Overview of the churches There are 5 Resourcing churches in the Episcopal Area: St John’s Clayton, St John’s , St John’s Bowling, Holy Trinity Idle and Parish. There is also Fountains Church Bradford, our Centre Resource Church. Each has its own unique qualities but all have a shared goal of generous sharing of their resources with other churches (eg in training, events, support, mission teams) and gracious sending of people to revitalise nearby churches, or plant into unreached areas of their own parish as well as to produce vocations as part of their leadership pipelines.

This role will give you the amazing opportunity to explore more of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and join a family who are on a mission. For two years we will give you skills that will equip you for life, work and leadership. A two-year long adventure giving you the experience of risk-taking, community living and dedicated kingdom service.

“Apply your heart to instruction and your ear to words of knowledge.” Proverbs 3:12

Your relationship with God Key to this being a successful two years for you will be the development of your relationship with God. You will have time to be with God, be encouraged to find new and different ways of engaging with him both on your own and as you share this journey with others. This will also involve you gaining leadership experience; training in biblical studies, theology and leadership; developing transferable work skills; lots of opportunities to step out from your comfort zones and an opportunity to consider God’s calling for the future

Your Kingdom potential Through your time with us you will develop new learning habits and disciplines that will help you as you follow Jesus. You will have the opportunity to learn a variety of skills as our Resource and Resourcing Churches grow, share generously and send graciously. Who knows, but at the end of the two years maybe you will feel called to go with a new church planting team, or move into the business community or into further education. Everything is possible with God.

A Normal Week A normal week may look like this: · Two or three days serving in your placement (including Sunday) · A half-day of training with other Mission Apprentices · Two days available for other work, study or recreation · A day of rest

Placements There will be opportunities to get involved in many different activities. Depending upon your particular gifts and sense of calling we will work with you to find the best places for you to serve in different ways. We want you to be able to take responsibility for growing an area of church life, ministry or mission.

Previous Mission Apprentices have been involved with estates ministry, children’s and schools work, youth, young Adults, creative communications & design, worship, working with those on the margins (homeless, addiction) and engagement with people of other faiths.

Finance The role runs from September 2021 to August 2023 with a salary of £10k per annum for 20 hours of work a week. We will cover the cost of your training and weekends away. Expenses will be paid as agreed in advance. There will be 25 days annual leave per annum (pro rata) in addition to Bank Holidays. These will need to be agreed with your line manager.

Support You will be supported by your line manager and the leadership team of the parish in which you are serving. We will encourage and support you in finding a Mentor to provide additional support. For your training you will also be supported by the Diocesan Director of Interns.

Learning Community You will gather each week for a morning of input and training with the rest of the Mission Apprentices. Normally that will be in Bradford (though the current group have met online over the past year), but you can also expect to meet with other Apprentices and Interns from across the Diocese on a monthly basis with opportunities to learn from expert practitioners and thinkers. There will also be an annual residential which you will be expected to attend.

Placement Contexts Include

Fountains Church Bradford – 2 apprentices · Fountains church is a recent church plant in the city centre of Bradford. We now have our building which was former nightclubs and a growing congregation. · We invite anyone to apply who would benefit from two years in this challenging environment but would be especially delighted to hear from you if you are feel God is calling you to work with children and young people or towards administration and operations management.

St John’s Great Horton · A growing intercultural church of all ages. · We are looking for a mission apprentice who can help to lead our youth and children’s work, who can also reach out to our many International church members and their families, to more fully enable their integration into church life. This role may be increased to full time.

Holy Trinity Idle · Holy Trinity is a thriving growing church in North East Bradford. The church exists right at the heart of our community which presents endless opportunities to build relationships with parishioners of all ages, especially children, young people and families. · We feel strengthened by our experiences during lockdown where we were able to explore new opportunities for missional outreach. We have recently entered into a formal partnership with two other local churches which presents even more exciting possibilities including church planting and church revitalisation. · Our emerging leadership ministry team is supportive, encouraging, creative and hard working and we look forward to discovering God's kingdom plan for His churches in this part of Bradford.

St John’s East Bowling · A wonderful opportunity for anyone sensing a call to mission in the inner-city, with all the excitement and challenges that come with such a calling. · Working in partnership with others, you will play a key role in helping unchurched young adults come to know Jesus, grow as his disciples and go on to make disciples themselves, bringing hope and life to the city.

St John’s Clayton · Schools Work - Primary, engaging with families. · Creative Media - Live-streaming, Web and Social Media, Online Congregational engagement. · Worship Leading

Keighley –3 apprentices · The five churches in the town are united in our commitment to loving this place and its people and as a resourcing parish we are seeking to reach into areas where the church is not currently present. We are planting worshipping communities into two of our larger estates and serving those on the margins. We are seeking a team of three mission apprentices. You will each have particular roles but also work together. · 2 posts working with the estates team to reach out through schools work, CAP life skills, food provision and evangelism · 1 post with skills to lead worship and develop our social media and online presence.

For an informal chat please contact: Ven Dr Andy Jolley Archdeacon of Bradford (07973 458403).

To apply please fill in the application form and send to: [email protected]

Closing date for applications is Monday 12th April . Short-listed candidates will be invited to an online information evening on Thursday 22nd April and interviews on Saturday 15th May