e Let your light shin

Heal & thrive by unleashing the power of your subconscious mind

www.paulatufa.com Welcome !

The most phenomenal resource on the planet to help you experience joy, healing, clarity & success is extraordinarily simple - your subconscious mind.

Did you know that the subconscious mind is 1 million times more powerful than the conscious mind and operates 95% of your life? The interesting thing is, that most people are aware of their conscious beliefs & behaviours, but not their subconscious beliefs & behaviours.

If you are struggling with destructive habits, emotional pain or not where you want to be in life - I can guarantee there is some faulty programming in your subconscious mind.

Don't fall into the trap of looking outside yourself for the answer or peace. Know that more money, possessions, accolades, promotions, being beautiful or more perfect won't solve the root cause of the problem. It's simple, when you change the inside, it will show up on the outside - shifting your life profoundly.

You have a choice to heal & thrive by rewiring your subconscious mind. The 6 contained techniques are proven to work. Tell your mind what you want & you will get it. You GOT this!

Rise through & shine,

Paula Tufa

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters as to what lies within us


Copyright © www.paulatufa.com 2 Contents

What is the Subconscious Mind?...... Pg 4

6 Pro Tools

1.Beware of your thoughts, words & pictures...... Pg 6

2. The power of science based visualisation...... Pg 7

3. Self Hypnosis...... Pg 8

4. ...... Pg 9

5. The power of tiny habits...... Pg 10

6. The power of now...... Pg 11

References...... Pg 12

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

- Anais Nin

Copyright © www.paulatufa.com 3 T H E P O W E R O F Y O U R Subconscious Mind

The most phenomenal resource on the planet to help you experience joy, healing, clarity & success Conscious Mind is extraordinarily simple - your subconscious mind.

Yes, I know it's a BIG claim. You may think it is a new All mental processes that we are aware of: age, 'gee wiz science' or pseudoscience - but the Logical & rational thinking world's leading stem cell biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton has Short-term memory evidence based research to prove it! In fact, it is Willpower Intellect supported with a plethora research from other neuroscientists & psychologists as well.

Know that 95% to 99% of what you do on a daily basis is controlled by the subconscious. That means your daily experiences are largely affected by unconscious beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours. Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind can also help you come up with solutions, be creative, generate uncanny intuition Unlimited memory storage - Holder of all and if told, heal your body. For example: memories, beliefs, deep seated emotions, unresolved trauma & entrenched habits Have you ever found a solution or creative idea Steers you away from danger and towards when you first wake up in the morning or when pleasure you are relaxed? That's your subconscious mind at Intuition, creativity & dreams play. Albert Einstein got his idea of theory of Feelings & emotions relativity when he was relaxing! Screens out information & data that is irrelevant. Brings forth what is relevant to conscious mind Can you remember a time when you faced a serious problem and the bottled up emotions were expressed in your dreams? That's your subconscious mind helping you heal & find clarity.

What about when you've had a hunch or a 'feeling' and it turned out to be right even though it wasn't The major problem is that people are logical? For example, I got offered a great job that if taken, would have paid more, advanced my aware of their conscious beliefs and career & removed me from a toxic situation. Against all conventional wisdom, I said "No" behaviors, but not of subconscious because I had a hunch that something better was beliefs and behaviors. Most people coming. 3 months later I got offered my dream job for Australia's top employer - Qantas. don’t even acknowledge that their

Have you heard of the placebo effect? That's subconscious mind is at play, when where people are given sugar pills disguised as the fact is that the subconscious mind medication & heal their ailment completely. is a million times more powerful than Why care? the conscious mind and that we Because you can program your subconscious mind to operate 95 to 99 percent of our lives work for you - you can heal emotional & physical pain, generate creative solutions, establish healthy habits from subconscious programs. and tap into infinite intelligence- all key ingredients for fulfillment, peace and success. - Dr. Bruce Lipton Biologist

4 Copyright © www.paulatufa.com T H E P O W E R O F Y O U R Subconscious Mind

HOW DOES IT WORK? Your subconscious mind is like hardware, it is programmable in the following ways:

What you habitually think, feel or believe or accept as 'true' with your conscious mind, will sink down into your subconscious mind. Once the subconscious mind accepts the idea, it forms a blueprint and begins to execute it, showing in your decisions, actions feelings and experiences.

Your mind is also programmable when you are in a natural state of hypnosis. This happens naturally upon sleeping, waking and during deep relaxation (i.e. Alpha brainwaves). This is also the primary state of mind for the children aged between 4 to 7. Because of this, as a child you can absorb a lot of programming (negative suggestions, beliefs & rules about the world) which stay with you for life unless you change them.

Take note, as these will be the most important words you read. Even if the thoughts, beliefs, feelings or information is: Wrong Not real Makes you ill (psychosomatic) Causes you emotional pain Blocks success Sabotages you Your subconscious mind cannot 'rationalise' or 'challenge' that. It accepts what you think or feel is true and makes it happen. It just plays back what has been programmed.

Dr. provides the following examples of negative beliefs, thoughts and suggestions that are commonly programmed into your subconscious mind, but sabotages you:

You're not good enough You'll never amount to anything You must not You'll fail You haven't got a chance You're all wrong; its no use It's not what you know, but who you know The world is going to the dogs What's the use, nobody cares There's no point in trying so hard You're too old now Things are getting worse and worse Life is an endless grind You just can't win Instagram vs Reality. You are beautiful authentically. Watch out, you'll catch a terrible disease Stand in your own light. You can't trust a soul

A particular example that disheartens me, is the unrealistic beauty standards that we are constantly bombarded with, from marketing materials to movies and social media. Despite filters, Botox, great lighting, photoshopping, makeup & plastic surgery - many people feel they have to attain this standard naturally and forever! If they don't measure up they often feel the emotional pain of "I am not enough" as beauty is associated with desire, success and happiness. Not only does it take away from our authentic self but it is a trap to instill fear and influence you.

With the following tools you can change your programming and create a more happier & fulfilled life.

5 Copyright © www.paulatufa.com 6 W A Y S T O R E W I R E Subconscious Mind

1 . B E W A R E O F W H A T Y O U S A Y & T H I N K T O Y O U R S E L F !

Research shows that the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those thousands of thoughts, 80% tend to be negative, and 95% are exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before! The habitual thinking of your conscious mind establishes deep grooves in your subconscious mind, becoming a blueprint for all future action. When you think or say negative thoughts, words and pictures (T.W.P), your subconscious mind will work to make that real For example, a repetitive thought pattern I often see is: "I am not thin enough, pretty enough or smart enough". The impact? Low confidence and self-esteem that results in behaviours that sabotage success.

TOOLS for SUCCESS Keep a diary. Write down all your negative T.W.P and reflect: Do these T.W.P empower me? Are they attached to a painful past experience that needs healing? Have they been planted by others? Every time you identify a negative T.W.P declare "No thank you, I am choosing not to let you in". Replace with a T.W.P that is more empowering Speak to your subconscious mind with authority and conv2ict.io nV. ITSelUl itA wLhaI tS yAouT wI OanNt and KNOW, it will happen with every cell of your being. Amplify your command with positive emotions

2 . T H E P O W E R O F S C I E N C E - B A S E D V I S U A L I S A T I O N

Visualisation involves picturing in your mind the process & outcome of something before it happens - they say it's dreaming with intention. Many successful people have used visualisation to achieve phenomenal results. Some great examples are: Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon, journalist and professor who spent years training his hands and mind to stay calm under pressure through visualisation The most successful Olympian of all time Michael Phelps would mentally rehearse in his mind for 2 hours per day for months prior to a race My favourite, Arnold Schwarzenegger has been using visualisation since he was 15!

6 Copyright © www.paulatufa.com 6 W A Y S T O R E W I R E Subconscious Mind

“If you can visualize it, if you can dream it, there’s some way to do it.” — Walt Disney

Now the science, a study called “The Future of Memory: Remembering, Imagining and the Brain,” found that the human brain can’t always distinguish between a memory and a vision of the future. In other words, when you envision your end goal, you — and your brain — work towards recreating it in real life. Further, when you set an intention with your vision, there is a part in your brain - the reticular activating system, that will find relevant data to help you achieve your goal In a Loyola Marymount University study, dancers were able to improve their jumping height by looking at imagery and imagining that their “whole body is a spring” Another study focused on everyday people found that, while people who went to the gym increased their muscle strength by 30 percent, those who simply visualised their workouts increased theirs by 13.5 percent — nearly half as much



Ask yourself: What does When you are relaxed, you Know that with repetition Remember that the success feel & look like? bypass the conscious and focus your brain will path to success needs What will this success mind and communicate carve out a neural action and effort. enable for m3e.? SHoEwL cFa-nH Y PdNireOctlSy wI Sith the pathway to hardwire the Go for it! I use my unique talents? subconscious. Try slow goal into your mind. Who will benefit? What breathing & visualise Repeat daily. will people appreciate being in your 'happy place' Acknowledge any about my success? (mine is at the beach in the progress & affirm How will I celebrate? sun). Now start success. What do I need to do to daydreaming with achieve my goals? Write intention. Visualise the it down or try a vision emotions & pictures from board. Step 1. Feel the satisfaction of helping others. It's simple, what's on the inside, shows up on the outside. If that is beautiful & bright, you shine a light everywhere you go — Paula Tufa

7 Copyright © www.paulatufa.com 6 W A Y S T O R E W I R E Subconscious Mind

3 . S E L F - H Y P N O S I S

Hypnosis is loaded with many misconceptions like purple capes, swinging watches & people clucking like chickens. As entertaining as stage hypnosis may be, it has little to do with clinical hypnosis. The latter has been an acceptable form of medical treatment since the 1950’s and practiced since the 18th century. Endorsed by the American Psychological Association, hypnosis is widely recognised to be an effective treatment for numerous psychological disorders including anxiety, depression, phobias, and trauma, as well as physical conditions such as insomnia, chronic pain, weight loss, and smoking cessation Hypnosis is simply when your brain is in a natural state of deep relaxation (happens naturally before falling asleep). Hypnosis makes you incredibly suggestible. Meaning your subconscious mind is open to new ideas & suggestions. If you need to break a bad habit or belief, and establish positive ones - self-hypnosis can achieve rapid results There is a plethora of A-list Actors, Athletes & CEO's that use hypnosis as a tool for success

Ideas for Self-Hypnosis Access free ones on YouTube that are related to what you are trying to achieve like weight loss, boosting confidence, finding your ideal partner, alleviating anxiety and etc. Buy self-hypnosis tracks from Marissa Peer or Paul Mc Kenna Make your own audio recording that is positive and in the present tense, as if the belief or feeling you are wanting to reprogram has already happened. Make sure the thoughts are genuine, simple & positive Book in a hypnosis session (RTT) with me and get a personalised one (along with healing & phenomenal results) Any negative traits you identify are not really yours – they belong to your negative self-image and were programmed into you when you were a child. By identifying them honestly, you are about to let them go! — Paul Mc Kenna

4 . A F F I R M A T I O N S

Affirmations are powerful because there is a tremendous power in words and even more so in spoken words. We know from neuroscience, that repeated words sink down into our subconscious, creating a blue print for future action I am Enough Positive affirmations are statements that are affirming & positive that a person repeats to themselves. Affirmations can improve confidence, self -esteem, reduce stress, anxiety and accelerate performance

8 Copyright © www.paulatufa.com 6 W A Y S T O R E W I R E Subconscious Mind

THE HOW Download them from Google or get some inspiration from Louise Hay - the affirmation queen! Better yet, write your own. 1. Make sure your affirmations are always in the present tense, specific, simple, positive and use the word "I" 2. Repeat your affirmations often. Put reminders in your environment like post it notes on the fridge, reminders on your tiful phone or desktop saver. You can even write them on your I am beau mirror! 3. But most importantly, believe in them. Amplify your affirmations with positive emotions & pictures 4. Acknowledge changes in your mindset and express joy

Some of my favourite ones are:

I am enough I am deeply fulfilled by all that I do I have phenomenal coping skills I am very thankful for all the love in my life. I am confident I claim my power and move beyond all limitations I am loveable I trust the process of life

5 . T H E P O W E R O F T I N Y H A B I T S

I have learned that champions aren’t just born; champions can be made when they embrace and commit to life-changing positive habits — Lewis Howes

Author & Entrepreneur James Clear states that an atomic habit is a regular practice or routine that is not only small and easy to do but is also the source of incredible power. Changes that seem small & unimportant at first will compound into remarkable results if you’re willing to stick with them for years. If you get one percent better each day for one year, you'll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done James Clear further impresses, that a habit is a lifestyle to be lived, not a finish line to be crossed. You are looking to make small, sustainable changes you can stick with for years Because of neuroplasticity we know that the mind needs repetition to learn something new. If you can make atomic habits with your thoughts & pictures, affirmations, visualisation, self-hypnosis and mindfulness that habit will drop into your subconscious mind. Eventually, it will be easy and effortless to complete as it is now familiar and enjoyable

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a. Identify the habit you want to establish. Start small & try to only do a few at a time. Focus on the 1 %. - you want to make it as easy as possible b. Get specific. Write down what you will do, when & how. c. Ask yourself: how will this help me achieve my purpose, goal or intention.

REVIE3W. &S AEFFLIRFM- H Y P N O S I S To stay motivated and track progress, keep a habit tracker. Tick off what you did and did not do DAILY. Give yourself praise for committing to your daily habit. Pro tip: Use your notes on mobile and create a "to do list" style memo that outlines your habit.

COMMIT Know that with repetition and focus your brain will carve out a neural pathway to hardwire the goal into your subconscious mind. Over time the habit will become effortless and familiar. Remember it is not a habit if you stop!

EXAMPLES OF TINY BUT POWERFUL HABITS Affirmations: Every morning whilst brushing your teeth read your affirmations that are written on the mirror Visualisation: Before going to sleep, visualise success or practice a process. For example, delivering an inspiring speech, rehearse key points, imagine feeling confident, speaking eloquently and receiving great feedback Thoughts: Every time you identify negative thinking throughout the day - imagine the thought as a cloud floating away, install a that is uplifting or better yet stay present & release thinking Self-hypnosis: Listen to self-hypnosis track when waking up Power song or stance: Every time you need a confidence boost, pop into the bathroom and listen to a song that elevates your mood like "Eye of the Tiger" and perform a power pose Use mindfulness triggers: Decide on a particular set of habits you do every day and let them trigger moments of mindfulness. These could be, for example, doing the dishes, showering, or brushing your teeth. Allow yourself to be fully present during these activities When you can collaborate with your mind & tell it what you want, you will get what you want — Marissa Peer

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6 . T H E P O W E R O F N O W - M I N D F U L N E S S

The moment you realize you are not present, you are present. Whenever you are able to observe your mind, you are no longer trapped in it. Another factor has come in, something that is not of the mind: the witnessing presence

Simply, mindfulness is being aware of what is going through your mind and not getting carried away by it. You learn to step back from your thoughts and view them as mental events passing through your mind rather than absolute truths. It's about observing your thoughts, rather than reacting & being them.

Research has validated the effectiveness of mindfulness for psychological wellbeing & healing. You can use mindfulness to: Become attuned to the painful feelings which often spark self-judgment and unconstructive self-talk Identify, label, and accept your emotions, thoughts & behaviours Recognise them as transient and fleeting, and realise that they will pass Investigate them & understand their causes (within reason) Release control Interrupt unconscious patterns by not reacting but responding. i.e. we get a thought and believe that it is true because that is what we feel

Overtime, the more you practice mindfulness it will rewire your subconscious mind.


Focus on the rise and fall of your breath. Breathe in for 5 seconds, pause for 2 seconds, exhale for 7 seconds. Repeat for 5 mins Bring your awareness to your hands. Focus on the sensations in your hand Pop on a guided meditation track from iTunes or Google. There are plenty from doctors, psychologist or spiritual teachers Sit in silence and let your thoughts float away. Feel the spaciousness between objects

11 Copyright © www.paulatufa.com F U R T H E R I N F O & Refeerfenecrene Licsets

"The Power of your Subconscious Mind" by Dr Joseph Murphy "The Biology of Belief" by Dr Bruce Lipton "Breaking the Habit of being yourself" by Dr Joe Dispenza "Becoming Supernatural" by Dr Joe Dispenza "Change your life in 7 days" by Paul Mc Kenna "I am Enough" by Marissa Peer "Your subconscious brain can change your life" by Mike Dow "You can heal your life" by Louise Hay "Atomic Habits" by James Clear "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle "Power posing" - www.amycuddy.com Lecture - "The neuroscience of the unconscious mind" - by Heather Berlin for the Mind Science Foundation "Who’s Minding the Mind?" by By Benedict Carey - Access https://www.nytimes.com National Science Foundation "Do this for 5 minutes every day to rewire your brain for success, according to neuroscience" by - Access https://www.cnbc.com "The future of memory: remembering, imagining, and the brain" by Schacter, D. L., Addis, D. R., Hassabis, D., Martin, V. C., Spreng, R. N., & Szpunar, K. K. (2012) Access https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2012.11.001 "How Arnold Schwarzenegger visualises his way to success" by BY Carmine Gallo - Access https://www.inc.com "Mindfulness" - Access www.positivepsychology.com Australian Hypnotherapists Association - Access www.ahahypnotherapy.org.au