WVCSL E-News Vol 10 December 2013

Regular Haps Reverend Karen’s Korner

@ the Happy Holidays! WVCSL Spiritual things can only be spiritually discerned, or so we are told. Each weekday (Mon – Thu) at I always read this scripture as some sort of admonishment, like 11am: Meditation there’s a way to measure how spiritual one is, and if you don’t with Rev Karen measure up, well you can’t have a relationship with God… or at least not a good one. But there’s always another way of viewing Tuesdays, 6p: A things. Course in Miracles

Tuesdays , 6-7:15p: This is what I love about approaching the Bible from a metaphysical perspective. Sometimes I think Kundalini Yoga understanding metaphysics might be as simple as removing all the guilt and judgment I used to

Wednesdays, read into scripture and seeing what’s left, because sacred writings are filled with beautiful 11:30am: A Course guidance, love, wisdom and insight. But one can’t see the light when one carries the burden of in Miracles feeling not good enough.

Thursdays, 1-2:30p “Dahn” Yoga class There’s a sassy paraphrased version of the Bible that knocks my socks off every time. It’s written with Jerrie G. by a sagey old minister who had the idea that we miss too much of the contemporary wisdom in scripture when we only read the King James translation. His name is Eugene Peterson and his book Craving a “Card is called The Message. I love it! This is the way he interprets the above scripture from 1 Reading” or Corinthians: Spirit can only be known by Spirit – and God’s Spirit and our spirits are in open “Essence communion. Spiritually alive, we have access to everything God’s Spirit is doing.” (emphasis mine) Message?” Call Intuitive Sharon P. I love the slight change, the emphasis being that we’re always in communion with God, and when at 623.975.2247 we stay spiritually alive, we are open and aware of this truth. We have access to all the good in the

Universe and intend for that Power and Presence to be the guiding force for good in our own experience. WE HAVE OODLES As I have been praying and meditating for guidance for the upcoming year at the West Valley OF CLASSES, Center for Spiritual Living, it has become clear that this is the theme coming forward for us, to be WORKSHOPS, GROUPS, AND Spiritually Alive! We have thrived, and been vibrant, and these themes have moved us through EVENTS some major transformation. And now it is time for us to be fully ALIVE as a spiritual community. I

listed online. Just think we’re ready, and I’m very excited. I know it will be our best year ever.

click on “Calendar of Events” on our Are you interested in living your life more fully alive? Have you committed to a God-centered main web page… experience? At our Center we aspire to be a place of inspiration where people from diverse

spiritual paths feel at home. I’m very proud of that. I rejoice that we are a joy-filled community www.wvcsl.com living Principles, because I know the power of living in Principle. And I am

grateful for the amazing transformations we have experienced this year, that have brought us Facebook closer together, wiser, and more open to possibilities than ever before. Hang on world! The West user? LIKE “West Valley Center for Spiritual Living is claiming the truth – We are a beacon of light in the desert!! Valley Center for Spiritual Living” Effusive Love to all, Rev. Karen

PAGE 2 Harvest Time By Sarah Busby, RScP

Here in warm Arizona, the holidays are a time of harvest. We are fortunate enough to see the entire growth cycle taking place right here within the city limits. We see the planting of the seeds, the cultivation of the soil, and we witness the bountiful harvest. Farmers know what works, they plant the good seed into properly prepared soil, cultivate and water it as needed, let the sun provide the right temperature for the seed to sprout and grow, and multiply many times more than just one seed. What takes place within the seed, under the soil, is done by Nature, the unseen hand of God, making all things grow. The “how” is God’s part. When we have done our part, Spirit does Its part. In the Science of Mind philosophy, we use this illustration of the Seed (Idea, Creative Intelligence, Cause, Spirit, God) being planted into the Soil (Unlimited Potential, the Law, the unformed Substance), producing a result, effect, outcome, (plant). Thus we see (1) Seed, (2) Soil, and (3) Plant. Others have called this the Creative Process and the Law of Cause and Effect.

Many times in religious writings it mentions “seedtime” and “harvest”. It is one of the parables Jesus used frequently in the Bible to teach people about their life, and how to improve it. Even today, many people are sadly lacking in prosperity, peace, health, love and harmony even though it is widely publicized, that “thoughts are things”, “what you think about, comes about”, and “what you resist, persists.” Their harvest is not what they want, but is it what they planted? So what happened? Many times our thoughts are fear based, e.g., worry, dread, guilt, shame, blame or unforgiveness of ourselves or others. This produces an unsuitable crop of lack and limitation, unrest, problems, anger, disease and unsatisfactory relationships.

If our present (the gift we have from the Universe to choose) is not what we desire, then we can change. Change is difficult for most of us. We are entrenched in our habits, thought patterns and activities. Sometimes it’s not easy to “teach an old dog new tricks”. But if your desire for a different future is strong enough, you will persevere. It is difficult for us to take responsibility for everything that shows up in our life. We, and we alone ordered it, either consciously or subconsciously. The soil doesn’t care whether we have planted weeds or petunias, it produces the crop we have planted either the way. So how do we orchestrate the change?

Michael Bernard Beckwith says “Creation is always happening. Every time an individual has a thought, or prolonged, chro nic way of thinking, they’re in the creation process. Something is going to manifest out of those thoughts.”

When we begin to “think about” what we are “thinking about”, we begin to notice a pattern either of love (peace) or fear (worry). We do not have to chase the thought to see what it was, WE ONLY HAVE TO NOTICE THE EMOTION IT PRODUCED, and immediately AFFIRM or say what we really want. Simple, but not easy. Our thoughts fly by so quickly we are not always aware of them. But over time, it becomes easier to recognize our destructive thought patterns and to correct them. Continuous observation and awareness is the key.

Ernest Holmes writes in The Science of Mind, “We cannot escape from the creative power of our thought, and there is no use in trying to do so. All we need to do is use the Law from the right motive, then we shall be made free.”

So, to reap a harvest of love, sow love; to produce peace, know that you ARE peace; and to create more prosperity, know that Spirit is your source and supply and give thanks for the Good (God) in everyone. When we do these things, the earth yields a bountiful, perfect harvest beyond our wildest expectations and imaginations.

Happy Holidays! Your practitioners love you!


The Prez Sez . . . From your Board President, John Kruger

Greetings and Happy Holidays from your Board of Trustees!

It hard to believe that we are now into the final month of the year. Christmas is only 3 weeks away and the New Year is close behind. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Linda and I just got back from Colorado Springs, after spending the Thanksgiving holiday with family. I was also reminded how grateful I am to be living in Arizona. I truly enjoy the beauty of Colorado Springs and being with family, but I can do without the snow and cold.

Since our last newsletter there are some noteworthy events that took place in November and worth mentioning. The annual talent show was well attended and had over 13 of our members sharing their music and other talents. I heard there was a lot of joy and laughter by all who attended and Rev Karen was a hit. The proceeds from the talent show were in excess of $400. Thank you all for your support.

The annual family meeting was held with over 60 of our members in attendance. Thank you for taking the time to participate and sharing your thoughts and ideas. Rev Karen and the board will be reviewing all of your suggestions.

We kicked off our stewardship program which is going well. There is still time to turn in your Giving Intention Card if you wish to do so. Thank you to those members who graciously opened their homes for the book discussion groups. December is going to be a fun-filled month packed with many activities. Please take a moment to check out the online calendar so you don't miss any of the events.

Now onto some church business . . . This year we have four board members that will be completing their tenure with the board and will be stepping down. Those board members are Randy Dickason, Joann Henson, Vicki Miller, and myself. We will need to replace those positions with new board members. If you are an active member of the church and would like to be considered, please contact Rev Karen or board members Sue Witter or Joann Henson and submit an application.

In closing, I would like to take a moment to share my thoughts about Christmas and what it means to me based on our spiritual principles and teachings. Christmas is the season for giving and receiving gifts. Neckties, video games, sweaters, and books decorate the base of the Christmas tree. The rustle of wrapping paper is music and as common as Christmas carols. Giving and receiving gifts is nice but the most important gifts of this season can't be bought or sold. The most important gift transactions don't have anything to do with "stuff". The most important gifts are the love and joy we give each other . . . and to ourselves! We need to take time this season to celebrate what we have learned in this wonderful spiritual teaching. Let's remember the basic principles. Let's remember that all comes from God. Whether it’s a necktie or a brand new car, it came from God. Isn't the best way to experience God, not through neckties or a new car, but as love?

God is love and without love, no gift is worth keeping because you can't enjoy it. It is really better to have a hand-crafted gift that expresses love than a diamond ring that expresses guilt, duty, or greed. It’s better to be gift wrapped in a paper bag with love than decorated out of duty with gold thread or emerald stickpins. The greatest treasure of all life is Love. When you really know and express this, you become Love and you become the greatest gift you can give. You become the jewel in God's Crown. Does this sound like an exaggeration? Hey, I’m not just throwing out hyperbole here—I’m stating Truth. Without love, our lives have no meaning. Without love, we are tragedy in action. Without love, we die. So we want to make sure in this Season of Joy that we give, receive and embody love. I hope that every one of us will take time out of the busy shopping, social, and party season and spend time enjoying the invisible gifts of Spirit. To know ourselves as Love and Light, to spend time in laughter and quiet contemplation, to remember and acknowledge that our friends and families are gifts with or without wrapping makes sense any time of the year. It makes most sense in December. Let this be a season of Light and Joy and let it begin with you and me.

(continued on next page)


The Prez Sez . . . (continued)

Here is a quote that I found from Dr. that I find fitting for the Holiday.

"God, the divine father, never had but one Son. This Son is being born at every season, in every place, through all races and in all nations. Every birth is a Divine event. Every conception is immaculate. Every child who is born into the world represents the Son of the Eternal Father, to carry peace, love, and givingness to everyone

is the meaning of Christmas. To feel we all are a part of the Divine offering is to enter into the spirit of the birth of Christ in the human mind and heart. Our thoughts of gratitude, thanksgiving, and recognition should go up to the Divine Presence. Like the wise men of old, we need to be guided by the star of life to that holy place within us where the little child we are--the Child of God--is cradled in the arms of infinite love and wisdom.”

Have a Blessed and Joyous Christmas!

Serving in Principle,

John Kruger Board President

Have you met our resident "intuitive" yet?

"Angel Card Readings" and “Essence Messages” with Sharon Pilafas Every Tuesday Noon to 6pm Cost: Love Donation

Contact: 623.975.2247 or [email protected] to make an appointment Ask Sharon about other services she provides.

A Course in Miracles on YouTube (Click on each link or copy/paste them into your browser) discussion groups meet A Course every: 1. Full Audiobook (part 1) - http://youtu.be/CMxXHLiNXTM 2. Full Audiobook (part 2) - http://youtu.be/E16v8d0-s8M Tuesday: 6 – 7:30p 3. The Story of A Course in Miracles - http://youtu.be/-2ezG7xtSWM Wednesday: 11:30a – 4. A Course in Miracles Teleseminar by Alan Cohen - http://youtu.be/867WaRq9mo8 12:30p

5. Serenity Through A Course in Miracles, verses read - http://youtu.be/khA8vfKF3hU We have amazing and

6. Michael Murray on A Course in Miracles - http://youtu.be/t6nH4mNZy0w deep spiritual discussions!

7. Gary Renard on A Course in Miracles (part 1/3) - http://youtu.be/ZsS9IJ6en40 Each group includes a

8. Gary Renard on A Course in Miracles (part 2/3) - http://youtu.be/hbxtdcLkxpM practitioner and/or Rev

9. Gary Renard on A Course in Miracles (part 3/3) - http://youtu.be/9T7WEUwQ0pQ Karen.

10. Foundation for A Course in Miracles (click on “Videos” on center of page) - http://www.youtube.com/user/FndtnACIM 11. Marianne Williamson, Wisdom from A Course in Miracles - http://youtu.be/TRcENWzo_jk 12. What is A Course in Miracles? ACIM Explained in 17 Minutes - http://youtu.be/UbIlyO-l_vY 13. Spiritual Spectrum, A Course in Miracles - http://youtu.be/exSi5UcGCm0 14. Teaching from A Course in Miracles (30 videos) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvUCnCToRQI&feature=share&list=PL617187943F0F09C7 PAGE 5 The Story of Jesus’ Birth, Metaphysically Speaking By Mark Reed

So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them at the Inn. (Luke 2: 4-7, NIV)

Metaphysical meaning: • The Inn represents our intellect. We sometimes let our mind tell us there’s no room for spiritual understanding.

• The Manger represents our heart, our feeling nature. The Christ Consciousness within us can be “born” regardless the conditions of your emotional or intellectual nature.

• Joseph, being masculine, represents the intellectual nature, our thinking ability. He (the intellect) was not involved with the conception of the child (Christ Consciousness), but took responsibility to care for it.

• Mary, being feminine, represents the highest emotional experience humans can have, pure intuition. The birth represents how the Christ Consciousness comes to us, through our intuition.

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” (Luke 2: 8-12, NIV)

Metaphysical meaning: • Angels represent messages, inspiration, and guidance from our Divine Source within, bringing us “good news of a great joy.” • The star represents our own intuitive nature. By following it, we are drawn to that Christ Consciousness within. As we commune with it in silence, through meditation and prayer, it grows brighter. • The shepherd represent our observant nature and the sheep represent thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. The shepherd is responsible for watching the sheep just as we observe our thoughts to know which are based in Truth (Love) and which are of the ego (the black sheep).

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” (Luke 2: 13-14, NIV)

Here’s a summary of our (Science of Mind) beliefs concerning Jesus Christ:

Christ is viewed as a universal principle rather than a person. It is the principle of God expressing through humanity. Jesus of Nazareth was a human personality through which the Christ Principle, or Divine Personality, expressed itself on Earth. The principle of Jesus Christ represents the mystical marriage of our inner spirit with our outer personality. This union produces an expression of Life that includes both, yet is greater than either. The potential for this expression lies within each one of us. Therefore, Jesus is viewed as a great example for humanity, rather than the great exception. Ernest Holmes, founder of the philosophy of , wrote: “Religious Science does not deny the divinity of Jesus; it does affirm the divinity of all people. It does not deny that Jesus was the son of God; but affirms that all beings are children of God. It does not deny that the Kingdom of The Christ Mind is born and God was revealed through Jesus; but affirms that the Kingdom of God is also revealed re-born in each of us through you and me.“ as we turn to It. (Source: http://www.centerforjoyfulliving.net/frequently-asked-questions/) PAGE 6


On Sunday, Dec 15th we will be discussing . . . A Thousand Names for Joy, Living in Harmony with the Way Things Are by Byron Katie with Stephen Mitchell. This inspirational, yet practical book, may challenge some long held cherished beliefs and has the potential to help readers remove blocks to their happiness. This is the kind of book whose meaning for each reader can be deepened through discussion and sharing of understandings. It is available in the book store for $11.96 with the 20% discussion group discount.

The book for Sunday, January 19th is . . . Your Owner’s Manual by Burt Hotchkiss. Haven’t we all at times wished we had an owner’s manual for this life? Well, good news . . . here it is! The cover contains this caution: “Ideas in this Manual could be hazardous to your belief system and may not be suitable for some religious types.” Sounds right up our alley! This book explains in easy-to-comprehend terms and delightful humor the basic concepts of A Course in Miracles.

Both books are available in the book store at a 20% discount. The MBDG meets in the book store area at 12 noon on the third Sunday of each month. Everyone is invited to participate whether they have read the book or not. Any questions, contact Nancee Noel.

Projects of Love Financial Presentation

Kudos to Elaine Gage and the “Project of Love” committee for presenting the “Financial 50+ Free Seminar in November and December. It was presented by AARP-Charles Schwab. It was an outstanding program that included managing debt credit FICAs, and scams. Great job P.O.L.!

Treasure Trove Thrift Store - New Hours and Sale

New hours are: Weds. 9:30am-1:30pm, Thurs. 10:00am - 2:00pm, and Sun. 11:45am-1pm (after Sunday Service time is approximate). Get a raffle ticket for each purchase and see what the monthly prize is at the store. Drawing at the end of the month! See the thrift store rep to collect your prize. SALE ONGOING: at this time all items in the store are 30% off!!

Dahn Yoga Class

Our Dahn Yoga Class is on Thursdays with Jerrie G. Location: Pake Hall. Enter at the south side Purple door. Time: 1-2:30pm / Cost: $5 PAGE 7 Annual Christmas Bazaar Yoga at the WVCSL! and Silent Auction The WVCSL hosts a Kundalini Yoga Class! Kundalini Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual On Sunday December 15th we will host the annual “Christmas discipline for developing Bazaar and Silent Auction!” This will be starting immediately after strength, awareness, character, service during meal time. We’ll have oodles of gift possibilities for and consciousness. The purpose you, and you can meet the creative artists too! of Kundalini Yoga is to cultivate the creative spiritual potential Judy Baker, who’s the manager of our Treasure Trove Thrift Store, is the of a human to uphold values, speak truth, and focus on the compassion needed to serve and heal primary coordinator of this event, but others. please keep in mind there are no used items sold or auctioned at the Bazaar. Join us in Papke Hall on Tuesday’s from 6 – 7:15pm Everything offered will be new. If you'd and Saturdays, 6 – 7:30pm for moving, breathing, Lots of jewelry for sale! like to donate special chanting, and sweating, all the while calming our nervous system and quieting our mind and items for the Silent Auction you may bring them by during the emotions so we can experience the fullness of our regular office hours of 9:00am - 3:00pm. Be sure to contact the Inner Light. After class, relax, visit, and enjoy some office so we have a heads up on any delivery.

Yogi Tea and socialize with your teacher and fellow students.

Our teacher, Gina, is a member of the International Start Time: After Service, Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association, a co-op based 11:30am. We are yoga community. For most classes, you do not need estimating wrap up time to bring anything but yourself and your yoga mat. approximately 1:30pm. You may use a chair if needed. Wear comfortable If you have any questions clothing that you can move and breathe in easily. please contact Judy directly Lots of artsy gifts too! Tea served after class. at 623.824.6689. The WVCSL office number is 623.972.3205.

Did you Notice?

We now have a

… and don’t

forget to

have your Donate button on our web site, so you can donate, give your weekly tithe, or otherwise “give monetary photo taken love” to the Center at anytime, whether you’re away for the summer, or just a week. Look for this with Santa! button at the bottom or our web site’s front page.

LENDING LIBRARY: Did you know that we have an extensive lending library upstairs? It is at the far end of the hall. All books are in alphabetical order We have hundreds of great spiritual books in our lending library! by the author’s last name. Items are checked out on the honor system. Just sign the paper there for that purpose when you take a book and, when you bring it back, put the date of return. Also, anyone interested in helping oversee the library, please contact Nancee Noel.

PAGE 8 Reed My Words by Mark Reed, RScP

Being Indifferent to Indifference

In one of her many CDs, the highly insightful Pema Chodron, a western Buddhist nun, said something to this effect: “We either actively like/love someone, dislike/hate them, or are indifferent to them.” Like a triad on a sliding scale—like, indifferent, Mark and Dora in 1980, hours after dislike. their marriage ceremony. 

The point she was making is that indifference toward someone is just as “bad” as disliking them. There are millions, even billions of people in this world you are indifferent toward. Obviously, if you don’t know someone or have contact with them, you are neutral about them.

But if you know someone, if you have contact with a person, if you know someone is in need of help, assistance, love, whatever—if you know they’re in need, do not be indifferent toward them. You are a spiritual person, a truth seeker. You know better.

Here are some synonyms for the word “indifferent:” Lack of concern, unconcern, disinterest, lack of interest, lack of enthusiasm, apathy. Basically, we’re talking about “not giving a damn” about someone. That can’t be YOU—you’re a caring, loving person. You know that loving others is just important, but not more important, than loving yourself, with all your heart and all your soul. When we love God, we love others and ourselves. When we love others and ourselves, we love God. There’s no difference. That’s why “indifference” is an un-truth, because it’s not based in love. All that is based in love, of God, is universally true.

Our world is so full of contradictory beliefs and of people who are just plain spiritually unaware. They don’t understand that love is the basis of all Truth and is the only true and natural expression for any living thing. These people attend church or consider themselves “moral” people but they passionately hate the idea of new taxes for the poor, disadvantaged, and sick. Or they’ll call themselves Christian and then pass negative judgment on the homeless person rather than slipping them a dollar bill.

When you’re aware of Truth and willing to lead a spiritually-principled life, you know that love is a natural expression. You know that we truly are All One, each of cut from the same Divine cloth. During a 2012 political convention, Sister Simone Campbell, one of the “Nuns on the Bus,” gave a very inspiring speech. She said, “We acknowledge that we are all responsible for ourselves, but we also know we are responsible for each other. I am my sister’s keeper, I am my brother’s keeper.”

The love within you, which is God in expression, urges you to love others and yourself. This Universal Intelligence is constantly expressing love in the form of life itself. The more you open yourself to this love, and the more you mentally release any blockages to It, the more fully you will express God.

Say this aloud:

Today I am a vehicle for Spirit I fully express my Divine nature by loving myself and others

I know we are all one I know that each person on this planet is my brother and sister I know we are all doing our best based on our spiritual understanding I forgive myself and others for any perceived hurt or wrongdoing in the past I release all judgment of self and others, I let go of all fear I fully love myself today, but for a gentle form of self-discipline, I am kind and gentle with myself And I love everyone, all people, and every living creature on this planet I love heartily, I love mightily, I love with all my heart and soul And so it is, Amen, Right on.  PAGE 9

We Have Class! January Class Offerings Book ‘Em! News from Your Bookstore Foundations of the Science of Mind The holidays are Approaching! Instructor: Reverend Karen That means sales, discounts, Day/Time: TBD and new products and books in Length: 10 weeks your bookstore! Prerequisite Class: None

More details on this class by January Dora wants everyone to know that if we don’thave a book Description: If you’re looking for a basic introduction to you’d like, she can order it from Science of Mind, the Foundation Class is the entry level the publisher. Please support course and is required for entrance into all other your bookstore! certificated classes. This is a 10-week class, plus one Dora, your BS Manager Saturday workshop entitled “The Science of Mind We have oodles of GIFT ITEMS –

Weekend.” It is the perfect place to explore our principles buy for your family, friends, and yourself. Here are a few and gain a deeper understanding of the Science of Mind of the many ideas we have for gifts . . . philosophy, and if you’re not new to our philosophy this newly written course offers an excellent way to re-new and  Children’s books – turn your grand-kids on to the rejuvenate your understanding and spiritual practices. It’s Science of Mind philosophy an experiential class with deep discussions, guided  Jewelry meditations, and practical exercises to assist you in  Music CDs embracing and incorporating Science of Mind Principles  And don’t forget about gift certificates for the into your daily life. holidays!!

The Essential Ernest Holmes P.O.L ‘Spot’s a Worthy Charity By Susan Koval, P.O.L. Committee Member Instructor: Judy Thompson, RScP Day/Time: TBD Length: 10 weeks I am so excited about the Project of Love’s efforts to Prerequisite Class: Foundations of the Science of Mind coordinate the WVCSL’s monetary donation to The More details on this class by January Valley Dogs Rescue organization. They are a no-kill animal rescue who save dogs Ernest Holmes studied many teachings in developing our from city animal shelters before spiritual teaching. Along the way he adapted what he they're scheduled to be learned to suite his audience and his time. He left us with euthanized. the charge to continue to adapt his teaching to the world we live in now. In order to adapt and grow, it is vital to Dogs that are found by people as a stray, abandoned, neglected, in understand the foundation. In this class, you will experience the real Ernest Holmes and discover the gifts he has left for harm's way, and are often gravely you through his teaching. The text book for the class is The ill are also brought in. The dogs Essential Ernest Holmes, a brilliant compilation of Holmes’s are ultimately fostered out, key ideas on a broad range of topics including social matching the dog to the family. awareness, non-dualism, mysticism, healing and prayer. Fostering dogs allows time for them to train the dogs so they have good doggie manners.

Seeking Deeper Meaning Their public outreach provides resources to owners looking to re-home their dogs, promote and encourage

This fall, 12 WVCSL members took the “Meditation and responsible pet care, and provide information to owners on low-cost spays and micro-chipping. Metaphysical Jesus” class to delve into the deeper meaning of Jesus’ parables. For their final class project, students wrote their own parable. Five parables are presented Every penny of donations, either physical or monetary here… just click on this link: goes directly back into the organization to pay for http://www.wvcsl.com/parables.pdf veterinary care and medical bills. PAGE 10

Practitioner Services at the WVCSL

Question: What is a practitioner? Answer: A Centers for Spiritual Living Practitioner is a person of high spiritual consciousness; trained through the study of Science of Mind, in the art, science, and skill of spiritual mind treatment, also known as ; a practitioner is dedicated to the cause of helping you through spiritual counseling and prayer, and assisting you in “knowing your truth.” We are licensed to practice professionally by the Centers for Spiritual Living, and bound by a high code of ethics to respect your confidence.

We practitioners are an invaluable resource when there’s a need for healing—physical, emotional, or mental, and can assist you in expanding your possibilities. As we say on the podium most Sundays, even if things are going great, they can always be better. Being trained spiritual counselors, we work on We can help you identify beliefs systems that are ready to be released: a fee basis, most of us just ask for a love ° Fear ° Resentment ° Lack ° Limitation ° I am not enough offering—but don’t ever let this stop you ° Unforgiveness ° Self-criticism ° Shame ° Guilt from seeking help. During your birthday month, take advantage of the free ° Judgment ° Dis-ease ° Self-destructive habits ° Unclarity practitioner session available to you! And help you know your truth: Our phone numbers are on the back of the ° As an individual expression of Spirit, you are whole and perfect Sunday bulletin, and we’re happy to meet you ° Love of self and others ° Forgiveness ° Inner peace here at WVCSL for practitioner sessions. We ° Joy ° Abundance ° Healthy relationships ° Patience are eager to assist and love you. Take that

° You are more than enough ° Life purpose ° Your divinity “leap of faith” and listen to that inner voice. Please use us. 

This Month’s Book Review By the Mystery Reviewer

Book: All Is Well: Heal Your Body with Medicine, , and Intuition Authors: Louise Hay and Mona Lisa Schulz, M.D., PhD

“Whenever there is a problem, repeat over and over: All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe.”

In this healing tour de force, best-selling authors Louise L. Hay and Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz have teamed up for an exciting reexamination of the quintessential teachings from Heal Your Body. All Is Well brings together Louise’s proven affirmation system with Mona Lisa’s knowledge of both medical science and the body’s intuition to create an easy-to-follow guide for health and well-being. And, for the first time ever, they present scientific evidence showing the undeniable link between the mind and body that makes these healing methods work.

Bringing focus and clarity to the effects of emotions on the body, All Is Well separates the body into seven distinct groups of organs – or emotional centers – that are connected by their relationship to certain emotions. Structured around these emotional centers, the authors outline common imbalances and probable mental causes for physical illness. They also include case studies that show a complete program for healing that draws from all disciplines, including both traditional and alternative medicine, affirmations, nutritional changes, and so much more.

Using the self-assessment quiz, the holistic health advice, and an expanded version of Louise’s original affirmation chart, you can learn how to heal your mind and body with affirmations and intuition and live a balanced, healthy life. PAGE 11

These rhyming affirmations come from a wonderful Facebook page we know you’ll love. While in Facebook, search for “Rhyming Affirmations” and click the LIKE button.

. . . and don’t forget about the WVCSL Facebook page, where you can always find our latest photos:


Wait… one more thing: did you see our Halloween photo slideshow? http://animoto.com/play/05pahOPR1QlBAM2R19ekoQ