THE ·New.·Zealand·-GAZETTE [No

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THE ·New.·Zealand·-GAZETTE [No 154 THE ·NEw.·zEALAND·-GAZETTE [No. 11 ' ADMINISTRATIVE AND SPECIAL DUTIES BRANCH, SECTION II (A.T.C.) The undermentioned are granted temporary commissions in the Promotions rank of Pilot Officer :_:_ - The ,undermentioned Pilot Officers to be Flying Officers :.:_ Dated 16th September, 1944- NZ 416546 Warrant Officer Reginald SHAND. Dated 1st November, 1944- Dated 14th December, 1944- , Francis Frederick l\:'):artin BATTSON, NZ 427319 Flight Sergeant Wi RANGIUAIA. Avon Cecil TATTON. Dated 19th December, 1944~ William Eadie CLARK. NZ 425966 Flight Serg()ant Alexander James Graeme Harry Osborne RosEVEAR. WILSON. Henry William ScoTT. Dated 30th December, 1944- Ronald Murray Hamilton REID. NZC 4215725 Flight Sergeant Thomas Hetbert BILTCLIFFE. William Herbert ERICKSON. Clarence Henry Theodore MILLER. As Navigator- :Raymond Selby WILLIAMS. Dated 20th December, 1944- • NZ 427197 Warrant Officer Donald Edwin GRANT. Dated 1st December, 1944- Douglas Hamilton ~ALL. As Navigators (W)- Harry George SHAKES. Dated 11th August, 1944- Malcolm Clive BARNETT. NZ 4217055 Sergeant Colin Morris HANSON.· Philip John Henry MILLICHAMP. NZ 43989 Sergeant Kenneth Wyllie CLARK. Richard Alfred PEARCE. As Air Gunners- ·( Ronald Grant McKENZIE. Dated 21st December, 1944- Edwin MALKIN. NZ 422946 Flight Sergeant Arthur ,Joseph HowARD. Albert Kemball FYSON. Dated 12th January, 1945_:_, · Joseph Harry CHAM~ERLAIN. NZ 438735 Flight Sergeant Robert SLOAN. Dated 1st January, 1945- _John Hammond DONALDSON. EQUIPMENT BRANCH, SEOTIQN I : . EQUIPMENT OFFICERS Arthur Charles CASELEY. Appointment Zealandia Orlando Octavius McLEOD. Equipment Duties- ~ Frank Addis PATTERSON. NZ 2400 Anthony D'Arcy ANDERSON, on relinquishing his Harry George Baden Du FAUR. commission in. the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, is granted a Kenneth Gillies Joseph SHRIMPTON. temporary commission in the rank of Flight Lieutenant, with seniority Frederick Arnold w ATERHOUSE. as from the ,1st September, 1942. Dated 1st January, 1944. Herbert William BURROWS. '·' ADJI.IINISTRATIVE AND SPECIAL DUTIES BRANCH RESERVE OF AIR FORCE OFFICERS :Appointment Transfer NZ 2398 Francis Gerald BOWLING, on relinquishing . his Wing Commander Leslie Gordon Welldon LILLY is transferred commission in the Auxiliary Air Force (United Kingdom), is granted from the Active List to the Reserve of Air Force Officers, Class A, a temporary commission in the rank of Squadron Leader, with Section I. Dated 15th January,. 1945. · seniority as from the 15th August,_ 1944. Dated 1st November, 1944. CORRIGENDA Promotion The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 3, dated Flying Officer (temp.) Victor Gerald SPILLER tq be Acting Flight 18th January, 1945, page 38, under the heading " General Duties · Lieutenant (paid')._ Dated 22nd J:,anuary, 19:1:(). Branch-Appointment : As Pilots;" relating to " NZ 416175 Warrant Officer Darrel Albert SMITH/' is amended to read "NZ Relinqnishment 416175 Warrant Officer Darrell Albert Farrar SMITH." Flying Officer (Acting Flight Lieutenant) Kenneth Hector The notice appearing in the New Z-ealand Gazette No. 79, dated MELVIN is permitted to relinquish his temporary commission. 14th September, 1944, page UIS, under the heading "General Dated 28th February, 1945. Duties Branch-Appointments : As Pilots," relating t,o " NZ 421521 Flight Sergeant Ian Gilbert SUTHERLAND," is amended to Works Section- read "NZ 421251 Flight Sergeant Ian Gilbert SUTHERLAND." Promotion F. JONES, Minister of Defence. Squadron Leader (temp.) Percy Lyndon LAING to be Acting '\Ving Commander (paid). Dated 5th January, 1945. Appointment and Relinquishment of Officers of the Royal New Zealan1l _ RESER'VE OF Arn FORCE OFFICERS Air Force, Transfer Flying Officer Robert Geqrge GOLDSTONE i-s transferred from the Air Departme:i;it, Active List to the Reserve of Air Force Officers, Class A, Section I. Wellington, 7th February, H)45. Dated 13th January, 1945. · 'HIS Excellency the Go;verrror-General ·Jias been pleased to approve of the following appointment and relinquishment F. JONER, Minister of DefencP. of officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force :- Appointment Appointments, Promotions, Transfers, and Relinquishment of Officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Acting Air Commodore Sidney.WALLINGFORD; C.B.E., A.D.C., p.s.a., is appointed Air Force Member for Supply and Member Air Department, of the Air Board. Dated 31st January, 1945. Wellington, 10th February, 1945. Relinquishment IS Excellency the · Governor-General has been pleased to approve the following appointments, promotions, transfers, Acting Air Commodore Francis Esme Theodore HEWLETT, H and relinquishment of officers of the Royail New Zealand Air Force :- D.S.O., O.B.E., relinquishes his appointment as Air Force Mooaber for Supply and Member of-the Air Board. Dated 15th January, 1945: . GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH ,. JONES, Minister of Defence. Appointments The undermentioned are granted temporary commissions in the rank of Pilot Officer :- Appointments, Promotions, Transfer, and Relinquishment of Officers As Pilots- of the Royal New Zealand Air Fo1;ce ' Dated 28th January, 1945- NZ 4311804 L.A.C. Peter Tancred HAMILTON. Air Department, NZ ,J,313210 Sergeant Trevor Winson THIELE. Wellington, 7th February, 1945. NZ 439448 L.A.C. David Gillies LYNCH. IS ExceUency the Governor-General has been pleased to NZ 4311667 L.A.C. Alan Russell PAGE. H approve the following appointments, promotions, transfer, NZ 4313047 Sergeant Clifton Trevor EAST. · and relinquishment of officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force :- NZ 4312119 L.A.C. Jack Lander KING. NZ 4313634 Sergeant James Ferguson -THOMAS. GENERAL DUTIES BRANClI Appointments Promotions As Pilots- Squadron Leader Desmond James ScoTT, D.S.O., 0.B.E., NZ 2404 Noel Joseph MOWAT, D.S.O., on relinquishing his D.F.C., to be Wing Commandyr (temp.). Dated 12th January, 1945. c'Ammiss1on in the Reserve of Air Force Officers (United Kingdom)-, Squadron Leader (temp.) Henry Rodolph WIGLEY to be Acting is granted a temporary commission in the rank of Squadron Leader, Wing Commander (paid). Dated 15th January, 1945. with seniority as from 21st June, 1943. Dated 20th January, 1945. NZ 2399 Richard Devon B.ALE, on relinquishing his commissi9;n The undermentioned Flying Officers to be Flight Lieutenants in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, is granted a temporary (temp.):-· commission in the rank of Flying Officer, with seniority as from Dated 20th November, 1944: Leslie Thomas William SMALE. 7th August, 1943. Dated 1st January, 1945. Dated 1st January, 1945: John Matheson NICOLSON. NZ 2318 Robert George GOLDSTONE,· on relinquishing his commission in the South African Air Force, is granted a temporary Dated 5th January, 1945- commission in the rank .of Fiying Officer, with seniority as from Geoffrey Stockbridge :MOORE. Nolan Wentworth F AIRCLOTB:, the 2nd July, 1942. Dated 31st July, 1944. Dated. 7th January, 1945: Arnold Ha,igh Lal\fB. .
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