Ophiophagy and Egg-Eating in Mannophryne Cf. Trinitatis
©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 18 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juni 2005 SHORT NOTE 69 Ophiophagy and egg-eating in Predator specimens of the egg-eating case Mannophryne cf. trinitatis were deposited in the herpetological collec- tion of the "Laboratorio de Biogeografìa, (GARMAN, 1888) Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezu- Amphibians are considered to be feed- ela (ULABG). Digital photos were taken ing opportunists with their diets reflecting with a Sony Mavica® camera. Poor resolu- the availability of food of appropriate size tion pictures for printing were used to make which seems to be a basic constraint in ink-draw pictures at scale, and original pho- amphibian diet (DUELLMAN & TRUEB 1986). tographic documentation was deposited in As to cases of snake-eating (ophiophagy), the "Museo del Intituto de Zoologia Agrico- Leptodactylus pentadactylus (LAURENTI, la" (MIZA), "Universidad Central de Vene- 1768) has been reported to predate on adult zuela". Technical equipment for measure- Imantodes cenchoa (LINNAEUS, 1758), Rana ments: GPS Garmin® 12, Texas Instruments® catesbeiana SHAW, 1802 on Micrurus, Pyxi- digital thermohygrometer, Casio® digital alti- cephalus adspersus TSCHUDI, 1838 on He- meter, Mitutoyo® digital caliper for lengths machatus and some Malaysian toads of the < 30 mm, and a calibrated ruler for lengths genus Bufo commonly feed on Flowerpot > 30 mm. Blind Snakes, Rhamphotyphlops braminus On May 7th, 2002, between 10:15 and (DAUDIN, 1803) (GREEN 1997). Dendro- 12:35 after heavy rainfall, we watched M. batid diet has been studied for some species cf. trinitatis at a stream located at 10°43'N; (e.g., PRADERIO 1985; PINERO & DURANT 62°48'W, at an elevation of 186 m a.s.l., 1993; PINERO & LA MARCA 1995), however, approximately 4.2 km airline from San Juan to our knowledge, no case of ophiophagy de Las Galdonas (Muncipio Arismendi) on has been reported for members of the fami- the road to Aroa, in Sucre State, Venezuela.
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