We, the undersigned members of the Board of Rege~:ts of The University of , hereby ratify and approve all actions taken at this meeting to be reflected in the Minutes.

Signed this thecJ,~"1~ day Of ~)~ , 196~, A.D.

W. W. Heath, Chairman

A. G. McNe~se, Jr., Vicef~~ i'2.--B Walter P. Brenan, Member

J " , I ] H. F. Connally, Jr., M. I~.,C~Member ,!

Frank C. Erwin, Jr., M/C'mber C/

l • f5 .~

'(Mrs. ) J. Lee Johnson, III, Member l

Wales H. Madden, Jr., Member • I j i•!

Levi A. Olan, Member I • i i

ohn S. Redditt, Member

• ?

', • ...... "'-• •.*'~-~ ~'L'.'U..~...,~n',. ,,~....~ ',~.. ,I• /;~,., ,~;£ 075

MEETING NO. 614 5-Z4-6

MAY 24-25, 1963. --The Board of Regents convened in regular session in Room 212, Main Building, on Friday, May Z4, 1963, at 1:00 p. m.


Present Ab s e nt

Chairman Heath, presiding Vice-Chairman McNeese, Regent Brenan Excused Regent Connally Regent Erwin$ Regent (Mrs.) Johnson Regent Madden Regent Olan ~1:' Regent Redditt

Chancellor Ransom Secretary Thedford

Also among those present were the following:

University Officials :

Mr. Lanier Cox, Vice-Chancellor (Adminstrative:Services) Doctor J. C. Dolley, Vice-Chancellor (Fiscal Affairs) Mr. FrankD. Graydon,'Budget Officer Doctor L. D. Haskew, Vice-Chancellor (Developmental Affairs) Mr. W. E. Keys, Director of News and Information Service Mr. Graves Landrum, Assistant to the Chancellor I Mr. C. H. Sparenberg, Comptroller 1 Mr. W. W. Stewart, Endowment Officer i Robert C. Berson, M.D. , Dean of South Texas Medical School R. Lee Clark, Jr., M.D., Director of M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute A. J. Gill, M.D., Dean of Southwestern Medical School John V. Olson, D •D.S., Dean of the Dental Branch Doctor Joseph M. Ray, President of Texas Western College I Doctor Joseph R. Smiley, President of Main University Grant Taylor, M. D., Dean of the Postgraduate School of Medicine :j John B. Truslow, M.D., Executive Dean and Director of the Medical Branch

Press Representative:

Mrs. Anita Brewer, representing The American-Statesman t

The swearing-in ceremony of Mr. Frank C. Erwin, Jr. was held in the Governor's Reception Room at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, May Z4, ] 1963. I 076 5-24-67 INVOCATION. --At the request of Chairman Heath, Regent Olan offere( the invc cation.

REORGANIZATION OF BOARD (COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS, CHAP LAIN, REGENTAL REPRESENTATION).--Following a word of welcom to those in attendance upon the meeting, Chairman Heath announced the appointment of the following:


W. W. Heath, Chairman$ Board of Regents

1. Executive Committee

Brenan, Chairman Co'nnally Madden McNeese Redditt

2. Academic and Developmental Affairs Committee

McNeese, Chairman Connally Johnson (Mrs.) Redditt

3. Buildings and Grounds Committee ;I E Redditt, Chairman Brenan Johnson (Mrs.) McNeese

4. Land and Investment Committee

Madden, Chairman Brenan Erwin Olan

5. Medical Affairs Committee

Connally, Chairman Erwin Madden Olan

Board for Lease of University Lands

Madden, Vice- Chairman Brenan -= ~) Jerry Sadler, State Land CommissionerS**, Chairman

The Chairman of the Board is an ex officio member of each committee. Membership by virtue of statute.

-Z- .



1. University Junior Hish School

Redditt, Chairman Brenan Erwin (narned to Cornrnittee May 24, 1963) Heath

2. To Study Prospects of Junior College

Board Representative: Heath

3. To Study Future Retirements

Madden, Chairman Brenan Heath

4. Protocol

McNeese, Chairman Brenan Madden Ransorn Srniley (until July 1, 1963, effective date of resignation)

The Chair requests the approval of the following special committee:

5. _To Study Administrative Fringe Benefits

Erwin, Chairman Madden Heath

Any other Special Committees, composed solely of the members :o~fihe Board, heretofore appointed and having completed their duties are hereby dissolved.

r i


Rabbi Levi A. Olan

-3- .078


I. University Development Board


2. Governing Board of State Colleges and Universities

Erwin (to replace Regent Redditt who asked to be relieved of this duty)

5.•2 3. Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions

Madden )!:


Motion on Approval.--Chairman Heath requested approval of the fore- t going including dissolution of ~ittees and calling particular attentic to the new Special Committee to Study Administrative F.~inge'Bene~its a~ to make recommendations to the full board. The foregoing as pre- sented by Chairman Heath were unanimously approved upon motion of Regent Brenan, seconded by Regent Johnson.

OFFICIAL WELCOME TO REGENT ERWlN.--Chairman Heath wel- comed officially Regent Erwin with the following remarks:

"I have the rare privilege and honor to welcome to the Board of Regents my good friend, Frank Erwin. I doubt if any pre- vious Chairman of this Board has had the pleasure of extending the Board's welcome to a new member who is not only a dis- tinguished fellow citizen of the Chairman's home town, but also a long-time warm personal friend, with whom he has l had many pleasant associations, whose philosophies and con- victions run so nearly parallel to his own, and whose judgment he respects so highly.

"Frank Erwin is known throughout Texas as an outstanding I lawyer, scholar, and leader in too many areas to attempt I ! here to enumerate. The University of Texas will highly bene- fit from his fine abilities and dedicated interest. In the years ahead, each of us will greatly enjoy our association with Frank, and his charming wife, June, and will become as proud of the entire Erwin family as is all of Austin.

"Welcome to our labors, Frank!"

, e

-4- 079 5-24-63 SPECIAL ITEMS BY CHAIRMAN.--Below are special items in the form as presented by Chairman Heath some of which required action and sore of which did not:

"Regental Appointees, University Development Board. -- The k appointees by the Regents to the University Development Board are: Term Expires Mr. Dan C. Williams, Chairman August 31, 1968 Mr. Ernest Cockrell, Jr. August 31, 1964 Mrs. Charles Devall August 31, 1968 Mr. J. Francis Morgan August 31, 1966 Mr. Tom Sealy August 31, 1964 Mr. Preston Shirley August 31, 1966 August 31, 1966

"There are others on the Development Board who are not appointed by the Regents and there is one position vacant by reason of resignation. "

In this connection, Chairman Heath called attention to the fact that there is an amendment to the Rules and Regulations on the agenda for final approval which expands the membership of the Development Board. (See Page 21 • )

"Members of the Board are requested to file with the Chairman suggestions for appointments to the Development Board. Vacancies on this Board will be nominated by the Chairman after consultation with the Academic and Developmental Affairs Committee at the July meeting. "

"Membership of Athletic Council. --In view of the absence of Mr. McNeese, Chairman of the Academic and Developmental Affairs Committee, and since your Chairman will need to q consult him and his committee before nominating the Board's representatives on the Athletic Council for the year beginning September 1, 1963, Iwould recommend and suggest that the Academic and Developmental Affairs Committee pass consider- ation of the last item on its agenda relating to the academic members on the Athletic Council of Main University until such committee's meeting at the July session of the Board at which time that committee will have an opportunity to review both the academic members and those to be appointed

by the Board. (The last item is on the Supplementary Agenda.)" .i i J "Formal__ Acceptance of President Smiley's Resignation and Poll i J l of Regents Resulting Therefrom. --As each of you know, it recently became my unpleasant duty to report to you that Dr. ] Joseph Srnfley had advised me as Chairman of the Board of his intention to submit his resignation as President of the Main University to accept the top position of President of The Univer- sity of Colorado System, and later to report to you his resig- nation and acceptance of such position, effective June 30, 1963. r


Z 080 5-24 "A motion to formally accept Dr. Smiley's resignation as President of the Main University, effective at the end of the day, June 30, 1963, is in order and will be entertained. Do I hear such a motion? "

Motion on Approval. --It was so moved by Regent Madden, seconded by Regent Connally, and unanimously adopted.

' The motion carries and such resignation is formally accepted.

"As you know, following such resignation, I polled each mem- ber of the Board by telephone, and for reasons with which you i ij~ are all familiar, you unanimously authorized me t0 make the following statement on behalf of the Board. The stat4ment reads

'The Board of Regents has decided to consolidate the present administrations of the System and the Main University effective July 1, 1963.

'Under this consolidation, the Presidency of the Main 1 University will be discontinued and the administration !: of The University of Texas unified under the Office of the Chancellor.

'The consolidation is being made with the full concurrence of both Chancellor Ransom and President Srniley.

'In accordance with the usual procedure of the Board of Regents and the Central Administration, the Chan- cellor will consult appropriate Faculty Committees concerning the implications of this administrative consolidation and will report to the Board's May 24 meeting at which time the Regents will consider the details incident to such consolidation. '

"I now formally file such statement with the Secretary of the z- Board and a motion is in order to ratify formally, confirm and approve such statement for the Minutes of the Board. il !~ Do I hear such a motion ?"

Motion on Approval. --It was so moved by Regent Brenan, seconded b Regent Johnson, and unanimously adopted. iZ "The motion unanimously carried and the statement is formally i ratified, confirmed and approved. i - i " I :.i" "Following the issuance of such statement, which was generally .i well received, there was some implication that our action was in some manner unfair to Dr. Smiley. While this is not the first nor will it be the last time the Regents have been and will be dealt with critically, the warm relationship between this Board and Dr. Smiley is such that I feel impelled to say that i, any such criticism completely ignored the portion of our state- ment which said it was being made with 'the full concurrence of both Chancellor Ransom and President Smiley. ' Obviously, there could have been no concurrence, except after consultation, t): :

-6- 08_I. 5-Z4-63 and the plain dictionary meaning of 'full concurrence' is 'complet agreement. ' Both Dr. Ransom and Dr. Smiley will confirm that each was fully consulted on every phase of the matter prior to each step, and that both the Chancellor and the President were in complete agreement as to both the content and the timing of our statement.

"Dr. Smiley, on behalf of the Board of Regents and the entire University of Texas System, I want to express to you our sincerest appreciation for your outstanding services as Presi- dent of Texas Western College, as Vice-President and Pro- vost of the Main University, and finally as President of the Main University. You have served with distinction to yourself; you have brought further distinction to the whole Texas Univer- sity System, and all of us (students, faculties, staffs, admini- strations, and Regents) have profited immeasurably from your having passed our way. :%<

"Now a personal word to you and Mary. Your capacities for friendship are boundless. We love you and hate to see yoh go, i but your memories will always be ins~bed in our hearts as we hope ours will be in yours. Altho/~gh you will soon have assumed other duties in another State~andll we will not have the opportunity to see you as frequently a-~formerly,\\ we hope you and Mary will return to Texas as often as possible, and that through the years to come our lives and those of our families may continue to be enriched with your friendship. "

"ResoiutioD of Commendation. --It is now my pleasure to recogmze Chairman of the Executive Committee Brenan for a motion on behalf of the entire Board to adopt a Resolution of Uom~endation. Mr. Brenan. "

Regent ]~ renan presented the following resolution that he and Regent Johnson prepared:


WHEREAS, Dr. Joseph R. Srniley joined the State University system as the President of Texas Western College at E1 Paso in 1958, where he served ably and untiringly; and

Wt-IEREAS, The results of his efforts were so apparent that the Board of Regents of The University of Texas felt it advisable to promote him to Vice-President and Provost of the Main University at Austin in August of 1960; and ~

WHEREAS, Dr. Smiley continued to demonstrate his administrative ability at the Main University to such an extent that once again the Board of Regents of The University of Texas felt it advisable to recognize his services and promote him to the Presidency of the Main University on June l, 1961; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Smiley has continued to serve The University of Texas in this important position; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Smiley has made such an outstanding record in serving The University of Texas system that

-7- ii(i

10S2 our sister states have taken c~,gnizance of his good works; and

WHEREAS, The University of Colorado has seen fit to offer him the important job of heading up their fine school:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Regents of TheiUniversity of Texas express to Dr. Joseph R. Smiley its best wishes for his continued success in his new assignment at the University of Colorado, and at the same time give thanks for the outstanding administrative services rendered to The University of Texas system; and to express admiration and affection for his graciousness and diplomacy.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Dr. Smiley's lovely wife, Mary Fincher Smiley, be recognized for her part as helpmate, and in endearing herself to the Board of Regents, their wives, the other administrative officers, their wives, the faculty and their wives, and the community in general in Austin. In short, Joe and Mary are a great team..

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be spread upon the formal minutes of the Board of Regents, and the Secretary of the Board be instructed to provide the Chairman with a certified copy to be sent by the Chairman to Dr. Joseph R. Smiley.

'The resolution is respectfully submitted to you for your action, and I (Regent Brenan) move its adoption. "

Adoption.--Regent Johnson seconded the motion. Chairman Heath ,L asked for a rising vote on the adoption of the resolution. It was unanim ous. i Remarks of President Smiley. --At this point, Chairman i Heath recognized President Smiley, who replied to the

resolution with these remarks: i

"Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board, I am tempted to respond to your tribute, which is so obviously unde- served for my part, in the words of a famous movie producer whose use of the English language left something • i to be desired: 'I don't appreciate it but I deserve every word of it. ' Seriously, I am of course deeply touched and pleased by what you have said. It has been a source of great personal as well as professional pleasure to have been associated with the members of the Board, the administration, and the faculty. We leave the University and Texas with many regrets, but as I indicated in my letter to the Chancellor I have been offered an honor which I cannot decline. We leave the University with every good will and best wishes for its continued success and distinction. Thank you. "

Following President Smiley's reply, Regent Johnson remarked, "Thoukh it might have been misconstrued if inserted in the resolution adopted, I do want to say 'Our prayers go with you, Doctor Smiley . ' [

-8- 1083 5-2 ' -6J ~(\ Report of Poll of Board re Track Coach, J. C. Patterson. --Continuing special items, Chairman Heath presented the following.

"For the record, I also now report the results of another Board poll which, as Chairman, I authorized in appoint- ing Mr. Jack Patterson Head Track Coach of the Main University.

"The Board of Regents by such poll unanimously voted to approve the recommendation of the Chancellor, based on the recommendation of the Athletic Director Of the Main University, and concurred in by the Athletic Council, Dean Barnett and President Smiley, as follows:

1. That the contract of Mr. T. J. Lovvorn, Head Cross Country Coach and Head Track Coach, which expires August 31, 1963, not be renewed.

2. That Mr. J. C. Patterson be appointed as Specialist in Track May 16, 1963 to August 31, 1963, at a salary of $10,000 per year. (Note: two items in the present budget cover track coaching: Littlefield at $9,500 and Lovvorn at $7,500. It is proposed that they will be replaced by Patterson at $10,000 and an Assistant Coach at $7,500 yet to be appointed whose effective date will be September 1, 1963.)

3. That Mr. J. C. Patterson be appointed as Head Track Coach effective September 1, 1963 to May 31, 1964, at a salary of $10,000 per annum. It is proposed that the track coach henceforth be appointed from June 1 to May 31.

"I wish to comment that I authorized this poll only because the Administration stated they had to give Mr. Patterson an answer by May 16, and with the understanding that if ar, y member of the Board requested that the matter go over to .:~;J our regular meeting, it would go over. Approval being j~:~z~ unanimous, it did not go over. 7

"Except for those matters which are customarily handled by the Executive Committee in the interim between sessions, all matters should be handled as far as possible in Board meetings where each member can have the opportunity to give the remaining members the benefit of his or her views, and in turn, have the benefit of the views and any information possessed by the remaining members. r~ 084 5- #-63

"We have met four times since January 15, the last time just last month, and with this meeting coming up within two weeks of the request for Regental action, I did not feel justified in calling a special meeting of the Board, particularly since it appeared that the matter could have been reported to us at our April meeting. The choice of calling a special meeting under such circumstances without full attendance and conducting a special poll of the members was a poor choice for the Chairman to have to make.

"I strongly urge that all matters requiring the approval of the Board be brought to its attention for advance approval and direction where it appears that action may be needed prior to the next regular Board meeting. Other- wise, the Chairman has the unhappy choice of calling a special meeting of the Regents who llve at distant points, taking an unauthorized poll, or insisting that action await the next meeting with the Administration insis ring that an immediate emergency that cannot wait exists; and the Board has the 'Hobson's Choice' of embarrassing its Administrators if it does not fully approve the recom- mendations already publicly known or of having to rubber stamp approval thereon, irrespective of its views.

"I want to make it clear that no criticism is due either the Athletic Director or the Chancellor's Office.. Our Rules call for comlaunications~...... through channels of authority. When Mr. R6~ral kept the Athletic Council fully advised he had done all our Rules permit. Yet, the matter first came to the attention of the Chanct, llor's Office and the Regents when we read of the controversy in the Daily press.

"The Rule on channels of communication is fine as long as it works. When the channels dry up at any point, the Rule results in those past the drying up point not receiving the information they must have to function properly.

"The Chancellor assures me that he is taking steps to ensure a proper flow of information through channels in the future. The consolidation of the President's Office J: with the Chancellor's Office will obviously be a step in that direction, as same decreases the numbe:" of channels Of communication and brings the Regents in closer touch with important day to day operations. Interim emergencies will continue to arise which cannot be anticipated, as in the case of Dr. Smiley's resignation, but I hope that with the cooperation of~h(e Chancellor's Office, which we fully have, those which can be anticipated will in the future be avoide_d.

-10- ii•:¸(i ¸

iz!~i 085 :)!:!:

"A motion is now in order for the formal ratification of the approval of the Chancellor's recommendations. ' (These recommendations are set out in Items 1, 2, and 3 on Page 9 . )

M0tJon of Approval. --It was so ordered by unanimous vote fipon motion of Regent Redditt, seconded by Regent Madden.

Report on Status of Lawsuit: Leroy Sanders, et al v. Harry H. Ransom, et al (Integration SUit). --Chairm an Heath read the following letter from Attorney Franklin W. Denius, of the firm Clark, Thomas, Harris, Denius & Winters, dated May 21, 1963, giving a status report on the lawsuit of Leroy Sanders, et al v. Harry H. Ransom,

et al, more popularly known as "Integration Suit": t;"

"The Honorable W. W. Heath

~/ Re: ~. Leroy Sanders, et al v. Harry H. Ransom, et al i:,; "Dear J:~dge Heath: )) // "The purpose of this letter is to~ve you a brief status report on the above-captioned matter. ], "Saturday, May 18, 1963, we, as attorneys for the Defendants i in the above-captioned suit, received notice from Jud~e Rice as follows: (a) at 9:30 a.m. , Monday, June 10, 1963, the Court will call the docket for cases set for the June term; (b) at 10:00 a. m. , the Court will hear argument on Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment and Defendants' Motion to Dismiss; and (c) a pre-trial has been set for Z:00 p.m. , on June 10th.

"Our briefing, pleadings and pre-trial roat£ers are completed or will soon be completed. In other words, we~,~ll be ready L-J'-~ ', to proceed with argument on the Motions on June l%~h~ +. 10:00 a.m. Judge Rice may, in view of the pr:e-trial setting for that afternoon, postpone the actual argument:~until a later date; however, for your information, we will be ready to argue on June 10th. A conference has been scheduled later this week among the attorneys for the Defendants to finalize our plans.

"We shall keep you fully advised on all matters pertaining to this case. Of course, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the other attorneys representing the University. i :J ~i

"Lastly, for your further information, we have received excellent cooperation from the Attorney General's Office.

"With kindest regards, I remain Sincerely yours, /s/ Franklin W, Denius " FWD:jr

-11- 5- dJ, -6J .086 Track Coach, Five-Year Contract, Main University.-- Chairman Heath inquired of Chancellor Ransom:

"Although the recommendation for appointment of Mr. Patterson was only for the period ending May 31, 1964, it is my understanding that the Athletic Council has recommend~ed a five-yeazi,contract for him (for the perlod endlng Ma~,~=31, 1968) but that it was your 1 recommendation that the five-year contract term be held for discussion ~nd action at this meeting. Since the item is not on the agenda of the Academic and Developmental Affairs Committee for this meeting, do you wish to take the matter up with the full Board at this time or would you prefer to handle the matter through the Academic and Developmental Affairs Committee at this or a later meeting ?"

Chancellor Ransom recommended and it was so ordered that this item be referred to the Academic and Developmental Affairs Commit- tee. {See Page 34 .).

Absence of Chairman from Austin, May Z9 through July 10, 1963.--Chairman Heath reported, "I plan to be away from Austin on a European trip from May 29 through July 10, 1963. Idid schedule this trip so as to return prior to the next regular meeting of the Board to be held on July 12 and 13. Of course, a copy of my itinerary will be available so that I can be reached during this period in case of emergencies or matters warranting communication with me at this distance.

"Mr. McNeese as Vice-Chairman will, durl~, my absence, perform the duties of the Chairman,J) This is in accordance with the Rules and Regulations,.7/ Part One, Chapter I, Section 3."

Dodd, Estate of Alice L.--Chairman Heath presented the following report on the Alice Laidman Dodd Estate:

"I wish to report that Mrs. Alice Laidman Dodd, widow of Dr. Edward Louis Dodd who was on the University faculty for over thirty years and Professor of Pure Mathematics at the time of his death in 1943, died in Austin on February 7. In her Will, duly probated in Travis County, Mrs. Dodd, after some cash bequests and disposition of her home furnishings, personal effects and the like, left her residue estate in trust to 'the individual who from time to time shall be Chairman of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas, ' the income ~ to be used for a fellowship in pure mathematics and designated as THE EDWARD LOUIS DODD FELLOWSHIP IN PURE MATHEMATICS.

-lZ- .-:- 1087 5-24-6J

However, if there is sufficient income from the trust J fund there shall also be a fellowship to be known as THE ALICE LAIDMAN DODD FELLOWSHIP IN ENGLISH. Should the income not be sufficient for the fellowship, then it shall be used in making loans to worthy students desiring to pursue their studies in pure mathematics and in English.

"Mr. James H. Hart has served as Independent Executor of the Estate and has now completed the administration and turned over to me the residue estate. I have instructed the University Staff, under the supervision of Vice-Chancellor Dolley, to assist and advise me in looking after the Trust. I am now exploring possibilities for sale of the three pieces of Austin residential property held in the Trust, all of which are vacant, and am giving consideration to possibilities for handling the cash and investments on the University's books with other funds where the Board of Regents is named as Trustee. If this is done, of course I shall make appropriate decisions as to expenditures, investments, and the like in order to comply with the terms of the Will. I expect to make major decisions with the advice of the Chancellor's Office and the Board of Regents.

"It now appears that this Trust Fund so generously left by Mrs. Dodd will amount to $60,000 or above.

"Mr. Stewart, the University Endowment Officer, with the approval of Doctor Dolley has recommended that I convert into cash the Government Bonds of this Trust in the amount of $10,500 and more particularly described as U. S. Sayings Bonds, Series H, in denominations of $500 and $1000 pu~-, chased since Au g ust 1953 and that later I invest same in a bank Certificate of Deposit with one of our depository banks which would produce a yield in excess of the government bond yield or as an alternative group it with other University Trust Fund investments. (Bonds are listed on Page 14.)

"They further recommend the sale of the three pieces of vacant Austin residential property all of which otherwise would require very considerable maintenance and repair expenditures to put them in rentable condition. As Trustee, i I have instructed the University Staff to obtain independent appraisals of the property, to obtain bids, and to take such steps generally as may be necessary to sellall three parcels of vacant real estate at the best price obtainable. Their further recommendation with respect to investment of the proceeds of any such sales is the same as heretofore stated with respect to the p~'oceeds from the sale of government bonds.

"In other words, under the terms of Mrs. Dodd's Will rather than leave the property to the Board of Regents as Trustee, she left it to the person occupying the position of Chairman


-13- 1088 5-24-6)

and therefore the legal responsibility is mine. I made some inquiry about substituting 'the Board of Regents' for 'the Chairman of the Board of Regents,' but legally I must accept or not accept it. In the latter case, the 2,4 Court would have to name an executor, so I did accept.

"As Trustee, I would like to have the advice and recom- mendation of the Board in the discharge of the duties placed upon me as Chairman of the Board of R~\gents under Mrs. Dodd's Will with respect to the conversion of the bonds, the sale of the real estate, and the invest- ment of the proceeds as I heretofore outlined.

"I will entertain a motio~ to such effect. "

j,, - Motion on Approval'. --It was so moved by Regent Redditt, seconded by Regent Brenan, and unanimously approved.


)escription of Bonds referred to in third full paragraph on Page 13: [ No . • Amount Date DI82116H $ 500 ~ August, 1953 M65711H 1,000 October, 1953 M359788H 1,000 December, 1953 350300H 500 ~,~ May, 1954 3496000H 500 December, 1954 )495999H 500 December, 1954 VI910493H l, 000 February, 1955 vI910492H I, 000 February, 1955 vlg10491H 1,000 February, 1955 i , - .. v1910494H l, 000 February, 1955 'C ::: vlI811064H 1,000 February, 1957 d1811063H 1,000 February, 1957 )I083380H 500 February, 1957

$ 10,500

-14- |089 5-2 -63

REPORT OF INTERIM ACTIONS OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, APRIL 6 - MAY 7, 1963.--At the request of Chairman Heath, Com- mittee Chairman Brenan presented the following report of the interim actions of the Executive Committee since April 6, 1963:

This report is made particularly for Regents Johnson and Erwin, who were the only members of the Board not present at the Executive Committee meeting this -morning. At our meeting we reviewed in detail all interim actions of the committee taken by mail ballot.

Each of you received in Volume II of the Material Sup- porting the Agenda a report of the interim actions of : ..... the Executive Committee since the last meeting. Tha'se who are not members of the Executive Committee received also requests for these actions as submitted by the Administration. All requests were unanimously

approved by the committee and are included in the report I on Pages E-1 through E-6. There are: E I. Five amendments to the 1962-63 Budget for Main University, one for Medical Branch, two for M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, and two for Southwestern Medical School. (Pages E-I through E-3)

2. Seven/requests for permission to travel from

Maln/University and two from Southwestern l - Med'{~cal School. The request for John E. Johnson, Jr., of the Medical Branch, has been cancelled at Mr. Johnson's request because of unforeseen circumstances. (Pages E-3 through E-6)

J', 3. One amendment to the Classified Personnel Pay Plan for the Medical Branch to add a position of Creative Research Worker. (Page E-6)

Requests received too late to be acted on by the Committee were considered at our meeting this morning and will be reported when the reports of the other standing committees are presented tomorrow. (See Page E-6.)

It is recommended that the interim actions as outlined above be ratified by the Board at this time. t Adoption of Report. --The foregoing report was unanimously adopted upon motion of Regent Brenan, seconded by Regent Connally and the details are attached following Page 53 and are made a part of the Official Record.


/ I O90 5-tL._63 i

I REPORTS BY CHANCELLOR RANSOM. --Because of limited time i before committee meetings, Chancellor Ransom made concise reports I on the status of the Camp Swift Property and the faculty committees of Main University concerned with administrative reorganization. Though notice of denial of the University's application for the Camp Swift Property had been received from General Services Administration, it had been called to the Regents' attention that this application might be reconsidered. The final outcome will be reported at a later meeting.

With reference to administrative reorganization, Chancellor Ransom reported that the Faculty Council had consented to the joint operation of the Committee on Desirability and Methods of Faculty Consultation in Selecting Specified University Officials elected by the faculty and the Advisory Committee on Budget and Personnel Policy appointed by the President. He referred to the December 17, 19,62, report of the Advisory Committee on Budget and Personnel Policy, a copy of which he had furnished to each Regent. The committee appointed by the President is chaired by Doctor George W. Watt and the elected com- mittee is chaired by Doctor E. S. Redford. Chancellor Ransom stated that a report of this joint committee would be handed to the Board.

In addition to these brief reports, Chancellor Ransom requested that the following items be referred to the Academic and Developmental Affairs Committee for consideration:

I. Recognition of Accomplishments of Senior Faculty Members (Page 35 )

2. Specific Suggestions for Endowed Chairs (Page 35 )

APPROVAL OF MINUTES, APRIL 5-6, 1963. --It was moved by Regent Madden, seconded by Regent Brenan,and unanimously adopted thatthe minutes of the Regents' meeti.ng held on April 5-6, 1963, be approved in the form as distributed to each Regent by the Secretary and as entered in the Official Record, Volume X.

RECESS.--Prior to recessing for committee meetings,Chairman Heatl in view of the absence of Vice-Chairman McNeese, Chairman c-~ the Academic and Developmental Affairs Committee, appointed Regent Johnson as Acting Chairman of that committee for this meeting. The Board recessed for committee meetings at Z:00 p.m. to reconvene at l:00 p.m. on Saturday, May Z5, 1963.

-16- ...... , ...... , ...... 4".

"! 091. , 5-L~_63 Saturday, May 25, 1963

MAY 25, 1963.--The Board reconvened on Saturday, May 25, at l:00p.m in Room 212, Main Building.


Present Absent Chairman Heath, presiding Vice- Chairman McNeese- Regent Brenan Excused Regent Connally Regent Redditt - Excused* Regent Erwin Regent (Mrs.) Johnson Regent Madden Regent Olan **

Chancellor Ransom Secretary Thedford

Also among those present were the following:

University Officials :

Mr. Lanier Cox, Vice-Chancellor (Administrative Services) Doctor J. C. Dolley, Vice-Chancellor (Fiscal Affairs) Mr. Frank D. Graydon, Budget Officer Doctor L. D. Haskew, Vice-Chancellor (Developmental Affairs) Mr. W. E. Keys, Director of News and Information Service Mr. Graves Landrum, Assistant to the Chancellor Mr. C. H. Sparenberg, Comptroller Mr. W. W. Stewart, Endowment Officer

Robert C. Berson, M.D., Dean of South Texas Medical School R. Lee Clark, Jr., M.D., Director of M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute A. J. Gill, M. D. , Dean of Southwestern Medical School Doctor Norman Hackerman, Vice-President and Provost of Main University ! i i John V. Olson, D. D. S., Dean of the Dental Branch i! Doctor Joseph M. Ray, President of Texas Western College Grant Taylor, M.D., Dean of the Postgraduate School of Medicine J. John B. Truslow, M.D., Executive Dean and Director of the Medical Branch

Press Representative:

Mrs. Anita Brewer, representing The American-Statesman

* Regent Redditt was present for the meetings of the committees on Thursday and Friday and on Safurday morning. ** See Page 48.

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i COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 5 - 2 5 - 6 )

I I (The Standing Committees and the Committee of the Whole met on Friday following the first session of the meeting of the Board and on Saturday morning. )

Chairman Heath presented the following report of the Committee of the Whole:


"In a further step toward unifying the Main University and Central Administrations of the University, the Board of Regents today elected

Dr. Norman Hackerman, Professor of Chemistry, i ;T,

Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The appoint- i

ment is effective July I. ~L

"Dr. Hackerman has been Vice-President and Provost of the Main University since September 1961. A distinguished chemist, he served as chairman of his department and as Dean of Research and Sponsored Programs before assuming the vice-presidency.

'Although Dr. Hackerman's chief concern will be i the development of academic programs at the Main I University, he will also serve as a member of the Central Administration.

• ii "In September, Dr. Wilson Stone, Chairman of the ! i! Zoology Department, will head a Central Administra- tion office established to advise the Chancellor con- cerning development of graduate and research programs in the several institutions of theJJniversity. Dr. Stone, J who is also director of the Genetics Foundation at the University, is a member of the National Academy of A Sciences and has been active in many national programs of scientific development.

"The correlation of doctoral work in the bio-medical sciences is a major part of the University's Develop- ment plan. Heads of medical institutions will continue to report directly to the Chancellor. Ii ' i "In connection with the new appointments, Judge W. W. Heath, Chairman of the Board, said, 'The Board feels that the University is fortunate to have two eminent scientists available to head these important programs of the new administration. '

"Chancellor Harry Ransom added, 'The prospect of work- ing closely with Dr. Hackerman and Dr. Stone gives all of us in the administration both confidence and encouragement.] I "Ot her detalls" concerning the consolidated adminlstrahon" " I ; C will be presented to the Regents at their first autumn meeting. [ ,. , •

-18- 1093 5-25-63 EFFECTIVE DATE OF AMENDMENT TO INTERAGENCY CONTRACT FOR CHILD PSYCHIATRY UNIT, MEDICAL BRANCH.--The Committee of the Whole concurred with the Board for Texas State Hospitals and Special Schools that the effective date of the amendment to the Interagency Contract No. 4413-646 relating to the Child Psychiatry Unit at the Medical Branch adopted at our April meeting be changed from March 1, 1963, to Jt~he 1, 1963.

ADDITIONAL SECURITY MEASURES, MAIN UNIVERSITY. --Steps were authorized for additional security measures at the Main University by approving a proposal of Doctor Hackerman, CC-h~urred in by Chancellor Ransom The proposal pro ! des: (11 that there been loyed Z g ards in the New Art lVluseum and 3 in the Undergraduate Library during the time these places are open; (2) that there be a 24-hour guard in the Academic Center which is located on the Fourth Floor of the Undergraduate Library; (3) that there be installed a 24-hour burglary alarm system; (4) that the guards be under the control of the Chief of Traffic and Security.

REPORT ON INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE.--After receiving a report from Doctor Hackerman on the Institute of Marine Science, the Board requested that he present a program for this installation showing its relation to the rest of the University.

AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF LEGAL FEES, BRACKENRIDGE PARK SUIT.--The Committee of the Whole authorized the payment of $3,034.89 to Chas. Trueheart for legal services rendered and expenses in the Brackenridge Park Suit in . The funds are to be paid from the Unappropriated Balance of the Avail- able University Fund.

IMPROVEMENT OF ACOUSTICS, ROOM 212.--A report was received from the Chairman regarding renovation of Room 212 for improvement of acoustics. This matter was referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee. (See Page 47 . )


President Ray's petition to present through the Chancellor I for action at the July meeting a request for an additional alloca- tion of $1,000,000 to Texas Western College for a new Physics- Science Building. The committee asked that this matter be taken up when other amendments to the ten-year plan are proposed in accordance with the Board's previous instructions.

-19- 1094 5-25-63

REIMBURSEMENT, LEGAL COUNSEL, SANDERS, ET AL V. RANSOM, ET-A~L.--The Committee of the Whole authorized that there be paid "$42. 98 to the legal counsel for out,of-pocket expenses in the case styled Sanders, et al v. Ransom, et al, funds to come from Account No. 14-0632-1Z00 - Legal Expenses and Fees - Sanders Case.

EXPRESSION OF APPRECIATION TO JAMES D. HOLLERS, D.D.S., SOUTH TEXAS MEDICAL SCHOOL. --It was moved by Regent Redditt, seconded by Regent Brenan, and unanimously adopted that the Chairman be authorized to express to James P. Hollers, D.D.S., and through him to the others concerned, the Board's gratitude for the support accorded by citizens of San Antonio to the appropriation requests for the South Texas Medical School made by the Regents to the Texas Legislature.

Adoption of Report. -- The foregoing report was unanimously adopted upon a motion duly made and seconded.


(Following the report of the Committee of the Whole, each institutional head was given opportunity to present items in his particular area. ) ii I REPORT OF MISSION '73, TEXAS WESTERN COLLEGE. ! --It was moved by Regent Connally, seconded by Regent Brenan, and unanimously adopted that Doctor Ray be given permission to proceed with the printing and distribution of the report of Mission '73. Prior to distribution, the Regents will be furnished with a Mimeographed copy for study and any comments they may wish to make. The report should be completed on June 3; in the same manner as the Report of the Committee of 75, it will be submitted to the Board for approval.

CAREER AWARDS, M. D, ANDERSON HOSPITAL AND TUMOR INSTITUTE. --Doctor Clark was delighted to report the receipt of three USPHS Career Awards for clinical research at the M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute These will be formally reported through Government Contracts.

COMMENT AT ART FEDERATION ASSOCIATION.--Regent Johnson took pleasure in reporting that the comments she i heard at the meeting of AFA in Fort Worth were gratifying. She stated that we hear far too often what is wrong with the University instead of what is good. She reported that the AFA was attended by approximately 600 people representing music directors, artists, collectors, and gallery people and in not one place did she turn but that she heard commenda- tion of the Fine Arts College at the University.

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-20- 109.5 5-25-63

AMENDMENT TO RULES AND REGULATIONS, DEVELOP- MENT BOARD MEMBERSHIP, FINAL APPROVAL (PART ONE, CHAPTER V, SUBSECTION Z. 61).--The Board of Regents at its April meeting approved the following amend- ment to the Rules and Regulations-

Amend the Rules and Regulations, Part One, Chapter V, "Membership of Development Board by deleting subsection 2.61 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

2.61 The University of Texas Development Board shall consist of one member of the Board of Regents designated annually by the Chairman, the Chancellor of the University, six members named by the Executive Council of The Univer- sity of Texas Ex-Students' Association, and twelve members, named by the Board of Regents.

After September I, 1963, all new appointees, except the member from the Board of Regents and the Chancellor, will serve for three-year terms. Original staggered terms of one, two, and three years will be determined by lot for all members, except the Regent representative and the Chancellor, on September 1, 1963. In selecting members, the Board of Regents and the Executive Council shall give due considera- tion to geographical and component institution factors. Vacancies shall be filled by the original appointing agency.

In compliance with Part One, Chapter VII, Subsection 4.1, it was resubmitted for final approval. Upon motion of Regent Madden, seconded by Regent Connally, the amend- ment as set out above was unanimously adopted.



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Chairman Heath called on the chairmen of the respective standing com. mittees for reports of the meetings of their committees on Friday and on Saturday morning, May 24 and Z5, 1963.

REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. (See Page 24 for adoption.) --Executive Committee Chairman Brenan was recognized and pre- sented the following report of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on Friday morning, May Z4. All members of the Board had been invited to attend this committee meeting, and all were present except Vice-Chairman McNeese, who was excused from the meeting of the Board, and Regents Erwin and Johnson:

Mr. Chairman, your Executive Committee has been busy. We have had many interim actions approved by mail ballot. These were reported yesterday afternoon (Page 15 ). We wish to submit the following recommendations for considera- tion of the Board that were approved at the committee meeting yesterday:

Budget Docket.--It is recommended that the Budget

Docket as submitted by each institutional head and i : approved by the Chancellor and as distributed to each of you by the Secretary prior to the meeting be approved and attached to the report of this com- mittee. (It is appended following Page E-14 and made a part of the Official Record.)

Exceptions to Modified Service Rule (1963-64), Caroline Crowell, M.D., and Robert H.A. Brandt, Main University. -- Based upon the recommendations of the Administration, your committee recommends that exceptions to the Modified Service Rule (Rules f and Regulations~ Part One, Chapter I.~I, Subsection 30.7) • ! be approved in the cases of Caroline Crowell, M.D., Physician, Student Health Center, and Robert H. A. Brandt, Scientific Instrument Maker II, Main University, and that each be given full-time employment status for the fiscal year 1963-64.

Waiver of Nepotism Rule for 1963-64, James D. McFarland, Jr., Main University.--It is recom- mended by the Executive Committee that the Nepotism Rule be waived by continuing the employment for 1963-64 of Mr. James D. McFarland, Jr., in the Petroleum Training Department of the Division of Extension. This recommendation was proposed by Mr. Jack Holland, Director of the University Personnel Office, approved by Vice-President and Provost Hackerman with the concurrence of the Chancellor and is under authority of the Regents' Rules, Part One, Chapter III, Subsection 5.44.


22 if' ~?


Amendment to 1963-64 Classified Personnel Pay 5-2 -63 plan, Main University./~-Your committee further recommends that the 1963-64 Classified Personnel Pay Plan for Main University be amended, effective September 1, 1963, as follows:

(1) By deleting the following:

Monthly Annual Step Code Title Range Range No.

0311 Tabulating Equipment $48Z-59Z $5784-7104 38 Supervisor

0313 Assistant Supervisor, 439-539 5268-6468 36 Data Processing Division

0314 Supervisor, Data Pro- 59Z-740 7104-8880 42 cessing Division

0316 Systems Analyst and 514-620 6168-7440 39 Programmer

(Z) By adding the following:

Mont~y Annual Step Code Title Range Range No. 0311 As sistant Supervis or, $439-565 $5268-6780 36 Data Processing Division

0313 Supervisor, Data Pro- 539-680 6468-8160 40 cessing Division I

0314 Director, Data Pro- 620-835 7440-I00Z0 43 cessing Division

0316 Systems Analyst and 482-59Z 5784-7104 38 .programmer I

I i 0317 Systems Analyst and 514-650 6168-7800 39 Programmer II

Z3 ! 098

Interim Requests Considered at Committee Meeting. --There were a number of interim requests approved by the Executive Committee in its meeting yesterday which were submitted too late to be acted on by the committee prior to the meeting. These items included:

(i) Five amendments to the 1962-63 Budgets for Main University, three amendments for Texas Western College, two for M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, and three amendments for Southwestern Medical School. (Pages E-7 through E- 9)

(z) Thirteen requests for permission to travel from Main University, one request each for permission to travel from Medical Branch, Dental Branch and South Texas Medical School. (Pages E-9 through E-14) ! ;

Request for Waiver of Nepotism Rule Withdrawn (Gottschalk), Main University.-- The request for a Waiver of Nepotism Rule for Doctor and Mrs. Louis Gottschalk as listed on the agenda was with- drawn. Doctor Gottschalk, who had been tendered a position here, declined to accept the appointment.

1963-64 Operating Budget.--The committee spent most of its time discussing the general aspects of the 1963-64 Operating Budget for The University of Texas system. The Regents' budget rule pro- vides that each year no more than 50~0 of the Classified Personnel of any one institutional staff may be granted a merit raise. For 1962-63 President Ray lacked twelve raising the quota per- mitted since he did not have funds to do so. The Executive Committee recommends that for 1963-64 he be permitted to raise on a merit basis twelve !i more than 50% of his employees.

Adoption of Report. --Committee Chairman Brenan moved adoption of the foregoing report as outlined and the details of same as set out on Pages E-7 through E-14. Regent mrwin seconded the motion which unanimously carried. f




~t r 1 099 5-25-63 REPORT OF MEDICAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (See Page 29 for adoption.).--Committee Chairman Connally presented the following report of the Medical Affairs Committee:

The Medical Affairs Committee met jointly with the Buildings and Grounds Committee and considered those items on the Agenda of the Buildings and Grounds Committee that related to the medical and denta] installations. The unanimous approval of these items by both committees is contained in the report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee. (Pages 40-44 )

Constitution of Student Association, ~VIedical Branch. -- Following the meeting with the Buildings and Grounds Committee, the Medical Affairs Committee considered the constitution of the Student Association for the Medi- cal Branch as presented by Doctor Truslow and concurred in by Chancellor Ransom. It is the recommendation of the committee (1) that the title be changed to "Constitution of The University of Texas Medical Branch Student Associa- tion" and the body of the constitution be so conformed and (Z) that the constitution as changed and as set out below be approved:



Student ody of The Un versity of Texas edical ranch in order to coquet

? lent affairs with a greater degree of unity and in order to promote the spi:tit of r :ion among the various schools of endeavor which make up The Universit) of iedical Branch, do set forth the Constitution of The University of Texas 1~ edi- ' ch Student Association,

Article I Name

r Ul. The name of the Association shall be The University of Texas Medical ~tudent Association.

Article II roug Obj e ct

The objects of this Association shall be: First, to provide a means t]~ h of the students of The University of Texas Medical Branch may work in unity; to promote a spirit of cooperation between the organizations which repre sbnt ms schools which make up The University of Texas Medical Branch; Thi~'d, to the purposes of The University of Texas Medical Branch.

The Association shall be concerned only with those matters which per :am c ~tire student body of The University of Texas Medical Branch. All rights l es, and responsibilities of any of the organizations which represent or w} ich -~stablished for the purpose of representing any of the various schools whi .'h i or which will be established as part of The University of Texas Medical 3ran ~y c t be considered as the proper business of this Association and shall not ir any usurped by this Association.


~ - m I .r

! I oo 5-25-6j • The Association shall deposit any funds that may accrue from special :~ro- )nsored by the Association or funds made available by the Administration for 0se of conducting student affairs at The University of Texas Medical Brar ch ;ncy fund account administered through the fiscal office of the Medical Br~nch.

nds shall be dispersed in accordance with the budget formulated and approved '2 ~ecutive Council of The University of Texas Medical Branch Student Assozia-

Article III Organization

[ Membership in this Association shall be made up of all members of th~ ~pter of the Student American Medical Association, all members of the localt ~f the Nursing Students Association, all members of the Graduate Student Ltion and all students enrolled in the Medical Service Schools (Physical T]mrapy, vled~cal Technology, and such other schools which may be organized as p~Lrt niversity of Texas Medical Branch).

Article IV Executive Council

[ There shall be an Executive Council made up of three representatives local chapter of The Student American Medical Association, two repres ,nta - m the local chapter of the Nursing Students Association, one representat .ve e Graduate Students Organization and one representative from the Medice ~ch0ols.

.. The above representatives shall be chosen for a period of one year by[the ,hich they represent in a manner which shall be determined by that group

All business of the Association, except that which is otherwise stipulSLted ~titution, shall be conducted by the Executive Council. J

t. Each member of the Executive Council shall have an equal vote in all brought before the Executive Council for consideration.

Article V Officers

• The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, a Vice- Lt, and a Secretary-Treasurer.

~-. Officers of the Association shall be elected annually by the Executive , members of the Executive Council. i , Vacancies which occur in the offices of the Association shall be fille[at regular meeting of the Executive Council or at a special meeting called:t~r ~ose by the acting President of the Association, or in the absence of an :ting it, by the Executive Dean and Director of The University of Texas Medic~.l ~r his designated representative. The vacancy shall be filled by the Executive [rom the members of the Executive Council.

Article VI Duties of Officers

1. The President shall be the active head of the Association. It shall be[]his :nforce the Articles of this Constitution and the orders of the Executive C~uncil;I

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r thi urpose he may issue such orders as may be necessary. He shall act as of the Executive Council. ialrr +!!iii!

cti0z L The Vice-President shall assist the President by counsel and otherwi~le. :4 sha ~ssume the responsibilities and duties of the President in his absence. I

:tl, t+ The Secretary-Treasurer shall, as Secretary, perform such duties a:/ ~:

;al [evolve upon that officer and shall carry out the directives of the Preside ttt L rtainto this office. As Treasurer he shall dispense such funds as direcf.~d

tn~ xecutive Council. He shall prepare and present a financial report at eac~ ,,uI meeting of the Executive Council or at special meetings called for that purpo, :or ,f this report shall be filed with the office of the Executive Dean and Director niversity of Texas Medical Branch.

Article VII Meetinss

ti0n~. The business of the Association for the year, which will run concurre}ltly th~school year of The University of Texas Medical Branch, will be conduct, ~d at r regular meetings spaced evenly throughout the year. !

tt0• rl ~. The ftrst" regular meeting" of each ~"year wtll" be called by the Executiv, n a~ Director of The University of Texas ~Aedical Branch or h'is designated lepre-e tatix~e. It shall be the purpose of this meeting to elect the officers for the yel ~niz[ the year's activities and deal with any business which is properly preseILted ~re~he Council at that time.

:i0nfk Special meetings may be called by the President as he deems necessa~ry, ~. pe]ition b)~ four members of the Executive Council, or as otherwise stipulat~dt in C0~s titution.

t0nl~. All members of the Executive Council and the Office of the Executive Dirfctor of The University of Texas Medical Branch are to be notified of eac tin~.

Minutes shall be kept of each meeting of the ExeCutive Council.

101 b. A quorum of the Executive Council shall consist of a majority of the em- :he Executive Council.

t0n~/. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the parlimentary auth,[)rity he ~uiversity of Texas Medical Branch Student Association. I

Article VIII Parliamentary Authority

ru,es contained in u1++ o, O. e. sh 11 govern the As+ iation

I cl,ses to which they are applicable F and in which they are not inconsistentl, ith .0: 3titution or By-laws of the Association. ',N

I Article IX .Adoption of Constitution

on I. This Constitution shall be adopted by a unanimous vote of the Execu' • :) ci after it has been ratified by the local chapter of The Student~Arnerican idical

Z7 I

f 1 I 5-25-6 i ion, the local chapter of The Nursing Students Association, The Graduate l i iOrganization and The Medical Service Schools in a manne r determined b T the I ~I group. It shall take effect upon the approval of the Executive Dean and Direc- he University of Texas Medical Branch, the Chancellor of The University of ~d the Board of Regents of The University of Texas.

Article X Amendments

. Amendments to this Constitution may arise from any member of the E ~e,cu- ncil or by petition signed by twenty-five members of the Association.

.;:. The amendment shall be adopted when it receives a quorum vote ,of th, 'e Council after it has been approved by the local chapter of The Student meri- lcal Association, the local chapter of The Nursing Students Association, Fhe Students Organization and The Medical Service Schools in a manner det, trained ~dividual group. It shall take effect upon the approval of th~6?:Executive De ~n ctor of The University of Texas Medical Branch, the Chancellor of The niver- exas, and The Board of Regents of The University of Texas.

5 No amendment will be voted on by the Executive Council unless it has ~een Lt a previous meeting or published inwriting to the members of the Exec~ Ltive not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the vote of~the is ~o be taken.

. C~ ~, Article XI L" .B y- Laws

[. Any reember of the ~Executive Council may introduce a by-l~aw at any : leeting )unci] as is deemed necessary for carrying out the proper business of th, Asso- r0vided the by-law does not in any way modify or conflict v~:ith the Const! ution ;sociation.

:. The by-law shall go into effect when it receives a quorum vote by the ~xec~- ncil and is approved by the Executive Dean and Director of The Universit of [edical Branch, the Chancellor of The University of Texas, and the Board of of The University of Texas.

Contract Authorized with Automatic Retailers of Amer:ca, Inc., for Cafeteria and Dietary Operations, Medical Branch.-- In compliance with instructions from the Board of Regents at the April meeting, the Medi-cal Branch Administration presented in the Supplementary Agenda a report of further study on a proposed contract for cafeteria and dietary operations at the Medical Branch. The Medical Branch Administration, concurred in by Central Administration, recommended that the proposed contract as set out in the Supplementary Agenda be approved. As expressed by Mr. Cox, "Central Administration obviously had no expert opinion on the success of the contract in the hospital area but was concurring in the recommendation of. the Administra- tion at Galveston on the basis of their very thorough investigation of the company's ability to perform.

28 .r ......

5-25-6 The se investigations ini.'luded institut~ ons in which the company had ,had successful operations as well as those in which the contracts had been terminated. Such terminations hadnot been because of failure of performance. '

The Medical Affairs Committee recommends (1) that the proposed contract with Automatic Retailers of America, Inc., be amended by deleting the period at the end of the first paragraph,. of Section F on Page 4 and by adding the following or similar language: "and that Management's insurance policy contain a contractual endorsement covering the obligations undertaken by Management under the terms of this contract" (Z) that the proposed contract as amended with Automatic Retailers of America, Inc., for the management and operation of food service, dietary service, and vending machines except cold beverage vending machines at the Medical Branch at Galveston be authorized to be effective as soon as possible and (3) that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute the contract when signed by Automatic Retailers of America, Inc. (As a matter of record, this contract was fully executed on June 1, 1963, and a copy is in the Secretary's Files, Volume X, Page .)

South Texas Medical School. --Having completed consideration of the items on the Agenda, the committee received from Doctor Berson a review of the steps to be followed in getting Federal matching grants for the construction of the Medical School and TeachJ.ng Hospital at the South Texas Medical School. He distributed to each Regent a memorandum on "Prospects and Time Table for Federal Matching Grants for the Construction of the Medical School and Teaching Hospital." A copy is in the Secretary's Files, Volume X, Page

Adoption of Report. --Regent Connally moved adoption of the foregoing report; Regent Brenan seconded the motion. After the Chairman had called for discussion on any items in the report and after Mr. Cox had explained the basis on Which Central Administration concurred in the recommendation for the proposed contract with Automatic Retailers of America, Inc. , a vote was called on the motion which unanimously prevailedl ...... ~"

-Zg- 5-25-63 REPORT OF ACADEMIC AND DEVELOPMENTAL AFFAIRS COMMIT- TEE (See Page 35 for adoption.).--Acting Committee Chairman

Johnson (See Page 16 . ), in the absence of Committee Chairman McNeese, presented the following report:

We, your Committee on Academic and Developmental Affairs, present for your consideration the following recommendations:

1963-64 Basketball Schedule, Main University.--It is recommended by the Academic and Developmental Affairs Committee that the 1963-64 Basketball Schedule for Main U~iversity as approved by the Intercollegiate Athlet- ics Council, and concurred in by President Smiley and Chancellor Ransom,be approved. This schedule as set out below was in the Material Supporting the Agenda furnished each Regent prior to the meeting.

December Z, 1963 Howard Payne at Austin 4 Texas Wesleyan at Austin 7 Tulane at Austin 9 L. S. U. at Austin 14 Oklahoma at Norman (return game in Austin in 1964) 19 Missouri at Columbia (return game in Austin in 1964) Zl Oklahoma State at Stillwater a 30-31 Princeton, Pennsylvania, Davidson, Texas at Charlotte, N. C.

January 4, 1964 Baylor at Austin 7 Arkansas at Fayetteville ii A & M at Austin Z9 Trinity at San Antonio

February 1 Texas Tech at Lubbock 4 S.M.U. at Austin 8 T.C.U. at Ft. Worth Ii Rice at Houston 15 Texas Tech at Austin 18 S.M.U. at Dallas 2Z T.C.U. at Austin 25 Rice at Austin ;m Z9 Baylor at Waco

Mar ch 3 Arkansas at Austin 5 A & M at College Station

Home Football Games Without Return Game, Main University.--Your committee also approves the Athletic Council's recommendation, concurred in by President Smiley and Chancellor Ransom, to schedule three home football games in Austin without playing a return game. These games are listed on the following page.

30 05 ) 5-25-6 October 7, 1967 Oklahoma State University at Austin r.: • "/i October 5, 1968 Oklahoma State University at Austin October 3, 1970 University of Oregon at Austin

It is the understanding of your committee that these three games are scheduled on the basis of an appearance here in Austin only.

Extenrdnn of Contract for Harold L. Bradley, H~aa Basketball Coach, Main University.--The Academic and Developmental Affairs Committee also recommends upon approval of the Athletic Council, concurred in by both President Smiley and Chancellor Ransom, that the contract of Mr. Harold L. Bradley as I-FeadBasketball Coach be extended so that his new contract will be for a five-year period beginning ~ i~¸ April i, 1963, and ending March 31, 1968, at an annual salary rate of $II,500 to August 31, 1963, and at an annual salary rate of $1Z, 000 beginnifig September I, 1963, with the understanding that this contract will be binding only in the event of his continued good health and physical ability to perform the duties which the position involves. (See Official Record, Volume VII, Page 12.)

1963-64 Student Activities Fee (Blanket Tax), Main Univer- sity.--The Academic and Developmental Affairs Committee recommends for the Board's consideration that the Student Activities Fee (Blanket Tax) for 1963-64 for Main University be increased from $17.57 to $17.82 and that the allocation thereof be:

Recommended Allocation 1963-64 Athletic Council $8.65 il Cultural Entertainment Committee Z.35 Longhorn Band .85 Texas Student Publications 4.10 Choral Organizations .Zl Oratorical As s ociation .Zl

Student Government • 37 R o und - Up .75 Challenge .Z5 $17.74 j;: Tax . 08 $17.82

These recommendations were proposed by the Student Assembly through channels and approved by President i !i Smiley, concurred in by Chancellor Ransom. /

Request of Raymond Richard Rice for Degree of Master of Arts (Denied). --It is recommended by the Academic ~. iL~ and Developmental Affairs Committee that the Administra- tion's recommendation to deny the request of Mr. Raym6nd Richard Rice that he be awarded the degree of Master of Arts in Sociology and Psychology be approved. Mr. Rice

31 ~! ~'~ il ~_~

106 5-25-63 requested the Administration and, through the Chancellor, the Board of Regents to award him this degree. The ": ;'i Administration has reviewed Mr. Rice's appellate request and recommends that it be denied since, in the opinion of the faculty involved and the Graduate School, Mr. Rice has not fulfilled the requirements for a Master's degree. (A complete file is in the Secretary's Office. }

Approval of Small Class Reports, Main University and Texas Western Collese, Sprin$ 1963. --Each Regent was furnished in the Material Supportin~ th_._eAgenda a report of the small classes at the Main University and Texas Western College for the 1963 Spring Semester, together with analytical sum.'maries. These reports list all under- graduate classes of less than ten students by head count and all graduate classes with less than five students by !. head count as of the twelfth class day of the semester,

The Academic and Developmental Affairs Committee recommends that these two reports be approved for sub- mission to and filing with the Texas Commission on Higher Education in compliance with Senate Bill No. 1, 57th Legislature, First Called Session, 1961, Article IV, Special Provisions, Section 16,

Below is the Justification Code used in preparing these X reports :

1. Required course for graduation in one or more baccalaureate degree programs. The course is not offered each semester or term, and if cancelled, may affect date of graduation of those enrolled.

Z. Required course for graduating seniors in one or : ii' more degree programs.

3. Required course for majors in this field and should be completed this semester (or term) to keep proper sequence in courses.

4. Course for which students pay a supplementary fee, and the usual requirements of class size are i not considered applicable. (Example: Class Instruction in Applied Music or Applied Art. )

5. Limited laboratory facilities make it necessary to establish an additional section of this course.

. a. Course in small department which offers ! • the minimum number of courses consistent with the maintenance of a balanced depart-

mental program. I

• "i¸. • b. Courses in a large department necessary to maintain a well-balanced departmental program.

3Z 5-25-6 I

7. Graduate course that is required for completion of an advanced degree.

. a. Interdepartmental course meeting with the same course in another department.

b. Intradepartmental course meeting with another course in same department.

. Adds, drops, and transfers in transit between departments and the Registrar's Office as of the twelfth class day. ~i¸:~: Main University. --The small ,classes in the report for Main University are listed in categories 1-4, 6a, 6b, 7, 8a, 8b, and 9.

Texas Western College. --The small classes in the report for Texas Western College are listed in the categories I-4, 6a, 6b, 7, 8a and 8b.

Admission Standards for Transfer Students and Scholastic Standards for Resident Freshman Students, Main University.-- The committee also recommends (1) that the Admission Standards for Transfer Students and Scholastic Standards for Resident Freshman Students at Main University as recommended by the Faculty Council, approved by the General Faculty and concurred in by the Administration, be approved by the Board, effective September 1964, and (2) that in accordance therewith Publication No. 6208, General Information, Main University, be amended, to wit:

A. Amend Publication Number 6208, General Information, Main University, 1962-1963, page 37, numbers 1 and 4, under "Requirements,' to read:

. First-year students.--A first-year student taking twelve or more semester hours must (1) pass at least twelve semester hours and (2) make a score of at least twelve points.

A first-year student taking less than twelve {: ~: semester hours must (1) pass all hours taken and (2) make at least as many points as semester I ' hours undertaken.

4. In addition to the above requirements, students transferring with less than fifty-four semester hours must present a I. 5 grade-point average in all previous college work undertaken, whether passed or failed. (This average is computed as follows: A, 3 points per semester hour; B, 2; C, i; D, E, F, 0.) Students transferringwith fifty-four or more semester hours must present a 1.0 grade-point average on all previous college

33 I 08 5 - 25-63 work undertaken, whether passed or failed; except that a student transferring to the University presenting college work taken onlyin the summer session immediately following his high-school graduation may present a i. 0 average on all work under- taken, whether passed or failed.

B. Amend Publication Number 6208, General Information, Main University, 196Z-63, page 65, number 1 under "Minimum Standard Required" to read:

i. First-year students.--A first-year student taking twelve or more semester hours must (i) pass at least twelve semester hours and (2) make a score of at least twelve points.

A first-year student taking less than twelve semester hours (by special approval of his dean) must (1) pass all hours taken and (Z) make at least as many points as semester hour s undertaken.

Docket (Attachment No. Z).--It is recommended that the Docket (Attachment No. Z) of Chancellor Ransom be approved in the form as distributed to the Regents prior to the meeting and that the same be made a part of the minutes for this meeting.

Exhibits of Students' Work, Creative Arts. --It is recom- mended by your committee that there be an exhibit of undergraduate and postgraduate students' work in the creative arts at the time the Regents are in session at the Main University or at any other component institution. The exhibit is to be assembled at the discretion of the department head of fine arts of the particular institution

concerned. ? J

Report of President Smiley re Physical Training, Main University. --The committee received an informational report from President Smiley on the effect of the appro- priation rider on mass calisthenics at Main University.

Five-Year Contract, Jack Coleman Patterson, Head Track and Cross Country Coach, Director of Texas Relays. -- At the request of Chancellor Ransom at the opening session of the Regents' meeting on Friday, the recommendation of the Athletic Council for a five-year contract for Jack Coleman Patterson was referred to the Academic and Developmental Affairs Committee. (See Page lZ .)

34 ?~ i:¸ ,

i, /~i~ '! ;:~ o9 i~ i~ !~ 5-25.6j I • ~:. < This committee approved the recommendation of the Athletic Council, as presented and concurred in by the Chancellor, that the contract of Jack Coleman Patterson as Head Track and Cross Country Coach, Director of Texas Relays, Main University, be for a five-year period ending May 31, 1968, at an annual

salary rate of $I0,000.00. i ¸ i

Special Committee Authorized for Recognition of Senior Professors.--The Academic and Developmental i ~ i Affairs Committee recommends that a special com-

mittee to study arrangements for recognizing the ~ i~ . accomplishments of senior professors be appointed by the Chancellor, who shall be an ex officio member of ii i• i

the committee. The committee shall be composed of i~ , i ~ill ~ / two members from Central Administration and two i i i!i! from the faculties.

Recommendations reNamed Professors hips, July Meeting.--It is recommended that Chancellor Ransom's request for authorization to submit a proposal for named professorships at the July meeting of the Board be ! : ~ i!i¸ approved.

Athletic Council Membership, Main University.--(The membership of the Athletic Council as presented in the Material Supporting the Agenda was deferred at the suggestion of Chairman Heath. See Page 5 .)

Adoption of Report.--It was moved by Regent Johnson, seconded by Regent Brenan, and unanimously approved that the foregoing report of the Academic and Developmental Affairs Committee be adopted. The Docket (Attachment No. Z) is appended following Page L-17 and made a part of the official record. /


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35 Z'"

5-25-6 i I .10 REPORT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE (See Page 48 for adoption.).--Regent Brenan, in the absence of Committee Chair- /~," man Redditt (Page 17 ), presented the following report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee. The report consisted of (1) recommendations of Administration distributed in the Material Supporting the Agenda, (Z) items relating to the Medical and Dental installations which were approved jointly by the Medical Affairs Committee and the Buildings and Grounds Committee and (3) Administration's recommendations not distributed prior to the meeting:--

The Buildings and Grounds Committee approved the following recommendations of the Administration as distributed in the Material Supporting the Agenda:

Main University: Approval of Change in Name for Old Press Building.--Some time ago the Old Press Building at the Main University was remodeled for use by the Radio-Television Department and is now being occupied by that Department. It is therefore recommended by the Main University Faculty Committee on Building and Space Allocation, which recom- mendation is concurred in by President Smiley, Comptroller Sparenberg, and Chancellor Ransom, that the Old Press Building be re-named %he Radio- Television Building.

Main University: Approval of Specifications for Classroom Furniture for Addition to Law School BuildinR. --Specifications covering Classroom Furniture for the Addition to the Law School Building have been prepared by members of the staff of the Office of the Comptroller and approved by President

Smiley, Comptroller Sparenberg, and Chancellor Ransom. :l The estimated cost of the items covered by these specifica- l tions is within the amount allocated for this purpose. It is, therefore, recommended that they be approved by the Board and that Comptroller Sparenberg be authorized to advertise for bids to be presented to the Board for consideration at a later meeting.

Specifications for the remainder of the Furniture and Fur- nishings for this addition will be presented to the Board for approval at a later date.

Main University: Approval of Inscription on Plaque for Addition to Gregory Gymnasium. --It is recommended that the inscription as set out below be approved for the plaque for the Addition to Gregory Gymnasium at the Main University:



Thornton Hardie, Chairman Harry H. Ransom, Chan- cellor, The University W. W. Heath, Vice- Chairman of Texas Charles HC ,Spa renberg Walter P. Brenan Comptroller, The University of Texas

---000--- • -4

L, 36 r 5-25-67 J. P. Bryan Joseph R. Smiley, Presi,- dent, Main University H. F. Connally, Jr., M.D. C. Aubrey Smith, Chairman Main University Faculty Wales H. Madden, Jr. Building Committee

A. G. McNeese, Jr. - --000---

John S. Redditt Jessen, Jessen, Millhouse, and Greeven, Consulting French M. Robertson Architect Wilson, Morris, Crain, and Anderson, Associate Architect John J. Stokes, General Contractor

This inscription is in accordance with the standard pattern approved by the Board of Regents, and shows the names of the persons occupying the positions indicated at the date of the award of the general contract, February 3, 1962.

Main University:~,,Approval of Inscription on Plaque for Addi- tion to Law School Building.--It is recommended that the inscription as set out below be a~?proved for the plaque for ,,1 the Addition to the Law School Bi~ilding at the~Main University:



Thornton Hardie, Chairman Harry H. Ransom, Chan- cellor, The University W. W. Heath, Vice-Chairman of Texas Charles H. Sparenberg, Walter P. Brenan Comptroller, The University of Texas J. P. Bryan

- - -000- - - H. F. Connally, Jr., M.D. Joseph R. Smiley, Presi- Wales H. Madden, Jr. dent, Main University C. Aubrey Smith, Chairm A. G. McNeese, Jr. Main "" "versity Faculty Building Committee John S. Redditt i , ---000--- French M. Robertson Jessen, Jessen, Millhouse, and Greeven, Consulting Ar chite ct Office of Mark Lemmon, As sociate Architect

C. D. Yarbrough Construc-. I tion Company, General Contractor I

37 5-25-63 I1.2 !!i! This inscription is in accordance with the standard pattern approved by the Board of Regents, and shows the names of the persons occupying the positions indicated at the date of the award of the general contract, March 8, 1962.

Main University: Approval of Preliminary Plans for Will C. Hogg Geology Building.--At the Regents' Meeting held April 28, 1962, authorization was given to the Consulting Architect, Jessen, Jessen, Millhouse, and Greeven, to prepare preliminary plans and outline specifications for the Will C. Hogg Geology Building at the Main University, with a partial appropriation being made at that time, and the remainder needed to be set up in 1962-63, the total appropriation being $2,250,000.00.

These preliminary plans and outline specifications have now been prepared, providing for estimated construction costs within this appropriation, and have been approved by the Main University Faculty Committee on Building and Space Allocation, President Smiley, Comptroller Sparenberg, and Chancellor Ransom. It is recommended that they be approved by the Board and that an Associate Architect be appointed with authorization to proceed with the preparation of working drawings and specifications.

It is further recommended that the architectural firm of Page, Southerland, and Page, of Austin, Texas, be ap- pointed as Associate Architect for this project. 2 i Main University: Ratification of Issuance of Purchase Order for Electrical Equipment.--At the Regents' Meeting held December 1, 1962, the Main University Physical Plant staff was given authority to prepare plans and speci- fications for the Revision of the Elect'rical Distribution System at the Main University, with further authority to Comptroller Sparenberg to approve these plans and speci- fications and to approve requisitions issued on the basis of the plans and specifications, all within the limits of the $300,000.00 appropriation made. Plans and specifications for One Lot of Electrical Equipment were prepared by the Physical Plant staff and approved by Comptroller Sparen- berg; a requisition was issued;; bids were received as listed below:.; and a purchase order issued to the low bidder, Gen- I • eral Electric Company, in the amount of $189,957.00. ! f Name of Bidder Item No. 1 Item No. 2 Delivery

Allis Chalmers Manufacturing Co. $207,561.00 $ No Bid 11Z days*

General Electric Co. 179,662.00 10,295.00 190 days

*Drawing approval time to be added


38 .~ /Y' 11 8

of Name Bidder Item No. I Item No. Z Delivery_

I. T. E. Circuit Breaker Company $179,678.00 $ No Bid 154 days

Westinghouse Electric Corpora- tion 189, 183, O0 12,050. O0 126 days

It is recommended that the actions as taken on the preceding page be ratified and approved by the Board.

Main University: Approval of Transfer between Appropriations for Engineering-Science Buildin$ to Cover Change Orders for Installation of Van De Graaff Tandem Accelerators.--At the time the contract was signed with High Voltage Engineering Corporation for the construction of the three Van de Graaff Tandem Accelerators, it was understood that there would be certain installation costs to be paid by the University when the equipment was delivered and installed. It is now believed that the best procedure to follow in having this equipment installed is to issue change orders to various construction contracts involved in this building, and it is estimated that these change orders will total between $35,000.00 and $50,000.00. It is, therefore, recommended that Comptroller Sparenberg be author. ized to sign change orders to these construction contracts to i: cover the installation costs in a total amount not to exceed $50,000.00, the money needed to cover these change orders to come from the Allotment Account for the Engineering- Science Building~ i' i _Main University: Approval of Location for New ROTC Rifle Range Buildin$ and Appropriation Therefor.--The present ROTC Rifle Range will interfere with the East Mall Develop- ment and, therefore, must.be removed. It :.~ recommended by the Main University Faculty Building and 5paceAllocation Committee, which recommendation is concurred in by Presi- dent Smiley, Comptroller Sparenberg, and Chancellor Ransom, that a location immediately southeast of the ROTC Building be approved for a new ROTC Rifle Range Building and that an appropriation of $90,000.00 be made from the Available University Fund appropriation entitled "New Building Construc- i ii tion, Utilities Expansion, and Air Conditioning Projects-- Unallocated" with authorization to Consulting Architects Brooks and Barr to proceed with the preparation of preliminary plans i' and outline specifications for this structure. There is a possi- bility that this new building may be designed as an addition to the ROTC building, but this question needs further study by all concerned, including, of course, the Consulting Architects. : i

Main University: Approval of Location of Power Plant t ExtenSion.--The Main University Faculty Building and Space Allocation Committee recommends, which recommendation is concurred in by President Smiley, Com:ptroller Sparenberg, /'and Chancellor Ransom, that a location be approved for the ~Yrextension of the Main University Power Plant to the east of the existing Power Plant, west of Waller Creek, and south of Twenty-fourth Street, which is approximately northeast of the present Cobling Tower.

39 -.L

Texas Western College: Report on Signing of Easements, Etc., for Northern Access Road to Sun Bowl Stadium. --At the Regents' Meeting held July ZZ, 1961, an easement was I~i~) granted to E1 Paso County for a northern access road to the Sun Bowl Stadium. Later it was found advisable to change the location of this road in some respects and a Committee, consisting of President Ray, Comptroller Sparenberg, and Regent Hardie, was appointed at the meeting held Decem- ber 1, 1962, to approve whatever documents were necessary to effect this change. At the meeting held April 5, 1963~ ratification was requested of the approval of these documents by the Committee. Since no complete listing of the documents signed by the various parties involved in this transact.ion has been reported to the Board, this report is being made for information, and it is further requested that ratification be given by the Board for acceptance and/or signature of the documents listed below:

A Deed of Reconveyance dated January Z3, 1963,

from the County of E1 Paso covering 2.48 acres ,'4 of land, more or less, which in effect cancels the easement approved by the Board at th& meeting held July 22, 1961.

Indenture dated March 27, 1963, between the Board of Regents of The University of Texas and the City of E1 Paso covering an exchange of two tracts of land, all located in Hart Survey No. 2, E1 Paso County, Texas, each containing 0. 488 acres, as more fully described in said indenture.

Right-of-Way Deed dated April 9, 1963, from the Board of Regents of The University of Texas to the City of E1 Paso covering~a, cert2~n parcel of land in Hart Surv.ev No~:g~ " E1 Paso County, Texas, containing approximately 2, 45 acres, to serve as a northern access road to the Sun Bowl Stadium, as more fully described in said right-of-way deed.

TheBuildings and Grounds Committee had a joint meeting with the r~ Medical Affairs Committee and approved the following items relating to the Dental and Medical installations:

Medical Branch: Approval of Final Plans and Specifica- tions for Fourth, Fifth, and Sixtl~ Floors~bf the New Outpatient-Clinical Diagnostic Building,f----At the Regents' ! ~ Meeting held December 1, 196Z, authdrization was given

for the Associate Architects, Georg~ ~ierce and Abel B. 7 Pierce, to proceed with the prepai'ation of wo:king drawings ] and specifications for the Fourt.~i, Fifth, and Sixth Floors of the New Outpatient-Clinical Diagnostic Building at the Medical Branch. These final plans and specifications have now been completed and have been approved by the Medical Branch Faculty Building Committee, Doctor Truslow, Comptroller Sparenberg, and Chancellor Ransom. It is :t recommended that they be apprc;ved by the Board, subject to approval of the Texas State Department of Health and the Public Health Service, and that Comptroller Sparenberg be authorized to advertise for bids at the proper i: ! time, to be p:[esented to the Board for consideration at a later rneeting!~

40 5-25-6

Medical Branch: Approval of Appropriation for Equipment, il. L Etc., for Virology Laboratory.--A recommendation has been made by Dr. Truslow, which has been approved by Chancellor Ransom, that an appropriation of $40,000.00 be made to the Medical Branch from the Unappropriated Balance of the Avail- able University Fund for the purpose of purchasing equipment and making a srna11 building service modification for the use of the Virology Laboratory being established. The program and proposed use of this appropriation are set forth in a memo- random from Dr. Verwey, Chairman of the Department of Microbiology, to Dr. Truslow, which is quoted below. It is recommended that the Board approve this appropriation.

'Virology is an extremely important subfield within the discipline of ~Vlicrobiology and at the present time has only token representation on The University of Texa~ Medical Branch campus. The lack of compe- : tent:'#~irolo~_is~s and an ongoing program of virology res~arch is seriously hindering our efforts at medical student and graduate student training and is depriving the hospital of consultative and diagnostic service ~which it should have. In addition, the deficiency in this field is detracting from the otherwise improving national reputation of the Department of Microbiology,. :../t

'~In the past two years since Dr. Morris Poli~r~, a virologist in the Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, left the~It~edical iB'/'anch, very active efforts have been made to recruit a qualified virologist to our staff. We have been unsuccessful in this, despite the avai!ability~of a "competitive" salary, because of the lack of space and facilities that cou16 be allocated~.to virological research. The k only space available was inadequate space on the 3rd "7 Floor of the Gall Borden Building or rooms in the Ashbel Smith Building:Ithat were in such a disreputable condition thaV~hey were more of a liability than an ,= asset in recruitment.

"The B oa~#d of R~egents has recently approved funds for th4"~iiin~mal renovation of the first two floors of the Asl~Bel Smith Bu?ilding, and I have just received approve-l~of an NIH grant of $24, 000 for furniture and a few items of fixed equipment to assist in the establishment of a VirOlogy Laboratory. Between renovation plans for the Ashbel Smith Building and the,funds for furniture and fixed equipment for four rooms in~this building, ~i believe that we can now establish a'physical setup for a Virology Unit that would represent the~basic beginning for a very satis- factory operation. ~ "

41 5-25o6 "Unfortunately, however, since virology deals with infectious, submicroscopic agents that can frequently be studied only in animals or tissue cultures, the apparatus and movable equipment for virological re- search is costly. Therefore, a considerable expenditure beyond the provision of room space and furniture is . required before a Virology Unit becomes functional. In addition, we are faced with the problem of recruiting a virologist who will undoubtedly require time to estab- lish his sources of grant support for his research and therefore must have technical assistance supplied for ~', him during his first year. J

"In further response to the recent discussion with you, Mr. Heath and Dr. Connally concerning what a sum ~f $40;000 could do to assist in the development of a good Virology Unit, I have assembled the specific proposal listed below.

Equipment Estimated Cost

1. Tissue Culture Equipment - Including sterile hoods, tissue culture incuba- tors, special glassware washer, and tissue culture glassware $ 8, 100

Z. Animal Equipment and Facilities - Including disin~[ectirig cage worker, animal cages, cage racks, etc. 7 ; 600

3. Ultraviolet Fluorescence Microscope 4,500

4. Virus Laboratory General Apparatus - Including Spinco Model L ultracentrifuge, Sorval R C II refrigerated centrifuge, liquid nitrogen virus storage, refrigera- tors, etc. 11,500

5. Building Service Modification - Increased hot water supply for glassware and cage washer 2,000

Optical M easur.~ng Equipment - Including a Beckman DU: spectrophotometer with recorder and attachments for flame photometry and chromatographic strip and column analysis. 6, 300

TOTAL $40, 000

'It should be emphasized that practically all of the equipment listed above is permanent equipment that would be transferred to any new quarters that may be built in the future to house virus research. The amount listed for building service modification represents the


:" ,3 42

m f I ! 7 C( $-25:6 $

cost of supplying hot water from the power house to the , ;:..j Ashbel Smith Building. This is needed because of the :17~ special glassware and cage washing demands of a Virus Research Unit. This line would, however, bene- fit all of the other occupants of the Ashbel Smith Building and make the installation of domestic type hot water heaters unnecessary.

"The equipment listed above, while permitting a good level of viras research operation, is by no means all of the equipment that should be considered for a Virus Laboratory. Such a laboratory should have an electron microscope with ancillary preparative equipment ($45,000), radioactivity counting equipment, a small cold working laboratory, and an isolation laboratory-animal room complex. Certain of these require construction that would not be reasonable until the unit is placed in its final location, and the other things, together with a variety of additional, miscellaneous equipment, can probably be purchased from grant funds when the Unit is in operation.

"The Department of Microbiology at the Medical Branch, while crowded in space, is already one of the best equipped departments in the South in regard to facilities for work in most areas within the field of medical microbiology. This status has been attained largely through the use of money obtained from grants. If it should be possible for the University to assist us by providing the requested Virology equipment, I feel certain that it would permit us to add a high caliber virologist to our staff, thereby improving our position still further.

"In regard to the equipment that I have mentioned above, I would like it to be understood that this represents my appraisal of the general needs of a Virology Laboratory. It is entirely possible that a specific virologist may require certain items of equipment to a greater extent than others for his particular program. Therefore, if it should be possible for money to be made available for the equipping o5 a Virology Unit, I hope that I can be granted some leeway in the substitution of specific items of such equipment so that the unit will most nearly meet the requirements of the virologist who would be joining our staff. "

Dental Branch: Selection of Architects for Remodeling Project in Old Dental Branch Building.--An application has been made to the United States Public Health Service for a grant of $48,600 for remodeling and alterations to be performed in the second floor of the Old Dental Branch Building, for use in connection with a research project directed by Dr. Barnet M. Levy, Pro- fessor of Pathology at the Dental Branch. Although approval of this grant has not yet been received, it is expected that 5-25-6t 1 1 18 approval will be forthcoming soon. Because of the size of this project, it is recommended that an Architect in Houston be appointed to prepare the plans and specification~ at an overall fee of 6%, rather than involve the Consu]ting Architect in this small a project. In order that plans and specifications, may be started as soon as the grant award has been made, it is recommended by the Buildings and Grounds Committee that H. R. Wtnslett of Houston, Texas, be appointed as Architec~ at this time with authorization to proceed with the preparation of plans and specif-ications when and if the notice of the grant award has been received, these to be presented to the Board for approval at a later meeting.

M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute: Ratification of Lease with the Hermann Hospital Estate for Space in the Her- mann Garage Building.--At the Regents' Meeting held October 6, 1962, authorization was given to a Committee, consisting of Director R. Lee Clark, Comptroller Sparenberg, Chancellor Ransom, and Regent Heath (changed to Regent Brenan at'meeting of 3anuary 14, 1963), to approve rental of space to alleviate the crowded conditions in the research areas of M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, with rental costs to be paid from trust or grant funds. After a thorough search for rental space in the vicinity of the Texas Medical Center, it was decided that the most desirable was in the Hermann Garage Building, next to the Hermann Professional Building adjacent to the "L Medical Center. A lease was negotiated with the Hermann Hospital Estate with the original term effective May I, 1963 and ending at midnight October 31, 1965, covering 20,862 gross square feet of ground level space in the Hermann Garage Building at a monthly rental of $6,6!B. 7B ($. 317 per square foot)° Certain remodeling in one area is to be done for which the Hermann Hospital Estate will make payment up to an aggregate of $I0,000.00, above which any costs will be borne by M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute. The:~i~-r- mann Hospital Estate will also make certain revisions ir.cluding plumbing, electrical work, air conditioning duct work, etc., in another area, which expense will be borne entirelyby the Estate. At the expiration of this lease, the University will have three optlons of renewing the lease-f0r three periods of one year each with the rentalfor any or all of these periods to be at the rate of $6~258.60 a month ($.30 per square foot). ]

The rental of this space was approved in advance by the Com- mittee above referred to. In accordance with the Regents' Rules and Regulations, the lease agreement has been approved and executed by Comptroller Sparenberg, for the University. It has also been checked and approved as to legal form by University Attorney Waldrep. It is recommended that the Board ratify and approve the execution of this lease.

Main University: Award of Contract for Furniture and Fur- nishin~s for Addition to Gregory Gymnasium. --In accordance with authorization given by the Board at the meeting held April 5, 1963, bids were called for and were opened and

C~ 7

44 5-25-63 19 tabulated on May 9, 1963, as shown by the tabulation sheet on Page 49 After consideration of the bids by all concerned, it is the recommendation of Pl"esident Smiley, Comptroller Sparenberg, and Chancellor Ransom that a contract be awarded to The Abel Stationers, Austin, Texas, in the amount of $35,919.00. The Abel Stationers, as shown on the tabulation sheet, submitted the two lowest bids. Bid No. Z was marked by the bidder as "Voluntary Alternate Bid. ". Upon examination of this bid, it was found that it did not equal specifications and, therefore, could not:be considered as a valid bid. With this bid eliminated, the recommended contract award is for the low bid. This recommended contract award is within the $60,000.00 allocated for this purpose.

Main University: Records Storage Building - Location and Authorizationto Prepare Preliminary Plans and Outline Speci- fications. -- The Ten :Year Building Plan for thei~ Main University listed this project for construction in 1962-63 at a site to be determined and at a cost of $250,000. The Faculty Building and Space Allocation Committee and President Smiley have recommended on two or three occasions, the most recent on May 7, 1963, that this projec't be undertaken at once because of pressing need and that the site be the Balcones Research Center. The Chancellor's Office has delayed its Own recom- mendation thereon in order to be certain that the facility could and would be used at the location suggested. The warehouse is to be used to store old files and seldom-used records of the Comptroller's Office, Auditor's Office, Main University Business Office and Registra~7:s/ Office, and various other~ administrative units. All nowl/occupy considerable valuable and needed space in the Main~uilding and elsewhere. The issue was whether storage at Balcones would be feasible with- . /f out current indexing and remote-~ontrol access provl~ons (such as delivery or messenger service) which would be rather expensive to operate. It is now the belief of those who will have most such records to store, that such provisions will not be necessary; that a simple storage warehouse with each

agency having direct access to its own records without custo- I dial or archival personnel on duty will be adequate and will I be used. Therefore, it appears that the Balcones location is superior to any i~lternative site. J

The structure recommended is one of simple, low-cost con- struction. A location at Balcones has been recommended with the concurrence of all concerned at the Main University. Approximately 40,000 square feet is to be included; overall cost, including all items, is not to exceed $250,000. 'It is recommended by Chancellor Ransom and Comptroller Sparen- 'berg that the project and its location at Balcones Research Center be approved; that an appropriation of $250,000 be made therefor from the Available University Fund Unappropriated Balance; and that the Consulting Architects be authorized to prepare preliminary plans and outline specifications therefor. It is further recommended that the Main University Physical Plant staff be authorized to,prepare the working drawings and specifications on this low-cost structure.


!i i~ ~

% 5-25-63 120 Texas Western College: Proposed Condemnation Proceedings to Obtain Ten Lots Adjacent to Campus Owned by First Unitar- ian Church.--,The recommendation quoted below has been made to the ChancelJor:s Office by President Joseph M. Ray, and ha, been approved by Vice Chancellor Dolley. University Attorney Burnell Waldrep is of the opinion that this recommendation can be carried out without specific action by the Legislature.

"This letter is to recommend that condemnation pro- ceedings be instituted to obtain ten lots owned adjacent to the campus by the First Unitarian Church.

"You will recall my writing several weeks ago concerning the possiblity of our needing to institute such proceedings. We have an excellent committee on Land Planning, Ac- quisition and Development serving the college. This committee is chaired by Mr. Dale Resler, and has such men serving on it as Mr. Charles R. Carter, Mr. J. Francis Morgan, Mr. Joseph M. Rector, Jr., Mr. H. D. Fulwiler, and several others. This committee has done a splendid job for us, and has completed all of the tasks it undertook save two, this one and the one concerning the Feinberg lots near the Gymnasium.

"All of the lots involved in this request for condemnation are included in the half block immediate];/t~ehind the present property of the Unitarian Church. They are deep in the arroyo, and we are convinced they are beyond re- clamation for any purpose save the construction of buildings straddling the arroyo in the fashion followed in the construction of bur Liberal Arts Building. Mr. J. C. Holmes appraised all of the lots in the arroyo, these and others, at $200 per lot. We have now acquired all the lots save these ten at the price of $300. Our Committee voted that this would be more than a fair price per lot; it carried on negotiations and exerted more or less gentle pressures on owners with this fixed price, assuring all concerned that no owner would be paid more than $300 per lot; and it voted that anyone who would not sell at that price should have condemnation proceedings insti- tuted against him. The Unitarian Church, after a delay of nearlya year, has told us%hat it cannot sell the lots for less than $1,000 per lot. My dilemma, in trying to negotiate a price so'mewhere between $300 and $1,000 per lot, and I think that in this case negotiation is futile, is that these members of the Committee who have rendered valuable and selfless service to us would be outraged if we paid any more for the lots belonging to the church than we did for the other lots comparable ~ to them. We have no choice, therefore, except to request the condemnation of these lots. Furthermore, it requires a great deal of doing to get the flywheel going on an acquisition program of this sort, and we must if we can carry through to completion of the goals we have set.


* m 46 5-25-6

"While we are not planning for immediate construction on these lots, we nevertheless are convinced that they will be land we must use for the science complex which eventually must be built. Our tentative plan for the construction of the combined physics and chemistry building, the proposals for which have been in your office for some time, would be very close to these l~ots we want to condemn, if indeed not actually upon them. Attached is a map showing the location of the lots. (For map, see Secretary's Files, Vol. X, Page

"I recommend that immediate action be taken for the condemnation of Lots 11-20, Block 120, Alexander Addition, owned by the First Unitarian Church. "

For the following items, there were no recommendations of the Administration distributed prior to the meeting. However, our Committee approved these items and voted to recommend that the five-day rule as set out in the Rules and Regulations, Part One, Chapter I, Subsection 7.65, be waived.

Regents' Room: Appointment of Committee to Study Possi- bilities of Improving Acoustics for Regents' and Committe~ Meetings.--Chairman Redditt reported that the Committee of the Whole had referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee the problem of remodeling the Regents' Room to make it more useful for Regents' and Committee Meetings, particularly in regard to acoustics. ChairmanRedditt appointed a Committee, consisting of Mrs. J. Lee JohnsonIII, as Chairman, Dr. C. P. Boner, and Mr. Donald Goodall to study the possibilities of what might be done to the room to make it more effective and still preserve its beauty, this Committee to bring its report back to the Regents' Buildings and Grounds Committee for consideration.

System Wide: Reaffirmation of Lon~-Standing Policy in Regard to the Employment of Architects and Engineers. --In view of recent discussions with certain representatives of the architect tural and engineering professions, it is recommended that the Board of Regents approve the following resolution, reaffirming its previous policy in regard to the subject above indicated:

BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Regents of The V University of Texas reaffirm its continuing policy of many years' standin~ in regard to engaging the services of architects and engineers, which is that the principal in charge of each engagement shall b'e designated on the

47 5-25-G l basis of the predominance of the design work involved, and that responsibility for other ~ihases of project design be delegated to associates ~f~:the principal, who shall work under said principal. This means simply that projects of predominantly engineering nature will be given to engineers and projects of predominantly architectural nature will be given to architects. (In accordance with our standard procedures, engineers nominated by architects to work under them on projects, and architects nominated by engineers to work under them, shall be approved by the Comptroller and also by the Consulting Architect when he is involved on the project. )

Main University:~Reconsideration_. of Forfeiture of Bid Bond By Wilhide Engineering Corporation.--At the request of the Wilhide Engineering Corporation, the Regents' Buildings and Grounds Committee reconsidered a decislon made'at the meeting of the Board held April 5, 1963 that the company be required to for- feit its bid bond, since it wished to withdraw a bid made on furniture and furnishings for the Undergraduate Library and Academic Center at the Main University. After consideration of the matter, the Committee voted to ratify and reaffirm the action taken by the Board at the meeting held April 5, 1963, that the bid bond must be forfeited in the amount of 5% of their bid of $31, 107.46 on Base Proposal "B".

Main University: Acquisition of Archway Property from the 'City of Austin. --Dr. Dolley and Mr. Landrum presented a problem which has arisen in connection with the acquisition of that part of the Archway Property which is owned by the City of Austin, the only remainlng part of the property which has not already been acquired by the University. It was pointed out that the Administration at the present time had authoriza- tion to purchase the property from the City at the appraised figure of $14, 050.00, but the City had stated that it had an offer from another party at slightly more than double this figure. After discussion of the problems involved, the Com- !i mittee voted to authorize further negotiations between the University and the City of Austin with a view to acquiring the property for a reasonable figure, with the understanding that if this cannot be done, condemnation proceedings will be filed. If a compromlse figure between the appraised value and the ;.,! amount asked by the City is reached during these negotiations, this figure is to be brought back to the Board for consideration.

Mr. Chalrman, I move adoption of the Buildings and Grounds Com- mittee report as presented.

Adop{:ion of Report. --Regent Jo~'nson seconded the'motion which was unanimous I y approved.

ATTENDANCE.--Because of important business, Regent O1an retired from the meeting during the presentation of the report of the Bui'ldings and Grounds Committee. ~.



Bids Opened: 10:30 A. M., Thursday, May 9, 1963

Bidder Base Proposal

The Abel Stationers Austin, Texas Bid No. i $35,919.00 Bid No. 2 35,316.40 Dallas Office Supply Company Dallas, Texas 35,934.13 Frances Duff, Inc, Austin, Texa~ ~O,203.04 Jones and Jones McAllen, Texas ~1,930.50 Rockford Furniture Associates Austin, Texas 36,131.01 John H. Yochem Company Corpus Christi, Texas 36,316.o~

All bidders submitted with their bids a bidder's bona in the amount of 5% ©'f the total bid.



49 1 24 5-25-63 REPORT OF THE LAND AND INVESTMENT COMMITTEE. (See Page 52 for adoption.). --Committee Chairman Madden presented the following report of the Land and Investment Committee, commenting on the investments made since the last meeting, both from the Perma ~- nent University Fund and the Trust and Special Funds, and referring to each item in the series of recommendations. "~

C We, Mr. Chairman, your committee met on Friday and considered the recommendations of the Administration, both Attachment No. 1 and the Suppleznentary Agenda.

It is recommended by the committee that the recommendations in Attachment No. 1 be approved with the following exceptions:

Medical Branch: James W. McLaughlin Fellowship ~s Fund (A. C. McLaughlin Estate): Recommendation for Joinder in Rangely North Unit Area, Rio Blanch .County, Colorado (Page L-15}.--It is recommended that the Board decline to join in the proposed unit" but that it accept the offer of Pan American Corporation }/ to lease its interest in the described acreage at 1/6th royalty. If this lease is not acceptable, it is recom- mended that the staff report it back to the Board.

The committee also recommends that the following supple- mentary recommendations of the Administration be approved:

Hogg Foundation: Proposal for Lease of Arkansas Mineral Property No. 4 to J. W. Warmack.--The University, as Trustee of the Hogg Foundation, has received a proposal for an oil and gas lease to J. B. Warmack, Magnolia, Arkansas, of its 7/64 of the minerals under the SW/4 NW/4, Section 18, Township 16 South, Range 16 West, Union County, Arkansas, com- prising approximately 40 acres for primary term of 5 years, cash bonu~ of $10 per mineral acre, and 1/8 royalty on oil and gas. Delay rental is $1 annually per mineral acre. This tract was last leased to Robert R. Brown',: Jr., for a primary term of 3 years which expired in February, 1963.

i The University's interest of 7/64 in the property is owned 3/64 as Trustee under the Will of Tom Hogg, the Board of Regents having acquired by exchange Mrs. Margaret Wells Hogg's life interest in this mineral property in June, 1959, and=4/64 as Trustee under the Will of W. C. Hogg. The University's total share of bonus is $43.75, 'to be credited proportionally to the interests shown above. It is recommended that the Board of Regents approve the lease and authorize the Chairman to sign after approval as to form by the University Attorney and as to content by ti~e Endowment Office r':

-50- I..

! 12,5 5-25-63

Revision of Signature Page of West Texas Land Instruments. --So that the execution of instruments will reflect'tbe actual dates of signature, Chairman Heath has suggestea that the signature page of approved West Texas Lands documents, (Oil, Gas and Water Pipe Lines; Power, Telephone and Telegraph Lines; Grazing Leases; and Material Source Permits) be changed by substituting the following for the corresponding wording on each of the instruments as they now stand:

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agree- ment on the respective dates shown opposite the parties names below.


By Secretary First Party Date


By Second Party Date

Approved as to Form: Approved as to Content:

1 University Attorney University Endowment Officer

Date Date

Since these forms are approved by the Board of Regents, it is recommended that this minor change be authorized. <,[ The instruments pertaining to the items contained in the docket of the Land and Investment Committee for the May, 1963, meeting are being changed to. reflect the above.

-51 - 5-25.63

.Texas Western College: Appointment to the Advisory. Committee on Cotton Estate Property.--It is recommended bythe Land and Investment Committee that Mr. Thornton Hardie of E1 Paso be appointed as a member of the Advisory Committee on Cotton Estate Property of Texas Western College.

Discussion Items.--The items on the agenda for discussion by our committee were deferred with the following specific requests and/or instructions:

(i) that the staff bring specific recommendations at the July meeting for effective consolidation of the University Lands Office at Texon and the University Lands-Geology Office at Midland D (2) that the staff answer requests concerning utilization of the Brackenridge Tract to the effect that no commitment as to use can be made while this land is in litigation. :b

I move acceptance of the foregoing report.

Adoption of Report. --Regent Madden's motion was seconded by Regent Brenan and unanimously adopted. This included the fore- going report and Attachment No. 1 (Pages L- 1 through L- 17) which is appended hereto following Page S-b-Z of the Minutes.


REPOR T-OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE'-RE UNIVERSITY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL.--There was received from Regent Erwin, in the absence of Specia] Committee Chairman Redditt, a report of a meeting on Thursday, May Z3, of the Regents Specia] Committee re University Junior High Schoo] and a Special Committee from the Austin Indepen- dent School District. It was agreed that the University Junior High School building would be released by the Austin Independent School District to the Umversity on S~eptember 1, 1966. However, the Austin independent School District Committee did raise the question whether it could continue to furnish facilities to the University for practice teaching. ~>This question--whether an agreement should be entered into or what arrangements should b'e made--was referred to the Adm inis t ration.

COMMITTEE OF GOVERNING BOARDS OF STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES.--Regent Erwin did not have any report on activities of the Committee of Governing Boards of State Colleges and Univer- sities. He did state, however, that he would continue to confer with other memb6~rs of the committee in an effort to work out mutual problems.


-52- 5 ....~y ~S/

REPORT BY R'NGENT MADDEN ON ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNING BOARDS. --Regent Madden reported that he attended the semi-annual meeting of the AssociationLof Governing Boards in Dallas on May 12- 14, as did Chairman Heath and Regents Brenan and Olan. Regent Madden said that he thought meetings of this {~,Tive the Regents a basis of comDarison. He came away from the meeting with the dis- tinct impression that the University is fortunate to have the type of Administration and the type of Regents it has. -/

of the "Regents. However, a meeting of the Board is set for Tuesday, May 2.8, to discuss details relating to the Sale of Oil and Gas Leases in the fall of 1963.

SCHEDULED MEETINGS OF THE BOARD. --Upon the "recommendation of Chancellor Ransom that the Board hold a meeting in Galveston at an early date in the fall, it was suggested by Regent Connally that a meeting be\\scheduledinu Galveston on September 6-7, 1963 There

~as no obje~tion,, andthe Chairman declared it so oraeredl I~or c • .the record,/jthe,, next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board is on 1963, in Austin, as set at the Ap' il meeting.

Ir-v:M FOR THE RECORD.--The following is reported for the record::i~,

Action of TCHE.--The Texas Commission on Higher Education at its meeting on January 14. 1963, approved the following requests of The University of Texas: .O~

A. Major in:~Portuguese leading to>the degree of Bachelor of Arts B, Program in Romance Language with concentration in the area of Portuguese !eading to the degree of Master of Arts C. Program in Germanic Languages with concentration in Slavic Languages with fields of study in (1) Russian Litera- ture and Culture and (2} Russian Linguistics andPhilology leading to the degree of:Master of Arts D. Graduate program in Law leading to the degree of Master of Comparative Jurisprudence.

ADJOURNMENT.--There being no further business, the Board adjourned upon motion of Regent Brenan, duly seconded.

'Q'~ >

Betty~Anne Th~dfordl~ '\, Secr~e~ary ~ ~'\ \

f.~., :!i

53 7: "i D kS - !

t12S 5-25-6


REPORT OF INTERIM ACTIONS OF EXECUTIVE .COMMITTEE, F APRIL 6, 1963 - MAY Z5, 1963, FOR RATIFICATION BY BOARD OF REGENTS (See Page 15 .).--Since the meeting of the Board of Regents on April 6, 1963, and the Board's approval of the Report of the Executive Committee, the Committee has unanimously approved, unless otherwise indicated, the following interim re- quests. Each request has been submitted by the respective institutional head and concurred in by the Chancellor. These requests are reported in each of the following groups by institu- tions in the order that they were approved:

a. Amendments to the Budget

(I) Central Administration

There were no requests for amendments to the Budget for Central Administration.

(2) Main University

(a) Amend the 196Z-63 Main University Budget on Page ZZ3 by increasing the full-time salary rate of Carl Spears Swanson from SZ, 064 to $3,8Z8 for twelve months, effec- tive February 1, 1963, funds to come from Departmental Funds. Also amend the budget to show a change in status of Mr. Swanson from Laboratory Research Assistant I (F. T.) to Electronic Computing Machine Operator (Trainee) (I/2 T. ) - Computation Center. (ZB-9)

(b) Amend the 1962-63 Main University Budget on Page Z14 by transferring $300 from Departmental Maintenance and Operation Funds to Travel Account, Bureau of Business Research. (ZB-9)

(c) Amend the 196Z-63 Main University Budget on Page 133 by transferring $500 from W. K. Kellogg Foundation Grant Funds to Travel Account, Office of the Dean of Education - Office of Junior College Con- sultant. (ZB-9)


U i~~il ¸ - _- = --

l J ¢)

(d) Amend the 1962-63 Main University Budget 5-25-63 on Page 118 by transferring $500 from the Account for Reserve for Adjustments in the College of Business Administration to the Account for Travel, Office of the Dean, College of Business Administration. (ZB-9)

(e) Amend the 1962-63 Main University Budget on Page 20 by increasing the full-time salary rate of Mrs. Janine Saley Vallee from $3,072 to $4,800 for twelve months, effective April 8, 1963, funds to come from Departmental Budget. Also amend the budget to show a change in status of Mrs. Vallee fromKey Punch OperatorI (F. T. ) to Social Science'Research Associate II (3/4 T.) (ZB-10)

(3) Texas Western College

There were no requests for amendments to the Budget for Texas Western College.

(4) Medical Branch

Amend the 1962-63 Medical Branch Budget on Page 101 by increasing the salary rate of Mary E. Pinkerton from $9,000 to $10,000 for twelve months, effective April 1, 1963, funds to come from Unallo- cared Salaries. Also amend the budget to show a change in status of Mary E. Pinkerton from Research Assistant Professor in Dermatology to Microbiologist - Clinical Laboratory. (She will hold Assistant Pro- I fessorship in Pathology without salary. ) (4B - 6)

(5) Dental Branch

There were no requests for amendments to the Budget for Dental Branch.

(6) M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute

(a) Amend the 196Z-63 M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute Budget (N. C.I. Grant CRT-5099- Minutes December I, 196Z, Page A-b-9) by increasing the salary rate of Kenneth W. Zimmerman, Fellow in Radiotherapy, from $6,000 to $8,000 for twelve months, effective April I, 1963, funds to come from N. C.I. Grant Funds. (6B-5)


(b) Amend the 1962-63 M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute Budget on Page 17 by 5 25-65 increasing the salary rate of Michael D. Scanlon from $4, 800 to $6, 168 for twelve months, effective April 1, 1963, funds to come from N.C.I. Grant Funds. Also amend the budget to show a change in status of Mr. Scanlon from Research Technician II to Research Assistant. (6B-5)

(7) Southwestern Medical School

(a) Amend the 1962- 63 Southwestern<:Medical School Budget on Page 26 by increasing the salary rate of John D. Nelson, Instructor in Pediatrics, from $10,800 to $12,500 for twelve months, effective April 1, 1963, funds to come from U.S.P.H.S. Career Award (I-KE-AI-II,650). (7B-7)

(b) Amend the 1962-63 Southwestern Medical School Budget on Page lZ by increasing the salary rate of William Taft Moore, Fellow in Biochemistry, from $4,800 to $6,000 for twelve months, effective April 1, 1963, funds to come from Robert A. Welch Founda- tion Grant. (7B-7)

(8-9) Postgraduate School of Medicine South Texas Medical School

There were no requests for amendments to the budgets for Postgraduate Shhool of Medicine or the South Texas Medical School.

b. Travel Items

(1) Central Administration

There were no requests for permission to travel from Central Administration.

(2) Main University

Destination (a) NRme Period of Absence i) Stanford, Robert T. Gregory, June 1 - California Senior Research Mathe- August 31, 1963 matician, Computation Center; Associate Pro- fessor of Mathematics (ZT-ZZ)

Purpose: To do research in numerical analysis.

Expenses: There will be no expense to the University.

E-3 (b) Name Period of Absence Destination 5 " 2 5 - 6 3

Clarence P. Oliver, August I0- The Hague, Professor of Zoology September 12, 1963 The Netherlands (ZT-Z3)

Purpose: To attend XI International Congress of Genetics,

Expenses: Expenses estimated at $686.00 for transportation and $150.00 for per diem (10 days), to be paid from Human Genetics Fund Grant.

(c) Name Period of Absence Destination

Avis Andrea Tieber, April 16 - Sao Paulo, Lecturer (3/4 T.) May 3, 1963 Brazil Physical and Health Education (ZT-Z4)

Purpose: To participate in the Pan American Games.

Expenses: There will be no expense to the University.

(d) Name Period of Absence Destination

Archie W. Straiton, August 29 - Tokyo, Sendal, Professor of Electrical September Zl, 1963 Obaradai, Engineering; Director of and Yokosuka, Electrical Eng inee ring Japan Research Laboratory (ZT-Z5)

Purpose: To serve as U. S. Delegate to the XIV General Assembly of the International Scientific Radio Union September 9-Z0; to visit Onagawa Magnetu Observatory, Sendai, Earth- quake Research Institute, Tokyo; and Defense Academy, Obaradai, Yokosuka, Japan.

Expens e s : Expenses estimated at $Z50 for transportation and $360 for per diem (Z4 days), to be paid from Contract. (The low estimate for transportation expense is due to the fact that a portion of Professor Straiton's trip will be furnished by Military Air Transportation.)

(e) Name Period of Absence D e stination

Wilson S. Stone, 3une 1 - Hawaiian Islands, Professor of Zoology August 31, 1963 Samoa, Fiji, Niue, (ZT-Z6) Rarotonga, Tonga, The Marshall Islands

Purpose: To travel to Hawaiian Islands and travel inter-islands to collect Drosophila on NSF grant; travel to Samoa, Fiji, Niue, Rarotonga, Tonga, and The Marshal] Islands in NIH grant and AEC contract.

Expenses: Expenses estimated at $1500 for transportation and $1400 for per diem (9Z days), to be paid from Contract Funds.

E-4 5-25-6 (f) Name Period of Absence D e s tination Hawaiian Islands, Marshall R. Wheeler, June 10- Professor of Zoology August 31, 1963 Samoa, Fiji, Niue, Rarotonga,. (2T-Z7) Tonga, The Marshall Islands and other Pac{fic Islands

Purpose: Travel to Hawaiian Islands and travel inter-islands to collect Drosophila on NSF grant; travel to Samoa, Fiji Niue, Rarotonga, Tonga, The Marshall Islands and others on NIC grant and AEC contract.

Expenses: Expenses estimated at $1500 for transportation and $1250 for per diem (83 days), to be paid from Contract Funds.

D e s tination (g) Name Period of Absence Washington, Edward Tabor sky, July 15 - D.C., New Professor of Govern- August 31, 1963 York City, ment (ZT-ZS) Boston, Mass., and Blooming- ton,

Purpose: To do research in libraries located in the above areas.

Expens e s : Expenses estimated at $317 for transportation, to be paid from Departmental Program Development - Excellence Fund, Government Department.

(3) Texas Western College

There were no requests for permission to travel from Texas Western College.

(4) Medical Branch

The following item after being approved by the Executive Committee was cancelled at the request of Doctor John E. Johnson, Jr.

Destination Name Period of Absence Venezuela John E. Johnson, Jr., May 1 - M.D., Assistant Pro- June 30, 1963 fessor (4T- 10)

Purpose: To participate in a Nutrition Survey sponsored by the Interdepartmental Committee for Nutrition for National Defense in Washington.

Expenses: There will be no expense to the University.

E-5 • /


5-25-6 {5-6} Dental Branch M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute

There were no requests for permission to travel from the Dental Branch or M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor-Institute.

(7) Southwestern Medical School

(a} Name Period of Absence D e s tination

Arthur Grollman, M.D. , October Z8 - Baguio, Professor and Chair- November lZ, 1963 Philippine man, Department of Islands Experimental Medicine {7T-5)

Purpose: To present a paper entitled "Mechanisms in Shock" at the meeting of Command Medical Conference of U. S. Military Forces in the Pacific.

Expenses: There will be no expense to the University.

(b} Name Period of Absence De s tination

Miss Betty Neumeyer, April 30 - NASA Ames Research Technician I May 18, 1963 Research (7T-6} Center - Moffett Field, California

Purpose: To set up co-operative experiment with biological division of National Aeronautics ~ Space Administration.

Expenses: There will be no expense to the University.

(8-9) Postgraduate School of Medicine South Texas Medical School

There were no requests for permission to travel from Postgraduate School of Medicine or the South Texas Medical School.

c. Classified Personnel Pay Plan

Medical Branch (lZ C1)

Amend the 1962-63 Classified Personnel Pay Plan for the Medical B ranch by adding the following position, effective May 1, 1963:

Monthly Annual Step State Classi- Code Title Range Range No.. fication Plan Z345 Creative Research $680-835 $ 8 l-6"O--r0, IZ0 45 No Worker Comparable Po s ition

E-6 ! 34 5-25-63 Z. INTERIM REQUESTS SUBMITTED TOO LATE FOR APPROVAL BEFORE MEETING OF THE BOARD (See Page 24 .).--The following requests were submitted after the material had been distributed to the Regents and were considered and approved at the meeting of the Executive Committee on Friday, May 24:

a. Amendments to the Budget

(I) Gentral Administration

There were no requests for amendments to the Budget for Central Administration.

(Z) Main University

(a) Amend the 1962-63 Fine Arts Foundation Budget by transferring $151.80 from Unallocated Account into Touring and Travel Account. (2B-II)

(b) Amend the 1962-63 Main University Budget on Page 197 by increasing the salary rate of Charles L. Dwyer from $3,660 to $5,0Z8 for twelve months, effective May I, 1963, funds to come from Departmental Budget. Also amend the budget to show a change in status of Mr. Dwyer from Senior Library Assistant to Librarian I. (2B-IZ)

(c) Amend the 1962-63 Main University Budget on Page 196 by increasing the salary rate of Mary Beth Fleischer from $3, 660 to $5,0Z8 for twelve months, effective May i, 1963, funds to come from Departmental Budget. Also amend the budget to show a change in status of Mary Beth Fleischer from Senior Library Assistant to Librarian I. (2B- 12)

(d) Amend the 196Z-63 Sponsored Research Project Budget on Page Z8 by increasing the salary rate of John B. Nelson from $5,9-68 to $7,800 for twelve months, effective May I, 1963, funds to come from Government Contract Funds. Also amend the budget to show a change in status of Mr. Nelson from Research Sci6ntist Assistant Ill to Research Scientist Associate IV. (2B-IZ)

(e) Amend the 196Z-63 Main University Budget on Page 222, by increasing the salary rate of Mary Blanche Fanett from $4,200 to $6, 128, effective June I, 1963, funds to come from Government Contract Funds. Also amend the budget to show a change in status of Mary Blanche Fanett from Research Scientist Assist-- ant: I to Research Scientist A.~sociate II. (ZB-IZ)

E-7 , )~_2


(3) Texas We3tern College

~4 (a) Amend the 1962-63 Texas Western College Budget on Page 9 by transferring $700.00 from Unallocated Maintenance and Opera- tion Fund into Travel Account. (3B-4)

(b) Amend the 1962-63 Intercollegiate Athletics Budget of Texas Western College (Auxiliary Enterprises Budget, Page 7) by increasing the salary rate of Robert W. Harper, FootbaI1 Coach, from $8,000 to $11,000 for twelve months, effective May 1, 1963, funds to come from Intercollegiate Athletics Balance. Also amend the budget to show a change in status of Mr. Harper from Assistant Football Coach to Football Coach. (3B-4)

(c) Amend the 1963-64 Texas Western College Budgeton Page 63 by transferring $2,210.00 from Cotton Trust - Unappropriated Balance /, into Travel Account. (3B-5) ~

"! (4) Medical Branch (5) Dental Branch

There were no requests for amendments to the budgets for Medical Branch and for Dental ]Branch.

(6) M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute

Amend the 1962-63 Budget for M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute on Page Z7 by increasing the salary rate of the following Fellows in Pathology, Office of Education, from $8,000 to $i0,000 for twelve months. The effective dates for the increases are shown following the names. Funds for the salary increases are to come from National Cancer Institute Grant: (6B- 6)

Robert S. Donner - Effective August I, 1963

Philip J. Migliore - Effective July I, 1963

E-8 (7) Southwe~.~:ern Medical School

(a) Amend the 1962-63 Southwestern Medical School Budget on:Page 32 by increasing the salary rate of Ann H. Hughes, Fellow in Psychiatry, from $3,600 to $6,000 for twelve months, effective July 1, 1963, funds to come from U. S. Public Health Service Gra:nt. (7B-8)

(b) Amend the 1962-63 Southwestern Medical School Budget on Page 15 by increasing the salary rate of Carleton B. Chapman, Professor of Internal Medicine, from $22,000 to $25,000 for twelve months, effective May 1, 1963, funds to come from U.'S. Public Health Service Career Award (I-K6-HE-19,298) (7B-8)

(c) Amend the 1962- 63 Southwestern Medical School Budget on Page 15 by increasing the salary rate of Daniel W. Foster from $11,500 to $13,500 for twelve months, effective June 1, 1963, funds to come from U. S. Public Health Service Career Award (AM-K3-9968). Also amend the budget to show a change in status of Daniel W. Foster from Instructor to Assistant Professor in Internal Medicine. (7B-8)

b. Travel Requests

(1) Central Administration

There were no requests for permission to travel from Central Administration.

(2) Main University D e s tination (a) l~qam e Period of Absence Lille, France James C. Thompson, June 14- Associate Professor July I, 1962 of Physics (ZT-Zg)

Put pose.: To present a paper before LeColloque Weyl on "Metal-Ammonia Solutions. "

Expenses: Expenses estimated at $250.00 for transportation and $120.00 for per diem (18 days), to be paid from Contract Funds-No.- 3734 (00).

E-9 5-25 63

(b)" Name Period of Absence Destination

Robert P. Wagner, June 16- The Hague, Professor of September 16, 1963 The Netherlands Zoology (ZT- 30) and other cities in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Denmark, Holland, and Belgium

Purpose: To attend Genetics Congress in The Hague and visit laboratories in Europe. t

Expenses: Expenses estimated at $556.00 for transportation to be paid from Contract Funds (GM-06492-04 - GM- 06492-05). '-

(c) Name Period of Absence Destination

Billy Howard Amstead, June 7 - Washington, D.JC., Assistant Dean, College June 2Z, 1963 and Philadelphia, of Engineering (2T-31) Penns ylvania g: jv ,~ Purpose: Washington - To talk with NSF representatives. Philadelphia - To attend G. E. Conference on Creativity I for Engineering Professors and Deans; attend the annual z ASEE meeting, participate in discussions and serve on • i Graduate Studies Committee; preside at afternoon session of American Society of Tool and Mfg. Engineers Summer School on Plastics.

.Expenses: Expenses estimated at $117.25 for transportation and $135.00 for per diem (9 days}, to be/paid from Travel \ Expense, Office of the Dean of College of Engineering.

(d) Name Period of Absence Destination

Boston, Massa- Frank H. Wardlaw June i0 - chusetts, New Director, University June Z6, 1963 of Texas Press York City, and Washington, D.C. (ZT-32)

Purpose: Boston - To represent TneUniversity of Texas Press at annual meeting of Association of American University' Presses. NewYork andWashington'- To transact various Press business.

Expenses: Expenses estimated at $257.80 for transportation and $213.00 for per diem (16 days), to be paid from Revolving Publications Furid - Auxiliary Budget.

?; ii~ ~ E-IO ,7

5-25 =63 Period Destination (e) Name of Absence

Richard Newbold Adams, :'June 1 - Guatemala and AssistantDirector of August 31, 1963 pos s ibl~y other Latin American Institute Central Ame ri- can capitals (ZT-33)

Purpose: To carry on research on agrarian pressures and nationalization in Central America.

Expenses: Expenses estimated at $1,080 for per diem (90 days) to be paid from General Funds - Faculty Research Fund.

(f) Name Period of Absence D e s tination

John W. F. Dulles, June 1- Brazil, South Professor of Latin August 3i, 1963 America American Studies; Systems Advisor on Inte rnational Pro- grams (2T-34)

Purpose: ; To conduct research in contemporary Brazilian history.

Expenses : Expenses estimated at $1,650.00 for transportation and $I, 350.00 for per diem (90 days) to be paid from Grant Funds - June and July; General Funds, August.

Destination (g) Name Period of Absence

Myron L. Begeman, June 7 - Helsinki, Professor of Mechanical August 21, 1963 Finland Engineering (2T- 35)

Purpose: To attend the International Institute of Welding as a delegate on Commission III Resistance Welding.

Expens e s : Expenses estimated at $183.60 for transpo~i'6n to be paid from Engineering Foundation (New York and Return).

(h) Name Period of Absence Destination

Charles William June 13- New York City Laughton, Associate July 2, 1963 Professor of Social Work (aT- 36)

Purpose: To represent the University at'a national institute spon- sored by the Council on Social Work Education to develop objectives, content and learning experiences for under -~' graduate social welfare courses.

Expenses: Expenses estimatedat $300.00 for transportation and $285.00 for perdiem (20 days), to be paid from Grant Funds.


\_ -! -!, m~ 5-25 6.

(i) The following individuals are to work under the direction of Doctor Richard N. Adams, Assistant Director of the Latin American In=titute, for the purpose of carrying on research on agrarian pressures and nationalization in Central America. The destination of the group is Guatemala and possibly other Central American Capitals. (ZT- 37)

Title and Name Period of Absence Per diem No. Days

Social Science Research Associate Ill June 1 - Michael Micklin August 31, 1963 $1,350 90

Social Science Research Associate Ii June I, 1963- 270 Guilford Webb February Z9, 1964 $3, Z40

Social Science Research Associate I John Avant June 1- August 31, 1963 $ 810 90 Donald Cole June 1 - August 31, 1963 $ 810 90 Theodore Johnson June 1 - August 31, 1963 $ 810 90 Kay Sutherland June i, 1963 - February Z9, 1964 $Z,430 Z70 Odin Tones s June 1- // August 31, 1963 $ 810 90

Expenses : The above estimated e~penses are to be paid from General Funds - Faculty Research, Latin American Ins titute.

Period of Absence Destination (j) Name

Dana K. Chambliess July 6 - Anderson, Training Specialist II July Zl, 1963 Indiana Automotive Training Industrial and Buslness Training Bure~.u (ZT- 38)

Purpose: To attend Delco Instructors' Institute to get materials, ideas, and information to be used in University sponsored program.

Expenses : Expenses estimated at $IZ9.34 for transportation and $ZZ0.50 for per diem (16 days), to be paid from General Funds.

E-IZ c~ ) ! 40 5-25.-63 (k) Name Period of Absence Destination

W. Frank Blair, Pro- May 25 - Ft. Collins, fessor of Zoology June 10, 1963 Colorado, with (ZT-39) (approximately) return possibly via Utah and Arizona

Purpose: To do hybridization and to collect breeding stocks of amphibians, and to do field recording of voices in Connection with research being done under grant.

Expenses: Expenses estimated at $240 to $400 for transportation and $240.00 for per diem (16 days) to be paid from General Funds - May 25-31; Contract- June 1-10, 1963.

(i) Name Period of Absence Destination

ix M. J. Thompson, June 12- // Philadelphia, Associate Director, July Ig, 1963 Penn sylvania; Defense Research Washington, Laboratory; Pro- D.C., and fessor of Aerospace Huntsville, Engineering (2T-40) Alabama

Purpose: To attend the rneeting of the American Society for Engineering Education in Philadelphia .and to attend technical conferences in Washington and Huntsville.

Expenses: Expenses estimated at $300.00 for transportation and $285.00 for per diem (19 days) to be paid from Contract and Foundation (Engineering) Funds.

(rn) Name Period of Absence Destination

Jack P. Gibbs, Asso- June 1 - Washington, ciate Professor of August 15, 1963 D.C. Sociology; Acting Director, Population Research Center (ZT.-42)

Purpose: To select strategic foreign census publications for microfilming and thereby add to the resources of the University for international research.

Expens es : Expenses estimated at $256.00 for transportation and $596.00 for per diem (76 days) to be paid from General Funds.

E-13 1 14:11 5-25o6 (3) Texas Western College

There were no requests for permission to travel from Texas Western College.

(4) Medical Branch

Name Period of Absence ::. Destination

Doctor Wiktor W. Nowinski, May 15 - Washington Research Professor of July"~0, 1963 University Biochemistry, Department ~ School of Medi- of Surgery (4T- 11) cine, St. Louis, Miss our i

Purpose: To become familiar with ultramicrochemical methods of biochemical studies at Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri.

Expense s : Expenses estimated at $162.00 for transportation and $738.00 for per diem {57 days), to be paid from USPHS Grant HE 07961-0i AccountNo. 1417748005.

(5) Dental Branch e tination Name : Period of Absence D s

Doctor Gerrit 3une 17 - Rockport, Bevelander, Professor August 17, 1963 Texas (5T-Z)

Purpose: Reassignment of Duties.

Expenses : Expenses estimated at $100.00 for transportation and $930.00 for per diem (62 days) to be paid from Grant Funds.

(6) M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute Southwestern Medical School (7) ... .. (8) Postgraduate School of Medicine

There were no requests for permission to travel from M. D. Anderson Hospital and Ttimor Institute, South- western Medical School or Postgraduate School of Medicine. If (9) South Texas Medical School

Name Period of Absence Des tination

England and Doctor Robert C. June 7 - Berson (9T- 1) September 10, 1963 Sweden

Purpose: To study Medical Schools,

Expenses: Expenses to be paid by Commonwealth Fund.
