MINISTRY OF DEFENCE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE ( DEPARTMENT) (AIR FORCE DEPARTMENT) Whitehall, London S.W.I. Whitehall, London S.W.I. 1st January 1965. 1st January 1965. The QUEEN has been graciously pleased to give The QUEEN has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following promotion in, and orders for the publication of the names of the appointment to, the Royal Red Cross: undermentioned personnel who have been commended: To be a Member of the Royal Red Cross, First Class : Queen's Commendation for Valuable Service in Acting Barbara HOLT (405527), the Air : Princess Mary's Nursing Wing John William KING, D.F.C., Service. D.F.M. (139635), Royal Air Force. To be an Associate of the Royal Red Cross, David Charles SAUNDERS, Second Class : O.B.E., A.F.C. (125573), Royal Air Force. Officer Joan METCALFE (406739), Squadron Leader Douglas George CAMERON Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing (024862), Royal Australian Air Force. Service. Squadron Leader Howard CURRIE (180137), Royal Air Force. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Squadron Leader Ian Alexander LEINSTER (AIR FORCE DEPARTMENT) (2600956), Royal Air Force. Whitehall, London S.W.I. Squadron Leader John David Victor 1st January 1965. MACPHERSON (1826318), Royal Air Force. The QUEEN has been graciously pleased to Squadron Leader Dennis Gordon SLADE approve the following awards: (3116005), Royal Air Force. Squadron Leader John Riley WHITTAM (607454), Bar to Air Force Cross : Royal Air Force. Squadron Leader Charles TAYLOR, A.F.C. ^ (4076381), Royal Air Force. Squadron Leader Robert Arthur WHYTE (583134), Royal Air Force. Squadron Leader Ivor Bennett WEBSTER, A.F.C. (1890026), Royal Air Force (Retired). Squadron Leader Ronald Charles WOOD (607161), Royal Air Force. Air Force Cross : Wing Commander John Moreton NICHOLLS, Henry Nicholas JOHN, D.F.M. D.F.C. (58144), Royal Air Force. (177590), Royal Air Force. Squadron Leader Brian William LAVENDER, John Ignatius LUDDEN (3516265), Royal Air Force. (1796211), Royal Air Force. Squadron Leader John Michael LEARY (2608147), Royal Air Force. Flight Lieutenant John Eric Charles MAYES (2620202), Royal Air Force. Squadron Leader Peter John Hector LEWIS (2513089), Royal Air Force. Flight Lieutenant Francis William Gordon Squadron Leader Peter Gifford SAWYER MEADOWS (181428), Royal Air Force. (3046032), Royal Air Force. Flight Lieutenant Anthony Edward PEARCE Flight Lieutenant Denys MOBBERLEY (3050453), (585221), Royal Air Force. Royal Air Force. Flight Lieutenant Philip Trevor TAYLOR Flight Lieutenant Donald Gordon RICHES (2380634), Royal Air Force. (2735684), Royal Air Force. Flight Lieutenant Reginald William Llandaff Flight Lieutenant Frederick Bryan RICKARDS TREWENACK (502225), Royal Air Force. (582904), Royal Air Force. Air Force Medal : Flight Lieutenant Allan Thornton SCOREY 4048404 Sergeant Anthony Forster CHARLTON, (3509022), Royal Air Force. Royal Air Force. Flight Lieutenant Francis James William STEVENS (3037372), Royal Air Force. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Flight Lieutenant Eric MacRae STEWART (3020289), Royal Air Force. (NAVY DEPARTMENT) Flight Lieutenant Ronald Henry STUBBS Whitehall, London S.W.I. (167228), Royal Air Force. 1st January 1965. Flight Lieutenant Charles Brian WARR (195533), The QUEEN has been graciously pleased to Royal Air Force. approve the following awards: Terence John PEET (4230629), Queen's Commendation for Valuable Service in Royal Air Force. the Air : Morris John HEDGES, Master Pilot Sidney Jack BROOKFIELD (1391676), A.F.C., . Royal Air Force. Lieutenant Commander Paul MILLETT, D.S.C., .4189009 Sergeant Robert Graham BURNEY, Royal Royal Navy.. Air Force.