Amy E. Herr, Ph.D. John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Professor Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Berkeley, CA 94720 BERKELEY
[email protected] | EDUCATION 01/98 – 09/02 STANFORD UNIVERSITY Stanford, CA Doctor of Philosophy, Mechanical Engineering National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow “Isoelectric Focusing for Multi-Dimensional Separations in Microfluidic Devices” Advisors: Profs. Thomas W. Kenny & Juan G. Santiago 09/97 – 01/99 STANFORD UNIVERSITY Stanford, CA Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow 09/93 – 06/97 CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (CALTECH) Pasadena, CA Bachelor of Science, Engineering & Applied Science with Honors APPOINTMENTS 07/19 – now JOHN D. & CATHERINE T. MACARTHUR PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 07/14 – 07/19 LESTER JOHN & LYNNE DEWAR LLOYD DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR (5-year appointment), UC BERKELEY 07/12 – 07/15 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, BIOENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 07/07 – 07/12 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, BIOENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY UC BERKELEY/UCSF GRADUATE GROUP IN BIOENGINEERING Directing a research group focused on design and study of microanalytical tools and methods that exploit scale-dependent physics & chemistry to address questions in the biosciences and biomedicine. Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator (2017-21), National Advisory Council for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (2020-23), Faculty Director of Bakar Faculty Fellows Program (2016-now), Co-Convener of Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Life Sciences (2019-22), BioE Vice-chair for Engagement (2016- now), Director’s Council for Jacobs Institute of Design Innovation, Board Member of Chemical & Biological Microsystems Society (2013-19; Awards Chair 2016-18), Director of Bioengineering Immersion Experience (2012-22; NIH R25).