Group Debra Barber

Deputy Head Defence Airspace and Air Traffic Management (Airspace) Ministry of Defence United Kingdom

Group Captain Debra (Deb) overseeing preparations for transfer of military operations to Swanwick, and Barber joined the Royal in April 1984. Following initial co-chairing with a NATS colleague, training she completed ATC the Joint Future Airspace Design professional training at the Central Team (JFADT), tasked with School of Air Traffic Control at RAF reviewing and redesigning UK national airspace. Shawbury between December 1984 and May 1985. This was followed by 3 tours at HQ 1 Gp airfields, She completed the MOD’s Advanced Honington and Odiham as an Air Command & Staff Course between Traffic Control Officer and Marham September 2001 and July 2002, which was followed by a posting to the as Deputy Senior Air Traffic Control Officer and Local Examining Officer. MOD, Directorate of Military Operations in the Conventional Arms She returned to RAF Shawbury in Control branch. She then went on to command Swanwick (Mil), the October 1994 to complete the Area Radar course, which was followed by military element of the London Area a posting to the London Air Traffic Control Centre, before completing a Control Centre (Military). Promoted 4-month tour of duty as Chief of Staff to Leader in March 1995, and OC Operations , at Basrah Air Station in Iraq. This was she remained at LATCC (Mil) taking on the role of Senior Military followed by a short tour as Personal Supervisor before a further internal Staff Officer to DCINC Personnel/Air posting to OC Emergency and Air Member for Personnel before Traffic Services Squadron, which promotion to on 1 July included the Distress & Diversion 2007. She is currently employed in 2 Cell and the then Tactical Booking roles – Deputy Head of the Defence Cell. Staff duties followed at HQ Airspace and Air Traffic Management Military Air Traffic Operations, Directorate (Airspace), where she is where she was responsible for the MOD lead for airspace, ATM and airspace issues and the UK’s 2 CNS issues in support of the Assistant military ATCCs at West Drayton and Chief of the Air Staff, and Deputy Prestwick, together with planning for Assistant Chief of Staff ATM Force the new Swanwick Centre. Promoted Delivery, with responsibility for the to Wing in July 2000, delivery, sustainment and her key responsibilities included development of all organization ATC services.