1981 FINAL REPORT Development of UNDE R CONTRACT: DOT-OS-50233
DOT/RSPA/DPB/-50/81/19 Planning and JANUA RY 1981 FINAL REPORT Development of UNDE R CONTRACT: DOT-OS-50233 Public Transportation Conference Proceedings Terminals Pre pa red for: Office of University Research Washingt on, D.C. 20590 U.S. Deportment of Transportation S.G.,t.I.u. LtdttARV Research and Special Programs Administration tiJ J :) 3 T,:'1 :I;:))'.''; f ... f\l?;)' NOTICE This document is disseminated tmder the sponsorship of the Department of Trans portation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. Technical Report Documentation Page I , Roporr No. 2. GoYe Mt,\~f"'lt At~e!s1on No. J. Rec1p1enf s Cotalog No, DOT/RSPA/DPB-50/81/19 4 . T itle end Subr1de 5. Report D ote Planning and Development of Public Transportation January 1981 Terminals 6. Pe,fo,m,ng 0,9,on, zotion Code 8. Pe,fo,m1ng O,gon110t1on Report ,....,o . I 7. Atori sJ ester A. Hoel, Larry G . Richards UVA/529036/CEBl/107 /i:-nitnr~'l 9. P e ,lorm 1n9Or9on1 1ot 1on Nome ond Address 10. 'Nork Un,t No. (TRAISJ Department of Civil Engineering School of Engineering and Applied Science 11. Controct or G,ont No, Univer sity of Virginia, Thornton Hall DOT-OS-50233 Charlottesville, VA 22901 13. Type of Repo, r ond Period Cove red 12. Sponsoring Agency Nome ond A ddre ss Office of University Research Final Report Research and Special Programs Administration u . S . Department of Transportation 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Washington, D.
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