Or Low-Calorie Beverages and Food Products
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(19) & (11) EP 1 392 129 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.: of the grant of the patent: A23L 1/09 (2006.01) A23L 1/236 (2006.01) 09.03.2011 Bulletin 2011/10 A23L 2/00 (2006.01) A23L 2/52 (2006.01) A23L 2/60 (2006.01) (21) Application number: 02734018.1 (86) International application number: (22) Date of filing: 23.04.2002 PCT/US2002/012483 (87) International publication number: WO 2002/087358 (07.11.2002 Gazette 2002/45) (54) USE OF E RYTHRITOL AND D- TAGATOSE IN ZERO- OR LOW-CALORIE BEVERAGES AND FOOD PRODUCTS VERWENDUNG VON ERYTHITOL UND D-TAGATOSE IN KALORIENARME GETRÄNKE UND LEBENSMITTELPRODUKTEN UTILISATION D’ERYTHRITOL ET DE D-TAGATOSE DANS DES BOISSONS ET PRODUITS ALIMENTAIRES A ZERO CALORIE OU A BASSES CALORIES (84) Designated Contracting States: • BELL, Zena AT BE CH CY DE DK ES FI FR GB GR IE IT LI LU Hartsdale, NY 10530 (US) MC NL PT SE TR •ROY,Glenn Designated Extension States: Beacon, NY 12508 (US) AL LT LV MK RO SI • MUTILANGI, William Peekskill, NY 10566 (US) (30) Priority: 01.05.2001 US 845281 • HIRS, Rein 31.10.2001 US 334770 P Mahopac, NY 10541 (US) • GIVEN, Peter (43) Date of publication of application: Ridgefield, CT 06877 (US) 03.03.2004 Bulletin 2004/10 (74) Representative: Bassil, Nicholas Charles et al (73) Proprietor: PepsiCo, Inc. Kilburn & Strode LLP Purchase, 20 Red Lion Street New York 10577 (US) London WC1R 4PJ (GB) (72) Inventors: (56) References cited: • LEE, Thomas WO-A-00/42865 WO-A-01/28357 Scarsdale, NY 10583 (US) WO-A-99/30577 WO-A-99/34689 • OLCESE, Gino Scarsdale, NY 10583 (US) Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention). EP 1 392 129 B1 Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) 1 EP 1 392 129 B1 2 Description ing sweetener blends. "Blending the Taste Sensation", Liquid Foods Int’1., vol. 3, no. 1, p. 31 (1999). For exam- BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ple, PepsiONE® (aspartame/acesulfame-K), Coke Light®* (aspartame/acesulfame-K or sodium cyclamate/ Field of the Invention 5 acesulfame-K/aspartame) and Diet Rite Cola® (sucra- lose/acesulfame-K)all contain sweetener blends. Sweet- [0001] This invention relates to the use of a combina- ener blending can also enhance the shelf-life of diet cola, tion of a sugar alcohol and D- tagatose in a variety of zero- especially in cases where aspartame is used as a key or low-calorie beverages and food products. This inven- sweetener. For example, most soda fountain diet colas tion particularly relates to a method of improving the taste 10 in the United States contain aspartame, acesulfame-K, of zero- or low- calorie beverages and food products, i.e., and sodium saccharin. When aspartame degrades, the achieving a taste similar to that of a full- calorie beverage other two stable sweeteners maintain a certain degree or food product, by including a blend of non-nutritive of sweet taste. sweeteners, a sugar alcohol and D-tagatose in a zero- [0006] Another option is to include flavor enhancing or low-calorie beverage or food product. This invention 15 additives. A myriad of such flavor enhancing additives also particularly relates to the use of a combination of a have been identified to date. U.S. Patent Nos. 4,902,525 sugar alcohol and D-tagatose to achieve a high quality and 6,066,345, JPA 7-274829 and EP 0 759 273 relate zero- or low-calorie frozen carbonated beverage. This to the addition of erythritol to beverages for purposes of invention further relates to beverages and food products flavor enhancement. Additionally, D-tagatose is known which include both a sugar alcohol and D-tagatose. 20 to produce improved flavor and mouthfeel at low doses with combinations of intense sweeteners. Related Background Art [0007] Efforts in the beverage industry in the United States and abroad have produced taste-improved diet [0002] Zero- or low-calorie beverages and food prod- products. To date, however, there is simply no effective ucts are very popular. Such diet products typically con- 25 method of significantly improving the taste of zero- or tain, singularly or in blends, non-nutritive sweeteners low-calorie beverages and food products, i.e., achieving such as aspartame, acesulfame- K, saccharin, sucralose a taste similar or identical to that of full-calorie beverages and cyclamate. While consumers do not have to worry and food products. about calories, non-nutritive sweeteners are known to [0008] In addition, further problems arise when at- impart a taste different from that of full-calorie counter- 30 tempting to achieve zero- or low-calorie frozen carbon- parts. So-called "diet taste" is commonly described as ated beverages (FCBs), which are semi-frozen carbon- slow onset but lingering sweetness accompanied with a ated drinks dispensed from a FCB dispenser. Such bev- bitter and/or metallic undesirable aftertaste and a watery erages require bulk solutes to stabilize small ice crystals mouthfeel. Due to the greatly reduced sugar solid con- and to trap carbon dioxide for a good taste and a smooth tent, diet drinks also lack the body and/or thickness per- 35 texture. The most commonly employed bulk solute issug- ception associated with full-calorie drinks. G. R. Shore, ar. However, sugar is caloric and is therefore not suitable et al., "Taste and Mouthfeel in Low Calorie Soft Drinks", for the formulation of zero- or low-calorie FCBs. Sugar Contribution of Low- and Non-Volatile Materials to the alcohols, which are known to mimic the bulk properties Flavor of Foods, W. Pickenhagen, ed., Allured Publishing of ordinary sugars and have fewer calories, also are less Corp., pp. 119-123 (1996). 40 sweet and most have undesirable gastrointestinal effects [0003] Zero- or low-calorie beverages and food prod- when ingested at comparable levels to sugars. Thus, ucts with tastes similar to those of full-calorie products making diet FCBs has been very difficult due to the need are very desirable and have been sought after for quite for both bulk solutes and zero or low calories. some time. Currently, however, methods of improving WO00/42865 discloses a ready-to-eat cereal having a taste have fallen short of achieving a taste similar to full- 45 sugar coating comprising D-tagatose, either alone or in calorie products. combination with at least one poyol. The document also [0004] One optionis to blend non- nutritive sweeteners. discloses processes for preparing such a cereal. Many blends (e.g., aspartame and acesulfame- K) impart WO01/28357 discloses sugar substitutes which com- a higher degree of sweetness than individual sweeteners prise a particular combination of an intense sweetener on an equal concentration basis. This synergistic effect 50 with a traditional bulk sweetener. WO99/34689 discloses results in sparing the amount of sweetener used in a giv- the use of D- tagatose as a synergiser and flavor enhanc- en application and is therefore referred to as quantitative er. synergy. Blending also causes another kind of synergy, referred to as qualitative synergy, because the taste qual- SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ity of the blend often is more rounded and of less bitter/ 55 metallic off-taste. [0009] This invention is directed to a method of improv- [0005] The beverage industry has taken advantage of ing the taste of a diet beverage comprising the step of these synergies and marketed many diet colas contain- including in the diet beverage (a) at least one and pref- 2 3 EP 1 392 129 B1 4 erably a blend of non-nutritive sweeteners, (b) erythritol ucts. According to the present invention, it is possible to and (c) D-tagatose. According to certain preferred em- achieve a diet beverage or food product with a taste that bodiments of the present invention, the beverage is a is substantially similar or identical to that of a full-calorie soft drink such as a cola or lemon- lime soft drink, a foun- beverage or food product. As a result of the present in- tain beverage, a frozen ready- to-drink beverage, a coffee 5 ventive method and, in particular, the combination of beverage, a tea beverage, a powdered soft drink, a liquid sweetener or sweetener blend, erythritol and D- tagatose, concentrate, a flavored water, enhanced water, a fruit overall sweetness, aftertaste duration, mouthfeel and su- juice or a fruit juice flavored drink, a sport drink or an crose-like quality of diet foods and beverages are unex- alcoholic drink. pectedly and advantageously improved. [0010] The present invention is also directed to a meth- 10 [0016] According to the first embodiment of the present od of improving the taste of a diet food product comprising invention, the taste of a diet beverage is improved by the step of including in the diet food product (a) at least including in the beverage (a) at least one non-nutritive one and preferably a blend of non-nutritive sweeteners, sweetener, (b) erythritol and (c) D-tagatose. Beverages (b) erythritol and (c) D- tagatose. According to certain pre- include, without limitation, carbonated soft drinks, foun- ferred embodiments of the present invention, the food 15 tain beverages, frozen ready-to-drink beverages, coffee product is a confection, dairy product, gelatin, pudding, beverages, tea beverages, powdered soft drinks, as well cake mix, cereal or cereal-based product or baked good.