Christianity Fights I
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, ~i Thursday,_.__ ~.~.~.~ ~~~~.~. 23, 1944 ~ . ________~~~ ______~ __________---~-~~ .. __ ;rBWI·B-..:~:O~B~~~----~------------~ ... __________~~~~~ ______p_ag~e_T_m ___ ~ Thursday, March 23, 194:'1 , J......... -..::.:.:: .• "" •.,..~, ....... ~. t"age TwCl ~BE .rEWISB POST but to you and me, to the future Q~sic ftlAd~ij:i~~fa1:~:qHestiQ!!:.~:.::..~4i.'*, of civilization as a whole .. , I ~ay .of ?f~~'is:?t~l)lr~~~~?;J~\ \flfie'i;: If every majority can, WIth perfect ~~tabtanap. Yllth mSlstence' on... ·.drab i'i The Right To Be Different impunity and with utter disr~gard I,':and detetmi~dF~~~ j.~~~in.e-likePt 'of any Higher Law attack and des-I, onenes:~\?~.1 ?~,~.,~t,.to be·tli :lberal~,;' The Oldest Angl<>-Jewtsh Weekly in Westem Canada Fights .{", (Isiued w&>ltly the or Christianity Speech delivered by DR. SOLOMON outlooks and beliefs, yet inspired world is \0 prove that better world troy every minority, then the fut~re t~~ progte~slyei: :t~,~"d_~:m:~r~:~~lC tr~T: in interests Jewish Community activltietl i in Winnipeg' and Western Canlu1a) FRANk on the Purim Bl'o~dcast I by the ideal of working together we hop~ to achieve for the benefit holds in store a long and unendmg dltion ,Wh12h .. _~lJ!~~pts· as, .a~lOmat~~ of B'na'i B'rith. for the common good? This is the of those who are to come after us. series of continuing and never-end-I the right of ev'ei'y~-:maii::~o:::F.~?~hip Pnblished every Thursday ing conflicts. The majority of people his God in his own way, inspired' by by _.- advanced , civilized view of the lib- Let us for the moment attempt. to today can easily become the minority I the common desire to advance the iJ EMPIRE PRESS, LTD. 'Anti Semitism AlVI truly delighted to have this eral tradition, These approaches reconstruct the scene of twenty-fIve ,', . - 't t -1 t d may seem new to us. In reality they hundred years ago. Haman, the group of tomorrow. Hence what: welfare of society as a whole and l)rinters and Publishers I t I'Yj hark back to the very beginnings .of Prime Minister, discussing problems he has done to his minorities today not of an isolated segment? BEN M. COHEN, Business Manager th tOhsPBe~>;.: .0B~~lt~unT~r e auspIces 0 e nal n. e I . hi' I't t his king' Phone 54 400 Evenings 54345 tian. It can only be dealt with as such. Perhaps ' '·B' ·th t t d' gl' organized society. And so m t e of natlOna Unl Y says 0 . will tomorrow be done to him. Such This is the issue which faces us . By KENNETH LESLIE B ou l the supreme example af anti-Semitism in recent n;l. n , ~n t. 5 ~n m y l~~-I days described in the Book of Esther, c1There is a certain people scattered a future is bereft of the hope of 1 today. The future of Jew and non Head Office: 213 Selkirk Ave., Winnipeg, Canad~ (Editor of the New Protestant) Etltered &3 Second Glaas Mail Matter Ottawa years af its great influence among thinking Prat Pbort~nt tOhrganh'Zad,ond'thls now cfe :t-s the Emperor 'of Persia, acting on the abroad, 'their laws are different, progresss. Man will start on his ~ Jew alike depends upon which of at ramg e unre year 0 1, b d t d" OT long ago I sat in on an informal panel estant ministers, was the remark made by the . t I ' t f advice of Haman, his Prime Minister, therefore let them e es roye , ~reary jot~rney back, back to the! these two viewpoints is to prevail. Vol. XX-No, 12 Thursday, March 23, 194'1 N held at a Christian seminary, devoted to the editor af the Christian Century to the effect that eXIS ence, mar ~\:mg. athcen uryh.o chose the totalitarian solution to the Think or his words in the language Jungle whIch knows no law, save: Of the eventual outcome there must communal serVIce m e parae 1a l ' Id . n problem of anti-Semitism. During the course of anti-Semitism was due to. what he called the 11 . th d . t' 1 problem of government. Bec,ause the and thought of today. It wou tU that of jagged tooth and the bloody; of course be no' question. ~Ve are e n .the discussion which lasted several hours only af~ IWd AaSt1 : non- enom~a members of the Jewish faith decided something like this: "We have living claw. convinced of the ultimate certainty tragic unassimilability of the Jews. The fact, as Ie. c Ive. In war serVICe, 10::e . b t f pulation I once was Christian doctrine mentioned as a POSe indicated by this remark, that certain members B'nai Blrith has taken part in every 'I' to abide by their own religion, Y with us, as par - 0 our po , Friends, civilization consists of of victory. We know that our cause Ten Years Youth Aliyah sible source of anti-Semitism. With this single of a demacracy calling therpselves Christians can ff t t f th t bTze ur their own way of liie, they were different peoples. Because the land the right to be different and of the I is just. Inspiration to that eventual exception the entire time was spent or wasted call others members of that demacracy aliens e,t'0r pu. t~ tOtrna 1 1 h~ ch I threatened with extinction. Fortune, of their origin is different from our consequent o.bligation imposed on' moment of universal goodwill comes On February 19,1934, a grollp offifty German- first in giving evidence for the existence of anti CI lzenry 111 a .. grea cause w I ~ g however was with them. The evil own, because they differ in their shaws haw deeply anti-Semitism has waven itself . y all of us to co-operate whole-I to everyone from the pages of the Jewish children arrive din the colony. oL.Ain .Semitism, in other words, indicating that the prob into the texture af Christian idealagy. We shall at ~ur evfethr wa nn. \ plans ca~e to nought. Help arrived mode of worship, perhaps because heal'Ledly with everyone who is Book of Esther., To the down moment. e wlnmng a e war IS • • 'd t th' k' l' even Harod in Eretz Israel. Their arrival heralded the lem is not purely imaginary, but that anti-Semit have to reckon with this fact in America before the onl thin that matters today. just in time. This histonc mCl ent, they happe~ -0 m In a likeminded, in doing the work of the trodden and the oppressed the Book g beginning of the Youth Aliyah movement. Since ism really exists; then pointing out some of the anything thoraugh-gaing can be dane abaut anti y d f d 'Il described ih the Book 01 Esther. speak at dlfferent language from world. This is the fundamental issue of Esther brings a note of high its inception ten years ago. nearly 11,000 children conditions of the growth of anti-Semitism, for Semitism. All m~n t~n t fw~me~ ~ ~:; i;li5 I which relates but a meagre fragment our own ... then regardless of who raised by the Book of Esther. It is l:ope, a word of promise that the have found haven and home in Palestine. The instance that it rises with economic hardship; The "religiaus" advertising pages of a city like l'ellcogmze a' ~c il t~ a b 'n a of the history of contemporary: they are, or what they think or do, e the identical issue being fought out eventual tomorrow will bring free prosaic retelling of these facts, together with and pointing out that since we may expect a period Detroit tell every Saturday·. night of the hate a . ~ver, w. s ~n e f \1 Persia is the foundation of the we must rid ourselves of them. We tonight on the beaches of Italy, on dam and happiness, and the right such other information that two tho.usand chil- of economic readjustment and consequent hard PCOSlt1dO~ to ~omthwl at outraske yOW Jewish festival of Purim which be-' have no room for ourselves and for fests to follow on Snnday. One, far instance, anam.nsm egreaer et I'· h t A thc Steppes of Russia and on the to be different. It brings to all the dren have entered Palestine since January 1943; ship sooner or later after the war, we may also pictures in lurid pose a cowboy evangelist who on f k' 'hle the even I gan at sundown today. I the stranger WIthIn t e ga es. s rocky islands of the far-off Pacific. realization that in doing the work that six thousand children have come to Eretz expect a rise in 'anti-Semitism; and lastly the November 21 told his audience, as reparted by to come a mida lU£ g POSSI It' 'I But the Book of Esther in reality long as we are in the majority, we As in the Book of Esther, so in of the world, we must co-operate better war 0 tomorrow. l5, . I f I I' We are since the war started, daes not begin to describe panel agreed in anticipating that this will be very: . t th t I h uld' goes beyond the mere reclta o' can do exact y as we pease. members of Ford Lacal 600 who.