYS...... NIA...... Catlin Insurance Company Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Singapore Pte Ltd...... SGP...... NIA...... Catlin Insurance Company Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Finance (UK) Ltd...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin Insurance Company Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 98-1093811...... Catlin USD Holdings Ltd...... BMU...... NIA...... Catlin Insurance Company Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Q

1 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Insurance Company (UK) Holdings Ltd.... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin Insurance Company Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 3

. 0000 ...... 00000...... Blue Marble Micro Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin Insurance Company (UK) Holdings Ltd.. OWNERSHIP...... 11.100 AXA SA...... N...... 9 0000 ...... 00000... 98-0455349...... XL Catlin Insurance Company (UK) Ltd...... GBR...... IA...... Catlin Insurance Company (UK) Holdings Ltd.. OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Treasury Luxembourg S.a.r.l...... LUX...... NIA...... XL Catlin Insurance Company (UK) Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Catlin Insurance Company (UK) Ltd - Escritorio 0000 ...... 00000...... de Representacao no Brazil Ltda BRA...... NIA...... XL Catlin Insurance Company (UK) Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 46-3791467...... Catlin US Investment Holdings LLC...... DE...... NIA...... Catlin Insurance Company Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 45.000 AXA SA...... N...... 7...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Worley Claims Services, LLC...... LA...... NIA...... Catlin US Investment Holdings LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 13.680 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Hampden & Co plc...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin Insurance Company Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 15.600 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Luxembourg S.a.r.l...... LUX...... NIA...... Catlin Insurance Company Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Catlin Re Swizterland Ltd./Catlin Re Schweiz 0000 ...... 00000... 98-0683316...... AG CHE...... IA...... Catlin Luxembourg S.a.r.l...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Catlin Re Swizterland Ltd./Catlin Re Schweiz 0000 ...... 00000... 83-3007374...... Seaview Re Holdings Inc...... BMU...... NIA...... AG OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 98-1464607...... Seaview Re Ltd...... BMU...... IA...... Seaview Re Holdings Inc...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Catlin Re Swizterland Ltd./Catlin Re Schweiz 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Latin America Investments Ltd...... BMU...... NIA...... AG OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Catlin Re Swizterland Ltd./Catlin Re Schweiz 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Resseguros Brasil S.A...... BRA...... IA...... AG OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Catlin Re Swizterland Ltd./Catlin Re Schweiz 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Re Latin America (Argentina SA)...... ARG...... IA...... AG OWNERSHIP...... 80.000 AXA SA...... N...... Catlin Re Switzerland Ltd Escritório de Catlin Re Swizterland Ltd./Catlin Re Schweiz 0000 ...... 00000...... Representação no Brasil Ltda BRA...... IA...... AG OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Westaim HIIG Limited Partnership, Ontario Catlin Re Swizterland Ltd./Catlin Re Schweiz 0000 ...... 00000...... (Canada) CAN...... NIA...... AG OWNERSHIP...... 13.110 AXA SA...... N...... Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE Y PART 1A - DETAIL OF INSURANCE HOLDING COMPANY SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of Type of Securities Control Exchange (Ownership Is an if Publicly Board, If Control is SCA NAIC Traded Names of Relationship Management, Ownership Filing Group Group Company ID Federal (U.S. or Parent, Subsidiaries Domiciliary to Reporting Directly Controlled by Attorney-in-Fact, Provide Ultimate Controlling Required? Code Name Code Number RSSD CIK International) or Affiliates Location Entity (Name of Entity/Person) Influence, Other) Percentage Entity(ies)/Person(s) (Y/N) * Catlin Re Swizterland Ltd./Catlin Re Schweiz 0000 ...... 00000... 46-3791467...... Catlin US Investment Holdings LLC...... DE...... NIA...... AG OWNERSHIP...... 40.000 AXA SA...... N...... 7...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Worley Claims Services, LLC...... LA...... NIA...... Catlin US Investment Holdings LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 13.680 AXA SA...... N...... Catlin Re Swizterland Ltd./Catlin Re Schweiz 0000 ...... 00000... 98-1339816...... XL Value Offshore LLC...... BMU...... NIA...... AG OWNERSHIP...... 25.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin (WUPLC) Holdings Limited...... BMU...... NIA...... Catlin Insurance Company Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Underwriting...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin (WUPLC) Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 99.900 AXA SA...... N...... 6...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin (CHUKL) Holdings Limited...... BMU...... NIA...... Catlin Insurance Company Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Underwriting...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin (CHUKL) Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 0.100 AXA SA...... N...... 6...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin (North American) Holdings Ltd...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin Insurance Company Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Investment Holdings (Jersey) Limited...... JEY...... NIA...... Catlin (North American) Holdings Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Investment (UK) Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin Investment Holdings (Jersey) Limited.... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N......

Q 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin (PUL) Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin (North American) Holdings Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N......

1 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin (One) Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin (North American) Holdings Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 3

. 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Underwriting (UK) Limited DORMANT..... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin (North American) Holdings Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 1

0 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Risk Solutions Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin Underwriting (UK) Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Underwriting Services Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin Underwriting (UK) Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Catlin (Wellington) Underwriting Agencies 0000 ...... 00000...... Limited GBR...... NIA...... Catlin Underwriting (UK) Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Syndicate Limited...... GBR...... IA...... Catlin (North American) Holdings Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Holdings (UK) Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin (North American) Holdings Ltd...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Holdings Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin Holdings (UK) Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Canada Inc...... CAN...... NIA...... Catlin Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... XL Catlin Japan KK...... JPN...... NIA...... Catlin Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 98-0242114...... Catlin Underwriting Agencies Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 46-3791467...... Catlin US Investment Holdings LLC...... DE...... NIA...... Catlin Underwriting Agencies Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 15.000 AXA SA...... N...... 7...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Worley Claims Services, LLC...... LA...... NIA...... Catlin US Investment Holdings LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 13.680 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Z Capital N-2L, L.L.C...... DE...... NIA...... Catlin Underwriting Agencies Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Russian Reinsurance Company OJSC...... RUS...... IA...... Catlin Underwriting Agencies Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 22.500 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Z Capital CUAL CO INVEST., L.L.C...... DE...... NIA...... Catlin Underwriting Agencies Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Z Capital HG-C, L.L.C...... DE...... NIA...... Catlin Underwriting Agencies Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 90-1032236...... CUA-CVIII Holdings LLC...... DE...... NIA...... Catlin Underwriting Agencies Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... C-1001 State Co-Investor, LLC...... DE...... NIA...... CUA-CVIII Holdings LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 1001 South State Street Holdings Ventures, 0000 ...... 00000...... LLC DE...... NIA...... C-1001 State Co-Investor, LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 28.420 AXA SA...... N...... Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE Y PART 1A - DETAIL OF INSURANCE HOLDING COMPANY SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of Type of Securities Control Exchange (Ownership Is an if Publicly Board, If Control is SCA NAIC Traded Names of Relationship Management, Ownership Filing Group Group Company ID Federal (U.S. or Parent, Subsidiaries Domiciliary to Reporting Directly Controlled by Attorney-in-Fact, Provide Ultimate Controlling Required? Code Name Code Number RSSD CIK International) or Affiliates Location Entity (Name of Entity/Person) Influence, Other) Percentage Entity(ies)/Person(s) (Y/N) * 0000 ...... 00000...... C-140W Co-Investor LLC...... DE...... NIA...... CUA-CVIII Holdings LLC...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000... 98-1339816...... XL Value Offshore LLC...... BMU...... NIA...... Catlin Underwriting Agencies Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 40.000 AXA SA...... N...... 8...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Guernsey Limited...... GGY...... NIA...... Catlin Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Australia Pty Limited...... AUS...... NIA...... Catlin Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin (BB) Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Hong Kong Ltd Limited...... HKG...... NIA...... Catlin Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Angel Strategic Holdings Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Syndicate 6112 Limited (UK)...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... 0000 ...... 00000...... Catlin Syndicate 6121 Limited...... GBR...... NIA...... Catlin Holdings Limited...... OWNERSHIP...... 100.000 AXA SA...... N...... Q 1 3 . 1 1 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES INTERROGATORIES

The following supplemental reports are required to be filed as part of your statement filing. However, in the event that your company does not transact the type of business for which the special report must be filed, your response of NO to the specific interrogatory will be accepted in lieu of filing a "NONE" report and a bar code will be printed below. If the supplement is required of your company but is not being filed for whatever reason, enter SEE EXPLANATION and provide an explanation following the interrogatory questions. Response 1. Will the Trusteed Surplus Statement be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC with this statement? NO 2. Will the Medicare Part D Coverage Supplement be filed with the state of domicile and the NAIC with this statement? NO 3. Will the Reasonableness of Assumptions Certification required by Actuarial Guideline XXXV be filed with the state of domicile and electronically with the NAIC? NO 4. Will the Reasonableness and Consistency of Assumptions Certification required by Actuarial Guideline XXXV be filed with the state of domicile and electronically with the NAIC? NO 5. Will the Reasonableness of Assumptions Certification for Implied Guaranteed Rate Method required by Actuarial Guideline XXXVI be filed with the state of domicile and electronically with the NAIC? NO 6. Will the Reasonableness and Consistency of Assumptions Certification required by Actuarial Guideline XXXVI (Updated Average Market Value) be filed with the state of domicile and electronically with the NAIC? NO 7. Will the Reasonableness and Consistency of Assumptions Certification required by Actuarial Guideline XXXVI (Updated Market Value) be filed with the state of domicile and electronically with the NAIC? YES 8. Will the Life PBR Statement of Exemption be filed with the state of domicile by July 1st and electronically with the NAIC with the second quarterly filing per the Valuation Manual (by August 15)? (2nd Quarterly Only). The response for 1st and 3rd quarters should be N/A. A NO response resulting with a barcode is only appropriate in the 2nd quarter. N/A

Explanations: 1. The data for this supplement is not required to be filed. 2. The data for this supplement is not required to be filed. 3. The data for this supplement is not required to be filed. 4. The data for this supplement is not required to be filed. 5. The data for this supplement is not required to be filed. 6. The data for this supplement is not required to be filed. 7. 8. Not Applicable for 1st and 3rd Quarters

Bar Code: *78077201949000001* *78077201944700001* *78077201936500001* *78077201944800001* *78077201944500001* *78077201944600001*

Q14 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA Overflow Page for Write-Ins


Q15 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE A - VERIFICATION Real Estate 1 2 Prior Year Ended Year to Date December 31 1. Book/adjusted carrying value, December 31 of prior year...... 0 ...... 2. Cost of acquired: 2.1 Actual cost at time of acquisition...... 2.2 Additional investment made after acquisition...... 3. Current year change in encumbrances...... NONE ...... 4. Total gain (loss) on disposals...... 5. Deduct amounts received on disposals...... 6. Total foreign exchange change in book/adjusted carrying value...... 7. Deduct current year's other-than-temporary impairment recognized...... 8. Deduct current year's depreciation...... 9. Book/adjusted carrying value at end of current period (Lines 1+2+3+4-5+6-7-8)...... 0 ...... 0 10. Deduct total nonadmitted amounts...... 11. Statement value at end of current period (Line 9 minus Line 10)...... 0 ...... 0

SCHEDULE B - VERIFICATION Mortgage Loans 1 2 Prior Year Ended Year to Date December 31 1. Book value/recorded investment excluding accrued interest, December 31 of prior year...... 17,000,000 ...... 17,000,000 2. Cost of acquired: 2.1 Actual cost at time of acquisition...... 2.2 Additional investment made after acquisition...... 3. Capitalized deferred interest and other...... 4. Accrual of discount...... 5. Unrealized valuation increase (decrease)...... 6. Total gain (loss) on disposals...... 7. Deduct amounts received on disposals...... 8. Deduct amortization of premium and mortgage interest points and commitment fees...... 9. Total foreign exchange change in book value/recorded investment excluding accrued interest...... 10. Deduct current year's other-than-temporary impairment recognized...... 11. Book value/recorded investment excluding accrued interest at end of current period (Lines 1+2+3+4+5+6-7-8+9-10)...... 17,000,000 ...... 17,000,000 12. Total valuation allowance...... 13. Subtotal (Line 11 plus Line 12)...... 17,000,000 ...... 17,000,000 14. Deduct total nonadmitted amounts...... 15. Statement value at end of current period (Line 13 minus Line 14)...... 17,000,000 ...... 17,000,000

SCHEDULE BA - VERIFICATION Other Long-Term Invested Assets 1 2 Prior Year Ended Year to Date December 31 1. Book/adjusted carrying value, December 31 of prior year...... 3 ...... 3 2. Cost of acquired: 2.1 Actual cost at time of acquisition...... 2.2 Additional investment made after acquisition...... 3. Capitalized deferred interest and other...... 4. Accrual of discount...... 5. Unrealized valuation increase (decrease)...... 6. Total gain (loss) on disposals...... 7. Deduct amounts received on disposals...... 8. Deduct amortization of premium and depreciation...... 9. Total foreign exchange change in book/adjusted carrying value...... 10. Deduct current year's other-than-temporary impairment recognized...... 11. Book/adjusted carrying value at end of current period (Lines 1+2+3+4+5+6-7-8+9-10)...... 3 ...... 3 12. Deduct total nonadmitted amounts...... 13. Statement value at end of current period (Line 11 minus Line 12)...... 3 ...... 3

SCHEDULE D - VERIFICATION Bonds and Stocks 1 2 Prior Year Ended Year to Date December 31 1. Book/adjusted carrying value of bonds and stocks, December 31 of prior year...... 1,124,672,697 ...... 1,074,250,209 2. Cost of bonds and stocks acquired...... 52,632,668 ...... 382,401,273 3. Accrual of discount...... 195,679 ...... 396,589 4. Unrealized valuation increase (decrease)...... 3,046,748 ...... 4,405,171 5. Total gain (loss) on disposals...... (456,557) ...... (7,427,686) 6. Deduct consideration for bonds and stocks disposed of...... 16,899,758 ...... 326,070,601 7. Deduct amortization of premium...... 323,864 ...... 1,217,589 8. Total foreign exchange change in book/adjusted carrying value...... 9. Deduct current year's other-than-temporary impairment recognized...... 2,064,669 10. Total investment income recognized as a result of prepayment penalties and/or acceleration fees...... 11. Book/adjusted carrying value at end of current period (Lines 1+2+3+4+5-6-7+8-9+10)...... 1,162,867,613 ...... 1,124,672,697 12. Deduct total nonadmitted amounts...... 13. Statement value at end of current period (Line 11 minus Line 12)...... 1,162,867,613 ...... 1,124,672,697

QSI01 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE D - PART 1B Showing the Acquisitions, Dispositions and Non-Trading Activity During the Current Quarter for all Bonds and Preferred Stock by NAIC Designation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Book/Adjusted Carrying Acquisitions Dispositions Non-Trading Activity Book/Adjusted Carrying Book/Adjusted Carrying Book/Adjusted Carrying Book/Adjusted Carrying Value Beginning During During During Value End of Value End of Value End of Value December 31 NAIC Designation of Current Quarter Current Quarter Current Quarter Current Quarter First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Prior Year


1. NAIC 1 (a)...... 475,179,751 ...... 39,664,048 ...... 135,756 ...... 13,848,502 ...... 528,556,545 ...... 475,179,751

2. NAIC 2 (a)...... 585,521,336 ...... 12,968,620 ...... 10,879,222 ...... (18,092,223) ...... 569,518,511 ...... 585,521,336

3. NAIC 3 (a)...... 0 ......

4. NAIC 4 (a)...... 0 ......

5. NAIC 5 (a)...... 4,423,328 ...... 4,395,087 ...... 4,115,535 ...... 4,143,776 ...... 4,423,328

6. NAIC 6 (a)...... 328,750 ...... 328,750 ...... 328,750 Q

S 7. Total Bonds...... 1,065,453,165 ...... 52,632,668 ...... 15,410,065 ...... (128,186) ...... 1,102,547,582 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 1,065,453,165 I 0 2 PREFERRED STOCK

8. NAIC 1...... 0 ......

9. NAIC 2...... 4,196,250 ...... 1,946,250 ...... 2,250,000 ...... 4,196,250

10. NAIC 3...... 0 ......

11. NAIC 4...... 0 ......

12. NAIC 5...... 0 ......

13. NAIC 6...... 0 ......

14. Total Preferred Stock...... 4,196,250 ...... 0 ...... 1,946,250 ...... 0 ...... 2,250,000 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 4,196,250

15. Total Bonds and Preferred Stock...... 1,069,649,415 ...... 52,632,668 ...... 17,356,315 ...... (128,186) ...... 1,104,797,582 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 1,069,649,415 (a) Book/Adjusted Carrying Value column for the end of the current reporting period includes the following amount of short-term and cash equivalent bonds by NAIC designation: NAIC 1 $...... 0; NAIC 2 $...... 0; NAIC 3 $...... 0; NAIC 4 $...... 0; NAIC 5 $...... 0; NAIC 6 $...... 0. Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE DA - PART 1 Short-Term Investments 1 2 3 4 5 Book/Adjusted Actual Interest Collected Paid for Accrued Interest Carrying Value Par Value Cost Year To Date Year To Date 9199999...... XXX...... NONE......

SCHEDULE DA - VERIFICATION Short-Term Investments 1 2 Prior Year Ended Year To Date December 31

1. Book/adjusted carrying value, December 31 of prior year...... 0 ......

2. Cost of short-term investments acquired......

3. Accrual of discount......

4. Unrealized valuation increase (decrease)...... 5. Total gain (loss) on disposals...... NONE ...... 6. Deduct consideration received on disposals......

7. Deduct amortization of premium......

8. Total foreign exchange change in book/adjusted carrying value......

9. Deduct current year's other-than-temporary impairment recognized......

10. Book/adjusted carrying value at end of current period (Lines 1+2+3+4+5-6-7+8-9)...... 0 ...... 0

11. Deduct total nonadmitted amounts......

12. Statement value at end of current period (Line 10 minus Line 11)...... 0 ...... 0

QSI03 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE DB - PART A - VERIFICATION Options, Caps, Floors, Collars, Swaps and Forwards

1. Book/adjusted carrying value, December 31, prior year (Line 9, prior year)...... 12,416,099

2. Cost paid/(consideration received) on additions...... 332,426

3. Unrealized valuation increase/(decrease)...... 8,028,612

4. Total gain (loss) on termination recognized...... 1,920,294

5. Considerations received/(paid) on terminations...... 3,220,940

6. Amortization......

7. Adjustment to the book/adjusted carrying value of hedge item......

8. Total foreign exchange change in book/adjusted carrying value......

9. Book/adjusted carrying value at end of current period (Lines 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 - 5 + 6 + 7 + 8)...... 19,476,491

10. Deduct nonadmitted assets......

11. Statement value at end of current period (Line 9 minus Line 10)...... 19,476,491


1. Book/adjusted carrying value, December 31, prior year (Line 6, prior year)...... 6,276,000

2. Cumulative cash change (Section 1, Broker Name/Net Cash Deposits Footnote - Cumulative Cash Change column)...... 13,019,150

3.1 Add: Change in variation margin on open contracts - Highly Effective Hedges: 3.11 Section 1, Column 15, current year to date minus...... 3.12 Section 1, Column 15, prior year...... 0 Change in variation margin on open contracts - All Other: 3.13 Section 1, Column 18, current year to date minus...... 5,576,145 3.14 Section 1, Column 18, prior year...... (1,265,710) 6,841,855 6,841,855

3.2 Add: Change in adjustment to basis of hedged item: 3.21 Section 1, Column 17, current year to date minus...... 3.22 Section 1, Column 17, prior year...... 0 Change in amount recognized: 3.23 Section 1, Column 19, current year to date minus...... 5,576,145 3.24 Section 1, Column 19, prior year...... (1,265,710) 6,841,855 6,841,855

3.3 Subtotal (Line 3.1 minus Line 3.2)...... 0

4.1 Cumulative variation margin on terminated contracts during the year...... 25,328,242

4.2 Less: 4.21 Amount used to adjust basis of hedged item...... 4.22 Amount recognized...... 25,328,242 25,328,242

4.3 Subtotal (Line 4.1 minus Line 4.2)...... 0

5. Dispositions gains (losses) on contracts terminated in prior year: 5.1 Total gain (loss) recognized for terminations in prior year...... 5.2 Total gain (loss) adjusted into the hedged item(s) for the terminations in prior year......

6. Book/adjusted carrying value at end of current period (Lines 1 + 2 + 3.3 - 4.3 - 5.1 - 5.2)...... 19,295,150

7. Deduct nonadmitted assets......

8. Statement value at end of current period (Line 6 minus Line 7)...... 19,295,150

QSI04 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA

Sch. DB - Pt. C - Sn. 1 NONE

Sch. DB - Pt. C - Sn. 2 NONE

QSI05, QSI06 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE DB - VERIFICATION Verification of Book/Adjusted Carrying Value, Fair Value and Potential Exposure of all Open Derivative Contracts

Book/Adjusted Carrying Value Check

1. Part A, Section 1, Column 14...... 19,476,491

2. Part B, Section 1, Column 15 plus Part B, Section 1 Footnote - Total Ending Cash Balance...... 19,295,150

3. Total (Line 1 plus Line 2)...... 38,771,641

4. Part D, Section 1, Column 5...... 38,771,641

5. Part D, Section 1, Column 6......

6. Total (Line 3 minus Line 4 minus Line 5)...... 0

Fair Value Check

7. Part A, Section 1, Column 16...... 19,476,491

8. Part B, Section 1, Column 13...... 2,642,416

9. Total (Line 7 plus Line 8)...... 22,118,907

10. Part D, Section 1, Column 8...... 22,118,907

11. Part D, Section 1, Column 9......

12. Total (Line 9 minus Line 10 minus Line 11)...... (0)

Potential Exposure Check

13. Part A, Section 1, Column 21...... 514,517

14. Part B, Section 1, Column 20...... 20,123,150

15. Part D, Section 1, Column 11...... 20,637,667

16. Total (Line 13 plus Line 14 minus Line 15)...... 0

QSI07 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE E - PART 2 - VERIFICATION Cash Equivalents 1 2 Prior Year Ended Year To Date December 31

1. Book/adjusted carrying value, December 31 of prior year...... 44,209,301 ...... 35,427,276

2. Cost of cash equivalents acquired...... 238,080,079 ...... 799,259,336

3. Accrual of discount......

4. Unrealized valuation increase (decrease)......

5. Total gain (loss) on disposals......

6. Deduct consideration received on disposals...... 121,853,123 ...... 790,477,311

7. Deduct amortization of premium......

8. Total foreign exchange change in book/ adjusted carrying value......

9. Deduct current year's other-than-temporary impairment recognized......

10. Book/adjusted carrying value at end of current period (Lines 1+2+3+4+5-6-7+8-9)...... 160,436,257 ...... 44,209,301

11. Deduct total nonadmitted amounts......

12. Statement value at end of current period (Line 10 minus Line 11)...... 160,436,257 ...... 44,209,301

QSI08 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA

Sch. A Pt. 2 NONE

Sch. A Pt. 3 NONE

Sch. B - Pt. 2 NONE

Sch. B - Pt. 3 NONE

Sch. BA - Pt. 2 NONE

Sch. BA - Pt. 3 NONE

QE01, QE02, QE03 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE D - PART 3 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks ACQUIRED During Current Quarter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

NAIC Designation and Administrative Symbol/Market Indicator CUSIP Identification Description Foreign Date Acquired Name of Vendor Number of Shares of Stock Actual Cost Par Value Paid for Accrued Interest and Dividends (a) Bonds - U.S. Government 912828 T9 1 US TREASURY...... 03/13/2019...... ...... 1,543,438 ...... 1,600,000 ...... 9,624 1...... 912828 V9 8 US TREASURY...... 02/22/2019...... GOLDMAN SACHS...... 1,072,328 ...... 1,100,000 ...... 684 1...... 0599999. Total - Bonds - U.S. Government...... 2,615,766 ...... 2,700,000 ...... 10,308 ...... XXX...... Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 114259 AT 1 BROOKLYN UNION GAS CO/THE...... 02/27/2019...... BANK OF AMERICA CORP...... 5,000,000 ...... 5,000,000 ...... 1FE...... 209111 FP 3 CONSOLIDATED EDISON CO OF NEW...... 03/12/2019...... WELLS FARGO...... 2,609,360 ...... 2,525,000 ...... 31,717 1FE...... 244199 BD 6 DEERE & COMPANY...... 02/27/2019...... SUSQUEHANNA FINANCIAL GROUP LLLP...... 3,268,046 ...... 2,803,000 ...... 56,498 1FE...... 254687 CY 0 WALT DISNEY CO/THE...... 03/20/2019...... DIRECT...... 2,677,403 ...... 2,678,000 ...... 1FE...... 254687 DJ 2 WALT DISNEY CO/THE...... 03/20/2019...... DIRECT...... 2,496,202 ...... 2,500,000 ...... 29,297 1FE...... 26884A BJ 1 ERP OPERATING LP...... 03/20/2019...... BANK OF AMERICA CORP...... 1,345,667 ...... 1,335,000 ...... 2,726 1FE...... 26884A BK 8 ERP OPERATING LP...... 03/11/2019...... BARCLAYS PLC...... 2,616,775 ...... 2,500,000 ...... 29,684 1FE...... 465685 AP 0 ITC HOLDINGS CORP...... 03/25/2019...... SUSQUEHANNA FINANCIAL GROUP LLLP...... 1,021,209 ...... 1,034,000 ...... 12,701 2FE...... 482480 AG 5 KLA-TENCOR CORP...... 03/22/2019...... JPMORGAN CHASE & CO...... 3,009,811 ...... 3,000,000 ...... 849 2FE...... 532457 BV 9 ELI LILLY & CO...... 03/19/2019...... CREDIT SUISSE GROUP...... 4,035,200 ...... 4,000,000 ...... 10,875 1FE...... 65339K BJ 8 NEXTERA ENERGY CAPITAL HOLDING...... 03/28/2019...... BANK OF AMERICA CORP...... 1,394,624 ...... 1,400,000 ...... 2FE...... 68389X BN 4 ORACLE CORP...... 03/28/2019...... GOLDMAN SACHS...... 6,005,460 ...... 6,000,000 ...... 70,958 1FE...... 78409V AK 0 S&P GLOBAL INC...... 03/29/2019...... JPMORGAN CHASE & CO...... 2,155,160 ...... 2,000,000 ...... 11,489 1FE...... Q 88579Y BG 5 3M CO...... 03/29/2019...... GOLDMAN SACHS...... 3,601,990 ...... 3,500,000 ...... 13,125 1FE...... E

0 907818 CF 3 UNION PACIFIC CORP...... 03/21/2019...... STIFEL NICOLAUS...... 1,237,020 ...... 1,000,000 ...... 9,938 1FE...... 4 91913Y AV 2 VALERO ENERGY CORP...... 03/14/2019...... GOLDMAN SACHS...... 2,043,660 ...... 2,000,000 ...... 25,858 2FE...... 03835V AG 1 APTIV PLC...... D...... 02/28/2019...... BARCLAYS PLC...... 1,498,185 ...... 1,500,000 ...... 2FE...... 456873 AD 0 INGERSOLL-RAND LUXEMBOURG FINA...... D...... 03/20/2019...... VARIOUS...... 4,001,130 ...... 4,000,000 ...... 106 2FE...... 3899999. Total - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous...... 50,016,902 ...... 48,775,000 ...... 305,821 ...... XXX...... 8399997. Total - Bonds - Part 3...... 52,632,668 ...... 51,475,000 ...... 316,129 ...... XXX...... 8399999. Total - Bonds...... 52,632,668 ...... 51,475,000 ...... 316,129 ...... XXX...... 9999999. Total - Bonds, Preferred and Common Stocks...... 52,632,668 XXX ...... 316,129 ...... XXX...... (a) For all common stock bearing NAIC market indicator "U" provide the number of such issues:...... 0. Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE D - PART 4 Showing all Long-Term Bonds and Stocks SOLD, REDEEMED or Otherwise DISPOSED OF During Current Quarter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Change in Book/Adjusted Carrying Value 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 11 12 13 14 15

NAIC F Current Bond Designation o Year's Interest / and Admini- r Unrealized Current Other-Than- Total Foreign Foreign Stock Stated strative ei Prior Year Valuation Year's Temporary Total Change Exchange Book/Adjusted Exchange Realized Total Gain Dividends Contractual Symbol/ g Disposal Number of Book/Adjusted Increase (Amortization) Impairment in B./A.C.V. Change in Carrying Value at Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) (Loss) on Received Maturity Market CUSIP Identification Description n Date Name of Purchaser Shares of Stock Consideration Par Value Actual Cost Carrying Value (Decrease) / Accretion Recognized (11+12-13) B./A.C.V. Disposal Date on Disposal on Disposal Disposal During Year Date Indicator (a) Bonds - U.S. Government 912828 WD 8 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TREAS... .. 02/12/2019. PRIOR YEAR INCOME...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 35,375 10/31/2018. 1...... 0599999. Total - Bonds - U.S. Government...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 35,375 XXX XXX Bonds - U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessment 3128KV H5 7 FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP...... 03/01/2019. MBS PAYDOWN...... 1,090 ...... 1,090 ...... 1,095 ...... 1,090 ...... 0 ...... 1,090 ...... 0 ...... 11 08/01/2037. 1...... 3199999. Total - Bonds - U.S. Special Revenue and Special Assessments...... 1,090 ...... 1,090 ...... 1,095 ...... 1,090 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 1,090 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 11 XXX XXX Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous 00111@ AA 2 AES HAWAII INC...... 03/31/2019. SINKING FUND REDEMPTION...... 307,200 ...... 307,200 ...... 279,552 ...... 279,552 ...... 0 ...... 279,552 ...... 27,648 ...... 27,648 ...... 06/30/2022. 5...... 281020 AM 9 EDISON INTERNATIONAL...... 01/30/2019. JEFFERIES GROUP LLC...... 1,599,736 ...... 1,849,000 ...... 1,847,212 ...... 1,847,334 ...... 12 ...... 12 ...... 1,847,346 ...... (247,610) ...... (247,610) ...... 28,814 03/15/2028. 2FE...... 694308 HS 9 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC CO...... 01/28/2019. MORGAN STANLEY...... 3,975,000 ...... 5,000,000 ...... 4,115,535 ...... 4,115,535 ...... 0 ...... 4,115,535 ...... (140,535) ...... (140,535) ...... 03/15/2027. 5FE...... 694308 HY 6 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC CO...... 01/24/2019. MORGAN STANLEY...... 3,687,500 ...... 5,000,000 ...... 3,783,560 ...... 3,783,560 ...... 0 ...... 3,783,560 ...... (96,060) ...... (96,060) ...... 12/01/2047. 2FE...... 88031V AA 7 TENASKA GATEWAY PARTNERS...... 03/30/2019. SINKING FUND REDEMPTION...... 74,710 ...... 74,710 ...... 74,710 ...... 74,710 ...... 0 ...... 74,710 ...... 0 ...... 1,130 12/30/2023. 2FE...... 90131H AE 5 21ST CENTURY FOX AMERICA INC...... 03/20/2019. DIRECT...... 2,677,403 ...... 2,678,000 ...... 2,676,936 ...... 2,677,381 ...... 21 ...... 21 ...... 2,677,403 ...... 0 ...... 54,973 09/15/2024. 2FE...... 90131H CB 9 21ST CENTURY FOX AMERICA INC...... 03/20/2019. DIRECT...... 2,496,202 ...... 2,500,000 ...... 2,495,334 ...... 2,496,107 ...... 95 ...... 95 ...... 2,496,202 ...... 0 ...... 61,094 11/15/2026. 2FE......

Q 90363@ AB 6 USTA NATIONAL TENNIS CENTER...... 01/08/2019. SINKING FUND REDEMPTION...... 134,666 ...... 134,666 ...... 134,666 ...... 134,666 ...... 0 ...... 134,666 ...... 0 ...... 2,747 09/08/2039. 1PL...... E 3899999. Total - Bonds - Industrial and Miscellaneous...... 14,952,417 .....17,543,576 .....15,407,505 ...... 15,408,845 ...... 0 ...... 128 ...... 0 ...... 128 ...... 0 ...... 15,408,974 ...... 0 ....(456,557) ...... (456,557) .....148,758 XXX XXX 0

5 8399997. Total - Bonds - Part 4...... 14,953,507 .....17,544,666 .....15,408,600 ...... 15,409,935 ...... 0 ...... 128 ...... 0 ...... 128 ...... 0 ...... 15,410,064 ...... 0 ....(456,557) ...... (456,557) .....184,144 XXX XXX 8399999. Total - Bonds...... 14,953,507 .....17,544,666 .....15,408,600 ...... 15,409,935 ...... 0 ...... 128 ...... 0 ...... 128 ...... 0 ...... 15,410,064 ...... 0 ....(456,557) ...... (456,557) .....184,144 XXX XXX Preferred Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous 92276M 20 4 VENTAS REALTY LP...... 01/03/2019. CALLED THRU ISSUER at 25.000...... 77,850.000 ...... 1,946,250 ...... 25.00 ...... 1,946,250 ...... 1,946,250 ...... 0 ...... 1,946,250 ...... 0 ...... 5,304 XXX P2FEL...... 8499999. Total - Preferred Stocks - Industrial and Miscellaneous...... 1,946,250 XXX ...... 1,946,250 ...... 1,946,250 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 1,946,250 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 5,304 XXX XXX 8999997. Total - Preferred Stocks - Part 4...... 1,946,250 XXX ...... 1,946,250 ...... 1,946,250 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 1,946,250 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 5,304 XXX XXX 8999999. Total - Preferred Stocks...... 1,946,250 XXX ...... 1,946,250 ...... 1,946,250 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 1,946,250 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 5,304 XXX XXX 9899999. Total - Preferred and Common Stocks...... 1,946,250 XXX ...... 1,946,250 ...... 1,946,250 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 1,946,250 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 5,304 XXX XXX 9999999. Total - Bonds, Preferred and Common Stocks...... 16,899,757 XXX .....17,354,850 ...... 17,356,185 ...... 0 ...... 128 ...... 0 ...... 128 ...... 0 ...... 17,356,314 ...... 0 ....(456,557) ...... (456,557) .....189,448 XXX XXX (a) For all common stock bearing the NAIC market indicator "U" provide: the number of such issues: ...... 0. Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE DB - PART A - SECTION 1 Showing all Options, Caps, Floors, Collars, Swaps and Forwards Open as of Current Statement Date

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Cumulative Prior Year(s) Current Year Initial Cost of Initial Cost of Adjustment Hedge Strike Price, Undiscounted Undiscounted C Unrealized Total Foreign Current to Carrying Credit Effectiveness Schedule Type(s) of Date of Rate of Index Premium Premium o Valuation Exchange Year's Value of Quality of at Inception Description of Item(s) Hedged, Used for Income / Exhibit Risk(s) Exchange, Counterparty Trade Maturity or Number of Notional Received (Received) (Received) Current Year Book/Adjusted d Increase Change in (Amortization Hedged Potential Reference and at Year- Description Generation or Replicated Identifier (a) or Central Clearinghouse Date Expiration Contracts Amount (Paid) Paid Paid Income Carrying Value e Fair Value (Decrease) B./A.C.V. ) / Accretion Items Exposure Entity end (b) Purchased Options - Hedging Other - Collars Equity/Ind 660359 MLOA Athena Collar 487-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 04/15/2016 04/15/2019 ...... 296 ...... 418,880 3017.06...... (1,845) ...... (18) ...... (18) ...... 1,827 ...... 425 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 660360 MLOA Athena Collar 487-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 04/15/2016 04/15/2019 ...... 296 ...... 418,880 2080.73...... 67,588 ...... 222,643 ...... 222,643 ...... 155,054 ...... 425 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 660361 MLOA Athena Collar 488-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 04/15/2016 04/15/2019 ...... 557 ...... 1,578,806 2080.73...... 127,374 ...... 419,582 ...... 419,582 ...... 292,208 ...... 1,600 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 660362 MLOA Athena Collar 489-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 04/15/2016 04/15/2019 ...... 281 ...... 398,447 2080.73...... 64,291 ...... 211,782 ...... 211,782 ...... 147,491 ...... 404 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 660363 MLOA Athena Collar 489-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 04/15/2016 04/15/2019 ...... 281 ...... 398,447 2913.02...... (3,101) ...... (674) ...... (674) ...... 2,426 ...... 404 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 660364 MLOA Athena Collar 490-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 04/15/2016 04/15/2019 ...... 287 ...... 407,302 2080.73...... 65,720 ...... 216,488 ...... 216,488 ...... 150,768 ...... 413 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 660365 MLOA Athena Collar 490-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 04/15/2016 04/15/2019 ...... 287 ...... 407,302 3121.10...... (897) ...... (1) ...... (1) ...... 896 ...... 413 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 666040 MLOA Athena Collar 495-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WCMB...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56.. 05/17/2016 05/14/2019 ...... 398 ...... 563,499 2968.45...... (2,605) ...... (1,759) ...... (1,759) ...... 845 ...... 978 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 666041 MLOA Athena Collar 495-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WCMB...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56.. 05/17/2016 05/14/2019 ...... 398 ...... 563,499 2047.21...... 92,064 ...... 312,618 ...... 312,618 ...... 220,554 ...... 978 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 666042 MLOA Athena Collar 496-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WCMB...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56.. 05/17/2016 05/14/2019 ...... 406 ...... 1,151,920 2047.21...... 94,099 ...... 319,531 ...... 319,531 ...... 225,432 ...... 2,000 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 666043 MLOA Athena Collar 497-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WCMB...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56.. 05/17/2016 05/14/2019 ...... 209 ...... 295,595 2866.09...... (2,434) ...... (6,714) ...... (6,714) ...... (4,280) ...... 513 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 666044 MLOA Athena Collar 497-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WCMB...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56.. 05/17/2016 05/14/2019 ...... 209 ...... 295,595 2047.21...... 48,294 ...... 163,990 ...... 163,990 ...... 115,697 ...... 513 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 666045 MLOA Athena Collar 498-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WCMB...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56.. 05/17/2016 05/14/2019 ...... 354 ...... 501,196 2047.21...... 81,884 ...... 278,053 ...... 278,053 ...... 196,169 ...... 870 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind Q 666046 MLOA Athena Collar 498-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WCMB...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56.. 05/17/2016 05/14/2019 ...... 354 ...... 501,196 3070.82...... (1,021) ...... (247) ...... (247) ...... 774 ...... 870 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind E 673144 MLOA Athena Collar 523-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 06/15/2016 06/14/2019 ...... 117 ...... 165,563 2071.50...... 28,493 ...... 89,127 ...... 89,127 ...... 60,634 ...... 375 ...... 003......

0 Equity/Ind

6 673145 MLOA Athena Collar 523-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 06/15/2016 06/14/2019 ...... 117 ...... 165,563 2900.10...... (2,130) ...... (3,946) ...... (3,946) ...... (1,816) ...... 375 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 673146 MLOA Athena Collar 524-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 06/15/2016 06/14/2019 ...... 388 ...... 549,366 2071.50...... 94,545 ...... 295,740 ...... 295,740 ...... 201,195 ...... 1,245 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 673147 MLOA Athena Collar 524-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 06/15/2016 06/14/2019 ...... 388 ...... 549,366 3003.68...... (4,497) ...... (2,758) ...... (2,758) ...... 1,738 ...... 1,245 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 673148 MLOA Athena Collar 525-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 06/15/2016 06/14/2019 ...... 1,109 ...... 3,142,947 2071.50...... 270,448 ...... 845,971 ...... 845,971 ...... 575,523 ...... 7,123 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 673149 MLOA Athena Collar 526-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 06/15/2016 06/14/2019 ...... 1,005 ...... 1,423,699 2900.10...... (18,313) ...... (33,931) ...... (33,931) ...... (15,619) ...... 3,227 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 673150 MLOA Athena Collar 526-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 06/15/2016 06/14/2019 ...... 1,005 ...... 1,423,699 2071.50...... 245,017 ...... 766,420 ...... 766,420 ...... 521,403 ...... 3,227 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 673151 MLOA Athena Collar 527-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 06/15/2016 06/14/2019 ...... 426 ...... 603,413 2071.50...... 103,846 ...... 324,835 ...... 324,835 ...... 220,989 ...... 1,368 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 673152 MLOA Athena Collar 527-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 06/15/2016 06/14/2019 ...... 426 ...... 603,413 3107.25...... (3,069) ...... (739) ...... (739) ...... 2,331 ...... 1,368 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 681687 MLOA Athena Collar 541-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 07/15/2016 07/15/2019 ...... 183 ...... 259,611 2161.74...... 43,057 ...... 123,868 ...... 123,868 ...... 80,811 ...... 700 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 681688 MLOA Athena Collar 541-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 07/15/2016 07/15/2019 ...... 183 ...... 259,611 3026.44...... (2,198) ...... (1,846) ...... (1,846) ...... 352 ...... 700 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 681689 MLOA Athena Collar 542-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 07/15/2016 07/15/2019 ...... 307 ...... 434,651 2161.74...... 72,088 ...... 207,385 ...... 207,385 ...... 135,297 ...... 1,171 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 681690 MLOA Athena Collar 542-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 07/15/2016 07/15/2019 ...... 307 ...... 434,651 3242.61...... (1,173) ...... (292) ...... (292) ...... 881 ...... 1,171 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 681705 MLOA Athena Collar 543-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 07/15/2016 07/15/2019 ...... 253 ...... 357,948 2161.74...... 59,294 ...... 170,788 ...... 170,788 ...... 111,493 ...... 964 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 681706 MLOA Athena Collar 543-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 07/15/2016 07/15/2019 ...... 253 ...... 357,948 3134.52...... (1,639) ...... (692) ...... (692) ...... 947 ...... 964 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 681707 MLOA Athena Collar 544-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 07/15/2016 07/15/2019 ...... 347 ...... 983,375 2161.74...... 81,448 ...... 234,599 ...... 234,599 ...... 153,150 ...... 2,650 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 685782 MLOA Athena Collar 546-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 08/16/2016 08/14/2019 ...... 60 ...... 85,235 2178.15...... 14,495 ...... 39,897 ...... 39,897 ...... 25,402 ...... 260 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 685783 MLOA Athena Collar 546-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 08/16/2016 08/14/2019 ...... 60 ...... 85,235 3267.23...... (348) ...... (93) ...... (93) ...... 256 ...... 260 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 685795 MLOA Athena Collar 547-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 08/16/2016 08/14/2019 ...... 394 ...... 558,903 2178.15...... 95,048 ...... 261,615 ...... 261,615 ...... 166,567 ...... 1,706 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 685796 MLOA Athena Collar 547-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 08/16/2016 08/14/2019 ...... 394 ...... 558,903 3158.32...... (3,659) ...... (1,536) ...... (1,536) ...... 2,123 ...... 1,706 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 685797 MLOA Athena Collar 548-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 08/16/2016 08/14/2019 ...... 363 ...... 1,028,017 2178.15...... 87,413 ...... 240,600 ...... 240,600 ...... 153,187 ...... 3,138 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 685798 MLOA Athena Collar 549-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 08/16/2016 08/14/2019 ...... 164 ...... 232,931 2178.15...... 39,613 ...... 109,032 ...... 109,032 ...... 69,419 ...... 711 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 685799 MLOA Athena Collar 549-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 08/16/2016 08/14/2019 ...... 164 ...... 232,931 3049.41...... (2,409) ...... (2,075) ...... (2,075) ...... 335 ...... 711 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 685800 MLOA Athena Collar 550-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 08/16/2016 08/14/2019 ...... 148 ...... 210,158 2178.15...... 35,740 ...... 98,372 ...... 98,372 ...... 62,632 ...... 641 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 685801 MLOA Athena Collar 550-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 08/16/2016 08/14/2019 ...... 148 ...... 210,158 3267.23...... (859) ...... (228) ...... (228) ...... 631 ...... 641 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 694214 MLOA Athena Collar 566-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 09/15/2016 09/16/2019 ...... 664 ...... 1,881,010 2147.26...... 159,744 ...... 462,149 ...... 462,149 ...... 302,406 ...... 6,400 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 694241 MLOA Athena Collar 567-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 09/15/2016 09/16/2019 ...... 265 ...... 376,203 2147.26...... 64,895 ...... 184,860 ...... 184,860 ...... 119,965 ...... 1,280 ...... 003...... Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE DB - PART A - SECTION 1 Showing all Options, Caps, Floors, Collars, Swaps and Forwards Open as of Current Statement Date

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Cumulative Prior Year(s) Current Year Initial Cost of Initial Cost of Adjustment Hedge Strike Price, Undiscounted Undiscounted C Unrealized Total Foreign Current to Carrying Credit Effectiveness Schedule Type(s) of Date of Rate of Index Premium Premium o Valuation Exchange Year's Value of Quality of at Inception Description of Item(s) Hedged, Used for Income / Exhibit Risk(s) Exchange, Counterparty Trade Maturity or Number of Notional Received (Received) (Received) Current Year Book/Adjusted d Increase Change in (Amortization Hedged Potential Reference and at Year- Description Generation or Replicated Identifier (a) or Central Clearinghouse Date Expiration Contracts Amount (Paid) Paid Paid Income Carrying Value e Fair Value (Decrease) B./A.C.V. ) / Accretion Items Exposure Entity end (b) Equity/Ind 694242 MLOA Athena Collar 567-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 09/15/2016 09/16/2019 ...... 265 ...... 376,203 3113.53...... (2,879) ...... (2,572) ...... (2,572) ...... 307 ...... 1,280 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 694243 MLOA Athena Collar 568-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 09/15/2016 09/16/2019 ...... 207 ...... 293,702 2147.26...... 50,663 ...... 144,321 ...... 144,321 ...... 93,657 ...... 999 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 694244 MLOA Athena Collar 568-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 09/15/2016 09/16/2019 ...... 207 ...... 293,702 3006.16...... (3,449) ...... (6,365) ...... (6,365) ...... (2,916) ...... 999 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 694245 MLOA Athena Collar 569-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 09/15/2016 09/16/2019 ...... 228 ...... 323,402 2147.26...... 55,787 ...... 158,915 ...... 158,915 ...... 103,128 ...... 1,100 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 694246 MLOA Athena Collar 569-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 09/15/2016 09/16/2019 ...... 228 ...... 323,402 3220.89...... (1,593) ...... (844) ...... (844) ...... 749 ...... 1,100 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 699851 MLOA Athena Collar 584-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 10/17/2016 10/14/2019 ...... 491 ...... 695,772 2126.50...... 116,897 ...... 352,908 ...... 352,908 ...... 236,012 ...... 2,556 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 699852 MLOA Athena Collar 584-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 10/17/2016 10/14/2019 ...... 491 ...... 695,772 2977.10...... (6,953) ...... (23,966) ...... (23,966) ...... (17,013) ...... 2,556 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 699950 MLOA Athena Collar 592-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WCMB...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56.. 10/17/2016 10/14/2019 ...... 400 ...... 567,146 2126.50...... 93,925 ...... 287,667 ...... 287,667 ...... 193,742 ...... 2,083 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 699951 MLOA Athena Collar 592-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WCMB...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56.. 10/17/2016 10/14/2019 ...... 400 ...... 567,146 3083.43...... (2,272) ...... (7,450) ...... (7,450) ...... (5,178) ...... 2,083 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 699952 MLOA Athena Collar 593-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WCMB...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56.. 10/17/2016 10/14/2019 ...... 376 ...... 1,064,983 2126.50...... 88,186 ...... 270,090 ...... 270,090 ...... 181,904 ...... 3,912 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 699953 MLOA Athena Collar 594-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WCMB...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56.. 10/17/2016 10/14/2019 ...... 577 ...... 818,398 2126.50...... 135,535 ...... 415,107 ...... 415,107 ...... 279,572 ...... 3,006 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 699954 MLOA Athena Collar 594-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WCMB...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56.. 10/17/2016 10/14/2019 ...... 577 ...... 818,398 3189.75...... (1,829) ...... (4,021) ...... (4,021) ...... (2,191) ...... 3,006 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 706524 MLOA Athena Collar 604-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 11/15/2016 11/14/2019 ...... 422 ...... 598,627 2180.39...... 102,876 ...... 283,945 ...... 283,945 ...... 181,070 ...... 2,366 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 706525 MLOA Athena Collar 604-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 11/15/2016 11/14/2019 ...... 422 ...... 598,627 3052.55...... (4,329) ...... (13,775) ...... (13,775) ...... (9,446) ...... 2,366 ...... 003...... Q Equity/Ind

E 706536 MLOA Athena Collar 605-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 11/15/2016 11/14/2019 ...... 241 ...... 341,238 2180.39...... 58,642 ...... 161,859 ...... 161,859 ...... 103,216 ...... 1,348 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind

0 706537 MLOA Athena Collar 605-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 11/15/2016 11/14/2019 ...... 241 ...... 341,238 2943.53...... (4,305) ...... (17,502) ...... (17,502) ...... (13,197) ...... 1,348 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 6 706538 MLOA Athena Collar 606-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 11/15/2016 11/14/2019 ...... 211 ...... 298,339 2180.39...... 51,270 ...... 141,510 ...... 141,510 ...... 90,240 ...... 1,179 ...... 003......

1 Equity/Ind 706539 MLOA Athena Collar 606-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 11/15/2016 11/14/2019 ...... 211 ...... 298,339 3161.57...... (918) ...... (2,659) ...... (2,659) ...... (1,741) ...... 1,179 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 706744 MLOA Athena Collar 617-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WCMB...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56.. 11/15/2016 11/14/2019 ...... 327 ...... 926,866 2180.39...... 82,344 ...... 219,819 ...... 219,819 ...... 137,475 ...... 3,663 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 716866 MLOA Athena Collar 624-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex GSFM...... VF1AUT09OCSW5Y7OE568... 12/15/2016 12/16/2019 ...... 279 ...... 394,706 2262.03...... 74,957 ...... 167,661 ...... 167,661 ...... 92,705 ...... 1,666 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 716867 MLOA Athena Collar 624-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex GSFM...... VF1AUT09OCSW5Y7OE568... 12/15/2016 12/16/2019 ...... 279 ...... 394,706 3279.94...... (2,858) ...... (1,823) ...... (1,823) ...... 1,036 ...... 1,666 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 716868 MLOA Athena Collar 625-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex GSFM...... VF1AUT09OCSW5Y7OE568... 12/15/2016 12/16/2019 ...... 776 ...... 2,199,075 2262.03...... 208,844 ...... 467,056 ...... 467,056 ...... 258,212 ...... 9,280 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 716869 MLOA Athena Collar 626-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex GSFM...... VF1AUT09OCSW5Y7OE568... 12/15/2016 12/16/2019 ...... 270 ...... 382,801 2262.03...... 72,670 ...... 162,604 ...... 162,604 ...... 89,935 ...... 1,615 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 716870 MLOA Athena Collar 626-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex GSFM...... VF1AUT09OCSW5Y7OE568... 12/15/2016 12/16/2019 ...... 270 ...... 382,801 3053.74...... (7,689) ...... (10,888) ...... (10,888) ...... (3,199) ...... 1,615 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 716871 MLOA Athena Collar 627-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex GSFM...... VF1AUT09OCSW5Y7OE568... 12/15/2016 12/16/2019 ...... 319 ...... 451,718 2262.03...... 85,775 ...... 191,879 ...... 191,879 ...... 106,104 ...... 1,906 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 716872 MLOA Athena Collar 627-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex GSFM...... VF1AUT09OCSW5Y7OE568... 12/15/2016 12/16/2019 ...... 319 ...... 451,718 3166.84...... (5,599) ...... (5,185) ...... (5,185) ...... 414 ...... 1,906 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 722528 MLOA Athena Collar 646-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 01/18/2017 01/14/2020 ...... 267 ...... 378,645 2271.89...... 70,537 ...... 159,751 ...... 159,751 ...... 89,213 ...... 1,685 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 722529 MLOA Athena Collar 646-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 01/18/2017 01/14/2020 ...... 267 ...... 378,645 3180.65...... (4,916) ...... (4,938) ...... (4,938) ...... (23) ...... 1,685 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 722530 MLOA Athena Collar 647-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 01/18/2017 01/14/2020 ...... 258 ...... 731,091 2271.89...... 67,912 ...... 154,224 ...... 154,224 ...... 86,312 ...... 3,253 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 722531 MLOA Athena Collar 648-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 01/18/2017 01/14/2020 ...... 419 ...... 593,855 2271.89...... 110,613 ...... 250,548 ...... 250,548 ...... 139,935 ...... 2,642 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 722532 MLOA Athena Collar 648-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 01/18/2017 01/14/2020 ...... 419 ...... 593,855 3067.05...... (11,578) ...... (18,063) ...... (18,063) ...... (6,485) ...... 2,642 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 722533 MLOA Athena Collar 649-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 01/18/2017 01/14/2020 ...... 239 ...... 338,099 2271.89...... 62,978 ...... 142,644 ...... 142,644 ...... 79,666 ...... 1,504 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 722534 MLOA Athena Collar 649-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 01/18/2017 01/14/2020 ...... 239 ...... 338,099 3294.24...... (2,897) ...... (1,856) ...... (1,856) ...... 1,041 ...... 1,504 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 727146 MLOA Athena Collar 661-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 02/15/2017 02/14/2020 ...... 306 ...... 867,482 2349.25...... 80,916 ...... 163,885 ...... 163,885 ...... 82,969 ...... 4,061 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 727207 MLOA Athena Collar 665-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 02/15/2017 02/14/2020 ...... 258 ...... 364,970 2349.25...... 67,935 ...... 137,900 ...... 137,900 ...... 69,966 ...... 1,709 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 727208 MLOA Athena Collar 665-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 02/15/2017 02/14/2020 ...... 258 ...... 364,970 3288.95...... (4,047) ...... (2,699) ...... (2,699) ...... 1,347 ...... 1,709 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 727209 MLOA Athena Collar 666-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 02/15/2017 02/14/2020 ...... 197 ...... 279,307 2349.25...... 52,042 ...... 105,534 ...... 105,534 ...... 53,491 ...... 1,308 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 727210 MLOA Athena Collar 666-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 02/15/2017 02/14/2020 ...... 197 ...... 279,307 3171.49...... (4,677) ...... (4,886) ...... (4,886) ...... (209) ...... 1,308 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 727211 MLOA Athena Collar 667-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 02/15/2017 02/14/2020 ...... 944 ...... 1,337,419 2349.25...... 248,696 ...... 505,331 ...... 505,331 ...... 256,635 ...... 6,261 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 727212 MLOA Athena Collar 667-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 02/15/2017 02/14/2020 ...... 944 ...... 1,337,419 3406.41...... (9,863) ...... (4,695) ...... (4,695) ...... 5,168 ...... 6,261 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 736528 MLOA Athena Collar 671-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 03/15/2017 03/16/2020 ...... 165 ...... 234,095 2385.26...... 45,298 ...... 84,307 ...... 84,307 ...... 39,009 ...... 1,148 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 736529 MLOA Athena Collar 671-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 03/15/2017 03/16/2020 ...... 165 ...... 234,095 3339.36...... (2,802) ...... (1,540) ...... (1,540) ...... 1,262 ...... 1,148 ...... 003...... Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE DB - PART A - SECTION 1 Showing all Options, Caps, Floors, Collars, Swaps and Forwards Open as of Current Statement Date

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Cumulative Prior Year(s) Current Year Initial Cost of Initial Cost of Adjustment Hedge Strike Price, Undiscounted Undiscounted C Unrealized Total Foreign Current to Carrying Credit Effectiveness Schedule Type(s) of Date of Rate of Index Premium Premium o Valuation Exchange Year's Value of Quality of at Inception Description of Item(s) Hedged, Used for Income / Exhibit Risk(s) Exchange, Counterparty Trade Maturity or Number of Notional Received (Received) (Received) Current Year Book/Adjusted d Increase Change in (Amortization Hedged Potential Reference and at Year- Description Generation or Replicated Identifier (a) or Central Clearinghouse Date Expiration Contracts Amount (Paid) Paid Paid Income Carrying Value e Fair Value (Decrease) B./A.C.V. ) / Accretion Items Exposure Entity end (b) Equity/Ind 736530 MLOA Athena Collar 672-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 03/15/2017 03/16/2020 ...... 123 ...... 174,680 2385.26...... 33,831 ...... 62,909 ...... 62,909 ...... 29,079 ...... 856 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 736531 MLOA Athena Collar 672-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 03/15/2017 03/16/2020 ...... 123 ...... 174,680 3220.10...... (3,193) ...... (2,634) ...... (2,634) ...... 558 ...... 856 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 736532 MLOA Athena Collar 673-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 03/15/2017 03/16/2020 ...... 196 ...... 278,062 2385.26...... 53,778 ...... 100,141 ...... 100,141 ...... 46,363 ...... 1,363 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 736533 MLOA Athena Collar 673-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 03/15/2017 03/16/2020 ...... 196 ...... 278,062 3458.63...... (2,172) ...... (903) ...... (903) ...... 1,269 ...... 1,363 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 736730 MLOA Athena Collar 686-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 03/15/2017 03/16/2020 ...... 365 ...... 1,035,007 2385.26...... 101,106 ...... 186,374 ...... 186,374 ...... 85,268 ...... 5,075 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 743899 MLOA Athena Collar 695-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 04/18/2017 04/14/2020 ...... 256 ...... 362,440 2342.19...... 64,946 ...... 141,113 ...... 141,113 ...... 76,167 ...... 1,849 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 743900 MLOA Athena Collar 695-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 04/18/2017 04/14/2020 ...... 256 ...... 362,440 3279.07...... (3,310) ...... (4,499) ...... (4,499) ...... (1,190) ...... 1,849 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 743901 MLOA Athena Collar 696-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 04/18/2017 04/14/2020 ...... 803 ...... 2,275,082 2342.19...... 203,043 ...... 442,893 ...... 442,893 ...... 239,850 ...... 11,607 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 743902 MLOA Athena Collar 697-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 04/18/2017 04/14/2020 ...... 178 ...... 252,921 2342.19...... 45,401 ...... 98,473 ...... 98,473 ...... 53,072 ...... 1,290 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 743903 MLOA Athena Collar 697-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 04/18/2017 04/14/2020 ...... 178 ...... 252,921 3161.96...... (3,601) ...... (6,710) ...... (6,710) ...... (3,109) ...... 1,290 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 743904 MLOA Athena Collar 698-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 04/18/2017 04/14/2020 ...... 230 ...... 325,531 2342.19...... 58,295 ...... 126,743 ...... 126,743 ...... 68,448 ...... 1,661 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 743905 MLOA Athena Collar 698-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 04/18/2017 04/14/2020 ...... 230 ...... 325,531 3396.18...... (1,913) ...... (1,938) ...... (1,938) ...... (25) ...... 1,661 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 749507 MLOA Athena Collar 717-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 05/16/2017 05/14/2020 ...... 221 ...... 313,468 2400.67...... 57,624 ...... 112,269 ...... 112,269 ...... 54,645 ...... 1,661 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 749508 MLOA Athena Collar 717-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 05/16/2017 05/14/2020 ...... 221 ...... 313,468 3360.94...... (3,780) ...... (2,917) ...... (2,917) ...... 863 ...... 1,661 ...... 003...... Q Equity/Ind

E 749509 MLOA Athena Collar 718-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 05/16/2017 05/14/2020 ...... 229 ...... 649,370 2400.67...... 59,729 ...... 116,286 ...... 116,286 ...... 56,557 ...... 3,441 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind

0 749510 MLOA Athena Collar 718-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 05/16/2017 05/14/2020 ...... 102 ...... 144,632 2400.67...... 26,563 ...... 51,800 ...... 51,800 ...... 25,238 ...... 766 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 6 749511 MLOA Athena Collar 719-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 05/16/2017 05/14/2020 ...... 102 ...... 144,632 3240.90...... (2,503) ...... (2,801) ...... (2,801) ...... (298) ...... 766 ...... 003......

2 Equity/Ind 749512 MLOA Athena Collar 720-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 05/16/2017 05/14/2020 ...... 372 ...... 527,169 2400.67...... 96,864 ...... 188,806 ...... 188,806 ...... 91,943 ...... 2,794 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 749513 MLOA Athena Collar 720-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 05/16/2017 05/14/2020 ...... 372 ...... 527,169 3480.97...... (4,527) ...... (2,522) ...... (2,522) ...... 2,006 ...... 2,794 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 758272 MLOA Athena Collar 732-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 06/15/2017 06/15/2020 ...... 497 ...... 1,408,776 2432.46...... 134,622 ...... 242,178 ...... 242,178 ...... 107,556 ...... 7,751 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 758312 MLOA Athena Collar 733-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 06/15/2017 06/15/2020 ...... 368 ...... 522,027 2432.46...... 99,712 ...... 179,480 ...... 179,480 ...... 79,768 ...... 2,872 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 758313 MLOA Athena Collar 733-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 06/15/2017 06/15/2020 ...... 368 ...... 522,027 3405.44...... (6,545) ...... (4,709) ...... (4,709) ...... 1,836 ...... 2,872 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 758314 MLOA Athena Collar 734-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 06/15/2017 06/15/2020 ...... 401 ...... 568,637 2432.46...... 108,722 ...... 195,505 ...... 195,505 ...... 86,783 ...... 3,129 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 758315 MLOA Athena Collar 734-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 06/15/2017 06/15/2020 ...... 401 ...... 568,637 3283.82...... (10,342) ...... (10,367) ...... (10,367) ...... (24) ...... 3,129 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 758316 MLOA Athena Collar 735-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 06/15/2017 06/15/2020 ...... 442 ...... 625,733 2432.46...... 119,434 ...... 215,136 ...... 215,136 ...... 95,701 ...... 3,443 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 758317 MLOA Athena Collar 735-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CITI...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76... 06/15/2017 06/15/2020 ...... 442 ...... 625,733 3527.07...... (5,502) ...... (3,020) ...... (3,020) ...... 2,483 ...... 3,443 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 764219 MLOA Athena Collar 745-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WMST...... 4PQUHN3JPFGFNF3BB653... 07/17/2017 07/14/2020 ...... 1,252 ...... 1,775,000 2459.14...... 448,647 ...... 590,314 ...... 590,314 ...... 141,667 ...... 10,082 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 764220 MLOA Athena Collar 745-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WMST...... 4PQUHN3JPFGFNF3BB653... 07/17/2017 07/14/2020 ...... 1,252 ...... 1,775,000 3565.76...... (125,247) ...... (8,908) ...... (8,908) ...... 116,339 ...... 10,082 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 764270 MLOA Athena Collar 756-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 07/17/2017 07/14/2020 ...... 235 ...... 332,525 2459.14...... 62,651 ...... 110,588 ...... 110,588 ...... 47,938 ...... 1,889 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 764271 MLOA Athena Collar 756-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 07/17/2017 07/14/2020 ...... 235 ...... 332,525 3442.80...... (3,156) ...... (3,000) ...... (3,000) ...... 156 ...... 1,889 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 764272 MLOA Athena Collar 757-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 07/17/2017 07/14/2020 ...... 148 ...... 418,394 2459.14...... 39,415 ...... 69,573 ...... 69,573 ...... 30,158 ...... 2,376 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 764273 MLOA Athena Collar 758-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 07/17/2017 07/14/2020 ...... 153 ...... 216,688 2459.14...... 40,826 ...... 72,064 ...... 72,064 ...... 31,238 ...... 1,231 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 764274 MLOA Athena Collar 758-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 07/17/2017 07/14/2020 ...... 153 ...... 216,688 3319.84...... (3,245) ...... (3,781) ...... (3,781) ...... (536) ...... 1,231 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 768997 MLOA Athena Collar 778-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WCMB...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56.. 08/15/2017 08/14/2020 ...... 149 ...... 210,457 2464.61...... 38,613 ...... 70,187 ...... 70,187 ...... 31,574 ...... 1,234 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 768998 MLOA Athena Collar 778-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WCMB...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56.. 08/15/2017 08/14/2020 ...... 149 ...... 210,457 3450.45...... (1,427) ...... (2,233) ...... (2,233) ...... (805) ...... 1,234 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 768999 MLOA Athena Collar 779-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WCMB...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56.. 08/15/2017 08/14/2020 ...... 217 ...... 614,121 2464.61...... 56,337 ...... 102,405 ...... 102,405 ...... 46,068 ...... 3,601 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 769002 MLOA Athena Collar 780-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 08/15/2017 08/14/2020 ...... 328 ...... 465,192 2464.61...... 81,950 ...... 155,141 ...... 155,141 ...... 73,191 ...... 2,728 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 769003 MLOA Athena Collar 780-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 08/15/2017 08/14/2020 ...... 328 ...... 465,192 3327.22...... (4,215) ...... (9,170) ...... (9,170) ...... (4,955) ...... 2,728 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 769004 MLOA Athena Collar 781-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 08/15/2017 08/14/2020 ...... 767 ...... 1,086,788 2464.61...... 191,453 ...... 362,444 ...... 362,444 ...... 170,991 ...... 6,373 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 769005 MLOA Athena Collar 781-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 08/15/2017 08/14/2020 ...... 767 ...... 1,086,788 3573.68...... (1,626) ...... (6,540) ...... (6,540) ...... (4,914) ...... 6,373 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 774674 MLOA Athena Collar 782-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex GSFM...... VF1AUT09OCSW5Y7OE568... 09/15/2017 09/14/2020 ...... 94 ...... 133,771 2500.23...... 25,669 ...... 42,571 ...... 42,571 ...... 16,902 ...... 808 ...... 003...... Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE DB - PART A - SECTION 1 Showing all Options, Caps, Floors, Collars, Swaps and Forwards Open as of Current Statement Date

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Cumulative Prior Year(s) Current Year Initial Cost of Initial Cost of Adjustment Hedge Strike Price, Undiscounted Undiscounted C Unrealized Total Foreign Current to Carrying Credit Effectiveness Schedule Type(s) of Date of Rate of Index Premium Premium o Valuation Exchange Year's Value of Quality of at Inception Description of Item(s) Hedged, Used for Income / Exhibit Risk(s) Exchange, Counterparty Trade Maturity or Number of Notional Received (Received) (Received) Current Year Book/Adjusted d Increase Change in (Amortization Hedged Potential Reference and at Year- Description Generation or Replicated Identifier (a) or Central Clearinghouse Date Expiration Contracts Amount (Paid) Paid Paid Income Carrying Value e Fair Value (Decrease) B./A.C.V. ) / Accretion Items Exposure Entity end (b) Equity/Ind 774675 MLOA Athena Collar 782-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex GSFM...... VF1AUT09OCSW5Y7OE568... 09/15/2017 09/14/2020 ...... 94 ...... 133,771 3500.32...... (1,338) ...... (1,354) ...... (1,354) ...... (16) ...... 808 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 774743 MLOA Athena Collar 793-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 09/15/2017 09/14/2020 ...... 204 ...... 579,298 2500.23...... 54,866 ...... 92,178 ...... 92,178 ...... 37,312 ...... 3,500 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 774744 MLOA Athena Collar 794-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 09/15/2017 09/14/2020 ...... 334 ...... 473,301 2500.23...... 88,091 ...... 150,623 ...... 150,623 ...... 62,532 ...... 2,860 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 774745 MLOA Athena Collar 794-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 09/15/2017 09/14/2020 ...... 334 ...... 473,301 3375.31...... (5,661) ...... (8,593) ...... (8,593) ...... (2,932) ...... 2,860 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 774746 MLOA Athena Collar 795-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 09/15/2017 09/14/2020 ...... 648 ...... 918,827 2500.23...... 171,013 ...... 292,407 ...... 292,407 ...... 121,395 ...... 5,552 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 774747 MLOA Athena Collar 795-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 09/15/2017 09/14/2020 ...... 648 ...... 918,827 3625.33...... (1,997) ...... (5,412) ...... (5,412) ...... (3,415) ...... 5,552 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 779828 MLOA Athena Collar 806-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 10/17/2017 10/14/2020 ...... 91 ...... 128,466 2559.36...... 25,622 ...... 37,364 ...... 37,364 ...... 11,742 ...... 798 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 779829 MLOA Athena Collar 806-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 10/17/2017 10/14/2020 ...... 91 ...... 128,466 3583.10...... (1,223) ...... (1,074) ...... (1,074) ...... 149 ...... 798 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 779830 MLOA Athena Collar 807-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 10/17/2017 10/14/2020 ...... 240 ...... 679,984 2559.36...... 67,810 ...... 98,886 ...... 98,886 ...... 31,076 ...... 4,223 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 779831 MLOA Athena Collar 808-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 10/17/2017 10/14/2020 ...... 782 ...... 1,108,018 2559.36...... 220,991 ...... 322,265 ...... 322,265 ...... 101,274 ...... 6,881 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 779832 MLOA Athena Collar 808-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 10/17/2017 10/14/2020 ...... 782 ...... 1,108,018 3455.14...... (16,828) ...... (16,198) ...... (16,198) ...... 630 ...... 6,881 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 779833 MLOA Athena Collar 809-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 10/17/2017 10/14/2020 ...... 783 ...... 1,110,233 2559.36...... 221,432 ...... 322,909 ...... 322,909 ...... 101,476 ...... 6,894 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 779834 MLOA Athena Collar 809-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 10/17/2017 10/14/2020 ...... 783 ...... 1,110,233 3711.07...... (6,617) ...... (5,548) ...... (5,548) ...... 1,069 ...... 6,894 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 783900 MLOA Athena Collar 820-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex GSFM...... VF1AUT09OCSW5Y7OE568... 11/15/2017 11/16/2020 ...... 127 ...... 359,187 2564.62...... 37,852 ...... 52,527 ...... 52,527 ...... 14,674 ...... 2,295 ...... 003...... Q Equity/Ind

E 783976 MLOA Athena Collar 828-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 11/15/2017 11/16/2020 ...... 352 ...... 499,547 2564.62...... 103,417 ...... 146,106 ...... 146,106 ...... 42,689 ...... 3,192 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind

0 783977 MLOA Athena Collar 828-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 11/15/2017 11/16/2020 ...... 352 ...... 499,547 3462.24...... (8,262) ...... (8,327) ...... (8,327) ...... (65) ...... 3,192 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 6 783978 MLOA Athena Collar 829-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 11/15/2017 11/16/2020 ...... 527 ...... 746,558 2564.62...... 154,553 ...... 218,350 ...... 218,350 ...... 63,797 ...... 4,770 ...... 003......

3 Equity/Ind 783979 MLOA Athena Collar 829-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 11/15/2017 11/16/2020 ...... 527 ...... 746,558 3718.70...... (3,514) ...... (4,351) ...... (4,351) ...... (837) ...... 4,770 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 784026 MLOA Athena Collar 832-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WMST...... 4PQUHN3JPFGFNF3BB653... 11/15/2017 11/16/2020 ...... 119 ...... 167,989 2564.62...... 35,811 ...... 49,133 ...... 49,133 ...... 13,322 ...... 1,073 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 784027 MLOA Athena Collar 832-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WMST...... 4PQUHN3JPFGFNF3BB653... 11/15/2017 11/16/2020 ...... 119 ...... 167,989 3590.47...... (2,371) ...... (1,622) ...... (1,622) ...... 749 ...... 1,073 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 793102 MLOA Athena Collar 839-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 12/15/2017 12/14/2020 ...... 128 ...... 362,270 2675.81...... 39,949 ...... 43,690 ...... 43,690 ...... 3,741 ...... 2,368 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 793155 MLOA Athena Collar 840-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WMST...... 4PQUHN3JPFGFNF3BB653... 12/15/2017 12/14/2020 ...... 65 ...... 92,156 2675.81...... 20,528 ...... 22,228 ...... 22,228 ...... 1,701 ...... 602 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 793156 MLOA Athena Collar 840-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WMST...... 4PQUHN3JPFGFNF3BB653... 12/15/2017 12/14/2020 ...... 65 ...... 92,156 3746.14...... (1,301) ...... (560) ...... (560) ...... 741 ...... 602 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 793160 MLOA Athena Collar 841-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WMST...... 4PQUHN3JPFGFNF3BB653... 12/15/2017 12/14/2020 ...... 563 ...... 798,159 2675.81...... 177,422 ...... 192,518 ...... 192,518 ...... 15,096 ...... 5,218 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 793161 MLOA Athena Collar 841-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WMST...... 4PQUHN3JPFGFNF3BB653... 12/15/2017 12/14/2020 ...... 563 ...... 798,159 3879.93...... (7,885) ...... (3,044) ...... (3,044) ...... 4,841 ...... 5,218 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 793197 MLOA Athena Collar 845-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 12/15/2017 12/14/2020 ...... 742 ...... 1,051,323 2675.81...... 229,070 ...... 253,582 ...... 253,582 ...... 24,512 ...... 6,873 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 793198 MLOA Athena Collar 845-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 12/15/2017 12/14/2020 ...... 742 ...... 1,051,323 3612.34...... (17,307) ...... (10,648) ...... (10,648) ...... 6,659 ...... 6,873 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 822641 MLOA MSO Collar 96-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 04/20/2018 04/18/2019 ...... 1,218 - ...... 2002.61...... (40,663) ...... (102) ...... (102) ...... 40,561 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 822642 MLOA MSO Collar 96-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 04/20/2018 04/18/2019 ...... 1,218 - ...... 2670.14...... 215,348 ...... 205,024 ...... 205,024 ...... (10,324) ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 822643 MLOA MSO Collar 96-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 04/20/2018 04/18/2019 ...... 1,218 ...... 3,453,116 2948.37...... (55,269) ...... (1,210) ...... (1,210) ...... 54,059 ...... 3,834 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 828133 MLOA MSO Collar 97-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CDC...... KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63... 05/18/2018 05/17/2019 ...... 962 - ...... 2034.73...... (572) ...... (572) ...... (572) ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 828134 MLOA MSO Collar 97-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CDC...... KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63... 05/18/2018 05/17/2019 ...... 962 - ...... 2712.97...... 100,236 ...... 137,203 ...... 137,203 ...... 36,967 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 828135 MLOA MSO Collar 97-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CDC...... KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63... 05/18/2018 05/17/2019 ...... 962 ...... 2,727,866 3004.07...... (2,416) ...... (2,416) ...... (2,416) ...... 4,894 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 834226 MLOA MSO Collar 98-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 06/15/2018 06/21/2019 ...... 1,620 - ...... 2084.75...... (48,262) ...... (2,648) ...... (2,648) ...... 45,614 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 834227 MLOA MSO Collar 98-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 06/15/2018 06/21/2019 ...... 1,620 - ...... 2779.66...... 279,620 ...... 177,016 ...... 177,016 ...... (102,604) ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 834228 MLOA MSO Collar 98-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 06/15/2018 06/21/2019 ...... 1,620 ...... 4,590,659 3069.30...... (61,497) ...... (5,445) ...... (5,445) ...... 56,052 ...... 10,879 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 842108 MLOA MSO Collar 99-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 07/20/2018 07/19/2019 ...... 883 ...... 2,502,758 2101.37...... (25,482) ...... (2,615) ...... (2,615) ...... 22,867 ...... 6,870 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 842109 MLOA MSO Collar 99-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 07/20/2018 07/19/2019 ...... 883 - ...... 2801.83...... 149,677 ...... 95,510 ...... 95,510 ...... (54,167) ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 842110 MLOA MSO Collar 99-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 07/20/2018 07/19/2019 ...... 883 - ...... 3077.81...... (33,869) ...... (4,837) ...... (4,837) ...... 29,032 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 846597 MLOA MSO Collar 100-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 08/17/2018 08/16/2019 ...... 820 - ...... 2137.60...... (23,837) ...... (4,870) ...... (4,870) ...... 18,967 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 846598 MLOA MSO Collar 100-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 08/17/2018 08/16/2019 ...... 820 - ...... 2850.13...... 142,323 ...... 73,547 ...... 73,547 ...... (68,777) ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 846599 MLOA MSO Collar 100-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 08/17/2018 08/16/2019 ...... 820 ...... 2,324,103 3125.74...... (32,952) ...... (4,556) ...... (4,556) ...... 28,396 ...... 7,145 ...... 003...... Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE DB - PART A - SECTION 1 Showing all Options, Caps, Floors, Collars, Swaps and Forwards Open as of Current Statement Date

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Cumulative Prior Year(s) Current Year Initial Cost of Initial Cost of Adjustment Hedge Strike Price, Undiscounted Undiscounted C Unrealized Total Foreign Current to Carrying Credit Effectiveness Schedule Type(s) of Date of Rate of Index Premium Premium o Valuation Exchange Year's Value of Quality of at Inception Description of Item(s) Hedged, Used for Income / Exhibit Risk(s) Exchange, Counterparty Trade Maturity or Number of Notional Received (Received) (Received) Current Year Book/Adjusted d Increase Change in (Amortization Hedged Potential Reference and at Year- Description Generation or Replicated Identifier (a) or Central Clearinghouse Date Expiration Contracts Amount (Paid) Paid Paid Income Carrying Value e Fair Value (Decrease) B./A.C.V. ) / Accretion Items Exposure Entity end (b) Equity/Ind 853633 MLOA MSO Collar 101-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 09/21/2018 09/20/2019 ...... 1,522 - ...... 3224.10...... (55,884) ...... (5,770) ...... (5,770) ...... 50,114 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 853634 MLOA MSO Collar 101-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 09/21/2018 09/20/2019 ...... 1,522 - ...... 2929.67...... 269,384 ...... 93,580 ...... 93,580 ...... (175,804) ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 853635 MLOA MSO Collar 101-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 09/21/2018 09/20/2019 ...... 1,522 ...... 4,314,966 2197.25...... (41,478) ...... (18,721) ...... (18,721) ...... 22,757 ...... 14,853 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 862094 MLOA MSO Collar 102-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 10/19/2018 10/18/2019 ...... 901 - ...... 3064.76...... (47,301) ...... (20,967) ...... (20,967) ...... 26,333 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 862095 MLOA MSO Collar 102-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 10/19/2018 10/18/2019 ...... 901 - ...... 2767.78...... 178,043 ...... 151,301 ...... 151,301 ...... (26,743) ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 862096 MLOA MSO Collar 102-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex DBL...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86..... 10/19/2018 10/18/2019 ...... 901 ...... 2,555,053 2075.84...... (32,864) ...... (8,660) ...... (8,660) ...... 24,204 ...... 9,480 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 868597 MLOA MSO Collar 103-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 11/16/2018 11/15/2019 ...... 1,108 - ...... 3026.31...... (63,399) ...... (44,964) ...... (44,964) ...... 18,435 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 868598 MLOA MSO Collar 103-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 11/16/2018 11/15/2019 ...... 1,108 - ...... 2736.27...... 218,911 ...... 220,919 ...... 220,919 ...... 2,008 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 868599 MLOA MSO Collar 103-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 11/16/2018 11/15/2019 ...... 1,108 ...... 3,140,736 2052.20...... (39,113) ...... (12,267) ...... (12,267) ...... 26,846 ...... 12,439 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 876602 MLOA MSO Collar 104-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CDC...... KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63... 12/21/2018 12/20/2019 ...... 1,342 - ...... 2702.26...... (314,828) ...... (314,828) ...... (314,828) ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 876603 MLOA MSO Collar 104-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CDC...... KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63... 12/21/2018 12/20/2019 ...... 1,342 - ...... 2416.62...... 115,681 ...... 625,274 ...... 625,274 ...... 509,593 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 876604 MLOA MSO Collar 104-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex CDC...... KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63... 12/21/2018 12/20/2019 ...... 1,342 ...... 3,804,816 1812.47...... (7,048) ...... (7,048) ...... (7,048) ...... 16,179 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 883013 MLOA MSO Collar 105-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 01/18/2019 01/17/2020 ...... 1,242 - ...... 2003.03...... (39,140) ...... (17,546) ...... (17,546) ...... 21,594 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 883014 MLOA MSO Collar 105-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 01/18/2019 01/17/2020 ...... 1,242 - ...... 2670.71...... 228,541 ...... 330,843 ...... 330,843 ...... 102,302 ...... 003...... Q Equity/Ind

E 883015 MLOA MSO Collar 105-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex BBI...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573..... 01/18/2019 01/17/2020 ...... 1,242 ...... 3,520,302 2931.10...... (73,306) ...... (122,000) ...... (122,000) ...... (48,694) ...... 15,743 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind

0 887226 MLOA MSO Collar 106-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WMST...... 4PQUHN3JPFGFNF3BB653... 02/15/2019 02/21/2020 ...... 1,340 - ...... 2081.70...... (38,392) ...... (30,297) ...... (30,297) ...... 8,095 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 6 887227 MLOA MSO Collar 106-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WMST...... 4PQUHN3JPFGFNF3BB653... 02/15/2019 02/21/2020 ...... 1,340 - ...... 2775.60...... 240,872 ...... 270,325 ...... 270,325 ...... 29,453 ...... 003......

4 Equity/Ind 887228 MLOA MSO Collar 106-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex WMST...... 4PQUHN3JPFGFNF3BB653... 02/15/2019 02/21/2020 ...... 1,340 ...... 3,796,764 3040.95...... (73,800) ...... (81,132) ...... (81,132) ...... (7,332) ...... 17,968 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 893128 MLOA MSO Collar 107-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 03/15/2019 03/20/2020 ...... 913 - ...... 2116.86...... (24,104) ...... (25,997) ...... (25,997) ...... (1,892) ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 893129 MLOA MSO Collar 107-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 03/15/2019 03/20/2020 ...... 913 - ...... 2822.48...... 160,455 ...... 163,768 ...... 163,768 ...... 3,313 ...... 003...... Equity/Ind 893130 MLOA MSO Collar 107-S&P500...... LIFE HEDGE...... N/A...... ex HSBU...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804...... 03/15/2019 03/20/2020 ...... 913 ...... 2,588,887 3073.68...... (48,699) ...... (51,268) ...... (51,268) ...... (2,569) ...... 12,766 ...... 003...... 0129999999. Total-Purchased Options-Hedging Other-Collars...... 8,788,553 ...... 332,426 ...... 0 ...... 19,476,491 XX ...... 19,476,491 ..10,355,512 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 514,517 XXX XXX 0149999999. Total-Purchased Options-Hedging Other...... 8,788,553 ...... 332,426 ...... 0 ...... 19,476,491 XX ...... 19,476,491 ..10,355,512 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 514,517 XXX XXX 0409999999. Total-Purchased Options-Collars...... 8,788,553 ...... 332,426 ...... 0 ...... 19,476,491 XX ...... 19,476,491 ..10,355,512 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 514,517 XXX XXX 0429999999. Total-Purchased Options...... 8,788,553 ...... 332,426 ...... 0 ...... 19,476,491 XX ...... 19,476,491 ..10,355,512 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 514,517 XXX XXX 1409999999. Total-Hedging Other...... 8,788,553 ...... 332,426 ...... 0 ...... 19,476,491 XX ...... 19,476,491 ..10,355,512 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 514,517 XXX XXX 1449999999. TOTAL...... 8,788,553 ...... 332,426 ...... 0 ...... 19,476,491 XX ...... 19,476,491 ..10,355,512 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 514,517 XXX XXX

(b) Code Financial or Economic Impact of the Hedge at the End of the Reporting Period 003 Hedges equity or interest rate risk of life products Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE DB - PART B - SECTION 1 Futures Contracts Open as of the Current Statement Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Highly Effective Hedges 18 19 20 21 22 15 16 17

Sch Description of edu Change in Item(s) le / Variation Change in Num Hedged, Exh Margin Gain Variation Hedge ber Used for ibit (Loss) Used to Cumulative Margin Gain Effectiveness of Income Ide Type(s) of Date of Cumulative Deferred Adjust Basis Variation (Loss) at Inception Ticker Contr Notional Generation or ntifi Risk(s) Maturity or Trade Transaction Reporting Book/Adjusted Variation Variation of Hedged Margin for All Recognized in Potential and at Year- Value of One Symbol acts Amount Description Replicated er (a) Expiration Exchange Date Price Date Price Fair Value Carrying Value Margin Margin Item Other Hedges Current Year Exposure end (b) (1) Point Long Futures Hedging Other RTYM9...... 50 ...3,859,500 891839 CME NEW MINI RUSSELL FUT... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/11/2019 ..1,530.6000 ..1,543.8000 ...... 9,000 ...... 33,000 ...... 33,000 ...... 177,500 ...... 3 ...... 50 RTYM9...... 63 ...4,862,970 891840 CME NEW MINI RUSSELL FUT... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/11/2019 ..1,530.6500 ..1,543.8000 ...... 11,340 ...... 41,423 ...... 41,423 ...... 223,650 ...... 3 ...... 50 MFSM9.. ...62 ...5,785,840 891837 NYL EMINI MSCI EAFE...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 NYB 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/11/2019 ..1,834.9000 ..1,866.4000 ...... 19,530 ...... 97,650 ...... 97,650 ...... 279,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 MFSM9.. ...18 ...1,679,760 893599 NYL EMINI MSCI EAFE...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 NYB 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/19/2019 ..1,890.2000 ..1,866.4000 ...... 5,670 ...... (21,420) ...... (21,420) ...... 81,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 ESM9...... 400 .56,756,000 891835 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/11/2019 ..2,752.0500 ..2,837.8000 ...... 321,894 ...... 1,715,000 ...... 1,715,000 .....2,400,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 ESM9...... 710 100,741,900 892347 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/13/2019 ..2,797.1500 ..2,837.8000 ...... 571,361 ...... 1,443,075 ...... 1,443,075 .....4,260,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 ESM9...... 710 100,741,900 892348 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/13/2019 ..2,797.2000 ..2,837.8000 ...... 571,361 ...... 1,441,300 ...... 1,441,300 .....4,260,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 ESM9...... 85 .12,060,650 892349 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/13/2019 ..2,815.7500 ..2,837.8000 ...... 68,402 ...... 93,713 ...... 93,713 ...... 510,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 ESM9...... 778 110,390,420 892643 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/14/2019 ..2,819.5000 ..2,837.8000 ...... 626,083 ...... 711,870 ...... 711,870 .....4,668,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 ESM9...... 157 .22,276,730 894229 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/21/2019 ..2,859.7500 ..2,837.8000 ...... 126,343 ...... (172,308) ...... (172,308) ...... 942,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 Q ESM9...... 166 .23,553,740 895423 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/26/2019 ..2,823.7500 ..2,837.8000 ...... 133,586 ...... 116,615 ...... 116,615 ...... 996,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 E

0 ESM9...... 83 .11,776,870 895877 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/28/2019 ..2,820.0000 ..2,837.8000 ...... 66,793 ...... 73,870 ...... 73,870 ...... 498,000 ...... 3 ...... 50

7 ESM9...... 12 ...1,702,680 896228 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/29/2019 ..2,836.0000 ..2,837.8000 ...... 9,657 ...... 1,080 ...... 1,080 ...... 72,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 ESM9...... 11 ...1,560,790 896229 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/29/2019 ..2,836.5000 ..2,837.8000 ...... 8,852 ...... 715 ...... 715 ...... 66,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 ESM9...... 22 ...3,121,580 896230 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/29/2019 ..2,837.0000 ..2,837.8000 ...... 17,704 ...... 880 ...... 880 ...... 132,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 ESM9...... 24 ...3,405,360 896231 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/29/2019 ..2,837.2500 ..2,837.8000 ...... 19,314 ...... 660 ...... 660 ...... 144,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 ESM9...... 12 ...1,702,680 896232 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/29/2019 ..2,837.5000 ..2,837.8000 ...... 9,657 ...... 180 ...... 180 ...... 72,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 ESM9...... 11 ...1,560,790 896233 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/29/2019 ..2,837.7500 ..2,837.8000 ...... 8,852 ...... 28 ...... 28 ...... 66,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 ESM9...... 23 ...3,263,470 896234 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/29/2019 ..2,838.0000 ..2,837.8000 ...... 18,509 ...... (230) ...... (230) ...... 138,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 ESM9...... 11 ...1,560,790 896235 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/29/2019 ..2,838.5000 ..2,837.8000 ...... 8,852 ...... (385) ...... (385) ...... 66,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 ESM9...... 12 ...1,702,680 896236 S&P 500 EMINI FUT...... LIFE HEDGE N/A EQUITY/INDEX 06/21/2019 CME 9R7GPTSO7KV3UQJZQ078 03/29/2019 ..2,838.7500 ..2,837.8000 ...... 9,657 ...... (570) ...... (570) ...... 72,000 ...... 3 ...... 50 ...... Cash Margin...... 19,295,150 ...... 12829999999. Total-Long Futures-Hedging Other...... 2,642,416 ...... 19,295,150 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 .....5,576,145 ...... 5,576,145 ....20,123,150 XXX XXX 1329999999. Total-Long Futures...... 2,642,416 ...... 19,295,150 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 .....5,576,145 ...... 5,576,145 ....20,123,150 XXX XXX 1409999999. Total-Hedging Other...... 2,642,416 ...... 19,295,150 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 .....5,576,145 ...... 5,576,145 ....20,123,150 XXX XXX 1449999999. TOTAL...... 2,642,416 ...... 19,295,150 ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 .....5,576,145 ...... 5,576,145 ....20,123,150 XXX XXX Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE DB - PART B - SECTION 1 Futures Contracts Open as of the Current Statement Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Highly Effective Hedges 18 19 20 21 22 15 16 17

Sch Description of edu Change in Item(s) le / Variation Change in Num Hedged, Exh Margin Gain Variation Hedge ber Used for ibit (Loss) Used to Cumulative Margin Gain Effectiveness of Income Ide Type(s) of Date of Cumulative Deferred Adjust Basis Variation (Loss) at Inception Ticker Contr Notional Generation or ntifi Risk(s) Maturity or Trade Transaction Reporting Book/Adjusted Variation Variation of Hedged Margin for All Recognized in Potential and at Year- Value of One Symbol acts Amount Description Replicated er (a) Expiration Exchange Date Price Date Price Fair Value Carrying Value Margin Margin Item Other Hedges Current Year Exposure end (b) (1) Point

Beginning Cumulative Ending Cash Cash Cash Broker Name Balance Change Balance Morgan Stanley .....6,276,000 .....13,019,150 ....19,295,150 Total Net Cash Deposits...... 6,276,000 .....13,019,150 ....19,295,150

(a) Code Description of Hedged Risk(s) 003 Hedges equity or interest rate risk of life products Q E 0 7 . 1 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE DB - PART D - SECTION 1 Counterparty Exposure for Derivative Instruments Open as of Current Statement Date 1 2 3 4 Book Adjusted Carrying Value Fair Value 11 12 5 6 7 8 9 10

Credit Master Support Contracts with Contracts with Agreement Annex Fair Value of Acceptable Book/Adjusted Carrying Book/Adjusted Carrying Exposure Net Contracts with Contracts with Exposure Net Potential Off-Balance Description of Exchange, Counterparty or Central Clearinghouse (Y or N) (Y or N) Collateral Value > 0 Value < 0 of Collateral Fair Value > 0 Fair Value < 0 of Collateral Exposure Sheet Exposure Exchange Traded Derivatives 0199999999. Aggregate Sum of Exchange Traded...... XXX XXX XXX ...... 19,295,150 ...... 19,295,150 ...... 2,642,416 ...... 20,123,150 ...... NAIC 1 Designation Barclays Bank PLC...... G5GSEF7VJP5I7OUK5573... Y...... Y...... 2,360,000 ...... 2,269,934 ...... 0 ...... 2,269,934 ...... 0 ...... 52,755 ...... 0 Citibank, N.A...... E57ODZWZ7FF32TWEFA76 Y...... Y...... 3,349,000 ...... 3,490,097 ...... 141,097 ...... 3,490,097 ...... 141,097 ...... 94,184 ...... 94,184 Commerzbank AG...... 851WYGNLUQLFZBSYGB56 Y...... Y...... 2,060,000 ...... 2,417,043 ...... 357,043 ...... 2,417,043 ...... 357,043 ...... 30,546 ...... 30,546 Deutsche Bank AG LONDON...... 7LTWFZYICNSX8D621K86.. Y...... Y...... 2,530,000 ...... 2,606,309 ...... 76,309 ...... 2,606,309 ...... 76,309 ...... 88,652 ...... 88,652 Goldman Sachs Financial Markets L.P...... VF1AUT09OCSW5Y7OE568 Y...... Y...... 990,000 ...... 1,065,048 ...... 75,048 ...... 1,065,048 ...... 75,048 ...... 23,566 ...... 23,566 HSBC Bank USA, N.A...... 1IE8VN30JCEQV1H4R804... Y...... Y...... 5,909,000 ...... 6,191,489 ...... 282,489 ...... 6,191,489 ...... 282,489 ...... 151,822 ...... 151,822 ING Bank N.V...... Z0MI2JT14K8OXYZWX446.. Y...... Y...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc...... 4PQUHN3JPFGFNF3BB653. Y...... Y...... 980,000 ...... 998,956 ...... 18,956 ...... 998,956 ...... 18,956 ...... 51,919 ...... 51,919 NATIXIS SA...... KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63. Y...... Y...... 250,000 ...... 437,615 ...... 187,615 ...... 437,615 ...... 187,615 ...... 21,074 ...... 21,074 ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND GROUP PLC...... TGRS6DDUGRSXRUV0M661 Y...... Y...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 0 0299999999. Total NAIC 1 Designation...... 18,428,000 ...... 19,476,491 ...... 0 ...... 1,138,557 ...... 19,476,491 ...... 0 ...... 1,138,557 ...... 514,517 ...... 461,762 0999999999. Gross Totals...... 18,428,000 ...... 38,771,641 ...... 0 ...... 20,433,707 ...... 22,118,907 ...... 0 ...... 1,138,557 ...... 20,637,667 ...... 461,762 1. Offset per SSAP No. 64...... 2. Net after right of offset per SSAP No. 64...... 38,771,641 ...... 0 Q E 0 8 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA

Sch. DB - Pt. D - Sn. 2 NONE

Sch. DL - Pt. 1 NONE

Sch. DL - Pt. 2 NONE

QE09, QE10, QE11 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE E - PART 1 - CASH Month End Depository Balances 1 2 3 4 5 Book Balance at End of Each 9 Month During Current Quarter 6 7 8

Amount of Interest Amount of Interest Received During Accrued at Current Depository Code Rate of Interest Current Quarter Statement Date First Month Second Month Third Month * Open Depositories BANK OF AMERICA...... DALLAS, TX...... 1,785,081 ...... (5,394,238) ...... 2,747,653 XXX BANK OF AMERICA...... HARTFORD, CT...... (4,293,819) ...... 8,417,293 ...... (5,978,676) XXX JP MORGAN CHASE...... NEW YORK, NY...... 2,994,666 ...... (67,837,861) ...... 3,005,361 XXX MELLON BANK...... PITTSBURGH, PA...... 182,895 ...... 257,342 ...... 281,245 XXX NORTHERN TRUST...... CHICAGO, IL...... 200,000 ...... 229,852 ...... 200,000 XXX 0199999. Total Open Depositories...... XXX XXX ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 868,823 ...... (64,327,612) ...... 255,583 XXX 0399999. Total Cash on Deposit...... XXX XXX ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 868,823 ...... (64,327,612) ...... 255,583 XXX 0499999. Cash in Company's Office...... XXX XXX XXX XXX ...... (500) - ...... - ...... XXX 0599999. Total Cash...... XXX XXX ...... 0 ...... 0 ...... 868,323 ...... (64,327,612) ...... 255,583 XXX

QE12 Statement as of March 31, 2019 of the MONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHEDULE E - PART 2 - CASH EQUIVALENTS Show Investments Owned End of Current Quarter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Amount of Interest Due & CUSIP Description Code Date Acquired Rate of Interest Maturity Date Book/Adjusted Carrying Value Accrued Amount Received During Year All Other Money Market Mutual Funds 018616 755AB GOVERNMENT STIF PORTFOLIO...... 03/29/2019...... 2.380 ...... 160,300,256 ...... 349,443 40428X 107HSBC US GOVERNMENT MMF - INSTL...... 03/19/2019...... 2.350 ...... 136,000 ...... 8699999. Total - All Other Money Market Mutual Funds...... 160,436,256 ...... 0 ...... 349,443 8899999. Total - Cash Equivalents ...... 160,436,256 ...... 0 ...... 349,443 Q E 1 3