Dog Perishes Adna Defense Sizzles in Blaze / Main 3 Pirates, Napavine and Onalaska Win Openers of Districts / Sports $1 Early Week Edition Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2015 Reaching 110,000 Readers in Print and Online — Chronicle Investigative Report Departures and Claims of Dysfunction Fired Administrators, Unethical Transactions and Nervous Staff at Morton Hospital By Dameon Pesanti decline of the timber industry, chased the hospital and incor-
[email protected] Morton General has become porated it into Lewis County not only a critical access hospi- Public Hospital District 1, which “They didn’t know which expense account to put it Much like its namesake tal for the ill and injured in East is governed by a five-member into because where do you put someone’s car engine?” community, Morton General Lewis County, but also one of board of commissioners. To- Hospital has faced a lot of chal- Morton’s largest employers and day the district’s coverage area lenges over the years. a point of pride for many resi- stretches from White Pass to Eric Carlson, But, while the city has strug- dents. commenting on previous manager’s expenses gled to redefine itself since the In 1978, the county pur- please see HOSPITAL, page Main 9 Pe Ell’s Charlie Albright Comes Home Clerk on Paid Leave After Audit Findings REPORT: Town Considering Cutting Full-time Clerk Position, Replacing With Part-Time By Kaylee Osowski
[email protected] The Pe Ell town clerk has been placed on paid administra- tive leave following the findings in an audit report for 2013 that detailed several financial issues in the town’s operations.